BPSD thanks volunteers at annual Community Partnership ...

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Apr 17, 2015 - the fire department, the city of Bartles-. ORCHESTRA Continued ..... Lake Mental Health Crisis Center; De
Bartlesville Public School District’s Weekly Email Newsletter

The Bruin

Volume 9, Number 30...Friday, April 17, 2015...www.bps-ok.org BPSD Orchestras having successful semester In just a few short months, the Bartlesville Public School orchestras have traveled extensively and achieved great success. In January, the Bartlesville High School Orchestra performed as an honor group at the Oklahoma Music Educators Conference. They were one of two full orchestras in the state of Oklahoma to perform at the conference. The following month, the Christina Rigdon, Sarah Rowe, and Kerry Ickleberry draw for door prizes at the luncheon. group received straight supeThe three ladies coordinated the Community Partnership Appreciation Luncheon. rior ratings on state and in sight reading at the OSSAA State Large Group Full Orchestra Contest. The Mid-High Orchestra earned Excellent ratings at the same contest. Orchestra students in the ninth through twelfth grades attended the OSSAA District Solo and Ensemble Contest in Skiatook during the month of March. Several local volunteers were rec- the decision that all students in our At the contest, nine solos and ognized this Wednesday at the fourth school district will be treated with retwelve ensembles received suspect as individuals. We are commitAnnual Community Partnership Lunperior ratings. cheon, which was located at the Will ted to providing a safe and nurturing Madison and Central MidRogers Complex. The purpose of the environment for all children at school dle School Orchestras attended luncheon is to thank those who gener- and in the community – and the people the OSSAA District 14 Large ously volunteer their time and services in this room are the ones who are makGroup Contest hosted here in ing that happen.” to our schools and students. Before Bartlesville. Both groups rerecognizing some of the volunteers in A variety of groups were in atceived superior ratings for their the room, BPSD superintendent, Dr. tendance including law enforcement, performance on stage as well as, the fire department, the city of BartlesGary Quinn, addressed the crowd. CPAL- Continued to page 11 ORCHESTRA Continued to page 11 “In our community we have made

BPSD thanks volunteers at annual Community Partnership Appreciation Luncheon

BPSD students attending International Science Fair Four BPSD students that participated in the recent State Science Fair have been selected to participate and represent Oklahoma in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair in Pittsburg, PA in May. Allison Biddinger, James Martinez, and Greta Olsen will attend as ISEF Finalists, and Matt Russell will attend as an ISEF Observer. Good luck to these four students!

Photo special to The Bruin

BHS Mixed Choir receives Superior Ratings

Photo special to The Bruin

Bartlesville High school Women's, Men's, and Mixed choirs received Superior Ratings at the OSSAA State Choir Contest last week. Sweepstakes is awarded to schools that have at least two choirs receiving superior ratings. Three superior ratings earn sweepstakes with an Accent Award. Bartlesville brought home this highly coveted title. Judges commented that Bartlesville Mixed Choir was "the best they had heard in two days" of the 6A competition. They were impressed with the leadership of these fine students during the sight-reading portion earning them the comment, "superior in every detail".

Drummond chosen to participate in the Oklahoma Arts Institute this summer High School Senior, Virginia Drummond, was chosen to participate in the Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute at Quartz Mountain. The Oklahoma Summer Arts Institute is an intensive, two-week academy in the literary, visual, and performing arts for Oklahoma’s most talented high school students. Students are selected through a statewide competitive audition process, and all accepted students automatically receive a full scholarship to the program, worth over $2,500. The Oklahoma Arts Institute has recruited nationally renowned artists to teach the fine arts program for talented Oklahoma youth. The competition is tight because there are only 20 students chosen. Virginia has auditioned each year since she was a freshman. Last year she was chosen as an alternate and this year she was chosen as one of the top 20 students who will participate this summer. Her talent, work ethic, and persistence paid off. Photo special to The Bruin

Hoover Bingo Night & Silent Auction set for tonight Special to The Bruin The public is invited to a fundraiser presented by the Hoover’s Parent Teacher Organization this evening, April 17. Hoover’s Bingo Night will begin at 5:30 p.m. in the Hoover Elementary gym. The night will begin with a silent auction. At the close of the silent auction, bingo will begin at 6:00 p.m. Bingo prizes include themed gift baskets such

as: Outdoor Day, Game Night, Sports, OU-OSU, Date Night and many more. Bingo cards can be purchased at the event for $1.00 each. There is also a snack shack available throughout the evening with a variety of refreshments to purchase. Make plans to attend this fun event and help support Hoover Elementary School.

