Botany - Department of Higher Education

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Co. 4 O.P.Sharma 1990 Text book of Pteridophyta. Mcmillan India ltd. 5 P.D. Sharma 1991. The Fungi Rastogi & Co.Meerut. 6 H.C.Dubey 1990 Anintroduction of ...
Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc I Botany I Diversity of Microbes and Cryptogams I

Unit-1 Viruses and mycoplasma: characteristics of viruses and mycoplasma, general account of TMV and T4 bacteriophage. Unit-2 Bacteria: structure, nutrition, reproduction and economic importance; general account of cyanobacteria. Unit-3 Algae; general characters, classification and economic importance; important features and life history of Chlorophyceae – Volvox, Oedogonium; Charophyceae-Chara. Unit-4 Algae Xanthophyceae – Vaucheria; Phaeophyceae –Ectocarpus, Sagassum; Rhodophyceae – Polysiphonia. Unit-5 Fungi: general character, classification and economic importance; Important features and life history of Mastigomycotina- Phytophthora; Zygomycotina - Mucor.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P. Marks-50 ClassSubjectSemesterCoursePaper-

B.Sc I Botany I Cell Biology & Genetics II

Unit-1 The Cell envelops; plasma membrane; bilayer lipid structure; functions of the cell Wall. Unit-2 Structure and function of cell organelles: Golgi, ER, peroxisomes, Vacuoles chloroplast mitochondria. Unit-3 Structure and function of nucleus: Ultra structure: Nuclear memberane; Nucleolus. extranuclear genome; presence and function of mitochondrial and plastid DNA, Plasmids Unit-4 Chromosome organization; Morphology; Centromere and telomere,special types of chromosomes, mitosis, meiosis Unit-5 Variations in chromosomes structure: Deletions, Duplications, Translocations, Inversions; Variation in Chromosome number, Aneuploidy, Polyploidy. Books:1 G.M.Smith 1971 Cryptogunle Botany. Vol I. Algae & Fungi Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.New Delhi. 2 G.M.Smith 1971 Cryptogunle Botany. Vol II. Bryophytes & Pteridophytes. Tata McGrew Hill Pub. Co.New Delhi. 3 O.P.Sharma 1992 Text book of Thallophytea. McGrew Hill Pub. Co. 4 O.P.Sharma 1990 Text book of Pteridophyta. Mcmillan India ltd. 5 P.D.Sharma 1991. The Fungi Rastogi & Co.Meerut. 6 H.C.Dubey 1990 Anintroduction of fungi. Vikas pvt. 7 P.Puri 1980 Bryophyta Atma Ram & Sons ,Delhi. 8 A.Clifton 1958 introduction to the Bacteria McGrew Hill Pub. Co.New Delhi. 9 Alberts B.D.Lewis, J.Raff, M.Ruberts, K. and Watson I.D. 1999 Molecular Biology of Cell Garland Pub. Co.Inc. New York, USA. 10 Atherly,A.G., Girton, J.R. and McDonald, J.F. 1999 the Science of Genetics, Saunders College Pub. Fort Worth, USA. 11 P.K.Gupta 1999 A text Book of Cell and Molecular Biology, Rastogi Pub. Meerut India.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

12 Kleinsmith L.J. and Kish V.M. 1995 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology (2nd edition) Harper Collins College pub. New York USA. 13 P.K.Gupta Gentic’s Rastogi Pub. Meerut. 14 Sinha & Sinha cytogenetics & plant Breeding Vikas Pub.


