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the strict limits of the copyright law, without the permission of the publisher, is forbidden and ... Emre Institutes In Turkey – Bosnia And Herzegovina Relations .
Hasan Arslan/ Mehmet Ali İçbay/ Christian.Ruggiero (eds.)

Communication & Media Researches

This book is the scholar work of International Association of Social Science Research (IASSR). It is also printed with the financial support from IASSR. The papers are first reviewed by the independent reviewers, and then proof-read and edited by the editors. The opinions and views expressed in articles are not necessarily those of this volume’s editors. ***DEĞİŞECEK***

ISBN 978-83-943963-3-6 (E-book) ISBN 978-83-943963-3-6 (Print) © E-BWN 2017 All rights reserved.

All parts of this publication are protected by copyright. Any utilization outside the strict limits of the copyright law, without the permission of the publisher, is forbidden and liable to prosecution. This applies in particular to reproductions, translations microfilming, and storage and processing in electronic retrieval systems. This publication has been peer reviewed.

Table of Contents Christian Ruggiero, Giovanni Brancato, Melissa Stolfi Populism in power? The 2016 Administrative Elections in Rome .......................................... 13 Dario Fanara, Lorenzo Ugolini Journalism and Terrorism: The Cultural Challenge ................................................................. 13 Ali Murat Vural Managing the Crisis Communication in Today’s World Replete With Crises ........................ 33 Nicola Ferrigni Understanding Cyberbullying. From Traditional Bullies To Mediatization Of Bullying........ 43 Suna Tekel Digital Social Research: Advantages And Disadvantages ....................................................... 53 Mihaela Gavrila Managing Fear. Contrasting Real and Media Represented Terrorism: Toward A Training Project To Prepare Police and Journalists ................................................................................ 61 Berna Berkman Koselerli The Control of Networks: Internet Censorship in Turkey ....................................................... 69 Moira Colantoni University as a brand and Social Media ................................................................................... 75 Bilgehan Ece Şakrak Re-construction of Realms of Memory through Television Series Case Study: Muhteşem Yüzyıl: Kösem.......................................................................................................................... 85 Mustafa Akdağ, Nilay Akgün Akan

Public Relations Practices In Terms Of Intercultural Communication: Example Of Yunus Emre Institutes In Turkey – Bosnia And Herzegovina Relations ............................................ 95 Hacer Aker, Meral Serarslan Language Games of the Cinema: “Ah Güzel İstanbul” Are You Real or Lie? ...................... 107 Şükrü Balcı, Emre Osman Olkun Political Communication and Elections: The Analysis of 7 June and 1 November General Elections in Turkey in terms of Political Communication ..................................................... 115 Emre Vadi Balcı In Terms of News Value Factors of Traditional and Internet Media Comparison ............... 127 Goksel Basmaci Ethics in Health News in the Scope of Internet Journalism ................................................... 139 Vedat Çakır, Vesile Çakır Information Society Policies of European Union and Adaptation of Turkey ........................ 149

Selahattin Çavuş, Bünyamin Ayhan Cyberbullying and Victimization Experiences of University Students ................................. 159 Ayşegül Çilingir Turkish Cinema in the Light of Social Change: The Case of Lutfi Akad's "Migration Trilogy" ................................................................................................................................................ 169 Vera D’Antonio Thank You for Oversharing! Re-thinking Privacy and Publicity in the Era of Big Data. ..... 177 Adem Demirsoy A Forgotten Antagonist of Anatolian Press: Afif Evren (1908 -1977) .................................. 189 Özlem Duğan Analysis of Violence In Health News: Hurriyet, Zaman and Posta Newspapers Case ........ 199 Aslı Ekici The Construction of Femininity in Turkish Cinema in 1980s ............................................... 209 Aslı Elgün Oral, Ebru Belkıs Güzeloğlu Zines As An Alternative Media: An Analysis on Female Zinsters in Turkey ....................... 219 Kamile Elmasoglu Analysis of “Truman Show” Movie from the Perspective of Simulation Theory ................. 233 Birol Gülnar, Mete Kazaz The Relationship Between Anxiety as Indicator of Psychological Well Being And Internet Usage: A Survey Among Turkish University Students ........................................................ 241 Uğur Gündüz The Role of Social Media and Virtual Communities on Identity Construction* ................... 251 Ugur Gunduz, Burcu Kaya-Erdem The Concept of Virtual Nationalism in the Age of Information: A View to the Perspective of Turkey .................................................................................................................................... 259 Nurettin Güz, Hayrullah Yanık, Ceren Yegen Media Reliability and Effects of Ideological Trends to Press Preferences ............................ 267 Nurettin Güz, Aida Uslu The First Turskish Press in Bosnia ......................................................................................... 277 Gülden Karakoc, Onur Taydas, Enderhan Karakoc Digital Democracy and Social Media .................................................................................... 285 Burcu Kaya-Erdem A Reading on the Relation Between Inorganic Modernization and Mass Media in the Context of Agnotology and the Case of "İşte Benim Stilim: All Star" TV Show ............................... 293

