BMW 325 cup technical regulations - Google Groups

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The noise level may not exceed 1100 dBA, measured according to FIA regulations. Sensor .... tyres marked is the responsi
BMW 325 cup technical regulations 1. GENERAL 1.1 Race car Only series production cars manufactured by BMW AG with model code E36 325i with either saloon or coupe bodywork are eligible to participate. There are allowed to use only original or similar parts, unless these regulations state differently. Soome: 1.1 Car Car can be only BMW E36 sedan or coupe (A5440 and A5454). It´s allowed to use only original or similar parts, unless these regulations say differently.

Commented [L1]: Numbrid A5440 ja A5454 on vist FIA homologatsiooni numbrid, kas need on ikka tavainimesele mõistetavad või sobib meie sõnastus paremini?

1.2 Changes All changes are forbidden, unless allowed by these regulations. It is forbidden to machine or change the original parts in any way. Shaving weight by drilling, removing material or replacing with lighter materials is forbidden. Making changes to construction or working principal of components is forbidden, unless allowed by these regulations. 1.2.1 Parts that may be removed from the race car are listed in 3.1.135 Soome: 1.2 Changes All changes are forbidden, unless allowed by these regulations. 1.2.1 A list of parts that can be removed from the car is listed in 3.1.13. Making changes to construction or working principal of components is forbidden, unless allowed by these regulations.

Commented [L2]: Minu meelest kohmakam kui algne

1.3 Original part Original parts are considered hereafter parts meant for BMW E36 325i car by the manufacturer with the part number and markings of the original part. 1.4 Similar part Similar part must resemble original part in terms of function, material and dimensions, except for manufacturers part number. Soome: 1.3 Parts Original part is a part which bears matching part number with manufacturers part number for a specific model, with specific body and engine. Only original or similar parts can be used on cars, unless these regulations say differently. Original parts are considered herein parts ment for BMW E36 325i car by the manufacturer. Similar part must resemble original part in terms of function, material and appearance, except for manufacturers part number.

Commented [L3]: Järjekordselt, sama aga lihtsalt kehvemas sõnastuses

1.5 “Free” part

Commented [MV4]: Võtsin selle otse FIA reeglitest

"Free" means that the original part, as well as its function(s), may be removed or replaced with a new part, on condition that the new part has no additional function relative to the original part.

Commented [L5]: Minu meelest vajalik lause ja peab jääma. See ju keelabki lõpuks näiteks väljalaske süsteemile kui “vabale” osale ka v-o mõne muu funktsiooni andmist

1.6 Fuel Fuel in use must be unleaded (up to 0,013g/L) and comply with FIA International sporting code Appendix J article 252 section 9.1. It is allowed to use only unleaded gasoline with octane rating RON95 and RON98 that is available through retail chains. Racing fuels (Green racing/Elf) are forbidden. Adding fuel additives is forbidden. Soome: 1.4 Fuel Fuel must be unleaded (up tp 0,013g/L) according to FIA VM Appendix J Art 252.9.1 and 9.2. It is allowed to use only unleaded gasoline with octane rating RON 95 and RON 98 that is available through retail chains. All racing fuels are forbidden. Adding fuel additives is forbidden.

Commented [L6]: Kommentaar sama nagu enamik eelmisi

Soome: 1.5 Minimum weight Minimum weight of the car with the driver and his driving gear is 1280 kg. Car cannot weigh less than the minimum weight when it`s under parc fermé rules. It is allowed to use weight ballast, according to Super 2000 rules, FIA International sporting code appendix J article 263.

Commented [L7]: See on Soomlastel tõesti parem

1.5.1 Minimum weight in long 45min race If two drivers take part in the long race in one car, the minimum weight is calculated with average weights of two drivers.(1280 kg)

Commented [L8]: Ma jätaks sulgudes nr ära, eelneva lausega on juba kõik öeldud. Formatted: Font: Not Bold

1.7 Minimum weight Minimum weight of the race car during entire race, including the qualification, with the driver and his driving gear is 1280 kg. It is allowed to use weight ballast, according to Super 2000 rules, FIA International sporting code Appendix J article 263. 1.8 Safety Safety and construction must comply with the FIA International sporting code Appendix J unless the regulations state differently.

