British National Party: Topical Bibliography

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Oct 27, 2009 ... National Party had just gained two seats in the European Parliament. ...... The Voice of Freedom: for British tradition, identity and democracy.

A timeline of resources on the British National Party INTRODUCTION The following timeline and resource guide is written in the context of the gains made by the British National Party at the June 2009 European Parliamentary Elections, and subsequent wider discussion about the party. Its focus is on the ideological background of the party, its founders and key figures. This resource guide covers four types of material: • • • •

commentary and research on the far right and electoral behaviour in the UK; contemporary news reporting; publications and websites of the BNP, National Front and other far-right groups (and recordings of members); and publications and websites of anti-fascist organisations.

It is not an exhaustive bibliography, but seeks to describe the rich resources held at the Library to improve understanding of this controversial topic. The guide was compiled as part of a six week research project carried out by Nicole LaLonde, an MA postgraduate student, at the Library. The foreword, written by Nicole, explains more about the origins and aims of that project, and how this timeline has been structured. Many of the sources listed in this guide take a strong political and ideological bias. As with previous guides, no political viewpoint is expressed, although due to the nature of some of the sources covered, and the material being retained unexpurgated as a valid record of what has been expressed, users are warned that certain items contain racist or otherwise offensive material. They may contain text, images and comments that could cause offence, and involve issues of race and racism. Readers are advised to keep these considerations in mind when using this guide. Please note that the British Library neither endorses, nor can be held responsible for, any information provided by external websites or publications listed herein.

FOREWORD This bibliography was created as part of a six week research project in conjunction with my work as an MA postgraduate student at Indiana University Bloomington, IN, USA. From the beginning, my purpose was twofold; •

to create a final product that highlights the variety of British Library resources; and

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to use my research as a case study for that product.

Because of this, the work took on a life of its own: I initially planned to look at the emergence of the far-right in European politics, drawn to this topic by the recent European elections of 2009; what I ended with, was a case study of one particular party, the British National Party (BNP), its history, and the implications and significance of its recent political success. I became interested in a placement at the Library after I attended the symposium held there on the 2009 European Parliament elections. I was able to take part in illuminating discussions on the recent elections, as well as learning about some exciting new projects, such as the Library’s involvement in archiving websites connected to the elections, and the new guide to the European Union Collections. I was lucky enough to arrange a research project with Jude England, Head of Social Science Collections and Research, and Ian Cooke, Lead Content Specialist in International and Political studies. Both were interested in a project that would highlight the amazing variety and volume of resources available to researchers through the Library. After much deliberation, the final format of the bibliography follows a timeline. This starts with the European elections in 2009, and then runs from the 1950s up to recent events. I have placed the sources in relation to the events and topics that they cover. In most instances, such as pamphlets and news headlines, the sources were published contemporarily. Sources which analyse earlier periods are positioned in the timeline with the events they discuss. For example: The political breakthrough of the BNP: the case of Burnley by James Rhodes—published in 2004—is categorized under 2001 in the bibliography, which is when the Burnley elections which he is writing about took place. My focus is on the BNP in the last decade. I have restricted the primary and historical sources, pre-BNP, to items that I find relate directly to the history of the Party, past and current members, and events which influenced the ideologies under examination. There are some notable unique sources in the bibliography, including collections from the Library’s sound archive as well as non-mainstream publications by both the far-right and anti-fascist organizations. When I began my work, I was interested in looking at the emergence of far-right parties in the recent European Elections. Some countries, like France and Italy, have long had institutionalised far-right parties, for instance the Front National in France under Jean LePen. Countries for which previously marginalised far-right parties had gained seats in the European Parliament in 2009, included the Netherlands, Romania, and now Britain. Early investigation revealed the breadth of this topic, and, considering the time I had to conduct the research, I knew that I would have to narrow the focus down. Having lived in the UK for three years, and having married a British citizen, understandably my interests were drawn to the case of Britain, where the British National Party had just gained two seats in the European Parliament. Although some have suggested this relatively small representation will have little impact, it must be considered in the context of what the party, and its leadership, has been working toward

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in the past decade: political legitimacy and respectability. This recent success, when examined in relation to the growing success of the party in local elections as well as its latent support in exit polls, (i.e. there are considerably less people today who would not consider voting for the party), is significant and warrants careful study. Another factor to consider is the limited information gathered about support for the party, compared with others, which leaves a gap of information by which we can judge its potential significance (See John, P. & Margetts, H., 2009. The latent support for the extreme right in British politics, West European Politics, Vol 32 pt 3). Labelling the BNP as 'insignificant' has in some ways restricted opportunities to examine and challenge the party. Perhaps we should be less surprised by their recent national success than many seem to be. I would like to thank Jude England who made this opportunity possible, Ian Cooke who helped me so much along the way, and everyone on the Social Sciences Collections and Research team. I would also like to thank Christian Algar at the Colindale newspaper library for showing me the ropes and Andy Simons in Modern British Collections, whose insight and knowledge on the topic of the far right in Britain has been of great inspiration and assistance to me. It is my hope that through this project I may, at the least, illuminate the immense service which The British Library offers to researchers of all disciplines. Nicole LaLonde, MA Student in West European Politics, Indiana University, October 2009

