Jul 22, 2016 - Data Analysis Course. Centre for ... practical aspects of physiological data analysis will be tackled, wi
Clinical and Physiological Data Analysis Course
Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics University of Malta 11th – 22nd July 2016
The Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics is pleased to announce a series of courses on the analysis of clinical and physiological data in the form of signals, images and other. These courses are targeted both towards individuals who are interested in the acquisition and analysis of clinical and physiological signals and who possess no prior technical knowledge; as well as individuals with a technical background who are interested in clinical and physiological data analysis. The first of these courses will consist of the following five modules • EEG Fundamentals • Practical EEG • Signal Processing • MATLAB • EEGLAB Through these modules the theoretical as well as the practical aspects of physiological data analysis will be tackled, with a focus on EEG signals in the EEG Fundamentals, Practical EEG and EEGLAB modules. A broader approach, applicable for most forms of physiological data analysis, will be adopted in the case of the Signal Processing and MATLAB modules.
Attendees may register for any number of the modules being offered. This first course will be delivered by experts in the field of biomedical signal and image processing with a strong background in EEG signal analysis, namely Prof. Kenneth Camilleri Director, Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics Head, Department of Systems and Control Engineering Dr Tracey Camilleri Lecturer, Department of Systems and Control Engineering Dr Owen Falzon Lecturer, Centre for Biomedical Cybernetics Registration details are available on the last page of this document.
EEG Fundamentals Module
Module Description
This theoretical module will cover the fundamental aspects of EEG signal analysis starting with a basic introduction on brain anatomy, physiology and electrical activity, followed by details on the steps involved in a typical EEG signal acquisition and analysis procedure. This will include details on signal conditioning and feature extraction techniques as well as a discussion on the important temporal and spectral characteristics of EEG data.
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Introduction on brain activity Modalities to record brain activity EEG electrode placement Referencing methods Spectral characteristics of EEG signals • Temporal characteristics of EEG signals • Artefacts and artefact removal
4 hours
Practical EEG Module
Module Description
This module consists of practical EEG recording sessions at the Biomedical Engineering Laboratory at the Faculty of Engineering. Participants will learn how to set up an EEG system to record data from a participant through a practical demonstration. Through this module participants will become familiar with the different types of EEG setups that are nowadays available, and the practical considerations that have to be taken into account when recording EEG data.
• Hardware and software components of an EEG system • Electrode setup • Setting EEG system parameters • Recording EEG data • Checking quality of recorded signals • External triggers and markers • Artefacts in EEG data 4 hours
Signal Processing Module
Module Description
This module will introduce participants to fundamental signal processing aspects that are of relevance for the analysis of all types of physiological signals. The steps involved in the analogue-to-digital conversion of physiological signals will be discussed, together with the important technical aspects that have to be taken into account when analysing signals in the time and frequency domain. An overview of more advanced signal analysis techniques will also be provided.
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Analogue to digital conversion Analogue signal filtering Digital signal filtering Temporal analysis Spectral analysis Interaction measures Classification methods
6 hours
Module Description
This practical module will provide participants with an introduction to MATLAB, a programming software application that is widely used for the analysis and processing of biomedical signals and images. This module consists of a series of laboratory sessions during which participants will become familiar with the MATLAB environment and will acquire basic MATLAB programming skills for signal processing and data visualisation purposes.
• Introduction to MATLAB • Working with vectors, matrices and multidimensional arrays • Scripts and functions • Importing and exporting data • Plotting and visualising data • Conditional statements • Basic physiological data analysis • Statistical tests using MATLAB
9 hours
Module Description
This module is aimed to help participants familiarise themselves with the use of EEGLAB, an interactive software tool that is widely used for the analysis of EEG data. Participants will acquire a basic understanding on how to carry out a range of analysis and processing techniques that are typically used in the analysis of EEG data.
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Introduction to EEGLAB Importing and plotting EEG data Pre-processing EEG data Event related potentials (ERPs) Plotting ERPs using EEGLAB Independent component analysis (ICA) Running ICA with EEGLAB Using ICA for artefact removal Introduction to source localisation Component localisation using EEGLAB
5 hours
Course Programme
09:30 – 11:30
Mon 11th July
Tue 12th July
EEG Fund. I (EB7)
EEG Fund. II (EB7)
Wed 13th July
Thu 14th July
Fri 15th July
EEG Prac. I (BE Lab)
EEG Prac. II (BE Lab)
11:30 – 13:00 13:00 – 16:00
09:30 – 11:30
Mon 18th July
Tue 19th July
Sig. Proc. I (EB7)
Sig. Proc. II (EB7)
Wed 20th July
Thu 21st July
Fri 22nd July
Sig. Proc. III (EB7)
11:30 – 13:00 13:00 – 16:00
Registration Details Module
EEG Fundamentals
Practical EEG
Signal Processing
€50 OR
Complete Package (all of the above)
To register for the course kindly contact us on
[email protected] specifying the modules you are interested in.