B.P.Ed. Degree Examinations - September-2015. (Regulation 2014-15). (Examination at the end of year). Paper-II: Sports M
BPED10114 B.P.Ed. Degree Examinations - September-2015 (Regulation 2014-15) (Examination at the end of Year)
Paper-I: History and Principles of Physical Education Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Part — A (5x5 =25 marks) Answer any Five of the following questions Each question carries 5 marks 1. Write about NSNIS. 2. Scope of physical education. 3. Write about Humanism. 4. Sports schemes in India. 5. Learning curve. 6. Heredity and environment. 7. Types of personality. 8. Origin of ancient Olympics.
Part — B (5x10 marks) Answer any five of the following questions Each question carries 10 marks 9.
Explain about the physical education programs in India after independence.
10. Importance of physical education in modern society. 11. Define motivation and explain about the types of motivation. 12. Sociological foundation of physical education. 13. Significance of modern Olympics. 14. Need and importance of sports psychology. 15. Importance of philosophy in physical education. 16. Write about the theories of learning.
BPED10214 B.P.Ed. Degree Examinations - September-2015 (Regulation 2014-15) (Examination at the end of year)
Paper-II: Sports Management and Methods of Physical Education Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Part — A (5x5 =25 marks) Answer any Five of the following questions Each question carries 5 marks 1. Management concepts related to physical education 2. Management set-up of Sports Authority of Andhra Pradesh 3. Challenge tournaments 4. Teaching Aids 5. Types of physical education periods 6. Awards and incentives for participation 7. Model Stock Register 8. Types of lesson plans
Part — B (5x10 marks) Answer any five of the following questions Each question carries 10 marks 9.
Define and explain the guiding principles of Sports Management.
10. Prepare a model budget for the School Physical Education and list the rules for the utilization of Budget. 11. Enumerate the records and registers to be maintained by the Physical Education Department in High School. 12. Discuss the characteristics of a Sound Physical Education Programme for a typical High School. 13. What are the various methods of teaching physical activities? Explain them with suitable examples. 14. Draw a single knock out fixture for 24 teams participating in a tournament. Explain the merits and demerits of round robin tournament. 15. Describe the merits and demerits of Intramural competitions. Develop a programme and substantiate for such an intramural competitions programme. 16. Prepare a special lesson plan for teaching fundamental skills in an athletic event.
BPED10314 B.P.Ed. Degree Examinations - September-2015 (Regulation 2014-15) (Examination at the end of Year)
Paper-III: Anatomy, Physiology of Exercise and Health Education Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
Part — A (5x5 =25 marks) Answer any Five of the following questions Each question carries 5 marks 1. List down the phases of cell division and write the functions of cell. కణ భజన దశల పదును మ య కణం ధులను ాయ మ
2. List down the bones present in axial skeleton. అ ా ి పంజరంల
ఎమ కల పదును ాయ మ
3. Structure and functions of white blood corpuscles ెల రకకణం
ా ణమ మ య
ధుల ా స ప యను ాయ మ
4. Write the mechanism of respiration 5. Pre-game meal
ఆటక మ ందు బ జనమ
6. Define health and healthy education
ఆ గమ మ య ఆ గ
7. Chickenpox and Cholera
తట మ య కలర
ద ను ర
వ వస ధుల
8. Functions of nervous system
Part — B (5x10 marks) Answer any five of the following questions Each question carries 10 marks 9.
Name the muscles around shoulder and hip joints. భ జమ మ య త ంట ల చుట వ న కండ ాల
10. What is articulation? Explain different types of joints. ఆ క లష
అన ా
ధ ర ాల ళ ను వ ంప మ .
11. What is cardiac output? Explain the effects of exercise on circular system. ా య
అన ా
? పసరణ వ వస ౖ ా య మ ప వమ లను ాయ మ .
12. Draw a neat diagram of respiratory system. Explain the effects of exercises on respiratory system. ా స వ వస చక ట
తపటమ ను య మ . ా స వ వస ౖ ా యమ ప
ాలను వ ంప మ .