Commented [L9]: State on siiski õigem kui Soomlaste say

1.9 Rules interpretations In case of the problems with the rules interpretations there will be a personnel authorized by the Estonian racing committee to solve legality issues. Soome: 1.7 Rules interpretations In case of problems with the rules interpretations there will be workgroup authorized by Estonian/Finnish BMW 325 cup to solve legality issues

Commented [L10]: Kõlab loogiliselt

2. SAFETY REGULATIONS 2.1 Safety cage 2.1.1 According to FIA International sporting code Appendix J article 253.8 rules and ASN homologation except drawing 253-8 which use is forbidden. Roll cage may be connected to the rear shock absorber and rear sub frame fixing points according drawing JOONIS 2.1.1 All materials, installations and necessary documents according to FIA International sporting code Appendix J article 253.8. Mentioned documents hereafter are according to FIA document released 12.09.2014. 2.1.2 Basic structure: according FIA Appendix J article 253 section 8.3.1 (drawings 253-1, 253-2, 253-3). 2.1.3 Diagonal members: at least 2 diagonal members are mandatory (either 253-4 and 253-5 together or 253-7). Installation according to section 2.1.4 Door bars: "X"-shape on both sides (drawing 253-9). Installation according to section 2.1.5 Roof reinforcement: according to section (drawings 253-12; 253-13 or 253-14). It’s also allowed to use only one diagonal member. Incase using single roof reinforcement diagonal, its main roll bar connection has to be on the opposite side of the driver. (drawing 25312). 2.1.6 It is allowed to connect parts of the safety cage inside the cockpit to the body structures. 2.1.7 There can be four body strengthening supports (two on each side) extending forward through the front firewall. These supports if in use must extend directly through the shortest way from the front of the lateral roll bar to the front lower frame element. Connections to the safety cage have to be made to the front vertical member of the lateral or front roll bar. Given supports can not extend forward from the front sub frame. Roll cage may be connected to the rear shock absorber and rear sub frame fixing points.

Commented [L11]: Kas ma saan õigesti aru, et puuri sidumine kokpitis jne kerega ja amordi kannudega on 253-8 –s juba kirjas? Ei jõua seda jälle läbi lugeda. Või oli see amordikannudega sidumine mujal kirjas? Sinu sõnad: Puuri tagaosa võib siduda amordikannu ja tagasilla esimeste kinnitustega. Amordikannud võib omvahel ühendada ja siduda tagasilla tagumiste kinnitustega, aga esimesed ja tagumised kinnitused omavahel seotud ei tohi olla. Ma usun, et sellele reeglile vastavaks tegemine ei ole probleem ka nende jaoks, kellel need asjad on lisatorudega soetud. Ma ei loe seda välja ja ei lugenud ka sommide versioonist välja. Esi ja tagakinnituste lahus hoidmine ei anna vist suurt midagi? 3.1.12 järgi ei tohiks justkui strutbarid ulatuda mujale kui üheltpoolt teisele? Eeldan, et ka taga on see toru mis ühest teise ulatub strut? Kuidas sellisel juhul need tagumised kinnitused tugevdatud peaks olema? Formatted: Font color: Text 1 Commented [L12]: Front võtsin siit ära, miks ainult ? Commented [L13]: Kas amordi kannudega sidumiseks on vaja joonist? Kus see muidu kirjeldatud on kuidas võib,? Mul jääb hetkel arusaamatuks, mis seal joonisel peaks olema? Formatted: Font color: Red Formatted: Font color: Yellow Formatted: Font color: Red