FINDING ADVICE The following explanation will help you understand how you can tell which books are available in the British Library reading rooms, which ones you need to order up, and which ones you can get on inter-library loan: If the shelfmark of the item in this bibliography says: London reference collection shelfmark – the material will be held at one of the BL London sites. This material can be read in our London reading rooms and ordered over the Integrated Catalogue. Delivery times vary, but the majority of this material will be delivered to the reading room of your choice within 70 minutes. Books printed before 1851, or that are rare or fragile, should be consulted in the Rare Books and Music Reading Room. London open access collections shelfmark – the material will be held at the main BL London site (St Pancras) and will be available to browse from the open shelves in one of our reading rooms. The majority of the open access material in this bibliography will be available in the Social Science Reading Room (denoted by the letters SPIS in the shelfmark). Newspaper Library – These items are available to consult in the Newsroom at St Pancras. Please see:

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UK Thesis – UK university theses can now be searched, and many ordered in digital form, from Ethos . If a UK thesis has already been digitised by Ethos, then you will also be able to consult this from PCs in the Library Reading Rooms. Sound archive – Sound and Moving Image items can be requested using our Listening and Viewing Service (see Many sound recordings can now be accessed instantly using SoundServer on selected Reading Room PCs. DS shelfmark – the material will be held in Yorkshire at our site in Boston Spa. This material can be ordered to arrive in our London reading rooms via the Integrated Catalogue, but will take at least 48 hours to be delivered. It can also be consulted at our Boston Spa reading room. This material forms part of our Document Supply service and is also available for access via inter-library loan. SPIS Journals Display - this refers to journals and periodicals which are available through open access on the shelves of the Social Science Reading Room. The collection is situated at the back of the reading room on the right hand side. This collection includes the last 12 months of issues from a range of social science journals and the material is available to browse.

TIMELINE AND BIBLIOGRAPHY: 2009: THE CURRENT CONTEXT: EUROPEAN ELECTION; MEMBERSHIP AND CONSTITUTION; BBC QUESTION TIME June: Andrew Brons and Nick Griffin each gain a seat in the European Parliament British National Party MEPs direct link Andrew HW Brons Number=1&zone=Yorkshire+and+the+Humber&language=EN&id=96749 Nick Griffin Number=1&zone=North+West&language=EN&id=96751 BNP EU manifesto 2009 Newspaper reporting: Britain's new boys go to the back of the class: BNP pair rejected by UK colleagues as they join the European parliament The Guardian July 15, 2009 Is fascism on the march again?: Does the election of two BNP MEPs and the success of the far right elsewhere in Europe mean we are facing the threat of fascism? Or is this just a protest vote that will quickly fade? Leading historians give their verdict The Guardian (G2 section) June 9, 2009 Extremists may put nationalism aside to form united front: Rise of the far right

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The Guardian June 9 2009 How Labour let the BNP flex its muscles. An openly racist party has won seats for the first time in a nationwide election, thanks to the collapse of the traditional vote in working-class strongholds, says Philip Johnston The Telegraph June 9 2009 Andrew Brons, the genteel face of Neo-fascism The Guardian June 8 2009 HATE BRITAIN The Daily Mirror June 27 2009 Nazis by another name The Daily Mail June 11 2009 Welcome for the BNP The Daily Mail June 10 2009 Front: European elections: BNP: Griffin wins second seat for far-right party The Guardian June 8 2009 BNP claims first parliamentary seat The Times June 8 2009 Extremism warning: Stars join prime minister in urging voters to spurn BNP The Guardian June 2 2009 BNP still want Britain to rule its own empire The Express June 2 2009 European elections: Anti-immigrant and Europhobic - far right parties ride populist wave The Guardian May 27 2009 Reporting online: Who Voted BNP and Why? June 2009 d+why/3200557 European Elections Survey (link provided by YouGov 2009 BBC News ( Q&A: European elections 2009 June 2009

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The Financial Times In depth Coverage of European Elections 2009 June 2009 European Union sources: European Parliament Website Europa Euronews British Library European Parliament elections 2009 symposium mposium.html Listen to talks delivered at the symposium held at the British Library in June 2009. Subjects covered included: participation in European politics; archiving websites created during the election; and the formation of international political groupings in the early days of the European Parliament. British Library Web Archive The Web Archiving Programme collects, makes accessible and preserves web resources of scholarly and cultural importance from the UK domain. Following the BNP in the European Parliament Elections 2009 • • • •

British National Party (BNP) British National Party, The (BNP): Euro Election Campaign 2009 BNP Chronicle, The: BNP Euro Elections Campaign Leaflets British National Party, The (BNP): Euro Elections - North West Constituency

June- October: BNP and the Equality and Human Rights Commission The Commission issued county court proceedings against Nick Griffin and two other BNP officials over concerns regarding the legality of the party’s constitution and membership criteria which previously stated only 'Caucasian white' members need apply (See BNP Constitution 9th edition, 2005). The party admitted error and have stated that the criteria will be adjusted. In a later article on the BNP website, it was stated that they could have fought and won against the EHRC but chose not to. Equality and Human Rights Commission, Commission forces BNP to change its constitution on membership criteria after legal case victory

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Social sciences collection guides Topical bibliographies ; British National Party, Membership Court Case: BNP Proposal Accepted as Nick Griffin Outflanks CEHR Newspaper reporting: We'll admit non-whites, claims BNP The Daily Mail October 16, 2009 BNP bows to pressure to accept non-white members: Far-right party agrees to change unlawful criteria Discrimination on grounds of race or religion illegal The Guardian October 16 2009 BNP leaders face jail for ban on non-whites The Express June 24, 2009

