Branes in Poisson sigma models

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Poisson sigma model. Examples. Boundary conditions. Quantization. Final Remarks. With: Iván Calvo. David García-Álvarez. Krzysztof Gawe¸dzki. XVIII Int. Fall ...
Branes in Poisson sigma models Fernando Falceto ´ Depto. F´ısica Teorica Universidad de Zaragoza

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.1/21

Branes in Poisson sigma models Fernando Falceto ´ Depto. F´ısica Teorica Universidad de Zaragoza

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.2/21

Poisson sigma model. N. Ikeda: Non linear gauge theories, applications to 2d gravity.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.3/21

Poisson sigma model. N. Ikeda: Non linear gauge theories, applications to 2d gravity. P. Schaller and T. Strobl: put the model into the right geometric setup and coined its name, applications to gravity, BF theory, Yang-Mills...

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.3/21

Poisson sigma model. N. Ikeda: Non linear gauge theories, applications to 2d gravity. P. Schaller and T. Strobl: put the model into the right geometric setup and coined its name, applications to gravity, BF theory, Yang-Mills... A. Cattaneo and G. Felder: relation to Kontsevich’s deformation quantization, to symplectic groupoids, AKSZ formalism...

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.3/21

Poisson sigma model. N. Ikeda: Non linear gauge theories, applications to 2d gravity. P. Schaller and T. Strobl: put the model into the right geometric setup and coined its name, applications to gravity, BF theory, Yang-Mills... A. Cattaneo and G. Felder: relation to Kontsevich’s deformation quantization, to symplectic groupoids, AKSZ formalism... Cattaneo and Felder: coisotropic branes.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.3/21

Poisson sigma model. N. Ikeda: Non linear gauge theories, applications to 2d gravity. P. Schaller and T. Strobl: put the model into the right geometric setup and coined its name, applications to gravity, BF theory, Yang-Mills... A. Cattaneo and G. Felder: relation to Kontsevich’s deformation quantization, to symplectic groupoids, AKSZ formalism... Cattaneo and Felder: coisotropic branes. More general branes?

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.3/21

Plan Poisson sigma model Examples Boundary conditions Quantization Final Remarks

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.4/21

Plan Poisson sigma model Examples Boundary conditions Quantization Final Remarks

With: Iván Calvo David García-Álvarez Krzysztof Gawe¸dzki

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.4/21

Poisson sigma model The target: (M, { , }) - { , } a Poisson bracket in C ∞ (M ).

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.5/21

Poisson sigma model The target: (M, { , }) - { , } a Poisson bracket in C ∞ (M ). - In coordinates X = (X 1 , . . . , X n ) for M Πij (X) = {X i , X j }(X)

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.5/21

Poisson sigma model The target: (M, { , })

Πij (X) = {X i , X j }(X)

The fields: - Σ two dimensional space-time (worldsheet). - The fields are given by the bundle map (X, η) : T Σ → T ∗ M


X : Σ → M,

η ∈ Ω1 (Σ, X ∗ T ∗ M )

with coordinates σ = (σ 1 , σ 2 ) for Σ η = ηκi (σ)dσ κ dX i = ηi dX i

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.5/21

Poisson sigma model The target: (M, { , })

Πij (X) = {X i , X j }(X)

η = ηκi (σ)dσ κ dX i = ηi dX i

The fields: X : Σ → M , The action:

1 ij S(X, η) = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj 2 Σ Z


XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.5/21

Poisson sigma model The target: (M, { , })

Πij (X) = {X i , X j }(X)

η = ηκi (σ)dσ κ dX i = ηi dX i

The fields: X : Σ → M , The action:

1 ij S(X, η) = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj 2 Σ Z


The equations of motion: dX − Π♯ (X)η = 0 (Π♯ η)j = Πij ηi 1 dηi + ∂i Πjk (X)ηj ∧ ηk = 0 2

i. e. (X, η) : T Σ → T ∗ M Lie algebroid homomorphism. XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.5/21