Uğur Küçüközyiğit The Use of News and Language in Turkish Press: Transformation of Last 50 Years ........... 301 Tuba Livberber Analysis of Hate Speech(es) Towards LGBTT Individuals Within the Context of Gender in Turkey’s Media ...................................................................................................................... 311 Abdullah Mert Investigation of the Private and Public Children's TV Channels in Turkey in Terms of Both Content and Form ................................................................................................................... 321 Hülya Öztekin Racist Discrimination and Xenophobia on Media: Presentation of Syrian Refugees in Turkish Press ....................................................................................................................................... 329 Andrea Pranovi Local information in Rome: media agenda in election campaign .......................................... 339 Ayhan Selcuk A Study on Use of Religious and Traditional Components in German and Turkish Advertising Texts ....................................................................................................................................... 349 Elif Sesen, K. Ozkan Erturk Image of Public Relations in Popular Turkish Television Series........................................... 361 Bayram Sevinc Religious Rivalry in the Network Society.............................................................................. 373 Ayşe Aslı Sezgin, Aykut Gül From Social Cyber Living to Voluntary Simple Living ........................................................ 385 Suat Sungur Effect of Advertisements on Facebook on University Students’ Product Sense and Buying Attitute .................................................................................................................................... 393 Emel Tanyeri Mazıcı Foreign Aids As An Alternative Method Of International Communication In Public Diplomacy: A Research On The Sample Of Somalia ............................................................ 401 Havva Nur Tarakcı, Nagihan Tufan Yeniçıktı Instagram in the Context of the Uses and Gratifications Approach: Selcuk University Example .................................................................................................................................. 411 Faruk Temel, Osman Utkan News Follow In Periods Of Crisis.......................................................................................... 421 Salih Tiryaki Political Advertising: Konya Example at 2011 Elections of “Justice and Development Party” ................................................................................................................................................ 431

Nagihan Tufan Yeniçıktı, Havva Nur Tarakcı Examination Of Online Shopping Sites In Terms Of Public Relations ................................. 441 Korhan Mavnacıoğlu Social Media Usage Towards Specific Target Groups: An Analysis Of The Social Media Communication Activities Performed in The Participation Banking System........................ 449 Filiz Yildiz, Meltem Şahin Reading the Daily Life in the 1980s through Newspapers..................................................... 457 Aysel Yildiz From Reality to Dreams Through Online Games in the Postmodern World: Ben X............. 465 Güldane Zengin, A. Mücahid Zengin Instagram Advertising: Ad Avoidance Behaviors of Youth .................................................. 473 Elvan Ender, Refiye Ender Landscape Design for Children’s Development .................................................................... 481 Burcu Zeybek A Study On The Political Communication Activities Of Political Parties In Turkey On Websites ................................................................................................................................. 487 Nuran Bayram, Mine Aydemir A Structural Equation Modeling About Life Satisfaction ..................................................... 497 Abdullah Kaldirim, Omer Faruk Tavsanli, Muhammet Rasit Memis Going out of the Borders: Reading Habits, Interests and Tendencies of Students Living in Villages................................................................................................................................... 503 Cem Kırlangıçoğlu An Intelligent GIS Based Railway Route Design Methodology............................................ 515 Fehmi Volkan Akyön, Şule Aydın Tükeltürk, Gökçe Karakoç The Relationship Between Tourism Education and Career Intensions in the Industry: A Research Study on Undergraduate Students .......................................................................... 535 Ezgi Göl, Hasan Arslan Higher Education Administrators’ Decision Making Styles .................................................. 543 Hasan Kaplan, Melike Nazlı Kaplan Beliefs in Miraculous Healing and Religiosity among Medical Students and Physicians..... 551 Aslı Yurttaş, Gizem Hatipoğlu A Critic on the Neoconservatism in Turkish Education System ............................................ 561 Durmuş Özbaşı, Ergül Demir Adaptation of Research Self-efficacy Scale into Turkish: Reliability and Validity .............. 569

