Bristol Post-16 Directory - Bristol City Council

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Oct 20, 2016 - Service on 0800 100 900 or web-chat online at .... Vocational level 3
Bristol Post-16 Directory Courses starting Sept 2017

Contents Welcome to the Bristol Post-16 Directory You will soon be making important decisions about your next steps after the end of Year 11. There are many different post-16 options to choose from. Bristol is a great city to live, study and work in. You have a wide range of opportunities and pathways available to you. We are ambitious for you and we want to make sure that you make the most of these opportunities. This directory brings details of the schools, colleges and training providers in the Bristol Local Authority area together into one place. This is a fast moving sector and so other opportunities are likely to appear during the year. We hope the directory will provide you with the information you need to choose the best way forward with confidence and show you where to go for more advice and support. I wish you every success with your studies this year and in making your choices for the future. Paul Jacobs Service Director: Education and Skills Bristol City Council


Contents Staying in education and training after Year 11 Getting support if you have special educational needs or a disability

6 9

General Further Education Colleges and Sixth Form Colleges City of Bristol College St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

10 11

School Sixth Forms Ashton Park School Bristol Cathedral Choir School Bristol Free School Cabot Learning Federation Post-16 Colston’s Girls’ School Merchants’ Academy North Bristol Post-16 Centre St Bede’s Catholic College St Mary Redcliffe and Temple School

12 13 14 15 16 17 18 20 21

Other Colleges in the local area Bath College Bristol Technology and Engineering Academy South Gloucestershire and Stroud College Weston College

22 23 24 25

Work Based Training Providers 3AAA Bristol Access to Music Bristol City Council British Engineering Manufacturers Association (BEMA Limited)

CITB Coachmakers (2nd Chance Group) Creative Youth Network dBs Music Didac Limited Element Skills Training First 4 Skills HIT Training Limited and Connect 2 Care Hartcliffe and Withywood Ventures (Youth provision is called a2a) Interserve Learning and Employment Learndirect Lifetime Training LPW MPCT N-Gaged Training and Recruitment Limited

26 27 28 28 29 30 31 32 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44


North Bristol NHS Trust On Site Bristol Reflections Training Academy S&B Automotive Academy South West Apprenticeship Company T2 Apprenticeship Academy

Tomorrow’s People The Park Community Centre Ltd The Prince’s Trust Other Training Providers

45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54

Course Availability A-levels & GCSEs Specialist and Vocational Qualifications


56 59


Staying in education and training after Year 11 Do I have to stay on at school? All young people are required to stay in education or training until their 18th birthday. This is so that every young person gains the right knowledge and skills to move on to a successful career.

What are my options?

Before you make a decision about your next step here are some questions to ask yourself: l W  hat l H  ow

am I good at?

well do I expect to do in Year 11?

l W  hat

are my interests?

l W  hat

skills do I have?

l W  hat

do I like doing?

You can choose from full-time education at school or college, an Apprenticeship, a Traineeship, full-time work or volunteering (which is defined as 20 hours or more a week) combined with part-time education or training.

When considering a particular qualification or programme to follow next year, ask yourself:

Getting support

What is it?

If you are still at school, you should meet with your careers advisor who will provide you with independent advice and guidance about all the post-16 options in your area. You should also speak to your tutors and other staff in school who know you well. They will advise you about the options that fit with your interests and abilities.

What is the qualification (eg A Level, GCSE, BTEC)?

You can also contact: l

 n impartial advisor at the National Careers a Service on 0800 100 900 or web-chat online at

Or look on: l

‘‘Careerpilot’ is a great source of local information and advice at

l ‘ Plotr’

offers information on different employment sectors at

If you have special educational needs or receive additional support at school then you


should also speak to your school’s special educational needs co-ordinator who will advise you about your next step.


it at the right level for me?

What is the subject? Will it help me do the things I want to do in the future? What is the progression from this qualification (eg is there something similar available at the next level)? Is

it something that I enjoy and I’m good at?


I prepared to put in the hard work to get a good Grade? What will the subject actually cover?

How will I learn?

Apprenticeships and Traineeships

Will there be lots of practical sessions, hands-on work, essays?

With an apprenticeship you can enter employment and start building a career from the age of 16. As an apprentice you will work for an employer, earning a wage and developing job specific skills. Most of the training is delivered in the workplace and you will also be supported by a specialist learning provider to study towards a nationally recognised qualification. This could be with a training provider or a college. Find out more at or visit for impartial and independent advice on this and much more, including our live apprenticeship vacancies map.

Will my learning be assessed through exams, portfolio or on the job?

Where will I learn? In a classroom, in a lab, in the workplace? At a school sixth form, at a sixth form college, at a further education college, with a work-based training provider?

Why should I study for this qualification? Does it fit with my other choices and complement them? Will this course help me to develop skills for the future?

Am I eligible? Do I need particular qualifications to be allowed to study at a particular institution? Am I likely to achieve the right Grades to get onto the course?

A Traineeship is an education and training programme with work experience. It provides the essential work preparation training, English, maths and a work experience placement needed to move on to secure an apprenticeship or employment.

Education and Training: The pathway you choose will be based on the following: l W  hat l H  ow

GCSE Grades you achieve

you like to learn

l W  hat

you want to do in the future (remember – you are likely to change jobs many times in your working life).

Remember that if you do not get a Grade C in maths and/or English GCSE in the summer then you will need to continue studying until you get the equivalent of a Grade C in these subjects. This option will be available to you at your school, college or training provider so please ask for information. Remember that GCSEs are changing and a new grading structure using numbers is being introduced.


Qualification Levels Entry Level (for young people with no qualifications) For example: l

Study programme

Level 1 (for young people with entry level qualifications) For example: l

Study programme



Level 2 (for young people with 3 – 5 GCSEs mostly at D – E Grade) For example: l



BTEC First Diploma/Certificate/Award


OCR National


Intermediate Level Apprenticeship

Level 3 (for young people with 5 or more GCSEs at Grade A* to C, including English and maths) For example: l

GCE AS and A levels


IB/Pre-U/AQA Bacc


BTEC National


Advanced Level Apprenticeship

The following pages show you what is available in the Bristol Local Authority area. Remember that there are many other schools, colleges and training providers within easyreach of the city should you wish to travel further away. We hope you find this directory useful.


Getting support if you have special educational needs or a disability AIM for the Stars can help you fnd out: l H  ow

physically accessible the building is (Accessible Places).

l H  ow

the setting makes sure young people with special educational needs or a disability are included.(Inclusive Practice).

l H  ow

young people help to make decisions about the way the setting develops (Meaningful Participation).

You can find out the AIM for the Stars information for each college by going to and searching for either the name of the college or by clicking on the age range 14 to 25 years/Preparing for Adulthood.

There are lots of things that you can do after you leave school if you have special educational needs or a disability. Findability is a website full of information for young people with special educational needs or a disability: On Findability you can find out more about what you can do and what support.

Post 16 education support If you have a disability or a special educational need you might like to check what ‘extras’ different colleges can offer you. On Findability you can see what different educational settings can offer you through our AIM for the Stars framework.

Remember, you can always talk to your school’s special educational needs coordinator about your next steps. 9

Further Education Colleges and Sixth Form Colleges City of Bristol College Senior Leader for Post-16 Julian Newberry Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 312 5000

Our comprehensive curriculum offer means that our students are able to develop the skills, knowledge and qualifications they need to get a job, start a career, progress to university or improve their independence. We offer a wide range of vocational courses for young people who want to develop practical skills. For those who want to work and gain qualifications at the same time, we have the largest apprenticeship offer in Bristol with strong links with the city’s major employers, including Airbus and DAF. For those who are looking for a more academic route, we offer a wide range of A Levels and also a variety of our own higher education courses provided in partnership with leading universities. Our comprehensive curriculum offer means that our students are able to develop skills, knowledge and qualifications they need to get a job, start a career, progress to university or improve their independence. Our campuses are situated in convenient locations throughout the city, with great transport links. We offer free bus passes to eligible students too, supporting them in accessing our college where they can learn in an adult environment developing independence, confidence and skills for their future careers and ambitions.

