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Make a four square (fold paper in half and fold in half again) First box-name of book & author Second box-name of characters Third box-main idea or summary Fourth box-your favorite part

Make a four square (fold paper in half and fold in half again) First box-name of book & author Second box-list of questions about the story Third box-list of words you didn’t know Fourth box-questions you would ask the author

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a book jacket of the book you just read Needed12 X 18 paper Name of book & author Picture of main character Short paragraph about the book

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a letter to the author and tell why you did or didn’t like the book

Use correct punctuation and capitalization Use the correct form for writing friendly letters

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a letter to the main character.

Use correct punctuation and capitalization Use the correct form for writing friendly letters

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a letter from one character in the book to another character.

Use correct punctuation and capitalization Use the correct form for writing friendly letters

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Draw a picture showing the main idea of the book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a sequel to the book. Be sure to use the same characters and setting.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a new ending for the book. Decide what you would change and write two to three paragraphs.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write questions that you would want to use in an interview with the main character.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a new beginning for the book. Decide how you would start the book by writing one to two paragraphs.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a book review to share with the class. Tell who, what, where, why, or how events happened in the book.



Draw a picture of your favorite part of the book.

Write an acrostic poem for the main character. Example: S = studies hard in school A = Always listens to the teacher M = Made good grades

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Read aloud to the class your favorite part of the book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a three-day journal telling what happened to the main character.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a list of five titles that would make a better name for your book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make an advertisement for your book to sell it in a magazine, newspaper, or billboard.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a poster about your book. Be sure you have the name of the book and the author on it.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a paragraph trying to convince someone to read your book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a puppet of the main character in your book. Supplies Needed: Lunch bag Tape Scissors Glue stick Markers or colored pencils Plain paper or construction paper

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a mobile about the main characters in your book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a dictionary containing 10 or more difficult words from your book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Record your book on a tape for the class to listen to,

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make up 10 spelling words from your book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a list of good qualities that your main character has.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make up a test for your book with 10 or more questions.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a letter to your teacher telling why or why not you liked this book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make five file cards with higher level thinking questions to ask the class (fat questions); this must work for any book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a tri fold about your book. Sections: Name of book & author Short paragraph about book Main characters Setting Draw picture of main characters Five questions about book

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Design a birthday card for your main character.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS If you were to give a gift to the main character, list three gifts you think the main character would like and why.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Design an invitation to ask the characters to a party at your house.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Pretend you are a travel agent and want people to visit the place in the story. Write a paragraph on what you would tell others.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a four square and make a comic book of the story (choose four main events in the story).

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Write a short play about your book to share with the class.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a collage of words and/or pictures to go with your book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a timeline of important events in the story.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Design a house for the main character to live in.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a list of the characters in the story and tell why they are important to the story.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Get a paper sack and draw five things that are important to the story and put them in the bag. Draw a picture on the front with the name of the book and the author.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Design a t-shirt for the main character.



Make a bookmark telling all about your book (make it 3 inches by 9 inches).

Make a word search using character names, places, and important words from your book.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a wanted poster for the main character in the story.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Design a post card for the book to send to someone (Use a file card).

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Choose something that belongs to the main character and pretend the character lost it. Write a lost notice for the newspaper.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Retell the story to a friend in class.

BOOK REPORT TASK CARDS Make a Peek and Look page.


Make a windsock.

Draw a picture about your book. Cut out three sides so you can glue a paper beneath the cut out (about 2 in by 2 in). Glue paper on back side and write in each boxName of book, author, main characters, & setting.