3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Study of the genera include under algae and fungi. observation of diseases symptoms in hosts infected by, viruses and mycoplasma. Section cutting of diseased material and identification of the pathogens as per the theory syllabus. Gram staining of bacteria. Study of crustose, foliose and other type of lichen thalli. To study cell structure from onion leaf peels: demonstration of staining and mounting methods. Comparative study of cell structure in onion cells. Hydrilla and Spirogyra… Study of cyclosis in Tradescantia staminal cells. Study of plastids to extreme pigment distribution in plants (e.g. Cassia, Lycopersicon and Capsicum). Examination of electron micrographs of eukaryotic cells with special reference organelles. Study of electron micrographs of viruses, bacteria, cyno bacteria and eukaryotic cells for comparative cellular organization. Examination of various stages of mitosis and meiosis using appropriate plant material (e.g. onion root tips, onion flower buds). Cytological examination of special type of chromosomes: bar body, lambrush and polytene chromosomes.

SCHEME OF PRATICAL EXAMINATION SEMISTER I Algae / Fungi Mitosis / Meiosis Plant diseases Spotting Project Sessional


10 10 10 10 05 05 ------------------50 -------------------

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc I Botany II Diversity of Microbes and Cryptogams I

Unit-1 Asco mycotina: Aspergillus, Peziza; Basidomycotina – Puccinia, Deurteromycotina – Cercospora, Colletotrichum; general account of lichens. Unit-2 Bryophyta: classification, study of morphology, anatomy, reproduction of Hepaticopsida (e.g.Riccia, Marchantia). Unit-3 Bryophyta: Study of morphology, anatomy reproduction of: Anthrocerotopsida(e.g. Anthocros), Bryopsida (e.g. Polytrichum). Unit-4 Pteridophyta; important characters and classification, stelar organization, morphology and anatomy of Rhynia Unit-5 Pteridophyta; Structure Anatomy and reproduction in Lycopodium, Selaginella, Equisetum, and Marsilea.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P. Marks-50 ClassSubjectSemesterCoursePaper-

B.Sc I Botany II Cell Biology & Genetics II

Unit-1 DNA the genetic material, DNA structure, Replication the Nucleosome model satellite and repetitive DNA. Unit-2 The structure of gene, Genetic code, Transfer of genetic information; Transcription, Translation, Protein Synthesis, tRNA, Ribosomes, Unit-3 Regulation of gene expression in Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes. Unit-4 Genetic inheritance; Mendelism; laws of segregation and independent assortment; Linkage analysis; interactions of genes. Unit-5 Genetic variations; Mutations, Spontaneous and induced; transposable elements; DNA damage and repair. Book:1. Alberts B.D.Lewis, J.Raff, M.Ruberts, K. and Watson I.D. 1999 Molecular Biology of Cell Garland Pub. Co.Inc. New York, USA. 2. Atherly,A.G., Girton, J.R. and McDonald, J.F. 1999 the Science of Genetics, Saunders College Pub. Fort Worth, USA. 3. P.K.Gupta 1999 A text Book of Cell and Molecular Biology, Rastogi Pub. Meerut India. 4. Kleinsmith L.J. and Kish V.M. 1995 Principles of Cell and Molecular Biology (2nd edition) Harper Collins College pub. New York USA. 5. P.K.Gupta Gentic’s Rastogi Pub. Meerut. 6. Sinha & Sinha cytogenetics & plant Breeding Vikas Pub. 7

G.M.Smith 1971 Cryptogunle Botany. Vol I. Algae & Fungi Tata McGraw Hill Pub. Co.New Delhi. 8 G.M.Smith 1971 Cryptogunle Botany. Vol II. Bryophytes & Pteridophytes. Tata McGrew Hill Pub. Co.New Delhi. 9 O.P.Sharma 1992 Text book of Thallophytea. McGrew Hill Pub. Co. 10 O.P.Sharma 1990 Text book of Pteridophyta. Mcmillan India ltd. 11 P.D.Sharma 1991. The Fungi Rastogi & Co.Meerut. 12 H.C.Dubey 1990 Anintroduction of fungi. Vikas pvt.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

13 14 15 16 17

P.Puri 1980 Bryophyta Atma Ram & Sons ,Delhi. Rashid Pteridophyta P.C.Vashishatha Pteridophyta S.Chand Praihar Pteridophyta B.R. Vashishatha Bryophyta S.Chand.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

BOTANY PRACTICAL WORK B.Sc. I Semester – II 2008 -09 1. Study of the morphology reproductive structures and anatomy of the examples given in theory under fungi bryophyte and pteridophyta. 2. Preparation of Karyotypes from dividing root tip cells and pollen grains. 3. Waoking out the laws of inheritance using seed mixtures. 4. Working out the mode of inheritance of linked genes from test cross and or F2 data.