The Gauge symmetry: Under the transformations δβ X = Π♯ (X)β δβ ηi = dβi + ∂i Πjk ηj βk ,

β = βi (σ)dX i ∈ Γ(X ∗ T ∗ M )

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.6/21

The Gauge symmetry: Under the transformations β = βi (σ)dX i ∈ Γ(X ∗ T ∗ M ) δβ X = Π♯ (X)β δβ ηi = dβi + ∂i Πjk ηj βk , Z δβ S = d(dX i βi ). Σ

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.6/21

The Gauge symmetry: Under the transformations β = βi (σ)dX i ∈ Γ(X ∗ T ∗ M ) δβ X = Π♯ (X)β δβ ηi = dβi + ∂i Πjk ηj βk , Z δβ S = d(dX i βi ). Σ

[δβ , δβ ′ ]X i = δ[β,β ′ ] X i [δβ , δβ ′ ]ηi = δ[β,β ′ ] ηi −βk βl′ ∂i ∂j Πkl (dX j − Πsj ηs )

With [β, β ′ ]k = βi βj′ ∂k Πij (X) XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.6/21

Examples R2 gravity in two dimensions

- dim(M )=3 - (η1 , η2 , η3 ) ≡ (e1 , e2 , ω)

(zweibein and connection)

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.7/21

Examples R2 gravity in two dimensions

- dim(M )=3 - (η1 , η2 , η3 ) ≡ (e1 , e2 , ω)

(zweibein and connection)

Π23 (X) = X 1 , Π31 (X) = X 2 Π12 (X) = −(X 3 )2 + Λ

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.7/21

Examples R2 gravity in two dimensions

- dim(M )=3 - (η1 , η2 , η3 ) ≡ (e1 , e2 , ω)

(zweibein and connection)

Π23 (X) = X 1 , Π31 (X) = X 2 Π12 (X) = −(X 3 )2 + Λ

- Then the Poisson sigma model in (M, {., .}) upon integration of X -fields, leads to 2-d R2 gravity.  Z  1 2 √ 2 gd σ R +Λ SR2 = Σ 4

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.7/21

Examples BF theories.

- (g, [., .]) any Lie algebra, M = g∗ .

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.8/21

Examples BF theories.

- (g, [., .]) any Lie algebra, M = g∗ . - A, B ∈ g viewed as linear functions on g∗ .

- Then {A, B} = [A, B] defines the Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau Poisson bracket in g∗

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.8/21

Examples BF theories.

- (g, [., .]) any Lie algebra, M = g∗ . - A, B ∈ g viewed as linear functions on g∗ .

- Then {A, B} = [A, B] defines the Kostant-Kirillov-Souriau Poisson bracket in g∗ The action in this case is equivalent to Z SBF = X i Fi Σ

with X(σ) ∈ g∗ and F = dη + [η, η] ∈ Ω2 (M ) ⊗ g

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.8/21

Examples Poisson-Lie sigma models. For any Poisson-Lie group (G, {., .}) we can define its Poisson-sigma model. It has several interesting properties:

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.9/21

Examples Poisson-Lie sigma models. For any Poisson-Lie group (G, {., .}) we can define its Poisson-sigma model. It has several interesting properties: Generalizes the BF-theory.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.9/21

Examples Poisson-Lie sigma models. For any Poisson-Lie group (G, {., .}) we can define its Poisson-sigma model. It has several interesting properties: Generalizes the BF-theory. The gauge group is the dual Poisson-Lie group (G∗ , {., .}∗ ), acting by dressing transformation.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.9/21

Examples Poisson-Lie sigma models. For any Poisson-Lie group (G, {., .}) we can define its Poisson-sigma model. It has several interesting properties: Generalizes the BF-theory. The gauge group is the dual Poisson-Lie group (G∗ , {., .}∗ ), acting by dressing transformation. Duality in the Hamiltonian formulation.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.9/21