October- November: the Question Time debate In October and November 2009, the headlines around the BNP have concerned the BBC invitation to Nick Griffin to appear on ‘Question Time’ with, among other panellists, Justice Secretary Jack Straw. The BBC’s decision caused large protests, and many argued that, in the context of the legal challenge to the party’s constitution and membership criteria (see above), Griffin should not be allowed to take part. Others criticised the BBC and urged them to withdraw the invitation. The show went ahead on 22 October, 2009. Some members of the party were not positive on Griffin’s performance on the panel. Griffin claimed he had been treated unfairly by the BBC, and that London, where the show was recorded, was no longer 'British'. (See The Guardian ‘Griffin: Unfair.’ October 23 2009) BBC News. What did voters make of Griffin? October 23, 2009 BBC News. BBC defends BNP move amid protest October 22, 2009 BBC – Panorama. The BNP: From Pariahs to Panellists l Includes clips from Panorama reports on far-right organised groups from the 1950s to the present day. Includes some footage of Griffin addressing a local BNP meeting, taken from Jason Gwynne’s The Secret Agent. Newspaper reporting: BNP members call on Griffin to quit The Times October 27, 2009

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After all the hype and hoo-ha, BNP support hasn't budged The Times October 28, 2009 Griffin claimed he had been treated 'unfairly' by the BBC, panellists and audience The Telegraph October 23, 2009 Griffin: Unfair that Question Time was filmed in 'ethnically cleansed' London The Guardian October 23, 2009 Why even the BNP leader's wife thinks he is a weirdo The Daily Mail October 22, 2009 Picking the Right Fight - The BBC is right to host Nick Griffin, but he must be deftly opposed The Times October 14, 2009 Commons votes to stop visits by BNP’s MEPs The Guardian October 13, 2009 A clueless BBC is giving the BNP the legitimacy it craves: The Newsbeat interview shows how shaky is the corporation's grip on the far right. It must rethink before Question Time The Guardian October 12 2009 Hain to complain to BBC over BNP on 'Question Time' Independent on Sunday October 11, 2009 BBC spotlight on the BNP's beliefs The Guardian October 1, 2009 We must fight the BNP, not just try to ignore it The Daily Mail October 1, 2009 Griffin appeals for donations as BNP 'fights for its very existence' The Times September 28, 2009 Straw faces BNP on TV The Daily Mirror September 28, 2009 BNP BAN CALL The Sun September 15, 2009 BBC TO LET BNP GO ON QUESTION TIME - TV chiefs under fire The Sun September 7, 2009 Searchlight Reporting on, and current campaigns against, the BNP Stop the BNP

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Three Faces Of Fascism -- The Men Behind The BNP Article, originally published in Searchlight Magazine, January 2004. The article focuses on Nick Griffin, Tony Lecomber (then Director of Group Development), and John Bean (then editor of the BNP magazine Identity). The article argues that Bean’s involvement provides a 'living link' from the present party to Britain’s fascist history Hope not Hate

ORIGINS TO 2009 1958-1960: John Tyndall emerges onto the political stage as a member of the League of Empire Loyalists under A.K. Chesterton Publications by A.K Chesterton The writings of A.K.Chesterton were attributed by Tyndall as having 'Brought me faceto-face for the first time with what is sometimes called the 'Conspiracy Theory''; Tyndall discusses his belief in a 'Jewish network wielding immense influence and power….' This was a turning point for Tyndall that led to his 'committing himself to a life of political struggle' (See Tyndall, J., 1988. The Eleventh Hour) Chesterton, A. K., 1957. Britain’s Graveyard: Dangers of the Common Market. London: League of Empire Loyalists. London reference collection shelfmark: 08234. a.10 Chesterton, A. K., [ca 1965]. Tomorrow, a plan for the British Future. Croydon: Candour Publishing Company. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2005.a.7627 Chesterton, A. K., [1965]. Empire or eclipse: grim realities of the mid-twentieth century. London: published for the League of Empire Loyalists by Candour Publishing Co. London reference collection shelfmark: X.709/2760 Candour Candour 'The British views-letter' London: Candour Publishing Co., 1953London reference collection shelfmark: P.P.3610.fdf Chesterton, A. K., 1962. Report for Candour readers. Croydon: Candour Pub. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2005.b.861 Candour interim report London, Candour, 1962-1965 London reference collection shelfmark: ZD.9.b.367 Additional publications

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White Defence League & League of Empire Loyalists., Black & White News edited by Colin Jordan September 1958 (single issue only) London reference collection shelfmark: PP.7611.cca

1960-1962: First British National Party, founders John Tyndall and Colin Jordan The Spearhead group is formed within the British National Party. It is a group of activists for intense ideological and paramilitary training. (see Copsey, N., 2008. Contemporary British Fascism p11) Tyndall, J., 1961. The Authoritarian State (its meaning and function). London: British National Party. London reference collection shelfmark: X.709/5 British National Party, Combat Thornton Heath, 1958-1968. (Absorbed by Spearhead, see entry under 1964) London reference collection shelfmark: DS shelfmark: 3324.611950N 1965. British National Party says: keep Britain white! - and to hell with Wilson’s Race law! (single sheet). London: British National Party Combat Press. London reference collection shelfmark: LD.31.b.1629

