May 15, 2018 - Approval of Contract, Recreation Center Design Build, Teton ... Department, to Aufderheide Construction M
Matters from Staff Agenda Item #5
Board of County Commissioners - Staff Report Meeting Date: May 15, 2018 Submitting Dept: P&R Recreation Center Design Build
Presenter: Steve Ashworth Subject: Approval of Contract-
Statement / Purpose:
Approval of Contract, Recreation Center Design Build, Teton County/Jackson Parks and Recreation Department, to Aufderheide Construction Management in an Amount not to exceed $2,200,000. Background / Description (Pros & Cons):
The Board of County Commissioners awarded the project to Aufderheide Construction Management on 5/1/18. Staff has worked with the contractor and the Teton County Attorney to finalize the contract. The project will be a design-build for the renovation of administrative offices, lobby, entrance, and locker rooms. Additionally, the project will replace the aquatic stair tower, renovate the slide, and repair the stucco siding on the building. Fiscal Impact:
This project is funded by the 2010 and 2017 SPET. Funds are available for this project. Staff Impact:
The project will be managed and administered by the Parks and Recreation Department. Legal Review:
K. Gingery
Staff Input / Recommendation:
The Parks and Recreation Department staff recommends approval of contract with Aufderheide Construction Management, in an amount not to exceed $2,200,000. Attachments:
Contract Agreement
Suggested Motion:
Move to approve the Contract for Recreation Center Design-Build Renovation with Aufderheide Construction Management in the amount not to exceed $2,200,000, subject to compliance with bonds, proof of liability and worker’s compensation insurance.
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