Examples Poisson-Lie sigma models. For any Poisson-Lie group (G, {., .}) we can define its Poisson-sigma model. It has several interesting properties: Generalizes the BF-theory. The gauge group is the dual Poisson-Lie group (G∗ , {., .}∗ ), acting by dressing transformation. Duality in the Hamiltonian formulation. With group (G∗ , {., .}∗ ) it is equivalent to G/G WZW model.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.9/21

Boundary conditions Take a worldsheet with boundary. ι : ∂Σ ֒→ Σ Put a brane N ⊂ M . i.e. X : Σ → M s.t. ι∗ X : ∂Σ → N

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.10/21

Boundary conditions Take a worldsheet with boundary. ι : ∂Σ ֒→ Σ Put a brane N ⊂ M . i.e. X : Σ → M s.t. ι∗ X : ∂Σ → N Z Z 1 i i δX S = − δX ηi + δX (dηi + ∂i Πjk ηj ∧ ηk ) 2 ∂Σ Σ We must have (ι∗ X, ι∗ η) : T ∂Σ → T N ◦

T N ◦ ⊂ TN∗ M

T Np◦ = {ξ ∈ Tp∗ M |ξ(v) = 0 ∀v ∈ Tp N }

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.10/21

Boundary conditions Take a worldsheet with boundary. ι : ∂Σ ֒→ Σ Put a brane N ⊂ M . i.e. X : Σ → M s.t. ι∗ X : ∂Σ → N Z Z 1 i i δX S = − δX ηi + δX (dηi + ∂i Πjk ηj ∧ ηk ) 2 ∂Σ Σ We must have (ι∗ X, ι∗ η) : T ∂Σ → T N ◦

T N ◦ ⊂ TN∗ M

From the equations of motion, ( dX − Π♯ η = 0 ) ι∗ dX = Π♯ (ι∗ X)ι∗ η ⇒ ⇒ Π♯ (ι∗ X)ι∗ η ∈ Ω1 (∂Σ, ι∗ X ∗ T N ) XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.10/21

Boundary conditions The boundary conditions (B.C.) for a brane N ⊂ M are: ∗

(ι X, ι η) : T ∂Σ → AN

AN := T N ∩ Π

♯ −1

(T N ) ⊂ TN∗ M

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.11/21

Boundary conditions The boundary conditions (B.C.) for a brane N ⊂ M are: ∗

(ι X, ι η) : T ∂Σ → AN

AN := T N ∩ Π

♯ −1

(T N ) ⊂ TN∗ M

We assume AN of constant rank. (regular brane or pre-Poisson)

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.11/21

Boundary conditions The boundary conditions (B.C.) for a brane N ⊂ M are: ∗

(ι X, ι η) : T ∂Σ → AN

AN := T N ∩ Π

♯ −1

(T N ) ⊂ TN∗ M

We assume AN of constant rank. (regular brane or pre-Poisson) Then: - AN is a Lie subalgebroid of T ∗ M .

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.11/21

Boundary conditions The boundary conditions (B.C.) for a brane N ⊂ M are: ∗

(ι X, ι η) : T ∂Σ → AN

AN := T N ∩ Π

♯ −1

(T N ) ⊂ TN∗ M

We assume AN of constant rank. (regular brane or pre-Poisson) Then: - AN is a Lie subalgebroid of T ∗ M . - The gauge transformation δβ subject to the same B. C. ι∗ β ∈ Γ(ι∗ X ∗ AN )

preserves B.C. and is a symmetry. XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.11/21

Pre-Poisson branes (examples) Free Boundary Conditions: N = M then AN = 0.

AN := T N ◦ ∩ Π♯


(T N )

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.12/21

Pre-Poisson branes (examples) Free Boundary Conditions: N = M then AN = 0.

AN := T N ◦ ∩ Π♯


(T N )

Coisotropic brane: Dirac’s first class constraints. Π♯ (T N ◦ ) ⊂ T N ⇔ AN = T N ◦ .

