Jan 23, 2013 ... projects across all library divisions and incorporates the Technical Services .....
All In. Raine Miller. NO n/a. $2.99. NO. The Casual Vacancy.
BOARD OF TRUSTEES AGENDA January 23, 2013 3:30 p.m., Schell Room, Williamsburg Library
I. II.
Call to Order – Chair Van Tol Public Comment
Approval of December 5, 2012 Meeting Minutes
Chair’s Report – Van Tol
Director’s Report – Moorman •
Action Item: FY 2014 Proposed Budget
Monthly Staff Reports
Finance Report – Binsfeld •
Action Item: Fund Balance Appropriation
November and December 2012 Finance Reports
Friends of WRL/WRL Foundation Updates Other Business Adjournment
Other Enclosures: • November and December 2012 Statistics • FYI Articles • Kudos • News Items • January 2013 Newsletter
Next Regular Meeting: February 27, 2013, 3:30 p.m., Theatre Stage, Williamsburg Library
WRL Board of Trustees Minutes of Board Meeting of December 5, 2012 Schell Room, Williamsburg Library Attending Were: Jim Axtell, Lynda Byrd-Poller, Kyra Cook, Vickie Herrick, Sarah Houghland, Sue Mellen, Mary Norment, Bill Porter, and Jean Van Tol; FWRL liaison Ted Hiller; Library Attorney Leo Rogers; Library Director John A. Moorman; Library staff members Carrie Binsfeld, Ceilidh Mapes, Genevieve Owens, and Barry Trott. Call to Order: Chair Van Tol called the meeting to order at 3:33 p.m. Public Comment: None. Division Director Presentation – Barry Trott, Digital Services Director Barry Trott was appointed as Digital Services Director in January 2012, following a reorganization of WRL divisions. This new division was created to create a library-wide approach to digital collections, programs, and services. The Digital Services division coordinates all digital projects across all library divisions and incorporates the Technical Services department. “Digital Services” encompasses the ebook, downloadable audiobook, and downloadable music collections, as well as the library catalog, website, social media presence, and more. Technical Services is responsible for ordering, receiving, and processing all new materials, and dealing with mending and repair. Future projects include integrating digital resources more fully into the catalog, a digital bookplates project, and preparing to implement RDA cataloging standards. Mr. Trott provided data on digital circulation, website visits, and database for FY 2013 so far and answered questions on the availability of ebooks, current prices, and digital circulation statistics. Closed Session: Mr. Porter motioned that the Board go into closed session pursuant to Sections 2.2-3711(A)(1) and 2.2-3711(A)(7) of the Code of Virginia. The motion was approved. The Board began discussion at 4:16 p.m. and concluded at 4:55 p.m. At the conclusion of the Closed Meeting, Mr. Porter moved Certification of the Closed Meeting as follows: Whereas, the Williamsburg Regional Library Board of Trustees has convened a closed meeting on this date pursuant to an affirmative recorded vote and in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Virginia; and Whereas, Sections 2.2-3711(A)(1) and 2.2-3711 (A)(7) of the Code of Virginia require a certification by this Board that such closed meeting was conducted in conformity with Virginia law; Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Williamsburg Regional Library Board of Trustees hereby certifies that to the best of each member’s knowledge, (1) only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements by Virginia law were discussed in the closed meeting to which this certification resolution applies, and (2) only such public business matters as were identified in the motion convening the closed meeting were heard, discussed or considered by the Williamsburg Regional Library Board of Trustees. The motion passed with all voting in the affirmative. Approval of Meeting Minutes October 24, 2012: No additions or corrections were requested. The minutes were accepted as written.
Chair’s Report: Ms. Van Tol congratulated WRL and its entire staff for receiving a 4-star rating in the November edition of Library Journal. WRL is the only 4-star library in the Commonwealth of Virginia. Resolution: Employee Bonus – Board members received a draft of the resolution prior to the meeting. James City County Board of Supervisors approved a one-time bonus for eligible County employees on November 27. If adopted, The Trustees will approve an equal payment to the library director. Ms. Cook motioned to accept the resolution as presented. Ms. Norment seconded and the resolution was passed by a unanimous vote. Library Director’s Report: FY 2014 Proposed Budget – Ms. Binsfeld reviewed the proposed budget for FY 2014, drafted by the Finance Committee and library staff, specifically the changes in revenues and expenditures. The Board discussed the increase in the collections budget and the request for a new position, which is included in the budget. The Finance Committee will have a final budget to present to the Board at the January 2013 meeting. Monthly Staff Reports – The plan to replace the Stryker Building to meet the city’s needs and satisfy demands for civic and community activity space continues to progress. Dr. Moorman reviewed the initial schematic drawings with Board members. WRL will be expected to make a contribution to help fund the project and the Foundation will be asked to assist with this funding. A memorandum of agreement between WRL and the City of Williamsburg will be shared with the Board once it has been finalized. MLS staff attended the Association of Bookmobile and Outreach Services National Conference in Richmond on October 10-12. Barbara Jones and Connie Van Bourgondien presented two well-received sessions of implementing a Short Talk program series for seniors. Since then, they have been invited to repeat the workshop at Virginia Beach Public Library. In addition, Sno-Isle Libraries in Washington State also requested information this month about WRL’s outreach service model for seniors. Finance Report: Action Item: Annual Financial Report Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2012 – Ms. Binsfeld reviewed the annual financial report from Robinson, Farmer, Cox Associates, including the revenue and expenditure analyses, Friends and Foundation component units and the balance sheet. The auditors reported no findings. Ms. Mellen motioned to accept the report as presented. Mr. Axtell seconded; all approved and the motion was passed. Other Business: None. Adjournment: Ms. Mellen motioned to adjourn at 6:02 p.m. Mr. Axtell seconded; all agreed. Respectfully submitted,
Ceilidh Mapes
James City County Library 7770 Croaker Road Norge 757 259 7770 fax 757-259 7798 Williamsburg Library 515 Scotland Street Williamsburg 757 259 4040 fax 757 259 4079
January 23, 2013
Mailing Address 7770 Croaker Road Williamsburg. Virg1n1a 23188
James City Cow1ty Financial & Management Services 101-F Mounts Bay Road Williamsburg, Virginia 23185
The Williamsburg Regional Library Board of Trustees subm its the attached Fiscal Year 20 14 Proposed Budget approved at their regularly scheduled meeting on Wednesday, January 23,2013.
General Information: Agency: Contact Person: Address: Phone: Email:
Williamsburg Regional Library John A. Moorman, Library Directo r 7770 Croaker Road Williamsburg, Virginia 23188 (757) 259-7777 jmoorman@wrl .org
Agency Description: The Williamsburg Regional Library is a regional library system established in accordance with section 42. 1-37 of the Code of Virginia, serving James City County and the City of Williamsburg. The City of Williamsburg and James City County have a contract for library services. The Library's mission statement is "Free access to information is a foundation of democracy. Local governments provide that access for their residents by fund ing the Williamsburg Regional Library as a basic service."
Agency Funding : The followi ng schedule details the primary fund ing sources for the last three fiscal years:
So ur ce James C ity County City of Williamsburg York County State Aid Other Total
2011 $4, 102,823 750,291 450,500 296,859 177,155 $5,777,628
2012 $4,067,456 779,369 477,530 292,808 185,000 $5,802, 163 4
2013 $4, 120,25 1 819,506 506,182 293 ,852 164,000 $5,903,79 1
Budget Request and Justijicatio11: The Williamsburg Regional Library Board of Trustees request funding for Fiscal Year 2014 in the amount of$4,374,189. The request is an increase of6.16% or $253,938 over the previous fiscal year and is calculated using the circulation-based funding formula and meets the funding requirements detailed in section 4 of the contract. Circulation between James City County and the City of Williamsburg changed by .68% over the previous year resulting in an increase of funding for James City County in the amount of$35,372. The proposed budget was prepared using the guidance from James City County Financial & Management Services which includes a 3% salary & wage increase costing $95,790 and a 10% health insurance increase costing $42,420. The library has requested one new full-time regular position to address information technology operations throughout the institution. The proposed collection budget shows an increase of 7.5%, or $30,441 to include funding for downloadable audio-books and downloadable music. The operations section shows an increase of approximately 4% as a result of increases in several contracts and ongoing demands for goods and services.
