Bosch - Power Tools Trade/Industry - 5-kg demolition hammer with SDS-max
GSH 388 ... Operating instructions. Packaging (L/W/H): ... s GSH 11 E s GSH 5 E.
Bosch - Power Tools Trade/Industry - 5-kg demolition hammer with SDS-max GSH 388
Professional Power Tools ●
GSH 388 Professional
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5-kg demolition hammer with SDS-max GSH 388
GSH 388 Professional
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Technical data Rated power input: 1.050 W Impact energy: 8 – 10 J Impact rate at rated speed: 2.800 rpm Weight: 4,9 kg Length: 435 mm Height: 232 mm
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Technical details
• With 10 J impact force and exemplary quality, the GSH 388 impresses with its material removal rate and service life • Long service life, even in heavy-duty applications, as a result of the sturdy metal housing and compact design • Powerful 1050-Watt motor Other advantages • High impact force for rapid work progress thanks to the optimised hammer mechanism technology, patented by Bosch • Lockable switch pawl for fatigue-free continuous chiselling work • Vario-lock with 12 different chisel positions
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Rotary Hammers with SDSplus
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Bosch - Power Tools Trade/Industry - 5-kg demolition hammer with SDS-max GSH 388 (Download operating instructions (PDF)) SDS-max
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GSH 388
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Bosch - Power Tools Trade/Industry - 5-kg demolition hammer with SDS-max GSH 388 (Download operating instructions (PDF)) To top of page (3 of 3) [25/04/2007 11:53:05]