Vector Control (TVC) system, designed for thrust vectoring of the first stages of the Brazil- ian small satellite launch vehicle VLM-1. The TVC system design is ...
AIAA 2016-4909 Propulsion and Energy Forum July 25-27, 2016, Salt Lake City, UT 52nd AIAA/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference
Brazilian Thrust Vector Control System Development: Status and Trends Timo Wekerle∗ Aeronautics Institute of Technology (ITA) and Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE)
Downloaded by INST TEC DE AERONAUTICA (ITA) on August 2, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2016-4909
Pra¸ca M. E. Gomes, 50, CEP 12.228-900/904 S˜ ao Jos´e dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Euler Gon¸calves Barbosa†† and Cesar Moura Batagini‡ IAE, Pra¸ca M. E. Gomes, 50, CEP 12.228-904 S˜ ao Jos´e dos Campos, SP, Brazil
Lu´ıs E. V. Loures da Costa§ and Lu´ıs Gonzaga Trabasso¶ ITA, Pra¸ca M. E. Gomes, 50, CEP 12.228-900 S˜ ao Jos´e dos Campos, SP, Brazil
This paper presents the current status of the development of a new Brazilian Thrust Vector Control (TVC) system, designed for thrust vectoring of the first stages of the Brazilian small satellite launch vehicle VLM-1. The TVC system design is briefly described and compared to other systems available in literature. The model philosophy and development strategy is summarized and a verification approach of the vehicle control system, Hardwarein-the-Loop, presented. Experimental data of step responses are analyzed and compared to tests of an actuator flight model of the Brazilian satellite launch vehicle VLS-1.
Nomenclature ax , ay and az G(s) K s tr ts ωn ζ
Specific forces measured by accelerometers Transfer function Gain of proportional controller Complex variable Rise time Settling time undamped natural frequency damping ratio
Since 1971 the Brazilian Institute of Aeronautics and Space (IAE) and the German Aerospace Center (DLR) are successfully cooperating in the field of space technologies which is based on a framework and several special agreements for scientific research and technological development and peaceful aerospace research and utilization. Currently, the cooperation involves the development of the sounding rocket VS-50, a suborbital launch vehicle for micro-gravity experiments. First flight tests of the VS-50 are planed for 2018. For this two-stage sounding rocket the existent upper stage motor S44 and the S50 motor as first stage, currently under development in Brazil are foreseen. The goal of IAE is to develop a small satellite launch vehicle for Mini-, Micro-, and Nano-Satellites, named VLM-1 (Ve´ıculo Lancador de Microssatelites or Microsatellite Launch Vehicle), which is based on the VS-50 sounding rocket.1 A first possible configuration ∗ Systems
Engineer and Ph.D. Student, Control Department of IAE and ITA Control Engineer, Control Department of IAE. ‡ Control Engineer, Control Department of IAE. § Full Professor, Department of Aeronautical Engineering (IEA-ITA) ¶ Full Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering (IEM-ITA). † Senior
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Downloaded by INST TEC DE AERONAUTICA (ITA) on August 2, 2016 | | DOI: 10.2514/6.2016-4909
The time-domain specifications for rise time (10% - 90%) and settling time (2% off final value) are: Rise time trG58 = 148.8ms and settling time tsG58 = 263.1ms Rise time trG178 = 55.7ms and settling time tsG178 = 99.2ms These results may serve as an idea for Phase-A of HWIL verification of the vehicle control system. However, test campaigns for identification of the actuators on the TVC mechanical assembly which includes the flexible joint with non-linear stiffness are required.
Figure 12. Comparison of performance of VLS-1 actuator with EM of VLM-1 actuator with different proportional gains
Concluding remarks
This paper has introduced the Brazilian TVC development for the VLM-1 launch vehicle. The TVC design was defined and compared to TVCs available in literature. The model philosophy and development strategy were described and the present development status outlined. The obtained preliminary results on the testbench are very encouraging. Digital control and optimization of the actuator controller are planned as next steps, together with the verification of the actuator performance within the TVC mechanical assembly.
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