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Books to Use in Teaching Economics - Everyone Can Save

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A Chair for My Mother, Vera B. Williams; Greenwillow Books, ISBN: 0-688-00915- 8. • Economic Concepts: Saving & Spending, Making Choices. A Cow, a Bee, ...

UNI Center for Economic Education Economics & Children’s Literature Titles !""#$%&"%'$(%)*%+(,-.)*/%0-"*"1)-

%$This listing of children’s literature titles are from the curriculum lending library maintained at the "#$%!&$%'$()!*+!,#$&-./(0%!&$'/.1'2./!'$'&/%!31%!,*45$&/-!67!'#/!8($9/.%$'7!*+!:*.'#/.(! University of Northern Iowa’s Center for Economic Education. For information about the UNI ;*310%!! Center for Economic Education’s resources, please contact Lois Ann McElroy Lindell at 319! 273-2952 or [email protected] !

A Bargain for Frances, Russell Hoban; Harper Trophy, ISBN: 0-06-444001-X x Economic Concepts: Saving, Spending, and Trade A Chair for My Mother, Vera B. Williams; Greenwillow Books, ISBN: 0-688-00915-8 x Economic Concepts: Saving & Spending, Making Choices A Cow, a Bee, a Cookie, and Me, Meredith Hooper; Kingfisher, ISBN: 0-7534-5067-4 x Economic Concepts: Economic Resources A Handful of Seeds, Monica Hughes; Orchard Books, ISBN: 0-531-09498-7 x Economic Concepts: Making Choices, Production, Saving A New Coat for Anna, Harriet Ziefert; Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., ISBN: 0-394-97426-3 x Economic Concepts: Barter & Trade A Single Shard, Linda Sue Park; Clarion Books, ISBN: 0-395-97827-0 x Economic Concepts: Economic Decision Making Alexander, Who Used to be Rich Last Sunday, Judith Viorst; Aladdin Paperbacks, ISBN: 0-689-71199-9 x Economic Concepts: Making Choices About How to Spend Money Arthur’s Funny Money, Lillian Hoban; Harper Collins, ISBN: 0-06-444048-6 x Economic Concepts: Making Choices, Earning an Income Arthur’s Pet Business, Marc Brown; Little Brown & Company, ISBN: 0-316-11316-6 x Economic Concepts: Making Choices, Starting a Business Arthur Tricks the Tooth Fairy, Marc Brown; Random House, ISBN: 0-679-98464-X x Economic Concepts: Spending and Saving Benny Goes Into Business, Gertude Chandler Warner; Albert Whitman & Company, ISBN: 0-80750637-0 x Economic Concepts: Entrepreneurship, Decision Making Bunny Money, Rosemary Wells; Puffin Books, ISBN: 0-14-056750-X x Economic Concepts: Saving and Spending, Decision Making


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But I Waannt it!, Dr. Laura Schlessinger’s; Cliff Street Books, ISBN: 0-06-028775-6 x Economic Concepts: Unlimited Wants Click, Clack, Moo, Cows that Type; Doreen Cronin, Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, ISBN: 0-689-83213-3 x Economic Concepts: Trade-offs, Wants Esperanza Rising, Pam Muñoz Ryan; Scholastic Signature, ISBN: 0-439-12042-X x Economic Concepts: From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler, E.L. Konigsburg; Aladdin Paperbacks, ISBN: 0-689-71181-6 x Economic Concepts: Decision Making & Choices Granddaddy’s Street Songs, Monalisa DeGross; Hyperion Books for Children, ISBN: 078680160-3 x Economic Concepts: Entrepreneurship, Decision Making Growing Vegetable Soup, Lois Ehlert; Harcourt, Inc., ISBN: 0-15-232580-8 x Economic Concepts: Production, Economic Resources Hippo Lemonade, Mike Thaler; Harper & Row, ISBN: 0-06-026159-5 x Economic Concepts: Starting a Business, Economic Competition How Much is That Doggie in the Window?, Bob Merrill; Whispering Coyote Press, ISBN: 1-879085-74-7 x Economic Concepts: Making Choices, Spending vs. Saving Money How the Second Grade Got $8,205.50 to Visit the Statue of Liberty, Nathan Zimelman; Albert Whitman & Company, ISBN: 0-8075-3431-5 x Economic Concepts: Saving, Spending, Entrepreneurship, Decision Making How to Make an Apple Pie and See the World, Marjorie Priceman; Alfred A. Knopf, ISBN: 0-679-88083-6 x Economic Concepts: Economic Resources & Production If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, Laura Joffe Numeroff; HarperCollins, ISBN: 0-06-024586-7 x Economic Concepts: Unlimited Wants Joseph had a Little Overcoat, Simms Taback, Viking, ISBN: 0-670-87855-3 x Economic Concepts: Limited Resources Just A Piggy Bank, Gina and Mercer Mayer; Golden Books, ISBN: 0-307-13283-8 x Economic Concepts: Saving and Spending Just Shopping with Mom, Mercer Mayer; Golden Books, ISBN: 0-307-11972-6 x Economic Concepts: Unlimited Wants, Consumer Choices Little House in the Big Woods, Laura Ingalls Wilder; Harper Collins, ISBN:0-06-026430-6 x Economic Concepts: Decision Making & Choices, Production & Consumption