2.2 Safety harness 2.2.1 Safety harness must be according to FIA VM Appendix J Art. 253-6.Safety harness must be FIA homologated 8853/98 with at least 5-point harness. Installation according to FIA International sporting code Appendix J article 253.6. 2.2.2 Shoulder straps should be fixed separately to car body or safety cage. 2.2.3 Safety harness cannot be worn and must have valid homologation. 2.2.4 In case of a collision it’s mandatory to present the safety harness to the technical stewards for their evaluation which can forbid further use of the particular harness. 2.3 Fire extinguishing system 2.3.1 Fire extinguishing system must be according to FIA VM Appendix J Art. 253-7.Fire extinguishing system is mandatory. The system must be FIA homologated according to FIA Technical List No 16. 2.3.2 The pressure gauge off the system must show green and the tank must wear valid certificate from the manufacturer and cannot be older than 5 years. 2.3.3 In case of the use of the electrical extinguishing system, it must have separate battery, that can be tested.

2.4 Drivers safety equipment 2.4.1. Helmet must be approved by current FIA standard . Use of the HANS device is mandatory. Helmet must be approved by FIA standard 2.4.2 Suits and underwear must be homologated according FIA standard No 8856-2000 and bear corresponding markings. 2.4.3 Drivers seat must be FIA homologated and must be fixed to body through 4 points (2 in front and 2 in back), bolts M8 with minimum strength class of 8,8. Attachments according to FIA International sporting code Appendix J article 253.16. The seat cannot be fitted directly to the floor, but must be fitted on two tubes that connect to gearbox tunnel and door threshold. Minimum measurements of the tubes are 25x25x2, in case of round tube 38x2. The tubes both ends must be strengthened with metal plates, that can be welded to the body sheet metal, given that the weld goes continuously around the metal plates. 2.4.4 Seats with FIA homologation 8855-1999 can be used 2 years after expiration of original validation date, without any additional checks. 2.5 General circuit breaker General circuit breaker must be according to FIA VM Appendix J Art. 253-13.General circuit breaker switch is mandatory and must be set up so, that driver can switch it off when in driving position and it can also be switched off from outside of the vehicle. As for the outside, the triggering system of the circuit breaker must compulsorily be situated at the lower part of the windscreen mountings. It must be marked with a red spark on a white-edged blue triangle with a base of at least 12 cm.. The general circuit breaker must cut all electrical circuits (battery, alternator or dynamo, lights, hooters, ignition, electrical controls, etc.) and must also stop the engine. Electromagnetic switches are forbidden. 2.6 Towing eye Towing eye must be both in front and rear. They cannot extend out from the perimeter of the car, when viewed from above and they must be painted bright yellow, orange or red. Towing eyes must be easy to find and there must be a bright colored arrow pointing towards them. Towing eye or a loop must have a diameter from 60 to100 mm. 2.7 Windows Cars that have warn windshield and/or cracked to the extent where the visibility is limited, can be removed from the race. Stickers, dark shades or paint are allowed only 215 cm from the top of the windshield and rear window upper edge. Side windows must be covered with transparent safety film.

Commented [L14]: Sommide järgi muudetud

Commented [L15]: Nooled jäävad ära?

Commented [L16]: Kas see oli see, mida Sommide sõnastusega oli mõeldud? Neil oli sama punkti algus ka segasemaks kirjutatud, seda ei hakanud muutma.

