Bringing Environmental Education Friends ...

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email was sent from Colliver to Noguchi. Colliver just recently ... that Angela wrote for the newsletter of AAEE ... the need to change the education system in.

Bringing Environmental Education Friends: Connecting AAEE and JSOEE for the Future


Angela COLLIVER* , Fumiko NOGUCHI** Australian Association for Environmental Education (AAEE) / Angela Colliver Consulting Services Pty Ltd)*, Japan Society of Environmental Education / RMIT University** (受理日 2016 年 2 月 13 日)

An email from the AAEE delegate

Environmental Education has devoted itself to capacity building in environmental education

On one sunny morning in October 2015, an

through conferences, publications, symposiums,

email was sent from Colliver to Noguchi.

s e m i n a r s a n d w o r k s h o p s . T h i s y e a r’s

Colliver just recently attended the 26th JSOEE

conference programme included presentations,

conference as a delegate from Australian

workshops, focus group discussions, their

Association of Environmental Education

Annual General Meeting, a Reception and an

(AAEE). The email was informing the article

International Luncheon.

that Angela wrote for the newsletter of AAEE

Over the two-day event, the content and

(AAEE 2015), in order to share her experience

discussions were anchored in the holistic

in Nagoya.

integration of Environmental Education in **

“There is a need for everyone to personalize

policies and programs in the local Japanese and Korean, Taiwanese, American and Australian contexts.

environmental education by asking ‘How do I

Many of the themes presented over the 2 days

conceptualize environmental education and what am I

were about issues of deep concern in

doing to promote the ideas and values associated with

environments and cultures. Centre stage were

it in my daily life?’ ”

topics like climate change, pollution emanating


The Japanese Society of Environmental

from the Fukushima disaster, deforestation,


Meeting in Nagoya,

coastal degradation, and strong calls for

Japan during late August this year and it was

capacity-building of teachers, development and

an honor to represent the Association by

dissemination of teaching materials and

presenting at their Annual General Meeting

re-orientating teacher pedagogy to be inclusive

and delivering a presentation as part of the

of critical and creative thinking skills.

Education held its 2 6

English Speaker Program.

Conference participants talked about their

The Japanese Society of Environmental

vision to have a strong educated student

Education was founded in 1 9 9 0 to promote

emerging from the school and university

environmental education working in

systems, students who are grounded in cultural

collaboration with its members, local NGOs and

values with the necessary skills to actively

likeminded professional associations in Asia, the

participate and contribute to the well-being of

United States and Australia.

the local and global community.

Since its inception the Japanese Society of

To this end, much discussion was had about

問い合わせ先 Fumiko Noguchi, School of Global, Urban and Social Studies, RMIT University, GPO Box 2476,        Melbourne VIC 3001, Australia   Email: [email protected]

環境教育 VOL. 25-3

Ⓒ日本環境教育学会 2016

Bringing Environmental Education Friends: Connecting AAEE and JSOEE for the Future


the need to change the education system in

nature and the creation of a sustainable society;

Japan from being primarily content driven to

the development of Disaster Training Programs

one that values critical and creative thinking

in Hiroshima post recent landslides where 74

about economy and culture integrated with

people died or are still missing; and the role of

working for ecological and cultural

Environmental Education in reducing the


vulnerability of women during disasters in

The English Speaking Program began with my


presentation about‘Smart Strategies for the st

Sessions were informative and compelling, as

s 21 Century’where I talked about how today’

was the Annual General Meeting where the

professional associations and classrooms are at

Society grappled with becoming an

the centre of change that has technology at its

incorporated body, and where voices from

core. My presentation focused on new ideas and

different generations shared varying

high-tech digital tools that are being used in


professional associations’professional learning

The Reception that followed was full of

and today’ s classrooms. We discussed ways

ceremony, feasting on delicious morsels of

Environmental Education can be integrated into

Japanese food and drinking of an array of beers,

units of inquiry that use Project Based

wine and Sake!

