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BS EN ISO 6744-1:2004. (BS 6782-16.1:2000). General methods of test. STI/3. Implementation of European standard. EN ISO 6744-1 by amendment to BS.
BS EN 197:Cement


BS EN 302-4:2004 Determination of the effects of wood shrinkage on the shear strength supersedes BS EN 302-4:1992 ISBN 0 580 44136 9

BS EN 197-4:2004 BS 2000:-

Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for low early strength blastfurnace cements no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44106 7

Methods of test for petroleum and its products

BS 2000-527:-

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

Petroleum products and lubricants. Determination of low-temperature cone penetration of lubricating greases See BS ISO 13737.

BS EN 302-6:2004

B/516, B/516/6

BS EN 289:2004

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

Plastics and rubber machines. Presses. Safety requirements supersedes BS EN 289:1994 ISBN 0 580 44146 6

BS 5191:2004 Production planning and control. Vocabulary supersedes BS 5191:1975 ISBN 0 580 43768 X


£57.00 members £114.00 non-members

BS EN 302-7:2004


BS EN 302:-

Determination of the conventional working life no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44132 6

Adhesives for load-bearing timber structures: test methods

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

£69.00 members £138.00 non-members


Determination of the conventional pressing time no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44135 0


BS 6068:Water quality BS EN 302-1:2004 BS EN 342:2004

Determination of bond strength in longitudinal tensile shear strength supersedes BS EN 302-1:1992 ISBN 0 580 44145 8

BS 6068-1:Glossary

Protective clothing. Ensembles and garments for protection against cold supersedes DD ENV 342:1998 ISBN 0 580 44064 8

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS 6068-1.6:Vocabulary


See BS ISO 6107-6.

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

PH/3, PH/3/1 BS EN 302-2:2004 Determination of resistance to delamination supersedes BS EN 302-2:1992 ISBN 0 580 44144 X

BS 6068-4:Microbiological methods

Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Sheet, strip and plate

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS 6068-4.18:Detection and enumeration of $7ILegionella$7R. Direct membrane filtration method for waters with low bacterial counts See BS ISO 11731-2.


Determination of the effect of acid damage to wood fibres by temperature and humidity cycling on the transverse tensile strength supersedes BS EN 302-3:1992 ISBN 0 580 44137 7

Occupational health and safety management systems. Guide supersedes BS 8800:1996 ISBN 0 580 43987 9

BS EN 572:-

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

£63.00 members £126.00 non-members

BS EN 485-2:2004 Mechanical properties

supersedes BS EN 485-2:1995 ISBN 0 580 44060 5 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members NFE/35, NFE/35/5

BS EN 302-3:2004

BS 8800:2004

Glass in building. Basic soda lime silicate glass products

PRI/52 HS/1


BS EN 485:-

BS EN 572-1:2004 Definitions and general physical and mechanical properties supersedes BS EN 572-1:1995 ISBN 0 580 43998 4 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

B/520, B/520/1 Page 1 of 65

BS EN 957-2:2003 BS EN 572-2:2004 Float glass

supersedes BS EN 572-2:1995 ISBN 0 580 43999 2 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members B/520, B/520/1

Strength training equipment, additional specific safety requirements and test methods supersedes BS EN 957-2:1997 ISBN 0 580 44160 1

BS EN 1337:Structural bearings

BS EN 1337-4:2004 Roller bearings

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


BS EN 1116:2004

BS EN 572-3:2004 Polished wire glass

supersedes BS EN 572-3:1995 ISBN 0 580 44000 1 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members B/520, B/520/1

Kitchen furniture. Co-ordinating sizes for kitchen furniture and kitchen appliances supersedes BS EN 1116:1996 ISBN 0 580 44123 7


BS EN 1337-6:2004 Rocker bearings

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

FW/2 BS EN 572-4:2004 Drawn sheet glass

supersedes BS EN 572-4:1995 ISBN 0 580 44001 X £22.00 members £44.00 non-members B/520, B/520/1

BS EN 572-5:2004 Patterned glass

supersedes BS EN 572-5:1995 ISBN 0 580 44002 8 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members B/520, B/520/1

BS EN 1218:-

supersedes BS EN 572-6:1995 ISBN 0 580 44003 6 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