3. CAR 3.1 Body 3.1.1. Race car whole length with front splitter and rear wing installed must not exceed ….mm. 3.1.12 Strengthening the body by welding and adding material is forbidden, except rear sub frames, suspensions top fixing points and jacking points., except in cases allowed by these

Commented [L17]: Ma ei kujuta küll ausalt öeldes hästi ette, mis kõigi nende autodega teha tuleb millel nina üle on keevitatud?

regulations. If body shell repairs have been carried out, the resulting structure strength and appearance must be similar to the original body. Spot welds can be strengthened with the continuous welding. Sub frames and shock absorbers fixing points to the body of the car may be strengthened locally. Their position must stay original. If body sheetmetal repairs have been carried out, the resulting structure must be similar to original body in terms of strength and appearance. 3.1.3 Original X-brace part number 51718410212 is allowed. 3.1.24 Hood and trunk lid locks must be removed and replaced with quick release locks that can be opened from outside. If hinges are removed at least four locks must be used. 3.1.5 Rear doors cannot be welded shut. 3.1.36 Heating system may be removed, though it is recommended to keep it. Visibility through windshield must be guaranteed at all times. 3.1.47 Mirrors are free. It is mandatory to have two external rear-view mirrors (one on the right and one on the left) and one inside rear-view mirror. (Minimum mirror area is 85 cm2). 3.1.58 There must be a guard plate or structure to protect engine oil sump but it cannot exceed more than 100 mm rear from oil pan.. BMW original x-braces (51 71 8 410 212) is allowed. Guard plate material must can be metal or plywood.strong enough. 3.1.69 Body moldings may be removed, their fixing holes must be covered. 3.1.710 Cars appearance must be correct, without damage and rust. 3.1.811 Machining of the inner side of the fenders/wheel arches is allowed, if it does not change the outer shape/appearance. 3.1.912 Plastic or fiberglass part of bumper must resemble original or M Pack bumper.Plastic part of bumper must resemble original or M Pack bumper. Lower lip spoiler, similar to M Pack is allowed. 3.1.10 M pack bumper splitter is allowed. 3.1.11 It is allowed to add air scoop on the roof and in this case to make exhaust holes in the rear of the car. 3.1.123 Strut bars are allowed. Strut bars may be connected only to the suspensions top mounting points. 3.1.14 It is allowed to add air scoop on the roof and in this case to make exhaust holes in the rear of the car. 3.1.135 Following parts can be removed from the body: -sound and heat insulation materials -headlight washers -license plate lights -windshield washer tank with all the tubing -spare wheel mounting fittings -interior body moldings and their fittings -splashguards from the wheel wells -door, hood and trunk lid rubber moldings -purge canister -all plastic parts and fittings in the engine compartment

Commented [L18]: Kuna selline oli FIA sõnastus, siis ma ei hakka seda Soomlaste nägemuse vastu muutma.

Commented [L19]: Ma ei kujuta kyll päris hästi ette, mida see tähendab või kuidas seda määratakse? Commented [L20]: Jälle kord pakuvad Sommid siia mingisugust sõnastust, mis ei sobi Commented [L21]: Machining on õigem kui working Commented [L22]: Commented [L23]: Mis me koosolekul selle punkti sõnastuseks arutasime ja kokku leppisime? Lauri sai sul see kirja? Commented [L24]: Mis asi see on? Lisa mis meil paljudel kasutusel on ei ole ju M pack bumper splitter vaid pigem miski DTM vms lisa? Formatted: Tab stops: 8,29 cm, Centered Commented [L25]: Nagu räägitud kui on sisse, peab olema ka välja Commented [L26]: Selles mõttes ei tundu loogiline Soomlaste kommentaar siin, et kui strut on lubatud, siis miks ei võiks olla see lubatud siduda tagasillakinnitustega, mida võib tugevdada?

