Bookrevie%vs could therefore be assumed that they would be

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could therefore be assumed that they would be mtraested m a text which its pub- hshers claim is the leading book m the field Wntten by a trio of academics from.
Bookrevie%vs could therefore be assumed that they would be mtraested m a text which its pubhshers claim is the leading book m the field Wntten by a trio of academics from the University of Ulster, this is the updated third edition. First produced m 1981, does this woik hve up to its boast of being the standard textbook for everyone studying mterpersonal commumcation'' It opens with a thought-provoking chapter setbng out a skiU-based model of mterpersonal communication This explains concisely the authors' theory underpinning their views and how this will link to subsequent chapters The core of the book consists of mdividual chapters on the followmg subjects non verbal communication, rewarding and reinforcing, questiomng, reflecting, selfmducbon and closure, explanation, hstenmg, self-disclosuie, influencing, assertiveness and group mteraction, and leadership Each chapter is well constructed, with the theme under examination bemg developed logically through to a concise overview Diagrams complement the text and illustrate the subject under discussion appropriately In chapter five on questiomng, for example, its introduction establishes the parameters of the topic clearly, using examples from a variety of sources to illustrate points being made These rangefromreports of studies carried out in schools m 1940, through the works of Lewis Carroll, to extracts from the Kennedy Smith rape tnal in Florida in 1991 The authors then go on to examine m detail such topics as the functions of questions, types of questions, related aspects of questioning and responses Each of these themes is broken down mto its component parts, permittmg the reader to work through a chapter at his or her own speed or to be selective in his or her studies with comparative ease As an aid to students revising, the introduction and conclusion of mdividual chapters are mvaluable These act as excellent aides-memoire smce they contain all the key pomts to be found m then- respective chapters They also will highlight gaps m a student's knowledge, thus facilitating appropnate targeting of revision Of further assistance is the book's extensive bibhography, with nearly 40 pages worth of useful further sources of mfonnation Where the book is weak, however, is m Its examination of the effects of culture, ethnicity and mother tongue on effective commumcation Although the subject is raised m the text, it largely relates to the area of assertiveness For professionals workmg m multi-cultural UK and Europe

this IS an important field m which to acquire further knowledge and one which the authors should have addressed m groater detail But, overall, the publication hves up to Its billing as one which sets a high standard for this area of study It will be of use to students and practitioners alike in the health and social services Rod Thomson MEd DipAdEd RMN RGN RHV FP Cert Health Pohcy Consultant and Regional Children's Services Coordinator, North West Regional Health Authonty The Roy Adaptation Model m Action by J Akmsanya, G Cox, C Crouch & L Fletcher The MacmiUan Press, Basmgstoke, Hampshire, 1994 176 pages, £9 99, ISBN 0-333-57414-1 This publication forms one part of a series of nursing models in action The aim of the book IS to provide 'a clear and pragmatic gmde to nursing theory, and the extent to which it can inform clmical decisions, care negotiation and professional practice m general' The authors provide examples of case studies which illustrate the Roy Adaptation Model in action Concepts and terms are defined in a helpful table in chapter 1, and chapter 2 provides a reasonably detailed description of the Roy model However, the chapter is disappomting because the content is confusing and repetitive The author fails to mention that Roy's model drawsfromthe work of Harry Nelson who, m 1964, developed the theory of adaptation from work m the field of visual perception The mtroduction could have included some biographical details on Sister Callista Roy which would have helped to contextualize the development of the model The text states that the four modes of adaptation are shown in figure 2 1 but this contains only three modes and has a headmg of key concepts The continuous revisitmg of modes, concept of modes and stimuli makes comprehension difficult In the activities of livmg, the term 'sensitivity' is not defined and its meaning is unclear Chapters 3 to 6 present case studies which demonstrate the application of the model with several chents m vanous settmgs These chapters provide a very comprehensive descnption of competent nursmg care with detailed care plans which include the rationale on which care was planned All the chapters provide exercises which help the reader to process the content, stimulate thmkmg and consolidate learmng Although these chapters

are wntten in areadablemanner, the precise format of the Roy model is not adhered to m each case study The opportumty is also missed to review the applicability of the model to client care, with emphasis failmg upon actual care delivery The final chapter offers some evaluation of the care provided to the clients and the application of the model The reference list includes several pertment references but would have benefited from the mclusion of articles which provide cntical analysis of the model in practice settmgs It would also have been helpful to have had a clear summary of the model m the introduction as some of the concepts are complex However, the purpose of the book IS clearly welcome as there is a need for literature which provides examples of nursmg models applied in many practice settings Often nurses have a clear understanding of the conceptual model but have difficulty relating concepts to practice Overall, I find it difficult to recommend this book, although there are some helpful practical descriptions of the model m action which students might find informative ImeldaT Coyne BSc(Hons) DipN RSCN RGN RNT Lecturer in Nursing Studies, King's College London Integrating Social Support m Nursmg by Miriam J Stewart Sage Publications, London, 1993 256 pages, £12 95, ISBN 0-8039-4274-5 (pb) The author's aim in wntmg this book is to provide a definitive work on social support from a nursmg perspective The subject matter has been well organized and the text fiows m an easy-to-read manner The first chapter provides a discussion on the concepts and controversies in social support Chapter topics mclude defimtions of the construct, distmct dimensions of social support and theoretical mterpretations This chapter gets the book off to an excellent start The impact of social support on health, health behaviour and health care is the broad theme of chapter 2 In this chapter topics such as the mechanisms through which suppiort acts withm health, companson of formal and informal aid and significant shifts in society and health care delivery are analysed in a thoughtprovokmg manner The next five chapters (l e 3 to 7) offer an extensive range of matenal which is particularly nursing onented Chapter 3 IS a relatively short one, providmg an