boston city council -

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Mar 13, 2017 - them by email, fax or mail to arrive befbre the hearing, please use the ... Mail Address: Docket #0256 ,




lvww.bosto city.council@boston. gov

One City Hall Square 5h Floor, Boston, MA 02201


Phone: (617) 635-3040


Fax: (617) 635-4203



Malch 9, 2017


-l c-, o public Ways and lvfeans will The Boston City Corurcil's Cornmittee on hold a hea{ng on Monday, March 13. 2017 at 11:00 AM in the Chlistopher A. Iannella Chamber. 5th flod( - a Boston City Hall.

oThe subject ofthe hearing is: .12ll1


rhe cit ot Bos l'r to nrit to the a chu tts S,lhu)l Buildinq Arrthoritv (MSBA) Stale nrenls of lnl e|est fbr Ac cel e rate d Rebair Ploerain for ihc 1CS lbllowinc schrrols: Chittick llcrucrta SC ,D l111 ll ar'.shall U Acll.dL'l1r tr I l(- 5 L) ce I(ilmc'r -8 rnrrrrer Sclrool I(- 5 Trntil Ivli School and 'fobin chool K-8. Ttrc ur the ot' lntt'rest clcscIibc .t nr1 cx la deficiencies and plioritv cate-sory 1or which Staterl'renfs ll ticrslon :rray be rnr,ilcrl lrr irpply the thc Citv of lo Massachusetls School Building Authority in lhe futurc,


Messace and orcl('r applovill-q approptiirtions of Nine


Milliorr Two Hrmdred Two ThorLsand ($f).202.1E I .00) li:r' Orle Hundled tlisht-One Dolla|s t he rurtose of llaVl11.: fbr the costs ploiccts lqp[acenrent at the tbllowjnc sllaab-Eastox l.]tr n associated with roof and boiler g$_f . Corrdon Elemcntory Sch,q_eJ_:_l:Sj]Sf 1tl t' Scl rr'xr ce leni ohn W. l{cconllack MicldLe School - roof le placelnent, Paul A. Del'el 'c lzrccntel t ail ihe hool Elernc nta r' p4yrnqrll tlrc of aU costs inci boiler leplacentent. This rncLrLdes tbr which the Citv of Berston nuv be cli!.ible for a clant from the Massacltusetts School 0tl10fi :x])e4dedulldcltherii lechon of the PuLrlic e

lf of



These matters were sponsored by the Mayor, and refemed to the Committee on March



and March 8, 2017 respectivcly.

NOTICE: The Boston City Council may have a quorum in attendance due to standing committees of the City Cotmcil consisting of both voting and non-voting members. Ilowever, members attending this duly posted meeting are participating and deliberating only in conjunction with the business ofthe standing committee.


BOS'IONIA. collDlrd. Arl

[email protected] One City Hall Square Sit Floor, Boston, MA02201

0 Phone: (6fD 635-3040 0 Fax: (617) 635-4203

Public Testimony Members of the public ar€ cordially invited to attend and testiry. lf you have not testified at a Council hearing befole, please anive five (5) minutes before the call ofthe hearing to sign up and become f'amiliar with the hearing format, testimony locations and sound system. Please bring fifteen ( I 5) copies of any \',rilten documentation you wish to present at the hearing.

Written comments may be made part of the record and available to al1 Councilors by sendirg them by email, fax or mail to arrive befbre the hearing, please use the information below. For the Committee:

hfu*, A,*,* Mark Ciommo Committee on Wavs and Means

Mail Address: Docket #0256 , City Council, City t lall, 5tr' Floor, Boston MA Fax Number: 617- 635-4203 Atux: Kate Sullivan, Docket # 0256 Commitfee



CCC.WM@Boston. gov

StaffEmail: Kate.Mairc.lLrllivanG)Ugston.goy Staff Telephone: 617-635- 4644 Broadcast Live on Comcast 8/RCN 82 or strcamed at: bosten qav/citv:Oouncil{v