Tso selected to receive James W. McLamore Whopper Scolarship Award Congratulations to BHS senior, Gloria Tso, who was selected as one of three $50,000 James W. McLamore WHOPPER® Scholarship Awards, a part of the BURGER KING Scholars program! Way to go, Gloria!

Chaperones needed for Project Graduation Special to The Bruin We are still in need of chaperones for Project Graduation, which takes place Friday, May 22, at Washington Park Mall. The event will run from 11:00 p.m. until approximately 2:30 a.m. Details and sign ups can be found by going to this VolunteerSpot link: http://vols.pt/34wANF. We hope that you will consider helping out at the last high school event for these kids! If you have any questions or would prefer to sign-up to volunteer via email, please email covell@

cableone.net or call 918-914-0660. There are two shifts available; therefore, volunteers do not have to be there for the entire event. This is an extremely busy time of year, but this is an important event for our school and our community. Project Graduation is a great opportunity for our seniors to celebrate their high school graduation in a safe, fun environment where they can all be together. Sign-up today to volunteer at this fun event! Only adults registered in advance to help will be admitted to Project Graduation.

Love and Logic at Jane Phillips

Julia Quinn presents to parents at Jane Phillips Elementary School on the Love and Logic series.

Photo special to The Bruin

Bartlesville High School’s Godspell slated for May 1 – 3

Special to The Bruin Featuring the vocal, acting, dancing, pit orchestral, and technical talents of many Bartlesville Mid-High and High School students, Godspell is the Steven Schwartz musical that premiered off Broadway in 1971. Performances are May 1 and 2 at 7:00 p.m., and May 3 at 3:00 p.m. at the Bartlesville High School Fine Arts Center, located at 1700 SE Hillcrest. Tickets are $7 child/student; $12 adult. Call Susan Crabtree at 918-336-3311 X5088 for more ticket information. Godspell was the first major musical theatre offering from three time Grammy and Academy Award winner Stephen Schwartz (Wicked, Pippin, Children Of Eden); and it took the world by storm. A small group of disciples help Jesus tell different parables by using a wide variety of games, storytelling techniques, and a hefty dose of comic timing. An eclectic blend of songs ranging in style from rock to vaudeville is employed as the story of Jesus’s life dances across the stage. Dissolving hauntingly into the Last Supper and the Crucifixion, Jesus’s messages of kindness, tolerance, and love comes vibrantly to life. Led by the international hit, “Day By Day,” Godspell features a parade of beloved songs including “Prepare Ye The Way Of The Lord,” “Learn Your Lessons Well,” “All For The Best,” “All Good Gifts,” “Turn Back, O Man,” and “By My Side.” Junior, Ben Grief, is cast as Jesus and sophomore, Spencer Hayes, plays both John the Baptist and Judas in BHS’s Godspell. The Disciples include junior, Paige Cleveland as Lindsay; junior, Nathan Coordsen as

