breeding data for a population of pied flycatchers (ficedula hypoleuca)

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FLYCATCHERS FICEDULA HYPOLEUCA IN CENTRAL SPAJN. The breeding biology of the Pied Flycatcher has k n extensively studied over most parts of its ...


Census m I t s revml large autumn concentrations with up to 3.000 individuals on 9th October. In spring and surnmer nurnbers noticcebly d d . KEY WORDS: POdiceps nigricollis; population status; La Mata lagoon (Alicante).

AMAT, J. A. (19M). Las poblaciones de aves acuáticas en las lagunas aodaluzas: camposición y diversidad durante un ciclo anual. Arakola 31: 61-79. ARAG&, A-; PÉREZ, E.; L u m m , J.. y BIELSA. M. A. (1975). Observaciones estivales en Galloanta (Zaragoza). Ardeola 20: 229-244. ARAÚm, J. (1978). Censo espairol de aves acuiticas de enero de 1975. Ardeola 24: 121-205. AUAUJO, 1.. y G m h - R u ~(1972). Algunos recuentos de aves nadadoras en Bp&a durante las temporadas 1464-65, 1965-615. 1966-67, 1968-69, 1969-70, 1970-71. Ardeolo 17-18: 127-158. E ~ R N I SF. , (1966). Aves migradoras ibéricas. Fascículo 1. S.E.O. Madrid. CALVO; J. F. e IBORRA, J. (1986). & d i o Ecolbgico de /a Laguna de b Mata. Instituto de Estudios Juan Gil-Albert, Alicante. GBROUDH. P. (1979), Le 26 recensement hivernal des oiseaux d'eau en Suisse romande, janvierféwier 1979. Nos Oiieaux 35 (4): 173-180. HAFNER,H,; ~ H N S O N A. , R., y WALMSLEY,J. G. (1980). Cornpfe rendu ornithologique camarguais pour les annees 1978 et 1979. Terre ei Víe 34: 621647. HAMER, H. y WALMSLEY.J. G. (1975). El mx, de aves acuáticas en las Marismas del Guadalquivir, invierno 1973-74, con datos de otras localidades de Andalucia. Ardeola 20: 161178. MAYOL, l. (1984). Conccnttacidn invernal de Zampullin Cuellinegro, Pdiceps nig~icollisC . L. Brchm 1831, en Formentera. Bol. Est. Cm!. Eco., 13 (25): 63-65. NAVARFCO, J. D. y NAVARRO, J. (1982). La avifauna de los embalses de «El Hondo» (Alicante). Med~lerrheaSer. Biol.. 6: 109-10. NOVAL, A. (1975). El libro de la Fama Ibérica, vol. II. Naranm, Oviedo.

[Recibido: 25.4.86J

Fernando Javier G M C ~ GIMBNEZ San P a d , 173. Torrevieja (ALICANTE)

José Francisco CALVO SEND~N Clemente G o d e z , 6. Torrevieja (ALICANTE)



The breeding biology of the Pied Flycatcher has k n extensively studied over most parts of its range (referentes in JARVINEN, 1984). However, there is a lack of data for the relict populations that this species maintains in some


ARDEOLA 34(1), 1987

montane humid forests of the Iberian Peninsula (e. g. DE JUANA,1980; PO~CTI, 1985). In this note we report such data for a central Spanish population studied over two breeding seasons as part of a long-term project aiming to elucidate the population dynamics of the species near the southern border of its range.

STUDYAREA AND METHODS The Pied Flycatchers bred in nest-boxes (14 cm length x 12 cm width x 20 cm height; 3,5 cm entrance hole) erected in a Quercuspyrenaica forest about 80 km northeast of Madrid at 1200-1400 m.a.s.l., near the village La Hiruela (41" 04' N; 3" 27' E). POTTI(1985) and CARRASCAL et al. (1987) give further details of the study area. The nest-boxes were inspected each 3-4 days during the breeding seasons (april to July) of 1984 and 1985 to determine the exact date of laying of the fírst egg in the clutches (in some cases arrived at by ((counting backwards)), assuming the female lays one egg each day), clutch size, and the hatching and fledging success.