B/520, B/520/1

BS EN 572-7:2004 Wired or unwired channel shaped glass supersedes BS EN 572-7:1995 ISBN 0 580 44004 4 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

B/520, B/520/1


BS EN 1366:BS EN 1218-2:2004

Fire resistance tests for service installations

Double end tenoning and/or profiling machines fed by chain or chains no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44149 0

BS EN 1366-7:2004

£54.00 members £108.00 non-members


Conveyor systems and their closures no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44018 4 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members

FSH/22, FSH/22/5

Edge banding machines fed by chain(s) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44148 2

BS EN ISO 1562:2004 Dentistry. Casting gold alloys

£54.00 members £108.00 non-members


BS EN 1218-5:2004 One side profiling machines with fixed table and feed rollers or fed by chain no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44147 4

supersedes BS EN ISO 1562:1995 ISBN 0 580 44109 1 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members CH/106, CH/106/2

BS EN ISO 1735:2004

£57.00 members £114.00 non-members

MTE/23 BS EN 957:Stationary training equipment

supersedes BS 5400-9.1:1983 which remains current ISBN 0 580 44116 4 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

Safety of woodworking machines. Tenoning machines

BS EN 1218-4:2004

BS EN 572-6:2004 Wired patterned glass

supersedes BS 5400-9.1:1983 which remains current ISBN 0 580 44117 2 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members

Cheese and processed cheese products. Determination of fat content. Gravimetric method (Reference method) supersedes BS 770-3:1989 ISBN 0 580 44091 5 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

BS EN 1300:2004


Secure storage units. Classification for high security locks according to their resistance to unauthorized opening supersedes DD ENV 1300:1999 ISBN 0 580 44051 6

BS EN 1756:Tail lifts. Platform lifts for mounting on wheeled vehicles. Safety requirements

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members

GW/2 Page 2 of 65

BS EN 1756-2:2004 Tail lifts for passengers

BS EN ISO 11064-4:2004

partially supersedes BS 6109-2:1989 ISBN 0 580 44151 2 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members MHE/12

BS EN ISO 2810:2004

Layout and dimensions of workstations no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44142 3

BS EN 10326:2004 Continuously hot-dip coated strip and sheet of structural steels. Technical delivery conditions supersedes BS EN 10147:2000, BS EN 10154:2002, BS EN 10214:1995 and BS EN 10215:1995 ISBN 0 580 44084 2

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members

PH/9, PH/9/6

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

Paints and varnishes. Natural weathering of coatings. Exposure and assessment no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44141 5

BS EN 12094:-


Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems

BS EN 10327:2004

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


BS EN ISO 8256:2004 Plastics. Determination of tensile-impact strength supersedes BS EN ISO 8256:1997 ISBN 0 580 44092 3

Continuously hot-dip coated strip and sheet of low carbon steels for cold forming. Technical delivery conditions supersedes BS EN 10142:2000, BS EN 10154:2002, BS EN 10214:1995 and BS EN 10215:1995 ISBN 0 580 44085 0

BS EN 12094-4:2004 Requirements and test methods for container valve assemblies and their actuators no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44176 8 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

FSH/18, FSH/18/6 ISE/10 BS EN 12206:-

PRI/21 BS EN ISO 10434:2004 Injection containers and accessories

Bolted bonnet steel gate valves for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries supersedes BS 1414:1975 ISBN 0 580 44183 0

BS EN ISO 8362-1:2004 Injection vials made of glass tubing

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 8362:-

supersedes BS EN 28362-1:1993 ISBN 0 580 44027 3 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members CH/212

PSE/7, PSE/7/9

Injection vials made of moulded glass supersedes BS EN 28362-4:1993 ISBN 0 580 44026 5 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 10651:Lung ventilators

Pipe threads where pressure tight joins are made on the threads

STI/27, STI/27/1

Taper external threads and parallel internal threads. Dimensions, tolerances and designation partially supersedes BS 21:1985 ISBN 0 580 44127 X

BS EN 12235:2004 Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of vertical ball behaviour no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44090 7

£54.00 members £108.00 non-members

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

CH/121, CH/121/3


BS EN ISO 10651-6:2004

BS EN 12253:2004

Home-care ventilatory support devices no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44140 7

Road transport and traffic telematics. Dedicated short-range communication. Physical layer using microwave at 5.8 GHz supersedes DD ENV 12253:1997 ISBN 0 580 44172 5