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.12/21

Pre-Poisson branes (examples) Free Boundary Conditions: N = M then AN = 0.

AN := T N ◦ ∩ Π♯


(T N )

Coisotropic brane: Dirac’s first class constraints. Π♯ (T N ◦ ) ⊂ T N ⇔ AN = T N ◦ .

Constant rank Poisson-Dirac: AN ⊂ Ker(Π♯ ). Reduction of symplectic groupoids (M. Crainic, R. L. Fernandes)

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.12/21

Pre-Poisson branes (examples) Free Boundary Conditions: N = M then AN = 0.

AN := T N ◦ ∩ Π♯


(T N )

Coisotropic brane: Dirac’s first class constraints. Π♯ (T N ◦ ) ⊂ T N ⇔ AN = T N ◦ .

Constant rank Poisson-Dirac: AN ⊂ Ker(Π♯ ). Reduction of symplectic groupoids (M. Crainic, R. L. Fernandes) Cosymplectic brane: Dirac’s second class constraints. AN = 0.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.12/21

Pre-Poisson branes (examples) Free Boundary Conditions: N = M then AN = 0.

AN := T N ◦ ∩ Π♯


(T N )

Coisotropic brane: Dirac’s first class constraints. Π♯ (T N ◦ ) ⊂ T N ⇔ AN = T N ◦ .

Constant rank Poisson-Dirac: AN ⊂ Ker(Π♯ ). Reduction of symplectic groupoids (M. Crainic, R. L. Fernandes) Cosymplectic brane: Dirac’s second class constraints. AN = 0. Theorem: Every pre-Poisson submanifold can be embedded coisotropically in a cosymplectic submanifold. XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.12/21

Quantization Batalin-Vilkoviski quantization Poisson sigma model has a gauge symmetry of the open type (its algebra closes only on-shell).

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.13/21

Quantization The fields X i , ηi the original fields. βi , γ i the ghost and antighosts. λi the auxiliary field (Lagrange multiplier) ∗ Hodge star operator Lorenz gauge d ∗ ηi = 0

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.13/21

Quantization The fields X i , ηi the original fields. βi , γ i the ghost and antighosts. λi the auxiliary field (Lagrange multiplier) ∗ Hodge star operator Lorenz gauge d ∗ ηi = 0 The gauge fixed action Z 1 ij i Sgf = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj − λi d ∗ ηi − 2 Σ − ∗ dγ i ∧ (dβi + ∂i Πkl (X)ηk βl )− 1 − ∗ dγ i ∧ ∗dγ j ∂i ∂j Πkl (X)βk βl 4

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.13/21

Quantization The fields X i , ηi the original fields. βi , γ i the ghost and antighosts. λi the auxiliary field (Lagrange multiplier) ∗ Hodge star operator Lorenz gauge d ∗ ηi = 0 The gauge fixed action Z 1 ij i Sgf = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj − λi d ∗ ηi − 2 Σ − ∗ dγ i ∧ (dβi + ∂i Πkl (X)ηk βl )− 1 − ∗ dγ i ∧ ∗dγ j ∂i ∂j Πkl (X)βk βl 4 Perturbative expansion. XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.13/21

Free B. C. N = M


Σ = D the unit disk. Pick three points at the boundary 0, 1, ∞.



XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.14/21

Free B. C. N = M

Then the perturbative expansion of R iS e ~ gf f (X(0))g(X(1))δ(X(∞) − x)

gives the Kontsevich’s star product. f ⋆ g(x) = f (x)g(x) + i ~2 {f, g}(x) + . . .