General entry requirements Vocational level 1 Range of qualifications which should include at least 3 GCSEs at Grade E or above, including English and maths (or equivalent) or successful completion of an Entry 3 vocational qualification. Vocational level 2 All applicants will need a minimum of 4 GCSEs at Grade D including maths and/or English, a Foundation Diploma, NVQ Level 1 or satisfactory completion of a learning programme at Level 1 with a minimum of 37 credits. Vocational level 3 5 GCSEs at Grade C or above which must include English and/or maths or equivalent (Level 2 Functional Skills), a Higher Diploma (which is equivalent to 7 GCSEs at Grade A*-C), NVQ Level 2 or Level 2 Diploma at merit Grade with ideally GCSE English and/or maths at minimum Grade C or equivalent (Level 2 Functional Skills). A LEVELS: 6 GCSEs at Grade C or above which must include English and/or maths. Some subjects have additional requirements please see our website for further information.

Open events Tuesday 4 October 2016 5pm – 7.30pm, College Green Centre Wednesday 19 October 2016 5pm – 7.30pm Ashley Down Centre Thursday 3 November 2016 5pm – 7.30pm AEC Parkway Saturday 26 November 2016 10am – 1pm College Green Centre Thursday 8 December 2016 5pm – 7.30pm South Bristol Skills Academy For all 2016/17 open events, visit


St Brendan’s Sixth Form College Senior Leader for Post-16 Madeline Woolfenden Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 977 7766

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College is the only specialist level 3 provider in the Bristol-Bath area. Home to around 1750 students, the College provides a diverse range of over 70 A-levels and level 3 vocational qualifications plus Level 2 options to post-16 students. Students are encouraged to design bespoke courses to suit individual aims, with any combination of subjects being possible for each student.

General entry requirements 5 GCSEs at Grade C or above, including GCSE English Language.

Open events Saturday 8 October 2016 10am – 2.30pm Thursday 20 October 2016 5pm – 8pm Wednesday 16 November 2016 5pm – 8pm Wednesday 8 February 2017 5pm – 8pm Saturday 10 June 2017 10am – 3pm For further information visit

As an educational institution for 16 – 18 year olds, teachers are experts in their fields and the one-site campus is designed for young adults to enjoy. Inspired by University-style learning, post16 students can find all they need and more on the one Brislington campus. From state of the art science labs and inspirational art spaces, to County-standard sports facilities and vibrant social spaces; St Brendan’s aims to ensure all students enjoy an enriched post-16 education. Excellent careers advice and guidance is a particular strength at the college.


School Sixth Forms Ashton Park School Senior Leaders for Post-16 Steve Moseley Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 377 2742

Ashton Park 6th form is situated in a picturesque setting on the edge of the Aston Court Estate. Ashton Park 6th form is run using the same cooperative principles that the main school is well known for. Our provision is fully inclusive and we provide opportunities for the full range of abilities. We value student voice and students play a significant role in the day to day running of the 6th form. September 2016 saw a new suite of study programmes being made available for students to follow. Ashton Park Is committed to providing individualised support for all students on both academic and vocational study programmes. Excellent UCAS support systems ensure our students make successful applications to their chosen universities. Equally, the 6th form’s employability programme is successful in helping students gain access to employment and high level apprenticeships. Ashton Park Is committed to providing individualised support for all students on both academic and vocational study programmes. Excellent UCAS support systems ensure our students make successful applications to their chosen universities. Equally, the 6th form’s employability programme is successful in helping students gain access to employment and high level apprenticeships.


General entry requirements Each application will be considered on an individual basis however the key entry requirements are: A level Study Programmes require students to possess 5 A*-C at GCSE including English and Maths. For a number of subjects there is the additional requirement of at least a GCSE B Grade in that subject. Details are available in the 6th form prospectus. Level 3 Professional vocational programmes require student to be in possession of 5+A*-C at GCSE with at least D Grades in English and Maths. Level 2 professional vocational qualifications require student to possess 5 A*-G at GCSE level including Grades in English and Maths.

Open evening Thursday 10 November 2016 6.30pm – 8pm

Bristol Cathedral Choir School Senior Leader for Post-16 Stephen Fuller Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 353 5000

General entry requirements 5 GCSE Grades at B or above

Open evening: Tuesday 18 October 2016 5.30pm – 8pm

Bristol Cathedral Choir School has approximately 250 students in the Sixth Form. The Sixth Form occupies some historic buildings and excellent facilities on our campus in the centre of the city.

Tuesday 8 November 5.30pm – 8pm

The school has close links with the Cathedral and welcomes students from all faiths or none. A large number of students join us at Post16, where we specialise in A Level teaching. In 2015 60% of all A2 Grades were at A*-B and the majority of our students progress to read a wide range of subjects at university, including the Russell Group, Oxbridge and prestigious music colleges. The school has Music as its specialism and there are is an exceptional offer of academic and co-curricular musical activities. In addition there are is an extensive range of other opportunities including team sports, Duke of Edinburgh and links with local businesses and universities.


Bristol Free School Senior Leader for Post-16 Richard Walker Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 959 7200

Bristol Free School will provide a new centre of excellence for post-16 education from September 2016. We will be the newest 6th form in the city with a high quality curriculum offer in brand new facilities. Our first cohort of Year 12 students will have the privilege of founding the Sixth Form in one of the most popular schools in Bristol. Our sixth form will have a student centred approach providing a range of experiences and opportunities within the curriculum and through an extensive extra-curricular programme, which will allow all students to progress on to University, Apprenticeships or Employment. We will be offering 18 A level courses and 3 BTEC level 3 courses in order to provide a flexible curriculum enabling our students to achieve their goals. Not only will we offer a rich extra-curricular programme for our students throughout the year we will give every student the opportunity to ensure that they can really sell themselves to a prospective employer or university. For example, all students will take part in volunteering, have the opportunity to take on leadership roles, gain work experience and ensure that they contribute to the life of the school.


We understand that Level 3 courses are demanding, so we regularly put on events to ensure a great sense of community, fun and contribute to our Sixth Form Charity, decided upon by the Sixth Form Council each year. From the Bristol Challenge to a range of sporting teams, from Further Maths to the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award, students at Bristol Free School’s 6th form will not just achieve but will excel in all areas.

General entry requirements The minimum academic entry requirements for both BFS students and applicants from other educational establishments is 5 GCSEs Graded A*-C with A*-B GCSEs to access A Level courses.

Open evening: Thursday 10 November 2016 6pm – 7.30pm

Cabot Learning Federation Post-16 Senior Leader for Post-16 Kath Cooper Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 988 2525

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16 prides itself on engaging with young people in the community of Bristol; to inspire personalised journeys by preparing them for the future challenges of the 21st century. The federation’s motto ‘embedding excellence’ is at the core of everything we do as we constantly strive to deliver the highest standards of teaching and learning and pastoral care. As well as an extensive curriculum at Level 3, we provide a transitional curriculum in the areas listed below to allow learners access to level 3 study. l A  rt l

and Design


l C  atering l C  reative l H  ealth


and Social Care

l S  port.

All of these Level 2 courses will progress to level 3 study as soon as tutors feel students are ready.

General entry requirements Pathway 1 Entry criteria 5+A*-C Grades, studying 3 or 4 A Levels chosen from over 53 different courses found on our website. Pathway 2 Entry criteria 5+A*-C Grades, studying a combination of 3 A Levels and/or Level 3 BTEC courses found on our website. Pathway 3 Entry criteria 2+D Grades, studying a single subject from one of our 6 vocational pathways as a Level 2 into Level 3 progression route.

Open evening: John Cabot Academy Wednesday 12 October 2016 Wednesday 22 February 2017 Cabot Learning Federation Post 16 courses are taught at a number of sites in the Bristol area. Bristol Brunel Academy, Bristol Metropolitan Academy, City Academy, Hanham Woods Academy, John Cabot Academy and King’s Oak Academy are all part of the CLF. Any students wishing to study at these academies will be a part of the CLF Post 16 programme and so all applications should be made via CLF Post 16 as described above.