Egg laying

As to the laying dates (Table 1), it is remarkable the relative lateness of the mean date of laying in the first year of study, though lack of more extensive data precludes excessive inference given the variability observed elsewhere (e. g. TABLE 1 Breeding parameters for Pied Flycatchers in La Hiruela (Central Spain). [Parámetros reproductores del Papamoscas Cerrojillo en La Hiruela.] -

Study year Mean date of laying of [Año de estudio] first egg (range) [Fecha media puesta primer huevo (limites)] 1984 1985

Mean clutch size (fs.d.) [Tamaño medio de puesta]

Clutch size (no. of nests) [Tamaño de puesta (n." nidos)]

9 June (29 May-23 June) 30 May 25 May-12 June)

5 , o (1,071






5,44 (0,611


1 18 14


Hatching success: "/, of eggs laid [Exito eclosor: % sobre el total de huevos puestos]

Breeding success: % of eggs hatched [Exito reproductor: % sobre el total de huevos eclosionados]

Fledged younglnest [Pollos volados/nido]

JARVINEN and LINDI?N, 1980). Nevertheless, the spring of 1984was in our study area unusually wld and rainy, with snowstorms in May forcing the established populations of spring migrants -not only Pied Fiycatchers, but also Bonelli's Warblers (Phylloscopus bonelli). Garden Warblers (Sylvia borin) and Robins (Erithacus rubecula) - to leave for about three weeks, presumably to lower areas (pers. obs.). By that date (about 12 May), some flycathcer nests were already finished and their females presumably prone to lay as there is a normal interval of 2-3 days between the ending of nest building and the laying of the first egg (JARVINEN,1983; own data). So, inhibition of egg laying due to bad weather seems responsible for the retardment and longer duration of the breeding season in 1984. Incidentally, this wld spell affected badly to the breeding success of the earlier breeding Blue tits (Parus caeruleus) and Great Tits (Parus major) in our study forest (authors' unpublished data) and other Meditemanean areas (see BLONDELe; al.. 1985). Clutch size and breeding success

The clutch size and breeding success vatiations across the hvo breeding seasons are summarized in Table 1. There was seasonal decline of the clutch size in both years, amounting to 0,07-0,08 egg/day. However, the figure of 0,07 for 1984 masks the fact that the decline was far more pronounced (0,13 eggjday) in the first ten days of the season, inmediately after the wld spell commented above. In neither year there were second clutches, though we recorded three repetition clutches due to the nest-box falling by strong winds. The clutch size in these (colour ringed) females was lower by 1-2 eggs than in their first nesting attempt. Breeding success was high, 86 and 87% of the eggs laid in 1984 and 1985 respectively giving successful fledgings. Al1 losses are attributable to nestling starvation, indeed most frequent in late clutches. Not a single case of predation was recorded.

The date of laying seems exceptionally late for the latitude of our study and LiNarea when compared to that in much northem locations (e. g. JARVINEN DÉN, 1980). falling near the range of those reported for some areas in North Finland (JARVINEN, 1983), where harshness of weather and phenological events of the vegetation determine the laying date (see, however, SLAGSVOLD, 1975, 1976). There are no nearby meteorological stations in our study area in which we can closely examine the relationship between laying date and temperature but frosts are wmmon in May and the Pyrenean Oaks leaF as late as from the last week of May to the fitst of June (HERNANDEZand SAiNZ, 1984;