Σ = D the unit disk. Pick three points at the boundary 0, 1, ∞. δx



1 g

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.14/21

Free B. C. N = M


Σ = D the unit disk. Pick three points at the boundary 0, 1, ∞. δx

Then the perturbative expansion of R iS e ~ gf f (X(0))g(X(1))δ(X(∞) − x)


gives the Kontsevich’s star product.


f ⋆ g(x) = f (x)g(x) + i ~2 {f, g}(x) + . . . δx








h f


(f ⋆ g) ⋆ h





f ⋆ (g ⋆ h) g XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.14/21

Coisotropic brane. Adapted coordinates X = (X a , X µ ),

N = {(X a , X µ = 0)}

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.15/21

Coisotropic brane. Adaptedcoordinates X = (X a , X µ ), ι∗ X a = f ree, ι∗ ηa = 0 B. C. 

N = {(X a , X µ = 0)} a

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.15/21

Coisotropic brane. Adaptedcoordinates X = (X a , X µ ), ι∗ X a = f ree, ι∗ ηa = 0 B. C. ι∗ X µ = 0, ι∗ ηµ = f ree

N = {(X a , X µ = 0)} a


XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.15/21

Coisotropic brane. Adaptedcoordinates X = (X a , X µ ), ι∗ X a = f ree, ι∗ ηa = 0 B. C. ι∗ X µ = 0, ι∗ ηµ = f ree

The perturbative expansion of Z i e ~ Sgf f (X(0))g(X(1))δ(X(∞) − x) ι∗ X∈N

N = {(X a , X µ = 0)} a





1 g

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.15/21

Coisotropic brane. Adaptedcoordinates X = (X a , X µ ), ι∗ X a = f ree, ι∗ ηa = 0 B. C. ι∗ X µ = 0, ι∗ ηµ = f ree

The perturbative expansion of Z i e ~ Sgf f (X(0))g(X(1))δ(X(∞) − x) ι∗ X∈N

N = {(X a , X µ = 0)} a





defines an associative ⋆ product in A~N

≡ {f ∈

C ∞ (N )[[~]]

if anomaly vanishes.


δ ~ (N )f

= 0},

1 g

δ ~ (N )X i = Πµi (X)βµ + ...

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.15/21

Coisotropic branes. Bimodules. N0 , N1 coisotropic branes with vanishing anomaly. δ ~ (N0 , N1 )X i = Πiν βν + . . .

(dX ν ) a basis of T N0◦ ∩ T N1◦ .

A~N0 N1 ≡ {f ∈ C ∞ (N0 ∩ N1 )[[~]] s.t. δ ~ (N0 , N1 )f = 0}

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.16/21

Coisotropic branes. Bimodules. N0 , N1 coisotropic branes with vanishing anomaly. δ ~ (N0 , N1 )X i = Πiν βν + . . .

(dX ν ) a basis of T N0◦ ∩ T N1◦ .

A~N0 N1 ≡ {f ∈ C ∞ (N0 ∩ N1 )[[~]] s.t. δ ~ (N0 , N1 )f = 0}

We define the action of A~N0 and A~N1 on A~N0 N1



f ◮ Ψ(x) =

Ψ ◭ g(x) =

f N0



g N0



Which makes A~N0 N1 a A~N0 -bimodule-A~N1 .

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.16/21

Coisotropic branes. Bimodules. N0 , N1 coisotropic branes with vanishing anomaly. δ ~ (N0 , N1 )X i = Πiν βν + . . .

(dX ν ) a basis of T N0◦ ∩ T N1◦ .

A~N0 N1 ≡ {f ∈ C ∞ (N0 ∩ N1 )[[~]] s.t. δ ~ (N0 , N1 )f = 0}

We define the action of A~N0 and A~N1 on A~N0 N1



f ◮ Ψ(x) =

Ψ ◭ g(x) =

f N0



g N0



Which makes A~N0 N1 a A~N0 -bimodule-A~N1 . Quantization of Poisson maps. XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.16/21

Cosymplectic brane Adapted coordinates X = (X a , X A ),

N = {(X a , X A = 0)}

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.17/21

Cosymplectic brane Adapted coordinates X = (X a , X A ),  ∗ X a = f ree, ∗η = 0  ι ι a  B. C.  