George; senior, Christian Farnsworth as Nick; senior, Katie Gerth as Celisse; senior, Catherine Hine as Peggy; senior, Kasia Jarmola as Morgan; freshman, William Kampa as Telly; freshman, Garrett Lee as Jeffrey; senior, Katrina Randolph as Uzo; and senior, Julie Welch as Anne Marie. The Ensemble features sophomore, Ben Ames; sophomore, Melody Brown-Clark; junior, Ben Epperson; junior, Daylin Gray; junior, Chris Harris; junior, Emily Luepp; sophomore, Katie McCollum; and sophomore, Josie Zepeda. The Chorus includes junior, Anneke Borg; junior, Hadley Bulleigh; freshman, Matthew Coordsen; senior, Laura Davito; sophomore, Hannah Davidson; sophomore, Heather Edwards; junior, Hunter Evans; junior, Nomi Fowler; sophomore, Haylee Hawkins; sophomore, Josh Higgs; freshman, Kyla Marshall; freshman, Chloe Maye; freshman, Brett Pelligrino; junior, Samantha Potts; senior, Daniel Rawlings; freshman, Ashley Shehi; senior, Chris Shehi; and sophomore, Sydney Walker. Godspell is being directed by BHS and Mid-High drama teacher, Susan Crabtree, with music direction by BHS choir director, Margie Green. Mid-High choir director, Tamara Walker, and Assistant BHS/Mid-High choir director, Micheal Stevens, are assisting with music direction. Walker and senior, Catherine Hine, are choreographing the musical. Godspell features a score with chart-topping songs and was inspired by the book written by visionary playwright, John-Michael Tebelak. Call Susan Crabtree at 918-336-3311 X5088 for more information.

Former School Leaders Luncheon held at BHS

A group of former Bartlesville Public School District school leaders met Tuesday at Bartlesville High School for the annual Former School Leader Luncheon. The group shared many laughs and received a district update from BPSD Superintendent, Dr. Gary W. Quinn, and took a tour of the construction.

Life Principle of the Month: Problem Solving

Each month, the Bartlesville Public School District and the Bartlesville Regional United Way designate a Great Expectations Life Principle as Life Principle of the Month. BPSD students, staff and members of the Bartlesville community are encouraged to incorporate the Life Principle into their respective lifestyles as habit. The Life Principle of the Month for April is “problem solving,” which means, “creating solutions and finding answers.”

Pinwheels and Popcorn registration now open

BPSD job fair set for next weekend The 2015 Bartlesville Public School District job fair is scheduled to take place on Saturday, April 25 in the lobby area of the Fine Arts Center on the Bartlesville High School campus. The main entrance to the Fine Arts Center is located on the south side of the main BHS building. The BHS campus is located at 1700 Hillcrest Drive. The fair is open to those who are interested in learning about employment opportunities within the Bartlesville Public School District. The fair is set to take place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. From 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. the fair will be an open forum with prospective employees having the opportunity to learn about job openings, and from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. interviews will take place. Now in its ninth year, the fair will feature available positions throughout the district at the certified and classified levels. Certified positions include those in the

areas of teaching and counseling, while classified roles are typically support roles, such as child nutrition and school-aged care employees, secretaries, bus drivers and custodians. “The annual BPSD job fair offers the one opportunity a year where all of our hiring administrators are gathered in one place. It allows prospective employees a chance to visit with them and learn more about what the district has to offer,” said BPSD Executive Director of Human Resources, Sam Herriman. The BPSD features approximately 6,000 students and roughly 850 employees. While there are 10 schools within the district, there are other departments such as child nutrition, school-aged care, custodial, maintenance, and transportation. At the 2015 fair, each of the ten schools and supporting departments will have a booth set up with its respective information. Typically manning the booths are

the schools’ principals or department administrators as well as a teacher and/or support staff member. The meet and greet open forum portion of the fair will last until 11:30 a.m. with interviews taking place from 11:30 to 1 p.m. With the end of the current academic year fast approaching, some vacancies within the district are known. However, other positions could come open. Those who attend the fair could demonstrate themselves to be good candidates for particular opportunities within the district. Veteran and new educators are encouraged to attend. Specific information as to current job vacancies can be found on BPSD’s website at www.bps-ok.org. Any person interested in the employment opportunities available in the BPSD is encouraged to attend. For more information, please contact BPSD Executive Director of Human Resources, Sam Herriman, at HerrimanSM@ bps-ok.org.

Check out BPSD on facebook and twitter

Keep up to date with the latest happenings around the Bartlesville Public School District by visiting the BPSD facebook page and the BPSD twitter page. To visit the BPSD facebook page, search Bartlesville Public Schools on Facebook or use the link http://www.facebook.com/#!/BartlesvillePub-

licSchools. When you visit the site, make sure to like the page. Presently, the page has over 4,200 page likes. The BPSD is also on twitter, simply search for @BPSDBruins. Become a follower and get district updates and announcements.

