2010; 173: 116-122. [25] Andrade A, Pinedo C, Barreto AS. ... Biological data on two Hector's beaked whales, Mesoplodon hectori, stranded in. Buenos Aires ...
10(0) [42] 308(4) [2-6] 17(0) [1] 170(107) [7] 20(0) [13] 444(96) [7-10]
4(0) [43]
388(1)[14-18] 79(0) [11] 104(0) [44-48] 136(6)[19-21]
84(*) [66-67]
232(0) [49-52]
132(49) [7, 61-65]
74(0) [22-23]
?(*) [68]
35(0) [53]
91(0) [54]
76(0) [24] 279(25) [55-57] 352(1)[25-32] 40(0) [59]
41(0) [58]
?(*) [**] 143(30) [33-41] 3(0) [60]
S1 Fig. Worldwide distribution of Pholeter gastrophilus. Geographically distributed surveyed localities for P. gastrophilus. The number outside parentheses is the amount of individual cetacean species surveyed for P. gastrophilus; the number in parentheses is the number of infected dolphins; and the number in square brackets indicates the bibliographic source. Complete references are included. Boreal Atlantic
Baltic Sea = [1] North Sea = [2-6] Feroe Islands = [7] United Kingdom and Ireland = [7-10] Galicia (Spain) = [11] Canary Islands (Spain) = [12] West Greenland = [13] North West Atlantic = [14-18]
Tropical Atlantic
Tropical Pacific
Austral Atlantic
Austral Pacific
Florida = [19-21] Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands = [22-23] Northeastern Brazil = [24] Southern Brazil = [25-32] Patagonia (Argentina) = [33-41]
Boreal Pacific
Canada = [42] Alaska (USA) = [43] Oregon and California (USA) = [44-48] Hong Kong (China) and Japan = [49-52]
Costa Rica = [53] Eastern Tropical Pacific = [54] Peru = [55-57] Chile = [58] South Africa = [59] New Zealand = [60]
Mediterranean and Black Sea Mediterranean Sea = [7, 61-65] Black Sea = [66-67]
Red Sea
Egypt = [68]
? Information on the number of sampled hosts is missing. (*) Information on the number of infected hosts is missing; only presence of P. gastrophilus is reported. [**] Personal communication from Ms. Jo Wood and Leslie Chisholm (Parasitology Collection Manager, South Australian Museum).
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