Bowen Therapy is a remedial body technique. Bowen balances the physical,
mental and emotional planes. It is a vibrational energy therapy that is gentle, ...
fact sheet
bowen therapy Bowen Therapy is a remedial body technique. Bowen balances the physical, mental and emotional planes. It is a vibrational energy therapy that is gentle, relaxing and safe to use on anyone from newborns to the elderly. The treatment involves sequences of small, gentle moves, a cross fibre rolling of muscle and tendon over acupoints and trigger points along the meridian energy system, retrieving cellular memory of the body’s preferred balanced way of being. Bowen produces an integrated body response, and consequently improves circulation, lymphatic and venous draining, assimilation of nutrients and elimination of toxins and improved joint mobility. Bowen Therapy addresses the body as a whole unit and the cause of problems rather than just the presenting symptoms. Treatment can be performed on the skin or through light clothing if preferred. The Bowen technique helps the body remember how to heal itself. The gentle yet powerful Bowen moves send neurological impulses to the brain resulting in immediate responses of muscle relaxation and pain reduction. The moves create energy surges. The electrical impulses sent to the nervous system remind the body to regain movement in joints, muscles and tendons. This helps relieve muscle spasms and increase lymph flow.
It affects the body primarily through the nervous and bioenergetic systems to bring it into a state of balance. The autonomic nervous system controls over 80% of bodily functions (cardiac, respiratory, peripheral circulation, reproductive, endocrine, gastrointestinal) and is susceptible to stress and emotional tensions. For healing to happen, the body needs to shift from sympathetic dominance (fear, rage, fight, flight or freeze mode) to parasympathetic (vegetative mode) dominance. This requires time and space to relax, unwind and digest physical and emotional stress. Bowen Therapy can help facilitate these shifts. Most Bowen moves are done either at the origin, insertion or the belly of muscles where the Golgi and Spindle nerve receptors are located. These receptors inform the nervous system of the state of tension, length or stretch in the muscles and tendons and are stimulated during the rolling part of the Bowen movement. All moves are done around a joint directly affect the joint and ligaments, which are richly innervated with the nerves that sense the position of your body. The Bowen Technique stimulates lymphatic circulation and drainage. Many of the Bowen moves are performed along the spine over the erector muscles, which produce
referred reactions to other parts of the body. The fascia, sheets of connective tissue, connect everything in the body: muscles, bones, internal organs and central nervous system. They play a major role in muscle coordination, flexibility, postural alignment and overall structural and functional integrity. The Bowen moves free the relationship between the fascia and the nerve, muscle or tendon being addressed. Bowen Therapy stimulates circulation of energy and clears energetic blocks. Several of the moves are located along acupuncture meridians or on specific acupuncture points that are known to stimulate and balance the body’s energy. Some people feel shifts in their bodies during and after a Bowen session. It is important to drink ample water after treatment and to rest to allow integration. While many experience immediate pain improvement, for others it unfolds over a few days to a week. Chronic conditions may require more regular treatments. For more information or Fact Sheets please visit our website.