SCHEME OF PRATICAL EXAMINATION SEMISTER I Fungi / Bryophyta Pteridophyta Genetical Problem Spotting Project Record


10 10 10 10 05 05 ------------------50 -------------------

Projects Class

1. 2. 3. 4.


B.Sc I

Mass cultivation algae such as Spirulina. Mass cultivation Saccharomyces. Mass cultivation of edible Mushrooms. Mass cultivation of Moss Sticks.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

5. 6. 7.

Role plants in sewage treatment, eg. Azolla, Salvinia, Water hycanthis etc. Phytoremediation of degraded lands/wasteland sush mine overburdens. Study of mitosis in different plant material to study variation in Chromosomes size, eg. Allium cepa and Alovera. 8. Study of meiotic behaviour in Allium cepa. 9. Study of various shapes of Chloroplasts in Algae. 10. Study of mendels laws of Inheritance:(a) Law of Segregation, (b) Law of Independent assortment. Note:- Projects other than the above list may also be undertaken related to the syllabus to availability of resources. 11. To Inumerate the diversity of green algae in local fresh water habits. 12. To prepare an inventory of Diatoms from different habitats. 13. To study different types of Cyanobacteria from the local area. 14. To study diversity of Mushroom from tribal areas. 15. To study frequency of lichens in the adjoining natural habitat. 16. To enumerate the diversity of locally cultivated growing pteriophytes.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc II Botany III Diversity and Systematics of Seeds plants I

Unit-1 Characters and classification of Gymnosperms; Heterospory and origin of seed habit; Evoluation and diversity of Gymnosperms. Unit-2 Geological time scale, fossilization; Fossil Gymnosperms; e.g. Lyginopteris, Lygenostoma. Unit-3 Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction and Life cycle of Cycas. Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction and Life cycle of Pinus. Unit-4 Morphology, Anatomy, Reproduction and Life cycle of Ephedra. Origin and evoluation of Angiosperm. Unit-5 Primitive Angiosperms (Magnoliaceae Winteraceae); Angiosperms taxonomy – aims, fundamental components (alpha, beta & gama taxonomy).

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc II Botany III Structure, Development and Reproduction in flowering plants. II

Unit-1 The basic body plan of a flowering plant. Variation in habit of flowering plants, Diversity in plant form in annuals, biennials and perrnnials. Unit-2 The root System: The root apical meritsem; differentiation of primary and secondary tissues and their roles; Structural modification of storage, respiration, reproduction and interaction with microbes. Unit-3 The Shoot system: the shoot apical meritsm and histological organisation, Anatomy of primary stem in monocotyledons and Dicotyledoms. Unit-4 Formation of internode, Branching pattern – monopodial and Sympodial growth, Canopy arthitecture. Unit-5 Vascular cambium and its function; formation of secondary Xylem, Characteristics of growth rings, Sapwood and heart wood secondary phloem, Cork cambium and periderm.

Books:1. Bhatnagar, S.P. and Moitra 1996. Gymnosperms. New Age International Limited, New Delhi. 2. Davis, P.H. and Heywood, V.H. 1963. Principles of Angiosperm taxonomy. Oliver and Boyd, London. 3. G;fford, E.M. and Foster, A.S.1988. Morphology and Evaluation of Vascular plants. W.H. Freeman & Company, New York. 4. Heywood, V.H. and Moore, D.M.(eds) 1984. Current concepts in plant taxonomy. Academic press London. 5. Jeffery, C.1982. An Introduction to plant taxonomy. Cambridge University Press Cambridge, London. 6. Jones,S.B.Jr. and Luchsinger, A.E.1986. plant systematics (td edition). McGraw Hill Book Co. New York.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

