Notice that the biharmonic map equation (1.1) is a 4th order elliptic system with super-critical nonlinearity. It is a very natural and interesting question to study its ...
Boundary partial regularity for a class of biharmonic maps Huajun Gong∗ Tobias Lamm† Changyou Wang‡
Abstract We consider the Dirichlet problem for biharmonic maps u from a bounded, smooth domain Ω ⊂ Rn (n ≥ 5) to a compact, smooth Riemannian manifold N ⊂ Rl without boundary. For any smooth boundary data, we show that if u is a stationary biharmonic map that satisfies a certain boundary monotonicity inequality, then there exists a closed subset Σ ⊂ Ω, with H n−4 (Σ) = 0, such that u ∈ C ∞ (Ω \ Σ, N ).
This is a continuation of our previous study in [14]. Here we consider the Dirichlet problem for (extrinsic) biharmonic maps into Riemannian manifolds in dimension at least 5 and address the issue of boundary regularity for a class of stationary biharmonic maps. For n ≥ 5, let Ω ⊂ Rn be a bounded, smooth domain and (N, h) ⊂ Rl be a l-dimensional, compact C 3 -Riemannian manifold with ∂N = ∅. For k ≥ 1, 1 ≤ p < +∞, define the Sobolev space n o W k,p (Ω, N ) = v ∈ W k,p (Ω, Rl ) : v(x) ∈ N for a.e. x ∈ Ω . Recall that an extrinsic biharmonic map u ∈ W 2,2 (Ω, N ) is defined to be a critical point of the Hessian energy functional: Z E2 (v) = |∆v|2 , v ∈ W 2,2 (Ω, N ). Ω l
If we denote by P(y) : R → Ty N , y ∈ N , the orthogonal projection map, then the second fundamental form of N is defined by B(y)(X, Y ) = −DX P(y)(Y ), ∀X, Y ∈ Ty N. It is standard (cf. [21] Proposition 2.1) that an extrinsic biharmonic map u ∈ W 2,2 (Ω, N ) is a weak solution to the biharmonic map equation: ∆2 u = ∆(B(u)(∇u, ∇u)) + 2∇ · h∆u, ∇(P(u))i − h∆(P(u)), ∆ui,
∆2 u ⊥ Tu N.
or equivalently Notice that the biharmonic map equation (1.1) is a 4th order elliptic system with super-critical nonlinearity. It is a very natural and interesting question to study its regularity. The study was ∗
School of Mathematics, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, P.R. China Institut f¨ ur Mathematik, Goethe-Universit¨ at Frankfurt, Robert-Mayer-Str.1060054, Frankfurt, Germany ‡ Department of Mathematics, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506, USA †
first initiated by Chang, Wang, and Yang [5]. In particular, they proved that when N = S l−1 ⊂ Rl is the unit sphere, then any W 2,2 -biharmonic map is smooth in dimension 4, and smooth away from a closed set of (n − 4)-dimensional Hausdorff measure zero for n ≥ 5 provided that it is, in addition, stationary. The main theorem in [5] was subsequently extended to any smooth Riemannian manifold N by the third author in [20, 21, 22], and different proofs were later given by Lamm-Rivi`ere [13] for n = 4 and Struwe [18] for n ≥ 5, see also Strzelecki [19] for some generalizations. There have been many important works on the regularity of stationary harmonic maps, originally due to H´elein [10], Evans [7], and Bethuel [3] (see Rivi`ere [16], and Rivi`ere-Struwe [17] for important new approaches and improvements). A crucial property for stationary harmonic maps is the well-known energy monotonicity formula (see Price [15]). The notion of stationary biharmonic maps was motived by the notion of stationary harmonic maps. More precisely, u ∈ W 2,2 (Ω, N ) is called a stationary biharmonic map if it is, in addition, a critical point with respect to the domain variations: Z d |∆ut |2 = 0, ut (x) = u(x + tY (x)), Y ∈ C0∞ (Ω, Rn ). (1.3) dt t=0 Ω It has been derived by [5] and Angelsberg [2] that stationary biharmonic maps enjoy the following interior monotonicity inequality: for x ∈ Ω and 0 < r ≤ R < dist(x, ∂Ω), Z Z 4−n 2 4−n R |∆u| − r |∆u|2 = A1 + A2 , (1.4) BR (x)
Br (x)
where |ui + (y − x)j uij |2 |(y − x)i ui |2 + (n − 2) , = 4 |y − x|n−2 |y − x|n BR (x)\Br (x) Z (y − x)i uj uij |(y − x)i ui |2 |∇u|2 = 2 − +2 −2 . |y − x|n−3 |y − x|n−1 |y − x|n−3 ∂(BR (x)\Br (x)) Z
A1 A2
Such an interior monotonicity inequality plays a critical role in the partial interior regularity theory, mentioned as above, for stationary biharmonic maps, since it reduces the problem from supercritical to critical in certain senses. It is also a natural and interesting question to address possible boundary regularity for biharmonic maps, associated with smooth Dirichlet boundary data.oMore precisely, let φ ∈ C ∞ (Ωδ , N ) n be given for some δ > 0, where Ωδ = x ∈ Ω : dist(x, ∂Ω) < δ . Consider that u ∈ W 2,2 (Ω, N ) is a biharmonic map satisfying ∂u ∂φ , (1.5) u, = φ, ∂ν ∂Ω ∂ν where ν is the unit outward normal of ∂Ω. For dimension of Ω, n = 4, the complete boundary smoothness of biharmonic maps has been proved by Ku [12] for N = S l−1 and Lamm-Wang [14] for any compact Riemannian manifold N 1 . For dimensions n ≥ 5, as in the interior case, it seems necessary to require a boundary monotonicity inequality analogous to (1.4) in order to obtain possible boundary regularity. Here we will consider a class of stationary biharmonic maps u ∈ W 2,2 (Ω, N ) under the boundary condition (1.5), which satisfy the following boundary monotonicity inequality: 1
In fact, the complete interior and boundary smoothness of k-polyharmonic maps in W k,2 (R2k , N ) has been proved by Gastel-Scheven [9] and [14] respectively.
