brazed plate heat exchangers installation and maintenance manual

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MANUAL. DIVERSIFIED HEAT TRANSFER, INC. • Website: • 1- 800-221- .... important that no vibrations are transferred to the heat exchanger.


INSTALLATION INSTALLATIONAND ANDMAINTENANCE MAINTENANCEFOR FORBPHEs CBE’s Mounting............................................................................................................................................2 .........................................................................................................................................1 Mounting Connections Connections........................................................................................................................................3 .....................................................................................................................................2 General .........................................................................................................................................3 General........................................................................................................................................2 Threaded connections...................................................................................................................4 Allowable for Pipe Assembly Conditions......................................................4 Threaded Connection connections..Loads ................................................................................................................3 Soldering Connections .................................................................................................................5 Allowable Connection Loads for Pipe Assembly Conditions.....................................................3 Soldering Procedure .....................................................................................................................5 Soldering Connections................................................................................................................4 Welding Connections .......................................................................................................................6 Strainers............................................................................................................................................6 Soldering Procedure....................................................................................................................4 Insulation ..........................................................................................................................................6 Welding Connections........................................................................................................................5 Installation of CBEs in Different Applications ................................................................................7 Strainers............................................................................................................................................5 Single-Phase Applications, e.g. Water/Water or Water/Oil.........................................................7 Refrigerant Applications in General ............................................................................................8 Insulation. ..........................................................................................................................................5 Refrigerant Applications and Evaporators; V-Type CBEs, e.g. V27 or V45 ..............................8 Installation of BPHEs in Different Applications..............................................................................6 Refrigerant Applications and Expansion Valves .........................................................................8 Single-Phase Applications, Water/Water or Water/Oil.........................................................6 Refrigerant Applications ande.g. Freezing Protection - To prevent freezing ....................................9 Cleaning of theApplications CBEs .......................................................................................................................9 Refrigerant in General............................................................................................7 Warranty.........................................................................................................................................11 Refrigerant Applications and Evaporators; V-Type BPHEs, e.g. V27 or V45............................7 Disclaimer ......................................................................................................................................11 Refrigerant Applications and Expansion Valves.........................................................................7 Refrigerant Applications and Freezing Protection - To prevent freezing....................................8

Cleaning of the BPHEs.....................................................................................................................8 Warranty............................................................................................................................................9


Installation Installation and and Maintenance Maintenance Manual Manual For For CBEs BPHEs

Mounting Mounting Never expose expose the the unit unit to to pulsations pulsations or or excessive excessive cyclic cyclic pressure pressure or or temperature temperature changes. changes. It It is is also also Never important that that no no vibrations vibrations are are transferred transferred to to the the heat heat exchanger. exchanger. If If there there is is aa risk risk of of this, this, install install important vibration absorbers.InInthethe of larger connection diameters, we you advise you use an vibration absorbers. casecase of larger connection diameters, we advise to use an to expanding expanding device in theUse pipeline. e.g.mounting a rubber mounting strip asbetween a bufferthe between device in the pipeline. e.g. a Use rubber strip as a buffer BPHEthe andCBE the and the mounting mounting clamp. clamp. In water or or water to oil, the the mounting direction has In single-phase single-phase applications applications such suchasase.g. e.g.water watertoto water water to oil, mounting direction little or no effect on the performance of the heat exchanger, but in two-phase applications, the has little or no effect on the performance of the heat exchanger, but in two-phase applications, orientation of the heatheat exchanger becomes very important. In In two-phase the orientation of the exchanger becomes very important. two-phaseapplications, applications,SWEP’s DHT’s CBEs should be mounted vertically, with the arrow on the front plate pointing upwards. BPHEs should be mounted vertically, with the arrow on the front plate pointing upwards. Several mountingsuggestions suggestionsforfor SWEP CBEs are shown Mounting studin bolts, in Several mounting DHT BPHEs are shown below.below. Mounting stud bolts, different different versions and locations, are available on theasCBEs as an option. versions and locations, are available on the BPHEs an option.