Service a11d Benefits: The Williamsburg Regional Library offers the community a full-range of traditional library services--more than 344,000 books, videos, compact discs, downloadable e-books, and audio-books--plus access to electronic resources that continue to grow and expand. During Fiscal Year 2012 registered users from James City County checked out 888,831 items from Williamsburg Regional Library locations. Annual audited financial statements for Fiscal Year 2012 were forwarded to the James City County Financial & Management Services. The following documents have been included for consideration of the Fiscal Year 2014 budget: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Fiscal Year 2014 proposed operating budget Local Funding Calculation Estimated Gift Income schedule Authorized Position Listing
Thank you for your continued support of the Williamsburg Regional Library. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely,
James City County Library ~no Croaker Road Norge 757 259-7770 fax 757-259 7798 Williamsburg library 515 Scotland S!ree: \'Jaluamsburg 757 259- 4040 fax 757 259 4079
January 23, 2013
City of Williamsburg Finance Department 40 1 Lafayette Street Williamsburg, Virginia 23 185
Mailing Address 7770 Croaker Road W11i1amsburg . V~rgm1a 231 88
Attached is the Fiscal Year 2014 Proposed Budget for the Williamsburg Regional Library approved by the Library Board of Trustees on Wednesday, January 23, 2013. General Information :
Agency: Contact Person: Address: Phone: Email :
Williamsburg Regional Library John A. Moorman, Library Director 7770 Croaker Road Williamsburg, Virginia 23 188 (757) 259-7777 j
[email protected]
Agency Description:
The Williamsburg Regional Library is a regional library system established in accordance wi th section 42.1-37 of the Code ofVirginia, serving James City County and the Ci ty of Williamsburg. The City of Williamsburg and James City County have a contract for library services. The Library's mission statement is "Free access to informati on is a foundation of democracy. Local governments provide that access for their residents by funding the Williamsburg Regional Library as a basic service." Agency Funding:
The following schedule details the primary funding sources for the last three fiscal years: Source James City County City of Williamsburg York County State Aid Other Total
$4,102,823 750,291 450,500 296,859 177,155 $5,777,628
$4,067,456 779,369 477,530 292,808 185,000 $5,802, 163
$4, 120,25 1 819,506 506, 182 293,852 164,000 $5,903,79 1
Budget Request and Justification: The Williamsburg Regional Library Board of Trustees request funding for Fiscal Year 2014 in the amount of $827,606. The request is an increase of 0.99% or $8,100 over the previous fiscal year and is calculated using the circulation-based funding fonnula and meets the funding requirements detailed in section 4 of the contract. Circulation between James City County and the City of Williamsburg changed by .68% over the previous year resulting in an decrease of funding for the City of Williamsburg in the amount of$35,372. The proposed budget was prepared using the guidance from James City County Financial & Management Services which includes a 3% salary & wage increase costing $95,790 and a 10% health insurance increase costing $42,420. The library has requested one new full-time regular position to address infonnation technology operations throughout the institution. The proposed collection budget shows an increase of 7.5%, or $30,441 to include funding for downloadable audio-books and downloadable music. The operations section shows an increase of approximately 4% as a result of increases in several contracts and ongoing demands for goods and services.
Service and Benefits: The Williamsburg Regional Library offers the community a full-range of traditional library services--more than 345,000 books, videos, compact discs, downloadable e-books, and audio books--plus access to electronic resources that continue to grow and expand. During Fiscal Year 2012 registered users from the City of Williamsburg checked out 168, 148 items from Williamsburg Regional Library locations. Annual audited financial statements for Fiscal Year 2012 were forwarded to the City Finance department. The following documents have been included for consideration of the Fiscal Year 2014 budget. 1. Fiscal Year 2014 proposed operating budget 2. Local Funding Calculation 3. Estimated Gift Income schedule Thank you for your continued support of the Williamsburg Regional Library. Please contact me if you have any questions. Sincerely,
Library Director
Williamsburg Regional Library Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2014 Proposed Budget
Salaries & Wages FICA Virginia Retirement System Health Insurance Retire Medicai/Def Comp Match Life/Workers Comp
FY2013 Approved Budget 3,463,875 264,864 334,031 527,100 14,286 48,975
FY2014 Proposed Budget 3,608,556 275,944 349,978 569,520 14,818 50,596
$$Change fromFY 13 Approved 144,681 11,080 15,947 42,420 532 1,621
%Change fromFY13 Approved 4.18% 4.18% 4.77% 8.05% 3.72% 3.31%
4,653,131 6,000
4,869,412 3,600
216,281 (2,400)
4.65% -40.00%
Advertising Bank/Credit Card Fees Bindery Building Maintenance Communications Ubrary Catalog & Website Services Computer Software & Supplies Contractual Services Equipment Financial Services (City) Human Resources Services OCq Insurance Legal Services Ubrary Board Expenses Ubrary Programs Local Mileage Maintenance Supplies Memberships Miscellaneous PC Replacement Postage Printing Professional Services Supplies Travel & Training Utilities Vehicle Services
6,000 6,000 2,000 30,000 61,000 43,000 17,000 170,000 500 13,058 68,725 40,000 6,000 3,000 4,500 5,000 15,000 8,000 500 35,000 17,500 6,500 10,000 70,000 22,500 165,000 25,000
6,500 5,500 2,000 30,000 61,000 49,000 17,000 176,000 500 18,850 69,797 41,000 6,000 4,000 3,000 5,000 14,000 8,000 500 35,000 17,500 6,500 10,750 72,000 22,500 175,000 28,000
500 (500) 0 0 0 6,000 0 6,000 0 5,792 1,072 1,000 0 1,000 (1,500) 0 (1,000) 0 0 0 0 0 750 2,000 0 10,000 3,000
8.33% -8.33% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 13.95% 0.00% 3.53% 0.00% 44.36% 1.56% 2.50% 0.00% 33.33% -33.33% 0.00% -6.67% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 7.50% 2.86% 0.00% 6.06% 12.00%
Williamsburg Regional Library Fiscal Year Ending June 30,2014 Proposed Budget
City of Williamsburg James City County York County State Aid
FY 2013 Approved Budget 819,506 4,120,251 506,182 293,852
FY2014 Proposed Budget 827,606 4,374,189 536,553 292,379
Lost Books Interest Copy Machines Library Fines SetOff Debt Other Library Revenue Meeting Room Use
16,000 3,000 27,000 82,000 9,000 4,000 35,000
15,000 2,500 27,000 70,000 10,000 4,000 35,000
(1,000) (500) 0 (12,000) 1,000 0 0
-6.25% -16.67% 0.00% -14.63% 11.11% 0.00% 0.00%
$$Change %Change fromFY13 fromFY13 Approved Approved 8,100 0.99% 6.16% 253,938 30,371 6.00% (1,473) -0.50%
Williamsburg Regional Library Local Funding by Circulation
Circulation FY 2011 Total Percent
Circulation FY 2012 Total Percent
Grand City ofW James City Subtotal York Other Total 185,230 931,553 1,116,783 152,725 59,125 1,328,633 185,230 931,553 1,116,783 16.59% 83.41% 100.00%
168,148 168,148 15.91%
888,831 888,831 84.09%
1,056,979 143,973 1,056,979 100.00%
Williamsburg Regional Library Fiscal Year Ending June 30,2014 Estimated Non-Budgetary Income**
Gifts & Memorials Friends of WRL Foundation Library Grants Program Services TOTAL
FY 2013 FY2014 Estimated Estimated $$Change %Change 45,000 45,000 0 0.00% 150,000 150,000 0 0.00% 2,500 2,500 0 0.00% 5,000 5,000 0.00% 0 45,000 45,000 0.00% 0 247,500 247,500 0 0.00%
** 98°/o of all gifts to WRL are designated for particular projects or programs. Expenditures relating to gift income are recorded separately and are not shown in the proposed budget.