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members

BS EN 10226-1:2004

Coatings prepared from coating powder no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44061 3

Home care ventilators for ventilator-dependent patients supersedes BS EN 794-2:1997 ISBN 0 580 44139 3


BS EN 10226:-

BS EN 12206-1:2004

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 10651-2:2004

BS EN ISO 8362-4:2004

Paints and varnishes. Coating of aluminium and aluminium alloys for architectural purposes

CH/121, CH/121/3

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


BS EN ISO 11064:Ergonomic design of control centres

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


BS EN 12326:Slate and stone products for discontinuous roofing and cladding Page 3 of 65

BS EN 12326-1:2004 Product specification

supersedes BS 680-2:1971 ISBN 0 580 44150 4 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members B/542/7, B/542

BS EN 13055-2:2004

BS EN 13396:2004

Lightweight aggregates for bituminous mixtures and surface treatments and for unbound and bound applications no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44062 1

Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods. Measurement of chloride ion ingress no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44035 4

£54.00 members £108.00 non-members

B/502, B/502/5

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

B/517, B/517/8 BS EN 12391:Chimneys. Execution standard for metal chimneys

BS EN 13286:BS EN 13411:-

Unbound and hydraulically bound mixtures

Terminations for steel wire ropes. Safety

BS EN 12391-1:2003 Chimneys for non-roomsealed heating appliances no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44049 4 £63.00 members £126.00 non-members

B/506, B/506/5

BS EN 13286-2:2004 BS EN 13411-3:2004 Ferrules and ferrule-securing

Test methods for the determination of the laboratory reference density and water content. Proctor compaction no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44131 8

supersedes BS 5281:1975 ISBN 0 580 44021 4 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members MHE/2

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

B/510, B/510/4

BS EN 12516:Valves. Shell design strength

BS EN 13411-6:2004 Asymmetric wedge socket BS EN 13295:2004

BS EN 12516-2:2004 Calculation method for steel valve shells no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44152 0 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members

PSE/7, PSE/7/6

supersedes BS 7166:1989 ISBN 0 580 44022 2

Products and systems for the protection and repair of concrete structures. Test methods. Determination of resistance to carbonation no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44036 2

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members


BS EN 13427:2004

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

B/517, B/517/8 BS EN 12697:Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for hot mix asphalt

BS EN 12697-30:2004 Specimen preparation by impact compactor no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44024 9 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

B/510, B/510/1

BS EN 12697-34:2004 Marshall test

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44025 7 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members B/510, B/510/1

BS EN 13369:2004 Common rules for precast concrete products supersedes BS EN 13369:2001 ISBN 0 580 44087 7

Packaging. Requirements for the use of European Standards in the field of packaging and packaging waste supersedes BS EN 13427:2000 ISBN 0 580 44134 2 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members


£57.00 members £114.00 non-members


BS EN 13451:Swimming pool equipment

BS EN 13372:2004

BS EN 13451-10:2004

Road transport and traffic telematics (RTTT). Dedicated short-range communication. Profiles for RTTT applications supersedes DD ENV 13372:1999 ISBN 0 580 44171 7

Additional specific safety requirements and test methods for diving platforms, diving springboards and associated equipment no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44107 5

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


£47.00 members £94.00 non-members

SW/136 BS EN 13055:Lightweight aggregates

BS EN 13453:Furniture. Bunk beds and high beds for non-domestic use

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BS EN 13748:Terrazzo tiles BS EN 13453-1:2004

BS EN 14149:2003

Safety, strength and durability requirements no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44161 X

Packaging. Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads. Impact test by rotational drop no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44120 2

BS EN 13748-2:2004 Terrazzo tiles for external use

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members


supersedes BS 4131:1973 and BS 4357:1968 ISBN 0 580 44050 8 £54.00 members £108.00 non-members

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

PKW/5, PKW/5/14 B/524

BS EN 13453-2:2004 Test methods

BS EN 14204:2004 BS EN 13775:-

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44124 5 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

Railway applications. Measuring of new and modified freight wagons

FW/5 BS EN 13775-5:2004 Bogies with 3 wheelsets BS EN 13480:Metallic industrial piping

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44174 1 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members RAE/1, RAE/1/-/9