There exist R0 > 0 and C, depending only on n, ∂Ω, δ, kφkC 4 (Ωδ ) , such that for any x0 ∈ ∂Ω and 0 < r ≤ R ≤ R0 , there holds Z |∇2 (u − φ)|2 + A(r, R) + eCr B(r) + ecr D(r) r4−n Ω∩Br (x0 ) Z CR CR 4−n |∇2 (u − φ)|2 + eCR B(R) + eCR D(R), (1.6) ≤ CRe + e R Ω∩BR (x0 )
where Z A(r, R) := 4 Ω∩(BR (x0 )\Br (x0 ))
|(u − φ)j + (y − x0 )i (u − φ)ij |2 |(y − x0 )i (u − φ)i |2 + (n − 2) |y − x0 |n−2 |y − x0 |n
and for ρ = r and R, Z B(ρ) := 2
|(y − x0 )k (u − φ)k |2 (u − φ)i (u − φ)ij (y − x0 )j |∇(u − φ)|2 2 − −2 , ρn−1 ρn−3 ρn−3 ∂Bρ (x0 )∩Ω Z h i ∂ ∂ 4−n D(ρ) := 2ρ h∆(u − φ), (u − φ)i − h∇(u − φ), (∇(u − φ))i . ∂r ∂r ∂Bρ (x0 )∩Ω
Now we state our main theorem. Theorem 1.1 For n ≥ 5, φ ∈ C ∞ (Ωδ , N ) for some δ > 0, assume that u ∈ W 2,2 (Ω, N ) under the boundary condition (1.5) is a stationary biharmonic map that satisfies the boundary monotonicity n−4 inequality (S(u)) = 0, such that (1.6). Then there exists a closed subset S(u) ⊂ Ω, with H ∞ u ∈ C Ω \ S(u), N . Remark 1.2 Notice that the interior monotonicity inequality (1.4) is a consequence of the stationarity identity (1.3). It is unknown whether the boundary monotonicity inequality (1.6) can be deduced from (1.3). In §2 below, we will employ a Pohazaev type argument to show that (1.6) holds for any biharmonic map u ∈ W 4,2 (Ωδ , N ). In particular, (1.6) holds at any x0 ∈ ∂Ω that is a regular point of u2 . From this view of points, (1.6) seems to be a necessary condition for the boundary regularity. In contrast with the standard reflection argument to obtain boundary regularity of harmonic maps (see, e.g. Wang [23]), it seems impossible to obtain boundary regularity of biharmonic maps or general 4th order elliptic systems via boundary reflection methods. To overcome this type of difficulty, we will employ an estimate for the Green function of ∆2 on the modified upper half ball to prove a boundary decay lemma under a smallness condition in suitable Morrey spaces. The overall scheme includes suitable adaptions and extensions of: (i) the rewriting of biharmonic map equation (1.1) by [13] and [18], and the Coloumb gauge construction by [17] and [18]; and (ii) estimates of Riesz potentials among Morrey spaces by [21, 22]. To obtain the Morrey bound (3.2), we modify the argument by [18] appendix B. The paper is organized as follows. In §2, we derive the boundary monotonicity inequality for W 4,2 -biharmonic maps, which may have its own interests. In §3, we establish a boundary decay lemma under the smallness condition (3.2). In §4, we establish (3.2) at H n−4 a.e. x ∈ ∂Ω. Throughout this paper, for two quantities A and B, we will denote by A . B if there exists a constant C > 0, depending only on n, Ω, and φ, such that A ≤ CB. 2
i.e. there exists r0 > 0 such that u ∈ C ∞ (Ω ∩ Br0 (x0 ))
Derivation of boundary monotonicity inequality for W 4,2 -biharmonic maps
This section is devoted to the derivation of the boundary monotonicity inequality (1.6) for W 4,2 (Ωδ )extrinsic biharmonic maps. n o For n ≥ 5, set Rn+ = x = (x0 , xn ) ∈ Rn : xn ≥ 0 . For R > 0, set n o + BR = x ∈ Rn : |x| ≤ R and BR = BR ∩ Rn+ . Denote by n o n o + + TR = ∂BR ∩ x = (x0 , xn ) : xn = 0 and SR = ∂BR ∩ x = (x0 , xn ) : xn > 0 + the flat part and curved part of ∂BR respectively. For simplicity, we will derive (1.6) for the case that x0 = 0, R0 = 2, and Ω ∩ BR0 (x0 ) = B2+ . Hence we may assume that φ ∈ C 4 (B2+ , N ) and u ∈ W 4,2 (B2+ , N ) is a biharmonic map satisfying
= φ , T2
∂u ∂φ = . ∂xn T2 ∂xn T2
We want to show that u satisfies (1.6) for 0 < r ≤ R ≤ 1. For 0 < r ≤ 1, set vr (x) = v(rx) for x ∈ B2+ . Direct computations using integration by parts imply Z Z 2 d d 2 4−n |∆(u − φ)| = r ∆(u − φ)r + + dr dr B1 Br Z = 2 h∆(u − φ)r (x), ∆ (x · ∇(u − φ)(rx))i B1+
= 2r3−n
Z h∆(u − φ), ∆ (x · ∇(u − φ))i Br+
∇ · h∆(u − φ), ∇ (x · ∇(u − φ))i − 2r Z ∂(u − φ) ∂ 3−n = 2r ∆(u − φ), r ∂r ∂r Sr+ Z − 2r3−n h∇∆(u − φ), ∇ (x · ∇(u − φ))i , = 2r
Z h∇∆(u − φ), ∇ (x · ∇(u − φ))i Br+
where we have used the fact Z ∂ (x · ∇(u − φ)) ∆(u − φ), ∂xn Tr + Z * n X ∂ ∂2 j = ∆(u − φ), (u − φ) + x (u − φ) = 0, ∂xn ∂xj ∂xn Tr j=1
since xn =
∂ ∂2 (u − φ) = (u − φ) = 0 for 1 ≤ j ≤ n − 1 ∂xn ∂xj ∂xn
on Tr .
Now we calculate, using integration by parts, Z h∇∆(u − φ), ∇ (x · ∇(u − φ))i Br+ Z Z
2 = ∇ · h∇∆(u − φ), x · ∇ (u − φ)i − ∆ (u − φ), x · ∇ (u − φ) B+ Br+ Z r ∂ (∆(u − φ)), x · ∇ (u − φ) = ∂r Sr+ Z Z
2 h∆2 φ, x · ∇(u − φ)i, ∆ u, x · ∇φ + +
where we have used in the last step that D E ∆2 u, x · ∇u = 0 on Br+ ⇐ ∆2 u ⊥ Tu N and x · ∇u ∈ Tu N , and
∂ (∆u), x · ∇ (u − φ) = 0 ∂xn
on Tr .