7. Maheshwari,J.K.1963 Flora of Delhi, CSIR, New Delhi. 8. Radford,A.E.1986. Fundamentals of plant systematics. Harper and Row, New York. 9. Singh G.1999. Plant systematics: Theory and Practice. Oxford and IBH pvt.Ltd.New Delhi. 10. Sporne, K.R.1965 The Morphology of Gymnosperms. Hutchinson & Co. pub. Ltd., London. 11. Stewart, W.m. 1983. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cambridge University Press Cambridge.

BOTANY PRACTICAL WORK B.Sc. II Semester – III 2009 - 10 Marks -50 1. Section cutting and double staining glycerine mount of Gynmoperms material and their identification. 10 2. Section cutting and double staining glycerine mount of Angiosperms material and their identification. 10 3. Studing of branching patterns / plant forms 05 4. Spotting (1-5) 10 5. Project. 05 6. Sessionals. 10

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc II Botany IV Diversity and Systematics of Seeds plants I

Unit-1 Plant Identification – Keys and texonomic Literature; Principles and rules of Botanical nomenclature; taxonomic ranks; type concept, Principle of Priority; Herbarium; botanical gardens. Unit-2 Classification of Angiosperms: Salient features of the system proposed by Bentham and Hooker, Englar and Prantl and Hutchinson. Unit-3 Modern trends in Taxonomy – Cytology, Phytochemistry Embryology and Taximrtrics. Unit-4 Diagnostic characteristic and economic importance and members of families of Ranunculaceae, Brassicaceae, Malvaceae, Rutaceae, Fabaceae, Apiaceae, Unit-5 Diagnostic characteristic and economic importance and members of families of Asclepiadaceae, Solanaceae, Lamiaceae, Euphoricaceae Liliaceae and Poaceae. Euphoricaceae.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc II Botany IV Structure, Development and Reproduction in flowering plants. II

Unit-1 Leaf: Origin, development, arrangement and diversity in size and shape; internal structure in relation to Photosynthesis and water loss; adaptations to water stress; senescence and abscission. Unit-2 Flower: Concept of flower as a modified shoot, structure of anther, Microsporogenesis, formation of pollen grains ( male gametophyte), structure of pistil, ovules. Megasporogenesis, development of embryosac (female gametophyte). Unit-3 Attraction and rewards for pollinators, pollen pistil interactions. Mechanism and agencies of pollination, pollen germination and pollen tube growth self incompatibility. Unit-4 Double fertilization, Development of endosperm and embryo in monocotyledons and dictyledons. Fruit development and maturation. Unit-5 Seed: Significance of seed dormancy, ecological adaptation, unit of genetic recombination replenishment, dispersals strategies, vegetative reproduction, vegetative propagation, grafting, economic espects. Books:1 Heywood, V.H. and Moore, D.M.(eds) 1984. Current concepts in plant taxonomy. Academic press London. 2 Jeffery, C.1982. An Introduction to plant taxonomy. Cambridge University Press Cambridge, London. 3 Jones,S.B.Jr. and Luchsinger, A.E.1986. plant systematics (td edition). McGraw Hill Book Co. New York. 4 Maheshwari,J.K.1963 Flora of Delhi, CSIR, New Delhi. 5 Radford,A.E.1986. Fundamentals of plant systematics. Harper and Row, New York.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P


Singh G.1999. Plant systematics: Theory and Practice. Oxford and IBH pvt.Ltd.New Delhi. 7 Sporne, K.R.1965 The Morphology of Gymnosperms. Hutchinson & Co. pub. Ltd., London. 8 Stewart, W.m. 1983. Paleobotany and the evolution of plants. Cambridge University Press Cambridge.

BOTANY PRACTICAL WORK B.Sc. II Semester – IV 2009 - 10 Marks -50 1. 2.

