sought to distil beings, titles and events which his fantasy had forged into the history and literature of reality. Now
system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or ...... Artemis,
gentine as his destiny, Buenos Aires as his locality, but his preoccupations were
wholly metaphysical. Where Neruda in his poems addressed the realities of the.
Tales conceptos no fueron meras abstracciones para Papini. A su luz ... famosos
-Historia de Cristo, Gog, Dante vivo, El diablo- fueron escritos para ser obras.
Page 1. Page 2. Page 3. Page 4.
This essay is about my life experiences as a birth ... I pray that my story will be useful to other birth .... who gave me the stability and love that I had been lacking.
This is because it is a book of imaginative erudition, or erudite fantasy, an ....
Ficciones (1942), El Aleph (1949) and El informe de Brodie (1970). .... was
tempted into sleep and thrown into the water, later to be washed up on the shores
of Ita
Just a few months after the publication of In Praise of Darkness (Elogio de la
sombra),' 1969, Borges spoke at the University of Wisconsin. His short prose
pieceĀ ...