Supported Supported from from the the bottom bottom

Sheet Sheet metal metal bracket bracket (rubber (rubber insert insert between between bracket bracket and and exchanger) exchanger)

Crossbar Crossbar and and bolts (rubber bolts (rubber insert insert between between the the crossbar crossbar and and exchanger) exchanger)

Equipped with with Equipped mounting stud mounting stud bolts on on the the bolts front or back front or back cover plate plate cover

Support legs legs are are Support available for some available for some CBEs BPHEs

For smaller BPHEs CBEs it alsopossible possibleto tomount mount by simply suspending it the from the For smaller it isis also thethe unitunit by simply suspending it from pipes/ pipes/connections. connections.


Connections Connections

General General All connections connections are are brazed brazed to to the the heat heat exchanger exchanger in in the the general general vacuum vacuum brazing brazing cycle, cycle, aa process process All which gives aa very verystrong strongseal sealbetween betweenthe theconnection connectionand and cover plate. However, which gives thethe cover plate. However, taketake carecare not not to join the counterpart force the connection is damaged. to join the counterpart withwith suchsuch force that that the connection is damaged. Depending onapplication, application,there there lotoptions of options available the connections, Depending on areare a lota of available for thefor connections, differentdifferent versions  versions and locations, e.g. Compac flanges, SAE flanges, Rotalock, Victualic, threaded and locations, e.g. Compac® flanges, SAE flanges, Rotalock, Victualic, threaded connections and connections and welding connections. It isthe important to have the rightstandard international or local welding connections. It is important to have right international or local of connection, standard of connection, as they not always are compatible. as they not always are compatible. Rotalock Connections

Victualic Connections

Welding Connections

Flanges of DIN Type, Compac flanges

Flanges of SAE Type

SAE O-Ring Connections

Sealing surface

connections have have an anexternal externalheel. heel.The Thepurpose purposeofofthe theheel heel Some connections is is to to simplify the pressure and leakage testing of the CBE in simplify the pressure and leakage testing of the BPHE in production. production. Some connections are equipped with a special plastic cap to protect Some connections are equipped special plastic capprevent to protect the threads and sealing surface ofwith the aconnection and to dirt the threads and sealing surface of the connection and to prevent dirt and dust from entering the BPHE. This plastic cap should be removed and care, dust in from entering the CBE. This plastic cap should be with order not to damage the thread or any other part of the removed with care, in order not to damage the thread or any other connection. Use a screwdriver, pliers or knife. part of the connection. Use a screwdriver, pliers or knife.


Threaded connections Threaded connections can be female or male of well-known standards such as, ISO-G, NPT and ISO 7/1. The exterior can also be hexagonal which is shown below. Externally Threaded Connections (Male)

Internally Threaded Connections (Female) of Standard Type

Internally Threaded Connections (Female) with a Hexagonal Exterior

Allowable Connection Loads for Pipe Assembly Conditions


The maximum allowable connection loads given below are valid for low-cycle fatigue. The maximum allowable connection loads given below are valid for low cycle fatigue. If high cycle fatigue is involved special analysis should be made


Pipe Size

Shear Force, Tension Force, Ft Bending Moment, Torque, Mt Fs Mb (kp)Force(kN) Tension (kp)Force (Nm) Bending (kpm) (Nm) (kpm Pipe Size(kN) Shear Moment Torque ) inches FT (lbs) MB ( MT ( FS (lbs) 7 0.7 5 0.5 40 4 70 7 ½” 24 2.4 5 0.5 40 4 230 23 ¾” 23 2.3 8 0.8 90 9 310 32 1” 29 3.0 13 1.3 175 18 530 54 1 ¼” 33 3.4 19 1.9 310 32 700 71 1 ½” 43 4.4 27 2.8 510 52 1200 122 2” 89 9.1 36 3.7 780 80 2900 296 2 ½” 146 14.9 82 8.4 2700 277 8100 827 4”