Learning (PBL) methods that take students on a

The International Luncheon that was

journey of creativity, exploration and real-world

scheduled for an hour, found many of us still


sharing stories about our work in

Participants explored recently developed junior

Environmental Education three hours later and

primary, primary and secondary school

many business cards, stories, question and

teaching resources that support schools in their

answers were exchanged.

efforts to use Environmental Education

I would like to convey my deep gratitude to

contexts and engage learners in a 21st Century

everybody for their openness, friendship and


sharing that allowed me to learn so much about

Sessions that followed included the sharing of

Japan, the Japanese of yesterday and today, and

research about environmental literacy in

their hopes for a sustainable future. I have been

students from Taiwanese Elementary Schools;

inspired to learn more about Japan and its

the status of Environmental Education in all

people, and their literacy’s that promote a

Indonesian schools to help address

culture of peace, respect, order and

environmental and pollution issues in Indonesia;

sustainability for ourselves, our communities

Environmental Education programs in Kyoto;

and our nations.

the UNEP Children’ s Painting Contest; the ‘Facilitating Nature Conservation in Our


Society’ course at Chiba University; the

Colliver’ s article is not only heart-warming, but

challenges of integrating experience-based

also valuable to JSOEE, as it is the first time

global education in university education to

that a delegate from one of our overseas

reorient it towards sustainability and resilience;

partner organisations has reflected on and

the importance of knowledge about regional

made comments that can contribute to the

traditions and education that is grounded in

JSOEE and our organisational publications.

環境教育 VOL. 25-3



The partnership between AAEE and JSOEE

members: Teacher & Teacher Education; Early

began only recently in 2013. Based upon the

Childhood; Local Government; Nature

discussion within JSOEE International

Educators; Research and Marine and

Committee, we would like to share the AAEE

Catchment Educators.

newsletter article, with some background

The role of education is a critical tool in the

information of AAEE, (history, current main

path towards sustainability. Increasingly

activities and issues), and our wish list for the

environmental education is playing a major role

future of AAEE-JSOEE partnership.

in, and across sectors including government,

Brief background of AAEE

business, industry, the broader community, and in schools. AAEE exists to provide a network

Founded in 1979, the Australian Association for

for this growing force of environmental

Environmental Education (AAEE) is the

educators. It aims to support this network

national, professional association for those who


identify themselves as working in the fields of

forum for sharing lessons and

environment or sustainability education. The


Association and its members are committed to working with others towards a sustainable

Growing professionally, providing a

Providing a common voice to champion

future, including government officials,

our cause in the policy arena and to,

researchers, teachers and NGO practitioners.


AAEE provides an important network,

Generating funding forging partnerships

supporting its members with up-to date

with organizations that have common

research and policy information, access to

aims to further build the profile and

resources, and regular workshops and

recognition of EE.

conferences. AAEE represents the broad

Besides JSOEE, AAEE has professional links

environmental education community in national

with similar associations in North America,

discussions and debates on policy, practice and

New Zealand and Abu Dhabi.

research. AAEE represents and advocates for

The biennial, national conferences have an

the interests of environmental education and

international perspective and the members

educators across Australia.

represent AAEE at conferences both at home

AAEE has its chapters in seven states and territory. Particularly, Environmental Education Victoria (EEV) has been also functioning as

and overseas. Membership is available in a range of categories with benefits including: •

Professional development nationally and

AAEE state-based chapter. EEV was a product

regionally via conferences, workshops

of the joining together of two organisations -

and seminars;

the Environment Teachers Association (ETA)

Member benefits with those

and the Environmental Studies Association of

organizations with which AAEE

Victoria (ESAV) inspired by the rise of

partners and/or holds memberships;

Environmental Education and the first Global

Environmental Education;

and 1977. AAEE also includes Special Interest Groups for

環境教育 VOL. 25-3

Access to the latest Australian research in the Australian Journal of

Environmental Education Conferences in 1970 •

Networking opportunities;

Bringing Environmental Education Friends: Connecting AAEE and JSOEE for the Future

Up-to-date news about environmental

area of research including:

education programs and events around


Sharing the research findings among

the country through monthly e-bulletins

members to increase the shared learning

and ozEEnews - the Association’s

(conferences, symposium)

quarterly e-newsletter;