We offer an extensive extra-curricular and pastoral support programme of additional qualifications, visits and sports performance teams with activities including EPQ, Duke of Edinburgh, Elite sport, Oxbridge/Russell Group/ University visits, and many more.


Colston’s Girls’ School Senior Leader Kerry McCullagh Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 942 4328

Life for a Sixth Form student here at Colston’s Girls’ School is both enjoyable and stimulating. The atmosphere is more relaxed and informal as is the relationship with subject staff. We are a diverse community where everyone is valued and our relatively small size means that we can provide individualised academic and pastoral support. The emphasis is on self-motivated, independent learning, developing new skills and taking a greater responsibility for your own work. These are all qualities that you will find invaluable for university study and your future career. Our aim is that every student will leave with a range of skills, interests and academic achievements which will form the basis of a happy and fulfilled life. At Colston’s Girls’ School we believe you can be anything you want to be and you will be encouraged to pursue your dreams and ambitions. As part of a small close knit community you will learn confidence and the value of self-belief in the pursuit of success and fulfilment in whatever career you wish to follow.


General entry requirements 6A*- C (including a 5 in GCSE English and a 5 in GCSE Maths).

Open evening: Thursday 20 October 2016 5.45pm – 8pm

Merchants’ Academy Senior Leader Ivor Brittan Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 301 5000

We are proud to be an ambitious Academy and have high expectations for our students as they study a wide selection of A level subjects and BTEC L3 courses. More and more students from across Bristol are choosing to join our growing sixth form which offers a newly refurbished and dedicated study centre, state of the art IT facilities, extensive co-curricular programmes, as well as outstanding teaching and pastoral support to help shape your future.

General entry requirements 5 A*- C including English and mathematics, with advisory guidance for some subjects.

Open evening Thursday 6 October 2016 5pm – 8pm (internal and external students) Thursday 17 November 2016 5pm – 8pm (external students only)

Merchants’ Academy offers unique opportunities made possible by the practical support of our sponsors The Society of Merchant Venturers and the University of Bristol. These include a generous scholarship programme, exclusive work experience placements, academic and business mentors from some of the world’s leading business sectors, alongside invaluable leadership opportunities through Duke of Edinburgh and Young Enterprise. Our ambition is to ensure that each of our students achieves more than they ever thought possible.


North Bristol Post-16 Centre Senior Leader for Post-16 Marian Curran Email

[email protected]

or [email protected]

Website Phone

0117 919 8101 or 0117 353 3433

General entry requirements 5A*-C (including a 5 in GCSE English and a 5 in GCSE Maths).

Open evening: Thursday 13 October 2016 6.30pm – 9pm Main Open Evening – Cotham School

The North Bristol Post 16 Centre is a centre of excellence, with a history of success for Post 16 provision. Our collaboration between two highly successful schools means that we are able to offer a wide choice of A levels, BTEC Pathways as well as the Cambridge Pre U. We also offer a BTEC level 2 Pathway and a Foundation GCSE retake programme. There is more to education, in the broadest sense than simple examination results. We endeavour to give you a wealth of other opportunities and experiences that will help you throughout your life and career. You will learn to take more responsibility for your own welfare and progress. You will learn how to learn and start to become an independent learner, you will also be supported to become the person you want to be. The North Bristol Post 16 Centre is as much about personal growth as it is about exam success In addition to your main programme you will take part in a range of recreational enrichment studies – this year we have over 80 enrichment choices on offer. Our students are ambitious; they embrace the challenge to be the best they can be, inside and outside of the classroom.


Thursday 3 November 2016 7pm – 9pm Informal Information Evening Redland Green School


St Bede’s Catholic College Senior Leader for Post-16 Malcolm Strange Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

General entry requirements Minimum of 5 A*- B (or equivalent) and at least a 5 in Mathematics and English.

0117 353 3057

Open evening At St Bede’s we strive for academic excellence by enabling students to achieve their potential. Combining academic courses with an extensive co-curricular programme will equip each individual for a full and rewarding life. The climate of learning within the college is excellent. Our teachers strive to promote a love of learning and intellectual curiosity. All young people are valued, stimulated and challenged to develop their talents to the full whatever their ability within this calm and industrious environment. We expect high standards from our students so that they become active, enquiring, critical and open-minded thinkers. This is a place where achievement and effort are valued and celebrated. At St. Bede’s, students are encouraged to take ownership of their learning and to track their own progress against challenging targets. We expect to witness good conduct and industry throughout these important years.


Monday 7 November 2016 6.30 – 8.30pm

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple School Senior Leader Richard Wheeler Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 353 2077

Redcliffe 6th Form is a large but very friendly school 6th form providing a wide range of 37 A Level courses and some additional GCSEs. Most students are able to start 4 subjects in order to test out which they prefer and almost any combination can be managed. We are based in a separate 6th form building, although use the new specialist facilities of our main building for practical subjects. The 6th form has many enrichment opportunities and a strong tradition of students being active in issues of social justice and volunteering in order to develop themselves as well-rounded individuals and to prepare themselves for applications to the full range of universities and apprenticeships, at home and abroad.

General entry requirements To do three subjects: l 5 

in English Language, 4 in Maths (you will need to continue to study GCSE Maths with a 4).

l O  verall

we require at least 54BBCCC, which must include a B or 6 in an English/ Humanities subject.

l ( English

Literature Grades will be treated as: 7=A, 6=B, 5/4=C).

To start four subjects: l 6 

in English Language, 5 in Maths.

l O  verall

we require at least 65AABBB.

Additional reqirements apply in specific subjects as detailed in our prospectus.

Open evenings Wednesday 9 November see website for timings There is also an evening targetted mainly towards current Redcliffe students on Thursday 20 October but others can attend if they cannot make 9th November.


Other colleges in the local area Bath College Senior Leader for Post-16 Rob Sibley Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

General entry requirements Entry requirements depend upon the course being applied for, refer to website information.

01225 312191

Open days and evenings At Bath College we offer courses in many subjects, both academic and vocational across different ability levels.

Bath City Centre Campus

We will almost certainly offer a course in a subject you are interested in, at a Level that is appropriate – from pre-entry Level courses that teach independent living skills, to introductory and advanced courses in practical work skills and training for a number of professions.

Thursday 10 November 2016 4pm – 7pm General Open Evening

Bath College treats every student as an individual and will work to produce a study plan that is suitable for you. We work closely with employers and many of our Higher Education students integrate working with local businesses as part of their studies.

Saturday 15 October 2016 10am – 1pm Higher Education Open Day

Wednesday 8 February 2017 4pm – 7pm General Open Evening Thursday 15 June 2017 4pm – 7pm General Open Evening Somer Valley Campus Wednesday 2 November 2016 4pm – 7pm General Open Evening Thursday 2 February 2017 4pm – 7pm General Open Evening Wednesday 7 June 2017 4pm – 7pm General Open Evening


Bristol Technology and Engineering Academy Senior Leader for Post-16 Joseph Mulligan Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 983 8080

General entry requirements 5A* – C GCSE Grades including English and Maths

Open evenings See website for further details

The BTE Academy is a University Technical College (UTC) for 14–19 year-olds. UTCs offer a new educational concept; technically orientated to develop highly skilled young people. Students will be well equipped for a career, before or after university, in engineering or environmental technology. The BTE Academy benefits from expertise, specialist facilities and an extensive engineering, science and computing curriculum. In addition, we receive significant support from a range of organisations including Airbus, The Royal Navy, GKN Aerospace and Rolls Royce. Learning within Engineering involves project work, with our Industrial partners providing challenges. English, mathematics and science are applied throughout the challenges, giving a practical context to theoretical learning. These hands-on projects will engage students. We offer the following Level 3 programmes: Extended Diploma Engineering, Diploma Engineering, Extended Certificate Engineering, Diploma Computer Science, Extended Certificate Applied Science, Extended Certificate Computing.