Saffet Ocak, Ömer Gider Conceptual View on the Relationship Between Social Weel-Being and Health Status ........ 581 Ufuk Saridede, Malik Dogan Evaluation of Candida English Teachers’ Perception of Professional Self Efficacy With Respect to Variables ............................................................................................................... 587

Instagram in the Context of the Uses and Gratifications Approach: Selcuk University Example Havva Nur Tarakcı, Nagihan Tufan Yeniçıktı



The emergence of social media tools has been provided by the developments in Internet technology and consequently the widespread use of Web 2.0 technologies. Social media can be defined as websites that allow a deeper social interaction, formation of community, and collaboration, which are built on Web 2.0 technologies (Kocer and Cetinkaya, 2014). Social media gives the opportunity for individuals to explain their thoughts and feelings with different mediums. Thus, individuals keep their tendencies to make and continue a contact by sharing with social media tools. Social media is a dynamic and living platform in different from traditional media, and everyone has equally right to use and speak (Yamamoto & Sekeroglu, 2014). By these features, social media add value to the satisfaction of individuals. By the world’s first advanced touch screen mobile phone entered into the service of the users in 2007, a new era has started in the field of mobile technology. In this new era, users play an active role in the production of media contents thanks to smartphones that provide the features of computer-phone-camera-video camera for users in one single vehicle. Instagram, which offers photo sharing and filtering possibilities in mobile devices (Hochman & Schwartz, 2012) and also is a social media application within the scope of web 2.0 applications, attracts attention in terms of providing the capability to deliver instant sharing for such images as photographs or videos that users take. When asked what Instagram is, Instagram founders Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger make a statement as follows: “Instagram is a fun and quirky way to share your life with friends through a series of pictures. Snap a photo with your mobile phone, then choose a filter to transform the image into a memory to keep around forever. We're building Instagram to allow you to experience moments in your friends' lives through pictures as they happen. We imagine a world more connected through photos.” (Instagram, 2016). There is an increase every day in the number of users of Instagram which makes it possible to store and share multimedia contents, allows individuals contribute to not only consume content but also actively produce content, and in another saying, which is “a contentbased application generated by user” (User Generated Content) (Kaplan & Haenlin, 2010). When looked at the measurements made in this area to understand the dimensions of the social media considered as a ‘revolution in communication’, Instagram, which can be defined as a niche lifestyle, a social media application that has 400 million monthly active users. Averagely 70 million photos are daily uploaded, and they take 2.5 billion likes. Nearly 16 billion photos have been shared since 2010. More than 75% of Instagram users live outside the United States. Recently, more than half of 100 million users registered on Instagram live in Europe and Asia (Facebook, 2015 and, 04.05.2016). Also, it is reported that there are 37.7 million active Internet users in Turkey in 2015 and 40 million active social media accounts, and it has a 12% share in the rates of social network usage (, 2015). Instagram, which came into our lives in 2010, has been purchased by Facebook in exchange for $ 1 billion in 2012. While it was an application that could be used only on IOS for free in the first years, it was harmonized with Android (2012) and the Windows (2013) operating system in the next years. Instagram has such features like follow/followers, photos, video uploading (15 sec.), liking the photos of people followed, leaving comments on photos, labelling (hashtag #), sending direct message/photos, tagging location on a photo shared (@), exploring sends, proposing similar users when starting to follow a user, searching for people-