BS EN 13480-6:2004 Additional requirements for buried piping no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44128 8 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members


BS EN 13864:2004 Surfaces for sports areas. Determination of tensile strength of synthetic yarns no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44089 3 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS EN 13659:2004 Shutters. Performance requirements including safety no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 43934 8 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members

B/538, B/538/3


BS EN 14019:2004 Curtain walling. Impact resistance. Performance requirements no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44017 6 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 13695:2004 Optics and photonics. Lasers and laser-related equipment. Test methods for the spectral characteristics of lasers no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44068 0 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members


B/538, B/538/6

Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Reciprocating positive displacement pumps no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44138 5 £63.00 members £126.00 non-members

PSE/17, MCE/6

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members


BS EN 14227:Hydraulically bound mixtures. Specifications

BS EN 14227-1:2004 Cement bound granular mixtures

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44181 4 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members B/510, B/510/4

BS EN 14227-2:2004 Slag bound mixtures

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44088 5 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members

BS EN 14053:2003

B/510, B/510/4

Packaging. Packagings manufactured from corrugated or solid fibreboard. Types and construction no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44122 9 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 13710:2004

Chemical disinfectants and antiseptics. Quantitative suspension test for the evaluation of mycobactericidal activity of chemical disinfectants and antiseptics used in the veterinary area. Test method and requirements (phase 2, step 1) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44023 0

PKW/5, PKW/5/23

BS EN 14227-3:2004 Fly ash bound mixtures

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44130 X £47.00 members £94.00 non-members B/510, B/510/4

BS EN 14054:2003

BS EN 14227-4:2004

Packaging. Paper and paperboard packaging. Design of cartons no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44121 0

Fly ash for hydraulically bound mixtures no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44129 6

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

PKW/5, PKW/5/23

B/510, B/510/4 Page 5 of 65

BS EN 14254:2004 In vitro diagnostic medical devices. Single-use receptacles for the collection of specimens, other than blood, from humans no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44020 6

BS EN 14427:2004

BS EN ISO 17659:2004

Transportable refillable fully wrapped composite cylinders for Liquefied Petroleum Gases (LPG). Design and Construction no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44125 3

Welding. Multilingual terms for welded joints with illustrations supersedes BS EN 12345:1999 ISBN 0 580 43994 1 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members


£57.00 members £114.00 non-members


£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS EN ISO 20763:2004


Petroleum and related products. Determination of anti-wear properties of hydraulic fluids. Vane pump method no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44143 1

BS EN 14457:2004 General requirements for components specifically designed for use in trenchless construction of drains and sewers no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44159 8

BS EN 14287:2004 Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Specific requirements on the chemical composition of products intended to be used for the manufacture of packaging and packaging components no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44019 2

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members


£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

B/505 BS EN ISO 21530:2004

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

Dentistry. Materials used for dental equipment surfaces. Determination of resistance to chemical disinfectants no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44108 3

BS EN 14565:2004


BS EN 14332:2004 Foodstuffs. Determination of trace elements. Determination of arsenic in seafood by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) after microwave digestion no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44133 4

Resilient floor coverings. Floor coverings based upon synthetic thermoplastic polymers. Specification no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44115 6

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

CH/106, CH/106/6

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

PRI/60 BS EN 50131:Alarm systems. Intrusion systems BS EN 14869:-

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members


Structural adhesives. Determination of shear behaviour of structural bonds

BS EN 14360:2004

BS EN 50289:Communication cables. Specifications for test methods

BS EN 14869-1:2004

Protective clothing against rain. Test method for ready made garments. Impact from above with high energy droplets no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44063 X £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

Torsion test method using butt-bonded hollow cylinders no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44178 4

BS EN 50289-1:Electromagnetic performance

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS EN 50289-1-15:2004

PRI/52 PH/3, PH/3/1 BS EN ISO 15749:-

BS EN 14397:-

Ships and marine technology. Drainage systems on ships and marine structures

Fertilizers and liming materials. Determination of carbon dioxide

BS EN 14397-2:2004 Method for liming materials

BS EN ISO 15749-4:2004

Coupling attenuation of links and channels (laboratory conditions) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44065 6 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members


BS EN 50289-4:Environmental test methods

Sanitary drainage, sewage disposal pipes no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44054 0

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44086 9 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members CII/37

