At 7:50 p.m. it was moved by DANE and seconded by BOREK to return to open session of the Regular .... collection of taxe
School Board Niles Township District 219, Cook County, Illinois MINUTES
Regular Board Meeting, Monday, March 10, 2003 The meeting was held in the Board Room of the District Office Building, 7700 Gross Point Road, Skokie, Illinois. I.
Call to Order and Roll Call Board Vice President Sam Borek called the meeting to order at 6:42 p.m. Board members present at Roll Call: Sam Borek, Howard Dane, Leon Finkel, Jeffrey Greenspan, Lynda Gault Smith, Sharon Deemar Szachowicz.
Executive Session It was moved by GREENSPAN and seconded by FINKEL to recess into closed session to discuss matters relating to student discipline, negotiations and the employment, appointment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Borek, Dane, Finkel, Greenspan, Gault Smith, Deemar Szachowicz. The motion carried. The Board recessed into closed session at 6:42 p.m. Robert Silverman arrived at 7:00 p.m. At 7:50 p.m. it was moved by DANE and seconded by BOREK to return to open session of the Regular Board Meeting. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Borek, Dane, Finkel, Greenspan, Silverman, Gault Smith, Deemar Szachowicz. The motion carried.
Recall to Order of Open Session Mr. Silverman recalled the meeting to order at 7:55 p.m. The pledge was recited.
Changes / Additions to the Agenda Mr. Silverman said added to the consent agenda was an extension to the Athletic Director’s contract and the student discipline issue.
Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of March 10, 2003
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Audience to Visitors Mr. Silverman noted there were a number of Audience to Visitor requests. He said that requests to speak on the co-opting of sports will be done under that topic. This item will be the first issue under the Business portion of the meeting. Janet Eisenberg, 4303 Payne, Skokie, spoke regarding her opposition to moving advanced classes to Oakton Community College. Steve Stein, 5820 Lincoln Avenue, Skokie, spoke regarding being mistreated by a dean at a Saturday detention. Mari Meyer, 9226 Crawford, Skokie, spoke against limiting classes and low enrollment classes.
Student Representative Comments Tessie Neuhauser from North said that a student forum was held last week. This week is spirit week. In April they will have a healthy nutrition week.
Community Representative Comments No one asked to speak.
Approval of Consent Agenda It was moved by BOREK and seconded by DEEMAR SZACHOWICZ to accept the amended consent agenda. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Borek, Dane, Finkel, Greenspan, Silverman, Gault Smith, Deemar Szachowicz. The motion carried. Included in the consent agenda: − Monthly Bills and Payroll in the amount of $6,694,444.58. − Minutes of Regular Meeting of 2/17/03, public and closed sessions. − Purchases / Payments to Contractors / Change Orders. • Payment #19 to IHC Group for Material Procurement Services in the amount of $115,281.24. • •
Payment #18 to IHC Group for Contract Order Delivery Services in the amount of $38,256.52. Payment #12 to Illinois Masonry Corp. for Trade Package 4a-w for Masonry at Niles West in the amount of $13,701.47.
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Payment #14 to Alliance Glass & Metal, Incorporated for Trade Package 8a-nw for Glass & Aluminum at Niles North & Niles West in the amount of $38,736.23.
Payment #9 to Central Ceiling Systems, Inc. for Trade Package 9b-nw for Suspended Ceiling, Acoustical Wall Panels at Niles North & Niles West in the amount of $4,059.00. Payment #15 to Argo Electric Inc. for Trade Package 16b-nw for Building Electrical at Niles West in the amount of $23,936.55.
