Familial Cancer (2007) 6:453–461 DOI 10.1007/s10689-007-9143-y
BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, and CDKN2A germline mutations in patients with breast cancer and cutaneous melanoma Christian Monnerat Æ Agne`s Chompret Æ Caroline Kannengiesser Æ Marie-Franc¸oise Avril Æ Nicolas Janin Æ Alain Spatz Æ Jean-Marc Guinebretie`re Æ Catalin Marian Æ Michel Barrois Æ Franc¸oise Boitier Æ Gilbert M. Lenoir Æ Brigitte Bressac-de Paillerets
Received: 21 February 2007 / Accepted: 14 May 2007 / Published online: 12 July 2007 Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2007
Abstract Purpose From epidemiological studies it appears that breast cancer (BC) and cutaneous melanoma (CMM) in the same individual occur at a higher frequency than expected by chance. Genetic factors common to both cancers can be
C. Monnerat C. Kannengiesser C. Marian M. Barrois G. M. Lenoir B. Bressac-de Paillerets (&) Department of Genetics, Institut Gustave Roussy, 39 rue Camille Desmoulins, Villejuif Cedex 94805, France e-mail:
[email protected] A. Chompret Oncological Genetics, Department of Medicine, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif Cedex, France M.-F. Avril F. Boitier Department of Dermatology, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif Cedex, France A. Spatz J.-M. Guinebretie`re Department of Pathology, Institut Gustave Roussy, Villejuif Cedex, France N. Janin Service de Ge´ne´tique, CHU-Sart-Tilman, Liege, Belgium Present Address: C. Monnerat Hoˆpital communal, Case postale, La Chaux-de-Fonds 2303, Switzerland Present Address: M.-F. Avril F. Boitier Department of Dermatology, Hoˆpital Cochin, 75006 Paris, France Present Address: J.-M. Guinebretie`re Department of Pathology, Centre Rene´ Huguenin, 92210 Saint-Cloud, France
suspected. Our goal was to estimate the involvement of ‘‘high risk’’ genes in patients presenting these two neoplasia, selected irrespectively from family history and age at diagnosis. Experimental design Eighty two patients with BC and CMM were screened for BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, CDKN2A and CDK4 (exon 2) germline mutations. Results Deleterious mutations were identified in 6 patients: two carriers of a BRCA1 germline mutation, two carriers of TP53 germline mutations (one of which also harbored a BRCA2 deleterious mutation, the other one a BRCA2 unclassified variant), and two carriers of a CDKN2A germline mutation. In addition, 6 variants of unknown signification were identified in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes. Regarding family history, 3/13 (23%) patients with a positive family history of BC or CMM were carriers of a germline mutation, whereas only 3/69 (4%) patients without family history were carriers of a germline mutation. Conclusion Our findings show that few patients with BC and CMM who lacked family histories of these cancers are carriers of deleterious germline mutations in four of the five genes we examined. We describe for the first time, two simultaneous BRCA2 and TP53 mutations, suggesting that analysis in more than one gene could be performed if a patient’s personal or familial history does not match a single syndrome. Keywords BRCA TP53 CDKN2A Melanoma Breast cancer
Introduction While many cases of multiple primary cancers occurring in a same individual are due to a few well characterized
inherited syndromes, some cases may reflect the effect of common environmental factors acting in different tissues to cause unrelated cancers. Several population-based and hospital-based epidemiological studies have examined the occurrence of an invasive breast cancer (BC) and cutaneous malignant melanoma (CMM) in the same patient. Five of eight studies found significantly higher standardized incidence ratios, ranging from 1.29 to 2.7, of CMM after BC [1–8], while only one of five studies revealed a significantly higher standardized incidence ratio of 6.6 for BC occurring after CMM [9–13]. Recently, an epidemiological study has addressed this question by examining the rate of female BC among CMM survivors and the rate of CMM among female BC survivors. A statistically significant increased risks of CMM among female BC patients and of BC among female patients with CMM have been observed [14]. The commonly reported environmental risk factors for BC and CMM are dissimilar; however, genetic predisposition characterized by a positive family history is the strongest risk factor for both melanoma and breast cancer [15, 16]. Here we examined whether germline mutations in five genes could account for the higher incidence of BC and CMM in the same patient. We chose to study CDKN2A and CDK4, two melanoma susceptibility genes [17, 18]; BRCA1 and BRCA2, two BC and ovarian cancer (OC) susceptibility genes [19, 20]; and the Li-Fraumeni syndrome gene TP53 [21]. TP53 mutations confer a high risk of developing multiple primary tumors, including BC. The penetrance of TP53 germline mutations for breast cancer may be as high as 56% by the age of 45 years [22]. Additionally, CMM has been described in a subset of p53 mutation carriers [23]. Furthermore, two groups reported statistically significant increases in the incidence of breast cancer occurring in CDKN2A mutation positive melanoma families [24, 25]. Finally, it has been shown that BRCA2 mutation carriers have an elevated incidence of melanoma [26]. Taken together these data suggest that BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and CDKN2A/CDK4 could be both CMM and BC susceptibility genes. The absence of ascertainment on family history could represent a good opportunity to identify de novo or low penetrance mutations.