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

SME/32, SME/32/3

Page 6 of 65

BS EN 50289-4-12:2004 Vertical flame spread test on bunched small communication cables no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44066 4 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members


BS EN 61280-4-1:2004

DD CLC/TS 50131-2-5:2004

Multimode fibre-optic cable plant attenuation measurement no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44032 X

Requirements for combined passive infrared and ultrasonic detectors no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44011 7

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

GEL/86, GEL/86/3

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

GW/1/1 BS EN 50350:2004 Charging control systems for household electric room heating of the storage type. Methods for measuring performance no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44173 3

BS EN 61290:Optical amplifiers. Test methods

DD ENV PUBLICATIONS BS EN 61290-5:Reflectance parameters

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

DD CEN/TS 14405:2004

CPL/59, CPL/59/3

BS EN 61290-5-2:2004

Characterization of waste. Leaching behaviour tests. Up-flow percolation test (under specified conditions) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44052 4

Electrical spectrum analyser method no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44067 2

BS EN 60079:Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

GEL/86, GEL/86/3

BS EN 60079-2:2004 Pressurized enclosures "p"


supersedes BS EN 50016:2002 which remains current ISBN 0 580 44031 1 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members

BS EN 61360:DD ENV 14443:2004

Standard data element types with associated classification scheme for electric components

Domestic furniture. Seating. Test methods for the determination of durability of upholstery no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44163 6

GEL/31 BS EN 61360-5:2004

£15.00 members £30.00 non-members

Extensions to the EXPRESS dictionary schema no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44034 6

BS EN 60745:Hand-held motor-operated electric tools. Safety


£57.00 members £114.00 non-members

BS EN 60745-2-18:2004


Particular requirements of strapping tools no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44010 9

Communication networks and systems in substations

BS EN ISO 2719:2002 (BS 2000-34:2002)

CPL/61, CPL/61/6

Determination of flash point. Pensky-Martens closed cup method PTI/13 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 2719 by amendment to BS 2000-34.

BS EN 61850-8:BS EN 60900:2004 Live working. Hand tools for use up to 1000 V a.c. and 1500 V d.c. supersedes BS EN 60900:1994 ISBN 0 580 44013 3 £54.00 members £108.00 non-members


BS EN 61280:-


BS EN 61850:-

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

Specific communication service mapping (SCSM)

BS EN 61850-8-1:2004 Mappings to MMS (ISO 9506-1 and ISO 9506-2) and to ISO/IEC 8802-3 no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44012 5

BS EN ISO 6245:2002 (BS 2000-4:2002) Petroleum products. Determination of ash

£80.00 members £160.00 non-members


Fibre optic communication subsystem basic test procedures

BS EN 61280-4:Fibre optic cable plant

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

DD CLC/TS 50131:Alarm systems. Intrusion systems

PTI/13 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 6245 by amendment to BS 2000-4.

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BS EN ISO 6744:-

BS EN ISO 13355:2003 (BS ISO 13355:2001)

Binders for paints and varnishes. Alkyd resins

BS EN ISO 6744-1:2004 (BS 6782-16.1:2000) General methods of test

STI/3 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 6744-1 by amendment to BS 6782-16.1.

BS EN ISO 6744-2:2004 (BS 6782-16.2:2000) Determination of phthalic anhydride content

STI/3 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 6744-2 by amendment to BS 6782-16.2.

Packaging. Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads. Vertical random vibration test PKW/1, PKW/1/4 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 13355 by amendment to BS ISO 13355.

BS ISO 31-0:1992 General principles

BS EN ISO 13803:2004 (BS 3900-D13:2000)

BS ISO 31-1:1992 Space and time

Paints and varnishes. Determination of reflection haze on paint films at 20 degrees

supersedes BS 5775-1:1993 ISBN 0 580 44082 6 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

STI/10 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 13803 by amendment to BS 3900-D13.

SS/7 STI/3

Implementation of European standard EN ISO 6744-3 by amendment to BS 6782-16.3.

BS EN ISO 15181-1:2004 (BS 3900-K1:2001)

BS ISO 31-3:1992 Mechanics

General method for extraction of biocides

STI/10 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 15181-1 by amendment to BS 3900-K1.

BS EN ISO 6744-4:2004 (BS 6782-16.4:2000) Determination of fatty acid content

STI/3 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 6744-4 by amendment to BS 6782-16.4.