Want to keep up with construction at BHS? Check out the BHS construction cam at:


Take the Pledge for Water Conservation Special to The Bruin

Take the Challenge!

Save Water! Win Prizes!

At last week’s City Council meeting, Mayor Tom Gorman signed a resolution supporting Bartlesville’s participation in the National Mayor’s Challenge for Water Conservation. This national campaign raises awareness about water consumption, energy use, and pollution. Cities compete to see who can be the most water wise. The challenge has become widely recognized as one of the most engaging, zero-cost outreach tools especially designed for cities and water utilities to encourage conservation in the United States. To participate, go to mywaterpledge.com, and then make a series of online pledges to conserve water on behalf of Bartlesville. You’ll be entered to win daily prizes. Plus, if Bartlesville gets the most pledges in our population category, you’ll be eligible for even more prizes, including a Toyota Prius v. Take the pledge today!

Oldies ‘N Goodies Car Show slated for May 9

Special to The Bruin Drive like an ace now and bring the kids! This family-friendly event is fun for all generations with free admission for spectators. Mark your calendars for Saturday, May 9, from 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. The Oldies ‘n Goodies Car Club will line the streets of Downtown Bartlesville with vehicles to excite everyone from the novice to the car aficionado for the 30th annual Oldies ‘N Goodies Car Show. Last year’s show set a new record for attendance and entries with 237 cars downtown. Over 300 cars are expected this year and the food and fun will be abundant. Adams Boulevard (Hwy 60) will be the gateway downtown to Dewey Avenue, which will be lined with hot rods, classic cars, muscle cars, and a few surprises. The music of the 50’s & 60’s will add to the festive atmosphere. Plenty of food and sponsor booths, as well as workshops are in store for the spectators this year.

See a transmission rebuilt before your eyes! This is also an opportunity to check out the unique shopping and dining in downtown. Plan to stay the day! The Oldies ‘N Goodies Car Club is once again working with Downtown Bartlesville Inc, who helps with the logistics of having the event downtown. This beautiful downtown setting has attracted interest from several states for this event. The Oldies ‘N Goodies Car Show has a unique prize award system where the entry fees are given back to the top 20%, if there are 300 cars registered 60 cars will receive a $100 cash prize, as well as an opportunities for prizes including Best of Show and a $500 grand prize. During the 2014 show over $5,000 in prizes and giveaways were distributed. Registration is from 8am till 11am with the prize ceremony at 3p.m. Visit the Oldies ‘N Goodies web site (www.oldiesngoodiescarclub.com) for more information.

ville, the Office of Juvenile Affairs, Agape Mission, Big Brothers and Sisters, and many more. “Thank you for protecting our students,” said Quinn. “Thank you for mentoring them and being an example of appropriate lifestyle and behavior. Thank you for counseling them and volunteering at their schools. Thank you for helping them feel that a community cares about them and their families.” After Quinn addressed the group, he acknowledged each volunteer in the room along with the services they have provided the district. Community partners acknowledged were: Police Chief, Tom Holland; Honorable Judge Russell Vaclaw; Fire Chief, John Banks; Assistant Fire Chief, Bill Hollander; Lieutenant Brandon Cooper; Sergeant Scott Owens; Melissa Pitner with Washington County Emergency Management; Andria McCullough of Truity Credit Union; Special Reserves Officer Plummer; Special Reserves Officer Bullen; Nancy Warring with the City of Bartlesville; Marilyn Powell of the Washington County Anti-Drug Network; Marvin Wright, Kim Hill and Lindsey Hammond of Grand Lake Mental Health Crisis Center; Deborah Baker, Leslie Locke and Tracie Goad from the Office of Juve-