Havva Nur Tarakcı, Nagihan Tufan Yeniçıktı locations-labels, and following the comments and like of people who are followed. It offers several use advantages like ability to set privacy preferences, to share a shared image simultaneously on Facebook, Twitter, Swarm Flickr, and Tumblr, and 29 different language options from English to Chinese. Instagram, as well as other social media applications, has an important place in our lives as a social media application that people use in order to satisfy their curiosity and motivation. While people meet certain requirements using the media, they psychologically relax at the same time by their satisfaction and began to reduce their psychological tensions. In this context, we see Uses and Gratifications Approach (McQuail and Windahl, 1997: 168), which is based on which people should focus on the contents offered by the mass media to fulfill their certain needs and to satisfy and which stresses that people are active audiences in the consumption of media. The question of “what do people make with media?” rather than the question of “what do media make people?” is the basic starting point of approach. The assumptions of Uses and Gratifications Approach has been guiding the study in terms of making an explanation about which requirements college students try to fulfill by using Instagram and how a gratification they get as a result. The question is also the subject of the research why individuals want to become in this environment because of the great number of users of social media sites and a popular medium of communication in recent years. In spite of a popular social network today, it is possible to say that fewer researches have focused on Instagram until now. In the study done by Zachary McCune in 2011, who researched the cause of motivations that users use Instagram and make sharing in this network, six types of user motivation were identified. These motivations are stated as sharing, documentation, seeing, community, creativity, and therapy. Despite a lot of studies in this area are carried out in terms of determining the motivations of use of social media, this study makes sense because of the lack of studies based on Instagram, and it is thought that the study contributes to the field 2.


In this section, it is given a place to evaluations on the purpose, model, population, and sample of research and to which methods are benefitted to collect data. This study examines Instagram user behavior of college students and with which motivations they use Instagram by the screening method. The main objective of this study is to put forward Instagram use motivations of college students in the context of Uses and Gratifications Approach. For this purpose, the study will seek to answer the following questions: 1. What are the Instagram use behaviors of students? 2. With which motivations the students are using Instagram? 3. What is the relationship of the Instagram use motivations with genders, departments, and classes of students? While the universe of research is the students of Faculty of Communication of Selcuk University, the sample of research is 270 students selected via quota sample. Quotas were constituted according to numbers of students of departments while selecting the quota sample, and a certain number of students from every department was included in the scope of research. As a result of the evaluation of the questionnaires under research and the elimination of inaccurate and incomplete surveys, 240 questionnaires were included in the analysis. In the study, it was used data collection form that aims at assessing the participants' behaviors and motivations of Instagram use. While forming the data collection form, it was


Instagram in the Context of the Uses and Gratifications Approach benefitted from the studies of (Oloo, 2013 and Çemrek et al., 2014). The questions on the data collection form are consist of the questions to determine the participants' demographic characteristics, Instagram use behaviors, and Instagram use motivations. The obtained data were analyzed with SPSS 18.0 statistical software. 3.


In this part of the study, there are the results of field study related to demographic characteristics of college students and their Instagram use behaviors and motivations. 3.1. Characteristics of Subjects While 47.5% of the students surveyed are women, 52.5% of them are men. 27.1% of participants are the students of Public Relations and Publicity, 25% are Journalism, 24.6% are Radio, Television and Cinema, and 23.3% are the Advertising Department. If we look at the grades of students, 35.4% of them are 4th grade, 25% are 2nd grade, 20.4% are 3rd grade, and 19.2% are 1st grade. Because the research was done on college students, the ages of the participants range from 18 to 22.


Havva Nur Tarakcı, Nagihan Tufan Yeniçıktı Table 1-Instagram Use Behaviors I love to share photos on Instagram. I love to look at the pictures on Instagram. I love to watch videos on Instagram. I think there is a fun world on Instagram. I look through the photos of topics interesting to me on Instagram. I think Instagram is a social media tool easy to use. I follow topics/people/groups interesting to me on Instagram. I share photos/videos, which I myself take, on Instagram because I want people to see.

Std. Mean Deviation 4,4051 3,39186 4,3249 ,75908 4,2051 ,78109 4,0733 1,02724 4,0219 ,95005 4,0169 ,99345 4,0129 2,19500 3,9103 1,02148

I make sharing because I just love to share on Instagram. I love to share my personal photos on Instagram. I find it very entertaining to share photo or video on Instagram. I love to take a photo by my smartphone and to share these photos in filtering. I love and prefer more to share on Instagram than such other social media tools as Facebook or Twitter.