N = {(X a , X A = 0)} a

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.17/21

Cosymplectic brane Adapted coordinates X = (X a , X A ),  ∗ X a = f ree, ∗η = 0  ι ι a  B. C.  ι∗ X A = 0, ι ∗ ηA = 0

N = {(X a , X A = 0)} a


XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.17/21

Cosymplectic brane Adapted coordinates X = (X a , X A ),  ∗ X a = f ree, ∗η = 0  ι ι a  B. C.  ι∗ X A = 0, ι ∗ ηA = 0 1st



N = {(X a , X A = 0)} a


1 ij = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj − λi d ∗ ηi − 2 Σ − ∗ dγ i ∧ (dβi + ∂i Πkl (X)ηk βl )− 1 − ∗ dγ i ∧ ∗dγ j ∂i ∂j Πkl (X)βk βl 4 Z


det ΠAB (x) 6= 0, perform the Gaussian integration in ηA

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.17/21

Cosymplectic brane Adapted coordinates X = (X a , X A ),  ∗ X a = f ree, ∗η = 0  ι ι a  B. C.  ι∗ X A = 0, ι ∗ ηA = 0 1st



N = {(X a , X A = 0)} a


1 ij = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj − λi d ∗ ηi − 2 Σ − ∗ dγ i ∧ (dβi + ∂i Πkl (X)ηk βl )− 1 − ∗ dγ i ∧ ∗dγ j ∂i ∂j Πkl (X)βk βl 4 Z


det ΠAB (x) 6= 0, perform the Gaussian integration in ηA

Effective action has a well defined pert. expansion. It is hard to compute and relate to star product.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.17/21

Cosymplectic brane 2nd idea Change gauge fixing: d ∗ ηa = 0, X A = 0 for cosymplectic branes only: δβ X A = ΠAB βB + ΠAa βa . λa and λA new Lagrange multipliers.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.18/21

Cosymplectic brane 2nd idea Change gauge fixing: d ∗ ηa = 0, X A = 0 for cosymplectic branes only: δβ X A = ΠAB βB + ΠAa βa . λa and λA new Lagrange multipliers. Z 1 ij i Sgf = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj − λa d ∗ ηa − λA X A − 2 Σ − ∗ dγ a ∧ (dβa + ∂a Πij (X)ηi βj ) − γA ΠAi (X)βi − 1 − ∗ dγ a ∧ ∗dγ b ∂a ∂b Πij (X)βi βj 4

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.18/21

Cosymplectic brane 2nd idea Change gauge fixing: d ∗ ηa = 0, X A = 0 for cosymplectic branes only: δβ X A = ΠAB βB + ΠAa βa . λa and λA new Lagrange multipliers. Z 1 ij i Sgf = ηi ∧ dX + Π (X)ηi ∧ ηj − λa d ∗ ηa − λA X A − 2 Σ − ∗ dγ a ∧ (dβa + ∂a Πij (X)ηi βj ) − γA ΠAi (X)βi − 1 − ∗ dγ a ∧ ∗dγ b ∂a ∂b Πij (X)βi βj 4

Integrating in λA , γA (linear) and in ηA (quadratic). One obtains the effective action XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.18/21

Cosymplectic brane eff Sgf

1 ab = ηa ∧ dX + ΠD (X)ηa ∧ ηb − λa d ∗ ηa 2 Σ − ∗ dγ a ∧ (dβa + ∂a Πcd D (X)ηc βd )− 1 − ∗ dγ a ∧ ∗dγ b ∂a ∂b Πcd D (X)βc βd 4 Z


ab − ΠaA Π Bb , the Dirac bracket in N . Πab = Π Π AB D

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.19/21

Cosymplectic brane eff Sgf

1 ab = ηa ∧ dX + ΠD (X)ηa ∧ ηb − λa d ∗ ηa 2 Σ − ∗ dγ a ∧ (dβa + ∂a Πcd D (X)ηc βd )− 1 − ∗ dγ a ∧ ∗dγ b ∂a ∂b Πcd D (X)βc βd 4 Z


ab − ΠaA Π Bb , the Dirac bracket in N . Πab = Π Π AB D Z i ~ e Sgf f (X(0))g(X(1))δ(X(∞) − x) = f ⋆D g ι∗ X∈N

defines an associative product in A~N = C ∞ (N )[[h]].