Report of the Director to the Board of Trustees of the Williamsburg Regional Library for the January 23, 2013 Meeting. Highlights of my activities since the December 5, 2012 meeting include: Hosted the TALDC/CALD annual meeting on December 7. Attended the Local Chapter NAACP annual meeting on December 10. Attended the December 12 Executive Committee meeting of the Greater Williamsburg Chamber and Tourism Alliance. Participated in the NAACP Education Committee Meeting on December 12. Participated in the annual Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast on December 13. Thanks to library staff for taking their time to display their culinary skills for those in attendance. I have received many compliments from volunteers on this event. Attended a City of Williamsburg staff meeting on December 14. Represented Virginia Libraries at a dinner for Senator Norment in Richmond on December 18. Attended the Staff Development Committee’s Holiday Sweets and Treats event on December 19. Thanks go out to all Staff Development Committee members for their excellent staff social events. The food is excellent and the fellowship is most enjoyable. Took vacation January 2-4. Enjoyed playing with grandkids and seeing family members. Participated in the January 3, 10, and 17 meetings of the Friends Strategic Planning Committee. Met with Board of Trustees Finance Committee on January 7. Participated in the January 8 meeting of Friends of Williamsburg Regional Library Board. Attended the January 9 Executive Committee meeting of the Greater Williamsburg Chamber and Tourism Alliance. Attended the January 15 meeting of the JCC Senior Leadership Group. Attended the January 17 meeting of the Board of the Greater Williamsburg Chamber and Tourism Alliance.
NOTES FROM JOHN January 2013 | Volume 6, Issue 1
Friends Update At their January 8, 2013 meeting Friends of Williamsburg Regional Board approved paying $806 for the Williamsburg Regional Library’s institutional membership in the Virginia Library Association. VLA institutional memberships pay for the legislative program of the Association including the work of Phil Abraham, VLA’s Legislative Liaison. The membership fee is a percentage of WRL’s State Aid payment. As of December 31, 2012 Friends memberships stood at 923 members - up slightly from the 914 members recorded on December 31, 2011. Planning for the Friends Annual Book Sale is underway. This will be the second year in which there is only one book sale. The dates for the sale are April 19-21. Friends are on their way to reaching the 200+ cartons of books and 2,500 – 3,000 CDs goal they set for the sale. Thanks go out to all who volunteer in the book nooks at both library locations. For the year ending December 31, 2012 the book nooks took in $79,278.48. The reason for such success is the tremendous effort our book nook volunteers make in sorting, shelving, and inventorying materials that arrive on the shelves for library users to purchase. An example of the time this requires is that on Monday, January 2 book nook volunteers at the Williamsburg Library provided 23.5 hours of service and on Monday, January 9 book nook volunteers provided 26.5 hours of service. For the year ending December 31, 2012 Friends of Williamsburg Regional Library provided WRL with $125,472.19 in grants for collections and programs.
Stryker Building Update Planning continues on this project. By the end of February 2013 a timeline for the project should be available. This will depend upon Williamsburg City Council actions between now and then. The surveying work being done in the area of the current Stryker Building, including the library plaza and Williamsburg Library grounds, is a utility survey being done by the City of Williamsburg as a part of the Stryker Project. In late December boring was done around the Stryker Building to obtain soil samples for use in project development.
John A. Moorman, Library Director
[email protected] | (757) 259-7777
www.wrl.org 13
NOTES FROM JOHN December 2012 | Volume 5, Issue 12
Holiday Poinsettias Many individuals have asked for the source of the poinsettias on the service desks at both library locations. They come from Miller’s Greenhouses of Center Cross, Virginia. They also have a retail outlet in Tappahannock, Virginia. The poinsettias are an annual fundraising project of the Rotary Club of James City County of which I am a member and club treasurer. Ileen and I enjoy sharing their beauty with the library community.
E-Book Op-Ed Articles The American Library Association recently released an E-book toolkit for libraries to use in conveying to the public information about e-book availability and the problems libraries are facing in acquiring e-book titles for library users. WRL is currently working on an op-ed article which I intend to have placed in the Virginia Gazette. I am also working with peninsula area library directors on an op-ed article to be placed in the Daily Press. There will be more activity in this area in coming weeks.
Quotable Facts About America’s Libraries Recently the Office for Library Advocacy of the American Library Association released a new “Quotable Facts About America’s Libraries” brochure. Their information included the following: “There are more public libraries than McDonald’s in the U.S. – a total of 16,766 including branches.” “Americans check out more than eight books per year, on the average. They spend $35.81 a year for the public library-about the average cost of one hardcover book.” “58% of adults in the U.S. have public library cards.” “Reference librarians in the nation’s public and academic libraries answer nearly 6.6 million questions weekly. Standing single file, the line of questioners would span from Ocean City, MD to Juneau, AK.” “A 2011 Pew study found that about 24% of library card holders had read e-books in the past year. Of them, 575 preferred borrowing e-books and about 33% preferred purchasing them.” “The average copyright year for health and medicine titles in school libraries is 1996. A student using these resources would not learn about the cloning of Dolly the sheep (1997) or that the United Kingdom handed sovereignty of Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China (1997).” “Research shows the highest achieving students attend schools with well-staffed and well-funded libraries.” Williamsburg Regional Library’s per capita expenditures are $74.67 and 53% of our residents have library cards. 14
More E-Book Information Barry Trott prepared several e-book information charts for the recent Board of Trustees meeting. The chart below highlights how difficult it is for public libraries including WRL to provide users with popular titles in e-book format.
NY Times Bestsellers in ebook form Title Notorious Nineteen The Forgotten The Last Man The Racketeer Merry Christmas, Alex Cross Life of Pi Agenda 21 Gone Girl Fifty Shades of Grey The Perfect Hope Fifty Shades Freed Fifty Shades Darker Reflected in You All In The Casual Vacancy Bared to You The Round House Naked Poseidon's Arrow Flight Behavior The Proposition The Panther Cross Roads The Cowboy Takes a Bride The Secret of Ella and Micha
Author Janet Evanovich David Baldacci Vince Flynn John Grisham James Patterson Yann Martel Glenn Beck Gillian Flynn E.L. James Nora Roberts E.L. James E.L. James Sylvia Day Raine Miller J.K. Rowling Sylvia Day Louise Erdrich Raine Miller Clive Cussler Barbara Kingsolver Katie Ashley Nelson Demille Wm. Paul Young Lori Wilde Jessica Sorenson
Available as Overdrive ebook?
WRL cost
Amazon cost
Owned by WRL?
yes NO NO yes NO yes NO yes yes NO yes yes NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO
$84.00 n/a n/a $85.00 n/a $8.99 n/a $25.00 $47.85 n/a $47.85 $47.85 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
$12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $12.99 $4.99 $12.99 $12.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $9.99 $2.99 $14.99 $9.99 $12.99 $2.99 $12.99 $13.99 $2.99 $12.99 $11.99 $0.99 $0.99
The yes with 50 Shades of Gray indicates that it was purchased before the price of this item escalated. BEST WISHES TO ALL FOR THE HOLIDAYS!!
