6 Nov 2007 ... "Hammer of the Gods" is the first Bottomless Pit album. "Hammer of the Gods" is
the first release from New. Jersey's Comedy Minus One.
comedy minus one 47 hardy drive princeton, nj 08540 : comedyminusone.com
BOTTOMLESS PIT cmo001 “Hammer of the Gods” cd Release Date: November 6, 2007 (Exportable) UPC: 6-37051-01002-5
$12.98 list
Bottomless Pit was formed in the fall of 2005 by erstwhile Silkworm members Tim Midgett and Andy Cohen. Their longtime friends Chris Manfrin (Seam) and Brian Orchard (.22) complete the quartet. 2007 finds the group playing "their blues" - soulful, emotionally intense, and often transcendent postpunk that is as inviting as it is bracing. "Hammer of the Gods" is the first Bottomless Pit album. "Hammer of the Gods" is the first release from New Jersey's Comedy Minus One.