Materials and methods Patient selection From May 1993 to October 2000, 104 patients received a diagnosis of BC and CMM at the Gustave-Roussy Institute. The inclusion criteria for our study were a diagnosis of both invasive BC and CMM in the same person and the availability of blood samples and historical information for
C. Monnerat et al.
all first degree relatives. Of the 104 eligible patients, 89 patients gave written, informed consent to participate in the study. All medical and genetic files were reviewed. Seven deceased cases had no medical information available for their first degree relatives and were excluded. Overall, 82 patients were included in the study. Pathological records were present in the medical files for 81 cases of CMM and 74 cases of BC. For the other patients, detailed medical records describing the primary treatment of the disease (e.g., excision, followed by radiotherapy and tamoxifen) or progression of the cancer (e.g., pathological record of a metastasis) confirmed the diagnosis. Family history of at least first degree relatives of all patients was reported. In general, more detailed pedigrees including extended family were obtained for cases of patients reporting a positive family history of malignancy. A positive family history of melanoma, defined as at least 2 cases of melanoma in first or second degree relatives, was identified in four patients. A positive family history of breast or breast or/and ovarian cancer was identified in 18 families, but only 9 fulfilled the French guidelines for BRCA1 and BRCA2 testing, defined as follows: at least 3 cases of breast cancer in first degree relatives, or at least two cases if one of the breast cancers is diagnosed before age 40 or is bilateral, at least one case of BC and a first degree relative with OC at any age [27]. Such families have been called ‘‘Hereditary Breast Ovarian Cancer (HBOC) families’’. Pathological records of the affected relatives were obtained when possible. The protocol of this study was approved by internal institutional review board (IRB) of the Institut Gustave-Roussy (Villejuif, France) as well as the external IRB of Hospital Necker (Paris, France). Screening for mutations The 82 patients were screened for germline mutations in full coding sequences including adjacent intronic sequences of the CDKN2A, BRCA1, BRCA2 and TP53 genes. For the CDK4 gene, we screened only exon 2: the germline mutations of this gene reported to date occurred only in this exon. A deceased CDKN2A mutation carrier could not be screened for the other genes because there was insufficient DNA available (Fig. 1C—index case C01). DNA was extracted from whole blood with the QIAmp DNA Mini Kit (Qiagen) according to the manufacturer instructions. Total PCR reaction volume was 20 ll. Each reaction contained 20–40 ng genomic DNA template and 6 pmol of each primer pair (list available upon request). For CDKN2A and CDK4, the PCR mixture had 12 lM dNTP (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech), 1· PCR buffer (Qiagen), and 0.2 U Hotstart Taq polymerase (Qiagen). For exon 1
BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, and CDKN2A germline mutations in patients with breast cancer
Fig. 1 Pedigrees of the 6 cases with deleterious germline mutations. (A) Families with a BRCA1 mutation. (B) Families with coincident BRCA2 and TP53 mutations. (C) Families with CDKN2A mutations. Pedigrees have been modified in order to prevent subject identification. Arrows identify the index cases. +/+ is wild type; +/– is a mutation carrier; filled symbols indicate a diagnosis of cancer; figures in brackets are the age at diagnosis. Abbreviations are as follows: B, breast cancer; bB, bilateral breast cancer; Bl, bladder cancer; C, colon cancer; E, endometrial cancer; G, glioblastoma; HN, head and neck cancer; M, cutaneous melanoma; mM, multiple primary cutaneous melanoma; O, ovarian cancer; P, pancreatic cancer; R, renal cancer; Sa, soft tissue sarcoma; U, unknown primary site cancer