Commented [L27]: Järjekordselt jätsin mõned sõnastuse vead valeks parandamata

3.2 Aerodynamics 3.2.1 Front splitter/spoiler is allowed, but it must stay within the perimeter of the car, if viewed from above. Front spoiler can rest on the forward edge of guard plate 3.2.1 Rear wing with one plane is allowed. Rear wing must fit into cars projections in all aspects and must fit into box with 25cm height and 25 cm longitudinal width. Front spoiler can rest on the forward edge of guard plate and stay within parameters described in drawing 1.1????. 3.2.2Underbody aerodynamical elements are forbidden. 3.2.3 Spoilers can not touch the ground while both tires on one side of the car are flattened. Side skirts and wheel arch wideners are forbidden. Spoilers must fit into cars projection, if viewed from the front. Plastic side spoilers are forbidden. 3.2.4 Only aerodynamical element allowed to be used on the car is the rear wing. It is allowed to use a single continuous element with a maximum cord length of 250 mm. Rear wing mounts can not have any positive aerodynamical downforce effect. Maximum allowed width of the rear wing with the end plates is 1710mm. Rear wing end plates must be planar with a maximum surface area of … mm2. Gurney flap is allowed its maximum height is 10 mm. 3.3 Lights 3.3.1. Lights must be in working condition including indicators. It is mandatory to use original or similar lights both in the front and rear of the car. All lights must be covered with a safety film except additional brake light if installed inside the cockpit 3.3.2.Rear fog lights are mandatory and must be used during rain. They must have 21w bulb in them or LED element with similar brightness. Additional rear fog lights are allowed. Front fog lights are free. 3.3.23 Additional brake light is mandatory and must be installed in such a way, that it can be seen if viewed 10 meters from behind at the height of 1 meter. It can be installed inside the trunk lid, in which case cutting appropriate holes is allowed. It can also be installed inside the cockpit to the rear window. The additional brake light must have 15W bulb or LED element with similar brightness. 3.4 Engine 3.4.1 It is allowed to use only six cylinder cast iron block BMW 325i engines M50B25 and M50B25TU. In any instance there is not allowed to interchange parts between engines M50B25 and M50B25TU and vice versa. 3.4.2 Cylinder bore is 84 and stroke 75 mm. Cylinders can be bored to 84,5 mm but its compression ratio cannot exceed 10,6:1. Cylinder head gasket is free. It is allowed to weight balance pistons and connecting rods, given that one piston and one connecting rod has not been machined. The combined length of engine block, cylinder head gasket and cylinder head cannot be less than 411,4 mm. 3.4.3 Air filter element is free and the original air box can be removed. Intake system must be original starting from MAF sensor to cylinder head. It is allowed to direct air to air filter through the front bumper with a tube, which cannot rise higher than bumper level. Additional screens can be built around the outlet of that tube. 3.4.4 Vanos locking is allowed, but the camshafts and their timing must remain original. It is not allowed to use M50B25TU cylinder head with 6mm valve stems with non Vanos camshaft.

Commented [L28]: Mis meil koosolekul siia kirja sai? Formatted: Space Before: 0 pt, After: 0 pt Commented [L29]: Mis meil selle mõõdu ja joonise jaoks veel puudu on? Commented [L30]: Kas Gurney on lubatud? Kas ei oleks mugavam pikkust mõõta ja mitte jamada selle projektsiooni mahtumisega? Formatted: Font: Commented [L31]: Sama kommentaar nagu juba paljudes kohtades

Commented [L32]: Sommide pakutud Lamps on ühed teised asjad Formatted: Font: (Default) +Body (Calibri), 11 pt Commented [L33]: Udutulesid siis enam pole vaja?

Commented [L34]: Miks see välja on jäetud? Commented [L35]: Sommide reeglis jälle mingi diameter ja piston travel nende asjade kirjeldamiseks on väga konkreetsed nimetused Bore ja stroke. Commented [L36]: Miks peaks compression ratio välja jääma?

Commented [L37]: Leian, et see sõnastus on parem kui Sommide versioonis Commented [L38]: Kas piirame stangesse tuleva sisselaske ava suuruse?

