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chronic respiratory syndrome, and diabetes. According to World Health Organization (WHO), NCDs are responsible for the .
nd here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. [Type the abstract of the document The 2 Pharmacy International Conference – Universitas Muhammadiyah Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document.]

Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Jl. Raya Dukuhwaluh PO BOX 202 Purwokerto 53182 Phone : (0281) 636751, 630463 Fax : (0281) 637239 Email : [email protected] Website : [Type the company name] [Type the company address] [Type the phone number] [Type the fax number]

Purwokerto (PIC – UMP) in collaboration with the 8th Indonesian Society of Cancer Chemoprevention (ISCC) Symposium



The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference

BACKGROUND Non-Communicable Disease (NCDs) is the most prevalent disease in the society and also well known as disease which is generally caused by lifestyle. NCDs also refers to chronic disease which happen for a long term of periods. There are four main NCDs: cardiovascular disease (such as stroke, and heart disease), cancers, chronic respiratory syndrome, and diabetes. According to World Health Organization (WHO), NCDs are responsible for the most death caused by the disease in the world. In 2005, 35 million people are dead because of NCDs and it was estimated as 60% of total death in that particular year. In addition, between 2005 and 2014, the death-related NCDs are increase up to 17%. Although NCDs is frequently correlated with older age, some evidence showed that more than 16 million death caused by non-communicable disease are occurring at age of younger than 70. Several risk factors, such as smoking, less physical activities, unhealthy diet and alcohol, are strongly connected with the incidence of NCDs. Therefore, lifestyle modification and reducing other risk factors could possibly prevent the incidence. According to WHO, by implementing this 4-main life style modification can prevent 80% of cardiovascular disease and stroke, 80% of diabetes, and also 40% of cancer. The increase of NCDs incidence are not only governments’ responsibility but also healthcare provider and society itself. In the perspectives of health care professionals, including pharmacist, doctor, or nurse, these problems could be interpreted as opportunity to overcome the problems by creating an innovation through research activities.

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


PARTICIPANTS Participants of PIC-UMP are : 1.

Academics and researchers in the field of pharmacy, health, medicine and science from all over the world


Practitioners in the field pharmacy, health, medicine, science, pharmaceutical industry and government


Pharmacy, health, medicine and science students (local, national and international students)


PIC 2017 PIC 2017 will be held on : Day, date : Friday - Saturday / Oct, 13 - 14th 2017 Time

: 07.00 – 21.00 (GMT+7)


: Auditorium Ukhuwah Islamiyah Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto Jl Raya Dukuhwaluh PO.BOX 202 Purwokerto 53182

Rector UMP Vice Rector I UMP Vice Rector II UMP Vice Rector III UMP Vice Rector IV UMP Dean of Medical Faculty, UMP Dean of Health Science Faculty, UMP Dean of Pharmacy Faculty, UMP

: Dr. H. Syamsuhadi Irsyad,M.H : Anjar Nugroho,S.Ag.,M.Si : Drs. Joko Purwanto,M.Si : Ir Aman Suyadi MP : Dr Ns Jebul Suroso M.Kep : dr Mambodyanto Sp, SH, MKes, MMR, Adv : Drs. H. Ikhsan Mujahid, M.Si : Dr. Agus Siswanto,M.Si.,Apt


The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


ORGANIZING COMITTEE Chairman Secretary Member

Treasurer and Sponsorship Coordinator Member

Programme Coordinator Member

Didik Setiawan, PhD., Apt Erza Genatrika, M.Sc., Apt Dwi Hartanti,M.Farm.,Apt Agus Rudianto Tusrianto S.Si Heri Wahyono,A.Md Rochmadi Budi S, Fauziah Indah Larasati Nike Intan Noviati Elza Sundhani,M.Sc, Apt Fitriyani, S.Farm., Apt Kurnia Ritma Dhanti, S.Si., M.Biotech dr Maria Ulfa Arif Rahman Hakim Tommy Bagus Prabowo Hanifa Setyawan Rizky Sofi Santoso Sholihatul Ummah Desintya Fryda L Aniestria Ahshaina Aghnat Nuzulia Nur Laeli Zaim Firdaus Imtihan Muhammad Roni Faizal Talitha Latifa P Arif Budiman, MPH.,Apt Dr. Nunuk Aries Nurulita,M.Si.,Apt Arini Syarifah, M.Si dr Susedy Sp.An Zainur Rahman Hakim, M.Farm., Apt Siti Nurjannah, S.Kep., M.Kep., Sp.J Sawitri Dewi, S.St., M.Keb