Substituting (2.3) into (2.2), we obtain Z d 4−n 2 r |∆(u − φ)| dr Br+ i Z h ∂ ∂ = 2r3−n ∆(u − φ), (x · ∇(u − φ)) − (∆(u − φ)), x · ∇(u − φ) + ∂r ∂r ZSr Z
2 − 2r3−n ∆ φ, x · ∇(u − φ) − 2r3−n ∆ u, x · ∇φ . (2.4) Br+
It is easy to see that by Poincar´e’s inequality, the third term in the right hand side of (2.4) can be estimated by Z Z
2 3−n |∇(u − φ)|2 + r4 ∆ φ, x · ∇(u − φ) . r2−n 2r + + Br ZBr |∇2 (u − φ)|2 + r4 . (2.5) . r4−n Br+
Now we estimate the last term in the right hand side of (2.4). Applying (1.1), we have Z D Z D E E 2 ∆ u, x · ∇φ = ∆ B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇φ Br+ Br+ Z D D E E + 2 ∇ · ∆u, ∇(P(u)) , x · ∇φ + Z BrDD E E − ∆(P(u)), ∆u , x · ∇φ Br+
= I + II + III. Now we estimate I, II, III as follows. Z D E Z I = ∇ · ∇ B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇φ − Br+
= I1 + I2 . 5
D E ∇ B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , ∇(x · ∇φ)
It is easy to see that Z 3 2 2 |∇u| + |∇u||∇ u| |∇φ| + |x||∇ φ| I . 2 + ZBr |∇u|3 + |∇u||∇2 u| , .
while Z
D∂ E Z D ∂ E B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇φ − B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇φ Sr+ ∂r Tr ∂xn = I1a + I1b D E To estimate I1b , observe that since B(u)(∇u, ∇u), x · ∇u = 0, we have I1 =
E D ∂ B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇u I1b = − ∂xn Z TDr E ∂ = B(u)(∇u, ∇u), (x · ∇u) . ∂xn Tr By using the boundary condition (2.1), we have n−1
X ∂ ∂φ ∂2φ (x · ∇u) = + on Tr , xi ∂xn ∂xi ∂xn ∂xn i=1
so that
Z (|∇φ|2 |x||∇2 φ| + |∇φ|) . rn−1 . I1b .
Z D ∂ E B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇φ I1a = + ∂r ZSr |∇u|3 + |∇u||∇2 u| . . r
For I1a , we have
Putting the estimates for I1a , I1b , and I2 together, we obtain Z hZ i 3 2 |∇u| + |∇u||∇ u| + r |∇u|3 + |∇u||∇2 u| + rn−1 . I . Br+
For III, since ∆(P(u)) = D2 P(u)(∇u, ∇u) + DP(u)(∆u), we have
Z |∇u|4 + |∆u|2 |x||∇φ| . r
|∇u|4 + |∆u|2 .
For II, we use integration by parts to estimate Z D E ∇ · h∇(P(u)), ∆ui, x · ∇φ II = 2 + ZBr D E h∇(P(u)), ∆ui, ∇(x · ∇φ) − 2 Br+ Z D E = −2 h∇(P(u)), ∆ui, ∇(x · ∇φ) + ZBr DD E E ∂ +2 (P(u)), ∆u , x · ∇φ + ∂r ZSr DD E E ∂ (P(u)), ∆u , x · ∇φ . −2 ∂xn Tr Since ∆u = (∆u)T + B(u)(∇u, ∇u), where (∆u)T = P(u)(∆u) ∈ Tu N is the tangential component of ∆u, and B(u)(
∂u , (∆u)T ) ⊥ x · ∇φ on Tr , ∂xn
we have that, on Tr , DD ∂ E E (P(u)), ∆u , x · ∇φ ∂xn E DD E E D ∂u ∂u , (∆u)T ), x · ∇φ + DP(u)( ), B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇φ = − B(u)( ∂xn ∂xn E E DD ∂u ), B(u)(∇u, ∇u) , x · ∇φ = DP(u)( ∂xn DD E E ∂φ = DP(φ)( ), B(φ)(∇φ), ∇φ) , x · ∇φ ∂xn Therefore we have Z Z i hZ ∂u |x||∇φ|4 |∇u||∆u|(|∇φ| + |x||∇2 φ|) + | ||∆u||x||∇φ| + II . Br+ Sr+ ∂r Tr Z hZ i . |∇u||∆u| + r |∇u||∆u| + rn . Br+
Putting (2.9), (2.10), and (2.11) together and applying H¨older and Young’s inequalities, we obtain Z D E 3−n ∆2 u, x · ∇φ 2r + Z Br h h i . r3−n r(|∇u|4 + |∇2 u|2 ) + (|∇u|3 + |∇u||∇2 u|) + Z Br i + r4−n |∇u|3 + |∇u||∇2 u| + r3 Sr+ Z Z d 4−n 4 2 2 4−n 3 2 . 1+r (|∇u| + |∇ u| ) + r |∇u| + |∇u||∇ u| . (2.12) dr Br+ Br+ 7
Similar to the derivation of interior monotonicity formula by Chang-Wang-Yang [5] page 11231124, and Angelsberg [2] page 291-292, we estimate the first term of (2.4) as follows. i Z h ∂ ∂ 3−n ∆(u − φ), 2r (x · ∇(u − φ)) − (∆(u − φ)), x · ∇(u − φ) ∂r ∂r Sr+ Z i j 2−n = 2r x x (u − φ)ij (u − φ)kk + xi (u − φ)i (u − φ)kk − xi xj (u − φ)j (u − φ)kki Sr+
= IV (r). We estimate IV term by term by integrating over [ρ, r] as follows. For the first term of IV , applying integration by parts twice and using the fact that (u − φ)n (u − φ)ij xi xj = 0, (u − φ)k (u − φ)ik xi xn = 0 on T1 , we obtain Z Br+ \Bρ+
xi xj (u − φ)ij (u − φ)kk |x|n−2
(u − φ)k (u − φ)ij xi xj xk (u − φ)k (u − φ)ik xi = − |x|n−1 |x|n−3 Sr+ \Sρ+ Z (u − φ)jk (u − φ)ik xi xj (u − φ)i (u − φ)ij xj + + |x|n−2 |x|n−2 Br+ \Bρ+ Z (u − φ)k (u − φ)ij xi xj xk + (n − 2) . |x|n Br+ \Bρ+ Z
For the second term of IV , since (u − φ)n xi (u − φ)i = 0 on T1 , we have Z Br+ \Bρ+