John A. Moorman, Library Director
[email protected] | (757) 259-7777
Highlights from the Development Office December 2012 Respectfully submitted by Benjamin J. Goldberg, Library Development Officer
On December 6 participated in SAAR Committee meeting to continue efforts to promote seniors as a resource in the community. Attended G.W.A.V.A. annual luncheon on December 6. Set up Kitzinger Room for Volunteer Appreciation party on December 12. On December 13 coordinated WRL Volunteer Appreciation Party. Approximately eighty people attended the lively and much enjoyed event. Attended WRLF Nominating Committee meeting on December 14. Prepared and mailed more than sixty thanks notes to donors who supported WRL, FWRL or WRLF during 2012 with gifts totaling a minimum of $250, as well as supporters of particular note. Coordinated two Local Authors Project donation photo opportunities. Anticipate sending out five to seven Fifty Hour club membership letters for volunteer hours worked in December. On vacation December 19 through January 4, 2013. N.B. this advance gift report does not list donations made after December 18, 2012. FOUNDATION SUPPORT Annual Appeal Enthusiastic Reader ($250-$999) Scottie and John Austin (in memory of Susanne Austin) Douglas R. Murray Patricia and Ronald Rapoport Elaine M. Themo Sincere Reader (up to $249) Catherine and Kenneth Adams Mary and Jeffrey Antol Martha and Ed Blanks Norma and Robert Brigham Cherry and Clement Brown Joseph D. Brown Judy and Stan Brown Linda and John Campanelli Nancy F. Campbell Sherrie and Gordon Chappell Sheila Conrad Marcelle and Paul Dauphinais Sue and John Donaldson Kathy and Reginald Exton Michael J. Fox Kim and Kevin Galvin Christopher R. Gareis Pat and Francis Going John Lesslie Hall Sally M. Hancock Barbara and Keith Hanger Ruth and Theodore Hiller (in memory of Theodore S. Hiller III)
Audrey Hoitsma Philomene B. Hood Heather Huyck and Charlie Clapper Lori and Michael Jacobson Teresa and Steve Kauffman Bev and James Kelly Stephanie and Robert King Bernice and Arthur Kimball Juliet and Michael Kirby Kathleen and Robert F. Klausner Helen and Carl Knollmann Bernice and Chiles Larson Genrose and Don Lashinger Lillian Lieverman Sally and Bringier McConnell (in memory of Trist McConnell) Rebecca and Richard Palmer Thomas C. Phelps Dorothy and Paul Spofford Frances and Volney Rattan Connie B. Reitz Berton Roth Larry and Karen Shoberg
Andrea and Eric Smith Michael Stewart - Williamsburg Financial Group Nancy A. Vincent and Bob Archibald
Cynthia Ward Eileen Wells Mildred B. West
NEWLY ESTABLISHED PERPETUAL BOOK FUNDS Truth - Knowledge - Virtue Perpetual Book Fund Betsy Jo and James Spence PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED PERPETUAL BOOK FUNDS Axtell Family Perpetual Book Fund Denise S. Galloway (in honor of Susan and Jim Axtell) Dr. George J. Chohany Perpetual Book Fund Mary H. Norment (annual appeal) Donald A. Collard Perpetual Book Fund Judith Collard (annual appeal) Florence and Robert Croutcher Perpetual Book Fund Jennifer and John Boag (annual appeal) Goodrich/Ralbovsky/Roberts Perpetual Book Fund Life’s Work Physical Therapy Thomas K. Norment, Jr. Perpetual Book Fund Mary H. Norment (annual appeal) Neil M. Stevenson Perpetual Book Fund Diane Stevenson (in memory of Neil Stevenson) (annual appeal) Pauline G. Totty Perpetual Book Fund Linda T. Hunt Nancy Webster Dutro Perpetual Book Fund Robert S. Dutro (annual appeal) WRL Gifts and Memorials in memory of: William J. Bull from Bill Cole given by: James City County/Williamsburg Master Gardeners Looking to Learn J. Blaine Blayton Elementary School Matthew Whaley PTA Local Authors Project John A. Bray – Code Name: Caleb James Heller, Paul Hellyer and Benjamin Keele – The Librarian’s Copyright Companion Ronald Munro – Elegance & Simplicity John Zilliox – Billy Tarrington A Complete Man In-kind books, videos, etc. Cenetta J. Lee Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Patricia E. Van Dyke
Outreach Services Division Report December 2012 Janet Crowther, Outreach Services Director Mobile Library Services (MLS) Department highlights MLS Ride-along helpers: Seven staff members from Adult Services, Digital Services, and Youth Services divisions contributed twenty-one hours circulating materials to users in preschools and adult care centers. MLS staff conducted 27 outreach programs (21 youth, 6 adult) for 537 library users at preschools and adult care centers. Chris Russell and Sean Quigley shared holiday storytimes in area preschools throughout the month. MLS van service in the neighborhoods remained steady throughout December with new cards issued, over twenty reference questions fielded, and an increased number of holds. MLS staff began the annual collection inventory. Highlights of outreach services for adults Speakers Bureau Service Short Talk program series: I presented “Whale Watching off of the Coast of Virginia Beach” to residents at six senior outreach sites. Our Short Talk programs continue to be an integral part of the library experience for outreach users, particularly those for whom reading is no longer a part of their lives. The program series provides intellectual stimulation and opportunity for discussion. Talks to Go program series: Andrew Smith presented “Flying Canvas: Aircraft Art of WWII,” to residents of Chambrel. Jennifer Kuncken presented “Pirate Legends and Ghostly Lore from the Outer Banks of North Carolina,” to residents of Williamsburg Landing. Outreach collection and reference services Barbara Jones and I met with representatives of The Blayton Building (subsidized senior housing, City of Williamsburg) to discuss new monthly MLS service beginning January 9, 2013. Two new homebound clients were added in December. There are now forty-one monthly homebound clients served by ten WRL homebound case managers. One of the new clients was referred by a nurse with KARYA Home Health Care, a first time referral from this agency. The activity director at Pavilion at Williamsburg Place, a new adult care center located in James City County, contacted MLS requesting information about library service. An activity director card was issued to support the center’s programming. Feedback from users: [Homebound resident, 95 years old] “Thank you so much for helping me maintain a wonderful lifestyle. I still read my three books a week.” Highlights of outreach services for youth WRL’s preschool services outreach planning team (Eletha Davis, Jen Mitchell, Noreen Bernstein and I) worked on preparations for the library’s sixth annual Preschool Literacy Training Workshop for Teachers, scheduled at the James City County Library on Saturday, February 23, 2013. We anticipate seventy teachers will register again this year.
Adult Services Highlights November/December 2012 Reference and Readers’ Services Andrew Smith ordered large print and audiobook titles for several Gab Bags for people participating in book groups who may not be able to read regular print. Large print books, DVDs, CDs and fiction/nonfiction books were put together to create a holiday display at both libraries. Users commented that it was easy to find something for the season. Cheryl Edwards created the posters and maintained the stats. Approximately 400 items circulated at WL; 230 items circulated at JCCL.
Collection Development Representatives from Adult Services, Outreach, Youth Services, and Technical Services attended CollectionHQ training November 16. The instructor reviewed reports to evaluate fiction collections. Training will be held in January for nonfiction reports. Penelope Hamblin moved adult graphic novels to a new shelf space at the Williamsburg Library. The move gave the graphic novel collection room to grow. Penelope mentioned that Tabor Chapman, a Circulation shelver, has provided useful suggestions for superhero and manga titles to add to the collection. Avery Hicks did extensive weeding in the audiobook collection at both buildings to make space for new titles.
Programs and Outreach Dwight Woodward, Jan Marry, Jennifer Kuncken, and Mindy Gipson were ride-along helpers for Mobile Library Services. Charlotte Burcher, Janet Curtis, Neil Hollands, and I prepared materials for homebound users. Janet Curtis and Penelope Hamblin gave the November Short Talk programs to five assisted living/respite facilities on drumming. Andrew Smith gave Talks to Go programs at Williamsburg Landing and Chambrel. Jennifer Kuncken gave her first Talks to Go program at Williamsburg Landing. The annual Model Railroad program was a success, an estimated 1,250 people attended. Neil Hollands gave a speech on “Fairy Tales” for readers’ advisory to seventy-five attendees of the Northeast Ohio Regional Library System. He also gave a library tour to sixteen William and Mary students, highlighting resources for mystery readers. Jessica Garner and I began tweeting to the “WRLteens” account, which currently has thirteen followers. Plans for more publicity about the service are in the works.
