Board Meeting Dates

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Read more about making public presentations to the board of trustees. In 2017-18, school board meeting dates are as foll
BOARD MEETING DATES FOR 2017-18 The RETSD board of trustees meet on the first and third Tuesday of the month from September to June. Meetings are held at the Administration Offices, 589 Roch St., beginning at 6:30 p.m. and are open to the public. Read more about making public presentations to the board of trustees. In 2017-18, school board meeting dates are as follows: Sept. 6 Sept. 19

March 6 March 20

Oct. 3 Oct. 17

April 3 April 17

Nov. 7 Nov. 21

May 1 May 15

Dec. 5 Dec. 19

June 5 June 19

Jan. 16 Feb. 6 Feb. 20