South Gloucestershire and Stroud College Contact Stuart Evans Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 931 2121 Apprenticeships: 0800 072 6077

South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (SGS) is the new college formed by the merger between Stroud College and Filton College At SGS, we have four main campuses – Stroud, Filton, WISE and Berkeley Green (Opening 2017) – as well as many local community venues, and we welcome around 15,500 full-time and parttime students of all ages every year. We also have centres in the centre of Bristol, at the West of England Academy of Art and at the Bristol Zoo and Gardens. Our campuses are based in state-of-the-art buildings in great locations – Filton and WISE are within easy reach of the centre of Bristol. We offer a vast range of courses in an even wider range of subjects – from business to sport, and from engineering to media – so whatever you want to study, there’s bound to be something for you.


General entry requirements Entry requirements vary greatly depending on thelevel of the course. We offer courses from Entry level through to Level 6 (Honours Degree).

Open days and evenings Saturday 1 October 2016 10am – 1pm Saturday 5 November 2016 10am – 2pm Thursday 1 December 2016 5.30pm –- 8pm Saturday 28 January 2017 10am – 1pm Thursday 9 March 2017 5.30pm – 8pm Thursday 27 April 2017 5.30pm – 8pm Thursday 8 June 2017 5.30pm – 8pm

Weston College Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

01934 411 411

Weston College is one of the top-performing college’s in the country. The Further and General Education establishment offers a wide range of courses from entry level to Master’s Degree Level. Weston College holds Ofsted’s highest rating – ‘Outstanding’ – and in 2015 won the prestigious Times Educational Supplement College of the Year and Overall FE Provider of the Year awards.

General entry requirements Entry requirements depend on the course(s) being applied for. Please refer to the college website for further information.

Open evenings Wednesday 12 October 2016 5.30pm – 8pm Tuesday 8 November 2016 5.30pm – 8pm Wednesday 11 January 2017 6pm – 8pm Tuesday 14 March 2017 6pm – 8pm Wednesday 14 June 2017 6pm – 8pm

In 2015 the college was awarded University Centre status, allowing it to greatly expand its HE provision to run courses on behalf of UWE and Bath Spa University. Millions of pounds have been invested in creating fantastic facilities and the best possible educational environment. The ethos of Weston College is to put the learner first, and at the heart of everything it does. The college works closely with a growing number of business partners to ensure it equips its learners with the specific skills employers are seeking when selecting new staff.


Work Based Training Providers 3AAA Bristol Contacts Sara Withers and Kiera Evans Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0777 394 6277

The Bristol Academy delivers Level 3 and 4 Apprenticeships for IT, Digital Marketing, Business Administration and Accountancy. The 3AAA Bristol team are focused, driven and passionate about ‘changing the lives’ of young people through our Outstanding Apprenticeship programmes and industry leading training provision.


General entry requirements 5 GCSE’s at C or above 16 – 24

Level 3&4 Apprenticeships

Open evenings See Bristol Website for updates

Access to Music Contact

Emily Ralston

Email application Enquiries

[email protected]



01275 891847

Access to Music Bristol is the place for anyone interested in music and media courses in Bristol, Bath and the South West. We offer specialist courses from levels 1– 4 in areas such as: Music Performance, Vocal Artist, Artist Development, Music Production, Sound Engineering, Music Business and Creative Media. A 2 year Level 3 Diploma is equivalent to 3 A levels and many of our students progress to university.

to become involved with high profile festivals such as Latitude, national music events and competitions promoted by Access to Music and national industry partners. The students also benefit from regular visits and workshops from a range of successful music professionals. The staff team comprises professional musicians and producers with a wealth of industry experience and advanced teaching qualifications.

The centre has 8 fully-equipped band rehearsal rooms, a 16-track digital recording studio and a performance space. We have 3 Apple Mac technology suites and a media suite. Access To music has everything you need for music making whether in a band, as a singer/songwriter or using a digital audio workstation or mixing desk. It is also a great place for those interested in all aspects of creative media relating to music or in being a music industry entrepreneur. With regular opportunities with local partners such as Love Saves The Day, Knowle West Media Centre and Bristol Plays Music, work experience and industry engagement is something Access To Music encourages and helps organise for their students. Opportunities include performing and stage managing and sound engineering at a variety of local venues. There are opportunities


Bristol City Council Contact Helen Sinclair-Ross Email

[email protected]

General entry requirements BKSB – testing to ascertain entry level

Website Phone

0117 352 4877

Open evenings Open Evenings available on request.

At Bristol City Council, we provide a vast amount of apprenticeships across different locations throughout the city These include: l

business administration


customer service












sports coaching




health and social care

You’ll attend college one day a week and work towards a qualification during your apprenticeship. You can also go on Bristol City Council training courses during your apprenticeship to get more experience. We have a mentoring programme that is part of the apprenticeship scheme. You’ll get a mentor who is a former apprentice or an apprentice in the second year of their apprenticeship. They’ll give you advice based on their experience as an apprentice.


British Engineering Manufacturers Association (BEMA Limited) Contact Ian Mynett Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

01454 321356

BEMA is a Group Training Association and a Trade Association. We have a Training Centre at our Yate Premises to support manufacturing since September 2014. The Centre puts apprentices through a well developed and broad programme of engineering practices over a nine month period.

General entry requirements Depending on the apprenticeship that is being applied for generally GCSE Grades A-C in English, Maths and Science are required. All potential apprentices are advised to apply regardless of their potential Grades.

Open evenings Open Evenings available on request.

The skills that the apprentices will develop include the operation of hand tools and extensive training on milling machines, both manual and Digitial Readout, Lathes both manual and CNC as well as Grinding and Drilling facilities. All apprentices are tested prior to obtaining an apprenticeship and this determines the level of apprenticeship that they will commence on with a suitable learning plan. We deliver a range of engineering apprenticeships at Intermediate and Advanced Level in Machining, Maintenance, Welding and Fabrication and Technical Support. We run a Technical Certificate 1 day a week called the Level 3 EAL Diploma in Engineering Technology.


CITB Contact Martin Reay Email

[email protected]

General entry requirements None needed

Website Phone

07920 889 197

Level 2 qualifications Construction Apprenticeships – All Trades

CITB is an Ofsted Outstanding national provider of Apprenticeships for the Construction Sector. Working with our extensive network of colleges we are able to offer Apprenticeships in main construction trades such as Site Technicians, Bricklaying, Painting and Decorating, Carpentry and Joinery and many more. From the day you submit your application form, a dedicated Apprenticeship Officer will be on hand to co-ordinate your training programme and support you throughout your apprenticeship. The Apprenticeship Officer is the link between you, the college (or training provider) and your employer. It’s their job to monitor your progress on site and in training through reviews of your progress to make sure you achieve your final goal. We currently have employers seeking apprentices so if you are looking for an exciting career opportunity in a sector that is rapidly changing and developing. Register through our website or call Martin Reay.


Level 3 qualifications Construction Apprenticeships – All Trades where Level 3 programmes of study are available.

Coachmakers (2nd Chance Group) Senior leader responsible for post-16 Natasha Mills Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 903 9772

General entry requirements Entry requirements depend upon the course being applied for and will be dealt with on an individual basis.

Level 2 qualifications Coachmakers work with young people to provide opportunities to engage in sport and create employment pathways into the sport industry through education and apprenticeships. We have a wide range of educational programmes from foundation learning through to apprenticeships to support young people into employment through Sports Coaching, Fitness Instructing and Leisure.

Sports Coaching Programme of Study. Sports Coaching Intermediate Apprenticeship Activity Leadership Apprenticeship.

Level 3 qualifications Sports Coaching Programme of Study. Advanced Apprenticeship in Supporting Teaching and Learning in Physical Education and School Sport.

Other activities Dame Kelly Holmes Trust Get on Track Programme Sport sessions Traineeships.