Study of the locally plants and their identification up to family level. 10 Cut the section of given material prepare double stained glycerine mount of given material. 10 Comment on vegetative propagation . 05 Spotting (1-5). 10 Project work. 05 Sessionals. 10

3. 4. 5. 6.

Projects Class 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.



To enumerate the diversity of locally cultivated/growing gymnosperms. To mass propagate arnamental gymnosperms. To prepare product profile of selected gymnosperms such as Cycas, Pinus, Ephedra etc. Preparation artifical key to study the diversity of family Fabaceae / Lamiaceae / Liliacese / Poaceae / Euphorbiacese. To prepare pollen calendar of your locality. Epidemiological study of population suffering from allergy / asthma. To study the effect of various factors on seedgermination of economically important plants. To study indigeneous and exotic climbers and lianas of your study.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14.

To study diversity of avenue trees planted along road side / highways. To study the plants as pollution indicators and theirs occurrence adjoining industrial area. Exploitation of rhizospheric micro organisms in yield improvement of economically important plant such as Rhizobium, Azotobacter, Mycorrhiza. To study devise strategies of breaking seed dormancy in economically important trees. The study of hydrophytes along fresh water bodies of the neighboring areas. Man propagation pf various floriculturally horticulturally important plants by vegetative means like Rose, Gerbera, Gladiolus and lemon, Orange, Mango etc.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc III Botany V Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology. I

Unit-1 Plant-water relations: Importance of water to plant life; physical properties of water; diffusion and osmosis; absorption, transport of water and transpiration; physiology of stomata. Unit-2 Mineral nutrition: Essential macro-and micro-elements and their role; mineral uptake; deficiency and toxicity symptoms. Transport of organicsubstance: Mechanism of phloem transport; source-sink relationship; factors affecting translocation. Unit-3 Photosynthesis: Significance: historical aspects; photosynthetic pigments; red drop and enhancement effect; concept of two photosystems; Z-scheme; photophosphorylation C3cycle; C4 cycle; CAM plants; photorespiration. Unit-4 Nitrogen and lipid metabolism: Biology of nitrogen fixation; nitrate reduction and its regulation; ammonium assimilation; structure and function of lipids; fatty acid biosynthesis; Beta-oxidation; storage and mobilization of fatty acids. Unit-5 Respiration: ATP-the biological energy currency; aerobic and anaerobic respiration; Kreb’s cycle; electron transport mechanism (chemi-osmotic theory); redox potential; oxidative phosphorylation; phosphogluconate pathways.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of higher education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governorof M.P.

ClassSubjectAcademic Session – SemesterCoursePaper-

Marks-50 B.Sc III Botany 2010 – 11 V Ecology and Utilization of Plant Resources. II

Unit-1 Ecosystems: Structure; abiotic and biotic components; food chain, food web ecological. Pyramids, energy flow; biogeochemical cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus. Unit-2 Morphological, anatomical and physiological responses of plants: to water (hydrophytes and xerophytes), temperature (themoperiodicity and vernalization), light (photoperiodism, halophytes and sciophytes) and salinity. Unit-3 Population ecology: Growth curves; ecotypes; ecads, population intvachious Community ecology: Community characteristics, frequency, density, cover, life forms. Unit-4 Biological spectrum; ecological succession types of succession, concept of climax Unit-5 Plants and environment: Atmosphere (gaseous composition), water (properties of water cycle), light (global radiation, photosynthetically active radiation), temperature. Suggested Readings:1. Hopkins W.G. 1995 Introduction of plant physiology Pub. John wiley and sons New york. 2. Salisbury F.D., and Ross C.W. 1992 plant physiology (4thedition). Wadsworth Pub. Co.California, U.S.A. 3. Taiz & Zeiger, E.1998 plant physiology (2nd ed.) Sinauer associates, inc. Pub, Massachusetts, U.S.A. 4. Odum, E.P.1983. Basic Ecology, Saunders, Philadelphia. 5. Kormondy, E.J. 1996 Concepts of Ecology. Prentice-hall of India pvt. Ltd. New Delhi. 6. Kochhar, S.L. 1998 Economic Botany in Tropics 2nd edition. McMillan India Ltd. New Delhi. 7. V.K.Jain Fundamentals of plant physiology, S.Chand & company.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

8. 9. 10.

