bootstrap approach in the estimation of confidence

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However, this paper presents the non-parametric bootstrap approach in the estimation of ... A practical guide to Re-sampling methods for. Testing Hypothesis.
OGBEIDE, E.M: BOOTSTRAP APPROACH IN THE ESTIMATION OF CONFIDENCE INTERVAL FOR THE DIFFERENCE OF TWO POPULATION MEANS (2010). ABACUS. JOURNAL OF THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OF NIGERIA. VOL 37, NO.2, PP 1-9. Abstract Statistical estimation is concerned with the ways by which population characteristics are estimated from sample information. Solution to mathematical problems could result in an interval. The determined interval is called confidence interval. But when we have reason to suspect that the data is not distributed as normal, then we usually resort to the non parametric or distribution free methods in statistics. We shall not deal with the general non-parametric methods of estimation in this paper. However, this paper presents the non-parametric bootstrap approach in the estimation of confidence interval for difference in two populations’ means. Reference Efron, B. (1979): “Bootstrap method. Another look at the Jacknife” Ann statistic 7. Pp. 122. Efron, B. (1981b): Non parametric estimates for standard error: The Jacknife, the Bootstrap and other methods. Biometrika 68, 589-599. Efron, B. (1982a): “The Jacknife, The bootstrap and other Re-sampling Plan”. Can. J. Statistics 9. Pp. 39-72. Efron, B. (1985): “Bootstrap confidence interval for a class of parametric problem”. Biometrik 721, pp 45-58. Printed in Great Britain. Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. (1986): “Bootstrap methods for Standard Error confidence interval and other measure of statistical accuracy in statistical science. Vol. 1. No. 154-57. Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. (1998): “An introduction to Bootstrap” Chapman and Hall publisher. New York. Fisher, R.A. (1925): “Theory of statistical estimation proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical society. 22, 700-725. Good, P. (2000): “Permutation Test. A practical guide to Re-sampling methods for Testing Hypothesis. Second edition. Spring-Verlag, New York. Gray bill, F.A. (1976): “Theory and Application of linear model. North Scituate Mass: Duxbury Press Model North Scituate Massachusetts. Hocking, R.R. (1983): “The Developments of linear regression Methodology: 1959-1982 [with discussions] Technometric 25, 219-245.

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