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Little Nino's Pizzeria, Karen Barbour; Harcourt, Inc., ISBN: 0-15-246321-6 x Economic Concepts: Entrepreneurship, Work Lucky Pennies and Hot Chocolate, Carol Diggory Shields; Dutton Children’s Books, ISBN: 0-525-46450-6 x Economic Concepts: Making Decisions, Choices Lucky the Golden Goose, John Wrenn; Red Truck Publishing, ISBN: 0-9674112-0-3 x Economic Concepts: Saving, Investing, Specialization Market Day, Lois Ehlert; Harcourt, Inc., ISBN: 0-15-202158-2 x Economic Concepts: Production & Consumption, Spending Decisions Market Days - From Market to Market Around the World, Madhur Jaffrey & Marti Shohet; BridgeWater Books, ISBN: 0-8167-3504-2 x Economic Concepts: Goods & Services, Production & Consumption, Global Markets Milo and the Magical Stones, Marcus Pfister; North-South Books, ISBN: 1-55858-682-2 x Economic Concepts: Economic Resources, Decision Making & Choices Milo and the Mysterious Island, Marcus Pfister; North-South Books, ISBN: 0-7358-1352-3 x Economic Concepts: Economic Resources, Specialization, Trade Money Hungry, Sharon G. Flake; Hyperion Books for Children, ISBN: 078680548-X x Economic Concepts: Spending vs Saving Money, Decision Making, Wants and Needs My Rows and Piles of Coins, Tololwa M. Mollel; Clarion Books, ISBN: 0-395-75186-1 x Economic Concepts: Saving vs. Spending, Decision Making Not for a Million Gazillion Dollars, Paula Danziger, A PaperStar Book, ISBN: 0-698-11693-3 x Economic Concepts: Entrepreneurship, Decision Making Number the Stars, Lois Lowry; Laurel-Leaf Books; ISBN: 0-440-22753-4 x Economic Concepts: Decision Making & Choices, Macroeconomic Conditions Once Upon a Company, Wendy Anderson Halperin; Orchard Books, ISBN: 0-531-30089-7 x Economic Concepts: Entrepreneurship, Markets & Decision-Making Oranges on Golden Mountain, Elizabeth Patridge; Dutton Children’s Books, ISBN: 0-525-46453-0 x Economic Concepts: Saving Money, Work Out of the Dust, Karen Hesse; Scholastic Signature, ISBN: 0-590-37125-8 x Economic Concepts: Markets, Production, Global Interdependence Ox-Cart Man, Donald Hall; The Viking Press, ISBN: 0-670-53328-9 x Economic Concepts: Production, Specialization Pigs Go to Market, Amy Axelrod; Aladdin Paperbacks, ISBN: 0-689-82553-6 x Economic Concepts: Unlimited Wants, Choices and Decision Making

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Pigs will be Pigs, Amy Axelrod; Aladdin Paperbacks, ISBN: 0-689-81219-1 x Economic Concepts: Spending, Saving, Decision Making Planting a Rainbow, Lois Ehlert; Harcourt, Inc., ISBN: 0-15-262610-7 x Economic Concepts: Economic Resources, Renewable Resources Samuel Eaton's Day, Kate Waters; Scholastic Inc., ISBN: 0-590-48053-7 x Economic Concepts: Work, Production Sheep in a Shop, Nancy Shaw; Houghton Mifflin Company, ISBN: 0-395-53681-2 x Economic Concepts: Spending, Saving, Barter, Trade Something From Nothing, Phoebe Gilman; Scholastic Inc., ISBN: 0-590-47280-1 x Economic Concepts: Economic Resources, Decision Making & Choices Something Special for Me, Vera B. Williams; Mulberry Books, ISBN: 0-688-06526-0 x Economic Concepts: Spending, Saving, Decision-Making Song of the Last Miguel, Carol P. Saul; Whispering Coyote Press Inc., ISBN: 1-879085-90-9 x Economic Concepts: Decision Making Stock Market Pie…Grandma Helps Emily Make Million, J. M Seymour; DynaMinds Publishing, ISBN: 0-9712900-0-8 x Economic Concepts: Decision Making, Saving and Investment The Berenstain Bears’ Dollars and Sense, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Random House, ISBN: 0-375-81124-9 x Economic Concepts: Saving, Spending, Decision Making The Berenstain Bears Get the Gimmies, Stan & Jan Berenstain; Random House, Inc., ISBN: 0-394-90566-0 x Economic Concepts: Unlimited Wants, Consumer Choices The Berenstain Bears’ Mad, Mad, Mad Toy Craze, Stan & Jan Berenstain, Random House, ISBN: 0-679-88958-2 x Economic Concepts: Unlimited Wants, Decision Making, Spending and SAving The Berenstain Bears Think of Those in Need, Stan & Jan Berenstain; Random House, ISBN: 0-679-88957-4 x Economic Concepts: Unlimited Wants, Decision Making The BIG BUCK Adventure, Selley Gill and Deborah Tobola; Charlesbridge Publising, ISBN: 0-88106-294-4 x Economic Concepts: Consumer Choices, Decision Making, Saving vs. Spending The Giving Tree, Shel Silverstein; Harper Collins, ISBN: 0-06-025665-6 x Economic Concepts: Economic Resources The Go-Around Dollar, Barbara Johnston Adams; Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers, ISBN: 0-02-700031-1 x Economic Concepts: Spending, Money Circulation

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