obs.). Hence, the altitudinal mmgement of our forest seems to preclude earlier breeding both in Fke& (see &o MEIDELL, 1961; ZANG, 1980) and other resident hole nesters (Parus m&, P. c a e r u h ; mcthrs ' mpubl. dota). makiag our flycatcher population to ehow a more synchronized laying pattem than those of South Fidaud, where laying seasons are longer, about six weeks (m-, 1983: 134). Though this is somwhat unexpected under some very gen& obsetvations (e. g. BAKER, 1938), if patterns of m n a l i t y found at the community level are extrapoiable to the popuiation level (see R~CKLEFS,1980), this is just what we could expect from inforrnation gathered in this ares (see m,1985; CARRASCAL et al., 1987). The figures for Pied Flycatcher clutch size here reported are the lowest found for the species across Europe. However, we cannot speak of a monotonous latitudinal inmase in the clutch size of this species as proven from our and other authors' data. In fact, the.m g e m e n t of our data in the scope of those reviewed by von HAARTMAN(1967 b) - who denied the existente of such a gradient - contributes to drawing a ((gaussiamm e for clutch size vaciation of the Pied Flycatcher in Europe, with the central populations having slightly higher clutches than the southem and northern ones. The altitudind situation of our study area can be a . otrscuring factor in discerning any geographical trend from our data, because some authors (MEIDELL,1961; ZANG, 1980) have r w e d lower clutches of this species at higher elevations, contradicting expectations basbd in simple analogies between latitude and altitude (CoDY, 1971; see review in and HANDFoRD, 1984). Though this wibject is far from be clear, it wiU be d m d t to study the influence of altitude in the Sistema Central mountains as Pied Flycatchers are very w c e outside the rnontane level. Otherwise, resulta from this study show that our Mediterranean montane population of Pied Hycatchers has a pattern of seasomi decline in the clutch size and in the mgnitude of this deciine similar to otha popuhtiona in much mrtbern locations (e. g. von H A A R m , 1967 a; J A R m and m&, 1980). own

We hearcily thauk all thoec who carribd thc boxrs op their ahoulders up thc rnountain and in data oonbction, perrticularly Amvo Baz, Toni G.Notano, J u b h Potti and Eduardo Soto. We malso bdcbted to F'edm Cehnilaa and RnfaeI Marti,, the 1.C.O. N.A,, for the laanjms asgisted

of t k mstboxea and prmisgion to work in La Hinrda, rrspecbveiy.


Cfutcb &e, ¡ay& date ami aeediiig e~ocagdata nm givai for a popdation of Piod Fiycatcks o v a two aeums in a dccidruiua o& (Queruu pp&) fomt in &e Sisiema




Central mountains (Spgin) (Table 1). Late bneding and the lowest clutcb si= repoRed in Ewope are the most re1evsnt features of the populatton. KEVW O m : Bneding; clutch si% Ficehla hypoleuur; Spain.

RESUMEN Datos sobre lo reproduccidn del Papamoscos Cerrojillo m el centro de Espak.

Se aportan d8m sobre fecha, tamaíio de puesta y é ~ t reproductor o de una población de Papamoscas Crrrojillos estudiada durante dos eslacioneo reproductoras en un melojar (Quercus ppenaica) del Sistema Central (Tabla 1). La reprodu~cióntardia y el tamaño medio de puesta más bajo registrado en Europa son los hechos más relevantes de la población estudiada.

PAIABRASCUVE:Ficehla hypolaca; reproducción; Sistema Central; tamaño de puesta.