1962: Searchlight organisation against fascism and racism founded; Tyndall and Jordan split from the BNP, forming the National Socialist Movement on Hitler’s birthday, April 20 Andrew Brons becomes active member of the movement. Cross, C., 1961. The Fascists in Britain. London: Barrie & Rockcliff. London reference collection shelfmark: 8031. a.15 DS shelfmark: W16/2490

The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens by George Lincoln Rockwell – founder of American Nazi Party, and Co-founder, with Colin Jordan, of the World Union of National Socialists. Having been circulated in typescript for years beforehand, the following work of Rockwell was first published much later, in 1996, when illustration was added for the first time to his extended poem/fable for children. The work uses anti-semitic imagery to warn against immigration. A rare copy of the book is available to view through the ‘Rare books and Manuscripts’ section of The British Library. Rockwell, G. L., 1996. The Fable of the Ducks and the Hens: a dramatic saga of intrigue, propaganda and subversion, Uckfield: Media Concept, 1996 London reference collection shelfmark: YK.1999.b.4961 Tyndall arrested for using words likely to breach the peace (see Copsey, N., 2008. Contemporary British Fascism p13)

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1964: Tyndall forms the Greater Britain Movement and starts Spearhead magazine, which he continued to write throughout his life. Spearhead, Welling: Albion Press. 1965 – (Library has 1965- 2005, with some issues missing) London reference collection shelfmark: RH.9.x.23 Bulletin May 1965, etc. London:Greater Britain Movement 1965- [????] London reference collection shelfmark: P.701/43

1965: Race Relations Board founded under the terms of the Race Relations Act 1965 The board had responsibility for complaints about discrimination and to conciliate in disputes. The Board was merged with the Community Relations Commission into the Commissions for Racial Equality (CRE) in 1976 (see British Current Affairs & Documentary Thesaurus, The board was responsible for the 1968 Race Relations Act which was under debate at the time of Enoch Powell’s anti-immigration speech. 1967. [Miscellaneous publications]. London: Race Relations Board, 1967 London reference collection shelfmark: B.S.400/3 Contents include leaflets and fact-sheets for employers and the general public; posters; guides to specific sections of the Race Relations Act. Publications in English, Urdu, Punjabi, Bengali, Hindi and Gujerati Race Relations: Quarterly Bulletin of the Race Relations Board. London: Race Relations Board, 1967- 1974/5 London reference collection shelfmark: B.S.400/2 1968. Race Relations Act 1968. London: Race Relations Board, 1968 London reference collection shelfmark: B.S.400/4. British Acts of Parliament may be consulted in the Social Sciences reading room at shelfmark B.S. Ref 3

1967: National Front founded National Front Race Relations Report [1967]. Anti-discrimination legislation ... Report [by] Professor Harry Street, Geoffrey Howe, Q.C., Geoffrey Bindman. Sponsored by the Race Relations Board and the National Committee for Commonwealth Immigrants. London: Political and Economic Planning: London, [1967.] London reference collection shelfmark: X.203/169

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1968: Race Relations Act 1968; Enoch Powell’s ‘Rivers of Blood’ speech Powell’s speech ‘brought immigration into the centre of politics’ (Sykes, A., 2005. The Radical Right in Britain). The speech was condemned by many as using highly incendiary racial rhetoric, and purposefully attempting to exacerbate racial tension. In the speech, Powell told a story about an old woman who was the last white person on her street and how she was ‘harassed’ by people that had since moved in. The woman in the speech and whether she really existed was of ongoing dispute (See Widow in Enoch Powell's Rivers of Blood speech really did exist Daily Mail, 2 Feb 2007, available online at: Powell was dismissed from the shadow cabinet from conservative leader Edward Heath after this speech, though he stayed on the back benches. London Dockers staged a protest march against the dismissal. He also had support from Smithfield Meat Porters. Reporting in national newspapers ‘Non racialist’ dock marchers Daily Express April 24, 1968 Thousands back Powell with strikes Daily Mirror April 24, 1968 Mr Powell wins friends and foes The Guardian April 23, 1968 Tory ‘cabinet’ backs Heath Daily Express April 23, 1968 Dockers march for Powell Daily Telegraph April 22, 1968 Heath dismisses Mr. Powell about ‘racialist’ speech. The Guardian April 22, 1968 Sack for Powell in Tory race row Daily Mirror April 22, 1968 all of the above can be consulted at our Newspaper Library

Reporting in Wolverhampton Express & Star (Powell’s constituency newspaper) Heath urges racial calm April 25, 1968 ’Back not sack’, is local cry April 24, 1968

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Enoch: storm grows April 24, 1968 Dockers in ‘Powell is right’ march April 23, 1968 Hostility & fear enflamed by Powell April 23, 1968 Strike in support of Powell April 22, 1968 Britain’s Powder Keg: Powell’s race warning April 20, 1968 all of the above can be consulted at our Newspaper Library 1995. Odd man out: a portrait of Enoch Powell (Videotape), BBC 2 Television Portrait of Enoch Powell with past and present day interview clips. Sound archive: V3601/3 Stoneman Fascist Recordings The Stoneman Fascist Recordings include speeches of Oswald Mosley between 1934 and 1979. The collection also includes recordings of meetings of: (British) Union Movement: 1950-81; League of St George: 1967; Action Society/Party: 1974-87; National Front: 1976-1981 (John Tyndall); British National Party: 1993 (annual conference); British National Socialist Party: 1971; Friends of Oswald Mosley: 1990-6 (Michael Quill, Ronald Creasey). Sound archive: C377/54. Jordan, C., 1971. White Power for Britain – A Speech. Coventry: British Movement, 1971 London reference collection shelfmark: X.709/12513 [197-?]. Countering fascism: towards an alternative approach. Birmingham: Birmingham Counter-Fascist Group DS shelfmark: YD.2004.b.1147 The mid-sixties also saw the formation of the Racial Preservation Society. Attempts to challenge the society using the new Race Relations Act failed. (see Gerry Gable, A century of British fascism, ) Isherwood, H.B., 1966. Racial Integration – The rising Tide of Colour. London: Britons Publishing London reference collection shelfmark: X.529/6559

