body talk stories (2) - Listen When Your Body Talks

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blessings that have come into our lives because of knowing and using Body Talk. To help others benefit as we have, I want to share some of those stories with ...
Listen When Your Body Talks

BodyTalk experiences of Marcia Bosshardt, a certified BodyTalk practitioner

Compiled by Neal Bosshardt Disclaimer: This booklet is to provide information in regard to actual experiences with BodyTalk. The author is not liable for the misconception or misuse of the information provided. BodyTalk does not diagnose, prescribe, or treat any injury or disease. The author shall have neither liability nor responsibility to any person or entity with respect to any loss, damage, or injury caused directly or indirectly by the information contained herein. This information is in no way intended as a substitute for medical counseling. Anyone suffering from any disease, illness, or injury should consult a health care professional.

Thinking back over the past two years, I am amazed and so grateful for the many blessings that have come into our lives because of knowing and using Body Talk. To help others benefit as we have, I want to share some of those stories with others. What is Body Talk? Body Talk is another health care system which enables the body to accomplish what it was designed to do. It is based on the premise that the body can heal itself if allowed to do so, but often the separate systems of the body, i.e. The circulatory system, digestive system, nervous system, lymphatic system, etc. don’t work together as designed. That could be compared to a symphony orchestra which is made up of different sections such as brass, woodwind, percussion, etc. not playing together in harmony until the conductor raps his baton to get their attention and then leads them in such a way that beautiful music results. Likewise the BodyTalk practitioner, following an outlined protocol, enables the various systems of the body to work together and a healthier state is the result. BodyTalk practitioners do not prescribe, diagnose, or cure anything, but it is a powerful medical tool that many people are finding very useful and beneficial. BodyTalk does not involve drugs, herbs, or surgery, so it is completely non-invasive, painless, and very inexpensive compared to other medical alternatives. It operates totally on the priorities of the body rather than on what either the client or the practitioner thinks is the priority. By following the body’s priority, healing is often the result; the worst thing that can happen is nothing. How does BodyTalk work? In a BodyTalk session, a practitioner asks questions of the client’s body to find out what area is a priority to address. A light tapping technique is used to help the brain balance and restore communication within the body. Our introduction to BodyTalk. We were first impressed with BodyTalk when my wife, Marcia, went to a BodyTalk practitioner in about 2006. I don’t remember what she went to her for, but an issue that came up during the session was allergies. This didn’t surprise Marcia because she had struggled with allergies her whole life. When she was a small girl, they did the pin pricks on the back test and she was allergic to over 90% of what they tested her for. As Marcia was raising our children, there were times when her allergies were so bad she could not function without taking medication, which she hated to take because of the side effects of it. Sometimes those side effects were so bad I wondered if she would make it through the day. So when the Body Talk practitioner said she could get rid of the allergies, we were excited but skeptical. Well after just two visits, Marcia came home without allergies. We were

amazed. Two years later as Marcia became a ‘retired mom’ (meaning our youngest child had left for college), she was pondering what to do with her life and she reflected on the experience she had in which two sessions of BodyTalk eliminated life long allergies. So she went back to school and became a BodyTalk practitioner with the intent to help our children and grandchildren. Very quickly she realized that it would be foolish not to help others outside the family. Since that time she has helped many people in amazing ways and our desire is to share some of the stories in order to help more people see the benefits of this healing protocol. The following are some of the cases Marcia has worked with as a BodyTalk practitioner. Our 12 year old grandson had never lost his baby eye teeth. At a visit to an orthodontist, x rays showed the permanent eye teeth were horizontal. His parents were told oral surgery would be required to attach chains in order to pull the teeth down into place. The family went to another orthodontist for a second opinion and he confirmed the first diagnosis. He said that something must be done within six months or major damage would be inflicted by the horizontal teeth. Our daughter called Marcia asking if BodyTalk could do anything for him. Marcia said she didn’t know, but she would try. She did a session and the body said the teeth were a priority, so Marcia followed the appropriate protocol. From then on over the next few months, Marcia would check on a regular basis to see if anything else needed to be done to the teeth, but the teeth never came up again as a priority. Then six months from the first orthodontic visit, our daughter took Zack to an orthodontist to begin whatever needed to be done. New x-rays showed the eye teeth had turned downward and had even started to break through. Oral surgery was completely averted. A client who had suffered from shoulder pain for 38 years resulting in decreased mobility came for a visit regarding other issues. During the session Marcia asked him if he had shoulder pain. He laughed and said he had been in an auto accident 38 years ago and his shoulder had hurt ever since then. He had had multiple MRI’s, chiropractic visits, cortisone shots, and everything else modern medicine could offer and nothing had helped, so he finally gave up and just lived with the pain. In the session the body indicated there were three meridian points blocked at the shoulder. Marcia opened the meridians, cleared the blockage, and the guy stepped off the table with the pain so reduced that he said it was gone. He came back a week or so later for a follow up visit saying there was still a small amount of pain. After that day’s session, he left totally pain free and his shoulder has been