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.19/21

Pre-Poisson brane Adaptedcoordinates X ∗ X a = f ree,  ι  B. C. ι∗ X µ = 0,  ∗ A ι X = 0,

= (X a , X µ , X A ) = (X p , X A ). brane ι∗ ηa = 0. ι∗ ηµ = f ree. 1st class ι∗ ηA = 0. 2nd class

Gauge fixing: d ∗ ηp = 0, X A = 0.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.20/21

Pre-Poisson brane Adaptedcoordinates X ∗ X a = f ree,  ι  B. C. ι∗ X µ = 0,  ∗ A ι X = 0,

= (X a , X µ , X A ) = (X p , X A ). brane ι∗ ηa = 0. ι∗ ηµ = f ree. 1st class ι∗ ηA = 0. 2nd class

Gauge fixing: d ∗ ηp = 0, X A = 0. Z 1 pq eff p Sgf = ηp ∧ dX + ΠD (X)ηp ∧ ηq − λp d ∗ ηp 2 Σ − ∗ dγ p ∧ (dβp + ∂p Πqr D (X)ηq βr )− 1 − ∗ dγ p ∧ ∗dγ q ∂p ∂q Πrs D (X)βr βs 4

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.20/21

Pre-Poisson brane Adaptedcoordinates X ∗ X a = f ree,  ι  B. C. ι∗ X µ = 0,  ∗ A ι X = 0,

= (X a , X µ , X A ) = (X p , X A ). brane ι∗ ηa = 0. ι∗ ηµ = f ree. 1st class ι∗ ηA = 0. 2nd class

Gauge fixing: d ∗ ηp = 0, X A = 0. Z 1 pq eff p Sgf = ηp ∧ dX + ΠD (X)ηp ∧ ηq − λp d ∗ ηp 2 Σ − ∗ dγ p ∧ (dβp + ∂p Πqr D (X)ηq βr )− 1 − ∗ dγ p ∧ ∗dγ q ∂p ∂q Πrs D (X)βr βs 4

i. e. it defines an effective Poisson sigma model in M ′ = {(X a , X µ , X A = 0)} with brane N ′ = {(X a , X µ = 0)}. XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.20/21

Final remarks Unlike the coisotropic branes, the cosymplectic ones do always lead to associative star products.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.21/21

Final remarks Unlike the coisotropic branes, the cosymplectic ones do always lead to associative star products. Cosymplectic branes redefine the perturbative expansion.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.21/21

Final remarks Unlike the coisotropic branes, the cosymplectic ones do always lead to associative star products. Cosymplectic branes redefine the perturbative expansion. Deformation of branes, from cosymplectic to coisotropic.

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.21/21

Final remarks Unlike the coisotropic branes, the cosymplectic ones do always lead to associative star products. Cosymplectic branes redefine the perturbative expansion. Deformation of branes, from cosymplectic to coisotropic. Quantization with several branes?

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.21/21

Final remarks Unlike the coisotropic branes, the cosymplectic ones do always lead to associative star products. Cosymplectic branes redefine the perturbative expansion. Deformation of branes, from cosymplectic to coisotropic. Quantization with several branes?

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.21/21

Final remarks Unlike the coisotropic branes, the cosymplectic ones do always lead to associative star products. Cosymplectic branes redefine the perturbative expansion. Deformation of branes, from cosymplectic to coisotropic. Quantization with several branes?

XVIII Int. Fall Workshop on Geometry and Physics – p.21/21