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Isherwood, H.B., 1978. Racial kinship: the dominant factor in nationhood. Southam: Racial Preservation Society. London reference collection shelfmark: X.529/44903 Isherwood, H.B., 1978. Race & Politics: the myth of racial equality. Southam: Racial Preservation Society. London reference collection shelfmark: X.529/44900

1972: Tyndall becomes Chairman of the National Front National Front publications National Front., [Miscellaneous publications]. Croydon. 1973- ca.1992 8 items. Collection includes posters, manifestos and pamphlets. London reference collection shelfmark: X.0709/621 Spark : devoted to a correct interpretation of Marx Croydon: National Front Students’ Association, 1973- [????] London reference collection shelfmark: P.513/749 Britain First. Croydon: Britain First Press. 1974-1977 London reference collection shelfmark: P.703/236 Anti-fascist movement [1972?]. The Nazional Front -- This is the truth.London: National Committee Against Fascism. 1 sheet. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2006.a.6704 [1974?]. Exposing the Hatemongers. London: Woburn Press. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2006.a.6700 [1974?]. A well-oiled Nazi machine: an analysis of the growth of the extreme right in Britain. Birmingham: A.F. and R. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2008 b.459 [1974?]. Power, M., The fascist threat: a Young Communist review of fascist and authoritarian trends. [London]: Young Communist League. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2008.b.502

1974: National Front grows in membership and peaks in the general elections [1975]. Danger: muggers at work! Croydon: National Front. Poster London reference collection shelfmark: LD.31.b.1185

1975: Searchlight magazine founded by life long anti-fascist activist Maurice Ludmer Searchlight against fascism and racism

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'In February 1975, the pilot issue of the new Searchlight appeared, with the aim of 'turning the searchlight on the extremists'. It reprinted on its cover the famous 1930s anti-fascist slogan 'They shall not pass'. ' Maurice Ludmer, Institute of Race Relations ( Anti-fascist movement 1977. The Fight Against the Racists : The National Front and How to Smash It. Socialist Worker. Previously published as The New Nazis – Organise against Them, 1975 London reference collection shelfmark: X.512/5606 Searchlight: the international anti-fascist monthly. London: Searchlight Publishing, 1977DS Shelfmark: 8214.635000 [1978?]. Gale, J., The Anti Nazi League and Fascism . London: News Line. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2006.b.284 Revolutionary Communist Group., 1979. Anti-Nazi league and the struggle against racism. 2nd ed. London: RCG Publications London reference collection shelfmark: X.709/33333 DS Shelfmark: 79/30748 [1978]. Carnival!!!!! : Against the Nazis. London: Anti Nazi League Flyer advertising Anti Nazi League march and Rock Against Racism concert in Victoria Park, Hackney, 30th April 1978 London reference collection shelfmark: LD.31.b.1797 [1978]. Carnival 2: Anti Nazi League: Rock against Racism. London: Anti Nazi League Flyer advertising Anti Nazi League march and Rock against Racism concert in Hyde Park, 24th September 1978. London reference collection shelfmark: LD.31.b.1796 2007. Propaganda: Hull rock against racism posters 1979-1982: a book of 18 postcards by Richard Lees. [Hull?]: Richard Lees. London reference collection shelfmark: YK.2008.a.19795 Temporary Hoarding. London: Temporary Hoarding. Rock against racism periodical. Library holds issues 2, 3, 4, 6, 8- 12 (1978- 1980) London reference collection shelfmark: ZA.9.d.436 Anti Nazi News. Birmingham: Birmingham Anti Nazi League, 1980- [????] London reference collection shelfmark: P.523/1599 Jones, T., [1981?]. British movement: Nazis on our streets: an Anti Nazi League pamphlet. London: Anti Nazi League.

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London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2006.a.9170 Fighting Talk. London: Anti Fascist Action. [19??]. issues nos 1-25 London reference collection shelfmark: ZK.9.b.7571 National Front Youth League Bulldog: paper of the Young National Front. Teddington: YNF Secretariat. [1977- ????] London reference collection shelfmark: P.973/313

1979: Conservative Party wins the national general election, and Margaret Thatcher becomes Prime Minister; Tyndall leaves the National Front ‘For Britain’s extreme right…[Conservative success] brought with it the first cold winds of a long and miserable winter. Unable to compete with the Conservative Party for ideological space and debilitated by its own disunity, the electoral performance of the extreme right during the 1980s went from bad to worse’ (Copsey, N. 2008. Contemporary British Fascism. pg 29). Husbands, C. T. & England, J. 1979. Will Thatcher lose the racist vote? New Statesman, April 20 London reference collection shelfmark: ZC.9.d.557

1980: Andrew Brons gains chairmanship of the National Front; Nick Griffin becomes a member of the National Front and launches Nationalism