BS EN ISO 15181-2:2004 (BS 3900-K2:2001)

BS EN ISO 7143:2004 (BS 6782-18:2001)

STI/10 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 15181-2 by amendment to BS 3900-K2.

STI/3 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 7143 by amendment to BS 6782-18.

supersedes BS 5775-3:1993 ISBN 0 580 44071 0 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members SS/7

BS ISO 31-4:1992 Heat

Determination of copper-ion concentration in the extract and calculation of the release rate

Paints, varnishes and binders. Methods of test for characterizing water-based coating materials and binders

supersedes BS 5775-4:1993 ISBN 0 580 44072 9 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members


BS ISO 31-5:1992 Electricity and magnetism

BS EN ISO 15880:2004 (BS 6782-17:2001)

supersedes BS 5775-5:1993 ISBN 0 580 44073 7 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members

Paints, varnishes and binders. Determination of MEQ value of water-based coating materials and binders

SS/7 STI/3

BS EN ISO 9920:2003 (BS ISO 9920:1995) Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Estimation of the thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of a clothing ensemble

Implementation of European standard EN ISO 15880 by amendment to BS 6782-17.

BS ISO 31-6:1992


£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

PH/9 Implementation of European standard EN ISO 9920 by amendment to BS ISO 9920.


supersedes BS 5775-2:1993 ISBN 0 580 44070 2 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

Paints and varnishes. Determination of release rate of biocides from antifouling paints

Determination of unsaponifiable matter content


BS ISO 31-2:1992 Periodic and related phenomena

BS EN ISO 15181:-

BS EN ISO 6744-3:2004 (BS 6782-16.3:2000)

supersedes BS 5775-0:1993 ISBN 0 580 44083 4 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

Light and related electromagnetic radiations supersedes BS 5775-6:1993 ISBN 0 580 44074 5


BS ISO 31:Quantities and units

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BS ISO 31-7:1992 Acoustics

supersedes BS 5775-7:1993 ISBN 0 580 44075 3 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members SS/7

BS ISO 1000:1992

BS ISO 5285:2004

SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units supersedes BS 5555:1993 ISBN 0 580 44069 9

Conveyor belts. Guidelines for storage and handling supersedes BS 5767:1979 ISBN 0 580 44059 1 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

PRI/67 SS/7

BS ISO 31-8:1992 BS ISO 5344:2004

Physical chemistry and molecular physics supersedes BS 5775-8:1993 ISBN 0 580 44076 1

BS ISO 2254:2004

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members


Cloves, whole and ground (powdered). Specification supersedes BS 7087-4:1996 ISBN 0 580 44104 0

Electrodynamic vibration generating systems. Performance characteristics supersedes BS 6140-1:1981 ISBN 0 580 44101 6

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members


GME/21, GME/21/2

BS ISO 31-9:1992 Atomic and nuclear physics BS ISO 2467:2004

supersedes BS 5775-9:1993 ISBN 0 580 44077 X £40.00 members £80.00 non-members SS/7

BS ISO 31-10:1992 Nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations supersedes BS 5775-10:1993 ISBN 0 580 44080 X

Cinematography. Image area produced by 65 mm/5 perforation motion-picture camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 70 mm/5 perforation motion-picture prints. Positions and dimensions supersedes BS 5550-4.2.1:1980 ISBN 0 580 44047 8 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS ISO 6107:Water quality

BS ISO 6107-6:2004 (BS 6068-1.6:2004) Vocabulary

supersedes BS 6068-1.6:1996 ISBN 0 580 44045 1 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members



£47.00 members £94.00 non-members


BS ISO 6576:2004

BS ISO 4120:2004

Laurel ($7ILaurus nobilis$7R L.). Whole and ground leaves. supersedes BS 7087-21:1995 ISBN 0 580 44156 3

Sensory analysis. Methodology. Triangle test supersedes BS 5929-3:1984 ISBN 0 580 44005 2

BS ISO 31-11:1992 Mathematical signs and symbols for use in the physical sciences and technology supersedes BS 5775-11:1993 ISBN 0 580 44079 6

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members



£47.00 members £94.00 non-members


BS ISO 31-12:1992 Characteristic numbers

supersedes BS 5775-12:1993 ISBN 0 580 44078 8 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS ISO 6969:2004

