password, they could use it to try to access your credit card accounts). Did you make a new account on a travel website
Break Free from Bad Security Awareness Habits It’s ok to be detached from your cell phone while you’re having fun
Go Rouge
Spending the day at the beach? Shut your phone off in your bag incase an attacker attempts to access your information while you are swimming. Leaving your hotel room for the day? Use the room safe to lock your electronic devices, wallet, and/or any pieces that hold personal information.
stop over-sharing
avoid sharing personal information with strangers while on vacation Excited for “Just charge it to the room” to be your weekend mantra? Be careful who overhears/sees your room number. If fellow guests attain your name and room number, they could:
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Charge their purchases to your room Ask the front desk staff (as you) for a new room key, claiming that the original one was lost or left in the room Intercept information or deliveries in your name
don't rush through password creation
Did you make a new account on a travel website to start earning travel points? Here are a few tips to remember to keep your passwords secure:
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Do not use a common, generic password (Ex. PASSWORD, QWERTY, 1234) Do not repeat a password used for a different account (If an attacker learns your Jetblue password, they could use it to try to access your credit card accounts)
Presented by Security Innovation
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