S.K.Verma & M.Verma, A Text book of plant Physiology & Biotechnology, S.Chand. R.S.Shukla & P.S.Chandel, A Text book of plant Ecology. V.Verma plant physiology Emkey.

B.Sc. III Semester – V Botany Practical Marks-50 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Exercise based on plant physiology experiment. Biochemical test. Exercise based on Ecological exercise / soil analysis. Spotting. Viva-voce Project work. & Sessional.

10 05 10 10 05 10

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of higher education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governoeof M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc III Botany VI Plant Physiology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology. I

Unit-1 Basics of Enzymology: Discover, classification and nomenclature; characteristics of enzymes; concept of holoenzyme, apoenzyme, coenzyme and cofactors; mechanism of action. Unit-2 Growth and Development: Definitions; phases of growth and development; kinetics of growth; seed dormancy, seed germination and factors of their regulation; physiology of flowering; florigen concept; biological clocks; physiology of senescence, fruit ripening. Unit-3 Plants hormones-auxins, gibberellins, cytokinins, abscisic acid and ethylene, history of their discovery, biosynthesis and mechanism of action; Phptpmophogenesis; phytochromes and cryptochromes, their discovery, physiological role and mechanism of action.

Unit-4 Genetic Engineering: Tools and techniques of recombinate DNA techonology; cloning vectors; genomic and cDNA library; transposable elements; gene mapping and chromosome walking. Unit-5 Biotechnology: Functional definition; basic aspects of plant tissue culture; cellular totipotency, differentiation and morphogenesis biology of Agrobacterium; vectors for gene delivery and marker genes; salient achievements in crop biotechnology.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Department of Higher Education, Govt. of M.P. Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P.


Marks-50 B.Sc III Botany VI Ecology and Utilization of Plant Resources. II

Unit-1 Soil (development soil profiles, physico-chemical properties), and biotic factors. Unit-2 Phytogeographical regions of India: vegetarion types of Madhya Pradesh, Biosphere reserves, sancturies and national parks of Madhya Pradesh. Unit-3 Pollution: Defination, Types and causes, Global warning and climate change and Ozone holes. Unit-4 Food plants: Rice, Wheat, Maize, Potato, Sugarcane. Fibers: Cotton and Jute. Vegetables: Groundnut, Mustard and Coconut. General accounts of sources of firewood, timber and bamboos. Unit-5 . Spices: General account. Medicinal plants: General account. Beverages: Tea and Coffee. Rubber Suggested Readings:Odum,E.P. 1983, Basic Ecology, Saunders, Philadelphia. Korknody, E.J. 1996, Concept of Ecology, Prentice-Hall of India Pvt.Ltd. New Delhi. Mackenzie, A et al 1999. Instant Notes in Ecology, Viva Books Pvt. Ltd New Delhi. Kocchar, S.L. 1998 Economic Botany in tropics, II edition Macmillan India Ltd. New Delhi. Sambamurthy, A.V.S.S. and Subramanyam, N.S. 1989. A Text Book of Economic Botany! Wiley Eastern Ltd, New Delhi. Sharma O.P. 1996 Hill’s Economic Botany (late Dr.A.F.Hill, adapted by O.P.Sharma). Tata McGraw Hill Co. Ltd. New Delhi. Simpson, B.B. and conner-ogarzaly M. 1986 Economic botany-plants in our world. McGraw Hill New York.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