Soldering Connections Soldering Soldering Connections Connections The soldering connections (sweat connections) are in principle The soldering soldering connections (sweatconnections) connections) in principle designed for connections pipes with (sweat dimensions in mm or inches. The The are are in principle designed designed for dimensions pipes withto dimensions inThemm The measurements correspond the internal diameter oforthe inches. connections. for pipes with in mm or inches. measurements correspond measurements correspond to the internal diameter of the connections. Some of SWEP’s soldering connections are universal, i.e. fit both the to the internal diameter of the connections. Some of DHT’s soldering Someand of SWEP’s soldering connections aremm universal, i.e. pipes. fit the both the are mm incharepipes. Thesei.e. arefitdenominated xxU, as 28U connections universal, both the and such inch These mm and inch pipes. These are denominated xxU, such as the 28U which fits both the 1 1/8” and 28.75 mm. denominated xxU, such as the 28U which fits both the 1 1/8” and 28.75 mm. which fits both the 1 1/8” and 28.75 mm. All CBEs are vacuum-brazed witheither eithera pure a pure copper or a nickel-based filler. normal Under All BPHEs are vacuum-brazed with copper fillerfiller or a nickel-based filler. Under All CBEs are vacuum-brazed athepure copper not filler or not a 1470°F nickel-based filler. Under normal soldering conditions (nowith vacuum), temperature should exceed(800°C). 1470°F (800°C). soldering conditions (no vacuum), theeither temperature should exceed Too much normal soldering conditions (no vacuum), the temperature should not exceed 1470°F (800°C). Too much heat could change the material structure resulting in internal or external leakage at the heat could change the material structure resulting in internal or external leakage at the connection. Too much heat could change the material structure resulting in internal or external leakage at the connection. Because of this we recommend that all soldering is made with silver solder Because of this we recommend that all soldering is made with silver solder containing min. 45% connection.min. Because silver. of thisThis we type recommend that solderinglow is made with silver solder containing of solder has all a relatively silver. This type 45% of solder has a relatively low soldering temperaturesoldering and hightemperature moistening and and containing min. and 45%fluidity silver. properties. This type of solder has a relatively low soldering temperature and high moistening fluidity properties. high moistening and fluidity properties. When soldering flux is used in order to remove oxides from the metal surface. This property When soldering flux is used in order to remove oxides from the metal surface. This property When soldering flux is used in aggressive. order to remove oxides from the metal surface. This makes the flux potentially very Consequently, it is very important to use theproperty correct makes the flux potentially very aggressive. Consequently, it is very important to use the correct makes the flux potentially Consequently, use the tocorrect amount of flux. Too much,very mightaggressive. lead to severe corrosion, itsoisnovery fluximportant should betoallowed enter amount of of flux. Too much, might lead to severe corrosion, so no flux should be allowed to enter amount the CBE. flux. Too much, might lead to severe corrosion, so no flux should be allowed to enter the CBE. BPHE. the Soldering Soldering Procedure Procedure Soldering Procedure The hard silver silver soldering soldering procedure procedure for for all all BPHE CBE connections The hard connectionscan canbe be carried carried out out without without any any use use Thecooling hard silver procedure forunder all CBE connections can be carried out the without any use of water,soldering neither by dimpling water nor e.g. water flow through waterside of of cooling water, neither by dimpling under water nor e.g. water flow through the waterside of the of cooling water, neither by dimpling under water nor e.g. water flow through the waterside of the exchanger. exchanger. the exchanger. 1. Clean the joints to be soldered. Clean the inside of the connection on the CBE and the 1. Clean the the joints joints to to be be soldered. soldered. Clean the ofofthe connection on the BPHE and the the 1. outside Clean theinside inside the CBEe.g. and of the pipe. Degrease the Clean connection properly withconnection some kindon of the solvent, Tri. outside of the pipe. Degrease the connection properly with some kind of solvent, e.g. Tri. outsideflux of the pipe. Degrease connection withofsome kind of solvent, e.g. Tri. 2. Apply to the inside of the the connection andproperly the outside the pipe. 2. Apply flux flux to the the inside of the the connection connection and and the the outside outside of of the the pipe. pipe. 2. Center Apply to inside of 3. the pipe into the connection. 3. Center oxidation the pipe pipe into into the connection. connection. 3. Avoid Center the 4. on the inside of the pipe by sending a flow of nitrogen through the pipe 4. Avoid oxidation on the inside pipe sending a flow of nitrogen through the pipe and 4. and Avoid on the soldering insideofofthe the pipebyby sending a flow of nitrogen through the pipe theoxidation CBE during process. theis BPHE during soldering process. and the CBE during the soldering process. 5. It important thatthe the connection and the pipe are evenly heated. 5. It is important that the connection and the pipe pipe are connection evenly heated. heated. 5. It is important that the connection and the are evenly 6. At the correct soldering temperature (1112° F) the has a slightly red color. 6. At the thefirst correct soldering temperature (1112° F)keeping the connection connection has color. 6. The At correct temperature (1112° the has aa slightly slightly redthrough color. the 7. partsoldering of the collings is done byF) the nitrogen flowingred 7. The first of the collings is done by keeping the nitrogen flowing through the exchanger. 7. exchanger. The firstpart part of the collings is done by keeping the nitrogen flowing through the The final cooling could be done with water which removes the last hardened The final cooling could be done with water which removes the last hardened flux on the exchanger. The final cooling around could be with water which removes the last hardened flux on the inside and outside thedone solder. inside around the around solder. the solder. flux onand the outside inside and outside The minimal compound of silver must be at least 45%. Below you find an example of such a solder. The minimal minimalcompound compound silver must beleast at least 45%. Below you an find an example The ofof silver must be at 45%. Below you find example of suchofasuch a solder. solder. Tab. 2 Solder and flux Tab. 2 Solder and flux