nile Services; Karen Allison of the Washington County Child Welfare offices; Kim Adams and Denise Putnam who are mental health counselors serving the district; Jody Burch of the United Way; Sammy Buoy from Big Brothers Big Sisters; Jeff Birk who is a translator for our English Language Learning families; Sherry Smith and Rissie Soderstrom with the Food for Kids program; and Danny Whitson with the HANDS program. Others that were recognized, but not present at the luncheon included: Julia Quinn for the Love and Logic series that she has been facilitating; Assistant Fire Chief, Billy Phillips; Lori Pannell who spends time organizing special donations for students in need; Kary Cox, director or Washington County Emergency Management; Sarada McGaha with Youth and Family Services; Sheriff Silver; Val Callaghan of the Bartlesville Community Center; and Chris and Rebecca Morton from East Bartlesville Christian Church. Each of the individuals and their respective organizations, do so much for the students and our community. The luncheon is a way to thank them for all they do. Door prizes were provided for the event by Frank and Lola’s, McAlister’s, Tim Bart, and BPSD sites. A special thank you goes to United Linen for providing the tablecloths and Luigi’s for catering the lunch.

sight reading. This also qualified both for the OSSAA Outstanding Achievement Award. The Mid-High and High School Orchestras attended the Winter Park Ski-Festival in Winter Park, Colorado where they earned a superior rating as well as, winning the Best in Class trophy and the Grand Champion Trophy for having the highest rating at the contest. So far this month, the Madison and Central Orchestras attended the District Solo and Ensemble Contest where nine soloists and seven ensembles received superior ratings. Central’s Seventh and Eighth Grade Orchestra also won the Sweepstakes Award for having the highest score at the Heartland Music Festival. Central’s Sixth Grade Orchestra received a superior rating at the same contest. Students were able to spend the remainder of the day at Frontier City. Coming up, the Mid-High and High School Orchestra students who qualifed for the OSSAA state solo and ensemble contest will compete at OSU. Also, Madison Orchestra students will be attending the Heartland Music Festival. Bartlesville orchestra classes grades 6-12 at Cen-

tral, Madison, Mid-High and BHS are directed by Greg and Rhonda Carr.

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ORCHESTRA- Continued from page 1

Photo special to The Bruin

Bartlesville Mid-High and Senior High orchestra members pose with their trophies for Superior Rating, Best in Class, and Grand Champions at the Winter Park Ski-Festival in Winter Park, Colorado. This was accomplished after leaving Thursday evening, driving all night, skiing all day Friday and then performing their contest selections at 11:00 Friday evening in Granby, Colorado.

Stellar Sites The Bartlesville Public School District offers a wide array of useful tools for students as well as parents. For some extra educational insight, give these websites a look: PowerSchool http://www.bps-ok.org Click on the PowerSchool link toward the top of the home page. - Parents and legal guardians can check with office personnel at their student’s school to find out how to access PowerSchool. - Information on students - such as grades and attendance records available via PowerSchool. Study Island http://www.studyisland.com Use the “Member Login.”

- Student login information must be obtained from teachers. Facebook http://www.facebook.com/BartlesvillePublicSchools or http://www.facebook.com/BartlesvilleHighSchool - Everyone can keep up with what’s going on throughout the BPSD or at Bartlesville High School by becoming fans of these pages, which are updated regularly with news and events. Twitter https://twitter.com/#!/BPSDBruins - Keep up with the latest news and announcements from throughout the BPSD.

Bartlesville Public School District Activities (April 17 - 23) Friday, April 17 -4th grade OCCT Test -Mid-High EOI Make-up Tests -6A OSSAA State Band Contest -Speech at NFL District Student Congress @ TCC NE Campus -Wilson Kindergarten to Jenks Aquarium -Kane 2nd grade GATE Iowa Test (1:00 - 3:00 p.m.) -Hoover PTO Bingo/Basket Auction (5:00 p.m.) -Coed Varsity tennis @ Broken Arrow -Coed Varsity track @ Booker T. Washington (4:00 p.m.) -JV white baseball @ Union (5:00 p.m.) -JV blue baseball vs. Union (5:00 p.m.) -Varsity boys & girls soccer @ Putnam City West (6:00 p.m.) -Varsity baseball vs. Union (7:00 p.m.)