Ambast R.S. plant Ecology. Champion and Seth 1968, Forest of India-Classification-F.R.Publication Doubenmire: Plant and Enviroment Puri G.S.: Indian forest Ecology Sagareya K.P. Forest and Forestry Pandhi- Indian Forestry. Hopkins W.G. 1995 Introduction of plant physiology Pub. John wiley and sons New york. Salisbury F.D., and Ross C.W. 1992 plant physiology (4thedition). Wadsworth Pub. Co.California, U.S.A. Taiz & Zeiger, E.1998 plant physiology (2nd ed.) Sinauer associates, inc. Pub, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Odum, E.P.1983. Basic Ecology, Saunders, Philadelphia. V.K.Jain Fundamentals of plant physiology, S.Chand & company. S.K.Verma & M.Verma, A Text book of plant Physiology & Biotechnology, S.Chand. R.S.Shukla & P.S.Chandel, A Text book of plant Ecology. V.Verma plant physiology Emkey.

Suggestive Laboratory Exercise:1. To determine the protein contain in unknown sample. 2. To determine the respiration by volume and weight methods. 3. To determine the RQ different substrate. 4. Seperation of amino acid by paper chromatography. 5. Bioassay of plant harmones. 6. Demonstration of techinique of micro propogation (Axillary buds, shoot meritems). 7. To determine minimum number / size / frequency / density / abundance of quadrates required for reliable estimination of bio mass in grassland. 8. To determine diversity indices (richness, simpson, Shannon-wiener) in graced and projected grasslands. 9. To study ecological adaptation.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

B.Sc. III Semester – VI Botany Practical Marks-50 1 Exercise based on plant physiology experiment. 2 Phytogeography of India. 3 Exercise based on economic Botany / Adaptation. 4 Spotting. 5 Viva-voce 6 Project work. & Sessional.

10 05 10 10 05 10

Projects Class



1. Extraction of sisal fibre from senseviera and production of economically important products. 2. Stydy of effect of water deficit and water logging on economically important plants such wheat & maize. 3. Propagation of Aloe vera and production of Aloe extract. 4. Production of green juice as a source of anti oxidants of wheat seedlings. 5. To study the Nutrient composition of macronutrients in different plant species by ash analysis. 6. To study the nutrient composition of micronutrients in different plant species by ash analysis. 7. To study the deficiency an toxicity of heavy metals on certain cropplants. 8. To study the toxicity of industrial affulents using bioassays techniques. 9. Biassays for plant harmones such as Auxins, Gibberrellins, Cytokinins, ABA & Ethylene. 10. To study micropropagation of medicinal / ornamental / crop plants / economically important plants. 11. To study ecological adaptations in hydrophytes and xerophytes. 12. To assess water quality of local fresh waater habitats. 13. To study of level of noise pollution during the different festivals. 14. To analyze physical and chemical properties of garden, waste land and polluted soils. 15. Reclaimation of degraded land by community foresty. 16. A project on Biosphere reserves. 17. Vermi compositing of municipal solid waste. 18. Recycling of domestic sewage through biomethanation. 19. production of ethanol from agriculture waste product.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P

20. Cultivation biofuels plants such as Jantropha curcas. 21. Study of plants acailable during Van-Mela and Forest markets. 22. Study of mass cultivation of aromatic plants and the extraction if their active principles. 23. The study of use of herbals / herbal based product in the cosmetic industry. 24. Study of faunal diversity associated with some economically important plants.

Work Place 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.


Institutions & Industries

Gardens, Botanical, Nursery, Agriculture Colleges, Research centers, Tissue culture labs, Biotechnology labs, Biofertilizers labs, Forests, Indian institute of soil sciences, Central institute of Agricultural Engineering, RRL, M.P.Agro industries & Associated labs, CEDMAP, Map cost, Pollution control board, Bhoj wetland, Biosphere reserve & Centuries, Geological survey of India, Rajeev Gandhi University Biotech Dept. Bhopal, DRDO, Pharmaceuticals, Breweries & Bakeries.

Semester wise syllabus for Undergraduates As recommended by Central board of Studies and Approved by HE the Governor of M.P