and 3 of CDKN2A, 1.25 mM betain (Sigma) was added. To avoid contamination, all PCR were performed with dUTP replacing dTTP in a proportion of 2 to 1 in the dNTP mixture. Prior to PCR, 0.128 U of UNG (TEBU) was added to each 20 ll tube and activated at 50C for 15 min to remove uracil from potential contaminant PCR products. An UNG denaturing step of 20 min at 90C followed. PCR for CDKN2A and CDK4 were performed using a touchdown protocol: an initial denaturation step for 10 min at 95C was followed by 2 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 68C, and 30 s at 72C; 2 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 66C, 30 s at 72C; 2 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 64C, 30 s at 72C; 2 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 62C, 30 s at 72C; 2 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 58C, 30 s at 72C;
40 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 58C, 30 s at 72C; and a final extension step of 10 min at 72C. For BRCA1, BRCA2 and TP53, the PCR mixture included 200 lM dNTP (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech), 1· PCR buffer (Qiagen), 3 mM MgCl2 and 0.2 U Hotstart Taq polymerase (Qiagen). PCR conditions were as follows: an initial denaturing step for 5 min at 95C was followed by 40 cycles of 30 s at 95C; 30 s at 55C for BRCA1 or at 50C for BRCA2 or at 58C for TP53; 30 s at 72C; and a final extension step of 10 min at 72C. At the end of the PCR reaction, 0.075 U of UGI (Biolabs) was added to inhibit the residual activity of UNG. Screening for mutations was performed according to the heteroduplexes detection principle, using DHPLC (denaturant high performance liquid chromatography, WAVE, Transgenomic) [28]. Exon 3 of CDKN2A was screened by direct sequencing as two close polymorphisms located in the 3¢ untranslated region might not be distinguished by DHPLC. Samples with abnormal chromatographic patterns in the DHPLC analysis were submitted for sequence analysis. Each abnormal sample was re-amplified from source DNA as described above; 50 ll PCR reaction products were purified using MicroSpin S-400 HR columns (Pharmacia Biotech) and sequenced using the Big Dye Terminator Cycle sequencing Ready Reaction kit (PE Applied Biosystem) on an automated sequencer 377 (PE Applied Biosystem). Genotyping of the 9p21 region Genotypes were determined in 6 members (5 carriers, 1 non-carrier) of two families (D26 and E10) in which the P81T CDKN2A mutation had been identified. Seven 9p21 markers were used: IFNA, D9S736, D9S942, D9S1748, D9S1604, D9S171, and D9S126. The CDKN2A gene is located between D9S736 and D9S942. Primer sequences were obtained from the Genome Database (GDB) and are available upon request. PCR reactions were performed in 25 ll with 20–40 ng genomic DNA, 200 lM dNTP (Amersham Pharmacia Biotech), 1· PCR buffer (Qiagen), 0.25 U Hotstart Taq polymerase (Qiagen), and 7.5 pmol of each primer. The forward primers were labeled with fluorescein. For each sample, PCR amplification was performed as follows: and initial denaturation step for 10 min at 95C was followed by 35 cycles of 30 s at 95C, 30 s at 55C, and 30 s at 72C. One microliter of PCR products was mixed with 2.5 ll of loading buffer and 0.5 ll of GeneScan-500 (ROX) Size Standard (Perkin-Elmer). The products were heat-denatured for 2 min at 95C, and 1 ll was loaded in a 6% denaturing polyacrylamide gel, and analyzed using an ABI 377 sequencer and Genescan analysis software.
C. Monnerat et al.
In silico analysis of mutations affecting splicing of mRNA
Identification of BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, and CDKN2A/CDK4 mutations
Three in silico tools designed to predict the effects of nucleotide changes on splicing were used to study BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations of unknown significance. These three tools were used to address the effect of mutations on splicing consensus sites: (1) SpliceSiteFinder (www.genet. sickkids.on.ca); (2) BDGP splice site prediction (www. fruitfly.org/seq_tools); (3) and Max Entscan (http://www. genes.mit.edu/burgelab/maxent/xmaxentscan_scoreseq. html). A fourth algorithm, ESE finder, that tests modification of known ESE sequences was also used (http://nulai.chsl.edu).