xi (u − φ)i (u − φ)kk |x|n−2
Z |xk (u − φ)k |2 |∇(u − φ)|2 = − |x|n−1 |x|n−2 Sr+ \Sρ+ Br+ \Bρ+ Z |xk (u − φ)k |2 xi (u − φ)k (u − φ)ik + (n − 2) − . |x|n |x|n−2 Br+ \Bρ+ Z
For the third term, applying integraton by parts and using the fact that (u − φ)ni (u − φ)j xi xj = 0, on T1 , we have Z − Br+ \Bρ+
Z = − Sr+ \Sρ+
Z + Br+ \Bρ+
xi xj (u − φ)j (u − φ)kki |x|n−2 xi xj xk (u − φ)ki (u − φ)j |x|n−1 xj (u − φ)k (u − φ)kj xj (u − φ)j (u − φ)kk + |x|n−2 |x|n−2
xi xj (u − φ)ik (u − φ)jk xi xj xk (u − φ)j (u − φ)ik + . (2 − n) |x|n |x|n−2 Br+ \Bρ+
Z +
Putting these identities together, we get Z r IV (τ ) dτ ρ
Z = 2 Sr+ \Sρ+
|xk (u − φ)k |2 (u − φ)i (u − φ)ij xj − |x|n−1 |x|n−3
(u − φ) (u − φ) xi |(u − φ)ij xi |2 (u − φ)i (u − φ)jj xi j ij + 2 + |x|n−2 |x|n−2 |x|n−2 Br+ \Bρ+ |(u − φ)i xi |2 |∇(u − φ)|2 + (n − 2) − . |x|n−2 |x|n Z
+ 2
Using the identities Z 2
Br+ \Bρ+
|∇(u − φ)|2 (u − φ)j (u − φ)ij xi + |x|n−2 |x|n−2
Z = Sr+ \Sρ+
|∇(u − φ)|2 , |x|n−3
and Z Br+ \Bρ+
Z = Sr+ \Sρ+
(u − φ)j (u − φ)ij xi + |∇(u − φ)|2 + (u − φ)i (u − φ)jj xi |xi (u − φ)i |2 + (2 − n) |x|n−2 |x|n
|xi (u − φ)i |2 , |x|n−1
we then obtain Z r IV (τ ) dτ ρ
k |∇(u − φ)|2 |x (u − φ)k |2 (u − φ)i (u − φ)ij xj − −2 = 2 2 |x|n−1 |x|n−3 |x|n−3 Sr+ \Sρ+ Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 + 4 + (n − 2) . (2.16) |x|n−2 |x|n Br+ \Bρ+ Z
Differentiating with respect to r, we obtain Z k d |x (u − φ)k |2 (u − φ)i (u − φ)ij xj |∇(u − φ)|2 IV (r) ≥ 2 2 − −2 dr Sr+ |x|n−1 |x|n−3 |x|n−3 Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 + 4 + (n − 2) |x|n−2 |x|n Sr+ Putting (2.5), (2.12), and (2.17) into (2.4), we obtain Z d 4−n 2 r |∆(u − φ)| dr Br+ Z d 4−n 3 2 ≥ −C r |∇u| + |∇u||∇ u| dr Br+ Z k |x (u − φ)k |2 (u − φ)i (u − φ)ij xj d |∇(u − φ)|2 + 2 2 − −2 dr Sr+ rn−1 rn−3 rn−3 Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 + 4 + (n − 2) |x|n−2 |x|n Sr+ Z (|∇u|4 + |∇2 u|2 ). − C − Cr4−n Br+
It is easy to see r
|∇ u| Br+
. r
. r
|∇ (u − φ)| + r
|∇2 φ|2
|∇2 (u − φ)|2 + r4 .
By Nirenberg’s interpolation inequality, we have Z Z Z 4−n 4 4−n 4 4−n r |∇u| . r |∇(u − φ)| + r |∇φ|4 + + + Br Br Br Z
. r4−n u − φ ∞ + |∇2 (u − φ)|2 + r4 L (Br ) Br+ Z 4−n . r |∇2 (u − φ)|2 + r4 .
Recall that the Bochner identity ∆|∇(u − φ)|2 = 2|∇2 (u − φ)|2 + 2h∇∆(u − φ), ∇(u − φ)i. implies, after integrating over Br+ with integration by parts, that Z Z d d 4−n 4−n 2 2 2 r r |∇ (u − φ)| = |∆(u − φ)| dr dr Br+ Br+ Z ∂ d 4−n r ∇(u − φ), (∇(u − φ)) + 2 dr ∂r Sr+ Z d ∂ 4−n − 2 r ∆(u − φ), (u − φ) . dr ∂r Sr+
Denote Z ∂ ∂ ∆(u − φ), (u − φ) , ∇(u − φ), (∇(u − φ)) − r4−n ∂r ∂r Sr+ Sr+ Z k |x (u − φ)k |2 (u − φ)i (u − φ)ij xj |∇(u − φ)|2 g(r) := 2 − −2 . rn−1 rn−3 rn−3 Sr+
f (r) := r4−n
Substituting (2.19), (2), and (2.21) into (2.18), we obtain Z Z i d h 4−n 2 2 4−n 3 2 r |∇ (u − φ)| + C r |∇u| + |∇u||∇ u| + Cr dr Br+ Br+ Z d ≥2 f + g − Cr4−n |∇2 (u − φ)|2 + dr Br Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 + 4 + (n − 2) . |x|n−2 |x|n Sr+ Notice that Z
|∇(u − φ)||∇2 (u − φ)| Z Z i hd 4−n 2 4−n r |∇(u − φ)||∇ (u − φ)| + r |∇2 (u − φ)|2 ≤ C dr Br+ Br+
f (r) ≤ Cr
and h
i |∇(u − φ)| + r |∇(u − φ)|∇2 (u − φ)| Sr+ Sr+ Z Z hd 2 2 4−n 3−n |∇(u − φ)||∇ (u − φ)| |∇(u − φ)| + r r ≤ C dr Br+ Br+ Z i |∇2 (u − φ)|2 . +r4−n
g(r) ≤ C r
Therefore, for sufficiently large C > 0, we have Z Z i d h Cr 4−n 3 2 4−n 2 2 Cr |∇u| + |∇u||∇ u| + CreCr r |∇ (u − φ)| + Ce e r dr Br+ Br+ Z Z i h i h d d 2 4−n Cr cr 3−n ≥ |∇(u − φ)||∇2 (u − φ)| |∇(u − φ)| + r 2e (f + g) − Ce r dr dr Br+ Br+ Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 + eCr + (n − 2) . (2.23) |x|n−2 |x|n Sr+ Integrating (2.23) for r ∈ [ρ, R], we obtain ρ4−n
|∇2 (u − φ)|2 +
≤ CReCR + eCR R4−n
|(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 + (n − 2) + |x|n−2 |x|n BR \Bρ+ Z |∇2 (u − φ)|2 + CeCR R4−n (|∇u|3 + |∇u||∇2 u|)
+ BR
+ CeCR R3−n
+ BR
|∇(u − φ)|2 + R4−n
+ BR
+ CeCR
|∇(u − φ)||∇2 (u − φ)|
+ BR
R4−n |∇(u − φ)||∇2 (u − φ)| + R3−n |∇(u − φ)|2
+ SR
+ Ce
ρ4−n |∇(u − φ)||∇2 (u − φ)| + ρ3−n |∇(u − φ)|2 + eCR g(R) − ecr g(r).