Other Jan Marry successfully completed her probation period. Jessica Garner met with all three high school media specialists to discuss Young Adult activities at the library. All of the media specialists expressed enthusiasm for the effort to get young adults more involved at the library. Jessica also met with the first “Teen Advisory Group” at the library. Ten teens attended the TAG meeting. Neil Hollands created a resource binder for “Young Samurai: The Way of the Warrior” for the Guys Read club at Lafayette High School. Dwight Woodward is the Adult Services tax coordinator. He worked with Barry Trott to update the tax information on the web page and with Patrick Golden to update the AARP Tax Aide brochure. Melissa Simpson, 1/15/13
Fire and Ice was presented by the Williamsburg Youth Ensemble. The concert featured the hot sounds of today and the cool sounds of traditional holiday music. The concert was enjoyed by children and adults. A program for middle school children was presented by The Henna Lady (Colleen). She presented a program on the Art of Henna which was followed by giving each participant a henna tattoo. The Lego Clubs continue to be popular. The Monstrous Holiday Craft offered by Laurie Ziegler was enjoyed by children ages five and up. Each child created his or her own monster from a wooden spoon. Paws to Read continues to attract a large audience of children from preschool through elementary school. Storytimes, particularly those for babies, continue to be very popular. Hannah Pierce has joined Youth Services as a Librarian I. She has had previous experience as a Children’s Librarian and is a welcome addition to the staff. Summer Reading in 2013 will be different. The Institute of Museum and Library Services, which provides funding to the Library of Virginia for Summer Reading materials that are given to public libraries, is conducting a study on how Summer Reading affects reading skills in children. Summer Reading will now be available to families online. Youth Services staff have met with Enid Costley, the Children’s and Youth Services Consultant at the Library of Virginia. We are currently looking at how we can work with the new system while still retaining some of the unique aspects of our own Summer Reading program. Youth Services is also starting to organize the Winter Reading program which will start in February.
Digital Services Division Report – December 2012 Barry Trott Digital Collections o Use of WRL digital collections rose around the holidays, with ebook use leading the way, up 24% over the previous month. Databases o Database use continues to show a marked increase, with overall use of WRL digital reference materials up 47% from FY12. We have a full month of short promos for WRL digital content that will go out in the WRL-info email blast on Mondays and these seem to be getting user attention. These are also sent to all WRL staff so that they are aware of what we are currently promoting, to the W-JCC Media Specialists as part of our partnership with the schools, and posted on our Facebook page and Twitter accounts on Monday afternoons. o Jenny Payne created a new addition to the “business card” digital collections promotion project, this one for our online investing resources. We will have these cards available at the public service desks and through outreach. As part of the communications plan, we are creating a series of six cards, promoting services and collections to different WRL user groups—teens, parents, general users, etc. At the end of the fiscal year, we will evaluate the success of these cards, based on increased use of the collections or services promoted, as well as staff feedback, and at that time make suggestions for continuing or expanding this model to other areas of the library’s collections, programs, and services. The cards will cover: Freegal (a card aimed at younger users and a card for older users) Tumblebooks Online Investment tools (ValueLine and Morningstar) Teen Twitter account Text WRL/Ask a Librarian services Social Media o We worked with Melissa Simpson and Jessica Garner in Adult Services to set up a teen Twitter account that we will be promoting in the coming months through the Teen Advisory group. o Facebook “likes” continue to increase, up 2% from November, and we continue to engage users with images, questions, and promotions. Presentations and Outreach o Barry gave a presentation on the Digital Services Division to the WRL Board. o This summer, WRL will be participating in a summer reading tracking program set up by the Library of Virginia. Barry will be working with Youth Services staff to set up and administer the website for registering and tracking WRL summer reading participation and to train staff. We had a meeting this month with LVA staff that covered initial training topics. WRL website o Barry worked with Dwight to update the tax aide information in preparation for the 2013 tax season. Tech Services o The Tech Services staff regularly helps out as MLS ride-along assistants. This month, Lisa Ballinger, Linda Ellis, and Laura Morales worked a combined eleven hours in support of library outreach. 21
CONCERTS – Holiday-themed concerts were popular this month, with a free concert by the James River Pops, and a near sell-out by Robin and Linda Williams and Their Fine Group. We also hosted a solo piano concert by Anna Kijanowska, a music faculty member at William and Mary, who performed modern European music to an appreciative audience. This was the first in an ongoing partnership where music faculty will perform in our venue. FILMS – The Celtic Film Series continued with another Colin Farrell film, “Ondine,” a magical story about an Irish fisherman who captures a mermaid in his nets.
OTHER PROGRAMS – We co-hosted with W&M another Civil War presentation – Musical Repercussions of the Civil War – that was well attended by both students and the general public. “In the Footsteps of Marco Polo,” an Emmy-nominated PBS film, was screened to a near capacity audience. The director - who was in town visiting family over the holidays – introduced the film and took questions following it. The documentary tells of a journey by two New Yorkers retracing by ground Poloʼs route to and from China, taking them through exotic locales like Afghanistan and Iran. Constitutional Conversations, the award-winning discussion series on the Nationʼs governing document, continued. Topics this month included overviews of civic duties and responsibilities in the 21st century and presidential power, national security and the Constitution. We continue to be encouraged by the sizeable number of high school students who attend this series.
MISCELLANEOUS – I Skyped with the Panglossian Productions leadership (currently in Singapore) to plan the upcoming theatrical performances they will jointly mount with WRL beginning late spring. This will be the third year we will jointly present these plays and staged readings. First Night again used the Williamsburg Library as a venue for two performing groups as well as for button sales the afternoon and evening of New Yearʼs Eve. Around 1,000 people attended.
Technical Services DECEMBER 2012 Acquisitions Titles Orders 954 Receipts 1478
Items 1344 1977
Cataloging Records Added Records Withdrawn
Items 2763 2693
Titles 1553 1397
Processing Mended Rebound
Items 72 0
Serials Receipts Claims
Items 494 12
Catalog Enhancements¹
Total 277
Division Support Public Service Desks MLS Outreach
Hours 9 11
WRL/JCC Committees/Division Support
Training Provided
Training Received
¹Additions/updates to online catalog records including updating subject headings, authority records, series, URL links, annotations, content notes, and other changes that will help users successfully retrieve the information they need about library materials.