BAKER,J. R. (1938). l ü e relation between latitude and b d i n g seasons in birds. Proc. Z w l . Soe. London. 108: 557-582. BLONDEL,J.: GAUBERT. H. & C~RMAN. A. (1985). Sur les mCeaaismes r@hteurs de I'investissemmt dans la reprodmion cbez la Mebleue P m caeruleur L. (Aves) en milieu insulaire. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris. t. 300,e& ¡ 111: 673-678. CARM~L L. ,M.; Pam, J. & SANCHEL-AGU~, F. J. (1987). Spatio-temporal organization of the bid wmmunity in two Mediterranean montam fomts. H o h . Ecol. 10 lin press). C m . M. L. (1971). Ecological a s p t s of reproduction. Av& Biology vol. 1 (ed. by FARNER. D. S. & KING. E. R . I R>: 4ó1-512. Academic Press. New York. m JUANLÉ.(1980). Árlm Omitoió~icode b ~ i o kInst. . Estudios Riojanos, Log~ofio. HERNANDEZ, J. E. & SAINZ,H. (1984). Eeologh de las hayedos meridw~les&ricos: el m i r o de Ayll6n. Ministerio de Agricultura, Madrid. JArcmm, A. (1983). B r d i o g strategies of hole-ueting psriw in northern Lapland. Ann. Zool. Fennici 20: 129-149. -(1984). i h e bnedingecology of holc-nesting p s r i n e s in extreme northem wnditions. Thesis, Univenity of Helsinki. & LINDEN, H. (1980). Timing of brceding snd the clutch size in the Red Flycatcher Ficeduia hypoleuca in Finnish Lapland. Omis Fennico 57: 112-116. KREMENIz, D. J. & ~ N D P O R D P. . (1984). Does avian clutch size inrrease with altitude? Oikos 43: 254-258. M~EL 0.L (1961). . Lie history of the PKd Flycateher and the Redstart in a Noiwegisn mountáia area. Nytt. Mag. Z w l . 10: 5-48. Pmn,J: (1985). Lss wmunidadm de aves del macizo de Ayllón (Sistema Central). Unpublished Thesis, Univ. Complutense, Madrid. RICKLEFS, R. E. (1980). Geopphical variation m clutch s k among passerine birds: Ashmole's hypthsis. A& 97: 3-49, SEAGSVOLD, T. (1975). Bneding time of birds in relation to latiiude. Nomay J. Z w l . 23: 213-218. -(1976). Annual and geogniphical variation in the time of brccding of the G M t Tit P m mejor and the Pied Flycatcher Ficeduia hypoleuca in relation to environmental phenology and spring temperature. Omis Scand. 7: 127-145. VONHAART~UN, L. (1967 o). CIutch size in the Pied Rycatdier. Prm. XiV Ini. Ornirhol. Congr.. 15.5-164. ~~





-(1967 b). Gmgmphical variations in tha ciutch& - -

of the Pied Fiycatcha. O& Femica 44: 891%. . UG H., (1980). Dcr J3influssder H6hdagc auf Sicdlimgedichte und Bnitbiologie hóhlenbrutender Singv6gel im Han. J. Om. 121: 371-386.

[Recibido: 12.5.8óJ

Jaime PWII F. J. SANCHEZ AGUADO Domingo BLANCO Sagrario MONTALVO Dqartamento de B i d d a Animai, Facultad de C i d a s , Universidad de Alcalb de Hmarar. A M de Harar#, (Madíid), Spain


La peculiar distribución del Rabilargo ha interesado desde hace tiempo y ya en los años cuarenta estaba desqito a rasgos generales su areal en Iberia (Gn, 1943, 1945; B E m ,1945). Sin embargo, posteriormente no hs habido estudios en España que traten con más detalle su distribución y en particular son mal conocidos los limites de su frontera oriental y suroriental.

Registro de las obsmaciones & R a b i g o (Cyonopico c y m ) en el cuadrante NE de Eepaaa y en e1 departamento francis dc loa F%ineos orientales. /Recordr of Ame-winged Magpies in fhe NE comer of Spln mid in fhe Rench depcu~mentof !he Easrern Pyrmee9.J




Prov. Cerona Prov. Gerona Plana de Vich (B) Colliwe (Pir. Orient. rancia) Polientes (S) Llom (GE) Milagro @A) . Tabiienca (2) ola F& (QE) Ahudtvar 0 caiafeu (B) Modorite (HU) Sieterno (HU) Las Franqupscs del Vallé8 (E)

1883 Antes de 1913

Primav. 1956 26.1 1.67


30.06.72 18,05.75 ?.?.78 11.03.78 ?.M.%

- ..



T B K ~ (1880-811 ~ R --, VAWA (1883) Fum (1913) y col. Uniu. Baralona GROUK CMm,E~&WJ.ON (1985) Gom&ez; J. A. (1969), Arbolo, 13: WALUC~& %GE (1968) G o m m ~J., A. (193), Ardeokr, 19: ~ ~ u e ~ 19%0 & L u h a m B immmll9801 ~ ~ A T A J. L (1973), , ~;deo&,19: 40 ARA,ouBS&LVCIEHIE~ (1980) Colscci@ .Museo 2001. Barcelona ARAOUE~ & LUCIBNTES(1 980) Arua,m& L u m (1980) M.N m w (R. -, h litt.) --