We identified 7 deleterious mutations in the five genes studied in 6 patients. Six variants of unknown significance were found in 5 patients. For each index case, genetic analysis results (mutations or variant of unknown significance), personal and family history of cancer are summarized in Table 2. Pedigrees of index cases carriers of deleterious germline mutations are shown in Fig. 1. BRCA1 mutations were identified in two patients belonging to HBOC families (Fig. 1A). The D36 index case developed melanoma at age 64 years, OC at age 67 years, endometrial cancer at age 67 years, and breast cancer at age 70 years. She is a carrier of a BRCA1 185delAG, one of the founder mutations seen in Ashkenazi Jews. The C23 index case developed breast cancer at age 32 years and melanoma at age 48 years; she was a carrier of a frameshift BRCA1 5256delG mutation. Two patients had coincidental BRCA2 and TP53 mutations (Fig. 1B). Index case D05 developed melanoma at age 65 years, BC and OC at age 69 years, and colon cancer at age 74 years. Her sister developed breast cancer at age 75 years, and 5 relatives developed late-onset cancers at various sites. Importantly, this family did not fulfill the classical Li-Fraumeni syndrome criteria. We detected two deleterious germline mutations, a nonsense BRCA2 S1630X mutation described once in the BIC database
Results Clinical and familial characteristics The clinical characteristics of the 82 patients are summarized in the Table 1. The first diagnosis was BC in 44 patients and cutaneous melanoma in 38 patients. Three cases were men, who were diagnosed with BC at 51, 61 and 62 years of age; none reported a family history of melanoma or breast cancer. Interestingly, 10 patients had a third primary cancer and 4 of them had a fourth primary cancer. Table 1 Clinical and familial characteristics of the patient population Clinical characteristics
Total number of patients
Diagnosis order BfiM
Gender Female Male Age (y) at first diagnosis (median, range)
50.0 (20.4–80.3)
Time (y) between B fi M, M fi B
49.1 (29.8–80.3)
52.9 (20.4–76.4)
5.3 (0.15–24.1)
4.1 (0.0–22.4)
Third primary cancer Contralateral breast cancer Second primary cutaneous melanoma
Non-melanoma skin cancer
Third or more cancer of another type a
Hereditary melanoma
Hereditary breast-ovarian cancer
Familial history with criteria of b
Abbreviations: B fi M, BC followed by CMM; M fi B, CMM followed by BC; y years a The third and fourth cancer of another types were 2 ovarian carcinomas, 2 endometrial carcinomas, 1 cervical carcinoma, 2 colon cancers, 1 anal cancer, 1 soft tissue sarcoma , 1 astrocytoma, 1 metastatic neuroendocrine tumor of unknown origin, 1 follicular thyroid carcinoma, and 1 mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the parotid b The criteria for definition of hereditary breast–ovarian cancer or hereditary melanoma are defined in the ‘Materials and methods’
BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, and CDKN2A germline mutations in patients with breast cancer
Table 2 Deleterious mutations and unknown variants of BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and CDKN2A Deleterious mutations and unknown variants ID
Cancer cases (age at diagnosis) in
Database (n) a
1st Degree relative
Exon 2
BIC (1597)
B(34);B(36) + O(46);O(64)
Deleterious mutations D36 BRCA1 C23
Exon 18
Exon 11
5117 C > G
M(65);B(69);O(69);C(74) B(75);C(66);Bl(80)
Exon 4
389 G > T
TP53 d
Exon 7
743 G > A
Exon 1
47 T > G
L16P e
mM(36 + 44 + 50);B(50)
mM(26 + 30);mM(42 + 44);P(68)
Exon 2
241 C > A
BIC(3) IARC (0) IARC (11)
Unclassified variants D03 BRCA1
BIC(0); FR(0)
C19 C36
BRCA2 Intron 4 BRCA2 d Exon 11
Intron 11 4216–26 C > T 653 + 33 A > G 4374del3
B(44); M(49) E1382del mM(43);B(50)
– –
BIC(0);FR(0) BIC(4)
Exon 11
4914 A > G
BIC(0); FR(0)