Creative Youth Network Contact Sandy Hore-Ruthven Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 947 7948

Creative Youth Network runs a programme of youth services offering opportunities and support to young people, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds. Based around youth hubs, our engagement teams run one to one support for individuals and small groups giving advice and guidance on drugs and alcohol, home and housing issues, school and careers as well as relationship and sexual health. The Creative Youth Network’s mission is to inspire every young person to do more than they ever thought possible. We encourage young people to challenge the barriers they face by engaging with the arts. Young people from all backgrounds, including those who are financially deprived or have experienced abuse, and those who live with a disability. We get them involved, thinking, doing, creating… discovering their potential. We aim high: we work with world class artists and high quality youth workers to inspire, challenge, encourage and support. See website for further details.



dBs Music Contact Rachael Evans Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0333 344 2235

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to build on your current skills, there’s no better way to get your foot in the door of the music industry than studying at dBs Music. Develop your passion, whether it be music production, djing, sound engineering or music performance and choose from a range of Level 3 Diplomas. dBs Music provides the very best hands-on, fully immersive courses that cover all aspects of the music industry, with a ton of opportunities for work experience, real world learning and working on the very best gear in world-class studios facilities. All supported by a team of tutors passionate about passing on their years of experience and knowledge.

General entry requirements Level 2 4 GCSEs at Grades D – F (including English and maths), however other qualifications and skills will be considered at interview. Level 3 4 GCSE’s at Grades A – C and must include either English or Maths. Or an equivalent qualification such as a Level 2 Diploma. English and Maths GCSE retakes available which you can take alongside your Diploma.

Level 2 qualifications RSL Level 2 Diploma Music Production

Level 3 qualifications RSL Extended Diploma Music Production RSL Extended Diploma DJ and Electronic Music Production RSL Extended Diploma Music Performance Access to HE: Music Production

Open evenings Wednesday 12 October 2016 5pm – 8pm Wednesday 16 November 2016 5pm – 8pm


Didac Limited Contact Elaine Stanley Email

[email protected]

General entry requirements None required.

Website Phone

0117 904 9377

Open evenings Any time, by appointment.

Didac is a specialist provider for the Furniture, Wood and Joinery sector. Based in Crews Hole Road, we are able to provide a range of bespoke programmes, including Study Programme (for those who are required to remain in education until they are 18), Apprenticeships and those who are unemployed and over 19, looking to enter into the Furniture, Wood and Joinery sector. Our Woodwise Academy provides an excellent learning environment for all, with equipment and resources that meet those found in industry. Our group sizes remain small so the learner has a high percentage of contact time with the trainer/assessors.

Level 1 qualifications Furniture Manufacture.

Level 2 qualifications Furniture Making, Joinery, Wood Machining and Apprenticeships in the Furniture, Wood and Joinery Sectors.

Level 3 qualifications Furniture Making, Joinery, Wood Machining and Apprenticeships in the Furniture, Wood and Joinery Sectors.

We do not have academic terms or start dates.


Element Skills Training Contact Hannah Lloyd Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

01934 712103

We are a training provider operating across the South West predominantly in the Bristol and Somerset areas. We are a faculty of Cardiff and Vale College, so have access to the valuable resources of a larger college, but maintain the ethos of a small provider who cares about the future success of every learner. Bespoke training in the workplace for Intermediate and Advanced level apprentices. We can tailor programmes to suit employers and learners. Careers advice and appointments can be booked with our team of advisors to suit geographical requirements. We have flexible start dates for our programmes, and learners can start and any time of the year.


General entry requirements None at Level 2. GCSE’s Grade D and above for Level 3

Open evenings One to One appointments with our trained advisors can be made to suit.

Level 2 qualifications Intermediate Apprenticeships in Construction, Business Administration, Customer Service, Sales, Team Leading, Cleaning and Facilities Management, Passenger Carrying Vehicles.

Level 3 qualifications Advanced Apprenticeships in Construction, Business Administration, Customer Service, Sales, Management, Cleaning and Facilities Management, Passenger Carrying Vehicles.

First 4 Skills Contact Learner Services Team Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0330 024 9363 (option 1)

Level 2 qualifications Retail, Business Administration, Team Leading, Customer Service, Hospitality, Warehousing, Logistics, Contact Centre, Financial Services.

Level 3 qualifications First4Skills is a national training provider that delivers first class apprenticeships. We specialise in quality qualifications and commercial development for business success.

Retail, Business Administration, Management, Customer Service, Hospitality, Warehousing, Logistics, Contact Centre, Financial Services.

As experts in the service industry sector, we work in partnership with some of the country’s most well-known brands. Our delivery approach is train today’s workforce for tomorrow by boosting skills, staff retention and productivity. First4Skills apprenticeships can be tailored to the organisational needs of a business and we support employers to recruit new talent into their business and give an apprentice an employment opportunity with training. First4Skills offer a package of dedicated personal support for businesses to attract, recruit and train suitable candidates from a potential pool of thousands of applicants. Backed by the City of Liverpool College, learners access the best of a college through the flexibility of a provider and benefit from a huge network of over 500 UK employers looking for work ready apprentices.


HIT Training and Connect 2 Care Contact Christina Gill Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0800 093 5892

At HIT and Connect 2 Care we are passionate about upskilling the industry’s workforce, working with businesses to improve their profitability and increase repeat business as well as providing career development for existing and new entrants in Hospitality and Care sectors. HIT is a specialist training provider providing Hospitality industry specialising in qualifications from entry to foundation degree level. Connect 2 Care is a specialist training provider providing Health and Social qualifications from entry to foundation degree level. HIT has 45 offices throughout the country. Please visit our website to find our local office nearest to you.

General entry requirements No entry requirements but students will be expected to at Entry 3 for enrolment on the Apprenticeship Programmes.


Open evenings Various attendance at local career events across the county.

Level 2 qualifications Connect 2 Care – Health and Social Care Care and Hospitality.

Level 3 qualifications Connect 2 Care – Health and Social Care Care and Hospitality.

Level 4 qualifications Connect 2 Care – Health and Social Care Care and Hospitality.

Level 5 qualifications Connect 2 Care – Health and Social Care Management Care and Hospitality.

HIT training HIT Training Professional Cookery Reception Hospitality Services Bar and Restaurant Services Hospitality Supervision and Leadership Customer Service Business Administration Cleaning Supervision Facilities Management Team Leading Licenced Hospitality Management.

Hartcliffe and Withywood Ventures (Youth provision is called a2a) Contact Matt Griffin Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 978 1708 Ext 217

We have over 25 years experience of successfully supporting young people, providing them with opportunities to gain new qualifications and to develop work skills. We offer a year long course, but can offer shorter or longer options too. We enrol learners throughout the year and keep class sizes below 10, where possible, to ensure as much support as possible can be offered to each and every learner.

General entry requirements We work with Entry 1 learners up to and including Level 2 learners.

Open evenings We recruit throughout the year so are always happy to show potential learners around and carry out an informal interview.

Entry 1 to Level 2 qualifications Functional Skills Maths and English ICT

Entry 3 to Level 1 qualifications Personal Development (Step Up) Diploma with vocational tasters.


Interserve Learning and Employment Contact Thomas Hartridge Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

07703 705 204

General entry requirements GCSE D and above in both Maths and English or an equivalent qualification at Entry 3 and above.

Level 2 qualifications Interserve Learning and Employment is a national training provider of a number of apprenticeship pathways. Nationally we have 7000 apprentices in learning. Our apprenticeship courses and training are carried out solely in the workplace.

Business Administration Customer Service Contact/Call Centres Retail Hair Barbering IT user Hospitality Health and Social Care Early years/Childcare Teaching Assistants

Level 3 qualifications Customer Service Contact/Call Centres Retail Hair Barbering IT user Hospitality Health and Social Care Early years/Childcare Teaching Assistants


Learndirect Website Phone

0800 101 901

Learndirect are the UK’s largest provider of skills, training and employment services. Since launching in 2000, we’ve helped 4.3 million across the country people develop their skills and qualifications. We provide:

Level 1 qualifications Business Administration Retail Customer Service Warehousing Digital Media Health and Social Care Functional Skills in English, Maths and ICT Employability Qualifications Personal and Social Skills.

 ualifications in everyday skills like Maths, Q English and IT.

