El pez arco iris by Marcus Pfister. Ella May and the Wishing Stone by Cary Fagan
. Estela en el mercado de pulgas by Alexis O'Neill. Estela's swap by Alexis O' ...
The PNC Grow Up Great Financial Education Collection, available at all Newark Public Library locations, has books and other materials in English and Spanish focused on financial concepts for preschoolers and their families. For More Information:
www.npl.org/Pages/KidsPlace/New/programs/Fin_Ed/FinEd.html www.pncgrowupgreat.com
Children’s Fiction Titles Alexander, que era rico el domingo pasado : Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday [sound recording] by Judith Viorst Alexander, who used to be rich last Sunday by Judith Viorst And then it’s spring by Julie Fogliano Ant and Grasshopper by Luli Gray Arthur's funny money by Lillian Hoban Arthur's pet business by Marc Tolon Brown At the supermarket by Anne F. Rockwell A bargain for Frances by Russell Hoban Bear wants more by Karma Wilson The bear who shared by Catherine Rayner Bebe goes shopping by Susan Middleton Elya Benny's pennies by Pat Brisson The Berenstain Bears and Mama's new job by Stan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears get the gimmies by Stan Berenstain
The Berenstain Bears' mad, mad, mad toy craze by Stan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears think of those in need by Stan Berenstain The Berenstain Bears' trouble with money by Stan Berenstain Betty Bunny loves chocolate cake by Michael B. Kaplan Betty Bunny wants everything by Michael B. Kaplan The big green pocketbook by Candice F. Ransome Big Wolf & Little Wolf, the little leave that wouldn’t fall by Nadine Brun-Cosme Blackout by John Rocco Bunny money by Rosemary Wells Buy my hats! by Dave Horowitz The carrot seed by Ruth Krauss A chair for my mother by Vera B. Williams Crispin, el cerdito que lo tenia todo by Ted Dewan Curious George takes a job by H. A. Rey Daddy goes to work by Jabari Asim A dollar for Penny by Julie Glas Dollars by Mary Hill El pez arco iris by Marcus Pfister Ella May and the Wishing Stone by Cary Fagan Estela en el mercado de pulgas by Alexis O’Neill Estela’s swap by Alexis O’Neill
Every Friday by Dan Yaccarino Everything goes on land by Brian Biggs Extra yarn by Mac Barnett Farm by Elisha Cooper Fire! Fuego! Brave bomberos by Susan Middleton Elya Five little monkeys go shopping by Eileen Christelow Flower garden by Eve Bunting Gettin' through Thursday by Melrose Cooper Give a goat by Jan West Schrock Going shopping by Sarah Garland Going shopping by Kenny E. Rettore Good-bye, Curtis by Kevin Henkes Grandpa's corner store by DyAnne DiSalvo-Ryan I had a favorite dress by Boni Ashburn If you give a moose a muffin [book and doll] by Laura Joffe Numeroff If you give a mouse a cookie by Laura Joffe Numeroff If you give a pig a pancake by Laura Joffe Numeroff It’s time for preschool! By Esme Raji Codell Job site by Nathan Clement Just saving my money by Mercer Mayer Lilly’s purple plastic purse by Kevin Henkes
Little Croc's purse by Lizzie Finlay Little diva by LaChanze Little Nino's pizzeria by Karen Barbour The Little Red Hen makes a pizza by Philemon Sturges Llama Llama holiday drama by Anna Dewdney Llama Llama mad at Mama by Anna Dewdney Llama Llama red pajama by Anna Dewdney Machines go to work by William Low Machines go to work in the city by William Low Maisy goes shopping by Lucy Cousins Mama, I'll give you the world by Roni Schotter Manana, Iguana by Ann Whitford Paul Margret & H.A. Rey's Curious George visits a toy store by H. A. Rey Max's dragon shirt by Rosemary Wells Miss Spider's new car by David Kirk Money, money, Honey Bunny! by Marilyn Sadler Music, music for everyone by Vera B. Williams My granny went to market by Stella Blackstone My rows and piles of coins by Tololwa M. Mollel Olivia and the dog wash by Natalie Shaw Olivia counts by Ian Falconer
Olivia opens a lemonade stand by Kama Einhorn One bean by Anne F. Rockwell One two that’s my shoe! by Alison Murray, M. A. An orange in January by Dianna Hutts Aston The penny pot by Stuart J. Murphy The pigeon finds a hot dog! by Mo Willems Plant a little seed by Bonnie Christensen Please try to remember the first of Octember! by Dr. Seuss Prudence wants a pet by Cathleen Daly Put it on the list by Kristen Darbyshire A quarter from the Tooth Fairy by Caren Holtzman The rainbow fish by Marcus Pfister Road work ahead by Anastasia Suen Sam and the lucky money by Karen Chinn Sesame Street “When I Grow Up” Storybook and Magnetic Dress-Up Dolls by Jodi Shepherd Sheep in a shop by Nancy Shaw Shopping with Dad by Matt Harvey Should I share my ice cream? By Mo Willems Un sillon para mi mama (A chair for my mother) [sound recording] by Vera B. Williams Start saving, Henry! by Nancy L. Carlson Subway by Christoph Niemann Supermarket by Kathleen Krull
Tallulah’s tutu by Marilyn Singer Those shoes by Maribeth Boelts Tia Isa wants a car by Meg Medina To market, to market by Nikki McClure Too many toys by David Shannon Town mouse, country mouse by Jan Brett Uncle Jed's barbershop by Margaree King Mitchell Watermelon Day by Kathi Appelt Water, weed, and wait by Edith Hope Fine When I grow up by Al Yankovic You’re finally here! By Melanie Watt