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Payment #11 to DeFranco Plumbing Company for Trade Package 15g-nw for Plumbing at Niles North and Niles West in the amount of $1,910.27. Payment #10 to The Pickus Companies for Trade Package 2c-nw for Site Demolition, Utilities, Concrete & Grading at Niles North & Niles West in the amount of $326,675.95. Payment #4 to Corona Construction Co. for Trade Package 3d-nw for Building Concrete at Niles North and Niles West in the amount of $107,813.41. Payment #6 to S.G. Krauss Company for Trade Package 5c-nw for Plumbing at Niles North & Niles West in the amount of $146,725.20. Payment #3 to Esche & lee Incorporated for Trade Package 4b-n for Masonry at Niles North in the amount of $104,879.70. Payment #3 to Focus Environmental Contractors, LLC for Trade Package 2f-nw for Architectural/Structural Demolition at Niles North and Niles West in the amount of $25,199.99. Payment #2 to International Decorators Incorporated for Trade Package 9e-nw for Metal Studs, Dry Wall & Paint at Niles North and Niles West in the amount of $57,795.12. Payment #2 to Chicago Spotlight, Incorporated for Trade Package 11a-nw for Theatrical Equipment at Niles North and Niles West in the amount of $7,740.00. Payment #3 to DeFranco Plumbing Incorporated for Trade Package 15h-nw for Plumbing at Niles North and Niles West in the amount of $193,923.00. Payment #1 to Abbott Associates, Incorporated for Trade Package 15i-w for HVAC at Niles West in the amount of $72,759.60. Payment #2 to Berry Electric for Trade Package 16d-w for Electrical at Niles West in the amount of $125,361.00. Payment #1 to Kil-Bar Electric Company for Trade Package 16f-n at Niles North in the amount of $394,920.00. Change order #1 with Siemens Building Technologies for their Guaranteed Energy Savings Performance Contract in the amount of $135,954 and to revise their contract amount from $5,464,375.00 to $5,600,329.00.
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Change orders #6 for $2,641.37 and #7 for a deduct of ($884.64) with Esche & Lee, Inc. and to revise their contract amount from $1,424,907.66 to $1,426,664.39.
Change order #2 for a deduct of ($1,360.00) with S.G. Krauss Company and to revise their contract amount from $140,012.00 to $138,652.00.
Change orders #6 for $6,488.57 and #7 for a deduct of ($2,751.22) with Hargrave Builders, Incorporated and to revise their contract amount from $961,477.96 to $965,215.31.
Change order #8 for $959.37 with Pora Construction Company, Inc. and to revise their contract amount from $855,775.07 to $856,734.44. Change order #4 for $4,981.00 with Central Ceiling Systems, Inc. and to revise their contract amount from $416,462.00 to $421,443.00. Change order #1 for $1,136.50 with Larson Equipment Company and to revise their contract from $144,984.00 to $146,120.50.
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Change order #1 for $5,294.00 with M.J. Fisher & Company and to revise their contract amount from $165,670.00 to $170,964.00.
Change orders #12 for $245.68 and #13 for a deduct of ($868.40) with Great Lakes Plumbing and Heating Company and to revise their contract amount from $624,851.27 to $624,228.55.
Change orders #3 for $14,920.73 and #4 for $5,198.00 with MacDonald Construction Services, Incorporated and to revise their contract amount from $1,130.939.50 to $1,151,058.23. Change orders #11 for $27,939.48 and #12 for $1,388.70 with Pora Construction Company and to revise their contract amount from $2,153,828.16 to $2,183,156.34.
Change order #3 for $4,132.00 with Libertyville Tile and Carpet, LTD and to revise their contract amount from $335,793.00 to $340,105.00.
Change orders #3 for $103,800.04, #4 for $4,401.09 and #5 for $3,913.35 with Corona Construction Company, Incorporated and to revise their contract amount from $563,676.68 to $675,791.16. Change order #2 for a deduct of ($2,255.00) with Chicago Spotlight, Inc. and to revise their contract amount from $299,044.00 to $296,789.00. Change order #1 for $1,770.00 with DeFranco Plumbing, Incorporated and to revise their contract amount from $2,776,000.00 to $2,777,770.00. Change order #2 for $8,530.00 with Abbott and Associates and to revise their contract amount from $1,637,922.00 to $1,646,452.00.