Collaborating with allied organisations to

Participation in Special Interest Group

research sustainability education needs for

(SIGs) forums;

the various membership sectors and

Participation in State Chapters;

contributing the development of tools and

Voice to State and Federal governments about relevant issues. Ongoing projects

In recent years, AAEE has been conducting

materials (AESA, SESA) •

Engaging in national and international conversations focusing on evidence based practice (national and international partnership)

two projects, including Australian EfS Alliance

Now, AAEE has been celebrating its 3 5th

(AESA) and Skilling Educators for

anniversary. The 35-year history of AAEE was

Sustainability Australian (SESA). AESA aims to

documented with AJEE special edition and a

share the practice and analyse the obstacles

s p e c i a l e d i t i o n o f ‘o z E E n e w s’, A A E E

and issues through the collaboration of teacher,

Newsletter. This will be soon be available on

government and researchers. The first phase

AAEE website for everyone to read(4).

was completed in February 2 0 1 4 with the

Policy advocacy

publication of‘Education for Sustainability and the Australian Curriculum Project: Final report

Since the 1 9 7 0s, AAEE has been actively

for Research Phases 1 to 3’(2). SESA was three

involved in policy advocacy for‘sustainability’

year project, which aimed to develop leaders

area at state, national, and international levels.

and build their capacity in water and waste

In 2000, the national government formulated

management industries with a focus on

“Environmental Education for sustainable


The project report is also (3)

future: National Action Plan”(5) , whereby

available from the website .

National Education for Sustainability Network

Strategic Priorities for AAEE include:

(NEfSN), National EfS Council (NEfSC), and

Developing an active communication

Australia Research Institute for Education for

strategy to improve internal and external

Sustainability (ARIES)(6) were organized. At the


same time, Australia Sustainable School

Defining current and investigating future

Initiative (AuSSI)(7) was launched as a national

funding stream opportunities.

EfS project, which promotes EfS by whole

Strengthening our identity as a profession to

school approach at the national level. AAEE has

project a shared narrative.

engaged in facilitation and coordination for

Investigating and securing ways to add

NEfSC at the national level. Particularly, EEV

value to Membership Benefits.

has been playing a key role for in-service

• • •

Identifying and connecting with others to create pathways for a sustainable future. The Association has a range of priorities in the

teacher and facilitator training for AuSSI Schools. The Association is also represented on the

環境教育 VOL. 25-3



Australian Alliance of Associations in Education

at the Adelaide Girls High School, close to

(AAAE) to keep the messages of environmental

Adelaide’s CBD. AAEE members are looking

education and education for sustainability as

forward to the participants from JSOEE.

part of the Australian education agenda. The way forward - what we expect of each other between JSOEE and AAEE in terms of AAEE-JSOEE partnership) In Australia, the challenge remains that formal and community education programs deliver

Notes (1) Speech made by Professor Emeritus Dr. Susumu Takakuwa, Kyoto Women’s University at 26th JSOEE National Meeting in 2015. (2) See

high quality sustainability learning and that the

communities have the knowledge and ability to


reduce their environmental impact and are


enabled to make real changes in their everyday


lives to live more sustainably. The community

(3) See

faces diverse issues related to multiculturalism,

(4) See

rights of Australian indigenous peoples and

(5) Australian Government (2 0 0 9) Living

Torres Strait Islanders, refugee and asylum

Sustainably: the Australian Government’s

seekers, and issues related to climate change

National Action Plan for Education for

and natural disasters. Australia has to deal with

S u s t a i n a b i l i t y, D e p a r t m e n t o f

severe environmental problems caused by flood,

Environment, Water, Heritage and the

bush fire, drought, and cyclones on a regular basis. As we experience environmental challenges


Arts, Camberra, Australia. (6) See (7) See

within our local region, these may have been

previously sustained in a global community.


This now provides us with the challenge to


create a culturally, socially and environmentally sustainable and resilient community. We believe

Colliver, A. (2015) At the Japanese Society of

that we have lots to share and collaborate

E n v i r o n m e n t a l E d u c a t i o n - 2 6t h

together between Australia and Japan, through

Meeting. "AAEE OzEENews" Issue 133. p.7.

research, practice and policy advocacy, which

will strengthen our EE efforts at the local


community level.

Y7rw9N7HRt3yA/2131215.pdf Accessed on 3

AAEE Conference next year in Adelaide The AAEE Biennial National Conference will be held in Adelaide, the capital city of South Australia next year. Important dates include 4th October for the Research Symposium and 5th 6th October for the Conference that will be held

環境教育 VOL. 25-3

Mar 2016