Nationalism today: the radical voice of British nationalism. Halesworth: N.T. Press. 1980- [????] Library has issue number 1. London reference collection shelfmark: P.701/1717 1981. We are National Front. London : Newport Fotos. London reference collection shelfmark: RG.2009.b.4 Commentary Taylor, S., 1982. The National Front in English Politics. London: MacMillan. London reference collection shelfmark: X.809/51643 DS shelfmark: 82/07119 DSC Husbands, C. T., 1983. Racial exclusionism and the city: the urban support of the National Front. London: Allen & Unwin. London reference collection shelfmark: X.529/62323 The Real BNP: Scratch the surface and you find the same old racist organisation Website written as part of Searchlight’s 'Hope not Hate' campaign, with biographies of Andrew Brons and Nick Griffin

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1981: Brixton riots The riots of 1981 were interpreted as reflecting the underlying racial tensions in Britain that the National Front, and later the BNP, were accused of propagating. Enoch Powell saw the riots as proof that what he had 'warned' of in his 1968 speech had come true. Newspaper reporting: National Front man among whites and blacks fined and bailed The Times Apr 14 1981 Brixton riots: The aftermath The Times Apr 16 1981 Brixton Boils Over Again The Sun April 13 1981 You’ve Seen Nothing Yet Says Enoch The Sun April 1981 all of the above can be consulted at our Newspaper Library Commentary Billig, M., 1978. Fascists: a social psychological view of the National Front.London: Academic Press [for the] European Association of Experimental Social Psychology. London reference collection shelfmark: X.800/27577 DS shelfmark: 3829.764500 No 15

1982 John Tyndall forms the BNP Andrew Brons resigns from National Front. Miller, L., 1999. Ideological themes of eugenics and gender in contemporary British fascism. Loughborough University UK Thesis

1984- 1986 Andrew Brons convicted of behaviour that is likely to cause breach of the peace; Tyndall convicted of incitement of racial hatred and imprisoned Tyndall, J., [1988]. The eleventh hour: a call for British rebirth. London: Albion Press autobiography London reference collection shelfmark: YC.1993.a.1613 DS shelfmark: 88/26687 Tyndall, J., 1988. The Case for Economic Nationalism.Croydon: National Front Policy Committee. London reference collection shelfmark: X.519/14236 British National Party

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British Nationalist/BNP. Welling: Albion Press, 1993-1999 (cont. by The Voice of Freedom) London reference collection shelfmark: ZK.9.d.774

1992: Derek Beackon wins a seat for the BNP in Millwall 1994. London documentary. Councillor Beackon and the battle for Millwall. ITV. A documentary following the fortunes of Councillor Derek Beackon, a self-confessed racist and a member of the British National Party, who won a local council seat in the London borough of Millwall in a by-election in 1992, following a controversial campaign. This film shows the scenes at the count after the May 1994 local elections in which Beackon was defeated and the seat returned to the Labour Party. Sound archive: V3031/1 1994. Video diaries. Ratcatcher. (Videotape), BBC2 Television. A video diary made by council ratcatcher Paul Taylor, ex-member of the National Front, latterly an activist with the Anti-Nazi League. His diary includes the story of his part in the campaign to stop the British National Party adding to their one council seat in East London in the 1994 local government elections. Sound archive: V3229/2

1995: Nick Griffin joins the BNP British National Party: National Freedom. Exeter: Devon BNP, 1995- [????] Library holds issue number 1 (May 1995) London reference collection shelfmark: ZK.9.a.4336 The Thunderer: the newsletter of the British National Party Christian Fellowship, Leicester: The BNP Christian Fellowship [dates of publication unknown] Library has Spring 1994, Summer 1994 and July/ August 1994 issues London reference collection shelfmark: ZK.9.a.3635 Commentary: Thurlow, R., 1998. Fascism in Britain from Oswald Mosley’s Blackshirts to the National Front. London: I.B. Tauris, 1998 London reference collection shelfmark: YC.2002 a.1503 Copsey, N., 1999. Anti-fascism in Britain. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1999 London reference collection shelfmark: YC.2000.a.11449 DS shelfmark: 99/41127

1998- 1999 Nick Griffin found guilty of distributing material likely to incite racial hatred, for which he received a two-year suspended jail sentence; Nick Griffin defeats Tyndall to take over as leader of the British National Party Leeds Branch, British National Party. [199?]. Emergency Bulletin. 1 leaf London reference collection shelfmark: RG.2000.b.37

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2000-2009: BNP, gaining ground Nick Griffin begins work on the 'modernization' of the BNP Identity replaces Tyndall’s Spearhead as the official publication of the BNP. British National Party Excalibur: for the youth of the nation: newsletter of the youth wing of the British National Party. Bexleyheath: Excalibur, [2000?]Library has one issue, published 2000. London reference collection shelfmark: ZK.9.a.7555 Identity. Bexleyheath: British National Party. 2000London reference collection shelfmark: RH.9.x.44 The Voice of Freedom: for British tradition, identity and democracy. Ilford: British National Party. 2000London reference collection shelfmark: RH.9.x.1269