Level 2 qualifications


Vocational qualifications and Apprenticeships

Functional skills in English, Maths and ICT


 raineeships – a 6 week to 6 month T programme designed to support young people in developing work experience and necessary skills for an apprenticeship


“ YourTime – Employability support for young people who are not in education, employment and training. YourTime is focused on securing long term sustainable progressions into Employment, back into Education, Apprenticeships or Traineeships.

Apprenticeships in: Business Administration Childcare Customer Service Dental Nursing Health and Social Care Management and Team Leading Retail Recruitment IT.


Learndirect has over 400 centres nationwide, with centres in central Bristol and Bath.

General entry requirements Course specific. l

YourTime – no prior qualifications are required


 pprenticeships – dependant on level, A vocational area and employer requirements. Contact us for more information.


 raineeships – ideal for learners who need T to develop their employability skills and gain work experience, perhaps prior to an apprenticeship. Learners must not have a level 3 qualification.

Level 3 qualifications Apprenticeships in: Business Administration Childcare Customer Service Dental Nursing Health and Social Care Management and Team Leading Retail Recruitment IT.


Lifetime Training Website apprenticerecruitment@ Phone

03330 436 618

Established in 1995, Lifetime Training’s founding principle was to support individuals and businesses to perform better through the delivery of outstanding training programmes. Lifetime Training offers Apprenticeship programmes, recruitment services and selffunded training courses across a wide range of business sectors: l

Fitness and Active Leisure






Health and Social Care




Business and Admin


Early Years.

Lifetime Training offers a wide choice of training solutions to customers ranging from the assessment of training and development needs for large organisations, to course advice and industry recognised qualifications for individual learners. Quality is central to our business ethos and we work hard to achieve great results for our customers. Our efforts are acknowledged through our Ofsted Grade II and Training Quality Standard awards. Our above national-average learner completion and success rates have led to the development of long-standing relationships with employers and learners alike.


Level 2 and 3 qualifications Programmes are available at Level 2 and 3 in the following fields; Health and Social Care, Healthcare, Hospitality, Supporting Teaching and Learning in Schools, Business Administration, Management, Retail, Warehousing and Storage, Active Leisure Fitness and Activity Leadership.

LPW Contact Paivi Grigg Email

[email protected]

General entry requirements None required.

Website Phone

0117 987 3700

LPW is here to transform lives, identify at-risk children, young people and adults, and to support them with exceptional play opportunities, positive intervention, learning and routes into work.

Open evenings One to One appointments with our trained advisors can be made to suit.

Level 1, 2 and 3 qualifications To be confirmed at the time of writing. Contact our office for the latest information.

For Support – We provide a range of innovative support for children and young people between the ages of 8 – 25. We focus on the most disadvantaged in society, engaging and mentoring children and young people to get the most out of life. For Education – LPW Independent School is a network of small urban village schools based in city communities, which support young people to focus on their personal and social development, re-engage with their education, gain qualifications and move forward into further education, training or employment. LPW College is a post-16 education and training opportunity for young people to improve their English and maths, improve their Employability Skills and find greater independence.


MPCT Contact Lee Winders Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

08442 438438

For more information, please do not hesitate to contact the team.

Since its formation in 1999, The Military Preparation College (part of the MPCT group) have been dedicated to offering opportunities to young people through training and education in Public Services.

Open evenings

The college has 21 locations across England and Wales and has so far helped over 2000 young people realise their dreams of a career in the Armed Forces. A further 4000 young people have succeeded into alternative careers. Designed specifically for 16 – 19 years olds (depending on when you turn 19), the MPC offers specific training and qualifications in uniformed and public services. The college is part time in England and the days are dependent on which qualifications you are completing.

City & Guilds Level 2 Award, Certificate & Diploma in Employability Skills.

All of the activities on the course are designed to prepare you for the challenges of a worthwhile career in the Armed Forces or Uniformed Public Services. You will leave equipped to make informed decisions in unfamiliar environments and situations. The pioneering programme fuses physical training, vocational instruction, academic work and personal development. MPC operates a roll-on-roll-off programme with a regular intake of learners. The course is tailored to the individual. Our Bristol centre was established in 2014 and has a team of 3 staff working with 40 learners. We have a great central city centre location, 44

based at The Crescent Centre, 3rd Floor Templeback, BS1 6EZ, meaning there are great transport links. Our opening hours are 8.30am – 4.30pm.

Every Thursday 9am– 4pm

Level 2 qualifications

NCFE Level 2 Diploma for entry into Uniformed Services.

Level 3 qualifications Functional Skills GCSE Maths and English Military activities Sport Fitness.

N-Gaged Training and Recruitment Ltd Contact Simon Arnold Email

[email protected]

General entry requirements None required.

Website Phone

0117 971 0883

N-Gaged Training is a small local provider who can offer a personal learning experience across many subject areas. We have excellent employer links and specialise in Logistics, Construction, Hospitality, Business Administration and Management. We offer excellent vocational training including Apprenticeships and traineeships across these and many other sectors.

Level 1 qualifications Construction, Logistics, Hospitality, Retail, Business Administration.

Level 2 qualifications Team leading, Construction, Logistics, Hospitality, Retail, Business Administration.

Level 3 qualifications Management, Logistics.

We have employers who are looking to employ keen and enthusiastic young people looking to start their careers. Bases at The Beeches in Bristol with a small team of expert tutors we are the ideal provider for a young person starting their career. No specific qualifications are required with every student being supported through Information, advice guidance and an individual learning plan.


North Bristol NHS Trust Contacts Sue Crew and Yvonne Greenwood Email

[email protected] [email protected]

Website Phone

0117 414 9251 0117 414 9259

North Bristol NHS Trust is a large acute teaching hospital with a wide range of job roles and career opportunities.

General entry requirements Varies according to job and banding but a minimum of Level 1 maths and English or an ability to work towards this, is required for most jobs. Enrolment on relevant programmes (excluding employability programmes) takes place after recruitment and in agreement with the Learning and Development Team and the Line Manager.

Level 1 qualifications

We are also a Training Provider able to offer vocational training, apprenticeships and professional development for staff as well as leadership and management development and clinical skills training.

We offer employability programmes including Traineeships and Sector Based Work Academies; Functional Skills Maths and English and The Care Certificate.

All job vacancies are advertised on NHS jobs and if successful, applicants may be able to access appropriate education pathways to support them in their current and future job roles including progression through the ranks and potentially on into Higher Education.

Level 2 qualifications

Our training is delivered by highly trained and specialist staff from a variety occupational backgrounds. It is delivered in a state of the art dedicated training facility which compliments the high quality care delivered in our newly built Brunel Building.

We offer vocational qualifications and apprenticeships in Clinical Healthcare Support, Healthcare Support Services, Business Administration, Customer Service, AAT and Payroll. We will also be developing Healthcare Sciences Level 2 Apprenticeships in near the future.

Level 3 qualifications we offer vocational qualifications and apprenticeships in Clinical Healthcare Support, Health – Maternity and Paediatric Support, Health – Allied Health Professions Support, Health – Perioperative Care Support, Business Administration, Customer Service, AAT and Payroll.

Level 4&5 qualifications We also offer qualifications at Level 4 and 5 including a Health Assistant Practitioner Foundation Degree in Partnership with UWE and Weston College. 46

On Site Bristol Contact Darren Perkins Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 352 1960

General entry requirements None – applicants have to pass an initial assessment and interview to receive a conditional offer.

Apprenticeships qualifications On Site Bristol provides an extensive programme of Construction apprenticeships in partnership with local employers of all sizes. All of our programmes are designed to allow progress to Advanced Level Apprenticeships and those who successfully complete continue into sustained careers.

Bricklaying, Building Surveying, Bench Joinery, Carpentry, Electrical Installation, Painting and Decorating, Plastering and Plumbing schemes.