pain free ever since. A client had suffered from a chronic dry cough for 50 years and had had all kinds of tests for lung function. Neither cough medicine nor anything else had helped. After one session with Marcia, the cough was greatly reduced, so much so that her husband (who didn’t believe that BodyTalk could do anything) admitted that something had changed. After the 2nd visit, the cough was completely gone and never returned. A client came to Marcia because of chronic intestinal problems due to parasites which she got from living in South America. She had tried several different techniques to get rid of the nausea, stomach pains, and other symptoms, but nothing had helped. After one BodyTalk session, the parasites and all associated problems were gone. A client called because of the distressing news that her doctor had found a breast lump. She came and during the session, she felt the lump move. She returned to the doctor two days later for an MRI and it revealed that there was no lump. The technician couldn’t explain why there was no lump where there had been one just two days before. He suggested that the mammogram had shown a faulty reading. A client fell from a tree and did significant damage to his neck, shoulder, and back. He was in terrible pain and had greatly reduced movement in the affected area. He came to Marcia because his doctor’s appointment was still weeks away and he couldn’t return to his normal work due to pain and restricted mobility. As he left from the first session, he said he didn’t know what Marcia had done, but he could turn his head without pain for the first time since the accident. Marcia told him to take it easy for a few days, but he felt so good that he went home and spent the next six hours working on his farm. A client had a large, inflamed fever blister developing in his lower lip. He did one 5 minute session of body chemistry (a BodyTalk technique) and noticed the next day that the pain and heat in the lip were gone and the swelling had ceased. The 2nd day the lip had returned to normal size and was totally healed. A client had rotator cuff surgery and had developed scar tissue that was restricting motion of the shoulder. Her physical therapist said that the scar tissue was freezing the shoulder and that she would have to have surgery again to clean up the scar tissue in order for the shoulder to be fixed. He encouraged her to schedule the operation within the next week or two since the shoulder would not heal without

the procedure. When she came for the first session, she could move her arm to the front, but very little to the side, and she couldn’t move it backward at all. When she left after the first session, she had full range of motion and went to the therapist two days later; he was amazed at how well she was doing and said she would not need surgery. A client came in as his seasonal allergies were starting up and had one session that involved body chemistry and a couple of links. After that one session, his symptoms were gone so he never had to take any of his normal medications that year. A client had been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis and was scheduled to be put on steroids. She came and after one session she felt so much better she never returned to her regular doctor. She continued to have sessions with Marcia and never did have to go on steroids. A side benefit of her first session was that she got rid of her life long caffeine addiction. A client came in with severe allergies which made breathing difficult. The doctors were going to begin a program of giving him series of injections. When he returned for his 2nd session, he was still having some issues, but he said that he had never felt so good. A 4 year old boy had really bad eczema behind both knees caused by some emotional issues. After just two sessions, the eczema was much better and after a 3rd, the emotional trauma was cleared up and the eczema was gone. A 6 year old girl got a concussion in a sledding accident so Marcia did a session for her and she was fine the next day and returned to school. A client who was 7 months pregnant came in for a session. Marcia went through all the protocol and did everything for the mother that was indicated. The last link of the session linked all of the body parts and systems, but there was still something else the body indicated needed to be done. She went through the protocol again trying to find the missing link. It still came up that there was something else that needed to be linked in the formula. Marcia couldn’t figure out what it was until the baby kicked. She added him into the protocol formula and was able to tap it out. At that point the body indicated there were no more priorities that needed attention. One of our grandsons was left at our home for a week when he was just 3 years old. After 3 days of being without his parents, he became very distraught and every 5 minutes would say he was sick and that he missed his dad. Marcia did a

session for him and he slept through the night as peacefully as if he had been home with his folks. He ran around and laughed and played the next three days without mentioning his parents again even when left with a neighbor for 5 hours while we helped out at a service activity. We were on a camping trip with some of our married children and their children. Just the week before, our 14 month old grandson had had a terrible night on a similar camping trip because he wasn’t in his own bed. We anticipated another terrible night because as the evening progressed, he became more and more fretful. Marcia did a session for him; he went to bed and slept through the night as peacefully as if he had been at home in his own bed.

These are just a few of many cases where health has been restored, pain has been reduced, and quality of life has improved through the use of BodyTalk. For more details or to schedule an appointment, please contact Marcia at the number below. For those people who are not near Redmond, UT, there are BodyTalk practitioners worldwide who can be located through the website. For more information on BodyTalk, contact Marcia at the address below or you can contact the world corporate headquarters in Sarasota, Florida at Marcia Bosshardt P.O. Box 188 Redmond, UT 84652 435.529.7148 Office hours by appointment