Board Minutes - Sept 30, 2013.pdf - Google Drive

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... Brown, Anne Mitchell. Community Attendees: Tom Waldock, Ellen Waldock, Janet Stilling (Incoming Board. Member), Wm.
MOLESWORTH CEMETERY MINUTES OF TRUSTEE MEETING MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 2013 Molesworth Presbyterian Church, Molesworth Board of Trustees Attendees: James Kerr, June MacEwen, Carol Wildgoose, Howard Mitchell, Bert Mitchell (Board Chair), Alyson Nyiri (Cemetery Manager) Board of Trustees Regrets: Bonnie Brown, Anne Mitchell Community Attendees: Tom Waldock, Ellen Waldock, Janet Stilling (Incoming Board Member), Wm. Cullen, (Landscape Committee),Linda Prowten, Betty Mitchell (Landscape Committee), Ethel Baker, Howie Baker (Past Chair & Past Manager), Jack Adair, Andrew McMichael, and Robert Mitchell •

At 7:00 PM, Bert Mitchell welcomed all in attendance and stated that proceedings were open to the public and that notice of the meeting had been published in the Listowel Banner and on the website. Bert introduced and welcomed Janet Stilling. Janet will become a voting Trustee on January 1, 2014.

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Agenda was reviewed and the following noted as items to be dealt with under “Other” prior to adjournment at the end of the meeting: Replacement of co-signers required – Howard Mitchell Telephone in church need to reduce cost– Howard Mitchell Newsletter Status – Alyson – Bert Mitchell Website Status – Bert Mitchell Price List Review/Completion – Bert Mitchell

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August 15, 2013 – Trustee Meeting via Conference Call Minutes of meeting reviewed by Chair Jim Kerr moved that minutes be approved Seconded: June MacEwen Carried

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Treasurers Report – Overview Only – Howard Mitchell Operating Account Balance of $1,063.00 after $5,000 was transferred Plot Sales $4,000.00 Perpetual Care yielded only $414.84 in earnings The lawnmower was sold for $1,000

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Expenses: Survey $1,108 Lawyer – no recent invoice Manager $2,979.25, Insurance $400, Trustee Liability Insurance $1,080 Cemetery Association Membership $144 Conference Calls costs for (Board Meetings) $488 Newsletter and phone service Estimated Y/E Balance in the accounts combined will be about $20,000 minus outstanding bills of about $5,000

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Manager’s Report – Alyson Nyiri

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Boundary Issue: Overview of key highlights/status Lawyer advises that the Small Claims process is long Trustees to review September 30th version of claim and provide Alyson and Bert with any comments/changes

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Public Registry: Janet Stilling reported that they now have a comprehensive paper copy of all known information. Over the years, some information was not recorded. Alyson Nyiri has begun creating a spreadsheet A Registry for MC is on track to be completed by Christmas Noted that some old stones have no names on them Mrs/Miss MacDonald stone cannot be located despite fact that records show that burial took place. It is assumed she was buried in a joint family plot and her name never added. Janet and Alyson to follow up further with Howie and Ethel and the family. Bert suggested that the once registry spreadsheet is complete we could also consider adding a photo of headstones on website Bert expressed thanks to both Janet and Alyson on behalf of the Board for their work on this project Board Chair for 2014 Bert advised that the position of Board Chair is currently open commencing January 1, 2014 Call for nominations – none made Carol Wildgoose moved that Bert Mitchell remain Board Chair January 1, 2014 through December 31, 2014 with the understanding of the Board that his responsibilities will end on that date. Seconded: June MacEwen and unanimous approval Landscaping Proposal – Wm. Cullen Diagram outlining proposed location for planting reviewed Black Cedars used as a hedge proposed for west boundary, planted with sufficient space from fence line Fantasy Maples proposed for North East location Three trees are failing on eastern border – removal required Motion by Carol Wildgoose to authorize the addition of $1,000 to the $1,000 approved in August for a total not to exceed $2,000 to plant (32 cedars) and 3 maples in 2013. Seconded: June MacEwen and Carried Bench Seating to be deferred until spring as a result of conversation between Alyson Nyiri and Rita McCannell's son.

Previous Business

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Leveling of Headstones Jim Kerr has not had the opportunity to follow up with contacts Kevin Newman charges $400 - $500 to level a traditional stone and $300 - $300 for smaller white stones

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Our budget for stone leveling in 2013 is $2,000 Jim Kerr & Alyson Nyiri to provide recommendation on best course of action going forward Howard Mitchell moved that a work crew could level some smaller stones this fall along with the contracting to have 4 larger stones leveled. Cost of latter to be covered by $2,000 allocated for 2013 Seconded: Carol Wildgoose and approved unanimously

Other Business

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Additional Co-Signers Ellen Waldock has resigned as Assistant Treasurer. Currently, Howard Mitchell, June MacEwen, Carol Wildgoose have signing authority for MC documents. This authority can cover the second signature requirement for cheques. Decided no further names required for 2014 Co-signers must sign the reference bank card at bank. Action: Howard Mitchell to advise when ready and Carol and June will visit the bank to sign or use mail send the bank cards for signature. Newsletter Alyson Nyiri will write this year’s edition of the newsletter Newsletter to be dated and distributed either November or December 2013 A request for donations to be included Alyson is attempting to secure funding via Trillium Grant to add a feature to website allowing users to access specific information on families represented by each head stone Website Bert Mitchell reported 50 new visitors to website between July 14 and September 30. Most from Canada & US, 9 from US, 6 Australia, 2 UK A discussion ensued about instituting Pay Pal or equivalent to facilitate donations. Alyson is to check options via Cemetery Association Policy for Donations Bert Mitchell raised the question on receipting policy vis a vis donation limits Topic deferred to future meeting for discussion Price List & By-Laws Bert Mitchell provided new draft of price list as of September 30, 2013 noting that this must be reviewed again to address such issues as multiple burials in one lot or plot and the handling of expectation of purchasers who bought their lot/plot under previous by-laws Bert will work on this

Next Meeting – Proposed date: October 17, 2013 • To be confirmed by Chair end

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