We offer Bricklaying, Building Surveying, Bench Joinery, Carpentry, Electrical Installation, Painting and Decorating, Plastering and Plumbing schemes. On Site aims to match candidates with suitable employers and we do this by building a list of eligible applicants from December onwards. Every apprentice has a dedicated Training Officer who manages their journey supporting young people and employers as necessary.


Reflections Training Academy Contact Phil Davis Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 922 1440

Reflections Training offer work based apprenticeship programmes for all ages in Hairdressing and Barbering with a state of the art centre in the heart of Bristol, working with over 150 employers within a wide catchment area which include Bath and Gloucester salons. Reflections also offer a pre-apprenticeship Study programme and traineeship courses for 16 – 18 year olds with the core aim of level 1 Hairdressing and Barbering, Maths and English, employability skills and work experience.

General entry requirements None at Level 2. GCSE’s Grade D and above for Level 3


Open days Friday 28 October 2016 10am Friday 17 February 2017 10am Friday 21 April 2017 10am Friday 2 June 2017 10am

Level 1 qualifications Hairdressing and Barbering. Functional Skills in English and Maths.

Level 2 qualifications Hairdressing and Barbering. Functional Skills in English and Maths.

Level 3 qualifications Hairdressing and Barbering.

S&B Automotive Academy Contact Lee Spicer Email

[email protected]

General entry requirements Maths and English GCSE A*-E

Website Phone

07863 136 692

Open days October 2016 and February 2017

S&B Automotive Academy was established in 1970 and is a leading provider of automotive courses. We offer training in the complete range of automotive disciplines including Heavy Vehicle, Bus and Coach, Light Vehicle, Parts, Body Repair, Paint, Multi-discipline and Auto-Electrical. We have excellent facilities including commercial spray booth, AT2000 diagnostic laboratory and specialist workshops for light, heavy, electronics and vehicle repair.

Level 1 qualifications Traineeships.

Level 2 and 3 qualifications Light Vehicle Maintenance Heavy Vehicle Maintenance Bus and Coach Engineering & Maintenance Auto Electrical Business Administration Parts Vehicle Refinishing (Paint Spraying) Vehicle Body Repair Caravan and Motorhome Maintenance & Repair.

Open evenings Thursday 27 October 2016 2pm – 8pm Thursday 16 February 2017 2pm – 9pm


South West Apprenticeship Company Contact Clare Vertigen Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

01452 733962

The South West Apprenticeship Company (SWAC) is committed to matching apprentices to employers, providing support and guidance every step of the way. 98% of our Apprentices gain full time employment after completing their Apprenticeship or progress onto higher qualifications. An apprenticeship will develop your confidence and abilities.


General entry requirements Varies dependent on sector.

T2 Apprenticeship Academy Contact Liz Barker Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 930 4987 or 07824 366653

General entry requirements Entry level to 3 x A – level Commitment to work towards securing an apprenticeship.

Open days The T2 Apprenticeship Academy in central Bristol runs two programmes for 16-18yrs olds that are a bridge for young people that want to start a career as an Apprentice. Our Academy pre-Apprenticeship programmes and Traineeships bridge the gap for young people into securing employment and careers by building confidence, essential skills that employers seek. They ensure that young people get a chance to get in front of an employer and prove that they have the skills to succeed without having a history of work experience.

Wednesday 5 October 2016 4pm – 6pm Thursday 20 October 2016 4pm – 6pm Thursday 26 Jan 2017 4pm – 6pm Thursday 9 February 2017 4pm – 6pm

Level 1 qualifications City and Guilds Employability Functional skills from entry – level 2 GCSE’s Maths and English (Aug 16).

Level 2 qualifications


 ersonal coaching/action planning and P intensive employment skills preparation and support.

City and Guilds Employability Functional skills from entry – level 2 GCSE’s Maths and English (Aug 16).


All travel paid.


F unctional English, Maths and ICT (if required).


 ignificant work experience placement, can S be secured in most sectors.

Apprenticeships in: Childcare Health and Social Care Business Admin Customer Service IT.


L ive T2 Apprenticeship vacancies in Childcare, Health and Social Care, Business, IT, Customer Services.


 ery high positive progression rates V of success.

Level 3 qualifications Apprenticeships in: Childcare Health and Social Care Business Admin Customer Service IT.


Tomorrow’s People Contact Dina Stanley Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 924 6815 07469 118 000

87% of young people who complete our programmes get a job or training position or return to education. For more information about our programmes in Bristol please go to our website.

Working It Out Tomorrow’s People is an employment charity that works with those facing multiple barriers to employment and equips them with the skills and confidence they need to get and keep a job. The charity’s vision is to break the cycle of unemployment and dependency in deprived communities throughout the UK. Tomorrow’s People has been changing lives for 30 years and has helped over 475,000 people on their journey into work since it was set up in 1984.

Support for 16 – 24 year olds We are dedicated to listening to young people and committed to supporting them into a job that is right for them. On the frontline in local communities we help young people to build their skills to meet the needs of local employers and the confidence, resilience and motivation needed in the work place. Youth unemployment remains stubbornly high and a persistent problem across the UK. Tomorrow’s People believes that every young person should have the opportunity to make the most of their talents and contribute to their community. Tomorrow’s People pioneers new ways of reaching the young people who have the most complex barriers to moving forward with their lives.


Working It Out is our flagship youth programme which supports vulnerable 16 – 24 year olds into work across England and Scotland. The programme runs in 10-week cycles and supports vulnerable young people facing multiple barriers to employment. The programme is a mix of group activities and challenges in the community, as well as one-toone mentoring. The emphasis is on personalised planning and finding a job or training programme that is right for the individual.

HYPE The Helping Young People into Employment programme supports young people between the ages of 18 – 24 into employment through a mix of job coaching and work placements. The format of the HYPE programme ensures that young people get access to valuable work experience, while personal coaching sessions provide a trusted careers mentor to support participants into a sustainable employment, education or training.

General entry requirement You must be between 16 – 24 years old and not currently in education, training or employment.

The Park Community Centre Ltd Contact Angela Cornick Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

0117 377 3669

General entry requirements We have no entry level requirements for our Level 1 courses. For the Level 2 courses we require you to have completed a Level 1 course in the same subject or have C’s in GCSE in English and Maths.

We are a small Post 16 provision who offer courses in the following subjects; BTEC Level 1 Animal Care, BTEC Levels 1 and 2 Construction, CACHE Levels 1 and 2 Childcare, BTEC Level 2 Life Skills and BTEC Level 2 Health and Social Care. We also offer apprenticeships in Construction, Health and Social Care and Childcare.

There are no entry level requirements for the Lifeskills course and you do not need to have completed a Level 1 in that subject to be accepted.

All of our classes are small, we have a maximum of 15 students per class, and this is to ensure we have enough time to help all students who may need it. We also have additional support staff to provide support to students with EHCP’s and specific needs.

Open days

We are based in South Bristol and are an open site with many people and other local businesses using our site.

For apprenticeships you would need to have either achieved Functional Skills Level 2 or C GCSE’s in English and Maths.

Thursday 10 November 2016 10am – 2.30pm Please report to reception and we shall show you around. Thursday 8 December 2016 4pm – 6pm Park Café. Thursday 26 January 2017 6pm – 8pm Park Café. Thursday 16th February 2017 2pm – 4pm Café Conference Room Thursday 16 March 2017 4pm – 6pm Park Café Thursday 27 April 2017 6pm – 8pm Park Café Thursday 18 May 2017 2pm – 4pm Café Conference Room Thursday 22 June 2017 6pm – 8pm Park Café.


The Princes Trust Contact Sarah Pritchard Email

[email protected]

Website Phone

07415 611643

The Prince’s Trust run a range of courses for 16 to 30 year olds that can help young people gain confidence, qualifications, independent living skills, employability skills and can help them move into a positive outcome (employment, education, training, volunteering). We can help people move directly into work or selfemployment or focus on developing their soft skills and help them become work-ready.