Scientific committee Coordinator Member

Refreshment Coordinator Member Publication and Documentation Coordinator Member

Equipments Coordinator Member

Ns. Meida Laely Ramadani, S.Kep, MNS Venna Krisna Budi Galar Sigit Prausma Imas Amalia Yola Anggraeni Bella Rosna Gustika Ani Indriani Saputro Nanda Puspita Himawanti Dr. Asmiyenti Djaliasrin Djalil,M.Si Anjar Mahardian Kusuma, M.Sc.,Apt Githa Fungie Galistiani, M.Sc., Apt Wahyu Utaminingrum,M.Sc.,Apt Dr. Pri Iswati Utami,M.Si.,Apt Andi Muh Maulana, M.Sc Ns. Sri Suparti, S.Kep., M.Kep Dra. Titi Sumarti Woro Tri Gumiwah,A.Md Dwi Wulansari, M Ilham N Aji Wibowo,MPH.,Apt Faisal Tias Nur Sholih Dewi Putri Suryani, A.Md.T Arif Lukman Hidayat, S.Kom Ahmad Fajri Ahmad Fauzi Aulia Caesar Pinando Fitri Widjajati,A.Mg Adi Nugroho Koderi Umar Supriyanto Priyatno Katam

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


07.00-08.00 08.00-08.30 08.30-09.15 09.15-09.30 09.30-10.00 10.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-13.00 13.00-13.30 13.30-14.00 14.00-14.30 14.30-15.00 15.00-15.30 15.30-16.00

16.00-16.10 16.10-16.20 16.20-16.30 16.40-16.50 16.50-17.30 19.00-until end

Friday,13 Oct 2017 Room : Audit Ukhuwah Islamiyah UMP Registration Opening Ceremony Keynote Presentation Coffe Break and Expo Visit Plenary 1: Cancer Presentation 1 : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Yasumasa Ishida (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) Presentation 2 : Prof. Taro Kawai (Nara Institute of Science and Technology) Presentation 3 : Dra. Rizka Andalusia, M.Pharm., Apt (Dharmais Hospital) Discussion Lunch break and Pray Plenary 2 : Diabetic Presentation 4 : Assist Prof. Dr. Pattama Surit (Khon Kaen University) Presentation 5 : Dr. WJ Huang (Taiwan Medical University) Discussion Coffe Break and Pray Presentation From Sponsor Poster Viewing and Discussion Panel ROOM A ROOM B ROOM C ROOM D Oral Presentation 1 Oral Presentation 5 Oral Presentation 9 Oral Presentation 13 Discussion

Oral Presentation 2 Oral Presentation 6 Oral Presentation 10 Oral Presentation 14 Discussion

Oral Presentation 3 Oral Presentation 7 Oral Presentation 11 Oral Presentation 15 Discussion

Gala Dinner

Oral Presentation 4 Oral Presentation 8 Oral Presentation 12 Oral Presentation 16 Discussion

07.00-08.00 08.00-08.30 08.30-09.00 09.00-09.30 09.30-10.00

10.00-10.10 10.10-10.20 10.20-10.30 10.30-10.40 10.40-10.50 10.50-11.00 11.00-11.30 11.30-12.30

Saturday, 14 Oct 2017 Room : Audit Ukhuwah Islamiyah UMP Registration Plenary 3 : Cardiovascular Presentation 7: Dr. Pri Iswati Utami, M.Si., Apt (Universitas Muhammadiyah Purwokerto) Presentation 8: dr. Yusuf Presentation From Sponsor Coffe Break ROOM A ROOM B ROOM C ROOM D Oral Presentation 17 Oral Presentation 21 Oral Presentation 25 Oral Presentation 29 Oral Presentation 33 Oral Presentation 37 Discussion ROOM A

12.30-12.40 12.40-12.50 12.50-13.00 13.00-13.10 13.10-13.20 13.20-13.30 13.30-14.00 14.00-14.30 14.30-until end