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Change order #1 for a deduct of ($7,700.00) with Kil-Bar Electric Company and to revise their contract amount from $2,628,153.00 to $2,620,453.00. Change order #3 for $6,000.00 with Ideal Heating Company and to revise their contract amount from $1,892,000.00 to $1,898,000.00.
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Minutes of Regular Board Meeting March 10, 2003
− Personnel •
Approve the employment of the following part-time, special project staff from May 5 – May 16, 2003: NAME
Slaton, Pearl Stahlecker, Dolores
AP Exam Administration - North AP Exam Administration - North
$120/diem $120/diem
Approve employment of the following student staff effective 3/11/03: NAME
Frank, Nicholas Halkias, George Khatoon, Adeeba
Scorekeeper – West Scorekeeper – West IRC Aide – North
$6.00/Hr. $6.00/Hr. $6.00/Hr.
Approve the following leaves of absence for the 2003-2004 school year: NAME
Barnett, Jean
English – North
Approve Anthony LaMonica as a substitute teacher for 02-03 school year.
Approve the following stipend position for the 2002-2003 school year: NAME
Gatta, Louis E.
Jazz Band - North
March 11, 2003
− Student Trips § For 27 North cheerleaders to attend ICCA State Competition in Springfield, from March 7-9, 2003, at a cost to the District of $3,508.60. § For 2 West students to attend Tech 2003 in Springfield, Illinois from March 18-19, 2003, at a cost to the District of $450. § For 12 North WHO Club members to attend Habitat for Humanity in Holland, Michigan from March 24-30, 2003, at no cost to the District. § For 30 North Vocal members to attend the Midwest Vocal Jazz Invitational in Kalamazoo, Michigan from March 28-29, 2003 at no cost to the District. § For 30 North Family and Consumer Science students to attend the FCCLA State Competition & Leadership Conference in Springfield, Illinois from April 3-5, 2003 at a cost to the District of $9,508. § For 8 West Family and Consumer Science students to attend the FCCLA State Competition & Leadership Conference in Springfield, Illinois, from April 3-5, 2003, at a cost to the District of $1,240. § For 15 North students to attend the Science Olympiad State Competition in Champaign, Illinois from April 4-5, 2003 at a cost to the District of $2,973.13. § For 9 North Math Team students to attend the ICTM Math Competition in Champaign, Illinois from April 25-26, 2003 at a cost to the District of $1,876.14.
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− Pentamation Software Maintenance Agreement renewal for major portions of the financial and student systems, including the custom applications developed for District 219. The total should not exceed $55,702.46 based upon their contracted annual increase. − 6509 Maintenance Agreement for renewal of the Cisco Router Maintenance Agreement on the two major Cisco system machines located at Niles North and Niles West that route data traffic between the two buildings. The cost of this 24/7 maintenance agreement will not exceed $14,620.00. − Web Filtering Agreement for the renewal of the maintenance contract for daily updates of our web filtering system, Surf Control. The cost of the annual maintenance is not to exceed $10,530.00. − Purchase Less Trade-in of Router Upgrades - four catalyst 6500 blades for our 6509 routers located at the two buildings at a cost not to exceed $45,011.00. − Adding Board Meeting Date – March 31, 2003. − Donation of 2001 Toyota Prius from Edward F. Harris. − Donation of 2002 Nissan Maxima GLE from Nissan North America. − Budget Transfer – Accept the $4,251 from the Illinois State Board of Education for an EdTech Formula grant and transfer funds into the appropriate grant expenditure accounts within the Educational Fund. − Student Discipline – To accept the March 5, 2003, hearing officers report on Student #2003-05 and to expel Student #2003-05 for two years. IX.
