Mar 19, 2014 - Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2014.2299499 ... This book is a long-expected sec- ond part of the ... 2) âModulation Techniques for Power.
Book News by Marian P. Kazmierkowski and Fernando A. Silva
Advanced Electrical Drives Analysis, Modeling, Control By Rik De Doncker, Duco W. J. Pulle, and André Veltman Springer, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London, New York, 2011, hardcover, 455 pages, 343 illustrations, ISBN: 978-94-007-0179-3, e-ISBN 978-94-007-0181-6.
his book is a long-expected second part of the original textbook [1] coauthored by Dr. Rick W. De Doncker, professor and director of the Institute for Power Electronics and Electrical Drives at RWTH-Aachen University, Germany; Dr. Duco W.J. Pulle, a consultant with Zener Electric Pty. Ltd., Sidney, Australia; as well as Dr. André Veltman from the Technical University Eindhoven, The Netherlands. The book consists of the following chapters: 1) “Modern Electrical Drives: An Overview” 2) “Modulation Techniques for Power Electronic Converters” 3) “Current Control of Generalized Load” 4) “Drive Principles” 5) “Modeling and Control of DC Machines” 6) “Synchronous Machine Modeling Concepts” 7) “Control of Synchronous Machine Drives” 8) “Induction Machine Modeling Concepts” 9) “Control of Induction Machine Drives” 10) “Switched Reluctance Drive Systems”. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MIE.2014.2299499 Date of publication: 19 March 2014
devoted to switched reluctance drives, The teaching material of Advanced includes an original set of modeling tools Electrical Drives is based on the conand control techniques. However, the cepts presented in the book Fundabook is missing the discussion of direct mentals of Electrical Drives by the same torque control, which is an important authors [1]. Therefore, it is suggested method used in industry. that readers consider The interactive learnreading [1] before studying process using building the more advanced The originality and-play modules for part presented in this of the visualization of the dytext. However, the au- presentation lies namic operation based thors have made efforts to in the unique on the CASPOC simulaensure that the material concept of an tion package is a very presented can be underideal rotating strong argument for the stood without the need didactic success of this to continually switch be- transformer, developed by textbook. (Additional matween both books. terial for this book can be Contrary to the popular authors to downloaded from http://extextbook Electric Drives. facilitate the ThereAn Integrative Approach basic properties fore, I recommend this by Prof. Ned Mohan from of torque original, well-illustrated, the University of Minneand attractive textbook sota, Minneapolis [2], the production not only for students and presented text—typically in electrical practicing engineers but a long European tradi- machines. also for university teachtion—uses a space vector ers and instructors of approach to represent electrical engineering and mechatronthree-phase quantities with its complex ics departments interested in modern number representation [3]–[5]. The electrical drives. originality of the presentation lies in —Marian P. Kazmierkowski the unique concept of an ideal rotating Warsaw University of Technology, transformer, developed by authors to Poland facilitate the basic properties of torque production in electrical machines. This concept is consequently explored in References Advanced Electrical Drives for the study [1] A. Veltman, D. W. J. Pulle, and R. W. De Doncker, of steady-state and dynamic models of Fundamentals of Electrical Drives. New York, Springer, 2007 (see “Book news,” IEEE Ind. Elecdc brush, synchronous, and induction tron. Mag., vol. 2, no. 1, p. 51, Mar. 2008). machines. The vector control method [2] N. Mohan: Electric Drives. An Integrative Approach. Minneapolis, USA: MNPERE, 2000. of ac machines is explained based on [3] K. P. Kovacs, Transient Phenomena in Electrical the general approach known as univerMachines. Budapest: Akademiai Kiado, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1984. sal field-oriented control and allows for [4] W. Leonhard, Control of Electric Drives, 2nd ed., easy understanding between rotorBerlin: Springer-Verlag, 1990. [5] M. P. Kazmierkowski and H. Tunia, Automatic flux- and stator-flux-oriented control. It Control of Converter-Fed Drives. Amsterdam: should also be stressed that Chapter 10, Elsevier, 1994.
70 IEEE industrial electronics magazine ■ March 2014