Notice that by Poincar´e inequality and H¨older inequality, we have Z Z Z 3−n 2 4−n 2 5−n R |∇(u − φ)| + R |∇(u − φ)||∇ (u − φ)| ≤ CR + BR
+ BR
and R
|∇2 (u − φ)|2 ,
+ BR
(|∇u| + |∇u||∇ u|) ≤ CR + BR
Z + BR
|∇2 (u − φ)|2 + CR.
Putting these two inequalities into (2.24), we obtain Z Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 4−n 2 2 + (n − 2) ρ |∇ (u − φ)| + + |x|n−2 |x|n Bρ+ BR \Bρ+ Z |∇2 (u − φ)|2 ≤ CReCR + (1 + CR)eCR R4−n + BR
+ Ce
|∇(u − φ)|
+ R
|∇ (u − φ)|
+ SR
Z + SR
|∇(u − φ)|2
+ SR
+ Ce
!1 2
|∇(u − φ)|
+ ρ
|∇ (u − φ)|
Sρ+ 3−n
Z Sρ+
i |∇(u − φ)|2 + eCR g(R) − eCr g(r).
It is clear that (2.25) implies (1.6).
Boundary decay Lemma
In this section, we will establish the boundary decay estimate for biharmonic maps that satisfy the smallness condition (3.2). First we need to recall some notations. For an open set O ⊂ Rn , 1 ≤ p < +∞ and 0 < λ ≤ n, the Morrey space M p,λ (O) is defined by Z o o n n p λ−n p,λ p |f |p < +∞ . r M (O) = f ∈ L (O) : kf kM p,λ (O) = sup x∈O,r>0
O∩Br (x)
Recall also that BMO(O) is defined by n BMO(O) = f ∈ L1loc (O) : [f ]BMO(O) = where fx,r =
1 |O ∩ Br (x)|
Z n −n r sup x∈O,r>0
o o |f − fx,r | < +∞ ,
O∩Br (x)
Z f is the average of f over O ∩ Br (x). O∩Br (x)
Lemma 3.1 There exist 0 > 0 and θ0 ∈ (0, 12 ) such that if u ∈ W 2,2 (B1+ , N ) is a biharmonic map satisfying ∂u ∂φ u = φ and for some φ ∈ C ∞ B1+ , N , (3.1) = ∂xn T1 ∂xn T1 T1 T1 and
∇ u 2,4 + + k∇uk 4,4 + ≤ 0 . (3.2) M (B ) M (B ) 1
M 2,2 (Bθ+ ) 0
≤ ∇u 2,2 + + C ∇φ 1 + θ0 . 2 M (B1 ) C (B1 )
In particular, u ∈ C ∞ B + 1 ,N . 2
A crucial step to establish (3.3) is the following claim.
Claim 1. For any 0 < r ≤ Z n 2−n (θr) + Bθr
o1 2
1 2
and θ ∈ (0, 14 ), it holds h n ≤ C θr(k∇φkC 1 (B + ) + k∇2 ukM 2,2 (B + ) ) + θ1− 2 0 k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) 2r
+k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) .
By scalings, it suffices to prove claim 1 for r = 12 . We will divide the proof into several steps. Step 1. First, we follow Struwe’s scheme (see [18] pages 250-251) to rewrite the biharmonic map equation (1.1) into: ∆2 u = ∆(D · ∇u) + div(E · ∇u) + F · ∇u in B1+ ,
and F = G + ∆Ω, Ω = (Ωij = wi dwj − wj dwi ) ∈ H 1 (B1+ , so(l) ⊗ ∧1 Rl ), where w = w(u) = ν ◦ u, with ν a unit normal vector of N , and the coefficient functions D, E, G and Ω depend on u and satisfy |D| + |Ω| . |∇u|, |E| + |∇D| + |∇Ω| . |∇2 u| + |∇u|2 , (3.6) |G| . |∇2 u||∇u| + |∇u|3 . ˜ , such that Step 2. Extend u from B1+ to B1 , denote as u k∇2 u ekM 2,4 (B1 ) + k∇e ukM 4,4 (B1 ) . k∇2 ukM 2,4 (B + ) + k∇ukM 4,4 (B + ) ≤ C0 . 1
e ∈ H 1 (B1 , so(l) ⊗ ∧1 (Rl )) be the extension of Ω to B1 given by Let Ω e ij = wi (e Ω u)d(wj (e u)) − wj (e u)d(wi (e u)), 1 ≤ i, j ≤ l. e satisfies Then one can check that Ω
∇Ω 2,4 M
(B1 )
e + Ω
M 4,4 (B1 )
e + Ω
M 2,2 (B1 )
≤ C0 .
Now we apply the Coulomb gauge construction in Morrey spaces, see [16] or [18], to obtain that there exist P ∈ H 2 (B1 , SO(l)) and ξ ∈ H 2 (B1 , so(l) ⊗ ∧n−2 Rl ) such that (
e −1 = ∗dξ in B1 , dP P −1 + P ΩP d(∗ξ) = 0 in B1 , ξ = 0.
Furthermore, P and ξ satisfy
e . Ω
. ∇u
e . Ω
. ∇u
M 2,2 (B1 )
M 4,4 (B1 )
M 2,2 (B1 )
M 4,4 (B1 )
M 2,2 (B1+ )
M 4,4 (B1+ )
∇ P 2,4 + ∇2 ξ M 2,4 (B1 ) + k∇ξkM 4,4 (B1 ) M (B1 )
e . ∇Ω + Ω . 0 .
4,4 M
(B1 )
(B1 )
Step 3. Apply P to the equation (3.5) (see, e.g. [18] page 254), we obtain ∆(P ∆u) = div2 (DP ⊗ ∇u) + div(EP · ∇u) + GP · ∇u + ∗d∆ξ · P ∇u on B1+ , where DP , EP , and GP satisfy: |DP | . (|∇u| + |∇P |), |∇DP | + |EP | . (|∇2 u| + |∇u|2 + |∇2 P | + |∇P |2 ), |GP | . (|∇2 u| + |∇2 P |)(|∇u| + |∇P |) + (|∇u|3 + |∇P |3 ).
