and securing the line throughout the fire perimeter. ... Broadcast, News and Information Facebook page or call the Bridg
Bridge Creek Fire DAILY UPDATE September 7, 2017
Fire Information Keller ICP 509-634-7332
Northwest Incident Management Team 11
Nathan Rabe Incident Commander
For Immediate Release
Good progress continues on the Bridge Creek Fire with 85 percent containment now reached. Most of the remaining work to be done will involve firefighters mopping up and securing the line throughout the fire perimeter. Heavy smoke in the area has had a dampening affect over fire behavior providing opportunity for crews to accomplish more of their daily objectives and tasks. As the smoke lifts, fire activity has the potential to increase with torching and burning in isolated areas of unburned fuels in the interior. The use of the hand held infrared devices also continues as firefighters search for hot spots. In addition, fire crews are tasked with removing of fire hose and pumps from the line. Yesterday, firefighters were able to collect nearly 4 miles of hose along Division A, the western perimeter, but much of the hose along the line is still yet to be collected. Resource advisors are working closely with operations personnel to assess the needs and repair work necessary due to the suppression actions over the last few weeks. Work will continue on contingency lines outside the primary fire footprint with the approval of the Colville Agency Archeology staff. A local Type 3 Team is expected to assemble and transfer of command from NW 11 will take place on Friday, at 1800 hours. On Friday, NW 11 will transition with the incoming team. Air quality across the region continues to be a health concern to many of the public. Children, the elderly, and individuals with respiratory illnesses are especially at risk of serious health effects. For additional information on wildland fire smoke impacting Washington, visit the Washington smoke blog at . Additional information on wildland fire smoke impacting Washington visit: . The public is asked to drive cautiously due to increased traffic and potential smoke over the roadway. In addition to fire traffic primarily along the Bridge Creek Road, fire danger remains high. Mount Tolman Fire Center has set the fire danger level at ‘very high’ across the Colville Reservation. Road/Area Closures: Road closures around the fire, which were installed for firefighter safety, are posted with CCT: DOT road closure signs. Thirty Mile Road remains open northwest of the fire. Road closures are at Daisy Trail/Lynx Creek Road, Red Thunder Cutoff, BIA Road 1045, Oregon City Road, Beaver Dam Road, and Boss Creek Road. Additional closures are at Summit Trail and Oregon City. For information regarding road closure changes, please refer to the Colville Tribal Broadcast, News and Information Facebook page or call the Bridge Creek Fire Information line. You may also find the incident on Inciweb.
Quick Facts: Size: 3711 acres Containment: 85% Location: 13 miles NNE of Keller, WA Cause: Lightning Personnel: 267 Resources: Line Crews 5 Engines 14 Dozers 5 Water Tenders 14 Skidgins 1 Masticators 2 Aircraft: 1 Type 2 medium helicopters (Additional helicopters and other air support have been loaned from Omak, Deer Park, and Wenatchee as available.) Closures: Daisy Trail/Lynx Creek Rd., Red Thunder Cutoff, BIA Rd.1045, Oregon City Rd., Beaver Dam Rd., Boss Creek Rd. Fire Information: 509-634-7332 BridgeCreekFire2017@ Inciweb: ent/5490/