Hard silver solder: 454 Flux: 800 F

Welding Connections

Ag 45 Ag

Compound (%) Cu CompoundCd (%) 15 24 Cu Cd

Zn 16 Zn

5 54

Welding is only recommended on specially designed welding

Melting range °Frange ºC Melting 620-635 1148-1175 ºC 1112-1472 600-800

Hard silver solder: 454 Flux: 800 F





620-635 600-800

WeldingConnections Connections Welding Welding is only recommended on specially designed designed welding welding connections. All SWEP’s welding connections are executed connections. All DHT’s welding connections are executed with with a 30° chamfer on top of the connection. Do Do not not weld weld on on pipes pipes on on other other types types of of connections. connections. The The measurement measurement in in mm mm corresponds corresponds to the external diameter of the connection. to the external diameter of the connection. Welding Procedure Protect the unit from excessive heating by: a) using a wet cloth around the connection. b) making a chamfer on the joining tube and connection edges as shown.


Use TIG or MIG/MAG welding. When using electrical welding circuits, connect the ground terminal to the joining tube, not to the back of the plate package. Internal oxidation can be reduced by a small nitrogen flow.

Strainers Strainers If If any any of of the the media media contains contains particles particles larger larger than than 11 mm, mm, we we recommend recommend that that aa strainer strainer be be installed installed before the exchanger with a size of 16-20 mesh (number of of openings openings per per inch). inch). The The particles particles could could otherwise otherwise block block the the channels, channels, causing causing bad bad performance, performance, increased increased pressure pressure drop drop and and risk risk of of freezing. freezing. Some Some strainers strainers can can be be ordered ordered as as CBE BPHEaccessories. accessories.

Insulation 65

Insulation Insulation Insulation for forRefrigerant RefrigerantApplications Applications CBE BPHE insulation insulation isis recommended recommended for for evaporators, evaporators, condensers condensers or or district district heating heating applications, applications, etc. etc. For For refrigeration, refrigeration, use use extruded insulation sheets, e.g. Armaflex extruded insulation sheets, e.g. Armaflex or or equivalent equivalent which which also also can can be be supplied supplied by by SWEP. DHT. Insulation Heating Applications Insulationforfor Heating Applications For For heating heating applications, applications, various various types types of of insulation boxes can be used. The working insulation boxes can be used. The working temperature temperature range range defines defines which which insulation insulation is recommended. SWEP can supply some is recommended. DHT can supply some of of these insulation types as optional these insulation types as optional accessories. accessories.