3,7692 3,7265 3,6962 3,6582 3,6059

1,10313 1,11273 1,10876 1,15222 1,19636

I enjoy from seeing others’ photos on Instagram. I follow the famous people’s profiles and activities on Instagram. I make sharing because I want to share my special moments on Instagram. I love to share my experiences on Instagram. There is definitely a definition that states me on Instagram profile. I enjoy my friends tag me in their photos on Instagram. I love to share a video on Instagram. I love to like others’ sharing and/or comment on their shares on Instagram.

3,5949 3,5000 3,4979 3,4851 3,4565 3,4553 3,4515 3,3915

1,11065 5,00303 3,61098 1,19239 1,30679 1,15522 1,19443 1,15096

I use Instagram to observe them because my social circle is on Instagram.



I share others’ photos/videos on Instagram that I like because I want people to see them.



I use Instagram because my family and friends use Instagram. It is important to me that my friends, member of Instagram, are much in number. The number of people, member of Instagram, is important to me. I’m doing my sharing on Instagram to be appreciated. I have more friends on Instagram that daily normal life. I make sharing on Instagram to get a feedback. I love to participate in the contests held on Instagram Number of followers on Instagram is important to me. I’m doing my sharing on Instagram to be commented. I make sharing in order to become more popular on Instagram. I make sharing on Instagram in order to number of my followers to increase.

3,0684 3,0388 2,8095 2,7895 2,6926 2,5992 2,5636 2,5385 2,3291 2,2161 2,1356

1,38183 3,01271 1,30820 1,31393 1,38811 1,20190 1,31771 1,35240 1,26613 1,27493 1,17358

When the table showing the descriptive statistics of Instagram use behaviors, it is observed that the highest mean in terms of participation belongs to expressions related to visually. The expression of “I love to share photos on Instagram” has been an expression with a mean of 4.40 that the students attach importance at most. The expressions of “I love to look at the pictures on Instagram” with a mean of 4.32, “I love to watch videos on Instagram” with a mean of 4.20, “I think there is a fun world on Instagram” with a mean of 4.07, and “I look


Instagram in the Context of the Uses and Gratifications Approach through the photos of topics interesting to me on Instagram” with a mean of 4.02 are other expressions that the participants attach importance. The rise of the results about the visuals agree with primarily the use of photo on Instagram and other social media applications as an expression of person’s expression. A photo on Instagram is shared first of all as evidence of personal experiences and the living moment. Individuals can make themselves visible through the photos to the social environment (Larsen and Cruz, 2009: 215). In addition, the expressions related to sharing and liking/enjoyment are listed with the mean value of over 3. Some of these statements are as follows: The expressions of “I share photos/videos, which I myself take, on Instagram because I want people to see” has a mean of 3.91; “I make sharing because I just love to share on Instagram”, 3.76; “I love to share my personal photos on Instagram”, 3.72; “I love to take a photo by my smartphone and to share these photos in filtering”, 3.66; and “I love and prefer more to share on Instagram than such other social media tools as Facebook or Twitter”, 3.60. The lowest mean among expressions related to Instagram use behavior belongs to “I make sharing on Instagram in order to number of my followers to increase” with a mean of 2.13, “I’m doing my sharing on Instagram to be commented” with a mean of 2.33, and “I make sharing in order to become more popular on Instagram” with a mean of 2.22. This case shows that students do not give too much importance to share in order to attract attention to the use of Instagram. 3.2. Instagram Use Motivations The factor analysis has been applied in accordance with the answers replied to 47 items held by the Likert scale to determine the Instagram Use Motivations of subjects, and it has been seen three groups of factor to be treated. In the classification and evaluation factor groups, the varimax rotation table has been taken into account. The eigenvalue of items introduced into the factor analysis is greater than 1, and its minimum load size has been used as 0.30 criterion. The reliability coefficient of the items included in the factor analysis (Cronbach’s α= ,850) has been higher generally. Three factors resulted in the analysis explain 48.80% of the total variance in the Instagram Use Motivations. Table 2 shows the results of analyses in more detail. Table 2-Factor Analysis Results on Instagram Use and Gratifications (Principal Component Analysis, Varimax Rotation N = 240) I use Instagram Because


Standart Deviation


Sharing / Communication With Instagram, I’m able to see photos and video shares of my followers whenever I want.