13. Explain the functional classification of nervous system and write about the development of nervous system through exercise. వ వస అ వృ
య ల వ కరణను వ ంప మ మ య
ా య మమ
వ వస
ాయ మ .
14. Explain body mass index and diabetes. ేహ దవ ా సూ క మ య డయ బట
ను వ ంప మ .
15. Explain the common sports injuries and their management. ా రణ
ాయ లను మ య
ం ను గ
వ ంప మ .
16. Explain viral hepatitis, tuberculosis, malaria and write their prevention. ౖర
పటౖట , ట బ క ల ి , మల య లను వ ం
ారణ ాయమ ను ాయ మ .
BPED10414 B.P.Ed. Degree Examinations - September-2015 (Regulation 2014-15) (Examination at the end of Year)
Paper-IV: Bio- Mechanics and Kinesiology Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
PART –A- (5x5=25) Answer any five of the following short quotations. Each quotation carries 5 marks 1.
Laws of motion
Line of gravity
Laws of Friction
Path of projectiles
Classification of joints
Types of bones
Distance and Displacement PART –B- (5x10=50) Answer any five of the following short quotations. Each quotation carries 10 marks
Write the meaning and definition of Bio-mechanics? Explain the role of Bio-mechanics in Physical Education and Sports.
Define mechanical analysis of walking, running, throwing and jumping in Physical Education?
Define the terms centripetal force and centrifugal force. Discuss their importance in relation to sports and games.
Meaning and definition of projectiles? Importance of projectiles in sports and games?
Meaning and definition of kinesiology? Importance in kinesiology sports and games.
List down the names of the muscles of elbow joint, hip joint and mention the actions?
Meaning and definition of levers? Describe the mechanical advantage of levers?
Define posture and explain the qualities of good posture?
BPED10514 B.P.Ed. Degree Examinations - September-2015 (Regulation 2014-15) (Examination at the end of Year)
Paper-V: Methods of Sports Training,Measurement and Evaluation Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 75
PART –A- (5x5=25) Answer any five of the following short quotations. Each quotation carries 5 marks 1.
JCR motor fitness test
Knox basketball test
Importance of conditioning
Coopers 12 minutes run/walk test
Good qualities of a coach
Strength PART –B- (5x10=50) Answer any five of the following short quotations. Each quotation carries 10 marks
9. Define the term ‘Physical Fitness’. Explain the physical components. 10. What are the qualities, qualifications and responsibilities of a coach? 11. Explain the need and importance of technique and tactical training. 12. Define evaluation. What is the need and importance of evaluation in the field of physical education? 13. Define posture and explain the advantages of good posture. 14. Explain sehmithals French achievement test in field hockey. —
15. What is circuit training? Explain the stations in detail. 16. Define sports training. Write down the principles of sports training.
BPED10614 B.P.Ed. Degree Examinations - September-2015 (Regulation 2014-15) (Examination at the end of Year)
Paper-VI: Principles of Officiating, Yoga, Recreation and Camping Time : Three Hours
Maximum Marks: 75 PART—A(5x5=25 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following short questions, Each Question carries 5 Marks
1. Qualities of an official. 2. Importance of Goal area zone in Hand ball. 3. Officials in Throwing Events. 4. Penalty Corner in Hockey. 5. Golden Goal in Foot ball. 6. Meditation and its importance. 7. Objectives of Recreation. 8. Lay out of Camp Site. PART B (5 X 10=50 Marks) Answer any FIVE of the following Essay Questions. Each Question carries 10 marks. —
9. Define Officiating? Explain the principles of Officiating. 10. What do you mean by mechanics of Officiating? Explain the Job of officials before, during and after the meet by taking one major game as an example. 11. Draw a Standard 400 Mts. Track and Mark the starting points for 200, 400, 800 and 1500 Mts. Track Events. 12. Draw a neat diagram of the Kabaddi Court and explain the duties of officials inKabaddi. 13. Draw a neat diagram of Volley ball court and explain the duties of officials in Volleyball. 14. Define Yoga? Explain the importance of Yoga Asanas in the field of Physical Education and Sports. 15. What do you mean by Play? Explain different theories of Play. 16. What do you mean by Camp? Explain the aim and objectives of the Camps.