Oral Presentation 41 Oral Presentation 45 Oral Presentation 49 Oral Presentation 53 Oral Presentation 57 Oral Presentation 61 Discussion

Oral Presentation 18 Oral Presentation 19 Oral Presentation 22 Oral Presentation 23 Oral Presentation 26 Oral Presentation 27 Oral Presentation 30 Oral Presentation 31 Oral Presentation 34 Oral Presentation 35 Oral Presentation 38 Oral Presentation 39 Discussion Discussion Lunch Break and Pray ROOM B ROOM C

Oral Presentation 20 Oral Presentation 24 Oral Presentation 28 Oral Presentation 32 Oral Presentation 36 Oral Presentation 40 Discussion

Oral Presentation 42 Oral Presentation 46 Oral Presentation 50 Oral Presentation 54 Oral Presentation 58 Oral Presentation 62 Discussion

Oral Presentation 44 Oral Presentation 48 Oral Presentation 52 Oral Presentation 56 Oral Presentation 60 Oral Presentation 64 Discussion

Oral Presentation 43 Oral Presentation 47 Oral Presentation 51 Oral Presentation 55 Oral Presentation 59 Oral Presentation 63 Discussion

Award and Closing ceremony Coffe Break and Pray* (Conditional)




The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference



The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference



The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference



The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference



PACKAGE A I5.000.000,- IDR           

Company logo appears on the conference website Company logo appears on the backdrop Company logo appears on abstract book Company logo appeares on the poster Company logo appeares on the banner Company logo appears at the conference kit Company logo appears at the ID Card 3 minutes playback opportunity Product display at the event Announcement by MC 15 minutes Presentation



I0.000.000,- IDR


        

Company logo appears on the conference website Company logo appears on the backdrop Company logo appears on abstract book Company logo appears on the poster Company logo appears on the banner Company logo appears at the conference kit Company logo appears at the ID Card Product display at the event Announcement by MC

PACKAGE C 7.500.000,- IDR        

Company logo appears on the conference website Company logo appears on the backdrop Company logo appears on abstract book Company logo appears on the poster Company logo appears at the conference kit Company logo appears at the ID Card Product display at the event Announcement by MC



The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference




       

Company logo appears on the conference website Company logo appears on the backdrop Company logo appears on abstract book Company logo appears at the conference kit Company logo appears at the ID Card Announcement by MC

(15 SPONSORS) 5.000.000,- IDR

3.000.000,- IDR      

Company logo appears on the conference website Company logo appears on the backdrop Company logo appears on abstract book Company logo appears at the conference kit Company logo appears at the ID Card Announcement by MC


Company logo appears on the conference website Company logo appears on the backdrop Company logo appears on abstract book Company logo appears on the poster Company logo appears on the banner Company logo appears at the conference kit Company logo appears at the ID Announcement by MC



I0.000.000,- IDR

5.000.000,- IDR      

The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference

      

Company logo appears on the conference website Company logo appears on the backdrop Company logo appears on abstract book Company logo appears at the conference kit Company logo appears at the ID Card Product display at the event Announcement by MC


The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


The 2nd Pharmacy International Conference


SPONSORSHIP APPLICANT FORM Company/ organization information Company/ organization name Address City Province/ state Phone Fax Email

Contact person Name Position Email Phone

: : : : : : : :

Payment Procedure Please send your payment to : Bank Name : Bank Rakyat Indonesia Account Name : Fakultas Farmasi UMP Purwokerto Account No. : 1792-01-001080-53-6 Please note that organizer should receive the payment in FULL AMOUNT. Bank charges/ Administration fee should be borne by sponsor. Please e-mail a copy a bank transaction and application form to : [email protected] Contact person : Fitriyani (+6285642749544)

: : : :

Disclaimer If the PIC 2017 is cancelled due to typhoon, earthquake, flood, fire, social unrest or other cause beyond the control of the Organizing Committee of PIC 2017 (force majeure) organizer has the right to cancel within 14 days

Sponsorship package Please check sponsorship package you choose

o o o o

Package A Package B Package C Package D

o o o

Package E Lunch sponsorship package Coffee break sponsorship package