Now we need Claim 2. For sufficiently small 0 > 0, there exists P 3 ∈ SO(l) such that for any 1 ≤ q < ∞, there 4 exists Cq > 0 so that !1 Z q 1 |P − P 3 |q ≤ Cq k∇P kM 1,1 (B1 ) . (3.15) 4 |B 3 | B 3 4
To show (3.15), first observe that by H¨older’s inequality, we have k∇P kM 1,1 (B1 ) ≤ k∇P kM 4,4 (B1 ) ≤ 0 . By Poincar´e’s inequality, we have that P ∈ BMO(B1 ) and [P ]BMO(B1 ) . 0 . Hence, by John-Nirenberg’s inequality, we conclude that for any 1 ≤ q < ∞, there is Cq > 0 such that 1 q Z 1 q |P − (P )B 3 | ≤ Cq [P ]BMO(B 3 ) ≤ Cq k∇P kM 1,1 (B1 ) , (3.16) |B 3 | B 3 4 4 4
where (P )B 3 = 4
1 |B 3 | 4
Z P is the average of P over B 3 . 4
B3 4
Now we need to project (P )B 3 into SO(l). Since 4
dist((P ) 3 , SO(l)) ≤ 4
1 |B 3 | 4
Z B3
|P − (P )B 3 | ≤ [P ]BMO(B 3 ) ≤ 0 , 4
there exists a P 3 ∈ SO(l) such that 4
dist((P )B 3 , SO(l)) = P 3 − (P )B 3 ≤ [P ]BMO(B 3 ) ≤ C k∇P kM 1,1 (B1 ) . 4
Combining (3.16) with (3.17), we obtain (3.15).
By Fubini’s theorem, we may assume that u
∂B + 3 4
+ l ∈ H 2 (∂B + 3 ). Set ω : B 3 → R to be the 4
biharmonic extension of u on ∂B 3 , i.e., 4
in B + 3
2 4 ω=0 ω=u ∂ω = ∂u ∂ν
on ∂B + 3 4
on ∂B 3 .
Since (u, ∇u)
= (φ, ∇φ) ∈ C ∞ (T1 ), it follows from both interior and boundary regularity theory l , R and for m ≥ 1 (see, Agmon-Douglas-Nirenberg [4]) that ω ∈ C ∞ B + 5 T1
C m B+ 5
h . kφk
C m+1 B + 3
+ ∇2 ω L2 (B + ) . kφk
C m+1 B + 3
3 4
+ ∇2 u L2 (B + ) ,
since ω minimizes the Hessian energy, i.e., Z Z |∇2 ω|2 ≤
3 4
|∇2 u|2 .
B+ 3 4
B+ 3 4
+ Let U be a bounded, smooth domain such that B + 1 ⊂ U ⊂ B 3 . In particular, T 1 ⊂ ∂U and 2
∂U ∩ ∂Rn+ ⊂ T 3 . To proceed with the proof, we recall the estimate of Green functions of 42 on U . 4
Let G(x, y) be the Green function of 42 on U : for x ∈ U , it holds 2 4y G(x, y) = δx (y) G(x, y) = 0 ∂G ∂νy (x, y) = 0
in U on ∂U on ∂U.
Then we have (see Dall’Acqua-Sweers [6] Theorem 3 and Theorem B.2, due to Krasovskii [11]): 4−n−|α|−|β| α β , x, y ∈ U, for any |α|, |β| ≥ 0. Dx Dy G(x, y) . x − y
For P 3 ∈ SO(l) given by Claim 1, we then have 4
4(P 4u) = 4(P 4u) − P 3 42 ω = 42 (P 3 (u − ω)) + 4((P − P 3 )4u). 4
Then (3.13) gives 2 2 4 (P 43 (u − ω)) = 4((P 43 − P )4u) + div (DP ⊗ ∇u) + div(EP · ∇u) +GP · ∇u + ∗d4ξ · P ∇u in U ∂ u − ω = ∂ν (u − ω) = 0 on ∂U.
Therefore, by the representation formula Z P 3 (u − ω)(x) = 4
G(x, y)42 (u − ω)(y) dy,
we have that for any x ∈ U , Z 4y G(x, y)((P 3 − P )4u)(y) P 3 (u − ω)(x) = 4 4 U Z + [∇2y G(x, y)(DP ⊗ ∇u)(y) − ∇y G(x, y)(EP · ∇u)(y)] Z ZU 4ξ(y)dy (G(x, y)P (y)) ∧ du(y). G(x, y)(GP · ∇u)(y) − +
Differentiating (3.25) with respect to x and using the fact P 3 ∈ SO(l), we have 4
Z |∇(u − ω)(x)| .
|∇x ∇2y G(x, y)||P 3 − P ||4u|(y)
Z +
|∇x ∇2y G(x, y)||DP ||∇u|(y)
ZU |∇x ∇y G(x, y)||EP ||∇u|(y)
+ ZU
|∇x G(x, y)|GP ||∇u|(y)
+ ZU
|∇x G(x, y)||4ξ||∇P ||∇u|(y)
+ ZU
|∇x ∇y G(x, y)||∆ξ||∇u|(y)
+ U
= A1 + A2 + A3 + A4 + A5 + A6 We now estimate A1 , · · · , A6 as follows. First recall the Riesz potential of order α Z Iα (f )(x) = |x − y|α−n f (y) dy, f ∈ L1 (Rn ), Rn
for 0 < α < n. Then we have
A1 . I1 |P 3 − P ||4u|χB + , 3 4
where χB + is the characteristic function of B + 3 . By the standard estimate on Riesz potentials, we have
3 4
kA1 kL2 (B + ) 1 2
. P 3 − P
Ln (B + 3) 4
∇ u 2 + , L (B ) 3 4
so that kA1 kL2 (B + ) 1 2
. ∇ u M 2,4 (B + ) P 3 − P 4
Ln (B + 3) 4
. 0 k∇P kM 2,2 (B + ) 1
. 0 ∇u
M 2,2 (B1+ )
For A2 , we have |A2 | . I1 |DP ||∇u|χB + . I1 (|∇u|2 + |∇P |2 )χB + . 3 4
3 4
Since |∇u|2 + |∇P |2 ∈ M 2,4 (B1+ ), one can check (|∇u|2 + |∇P |2 )χB + ∈ M 2,4 (Rn ). 3 4
Applying Adams’ Morrey space estimate of Riesz potentials (see [1] Theorem 3, or [21] Proposition 4.2), we obtain |I1 (|DP ||∇u|χB + )| ∈ M 4,4 (Rn ), 3 4
kA2 kM 4,4 (B + ) ≤ kA2 kM 4,4 (Rn ) . |DP ||∇u|χB + )| 2,4 n 1 3 M (R ) 2 4 h i . k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) + k∇P k2M 4,4 (B + ) . k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) . 3 4
3 4
For A3 , we have |A3 | . I2 |EP ||∇u|χB + . I2 (|∇2 u| + |∇u|2 + |∇2 P | + |∇P |2 )|∇u|χB + . 3 4
3 4
By H¨older’s inequality, we have (|∇2 u| + |∇u|2 + |∇2 P | + |∇P |2 )|∇u|χB + ∈ M 1,3 (Rn ) 3 4