With Instagram, I’m able to like shares done and comment that I want.




I’m able to share my visuals with people who cannot see photos and video that I take in the daily life on Instagram.




With Instagram, people who have common interests can follow me.




I’m able to share the visual that I want on Instagram.




Eigen Values







Havva Nur Tarakcı, Nagihan Tufan Yeniçıktı With Instagram, I’m able to follow people who have common interests.




I'm having a fun time on Instagram




I’m able to be in constant communication with Instagram.




I consider my leisure on Instagram.




Social Escape Not to be on Instagram is defined as a lack by my environment.




My confidence increases when my shares are liked and commented on Instagram.




I’m able to make sharing with a different user name on Instagram without using my own identity.




I’m getting rid of the feeling of loneliness on Instagram.




While sharing on Instagram, I feel myself more comfortable according to the daily life.




As long as I’m followed on Instagram, I feel myself special and important. I like to be visible.







I’m able to have instantly updated information about the famous people’s activities who I follow with Instagram.




I’m able to look at the hashtags of matters about which I’m curious.




I’m able to follow trends with Instagram.




Information I'm interested in popular things on Instagram.







Total Variance Explained: 48.80 Cronbach's α = ,850 KMO Measure of Sampling Adequacy: ,848 Bartlett's Test of Sphericity x 2 = 1805.53 p = ,000 The first motivation was called “Share/Communication”. As a result of analysis, it was determined 9 items that explain the first factor and of which loads are over 0.40. The items in this factor have the mean values and higher standard deviation values higher than 3. The value of reliability of the factor of “Share/Communication” is (Cronbach's α = ,813), and the eigen value is in such satisfactory level as 6,22. The first factor explains the 17.69% of the total variance by alone. Some of the expressions under this factor that contain about sharing as


Instagram in the Context of the Uses and Gratifications Approach follows: “With Instagram, I’m able to like shares done and comment that I want”, “I’m able to share the visual that I want on Instagram”, and “With Instagram, I’m able to see photos and video shares of my followers whenever I want”. Some of expressions related to “Communication” are follows: “I’m able to be in constant communication with Instagram”, “With Instagram, I’m able to follow people who have common interests”, and “With Instagram, people who have common interests can follow me”. The second factor obtained from the analysis are called “Social Escape”. The items showing the factor of “Social Escape” are listed as follows, “Not to be on Instagram is defined as a lack by my environment”, “My confidence increases when my shares are liked and commented on Instagram”, “I’m able to make sharing with a different user name on Instagram without using my own identity”, “I’m getting rid of the feeling of loneliness on Instagram”, “While sharing on Instagram, I feel myself more comfortable according to the daily life”, and “As long as I’m followed on Instagram, I feel myself special and important. I like to be visible”. The means of the expressions in this factor range from 2.6 to 2.98, and their standard deviations vary between 1.24 and 1.37. This situation shows that the participants paid less attention towards participation to the expressions under this factor. The reliability coefficient of the factor of “Social Escape” that explains 17,06% of the total variance is (Cronbach's α = ,836), and its eigen value is 2.55. The last factor called “Information” brought together the items that tend to see Instagram as a information tool. The means of expressions under this factor vary between 3.35 and 3.52. The factor of information which is constituted by 4 items having minimum 0,633 and maximum 0,675 in terms of load values explains the 14.04% of the total variance. The reliability coefficient of “Information Factor” is (Cronbach’s α=,754), and its eigen value is 1.46. 3.3. Relations Between Factors and Variables The scores of these factors were registered as one each variable by the aim of revealing the relationship between the factors of “Share/Communication”, “Social Escape”, and “Information” and various variables. Then, it was evaluated the significance of differences among averages over the scores of the factors in mention via students’ gender, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and Independent Samples T-Test. Table 3: Differences Between Gender and Factors Share/Communication