2001: Race Riots in Bradford, Oldham and Burnley are considered amongst Britain’s worst The Independent, May 28 2001, reports on suspicions that the riots were exacerbated by the actions of ‘far-right political supporters’, and notes also that Nick Griffin was running a campaign to become MP for Oldham West constituency. Oldham West would later give the BNP its greatest results in the General election in June, 2001 (Reeves, F. & Seward, E., 2006. From BUF to BNP Chronology of racist extremism and opposition to it pp110-111) Newspaper reporting: Getting to grips with the national identity crisis: Rachel Sylvester talks to Michael Wills, the Minister charged with answering the questions about Britishness Daily Telegraph December 15 2001 Police told to stop football hooligans The Independent July 30, 2001 Poverty and envy fuel racism in Burnley The Guardian June 30, 2001 Oldham, capital of racial tension: Weeks of riots and rallies have given this town a huge BNP vote and a worldwide notoriety that it cannot afford The Observer June 10 2001 Oldham MP hits out at BNP 'rumour' tactics The Guardian June 9 2001 Oldham BNP Vote Shock The Daily Mirror June 8 2001

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Racists Grab A Huge Slice Of Vote In Oldham The Daily Mail June 8 2001 White extremists blamed for race riots: Police chiefs promise `zero tolerance' as far-Right groups stand accused of exploiting ethnic tensions in Oldham Daily Telegraph May 29 2001 Police lay blame for Oldham on extremist groups The Times May 29 2001 Britain's worst race riots The Independent May 28 2001 Racist beating was too good an opportunity for the BNP to miss The Independent May 28 2001 Riot at the 'Live and Let Live' Pub - Oldham in flames The Sun May 28 2001 Youths throw petrol bombs in Oldham race riot The Sunday Times May 27 2001 Commentary: Rhodes, J., 2009. The political breakthrough of the BNP: the case of Burnley [UK]. British Politics Volume 4 part 1, pp 22-46. London reference collection shelfmark: ZC.9.a.7744 (most recent 12 months in Social Science reading room) Deacon, G. Keita, A. & Ritchie, K., 2004. Burnley and the BNP and the case for electoral reform. London: Electoral Reform Society. DS shelfmark: m04/14479

2003: Unite Against Fascism founded in response to the rising success of the BNP Unite Against Fascism Bowyer, B., 2008. Local context and extreme right support in England: the British National Party in the 2002 and 2003 local elections. Electoral Studies. Volume 27 Part 4, pp 611-620.

2004: European elections BNP sees considerable gains Copsey, N., 2008. Contemporary British Fascism: The British National Party and the Quest for Legitimacy. 2nd ed. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan London open access collections shelfmark: SPIS324.2410938

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Copsey, N., 2004. Contemporary British Fascism: The British National Party and the Quest for Legitimacy. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan London reference collection shelfmark: YC.2009.a.8341 DS shelfmark: m04/.27381 Eatwell, R. & Mudde, C. ed., 2004. Western democracies and the extreme right challenge London: Routledge. London reference collection shelfmark: YC.2004.a.8001 DS shelfmark: 8026.519425 3 Butler, D., 2005. European Parliamentary Elections 2004. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan. DS shelfmark: m05/.22328 John, P., Margetts, H., Rowland, D. & Weir, S., 2006. The BNP: The roots of its appeal. Colchester: Democratic Audit of the United Kingdom. DS shelfmark: 3550.565650 no. 8 Borisyuk, G., et al., 2007. Voter support for minor parties: assessing the social and political context of voting at the 2004 European elections in Greater London [UK]. Party Politics Volume 13 part 6 pp 669-693. London reference collection shelfmark: ZC.9.a.4102 DS shelfmark: 6407.791000 Goodwin, M., 2007. The Extreme Right in Britain: still an .ugly duckling. but for how long? Political Quarterly. Volume 78 part 2 pp 241-250. London reference collection shelfmark: P.P.3611.abm DS shelfmark: 6543.890000 Also available online in London reading rooms. Clark, A., Bottom, K., & Copus, C., 2008. More similar than they'd like to admit? Ideology, policy and populism in the trajectories of the British National Party and Respect. British Politics Volume 3 part 4 pp 511-534. London reference collection shelfmark: ZC.9.a.7744 (most recent 12 months in Social Sciences reading room) John, P. & Margetts, H., 2009. The latent support for the extreme right in British politics. West European Politics Volume 32 part 3 pp 496-513 London reference collection shelfmark: P.511/5091 (most recent 12 months in Social Sciences reading room)

Reaction to the BNP rising popularity Green, S., 2003. The rise of the BNP and how to counter it. London: Revolutions per Minute. London reference collection shelfmark: YK.2006.a.752 c2004. Racism, communities and the far right. Leeds: Independent Labour Publications. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2008.a.5297

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Reeves, F. Seward, E., 2006. From BUF to BNP: chronology of racist extremism and of opposition to it. Birmingham: Race Equality West Midlands. London reference collection shelfmark: YC.2006.a.18456 DS shelfmark: m08/.18397 Grindrod, F. & Rusling, M. ed. (with forewords by Graham Goddard and Jon Cruddas). 2007. Stopping the far right: how progressive politics can tackle political extremism. London: Fabian Society, 2007. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2009.a.4404 2001?. Anti Nazi League: black and white unite. London: Anti Nazi League. London reference collection shelfmark: YD.2009.b.739 Thomson, K., 2004. All Change on the British ‘Extreme Right’? Nick Griffin and the ‘Modernization’ of the British National Party (BNP). University of Bath. UK Thesis

2005: John Tyndall dies, July 19th Tyndall dies shortly before he is scheduled to face racial hatred charges, after being secretly filmed by the BBC in the documentary The Secret Agent. (BNP creator found dead days before race hate case. The Daily Mail July 20 2005) Newspaper reporting: Obituary: John Tyndall. The Independent July 23 2005 A racist, violent neo-nazi to the end: BNP founder Tyndall dies The Guardian July 20 2005 BNP creator found dead days before race hate case The Daily Mail July 20 2005 Obituary of John Tyndall National Front leader who set up the British National Party The Daily Telegraph July 20 2005 BNP founder dies aged 71 The Independent July 20 2005 BNP website British National Party BNP Policies Is the BNP racist?