Installation inDifferent DifferentApplications Applications Installationof ofBPHEs CBEs in Single-Phase Applications, e.g. Water/Water or Water/Oil Normally, the circuit with the highest temperature and/or pressure should be connected on the left side of the heat exchanger when the arrow is pointing upwards. For example, in a typical water-to-water application, the two fluids are connected in a counter-current flow, i.e. the hot water inlet in connection F1, outlet F3, cold water inlet F4, outlet F2. This is because the right-hand side of the heat exchanger contains one channel more than the lefthand side, and the hot medium is thus surrounded by the cold medium to prevent heat loss.

6 7





Refrigerant in General General Refrigerant Applications Applications in In all refrigerant refrigerant applications In all applications itit is is very very important important that that every every refrigerant refrigerant channel channel is is surrounded surrounded by by aa water/brine water/brine channel on both-hand sides. Normally the refrigerant side must be connected to the channel on both-hand sides. Normally the refrigerant side must be connected to the left-hand side and andthe thewater/brine water/brinecircuit circuit to the the CBE. the refrigerant is left-hand side to the rightright side side of theofBPHE. If theIfrefrigerant is incorincorrectly connected, to the first and last channel, instead of water/brine, the evaporation rectly connected, to the first and last channel, instead of water/brine, the evaporation temperature temperature willthe drop, the risk and of freezing very bad performance. SWEP used as will drop, with riskwith of freezing very badand performance. DHT BPHEs used CBEs as condensers condensers or evaporators should always be fitted with adequate connections on the refrigerant or evaporators should always be fitted with adequate connections on the refrigerant side. side. Condenser: Condenser: The The refrigerant refrigerant (gas) (gas) is is connected connected to to the the upper upper left left connection and the condensate to the lower left connection. The water/brine water/brine circuit circuit inlet inlet is is connected connected to to the the lower lower right right connection connection and the outlet outlet to to the the upper upper right right connection. connection. DHT SWEPBPHEs CBE used and the used as as condensers should always alwaysbebefitted fitted with soldering connections on condensers should with soldering connections on the the refrigerant refrigerant side.side. Evaporator: Evaporator: The The refrigerant refrigerant (liquid) (liquid) is is connected connected to to the the lower lower left left connection and the gas to the upper left connection. The connection and the gas to the upper left connection. The water/water/ brine brine is connected the upper right connection the circuitcircuit inlet isinlet connected to the to upper right connection and theand outlet outlet to the right lowerconnection. right connection. SWEPused CBEasused as condensers to the lower DHT BPHEs condensers should should always be soldering fitted with solderingon the connections always be fitted with connections refrigeranton side.the refrigerant side.

Refrig Gas IN



W ater OUT

Refrig Liq OUT



W ater IN

Fig. 4 Connection location: Condenser Refrig OUT



W ater IN

Refrig Liq IN



W ater OUT

Fig. 5 Connection location: Evaporator

Refrigerant Applicationsand andEvaporators; Evaporators; V-Type BPHEs, e.g.or V27 Refrigerant Applications V-Type CBEs, e.g. V27 V45or V45 The V-type BPHEs CBEs are special The V-type are equipped equipped with with aa special distribution at the the refrigerant refrigerant inlet, inlet, i.e. i.e. distribution device device at normally The purpose purpose of of the the distribution distribution normally port port F3. F3. The device is to evenly distribute the refrigerant in device is to evenly distribute the refrigerant in the the channel channel The liquid should should be be connected connected to to the the The refrigerant refrigerant liquid lower left connection (F3) and the refrigerant gas lower left connection (F3) and the refrigerant outlet to the upper The gas outlet to the upperleft leftconnection connection (F1). (F1). The water/brine circuit inlet should be connected to water/brine circuit inlet should be connected to the connection (F2) (F2) and and the the outlet outlet to to the upper upper right right connection the lower right connection (F4). the lower right connection (F4).