Highlights from the Development Office November 2012 Respectfully submitted by Benjamin J. Goldberg, Library Development Officer
On November 1 attended SAAR Committee meeting to continue efforts to promote seniors as a resource in the community. On November 6 participated in G.W.A.V.A. Executive Committee meeting. Attended William and Mary Office of Community Engagement Community Breakfast on November 7. Participated in WRLF Strategic Planning Committee meeting on November 9. On November 9 attended planning meeting with Library Director and WRLF board officers. On November 15, at the invitation of the Williamsburg Community Foundation, attended a meeting to learn about a joint website created by the Williamsburg Community Foundation, the Peninsula Community Foundation, the Urban Institute, and the National Center for Charitable Statistics that focuses on the area nonprofit community. Participated in the Colonial Heritage Volunteer Fair on November 15. Finalized and submitted Bibliostat survey prior to November 15 deadline. On November 16 attended Senior Services Coalition meetings. Participated in LEAD meeting on November 19. Attended WRLF board meeting November 27. Discussion focused on the annual appeal gifts and planning for next year. The WRLF approved their three-year Strategic Plan. Mailed volunteer appreciation event invitations and coordinated event planning. The volunteer appreciation event is scheduled for December 13 at JCCL. Assisted in the nomination of Noreen Bernstein for the Association for Library Service to Children of the American Library Association Distinguished Service Award, honoring an individual who has made significant contributions to, and an impact on, library services to children and to ALSC. The Sadler Family Perpetual Book Fund was established by WRLF board member W. Samuel Sadler in honor of his wife and daughters. Working with Barry Trott, we revamped the Fund Research Center web presence. Coordinated one Local Authors Project donation photo opportunity. Anticipate sending out five to seven Fifty Hour club membership letters for volunteer hours worked in November. Foundation Gifts & Pledges - November 2012 Annual Appeal Avid Reader ($1,000 - $9,999) Anonymous
Berna and Joseph Heyman (in memory of Jack Willis) Kay and John Kane (in memory of Jack Willis) Ileen G. and John A. Moorman Shirley G. Roby Putul and Michael Rogowski (in memory of Jaroslav Rogowski)
Enthusiastic Reader ($250-$999) Nancy and Colin Campbell Elizabeth and Stephen Foxx
Sincere Reader (up to $249) Gladys and Bertram Aaron (in memory of Leonard Aaron) All Creatures Animal Clinic Robert Alpino and Lisa Odabasi (in honor of Dr. Elizabeth Foxx) Ruth and David Anderton Susan and James Axtell
Susan and David Baime Linda and Donald Baker Virginia and Richard Bendura Peggy Biggins Barbara Bilderback Johnnie and A.B. Blair (in honor of Heather Hamblin)
Dawn and David Julien Ann P. Kahn Ruth and Wayne Kernodle Judith and Stephen Knudson Miriam and Wolfgang Koenig Laura E. Kostel Janet and Scott Kruger Elinor H. Lashley Trina and James Lesnick Barbara Linde Tessa and Al Louer Elizabeth and Thomas Luckam Edward Lull Dione and Milford Maloney Carol and John Marsh Mabel and Barry Marten Gail and James McCord Joyce and John McKnight Barbara McLennan Kerry and Peter Mellette Thomas J. Mills (in memory of James Livingston) Ruth C. Mullaney Julie and John Murphy Susan and Richard Nelson James J. Oliver Amy and Chris Paschold Susan and David Pearce (in honor of Elizabeth Foxx) Beverley and J.R. Pinotti Ann and William Porter Fran and Arthur Post Virginia I. Quirey Barbara Ramsey Catherine A. Reed Marilyn M. Riddle Susan and Gary Ripple (in honor of Susan Axtell) Patricia and George Rublein Caroline and Tim Schellpeper Madeleine and William Schneider Anne and Harlan Schone Amy and Paul Schubring Donna C. Sheppard (in honor of the dedicated staff in Youth Services) Carol W. Sherman (in memory of Roger Sherman) David L. Sisk Francis J. Smith Laura and Richard Spatz Jeanne M. Sutherland and Rodney B. Taylor Mary E. Swain Caroline B. Talbot Bobbye and Philip Thorp (in memory of Bonnie Brown) Jeannie and Scott Trainum Eleanor and Charles Troha
Jacqueline and Albert Booth (in memory of Clift Bloom) Mary Ann Brendel (in memory of Jack Willis) Jean Bruce Martha and Robert Burgess Mary and Howard Busbee Ellen H. Busching and Douglas Randolph Nancy and Charles Carney Marilyn and Robert Casey Nancy and Neil Chapin John Chohany and Mickey Chohany Mary and James Clark Leslie and Henry Coleman Francine and Thomas J. Contrucci Deborah P. Corky-Corber (in memory of Jack Corber) Edward P. Crapol and Jeannette F. Zeidler Virginia and Charles Crone Joyce and Donald Darnton Frank M. Davis Virginia and John Dewhirst Lis and John Doley Sarah and Morton Eckhause Elizabeth and Nathaniel Elliott Myrtle C. Engs (in memory of Ruth Engs Hill) Judith Ewell Christine L. Faia and Franz L. Gross Elizabeth H. Fenn Anne-Liss and Raymond Flanders Jean and Archibald L. Fripp Ann Fulford Philip J. Funigiello (in memory of Joanne Basso Funigiello) Godspeed Animal Care Margaret and Milton Goldberg Lucy D. Gunn Florence Gussman Tory Gussman Fran M. Hermance Jill and William Hester Ann and Charles Hobson Pembroke and Thomas Hoffmier Gail Hopgood Noreen and Alan Howard Nancy H. Hudson Nancy and John Hummel June H. Iannuzzi Jean and Jerome Jackson Elizabeth and Henry Jacobs (in memory of Kenneth Jacobs) Mary Ellen Jewusiak (in honor of Margaret Ruffner) Janet and Clarence Jones (in memory of Dan Hemlick) Miriam and W. Melville Jones 26
Rice T. Trolan Jane and Hugh Van Brimer Mary L. Voorhess Annette and Louis F. Vosteen Cam Walker and Anthony J. Esler Kajs and James Warrick
Chiyeko and Edward Watanabe Carolyn and Louis Weeks Ellen and Tim Weidman Julia and Clayton Westland Anna and Raol A. Wolf
NEWLY ESTABLISHED PERPETUAL BOOK FUNDS Sadler Family Perpetual Book Fund Mary Liz and W. Samuel Sadler (annual appeal) PREVIOUSLY ESTABLISHED PERPETUAL BOOK FUNDS Robert J. & Nanci O. Bond Perpetual Book Fund Nanci O. Bond (in memory of Robert Bond) (annual appeal) Goodrich/Ralbovsky/Roberts Perp. Book Fund Julie Roberts (in honor of Ginger and Rudy Roberts’ 58th wedding anniversary) Dennis K. Cogle Perpetual Book Fund Raymond A. Adams (annual appeal) Capt. Eric L. Peterson, USN Perp. Book Fund Katherine Mary Dudley Perpetual Book Fund Alan and Nancy Peterson Nanette and David Schoeder (annual appeal) Priscilla Peterson John W. Edwards Perpetual Book Fund Berna and Joseph Heyman (annual appeal)
Benjamin F. Tillman Perpetual Book Fund Doris and Frank Tillman (annual appeal)
Goldberg Family Perpetual Book Fund Amy and Benjamin Goldberg (annual appeal) Betty and Josh Goldberg (annual appeal, in honor of the October birthdays of Alexander and Richard)
Max G. Walten M.D. Perpetual Book Fund Dorothy and John Gabig (annual appeal) Mary Lou Walten (annual appeal)
in memory of:
WRL Gifts and Memorials - November 2012 Martha O. Ansotigue from Janet Crowther and Ceilidh Mapes Ann Baker from Elizabeth Parker Stan Musser, Maj. Gen. USAF (Ret.) from Holly and Skip Yohe Trevor Times from Nancy and Alan Bolash
in honor of:
Mary Dahlgren from Marie and Mark Sexton
given by:
Nancy and Alan Bolash Robert L. Shultis Virginia Breast Cancer Foundation, Peninsula Chapter
Local Authors Project Kenneth S. Bradby Jr. – Pamunkey Speaks: Native Perspectives Phyllis Garrett – A Country Girl From Croaker Bill Williams/Williamsburg Bird Club – The Birds of Virginia’s Colonial Historic Triangle In-kind books, videos, etc. Afua Cooper Berna L. Heyman Cenetta Lee Phillip Merritt / Virginia Native Plant
Society, John Clayton Chapter Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America Earl Gregg Swem Library
Outreach Services Division Report November 2012 Janet Crowther, Outreach Services Director Mobile Library Services (MLS) Department highlights MLS Ride-along helpers: Seven staff members from Administration, Adult Services, and Digital Services divisions contributed 17.5 hours circulating materials to users in preschools and adult care centers. MLS staff conducted 29 outreach programs (24 youth, 5 adult) at preschools and adult care centers. Barbara Jones taught the computer class “ipad for Newbies” with Melissa Simpson on November 26. Eletha Davis attended the Summer Reading Training Workshop at the Library of Virginia on November 16 and the WRL CollectionHQ training. Virginia Beach Public Library has invited Barbara Jones and Connie Van Bourgondien to present their workshop on implementing a Short Talk program series for seniors to their staff. The training is scheduled for January 11, 2013. Sno-Isle Libraries in Washington State also requested information this month about WRL’s outreach service model for seniors. Highlights of outreach services for adults Speakers Bureau Service Short Talk program series: Connie Van Bourgondien presented, “The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,” at five senior outreach sites. Janet Curtis and Penelope Hamblin presented, “Drums: The World’s Oldest Instrument,” at five senior outreach sites. Talks to Go program series: Andrew Smith presented, “Flying Canvas: Aircraft Art of WWII,” at Williamsburg Landing. Outreach collection and reference services Barbara Jones and I met with representatives of the Historic Triangle Senior Center to discuss