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Online publications by the BNP BNP Land and People Constitution of the British National Party, 9th edition 2005 BNP manifesto 2007 Commentary This study examines the discourse of the British National Party's (BNP) website, arguing that it involves members and supporters in a discursive construction of racism. Atton, C. 2006. Far-right media on the internet: culture, discourse and power. New Media & Society Volume 8 part 4. London reference collection shelfmark: ZC.9.a.5673 DS shelfmark: 6084.477650

2006: The Guardian BNP exposé Inside the BNP: papers reveal election strategy: Leadership orders image clean-up as vital first step in delivering electoral success The Guardian December 22, 2006 Special report: The Guardian journalist who became central London organiser for the BNP: Reporter Ian Cobain went undercover for seven months to explore the clandestine world of the British National party: how it operates, recruits and holds meetings. The Guardian December 21, 2006

RESOURCES USED IN THIS STUDY I have concluded with a list of general resources available such as websites, portals and databases that I used to collect my sources, some of which are available unrestricted and others which, due to licensing restrictions, can only be accessed through the library. Websites & Portals The following portals & websites are unrestricted and can be accessed on the World Wide Web. British Party Election Manifestos since 1945 Election Data European Union information available online British Library webpage, providing links to sources on current affairs, activities, online directories, statistics, law and other documentation.

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EThOS Electronic Thesis Online Service. Theses from participating institutions may be downloaded or requested for digitisation. Theses that have already been digitised may be downloaded in the Library reading rooms. Databases & Electronic journals The Library provides readers with access to a range of electronic resources to assist with their research. Due to licensing restrictions, many resources can only be accessed from computers in the Library’s reading rooms. Detailed information about the electronic resources available can be found at: International Political Science Abstracts Bibliographic Database. Provides abstracts of political science articles published in scholarly journals and yearbooks worldwide from 1989. ESTAR Electronic Storage and Retrieval System, containing the full-text of articles from some 4,000 titles. Coverage is cross-disciplinary, with an emphasis on science, technology and medicine. Full-text, word-searchable newspapers and journals The Library provides readers with access to c. 100 resources with coverage of regional and national press, across the world, and from the 18th century to present day. Due to licensing restrictions, many resources can only be accessed from computers in the Library’s reading rooms. Additional restrictions may apply to some services. A list of resources can be found online at: Factiva This database covers more than 10,000 publications from 159 countries in 22 languages. It provides the latest news and information from nearly every industry and every region. Content includes newswires and BBC Monitoring. Access is via the Business and Intellectual Property Centre reading room at London Newsbank Includes full-text of articles from 19 UK national newspapers and over 140 UK & Irish regional and local newspapers and periodicals. The UK national titles include the Financial Times, from 1982 onwards, and The Times from 1985 onwards. Three US titles are also included: Los Angeles Times, Washington Post, and Chicago Tribune. Pro Quest Historical Newspapers Offers full facsimile page and article images, with word searchable text of The Guardian (1821-2003), The Observer (1791-2003), New York Times (1851-2006), Irish Times (1859-2006), Weekly Irish Times (1876-1958) and The Scotsman (1817-1950). Searches can be run across all titles at the same time. Times Digital Archive

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A digital edition of The Times. Allows keyword searching and provides hit-term highlighting in results. Users can retrieve full facsimile images of either a specific article or a complete page. UK Pressonline Ukpressonline provides full text searchable access to facsimiles of the UK’s popular newspapers of the 20th and 21st centuries. The archive is currently under construction but already complete are the Daily Mirror 1903 to date, Daily Express / Sunday Express May 2000 to date, the Daily Star May 2000 to date, and the Star Sunday September 2002 to date. The Daily Express 20th Century Archives is now under construction and around 180,000 pages covering selected dates between 1900 and 1982 are also currently available. Audio-visual collections Archival Sound Recordings Archival Sound Recordings is the result of a development project to increase access to the British Library Sound Archive's extensive collections. The database contains excerpts from over 40,000 sound recordings, across a range of themes and subjects including: speeches and performance, oral history, music and the natural and built environment. Some recordings may be listened to without charge, although there are restrictions on access to some recordings. Sound Archive Catalogue The British Library holds one of the world’s foremost sound archives with a collection of over 3.5 million audio recordings. These come from all over the world and cover the entire range of recorded sound (published and unpublished) from music, drama and literature, to oral history, wildlife and environmental sounds.You can search and browse information about all the sounds held in the British Library at our online catalogue. Reading rooms The British Library's newspaper collection is consulted in the Newsroom at St Pancras European Documentation Centre (Social Sciences reading room) The British Library at St Pancras is one of about 40 European Documentation Centres (EDCs) in the UK. European Documentation Centres were established by the European Union in 1963 to support study, teaching and research. They contain the official publications and documents of the institutions of the European Union.

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