Superintendent’s Report Student Recognition Students recognized from Niles North were Marci Mies and Mhari Goldstein for Community Spirit and Cathy Biglari for Athletics. West students recognized were Kejal Patel for Academics, Jack Gould for Athletics, and Molly Heineman for Community Spirit. Neil Codell introduced Cook County Commissioner, Larry Sufferdin. He addressed the Board regarding PTAB issues. He said the assessment of property, collection of taxes, and the presentation of the checks to district like ours is the most important relationship that they have in the county. Mr. Sufferdin’s hope is that we can forge a better partnership. He said to call his office with any
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questions, so that everyone can sit down in this process to make sure that taxes that are legitimately owed to this school district are properly collected and properly disbursed to us on time. Mr. Sufferdin was thanked by the board for attending. It was noted that we are currently at a 92% collection rate. He said his goal is to get this figure up to 98%. A plaque was presented to Edward F. Harris by Jeff Jerdee, Tim Richmond and John Kucab for his donation of the 2001 Toyota Prius. Mr. Codell said that he attended the History Fair at both schools. The students did a wonderful job on their projects. The research done on these projects offers great hope for this generation. Mr. Codell congratulated the staff of the Social Studies Department for giving the students the opportunity to these types of projects. There are several candidate forums that will take place before the election on April 1.
− Principals’ Comments Roger Stein said that West boys basketball team is still on the path to Peoria. They will play St. Pat’s tomorrow at Evanston. The Science Olympiad Team earned a 2nd Place trophy and will be going on to Champaign. There was a student forum last week which was well attended and the students asked very good questions. There was a very large turnout for Curriculum and Activities Night. Spring fine arts concerts are coming up. Brad Swanson said the turnabout dance was well attended. A Rock for Charity, which was a showcase of bands raised $700 for a food pantry in Highland Park. It grew out of a community leadership class. Over 300 students participated in the Job Shadow Day. They had 20 educators from China visit the school who sat in on classes and afterwards were able to exchange educational styles. It was very uplifting to share this information. The cheerleaders competed last week at the state level. X.
Board Members’ Comments Mr. Greenspan addressed the topic of students only being allowed to take six classes and possible limiting of low enrollment classes. He mentioned that this is hard but something the district has to deal with given our financial condition.
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Mrs. Deemar Szachowicz thanked Roger Stein for giving her a tour of Niles West. She said the building is very updated, clean and light. Mr. Finkel spoke about the Niles West boys basketball team and suggested that people attend the game tomorrow. XI.
Board Committee and Other Reports Sharon Deemar Szachowicz noted that the Policy Committee met on February 26. They would like Board input on Naming of Facilities and presented two options for discussion. Mr. Silverman asked that discussion be suspended until later in the meeting. This was agreed by all Board members.
Business Budget Reductions Mr. Silverman reported the District had about a $13,000,000 deficit going into next year and the Board has made cuts and increased fees in order to reduce this figure. The Board’s mission of providing a quality education for all students is still its goal. Tonight’s information of co-opting sports will be seen by the Board and public for the first time. It resulted out of a need to cut $4 million from next year’s budget, which is $3.5 million on top of last year’s cut. It was left up to the administration to come to the Board with proposals how they will achieve these cuts. Tonight is the first time the Board will hear about cuts in the athletic areas. Karl Costello and Steve Heuerman presented proposed budget reductions in the athletic departments at both schools. The suggested cuts included reducing strength coordinator positions at both schools, limiting training room availability only for team usage, total elimination of intramurals, eliminating cheerleading and pom pons at the freshman level, eliminating freshman B teams in baseball, boys soccer and girls soccer, and co-opting of girls gymnastics, boys swimming and girls swimming. The athletic directors explained how these cuts were determined and that they would provide over $200,000 in reductions to the budget.
Lynda Gault Smith left the meeting at 9:20 p.m. Mr. Borek commented that he cannot support this proposal. He said the increased students fees should be able to cover the costs of these programs. He said that the Board needs the support of the community in future referendum. Mr. Borek said we may be able to put off reductions like this for a while, but cannot stop forever.
