Book Project Rubric

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Book Project Rubric – Name: ... to build your sculpture. Give page numbers for where you found each description. 20 po
Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #1: Sculpture Project is due: ____________________________ Create a sculpture of a character. Use any combination of soap, wood, clay, sticks, wire, stones, old toy pieces, or any other object. An explanation of how this character fits into the book should accompany the sculpture.

Requirements Sculpture

Description Sculpture accurately represents a character in the book as he/she/it is described in the book. Do not

Possible Points 20 points

copy a picture from the book.

Written Evidence

Personal Best

Write or type all the descriptions of your character you found in the book that you used to build your sculpture. Give page numbers for where you found each description. Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

20 points

20 points

Your score

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #2: Diorama Project is due: ____________________________ Build a miniature stage setting or diorama of a scene in the book. Include a written explanation of the scene.




Diorama shows a scene from your book. IT CAN NOT BE COPIED FROM A PICTURE OR THE COVER. It must include characters and a detailed background. Anything you put in your diorama must have evidence from the text to explain why it’s there. Write or type all the evidence in the book that helped you design your scene. Page numbers where you found your evidence. Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Written Evidence

Personal Best

Possible Points 20 points

20 points

20 points

Your score

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #3: Puppet Show Project is due: ____________________________ Construct puppets and present a show of one or more interesting parts of the book.



Puppet Show

Puppet show should have at least one puppet that accurately shows a character from the book acting out a scene. Write or type a script of your puppet show that you will use for your puppet show. Your script must cover a scene from the story – tell what page number in the book your scene if from. Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Written Script

Personal Best

Possible Points 20 points

20 points

20 points

Your score

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #4: Facebook Page Project is due: ____________________________ Pick a character from your book and design a pretend Facebook page for them on a poster.


Facebook Page Personal Best


Follow the example below for the details needed on your page. Page can be created on either poster board OR on computer using It MUST be in color. Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Use this example below as a model:

Your score Possible Points 40 points 20 points

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #5: Setting Travel Brochure Project is due: ____________________________ Think of the setting location of your book, prepare a travel brochure using pictures you have found or drawn that show the setting.




Travel brochure include a written description and pictures of at least three locations in the setting – make sure that you show them as being great places to visit! Use the example below to help you. Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Personal Best

Possible Points 40 points

20 points

Here’s an example from the book, “The Giver”:

Your score

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #7: Compare Book to Movie Project is due: ____________________________ Did they make your book into a movie? Write an essay comparing the movie version with the book.




Your essay shows at least three ways that the PLOT (what happens) in the book and the movie are different AND at least three ways how the PLOT is the same. This essay MUST BE TYPED. Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Personal Best

Possible Points 40 points

Your score

20 points

Use the model of how write a comparison essay in the “resources” section of the class notebook to help you.

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #9: Map Project is due: ____________________________ Make a map of where the events in the book take place. Include written details that explains each part of your map.




Map Requirements: • Must be done in on poster board so it can be presented. • Must include at least FIVE locations from the book. • Each location must be labeled with a name: for example “The Forbidden Forest” or “Greg’s House” • Each location must a have a written paragraph posted next it that describes in detail what happened in the story there.

Personal Best

Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Your score Possible Points 40 points

20 points This is an example of the type of map you should make:

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #11: Instagram Postings Project is due: ____________________________ On a poster or computer, pretend to make 5 Instagram postings for 5 major events in the book.




Each posting must have a detailed picture of a major in the story. Each posting should include: • Page number from the book. • where did it happen? • who were the characters involved? • what happened? • WHY DO YOU THINK IS THIS AN IMPORTANT EVENT? Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Personal Best

Possible Your score Points 40 points

20 points

Example of a good description: On page 45, in Frodo’s living room Gandolph tells Frodo about the evil Ring. I think it’s an important event because it explained why Frodo must find the ring and destroy it.

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #13: A Day with a Character Project is due: ____________________________ Pretend that you can spend a day with one of the characters. Which character would you choose? Why? What would you do?

Requirements Description


You must TYPE this essay and print it out or submit it via e-mail to Mr. Yates. The essay must • Tell which character from the book you want to spend the day with. • Give at least FIVE things you want to do with the character during the day. • Explain why you picked each thing you want to do with your character. See the model below.

Personal Best

Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Your score Possible Points 40 points

20 points

Model to begin the essay and an example paragraph. Follow this model. This is just a starter: If I could pick one character from The Hunger Games to spend the day with, it would be Katniss Everdeen. She’s one of the main characters in the story and spends most of the book fighting for her survival in the brutal Hunger Games. To begin with, I would start off with a big breakfast with Katniss. It seems like she never gets enough food during the book, so I bet she’d be hungry. Next, I would go target shooting with Katniss with my bow and arrow. In the book, she is a real ace at archery and I’m sure she could show me some tips on how to be excellent with a bow and arrow.

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #15: New and Unusual Words Project is due: ____________________________ Make a list of at least 10 new and unusual words and expressions you found in book (not names). Find out what each word/expression means and write what it means in your own words (don't just copy from the dictionary, that won't count). For each word make a sentence using the word correctly. Finally, make a cartoon picture of your sentence. See the model below:

Requirements Description

Your score


Type or print neatly 10 words from the book and what they mean in your own words. DO NOT COPY FROM THE DICTIONARY


Type or neatly write a sentence for each word that makes sense and uses the word correctly. Make one detailed cartoon for each word that matches what’s happening the sentence.


Possible Points 20 points

20 points 20 points Model: This is an example using the word cower. Write what the word means ABOVE the cartoon in YOUR OWN WORDS.

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #17: Diary Project is due: ____________________________ Write a diary as the main character would write it to explain the events from beginning, middle, and end of the of the story. Must have at least 5 entries.

Requirements Description

Character Introduction Diary Entry

Personal Best

Write an introduction stating which character you are writing about. Diary is written from the point of view of the character. Each needs the character to tell what happened in an event from the book Pick five events – from the beginning, middle, and end. Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Possible Your score Points 5 points 35

20 points

Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #18: Problem and Solution Project is due: ____________________________ Describe the problem or conflict existing for the main character in the book. Tell how the conflict was or was not resolved. Use the model at

Requirements Description


You must TYPE this essay and print it out or submit it via e-mail to Mr. Yates. The essay must have 3 paragraphs. • Paragraph 1: Tell who was the main character in the book. Explain how you know it was the main character. • Paragraph 2: Describe the most important problem or conflict the main character faced. Explain why it was the MOST important problem. Give at least 3 pieces of evidence from the text with page numbers describing the problem. • Paragraph 3: Describe the how the character solves, or doesn’t solve the problem. Give at least 3 pieces of evidence from the text with page numbers showing how the character solves the problem.

Personal Best

Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Possible Your score Points 40 points

20 points


Book Project Rubric – Name:______________________________ Project #24: Song Project is due: ____________________________ Change the words of a song you know to make it about the characters and events in your story. You must write the words and sing it to the class.



Written Lyrics

You must type or write the words to your song NEATLY on paper. Your song MUST cover at least five important events that happened in your book. Your song should start go from the beginning of the book to the end. You must sing the song in front of the class clearly and completely Project shows effort and student’s personal best. Any written words follow the BICEPS rubric.

Song Content

Sing the Song

Personal Best

Possible Your score Points 20 points 20 points

10 points 10 points