Exon 11
6551 G > A
BIC(91); FR(2)
Intron 21 8982 + 75 A > G
B(47); M(47)
E(50); B(61); C(68); Lu(76)
a Number of reported cases in the database : BIC: Breast Cancer International Core (http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/Intramural_research/Lab_transfer/ Bic/); FR: French BRCA1/2 database; IARC: TP53 database of the International Agency for Research on cancer (http://www.iarc.fr/p53/ Germline.html); b in a second degree relative; c in a third degree relative; d patient C36 had a BRCA2 unclassified variant and a TP53 germline mutation; e mutation already reported in Soufir et al. [33] Abbreviations: B, breast cancer; bB, bilateral breast cancer; Bl, bladder cancer; C, colon cancer; E, endometrial cancer; ID, identification number of the family; Lu, lung cancer; Ly, non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma; M, cutaneous melanoma; mM, multiple primary cutaneous melanoma; O, ovarian cancer; P, pancreatic cancer; Pl, pleura mesothelioma; R, renal cancer; S, non-melanoma skin cancer; T, testicular cancer
(http://www.nhgri.nih.gov/Intramural_research/Lab_transfer/Bic/), and a missense TP53 R110L mutation not described in the IARC germline mutation database to date (http://www.iarc.fr/p53/Germline.html). This latter mutation is deleterious because it impairs the transactivation of p21 and bax promoters in an in vitro functional assay in the yeast [29]. Index case mutation status for both BRCA2 and TP53 genes was confirmed on a second independent blood drawing in these patients. The proband’s sister, who developed BC, was not a carrier of neither BRCA2 and TP53 germline mutations. No blood samples for the two deceased parents were available. The second case (C36) developed two melanomas at age 43 years, and breast cancer at age 50 years. She did not have a family history of cancer. We detected a deleterious, germline missense mutation in the TP53 gene, R248Q, described 9 times in the IARC database, and a BRCA2 4374delAGA, E1382del, an in frame deletion occurring in a repeat of two AGA. This BRCA2 variant has been described in the BIC database as an unclassified variant. Codon 1382 is located within a stretch of the gene encoding 6 highly conserved amino acid residues, the BRC repeats [30]. This unclassified variant has been tested in various in vitro assays based on known cellular activities of BRCA2 protein and displayed clear loss of function in 2 out of the 3 assays
performed. This variant should nevertheless remain unclassified in terms of disease causality because of insufficient data on co-segregation and co-occurrence with deleterious mutation [31]. Neither her mother nor her brother carried any of the BRCA2 and TP53 mutations. Unfortunately, no blood sample was available for her deceased father. CDKN2A mutations were identified in two index cases (Fig. 1C). Patient C01 developed three melanomas at ages 36, 44 and 50 years, and breast cancer at age 50 years. Two first degree relatives also had multiple primary melanomas. This family fulfills the criteria for melanoma-prone families [32]. A missense mutation located in exon 1a of CDKN2A gene, L16P, was detected (previously published in Soufir 1998 [33]) and segregated among the 3 patients. We looked for BRCA2 loss of heterozygosity at germline mutation site in breast cancer tissue from index cases C01, but were unable to get reliable results as this tissue was fixed in Bouin, which alters DNA. The second case (D26) developed melanoma at age 38 years, and breast cancer at age 48 years. No other melanoma occurred in this family, indicating it a sporadic case (Figs. 1, 2 and Table 2). The proband and two unaffected relatives on the mother’s side were carriers of a CDKN2A P81T missense mutation. An identical CDKN2A mutation was detected in another