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Mr. Finkel said the district is limited by tax caps and that we are compelled to provide funding for mandated programs. He spoke on the need for passing a referendum. Mr. Finkel further stated that he is not in favor of co-opting the swimming program. He asked that each person in the audience call ten of their neighbors and let them know that a referendum will have to be passed for the school district to avoid tehse very difficult discussions. Jeffrey Greenspan said he echoed Sam Borek and Leon Finkel’s comments. He said once something is eliminated it is hard to get it reinstated. Robert Silverman said that at the last meeting student fees were raised to $450. He said they were done to cover programs such as intramurals. He further stated that no programs have yet to be cut and agrees that once something is cut, it is difficult to get it put back. He said some of these cuts may have to be considered in the future, but is not prepared to vote for any of these cuts now. Mr. Silverman said that the Board did set a goal and ask the administration to make reduction suggestions. It was agreed that none of proposed cuts to the athletic programs would be approved. Mr. Silverman asked that if anyone wanted to speak to the Board regarding any issue that had not been covered yet this evening, they could do so now. Naomi and Raymond Pollak, 8852 Kostner, Skokie, addressed their support of the athletic program and its benefit to students. Aaron Cahan, 8513 Kedvale, Skokie, asked that if cuts need to be made that they be done equally across the board. Liza Treyger, 9052 A Niles Center Road, Skokie, spoke against co-opting sports. Bailey Wolfe, 9410 Keystone, Skokie, addressed the issue of proposed athletic cuts. Ashley Waldron, 8316 Kildare, Skokie, asked that if co-opting would have been approved, what coaches would be eliminated? Larry Wolfe, 9520 Keystone, Skokie, volunteered his services to the Board. Steve Foerch, Niles West gymnastic coach, thanked the Board for the support of the program. Heather Ingram, former Niles North swim coach, thanked the Board for support of the swimming program and offered her support. Ingrid Masterton, 6019 Carol, Morton Grove, spoke on behalf of the sports programs. Barb Yablonsky, 8335 Monticello, Skokie, spoke on behalf of the cheerleading program.
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Tax Collection Summary No comments were made on this subject
Building Update Matt Overeem reported that the construction project is on budget with the program. There will be a core team meeting on March 20 and the 700 series items will be brought to the Board at the March 31st meeting.
Oakton Community College Courses Carolyn Anderson stated discussions have taken place with Oakton Community College regarding offering college courses to District 219 students. No course selections have been chosen. This is being looked at because it will cut District 219 costs and would be a way of offering new courses. The administration is pursuing having these classes being offered on our campuses. Dr. Anderson noted that an agreement will have to be made with Oakton Community College. The Board asked if a waiver was investigated for charging students if they took seven courses. Dr. Anderson said this was not pursued, and the deadline for waivers is March 15. It was suggested that this topic be discussed further when low enrollment classes are determined.
Budget Update The Board reviewed the proposed budget calendar and determined that April 7 would not be a good meeting date to discuss budget development. They also asked that the April 28 or May 19 be a starting date for having directors available to discuss budgets. The Board asked for an updated budget calendar to be part of the March 31 board packet.
Policy Committee The Board continued their discussion on two pending policy issues. It was determined that the student insurance issue be put on hold until an insurance price is received by the Business Manager. It was agreed to revise the policy on Naming of Facilities to eliminate the naming of facilities as a way to recognize staff members and to replace it with the use of pavers or other designated plaques at the entrance to the school. The Board will still retain the ability to name a facility after a person if they so choose.
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Old Business There was no old business discussed.
New Business There was no new business discussed.
Audience to Visitors (on items related to district business) No one asked to speak.
Correspondence and FOIA Requests Mr. Yeggy advised the Board that two FOIA requests were received; one from Paul Tasch requesting agendas and minutes for the last two years and one from Tim Knudsen regarding information on a printer purchase.
XVII. Adjournment It was moved by BOREK and seconded by DEEMAR SZACHOWICZ to recess into closed session to discuss matters relating to student discipline litigation, negotiation, and the employment, appointment, compensation, discipline, performance or dismissal of specific employees and to adjourn therefrom. A roll call vote was taken. Voting Aye: Borek, Dane, Finkel, Greenspan, Silverman, Gault Smith. The motion carried. The Board recessed into closed session at 10:58 p.m. The meeting adjourned at 11:21 p.m. ________________________________ President
_____________________________ Secretary
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