General entry requirements In order to access our courses, young people must be NEET and if they are 16 – 17, they must have not achieved their 5 A*-C GCSEs. Our courses are available for young people aged between 16 – 25.

Open days We run drop in sessions at our office on Victoria Street (BS1 6BY) every Thursday between 1.30 – 3.30pm. Or you can organise individual appointments by contacting us directly.


Other training providers Training provider BPP University Carrilion Clarkson Evans Hudson and Hughes Training Limited Kaplan Paragon Skills Rolls Royce Serco Limited TCV – Conservation Volunteers Wincanton Group Limited Youth Education Service

Note: If you are a training provider and you would like your details to be included in the next edition of this directory please contact us: [email protected]



Accountancy Archaeology

Weston College

South Gloucestershire & Stroud College

Bristol Technology Engineering Academy

Bath College

City of Bristol College

l l

Art Art (Fine Art) Art & Design Art & Design – Fine Art Art & Design – Graphic Design Art & Design – Photography Art & Design – Textiles Biology Business Studies Chemistry Chinese Manderin Classical Civilisation Communication and Culture Computer Science Computing Core Mathematics Creative Writing Critical Thinking (AS) Dance D&T – Graphics D&T – Product Design D&T – Textiles Drama & Theatre Studies Dutch Economics Engineering English Language English Language & Literature English Literature

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple

St Bede’s Catholic College

North Bristol Post 16 Centre

Merchants’ Academy

Colston’s Girls’ School

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16

Bristol Free School


Ashton Park School

These pages will show you which courses of study are available to you and where you can take them.

Bristol Cathedral Choir School

Course availability: A-Levels & GCSEs





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Environmental Studies Film Studies Food Technology French Geography German Government & Politics Health & Social Care History ICT Italian Latin Law Mathematics Maths and Further Maths Media Studies Music Music Technology Philosophy Physical Education Physics Psychology Religious Studies RS (Philosophy & Ethics) Russian Science (Applied) Sociology Spanish Sports & Physical Education Travel & Tourism






















































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l l

Weston College

South Gloucestershire & Stroud College

Bristol Technology Engineering Academy

Bath College

City of Bristol College

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple

St Bede’s Catholic College

North Bristol Post 16 Centre

Merchants’ Academy

Colston’s Girls’ School

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16

Bristol Free School

Bristol Cathedral Choir School

Ashton Park School


Biology Classical Civilisation English Language

English Literature French Mathematics Spanish Thinking & Reasoning Skills l l l l l l l l l l

l l l l l l l l l l

Weston College

South Gloucestershire & Stroud College

Bristol Technology Engineering Academy

Bath College

City of Bristol College

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple

St Bede’s Catholic College

North Bristol Post 16 Centre

Merchants’ Academy

Colston’s Girls’ School

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16

Bristol Free School

Bristol Cathedral Choir School

Ashton Park School

GCSE courses





Weston College

Bristol Technology Engineering Academy










Bath College

City of Bristol College

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

South Gloucestershire & Stroud College

Applied Science Applied Science at Level 2 or 3 Applied Science (Applied Biology) at Level 3

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple

St Bede’s Catholic College

North Bristol Post 16 Centre

Merchants’ Academy

Colston’s Girls’ School

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16

Bristol Free School

Bristol Cathedral Choir School

These pages will show you which courses of study are available to you and where you can take them.

Ashton Park School

Specialist and Vocational Qualifications




Applied Science (Medical Science) at Level 3


Art, Design & Media Art & Design at Level 1, 2, 3 or 4 Art & Design, Fashion and Textiles at Level 3 Art & Design Graphics and Illustration at Level 3 Art & Design Photography Level 3


Computer Game Design Level 2 or 3


Media Production Level 1, 2 or 3








Graphic Design Level 3


Photography at Level 3


Music Performance at Level 2 or 3


Music Technology at Level 3




Performing Arts at Level 1, 2 or 3




Performing and Production Arts at Level 2 or 3



Musical Theatre or Technical Theatre Level 3

l l

Theatre Performance Level 1 Business & IT Access to HE - Business and Law Level 3 Accounting & Business at Level 2 or 3 Administration Level 1 Bookkeeping Level 2 Business at Level 1, 2 or 3 HR Practice Level 3 Information Technology at Level 1, 2 or 3 Law Level 3 Legal Secretaries Level 2 Legal Studies Level 2 60


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l l l


Wood machining at Level 2 or 3 Engineering Building Services Level 3 Civil Engineering at Level 1 or 2 Engineering at Level 1, 2 or 3 Electrical Engineering at Level 1, 2 or 3 Vehicle Maintenance or Motorsport at Level 1, 2 or 3 Mechanical Engineering at Level Hairdressing & Beauty Therapy Barbering at Level 1, 2 or 3 Beauty Therapy at Level 1,2 or Hairdressing Level 1,2 or 3 Hair and Media Make-up Level 1,2 or 3 Massage Therapy (Holistics) Level 3 Nail Technology Level 2 or 3 Salon Management Level 3


Weston College


South Gloucestershire & Stroud College

Bath College


Bristol Technology Engineering Academy

City of Bristol College

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple

St Bede’s Catholic College

North Bristol Post 16 Centre

Merchants’ Academy

Colston’s Girls’ School

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16

Bristol Free School

Bristol Cathedral Choir School

Ashton Park School Construction Bricklaying at Level 1, 2 or 3 Carpentry at Level 1, 2 or 3 CIBE Construction Level 3 Construction maintenance at Level 2 Construction Operations Level 1 Painting and Decorating at Level 1, 2 or 3 Plastering at Level 1 or 2 Plumbing at Level 1, 2 or 3 Stonemasonry Level 1,2 or 3





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Counselling Level 1, 2 or 3 Health and Social Care at Level 1, 2 or 3 Home-based Childcare Services Level 3

Weston College

Bristol Technology Engineering Academy






Bath College


City of Bristol College

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple

South Gloucestershire & Stroud College


St Bede’s Catholic College

North Bristol Post 16 Centre

Merchants’ Academy

Colston’s Girls’ School

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16

Bristol Free School

Bristol Cathedral Choir School

Ashton Park School Health & Social Care Caring for Children Entry and Level 1 Children’s Care, Learning and Development Level 2 or 3

l l







Hospitality, Travel & Tourism Catering at Level 1, 2 or 3 Catering: Food Production Level 2 or 3 Cabin Crew Aviation at Level 2 Chef Masterclass Level 2 Event Management at Level 3 Hospitality at Level 2 or 3 Hotel Management at Level 3 Professional Cookery at Level 1, 2 or 3 Travel and Tourism at Level 1, 2 or 3

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Sport, Leisure & Public Services Fitness Instructing Level 2




Personal Training Level 3 Public Services at Level 2 or 3 Sport at Level 1, 2 or 3 Sport & Exercise Science Level 3 Sports Massage Level 3 Uniformed Services Level 1












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Personal Development IN-GEAR Entry Level to Level 2 FLEX Entry Level to Level 2 Life & Independent Living Skills Step Up Progression

Weston College


South Gloucestershire & Stroud College

Bath College


Bristol Technology Engineering Academy

City of Bristol College

St Brendan’s Sixth Form College

St Mary Redcliffe & Temple

St Bede’s Catholic College

North Bristol Post 16 Centre

Merchants’ Academy

Colston’s Girls’ School

Cabot Learning Federation Post 16

Bristol Free School

Bristol Cathedral Choir School

Ashton Park School Land-based and horticulture Animal Care at Level 1, 2 or 3 Animal Management Level 3 Horse Management at Level 2 or 3 Land Based Studies at Level 1 Floristry at Level 2 or 3 Practical Skills in Gardening at Level 1, 2 or 3 Horticulture at Level 1 or 2

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This directory is available to download from It is accurate at the time of production (September 2016). However, changes can occur before courses start in September 2017. For up to date information please access individual institutions’ websites.

If you would like this information in another language, Braille, audio tape, large print, easy English, BSL video or CD rom or plain text please contact [email protected] Designed by Bristol City Council, Bristol Design BD8135 August 2016