F2 Water Ref. inlet Gas outlet F4 F3

Water outlet

Ref. Liquid inlet

Refrigerant Applications Valves Refrigerant Applicationsand andExpansion Expansion Valves The expansion expansion valve valve should should be be placed The placed close close to to the the inlet inlet connection, connection, whereas whereas the the bulb bulb should should be be mounted about 500 mm from the vaporized refrigerant outlet connection. The pipe diameter mounted about 19.7 inches from the vaporized refrigerant outlet connection. The pipe diameter between the the expansion expansion valve valve and and the the BPHE CBE should between shouldbe bethe thesame sameas as the the diameter diameter of of the the refrigerant refrigerant liquid line. liquid line.


For V-type V-typeBPHEs, CBEs, the thepressure pressuredrop drop in the internal distribution system must be toadded to the For in the internal distribution system must be added the pressure pressure drop in the expansion valveattothe arrive the totaldrop. pressure drop. Normally, selecting the drop in the expansion valve to arrive totalatpressure Normally, selecting the next larger nextvalve largerwill sizegive valve will give satisfactory performance. size satisfactory performance.

Refrigerant Applications and Freezing Protection - To prevent freezing a) Use a filter < 1 mm, 16 mesh (see previous chapter on Strainers). b) Use an antifreeze when the evaporation temperature is close to liquid-side freezing. c) Use a freeze protection thermostat and flow switch to guarantee a constant water flow before,

during and after compressor operation.

d) Avoid the “pump-down” function. e) When starting up a system, wait a moment before starting the condenser (or have reduced flow

through it). Refrigerant Condensers




The refrigerant (gas) should be connected to the upper left connection, F1, and the condensate to the lower left connection, F3. The water/brine circuit inlet should be connected to the lower right connection, F4, and the outlet to the upper right connection, F2.

Gas inlet

Water outlet

F4 F3

Water Liquid inlet outlet

Cleaning of Cleaning of the theCBEs BPHEs Thanks to to the there is aisself-cleaning effect in Thanks the normally normally very very high high degree degree of of turbulence turbulenceininCBEs BPHEs there a self-cleaning effect thethe channels. However, in channels. However,ininsome someapplications applicationsthe thefouling foulingtendency tendencycan canbe bevery veryhigh, high, e.g. e.g. when when using extremely hard water at high temperatures. In such cases it is always possible to clean using extremely hard water at high temperatures. In such cases it is always possible to clean the the exchanger by circulating a cleaning liquid (CIP Cleaning In Place). Use a tank with weak acid, exchanger by circulating a cleaning liquid (CIP - Cleaning In Place). Use a tank with weak acid, 5% 5% phosphoric the exchanger is frequently cleaned, 5% oxalic acid. Pump the cleaning phosphoric acid acid or, ifor, theifexchanger is frequently cleaned, 5% oxalic acid. Pump the cleaning liquid liquid through the exchanger. through the exchanger.


For installations we we recommend recommend For tough tough installations factory-installed CIP CIP connections/valves factory-installed connections/valves for for easy maintenance. For optimum optimum cleaning, For cleaning, the the cleaning cleaning solution solution flow rate should be a minimum of 1.5 flow rate should be a minimum of 1.5 times times the normal normal flow rate, preferably preferably in the flow rate, in aa backbackflush mode. mode. After After use, use, do do not flush not forget forget to to rinse rinse the heat exchanger carefully with the heat exchanger carefully with clean clean water. A solution A solution of sodium 1-2% hydroxide sodium water. of 1-2% hydroxide (NaOH) or sodium bicarbonate (NaOH) or sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3) before theensures last rinse that (NaHCO before the3) last rinse thatensures all acid is all acid is neutralized. Clean at regular neutralized. Clean at regular intervals intervals


CIP solution out




CIP solution in

For further information about cleaning of the For further information about cleaning of BPHEs, please consult DHT. the CBEs, please consult SWEP’s CIP information or your local SWEP company.

Warranty DHT offers a 12-month warranty from the date of installation, but in no case longer than 15 months from the date of delivery. The warranty covers only manufacturing and material defects.

Disclaimer DHT’s BPHE performance is based on installation, maintenance and operating conditions done in conformance with this manual. DHT cannot assume any liability for BPHEs that do not meet these criteria. For further information, please consult DHT’s technical information, local DHT distributor or the factory directly.

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