-Coed JV tennis vs. Claremore (4:00 p.m.) -JV white baseball @ Bixby (5:00 p.m.) -JV blue baseball vs. Bixby (5:00 p.m.) -Varsity slow pitch softball vs. Booker T. Washington/ Broken Arrow Varsity Tri @ Broken Arrow (5:15 p.m.) -Varsity baseball vs. Bixby (7:00 p.m.)

Sunday, April 19 -No events scheduled

Tuesday, April 21 -Wilson 4th & 5th grade Math OCCT Test -Mid-High English 10 Writing Test - Humphries -Kane 3rd & 5th grade OCCT Test -Hoover 3rd grade Math & 5th grade Science OCCT Tests -Wayside 3rd & 5th grade Math OCCT Test -Wayside 4th grade Reading OCCT Test -Madison 6th grade Reading OCCT Test -Central 8th grade Math OCCT Test -Central Play Practice (3:15 - 5:00 p.m.) -Central Tutor Bus (4:00 p.m.) -Varsity girls golf @ Frontier Valley Conference Tournament (8:00 a.m.) -JV boys white soccer @ Broken Arrow (3:00 p.m.) -JV boys blue soccer @ Broken Arrow (3:00 p.m.) -JV girls soccer @ Broken Arrow (3:00 p.m.) -Varsity baseball @ Bixby (5:00 p.m.) -JV white baseball vs. Bixby (5:00 p.m.) -Varsity boys soccer @ Broken Arrow (6:00 p.m.) -Varsity girls soccer @ Broken Arrow (6:00 p.m.) -JV blue baseball @ Bixby (7:00 p.m.)

Monday, April 20 -Wilson 4th grade Math OCCT Test -Mid-High English 10 Writing Test - Lumbley -Wayside Volunteer Lunch -Central 8th grade Math Test -Varsity boys golf @ Union (8:00 a.m.)

Wednesday, April 22 -Ranch Heights 1st grade Field Trip to Avian Center -Ranch Heights PreK Sooner/Firestation Field Trip -Wilson 3rd & 5th grade Math OCCT Tests -Mid-High English 10 Writing Test - Smith -Kane 3rd & 5th grade OCCT Tests

Saturday, April 18 -ACT @ BHS -Middle School Band Solo and Ensemble Contest @ FAC (8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.) -Coed Varsity tennis @ Broken Arrow -JV white baseball vs. Union (1:00 p.m.) -JV blue baseball @ Union (1:00 p.m.) -Varsity baseball @ Union (3:00 p.m.)

-Hoover 3rd grade Math & 5th grade Science OCCT Tests -Hoover 4th grade Reading OCCT Test -Wayside 3rd & 5th grade Math OCCT Tests -Wayside 4th grade Reading OCCT Test -Madison 8th grade U.S. History OCCT Test -Central 7th grade Geography OCCT Test -Central Play Practice (3:15 - 5:00 p.m.) Thursday, April 23 -Wilson 3rd grade Math OCCT Test -Wilson 5th grade Social Studies OCCT Test -Mid-High Biology EOI Exams -Kane 4th Grade OCCT Test -Hoover 4th grade Reading OCCT Test -Kane PTO Meeting (12:00 p.m.) -Wayside 4th grade Math OCCT Test -Wayside 5th grade Science OCCT Test -Madison 7th grade Geography OCCT Test -Central 7th grade Geography OCCT Test -Wilson Kindergarten to Independence Zoo (9:00 a.m. 2:00 p.m.) -Wilson 1st grade to Woolaroc (9:30 a.m. - 2:15 p.m.) -Central Play Practice (3:15 - 5:00 p.m.) -Central Tutor Bus (4:00 p.m.) -JV white baseball @ Claremore Tournament -Coed JV tennis @ Muskogee (8:00 a.m.) -Coed Varsity tennis vs. Claremore Dual w/JV (8:00 a.m.) -JV slow pitch softball vs. Bixby (5:30 p.m.) -Varsity slow pitch softball vs. Bixby (5:30 p.m.)