Applying the weak estimate of Riesz potentials in Morrey spaces (see [1] Theorem 3, or [21] Proposition 4.2), we have A3 ∈ M∗3,3 (Rn ), and
A3 2,2 + ≤ A3 3,3 + ≤ A3 4 ,4 n M
(B 1 ) 2
M∗ (B 1 )
M 3 (R )
≤ |∇ u| + |∇u|2 + |∇2 P | + |∇P |2 2,4 + ∇u 2,2 + M (B1 ) M (B1 )
. 0 ∇u 2,2 +
(B1 )
Here and below we use the fact that kf kM 2,2 (B + ) ≤ kf kM∗p,p (B + ) for any 2 < p < +∞. For A4 , we 1 2
1 2
|A4 | . I3 |GP ||∇u|χB + 3 4 2 2 4 3 . I3 [(|∇ u| + |∇ P |)(|∇u| + |∇P |)|∇u| + (|∇u| + ∇P | |∇u|)]χB + . 3 4
Observe h i (|∇2 u| + |∇2 P |)(|∇u| + |∇P |)|∇u| + (|∇u|4 + |∇P |3 |∇u|) χB + ∈ M 1,4 (Rn ). 3 4
Applying the weak estimate of Riesz potentials in Morrey spaces (see [1] Theorem 3, or [21] Proposition 4.2), we get A4 ∈ M∗4,4 (Rn ) and
h i h i
A4 4,4 + . k∇2 ukM 2,2 (B + ) + k∇2 P kM 2,2 (B + ) · k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) + k∇P k2M 4,4 (B + ) 3 4
3 4
+ k∇uk4M 4,4 (B + ) + k∇P k4M 4,4 (B + )
M∗ (B 1 ) 2
3 4
3 4
3 4
. k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) + k∇P k2M 4,4 (B + ) . k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) . 1
3 4
Hence we obtain
M 2,2 (B + 1)
. k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) .
For A5 , since we have
|A5 | . I3 |4ξ||∇P ||∇u|χB + , 3 4
similar to the estimate of A4 , we obtain
A . k4ξk k∇P k k∇uk . + + +
5 4,4 +
∇u M 2,4 (B ) M 4,4 (B ) M 4,4 (B ) 3 4
M∗ (B 1 ) 2
3 4
so that
M 2,2 (B + 1)
. ∇u
M 4,4 (B1+ )
For A6 , we have
M 4,4 (B1+ )
3 4
|A6 |(x) . I2 |4ξ||∇u|χB + . 3 4
Similar to the estimate of A3 , since |4ξ||∇u|χB + ∈ M 1,3 (Rn ), we get 3 4
M 2,2 (B + 1)
≤ A6
M∗3,3 (Rn )
. 0 ∇u
M 2,2 (B1+ )
Putting all these estimates together, we then obtain
Z 1 2
. 0 ∇u |∇(u − ω)|2
M 2,2 (B1+ )
B+ 1
+ ∇u
M 4,4 (B1+ )
On the other hand, by the estimate of biharmonic function (3.19) we have that for any 0 < θ < 41 , Z Z 2 2 2 2−n |∇ω| . θ k∇φkC 1 (B + ) + (3.34) θ |∇2 u|2 . Bθ+
B+ 1
1 2
Combining (3.33) with (3.34), we have Z 1 h i 1− n 2 2−n 2 2 2 θ |∇u| .θ 0 k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) + k∇ukM 4,4 (B + ) 1
+ θ k∇φkC 1 (B + ) + k∇2 ukM 2,4 (B + ) . 1
It is clear that (3.4) follows from (3.35). Next we indicate how to prove (3.3) by applying (3.4) and the interior regularity theorem (see [21], [18], [5]). This is summarized as the third claim. Claim 3. For θ ∈ (0, 14 ), it holds h i n k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) . θ1− 2 0 k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) + k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) 1 θ 1 2 + θ k∇φkC 1 (B + ) + k∇ ukM 2,4 (B + ) . 1
To prove (3.36), let y = (y 0 , y n ) ∈ Bθ+ and τ > 0 such that Bτ (y) ⊂ Bθ . We want to show (3.36) Z 1 2 |∇u|2 . We divide it into three cases: holds with left hand side replaced by τ 2−n Bτ (y)
> 0 and Bτ (y) ⊂
. In this case, since we have
k∇ukM 4,4 (Bτ (y)) + k∇2 ukM 2,4 (Bτ (y)) ≤ k∇ukM 4,4 (B + ) + k∇2 ukM 2,4 (B + ) ≤ 0 , 1
it follows from the interior regularity theorem for stationary biharmonic maps and (3.4) that for any 0 < α < 1,
!1 2
Bτ (y)
. .θ
τ yn
n 2−n
!1 2
(y )
Byn (y)
(2y n )2−n
!1 2
B2yn (y 0 ,0) 1− n 2
i 0 k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) + k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) + Cθ. 1
(ii) y n > 0 and Bτ (y) \ Bθ+ 6= ∅. Then y n < τ so that Bτ (y) ⊂ B2τ (y 0 , 0) (as 2τ ≤ 2θ < Therefore, by (3.3) we have Z Z 1 2 2 2−n 2−n |∇u| τ . (2τ ) Bτ (y)∩Bθ+
1 ). 2
1 2
B2τ (y 0 ,0)
1− n 2
i 0 k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) + k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) + Cθ. 1
(iii) y n = 0. By translation, one can easily see that (3.3) holds for balls with center y = (y 0 , 0). Now taking supremum over all such y and τ , we obtain (3.36). Finally, recall the following interpolation inequality (see [18] Proposition 3.2 or [21] Proposition 4.3): k∇uk2M 4,4 (B + ) . k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) (k∇2 ukM 2,4 (B + ) + k∇ukM 4,4 (B + ) ) 1
. 0 k∇ukM 2,2 (B + ) . 1
Substituting (3.37) into (3.36), we obtain
∇u 2,2 + . θ1− 2 0 ∇u M
M 2,2 (B1+ )
(Bθ )
+ Cθ.