Children’s Non-Fiction Titles 26 letters and 99 cents by Tana Hoban A contar con Dora! : Count with Dora by Phoebe Beinstein Ayudantes de mi comunidad (My Community Helpers) by Bobbie Kalman Beatrice's goat by Page McBrier Build a burrito : a counting book in English and Spanish by Denise Vega Caillou : my first dictionary Career day by Anne F. Rockwell
Cash, credit cards, or checks : a book about payment methods by Nancy Loewen Chef by Amanda Askew The coin counting book by Rozanne Lanczak Williams Count! By Agnese Baruzzi Count me in (Bilingual Spanish-English) by Cynthia Weill Count with Dora by Phoebe Beinstein Descubro los numeros by Bruno Do I need it? or do I want it? : making budget choices by Jennifer S. Larson Doctor by Amanda Askew Dollars by Mary Hill Dos en el zoologico : un libro para contar = Two at the zoo : a counting book by Danna Smith Dream big : Michael Jordan and the pursuit of Olympic gold by Deloris Jordan Everything I need to know before I’m five by Valorie Fisher Firefighter by Amanda Askew Follow the money! by Loreen Leedy The go-around dollar by Barbara Johnston Adams Goods and services by Janeen R. Adil Helpers in my community by Bobbie Kalman How did that get in my lunchbox? : the story of food by Christine Butterworth How many jelly beans? By Andrea Menotti I spy little numbers by Jean Marzollo
If you made a million by David M. Schwartz In the money : a book about banking by Nancy Loewen Jobs around my neighborhood = oficios en mi vecindario by Gladys Rosa-Mendoza Jobs people do Juan y Tolola numeros by Lauren Child Lemons and lemonade : a book about supply and demand by Nancy Loewen Mama Panya's pancakes : a village tale from Kenya by Mary Chamberlin Money madness by David A. Adler My book of money : counting coins : ages 5, 6, 7 by Masayuki Chizuwa My book of money : counting coins : ages 6, 7, 8 by Masayuki Chizuwa Nickels by Mary Hill Numbers on the move : 1, 2, 3 dance and count with me by Teresa Benzwie One cent, two cents, old cent, new cent by Bonnie Worth One Dollar My First Book about Money by Lynette Long Pennies by Mary Hill Pigs will be pigs : fun with math and money by Amy Axelrod Police officer by Amanda Askew Pretend soup and other real recipes : a cookbook for preschoolers and up by Mollie Katzen Quarters by Mary Hill Reach out and give by Cheri J. Meiners
Save, spend, or donate? : a book about managing money by Nancy Loewen Scarcity by Janeen R. Adil Sesame Street : 1, 2, 3 count with me by Naomi Kleinberg Share and take turns by Cheri J. Meiners Spending and saving by Mary Hill Supply and demand by Janeen R. Adil Taxes, taxes! : where the money goes by Nancy Loewen Teacher by Amanda Askew Ten in the bed by Penny Dale These bees count! By Alison Formento The toddler cookbook by Annabel Karmel Vet by Amanda Askew What can you do with money? : earning, spending, and saving by Jennifer S. Larson What do we buy? : a look at goods and services by Robin Nelson What happens at a supermarket? = Que pasa en un supermercado? by Amy Hutchings What is money, anyway? : why dollars and coins have value by Jennifer S. Larson When I grow up by P. K. Hallinan Where do we keep money? : how banks work by Jennifer S. Larson Who's buying? Who's selling? : understanding consumers and producers by Jennifer S. Larson Whose coat is this? : a look at how workers cover up--jackets, smocks, and robes by Laura Purdie Salas Whose gloves are these? : a look at gloves workers wear — leather, cloth, and rubber by Laura Purdie Salas Whose hat is this? : a look at hats workers wear — hard, tall, and shiny by Sharon Katz Cooper
Whose shoes are these? : a look at workers' footwear — flippers, sneakers, and boots by Laura Purdie Salas Whose tools are these? : a look at tools workers use — big, sharp, and smooth by Sharon Katz Cooper Whose vehicle is this? : a look at vehicles workers drive— fast, loud, and bright by Sharon Katz Cooper
Parent Titles Padre rico, padre pobre para jovenes : los secretos para ganar dinero que no te ensenan en la escuela! by Robert T. Kiyosaki Prodigal sons and material girls : how not to be your child's ATM by Nathan Dungan Raising financially fit kids by Joline Godfrey Raising money smart kids : what they need to know about money — and how to tell them by Janet Bodnar Rich Dad Poor Dad : What the Rich Teach Their Kids about Money That the Poor and Middle Class Do Not! by Robert T. Kiyosaki Rich Kid Smart Kid : Giving Your Child a Financial Head Start by Robert T. Kiyosak
DVDs Chicka chicka 1, 2, 3 : and more fun counting by Weston Woods Sesame Street : 1, 2, 3, count with me: learning about letters by Genius Entertainment Sesame Street : 1, 2, 3, count with me by Sony Wonder Sesame Street : The great numbers game by Sony Wonder Sesame Street : Learning about numbers by Sony Wonder
Sesame Street : Learning to share by Sony Wonder Sesame Street : Preschool is cool! Counting with Elmo by Warner Brothers