potential library service to clients at both their Longhill Road center and at their outreach sites around the community. A new activity director card was issued to support their programming. November had a record number of monthly checkouts to adults in facilities and to homebound users (a 29% increase in checkouts over November 2011). There are now thirty-nine monthly homebound users served by ten WRL Homebound Case Managers. Feedback from users: [Homebound resident] “I have enjoyed the anticipated excitement of receiving new materials every month. It’s like Santa Claus all year round! Thanks again for this bright ray of sunshine! Many, many thanks to you for providing such a wonderful service to those who are homebound.” [Activity Director] “Most people aren’t physically able to select off of the library carts for themselves and [nursing] staff don’t feel they have the knowledge to select the appropriate items. They really appreciate the library staff selecting materials for individuals and the library’s services for their residents.] Highlights of outreach services for youth Preschool service. MLS staff delivered full library service to Stone House Presbyterian Church Preschool, a new site for our monthly preschool outreach. Storytime has also resumed to Head Start at James River. MLS Assistant Sean Quigley reported the following user feedback about our service: “A (preschool) boy at Greenwood Christian Academy insisted on leaving me a 1 cent tip that he placed on the counter before exiting the vehicle.” Neighborhoods. Users are thrilled with the MLS vans’ new laptops and the many features we now offer. Over the Thanksgiving week some of the neighborhood regulars brought out-of-town visitors to the MLS vans to show off their mobile library. WRL staff at community events and partnership activities Barbara Jones and Ann Marie Weissert represented WRL at the annual Historic Triangle Senior Health Fair on November 2 and promoted collections, programs, and services including the homebound service. Benjamin Goldberg represented WRL at the Colonial Heritage Volunteer Fair on November 15 and promoted the library’s volunteer opportunities. 28
Several hundred children enjoyed The Nutcracker Suite presented by the Virginia Concert Ballet. Many were in costume and indicated that attending this program has become a must-see annual event. Williamsburg Regional Library participated in International Game Day @ Your Library. Children and parents came to the library and sampled different board games. Everyone appeared to have a good time, and some children tried games they had never played before. Our three Lego Clubs continue to have waiting lists. This is proving to be a very popular program. Twilight Tales offered Harvest a Crop of Stories. Our Thursday Baby Time Storytime at the Williamsburg Library has had an average of sixty to seventy participants each week. Several staff members attended workshops at the Library of Virginia concerning changes that will be made to the 2013 Summer Reading Program. Basically, enrollment and reporting will be done online. Enid Costley, the Children’s Consultant at the Library of Virginia, will meet with all of Youth Services staff to explain how the program will work and how we can adopt our program to make it work. Rita Dimmett and Noreen met with two members of the Mortar Board from the College of William and Mary. The group is planning a storytime program for younger and school-age children, which will include snacks and possibly a visit and presentation by Rosemary Willis, the current Miss Virginia who is a William and Mary student. Susan Kelley and Noreen met with Jessica Garner and Melissa Simpson to look at the plans for teens over the rest of the fiscal year. Noreen met with Elizabeth Crispino, the new media specialist at Matoaka, to introduce her to all the programs we share with our schools.
Digital Services Division Report – November 2012 Barry Trott Digital Collections o Barry and Steve D’Amico worked on several projects involving the WRL catalog, including working with staff at NoveList to improve the appearance of items in the catalog that do not have any associated cover art and to look at the possibility of using Google Analytics to gather data on catalog searches. Databases o Various database promotions, including working through the W-JCC schools partnership, offering digital resources classes for the Christopher Wren Association and through WRL Outreach, and developing a variety of flyers and brochures, are having a positive effect, as overall database use is up 32% from FY12. o We created promotional flyers for some specific WRL databases, including Auto Repair, Small Engine Repair, and Mango Languages, to use in the appropriate sections of the WRL print collections. o As part of the Communications Plan, Barry created a series of short promos for WRL digital content that will go out in the WRL-info online email blast on Mondays. These will also be sent to all WRL staff so that they are aware of what we are currently promoting, to the W-JCC Media Specialists as part of our partnership with the schools, and posted on our Facebook page on Monday afternoons. Social Media o We began planning for a teen Twitter account with Melissa Simpson and Jessica Garner in Adult Services. o Facebook “likes” continue to increase, up 47% since January 2012. Presentations and Outreach o Barry taught a session on public library collection development issues to two sections of a class on collection development at the University of Illinois library school. WRL website o Use of the WRL website continues to increase. Site visits are up 8.6% over FY12. o We made several updates to the WRL website this month: Barry worked with Benjamin Goldberg to create a new look and update content for the WRL Funding Research Center, that “assists nonprofits in their search for funding opportunities.” The new site can be found at wrl.org/frc We created a new section for investment tools in the Find It Online section of the site in order to promote the library’s online access to ValueLine and Morningstar. Barry worked with staff at ServerLogic, Baker and Taylor, and NoveList to improve the process of creating library material content for the web carousel displays. Tech Services o In order to assist with cataloging of children’s and young adult materials, Jean Marie Taylor has been cross-training other TS staff. The fruits of that work are beginning to show, as this month, Linda Ellis cataloged 219 new titles and 489 new volumes, Sheila Tawney cataloged 19 new titles and 40 new volumes, and Lisa Hilleary cataloged 83 added copies. Total number of youth titles cataloged in November was 344 titles and 838 new and added volumes.
VIRGINIA SYMPHONY PRESENTS… – The second of three programs in this series funded by Friends of WRL featured music of Mozart and Haydn and was attended by a near-capacity audience. We received many thanks from those in attendance and follow-up praise for the program was received via e-mail and the libraryʼs Facebook page. The next program in the series, featuring a brass quintet performing music of Beethoven, will be held on February 28.
CONCERTS – We hosted concerts by the Canadian duo, My Sweet Patootie, and a free performance by the Peninsula Concert Band. CENTURIES OF ART @ YOUR LIBRARY – Three illustrated talks were presented in this series co-sponsored with the Virginia Museum of Fine Arts and This Century Gallery. Programs on the glass art of Dale Chihuly, African art of Mali and fresco painting during the Renaissance were well attended. The series resumes in January.
FILM PROGRAMS – The Celtic Film Series continued with a showing of the Colin Ferrell film, “Intermission.” Program Services supported a teen program on filmmaking that kicked off this yearʼs collaboration between the library and the William and Mary Global Film Festival. This yearʼs theme is Films and Youth. Youth submitting films to the festival may have their work shown at the Kimball Theatre in February. OTHER PROGRAMS – Constitutional Conversations, the award-winning discussion series on the Nationʼs governing document, focused on elections in November. Tax Aide training for new and returning counselors began this month at both libraries. We also held a meeting between Tax Aide coordinators and library staff to verify that technology needs were met and to coordinate publicity pieces.
MISCELLANEOUS – I was invited to participate on a panel at the Southeastern Museum Conference annual meeting here in Williamsburg. The panel addressed the use of travelling exhibits in informal education settings. We continue to work through access issues with the Norge Depot.
Technical Services NOVEMBER 2012 Acquisitions Titles Orders 929 Receipts 1922 Cataloging
Titles 1628 1528
Records Withdrawn
Items 1225 2660 Items 2468 3159
Processing Mended Rebound
Items 119 0
Serials Receipts Claims
Items 533 2
Catalog Enhancements¹
Total 409
Division Support Public Service Desks MLS Outreach
Hours 8 7
WRL/JCC Committees/Division Support
Training Provided
Training Received
¹Additions/updates to online catalog records including updating subject headings, authority records, series, URL links, annotations, content notes, and other changes that will help users successfully retrieve the information they need about library materials.