By choosing 0 > 0 and θ0 = θ(0 ) sufficiently small, this yields (3.3). It is clear that repeated iterations of (3.36) imply that there exists α ∈ (0, 1) such that
M 2,2 (Br+ )
1 ≤ Crα , ∀0 < r ≤ . 2
This, with Morrey’s decay Lemma and the interior regularity theorem, yields u ∈ C α B + , N . By 1 2 the higher order interior and boundary regularity (see [14]), we conclude that u ∈ C ∞ B + 1 ,N . 2 2
Proof of Theorem 1.1
In this section, we will apply Lemma 3.1 and proposition 2.1 to show that any stationary biharmonic map satisfying (1.6) is smooth in Ω, away from a closed subset with (n − 4)-dimensional Hausdorff measure zero. Similar to the handling of interior regularity given by [5] Lemma 4.8, [21] Lemma 5.3, and [18] appendix B, we need to establish the following Morrey norm bound at the boundary. Lemma 4.1 Under the same assumptions as Theorem 1.1, there exist 0 > 0, θ0 ∈ (0, 1), and R1 = R1 (R0 , 0 ) such that if for x0 ∈ ∂Ω and 0 < R ≤ R1 , Z 4−n |∇2 u|2 + r−2 |∇u|2 ≤ 20 , (4.1) R Ω∩BR (x0 )
M 4,4 (Ω∩Bθ0 R (x0 ))
+ ∇2 u
M 2,4 (Ω∩Bθ0 R (x0 ))
≤ C0 .
By the boundary monotonicity inequality (1.6) along with suitable Z translations and scalings, a crucial step to establish (4.2) is to obtain certain control of r4−n |∇u|2 . Ω∩Br (x0 )
There are two different ways to show (4.2): the first one is similar to that by [5] Lemma 4.8 and [21] Lemma 5.3, and the second one is similar to the new, simpler approach by [18] appendix B. Here we provide the second one, which is a slight modification of [18]. First, let’s define Z n o Σ := x ∈ Ω : lim inf r4−n (|∇2 u|2 + r−2 |∇u|2 ) > 0 . (4.3) r↓0
Ω∩Br (x0 )
Then, it is a standard fact that H n−2 (Σ) = 0 (see Evans-Gariepy [8]). In particular, we have that for H n−1 a.e. x0 ∈ ∂Ω, Z (|∇2 u|2 + r−2 |∇u|2 ) = 0. (4.4) lim inf r4−n r↓0
Ω∩Br (x0 )
With the help of the interior argument by [18] appendix B, it suffices to show that if x0 ∈ ∂Ω is such that (4.4) holds and R0 > 0 is such that (1.6) holds, then there exists R1 > 0 depending on R0 , 0 , and φ such that for any 0 < r ≤ R, there exist 2r < r0 < r and C = C(n, Ω, N ) > 0 such that Z Z 4−n 3−n 2 2 r0 |∇ u| + r0 |∇u|2 ≤ C20 . (4.5) Ω∩Br0 (x0 )
∂Br0 (x0 )∩Ω
In fact, since u = φ on ∂Ω ∩ Br (x0 ), then by the Z Z r4−n |∇2 u|2 + r2−n B r (x0 )∩Ω
H 2 -estimate
of Laplace equation, one has
B r (x0 )∩Ω
Z h 4−n ≤ C r0
|∇ u| +
Br0 (x0 )∩Ω
Z Br0 (x0 )∩Ω
i |∇u|2 + kφk2C 2 r02 ≤ C20 .
This, combined with Nirenberg’s inequality, implies Z Z Z h 4−n 4 4−n 2 2 2−n r |∇u| ≤ C r |∇ u| + r B r (x0 )∩Ω 3
B r (x0 )∩Ω
B r (x0 )∩Ω
i |∇u|2 + kφk2C 2 r2 ≤ C20 . (4.7)
Now we want to establish (4.4) by applying (1.6). For simplicity, assume x0 = 0 and set σ(r) = σ1 (r) + σ2 (r), where Z Z 2 2 3−n 4−n |∇(u − φ)|2 , (4.8) |∇ (u − φ)| + r σ1 (r) = r ∂Br (0)∩Ω
Br (0)∩Ω
and σ2 (r) = r
2xi (u − φ)ij (u − φ)j + 3|∇(u − φ)|2 − 4r−2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 .
∂Br (0)∩Ω
Then (1.6) implies that for any 0 < r < R ≤ R0 , Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 σ(r) + + (n − 2) |x|n−2 |x|n Ω∩(BR (0)\Br (0)) ≤ CReCR + eCR σ(R).
Since for a good radius r > 0 we can bound Z i h 4−n (|∇2 u|2 + r−2 |∇u|2 ) + Ckφk2C 2 r2 , |σ(r)| ≤ C r Ω∩B2r (0)
(4.4) implies lim inf |σ(r)| = 0. r↓0
Therefore (4.10) and (4.1) imply that there exists 0 < R0 ≤ 0 such that for 0 < r ≤ R0 , Z |(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 + (n − 2) |x|n−2 |x|n Ω∩Br (0) ≤ C[20 + kφk2C 2 r2 ] ≤ C20 .
Hence by Fubini’s Theorem we obtain Z 3−n i 2 −2 i 2 inf ρ |(u − φ) + x (u − φ) | + 4ρ |x (u − φ) | ≤ C20 . j ij i r 2
∂Bρ (0)∩Ω
Similar to the estimates (83) and (84) by [18] page 262, we have 2xi (u − φ)ij (u − φ)j + 3|∇(u − φ)|2 = 2[(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij (u − φ)j ](u − φ)j + |∇(u − φ)|2 2 ≥ − (u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij , so that σ2 (ρ) ≥ −ρ
|(u − φ)j + xi (u − φ)ij |2 + 4ρ−2 |xi (u − φ)i |2 .
Therefore (4.12) implies sup σ2 (ρ) ≥ −C20 .
r ≤ρ≤r 2
This and the monotonicity inequality (4.10) imply that there exists r0 ∈ [ 2r , r] such that σ1 (r0 ) ≤ CR0 eCR0 + eCR0 σ(R0 ) + σ2 (r0 ) ≤ C20 . 21
This implies (4.5). Proof of Theorem 1.1: For 0 > 0 given by Lemma 3.1, set ) ( Z 2 2 4 2 4−n (|∇ u| + |∇u| ) ≥ 0 . S(u) = x ∈ Ω : lim inf r r↓0
Ω∩Br (x)
Then it holds (cf. [8]) that H n−4 (S(u)) = 0. It follows from the interior regularity and the boundary regularity Lemma 3.1 that u ∈ C ∞ (Ω \ S(u), N ). 2 Acknowledgement. The third author is partially supported by NSF DMS 1000115. The work was completed when the first author visited University of Kentucky, partially supported by NSF DMS 0601162. The first author would like to thank the department of Mathematics for its hospitality. The authors would also like to thank the referee for his/her comments and suggestions.
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