Camshafts must have BMW logo and part number on them. 3.4.5 Intake and exhaust runners machining is allowed only 20 mm from the valve seats measured from combustion chamber side. It is allowed to use shims under valve springs, to adjust spring preload.Valve seat and valve contact areas machining is allowed. Exhaust valves may be seated 1mm deeper, inside the cylinder head. 3.4.6 Oil pan can have additional bafflesOil pan is free. Additional oil cooler is allowed, as long as it is not placed lower than cooling radiator and is attached to the body with rubber bushings. It is allowed to use M3 oil pickup tube and filterhousing.e. 3.4.7 Engine mounting rubber bushings are free and can be removed, yet the aluminum engine fittings are mandatory and engine position must remain original. Gearbox mounts are free 3.4.8 Cooling ventilators and their management is free. Cooling screens can be used, if this does not strengthen the body. 3.4.9 Crankcase ventilation can be directed to additional catch tank that has at least 1L capacity and additional breather output.

Commented [L39]: Kas on mingi põhjus, miks see peaks välja jääma? Oli ju kokkulepe, et kompotid ei ole lubatud?

3.4.10 Throttle body may be excluded from the cooling system. 3.4.11 All repair work carried out within engine must comply with manufacturers specifications and procedures unless stated otherwise by these regulations. 3.5 Fuel system 3.5.1 It is allowed to use two fuel pumps. It is also allowed to use additional collection tank, given that it is properly connected and outside the cockpitdriver’s compartment. All the fuel pumps must only operate when the engine is running, except during the starting process. 3.5.2 Fuel pressure before the fuel regulator cannot exceed 3.5 bar +/-0.2 bar measured with vacuum house disconnected. 3.5.3 Fuel lines can run inside the cockpit if they pass through sheet metal according to FIA Appendix J Article 253 drawings 253-59 and 253-60

Commented [L40]: T shape tube on siin ju ülearune tekst? Või milleks panna pumpasid paaki kui kasutusel lisapaak? Commented [L41]: Miks see peaks välja jääma?

3.6 Exhaust 3.6.1 Exhaust system is free from the end of the originl exhaust manifold.but exhaust manifold must be original. The noise level may not exceed 1100 dBA, measured according to FIA regulations. Sensor is in position A/Slow, microphone is at 45 degrees 50cm from the tip of the exhaust and engine is running at 4500 RPM. Exhaust pipe end cannot go beyond cars projections and must be located in the original position. 3.6.2 Catalytic converter is free and not mandatory. 3.7 Electronics and electrical 3.7.1 Chip tuning is forbidden. It is allowed to use only Bosch ECM. All ECM-s must pass inspection carried out by appointed specialist (Spesial Tuning Harinen, Albert Särg) before car is allowed to race. 3.7.2 Original diagnostics connector must be operational and in its original position. 3.7.3 Engine rev limiter must not be higher than 6500 RPM. 3.7.4 Data loggers are allowed. Additional sensors for data logging purposes are allowed. 3.7.5 Spark plugs are free. Ignition coils must be original or similar. 3.7.6 Battery is free, it must be located in one of its original places, firmly fixed. and its positive connector must be covered.

Commented [L42]: See peab ilmselgelt sisse jääma, mida sa seal muidu logid.

3.7.7 Wiring harness except engine wiring may be modified. Engine wiring can be modified only to add additional wires between original sensors and data logger, only parallel wiring is allowed. Wiring harness must be installed correctly to avoid short circuits. Electrical wiring must be fixed and covered.

Commented [L43]: See on siin juba kirjas, ei tea, miks Soome reeglites see veel kora lahti on kirjutatud punktis 3.8.6