Social Escape




Female Male Gender Female Male Gender Female Male

48,44 51,41 Mean 47,65 52,12 Mean 51,61 48,54

Standart Deviation 10,370 9,129 SD 9,434 9,732 SD 11,037 8,374

T-Test t p -2,36 ,019 T-Test t p -3,61 ,000 T-Test t p 2,44 ,015

Like outlined in Table 3, the factors were classified in terms of the students’ gender. According to the results of Independent Samples T-Test Analysis, there is a statistically significant difference between the motivations of Gender and Share/Communication. While the mean of males is 51.44, the mean of females is 48.44. This conclusion shows that males attach more importance than females in terms of sharing or communicating on Instagram. There is a significant correlation between the motivations of Gender and Social Escape. This negative


Havva Nur Tarakcı, Nagihan Tufan Yeniçıktı correlation (t = -3.61 p 0.05). 3.5. Differences Between Class/Grade and Factors When examined the one-way analysis results of variance (ANOVA) that are related to whether the importance attached to the motivations of students’ grades and Instagram use by students becomes different or not, there is a significant difference between the motivation of Share/Communication and Students’ Grades (F = 2.715 p =, 046). As a result of analysis of variance carried out, it was found 2,715 F Value. The resulting variance reveals a significant difference. In order to test the source of difference, Tukey Test was applied. According to the analysis scores, the average difference between 3rd grade and 4th grade is a significant difference. The average of third class students is 52.78. The third class students attach more importance to the motivation of Share/Communication than the students in another grade for the use of Instagram. There is not a significant difference between Social Escape Motivation (F = 1.600 p =, 190) and Information Motivation (F = 504 p =, 680) with students’ grades. The 1,600 F Value, which was found for Social Escape, and 0.504 F Value, which was found for the Information Motivation, as a result of analysis are not a significant difference in the significance level of 0.05. 4.


This study has aimed to determine the Instagram use behaviors and motivations of college students moving from the perspective of Uses and Gratifications. It is thought while students meet certain requirements by the use of Instagram, they relax with gratification that they get, and seek to reduce their psychological stress at the same time. According to the results of our research, it emerges that students use Instagram more for photo / video sharing but they do not attach too much importance to the subjects of collecting likes, increasing the number of follower, and being popular in the network. It has determined that students use Instagram with three different motivations, and these motivations have been called “Sharing/Communication”, “Social Escape”, and “Information”. It is quite natural that human being becomes in a social network by the aim of Sharing/Communication as a social being and uses this network in the most effective way. As for Social Escape explains that students who overwhelmed by the tedious and overwhelming


Instagram in the Context of the Uses and Gratifications Approach pace of the day take place on Instagram in dressing up with different identities, contact with their followers and make sharing. Students aim to psychologically satisfy themselves in this way getting rid of the feeling of loneliness. Information Motivation expresses that students are able to exchange information via Instagram and do research/ analysis. Among these factors, students attach importance to the factor of “Share/Communication” at most. When the Instagram use motivations of students are evaluated on the basis of gender, department, and class/grade, it has been found a significant difference between gender and the factors (share/communication, social escape, and information). While males attach more importance to the motivations of share/communication and social escape, females attach more importance to the motivation of information. As it can be understood from this result, while males use Instagram more weightily to share, female use it as a tool of information / research / analysis. It could not be found a significant difference between the departments in which students study and the factors. It has reached a significant difference between students’ classes and the factor of share/communication. The students in the upper-class give more importance to share. As a result, the majority of students intensively use social media, and Instagram use increases every day. While students use Instagram as a socialization and communication tool, they can have a chance to express themselves not only in the word but also photographs thanks to Instagram. As Instagram enriches communications with these advantages, it offers significant contributions to the communication activities of students. Students in this way get away from daily problems for a moment and shift to the charm of virtual world. Students use the visual communication in the most effective way and gain different gratifications as active users of this new communication era that we live in. In this study, it was conducted a general review about Instagram use behaviors and motivations of the students. In the further studies to be carried out after this study, it can be researched the use motivations of individuals from different age groups. Furthermore, this study conducted on the students of Selcuk University can be done on the students in another universities and the results of two studies can be compared with each other. It should be noted that, taking the findings of previous studies into consideration and making comparisons are extremely important in terms of contributing to the development of the field. 5.


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