C. Monnerat et al.
Fig. 2 Pedigrees and genotyping results of two families carrying the CDKN2A P81T mutation. (A) An apparently sporadic case of BC and CMM. (B) An apparently sporadic CMM case. Pedigrees have been modified in order to prevent subject identification. Arrows identify the index cases; +/+ is wild type; +/– is a mutation carrier; filled symbols indicate a diagnosis of cancer; figures in brackets are the age at diagnosis. Abbreviations are as follows: B, breast cancer; G,
glioblastoma; M, cutaneous melanoma; P, pancreatic cancer; R, renal cancer; Sa, soft tissue sarcoma; U, unknown primary site cancer. The haplotypes are displayed to the right of the patient, in the order of the microsatellite markers IFNA, D9S736, D9S942, D9S1748, D9S1604, D9S171, and D9S126. Exon 2 of CDKN2A is located between D9S736 and D9S942. The common haplotypes are indicated in bold
French family, E10 (Fig. 2) not included in this BC and CMM series. Since families D26 and E10 live in the same geographical area, we hypothesized that they could be related. We performed genotyping of 7 microsatellite markers located at 9p21 in the region around the CDKN2A gene for 3 patients from each family. A common haplotype was identified in all five carriers of the P81T CDKN2A mutation, while non-carriers did not share this haplotype (Fig. 2). These findings suggest that the CDKN2A P81T mutation is a founder mutation and that the two families share common ancestry.
of limitations of the simulation tools, we performed cDNA analysis for the three intronic variants of BRCA1 or BRCA2, independently of in silico results obtained. We derived EBV immortalized cell lines from the leucocytes of each proband. Reverse transcriptase PCR (RT-PCR) of RNA isolated from EBV cell lines did not identified any abnormally sized corresponding transcripts (data not shown).
Identification of BRCA1 and BRCA2 variants of unknown significance Six identified BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutations of unknown significance or unclassified variants (UV) are shown in Table 2: three intronic mutations located 26, 33, or 75 nucleotides away from splice sites (D03, C19, C22), one missense mutation, and one silent mutation both in the same patient (C10), and one in-frame deletion (patient C36) were found. Mutations of these types can potentially alter splicing by several mechanisms. Missense mutations can disrupt exonic splicing enhancer sequences resulting in exon skipping [34]. Deep intronic mutations can affect splicing as in the case of the tuberous sclerosis gene TSC2, and the melanoma CDKN2A gene [35, 36]. Frequency of variants in the international BIC database are reported in Table 2. We studied all these variants by using different simulation in silico tools whose aims are to predict nucleotide change effect on splicing. All but one mutation gave negative results with these algorithms. The BRCA1, c.4216-26C > T mutation lowered the branch point score from 90.1 to 74.0 using the splicesite finder tool. Because
Discussion In this study we report the results of a systematic screening for germline mutations of BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and CDKN2A/CDK4 in 82 patients who had both BC and CMM. Six patients were identified as carriers of deleterious germline mutation. Two cases (D36 and C23) that carried BRCA1 germline mutations (185delAG and 5256delG, respectively) had typical BC and OC family history. Both developed CMM in addition to BC. Our hypothesis is that their CMM is unlikely to be related to the BRCA1 mutation because both patients have skin phototype II and histories of strong sun exposure, two well known melanoma risk factors. It should also be noted that no excess of CMM has been reported in BRCA1 mutation carrier families [37]. Two cases with simultaneous BRCA2 and TP53 germline mutations were identified: C36 is a carrier of a deleterious TP53 R248Q mutation and a BRCA2 E1382del variant of unknown significance; D05 is a carrier of a deleterious BRCA2 S1630X mutation and a deleterious TP53 R110L mutation. Rare cases of coincidental germline mutations in two distinct tumor suppressor genes have been reported: founder Ashkenazi Jews BRCA1 and BRCA2 mutations [38, 39]; de novo BRCA1 mutation in a patient
BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53, and CDKN2A germline mutations in patients with breast cancer