3.8 Interior 3.8.1 It is allowed to cut the dashboard to fit safety structures. Additional gauges are allowed and lower part of the dash can be removed. 3.8.2 Drivers seat must be positioned left from the cars center line. 3.8.23 Firewalls that divide the cockpit from engine must be in their original places and fire and liquid proof. Battery must be isolated from cockpit, so that no liquid can drain there after collision. Battery compartment must be isolated from the cockpit and stay liquid proof. 3.8.34 These items must be removed from the cockpit: seats, original seatbelts, safety airbags, floor mat, roof upholstery, sound isolation, all upholstery, sun visors and all unnecessary equipment for racing, such as sound system and etc. Dash board, gauges, light and wiper switches must remain. 3.8.45 Driver`s door inside must be covered with upholstery of non flammable material, with minimum thickness of 1 mm. 3.9 Steering mechanism 3.9.1 Steering lock must be removed. Steering wheel is free, quick release fixings are allowed, if they are meant for racing. 3.9.2 Steering column position can be changed both height and lengthwise. Steering column must be firmly fixed and cannot be adjustable, except original adjustable steering column. 3.9.3 Power steering and its components can be removed. Steering rack must be original. 3.9.4 Power steering pump pulley is free. Steering fluid additional cooling is allowed. 3.9.5 Rubber bushing in the steering column (OEM part number 32311115092) must be replaced with U Joint (OEM part number 32311150489) 3.10 Suspension 3.10.1 Shock absorbers and springs must be either KW Variant 3 kit or Bigem kit. Ther’s allowed to use two sets of springs 70 N/mm and 100N/mm in the front and 3.10.2 Suspension bushings are free, but rod ends, spherical bearings and other metal to metal bushings are forbidden, except front strut upper bushing where spherical bearings are allowed. 3.10.3 Front stabilizer bar link connection to the front suspension may be moved from wishbone to the shock absorber. Maximum diameter of the front stabilizer bar is 25.5 mm and rear is 19mm. Rear stabilizer can be removed. 3.10.4 Strengthening front and rear wishbones is allowed. 3.10.5 Camber plates on top of front struts are allowed. 3.101.6 Maximum negative camber front 7 degrees, rear 4 degrees. 3.11 Drivetrain 3.11.1 Differential lock is allowed as factory original setting.Original or similar limited slip differential (LSD) is allowed. Adding or removing friction plates from LSD unit is forbidden,

Commented [L44]: Järjekordselt kehv sõnastus Sommidel, mis asi on steering pump, räägime siiski power steering pumbist ja kui me lubame selle eemaldada siis ei ole mingit motet õli reservuaari ja voolikuid auto külge rippuma jätta. Commented [L45]: Siin peab olema MUST alles see oli kui Riias üks järjekordne drifti auto selle pärast kaameramehe tõstukisse sõitis. See on ammu selge, et see võib puruks minna, pole motet taaskord ise avastada. Miks see Sommide punkt 3.9.6 vajalik on. Kui on original latt siis on ju kõik hästi,, miks peab selle veelkord välja kirjutama? Commented [L46]: Commented [L47]: Drivers must inform before race weekend which one he uses. Minu meelest see on jama, seda näeb ju tehnilises. Pole motet reeglitesse kirjutada midagi mis tööle ei hakka. Mõni ei tea ennem kui kohal on, kas jõuab või mitte. Harvem käiad ei mäleta seda ammugi. Kui seda väga ennem teada tahetakse, siis see peaks olema kirjad regamis ankeedis vms. Formatted: Font color: Blue Commented [L48]: Miks on Soome reeglites kirjas üksnes kaks mõõtu kui see on lihtne odav original osa millega on hea ja odav auto balanssi reguleerida? Kas 325i-le ei pandud siis mud valikut, kahjuks ma ei ole hetkel oma stabika juures aga juba näiteks original pika õlaga stabikas minu auto küljes oli minu meelest d35mm. Commented [L49]: Mis selle soomlaste adjusting washeri all on mõeldud? Kui see nii siia kirjutatud on, siis on see lubatud justkui igalpool. Camberplate on ju ise juba koost millest reeglina saab ka camberit ja casterit regullida.

number of plates must remain original. Differential locking rate must not exceed 25% and is measured by fixing one of the rear hubs while turning the other. Maximum torque to rotate the free hub from the center nut should not exceed 75 Nm. 3.11.2 Final drive ratio must be 3.73 or 3.64. Differential cooling system is allowed. 3.11.3 Only BMW E36 325i original ZF or Getrag 5 speed H type manual gearboxes with synchronizers are allowed. Gearlever and its linkage is free. 3.11.4 Clutch disk is free, but multiple discs are forbidden. Clutch main assembly must resemble the originalone used for BMW E36. Flywheel is free, its minimum weight is 5800g tolerance +/1% including ring gear and fixing bolts.