To: From:
WRL Board of Trus~~ .A--rl1 11 John A. Moorman v'i""'"-1 v v l ~~
Action Items: Fund Balance Appropriations
The Williamsburg Regional Library requests appropriation of carryover funds in the amount of $75,000 for the following project: $75,000- Purchase additional Book Hauler
January 16, 2013
WRL Board of Trustees
Carrie L. Binsfeld, Finance Director
December Financial Statement Analysis
Account Name
Contractual Services
Library Board Expenses
Staff Recognition Event
Professional Services
Annual Audit fee paid
Spent/ Encumbered
Annual maintenance contracts paid (HVAC & SirsiDynix)
Percentage of year passed 50.0°/o
The Williamsburg Regional Ubrary Monthly Finandal Statement For the period ending December 31, 2012 EXPENDITURES Compensation
Salaries Wages
ACA Virginia Retirement Systems Health Insurance Workers Comp Insurance & Unemply VRS Group Ufe Insurance Retiree Medical/ Deferred Comp Match Tuition Assistance Benefits Total Subtotal
Final Budget 2,842,989 608,886 264,864 334,031 527,100 15,000 33,975 14,286 6,000 1,195,256 4,647,131
Actual 1,433,336 299,950 128,378 160,596 231,902 7,307 13,285 8,670 357 550,494 2,283,779
405,877 405,877
183,366 183,366
36,146 36,146
6,000 6,000 2,000 30,000 61,000 17,000 170,000 0 500 13,058 68,725 40,000 6,000 3,000 43,000 4,500 5,000 15,000 8,000 500 0 35,000 17,500 6,500 10,000 70,000 22,500 165,000 25,000 850,783
1,869 1,808 577 3,089 24,197 9,436 158,548 115,542 0 0 28,635 28,120 2,500 3,913 16,542 11 1,181 4,685 3,125 0 244 15,818 8,412 1,762 10,075 27,943 7,616 81,022 12,521 569,193
0 0
%Spent& Total Encumbered 1,433,336 50.4% 299,950 49.3% 128,378 48.5% 160,596 48.1% 231,902 44.0% 7,307 48.7% 13,285 39.1% 8,670 60.7% 357 6.0% 550,494 46.1% 2,283,779 49.1%
Collection Subtotal
219,512 219,512
54.1% 54.1%
1,869 1,808 577 5,912 24,197 9,436 159,385 130,982 0 0 28,635 28,120 2,500 3,913 20,872 11 1,181 4,685 3,125 0 244 16,363 8,412 1,762 10,075 35,269 7,616 81,022 12,521 600,493
31.2% 30.1% 28.9% 19.7% 39.7% 55.5% 93.8% N/A 0.0% 0.0% 41.7% 70.3% 41.7% 130.4% 48.5% 0.2% 23.6% 31.2% 39.1% 0.0% N/A 46.8% 48.1% 27.1% 100.8% 50.4% 33.8% 49.1% 50.1% 70.6%
Advertising Bank Fees Bindery Building Maintenance Communications Computer Software & Supplies Contractual Services Equipment - Fund Balance* Equipment - General Financial Services Human Resource Services Insurance Legal Services Ubrary Board Expenses Ubrary catalog & Website Services Ubrary Programs Local Mileage Maintenance Supplies Memberships Miscellaneous Patron Refunds PC Replacement Plan Postage Printing Professional Services Supplies Travel &Training Utilities Vehicle Services Subtotal TOTAL
2,823 837 15,440
The Williamsburg Regional Library Monthly Financial Statement For the period ending December 31, 2012
REVENUE City of Williamsburg James City County York County State Aid State Aid to Localities Reduction Lost Books Interest Copy Machines Library Fines Set Off Recovery Other Library Revenue Meeting Room Use TOTAL
Budget 819,506 4,120,251 506,182 293,852 (12,000) 16,000 3,000 27,000
82,000 9,000 4,000 35,000 5,903,791
Total Received Received 409,753 409,753 2,060,126 2,060,126 506,182 506,182 146,926 146,926 -13,658 (13,658) 5,993 5,993 1,219 1,219 12,643 12,643 33,249 33,249 1,005 1,005 4,909 4,909 15,438 15,438 3,183,784 3,183,784
% Received 50.0% 50.0% 100.0% 50.0%
N/A 37.5% 40.6% 46.8% 40.5% 11.2% 122.7% 44.1% 53.9%
Program Gifts 8c. Memorials Friends Foundation Library Grants Program Services Subtotal
Revenue 43,999 49,894 1,124
0 14,505 109,521
Total Spent Spent Encumber 8c. Encumber 32,783 32,783 56,321 56,321 1,190 1,190 1,382 1,382 17,725 17,725 109,401 0 109,401
50.00% 50.00%
The Williamsburg Regional Library Monthly Finandal Statement For the period ending November 30, 2012
REVENUE City of Williamsburg James City County York County State Aid State Aid to Localities Reduction lost Books Interest Copy Machines Library Fines Set Off Recovery Other Library Revenue Meeting Room Use TOTAL
Budget 819,506 4,120,251 506,182 293,852 (12,000) 16,000 3,000 27,000 82,000 9,000 4,000 35,000 5,903,791
Total Received Received 341,461 341,461 1,716,771 1,716,771 506,182 506,182 146,926 146,926 0
5,022 1,024 10,903 28,277 839 4,763 12,883 2,775,051
5,022 1,024 10,903 28,277 839 4,763 12,883 2,775,051
Received 41.7% 41.7% 100.0% 50.0% N/A 31.4% 34.1% 40.4% 34.5% 9.3% 119.1% 36.8% 47.0%
Program Gifts & Memorials Friends Foundation Library Grants Program Services Subtotal
Revenue 41,769 35,836 1,124 11,839 90,567
Total Spent Spent Encumber & Encumber 30,739 30,739 49,960 49,960 1,129 1,129 1,382 1,382 14,260 14,260 97,470 97,470 0
41.67% 41.67%
Williamsburg Regional Library Statistical Report- FY 2013 - December 2012
WMSB 7,864 3,596
JCC 28,546 31,817
Monthly Total
Percent of Monthly Total
CIRCULATION Williamsburg Library James City County Library* *Includes Outreach
USER QUESTIONS WilJiamsburg Library James City County Library Outreach Monthly Total
PROGRAM ATTENDANCE Williamsburg Library James City County Library Outreach Monthly Total
MEETING ROOM USE Williamsburg Library James City County Library Total
PC USAGE Williamsburg Library James City County Library
Adult 2,372 1,224 977 4,573
Adult 2,094 1,531 202 3,827
YORK OTHER Monthly 4,861 434 41,705 4,137 40,334 784
Youth Monthly 2,198 4,570 1,483 2,707 1,092 115 3,796
Youth Monthly 2,897 803 2,472 941 690 892 2,434
Monthly 1,717 314
YTD 7,210 2,523
%Change FY12
-4.4% %Change FY12
%Change FY12
COLLECTION Williamsburg Library James City County Library Outreach
Non-Print Print 153,265 22,914 129,254 28,862 1,096 6,860
Total 176,179 158,116 7,956
Number 7,142 35,755 5,867 145 48,909
YTD 27,058 11,289 14,045
YTD 35,461 15,515
USER CARDS Williamsburg James City County York County Other Total
%Change FY12
%Change FY12
Monthly 5,236 2,121
YTD 37,183 21,364 7,811
YTD 291,495 309,141
%Change FY12
%Change FY12
**Other- Non residents with special recognition cards 0.3% 41
Williamsburg Regional Library Statistical Report- FY 2013- November 2012
WMSB 8,540 4.103
JCC 31,121 35,947
Monthly Total
Percent of Monthly Total
Williamsburg Library James City County Library* *Includes Outreach
USER QUESTIONS Williamsburg Library James City County Library Outreach
Monthly Total
PROGRAM ATTENDANCE Williamsburg Library James City County Library Outreach
Monthly Total
MEETING ROOM USE Williamsburg Library James City County Library
PC USAGE Williamsburg Library James City County Library
Adult 2,672 1,408 l.l74 5,254
Adult 1,518 174 286 1,978
YORK OTHER Monthly 5,270 474 45,405 4,490 810 45,350
Youth Monthly 2,586 5,258 1,602 3,010 1,286 112 4,300
Youth Monthly 1,568 3,086 364 538 3,883 3.597 5,529
Monthly 1,464 467
YTD 5,493 2,209
Monthly 5,318 2,383
YTD 30,225 13.394
-3.0% %Change FY 12
Number 7,153 35,801 5,868
%Change FY 12
%Change FY 12
Total 175.372 157,174 7,551
YTD 24,161 8,817 13,153
Non-Print Print 152,296 23,076 29,057 128.117 6,441 1.110
Williamsburg James City County York County Other
%Change FY 12
%Change FY 12
Williamsburg Library James City County Library Outreach
YTD 32,613 18,657 6,719
YTD 249,790 268,807
%Change FY 12
%Change FY 12
**Other- Non residents with special recognition cards 0.2% 42