with an inherited BRCA2 mutation [40], simultaneous BRCA1 and an MLH1 mutations [41], and simultaneous BRCA1 and PTCH mutation [42]. Simultaneous TP53 and BRCA2 gene inactivation is particularly interesting in light of the observation that disruption of the p53 pathway is pivotal in BRCA2-associated cancers. For instance, somatic mutations of TP53 are frequently observed in BRCA2-associated malignancies [43]. Furthermore, mice lacking BRCA2 and TP53 in the mammary epithelium rapidly developed breast tumors suggesting that the loss of function of both BRCA2 and TP53 contribute to mammary tumorigenesis in these mice [44]; these mice are also prone to skin cancer, but not to melanoma. Loss of BRCA2 and TP53 could explain the occurrence of four different primary cancers (CMM, BC, OC, and colon cancer) in case D05. CDKN2A mutation and breast cancer We identified two CDKN2A mutations in two patients who developed both CMM and BC. C01 is a carrier of a CDKN2A L16P mutation, and D26 is a carrier of a CDKN2A P81T mutation. The basic question raised by these findings is whether or not CDKN2A germline mutations are involved in the BC of these two patients. An epidemiological study reported an excess of BC in 9 Swedish melanoma-prone families carrying a CDKN2A 113insArg founder mutation: eight BC cases were observed compared with an expected number of 2.1, a statistically significant difference. In this series, 3 women with CDKN2A 113insArg mutations developed CMM and BC [24]. In addition it has been shown, at a biological level, that p16 protein contributes to normal growth arrest in mature mammary tissue [45]. Therefore, a possible contribution of p16 loss of function to breast carcinogenesis cannot be excluded. The D26 index case carries the CDKN2A P81T mutation, and is the only melanoma case known in her family. We could demonstrate that this mutation was identical by descent with the one detected in another apparently unrelated family that also has one CMM case. Thus, this mutation appears to display a low penetrance. Low penetrance mutations have been described for the BRCA2 gene in 6 cases of male breast cancer in the absence of family history [46]. Penetrance of CMM associated with germline CDKN2A mutations has been estimated to be 60% in Europe [47], but the number of unaffected carriers is too low (4 individuals) in these two families to draw meaningful conclusions. We previously described a CDKN2A G101W founder mutation in seven apparently sporadic cases of multiple primary melanomas [48]. For the two CDKN2A P81T families as well as the 7 CDKN2A G101W sporadic MPM, the possibility of small
family size causing falsely low penetrance cannot be excluded. Of the 82 patients we examined here, 76 were not carriers of germline mutation in any of the 5 genes tested. It can be speculated that other ‘‘high risk’’ genes could be underlying a subset of the negative cases. A candidate gene of interest is PTEN because PTEN germline mutations are responsible for a lifetime risk of breast cancer estimated to be 25–50%, compared to the 11% lifetime risk in the in the general population [49]. However, no increased risk of melanoma has been found associated with classical PTEN germline mutations to date and patients with a germline PTEN mutation usually harbor some dermatological stigmata of Cowden disease [49]. Another hypothesis is that a second primary cancer could be the result of shared environmental factors contributing to both neoplastic processes. However, there is no significant overlap between the risk factors for developing CMM and BC. The total number of nevi or atypical nevi, a fair complexion and light skin, a freckling tendency, a propensity to sunburn, and total ultraviolet radiation exposure are the common CMM risk factors, whereas, hormonal factors such as age of menarche, first pregnancy, and menopause; nulliparity or treatment with estrogen replacement therapy are the main BC risk factors. We could not perform a confident assessment of environmental risk factor for each patient. Therefore, it was impossible to determine if a common environmental factor ties these two diseases. A final consideration is that a second primary cancer could arise from treatment for a first cancer therapy, Indeed, the majority of the epidemiological studies have shown that melanoma were more likely to occur after treatment of breast cancer [2–4]. In a recent hospital-based series, the relative risk of developing a second neoplasia was particularly increased in patients that had received radiotherapy, but the number of CMM cases was too small to determine the role of radiotherapy in this tumor [5]. Larger studies of this type are needed. Germline mutations in BRCA1, BRCA2, TP53 and CDKN2A/CDK4, in patients with BC and CMM are not common. Among 13 cases with a family history of cancer, 3 mutation carriers (23%) were found. Among 69 cases without family history, 3 mutations (4%) were found. Further studies are needed to clarify the contributions of other risk factors in patients with BC and CMM. Acknowledgments We wish to thank Professor Jean Feunteun for helpful scientific discussions; Dr. Catherine Bonaı¨ti-Pellie´ for critically reading the manuscript; Dr. Sophie Grandjouan for providing a patient blood sample; Drs. Rosette Lidereau and Olga Serova for sharing information on BRCA variants; and Nathalie Duarte, Karine Laud, and Josyane Lecalvez for technical support. This work was supported by the PHRC Re´gional 2001, AOR 01 091; Catalin Marian
460 was a recipient of a Marie Curie fellowship from the EU (QLGA-GH99-50406-15); Christian Monnerat was the recipient of a fellowship from the DUERCC of Institut Gustave Roussy, the Swiss National Science Foundation and the Swiss Cancer League.
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