Commented [L50]: Minu jaoks on selline sõnastus mõistetavamad ja arusaadavam kuidas mõõta. Kuidas või millega siis seda ratast ja selle pööramiseks kuluvat momenti mõõta jne aga kui tundub parem Sommide oma siis ega sisus ju väga vahet ei ole.

3.12 Brakes 3.12.1 Brake discs machining is allowed, grooves and cross drilling is forbidden. grooves are allowed, cross drilling is forbidden. 3.12.2 Brake fluid is free. Brake pads are EBC. 3.12.3 Handbrake is free, removal is allowed. 3.12.4 Brake booster and ABS can be removed. 3.12.5 Pedal covers are free. Pedal covers cannot extend towards driver more than 20 mm from the original pedal pad. 3.12.6 Brake pipes and hoses can be changed for braided steel hoses, that can take 70 bar pressure and 232 °C temperature and have threaded fittings. Brake lines can be inside the cockpit if they pass through a sheet metal according to FIA Appendix J Article 253 drawings 253-59 and 253-60 3.12.7 Brake cooling pipes are allowed, dustcovers may be removed. 3.12.8 Brake caliper slider bushings can be changed to metal ones. 3.12.9 It is allowed to add brake proportioning valve (P.Valve) it should be located inside the cockpit.

Commented [L51]: Miks see ära tahetakse keelata?

3.13 Tyres and wheels 3.13.1 Rims and wheel bolts are free, rim size max 15x87 inches min weight 6 kg.. 3.13.2 Tyres are Yokohama A048 M205/50-15Tyres are …. 3.13.3 It is allowed to use 6 new tyres for first race weekend and 4 new and 2 used tyres from following race weekends. Tyres will be marked by scrutineering. Tyre marking is entirely competitors responsibility.It is allowed to use up to 6 tyres per race weekend, from which 4 may be new and 2 used. All the tires will be evaluated and marked by the scrutineering. Getting the tyres marked is the responsibility of the competitor. 3.13.4 Wheels cannot protrude outside of the wheel arches, nor touch them. A car must fit through the gate that is 1745 mm wide and 500 mm high so that there’s enough room for the paper to move freely through the part of the car and the measuring device. 3.13.5 Spare wheel carrying under parc fermé rules during the race is forbidden.

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3.14 Competitor number and advertising on the car 3.14.1 Competitor numbers must be on both front doors, in black standard arabic numbers on white rectangle box. Additional white number must be placed on windshield without background on passenger side upper corner, under the advertising space. Number background: white rectangle min. 50 cm width and 38 cm height (with additional letter double number rectangle min. 55 cm width) Number: min. height 28 cm and 5 cm wide black line

Additional letter: min. height 15 cm and 2 cm wide black line Windshield number: min. height 13 cm and 2 cm wide white line 3.14.2 There must be 15 cm height of space for organizers advertisement above the rear license plate location. 3.14.3 Rear side windows should have competitors name and country flag. 3.14.4 Any part of the numbers or advertising can not be away from the cars body. Advertising on the car must not come in conflict with esthetics and legislation. 3.15 Changes and scrutineering 3.15.1 If there is a need to change structures or make changes to the car to secure safety and these changes come in conflict with regulations, then they must be made with written approval of technical committee, where changes are described. This could be done only if safety is not decreased. 3.15.2 All costs that might come to the competitor in proving the cars accordance to the regulations, will be solely covered by the competitor. Fuel testing is made only by the initiative of the scrutineering. 3.15.3 Serious violations of current regulations during the season may come to complete disqualification from all points for this season. Serious violations are: engine, fuel, electronics and ignition system regulations violations.