BS ISO 4733:2004 Oil of cardamom [$7IElettaria cardamomum$7R (L.) Maton] no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44042 7

Road vehicles. Sound signalling devices. Tests after mounting on vehicle no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44044 3

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

AW/54 SS/7

BS ISO 31-13:1992 Solid state physics

supersedes BS 5775-13:1993 ISBN 0 580 44081 8 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

BS ISO/IEC 5218:2004

BS ISO 7270:-

Information technology. Codes for the representation of human sexes supersedes BS 5249-2:1978 ISBN 0 580 44103 2

Rubber. Analysis by pyrolytic gas-chromatographic methods

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

BS ISO 7270-1:2003

IST/40 SS/7


Identification of polymers (single polymers and polymer blends) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44058 3 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members

PRI/23 Page 9 of 65

BS ISO 10813-1:2004

BS ISO 14401-2:2004 Performance criteria

Equipment for environmental testing no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44154 7

BS ISO 8179:Ductile iron pipes. External zinc-based coating

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44055 9 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members B/513, B/513/1

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members BS ISO 8179-1:2004 Metallic zinc with finishing layer

GME/21, GME/21/2 BS ISO/IEC 14496:-

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44162 8 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS ISO 11275:2004


BS ISO 8552:2004

Information technology. Coding of audio-visual objects

Soil quality. Determination of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity and water-retention characteristic. Wind's evaporation method no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44039 7

Milk. Estimation of psychrotrophic microorganisms. Colony-count technique at 21$0DC (rapid method) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44114 8

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS ISO 11731:-

BS ISO/IEC 14496-18:2004 Font compression and streaming




Water quality. Detection and enumeration of $7ILegionella$7R

BS ISO/IEC 14496-19:2004 Synthesized texture stream

BS ISO 11731-2:2004 (BS 6068-4.18:2004)

BS ISO 8553:2004 Milk. Enumeration of microorganisms. Plate-loop technique at 30$0DC no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44111 3

Direct membrane filtration method for waters with low bacterial counts no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44108 3 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

EH/3, EH/3/4


BS ISO 9393:Thermoplastics valves for industrial applications. Pressure test methods and requirements

BS ISO 9393-1:2004 General

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44041 9 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members PRI/88, PRI/88/2/4

BS ISO 13737:2004 (BS 2000-527:2004) Method of test for petroleum and its products. BS 2000-527. Petroleum products and lubricants. Determination of low-temperature cone penetration of lubricating greases no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44105 9 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members


BS ISO 10399:2004

BS ISO 14401:-

Sensory analysis. Methodology. Duo-trio test supersedes BS 5929-8:1992 ISBN 0 580 44008 7

Earth-moving machinery. Field of vision of surveillance and rear-view mirrors

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members


BS ISO 10813:Vibration generating machines. Guidance for selection

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44048 6 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

BS ISO 14401-1:2004 Test methods

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44056 7 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members B/513, B/513/1

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44029 X £63.00 members £126.00 non-members IST/37

BS ISO 15198:2004 Clinical laboratory medicine. $7IIn vitro$7R diagnostic medical devices. Validation of user quality control procedures by the manufacturer no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44155 5 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members


BS ISO 15242:Rolling bearings. Measuring methods for vibration

BS ISO 15242-1:2004 Fundamentals

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44164 4 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members MCE/7

BS ISO/IEC 15504:Information technology. Process assessment

Page 10 of 65

BS ISO/IEC 15504-4:2004

BS ISO/IEC 24703:2004

Guidance on use for process improvement and process capability determination supersedes BS ISO/IEC TR 15504-4:1998 ISBN 0 580 44043 5

Information technology. Participant identifiers no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44112 1

BS ISO 17497-1:2004 Measurement of the random-incidence scattering coefficient in a reverberation room no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44113 X

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members


£22.00 members £44.00 non-members


£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

EH/1, EH/1/6 BS ISO 15829:2004 Road vehicles. Side impact test procedures for the evaluation of occupant interactions with side airbags by pole impact simulation no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44037 0

BS ISO 18649:2004

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members

Mechanical vibration. Evaluation of measurement results from dynamic tests and investigations on bridges no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44038 9


DD ISO/TS 21748:2004 Guidance for the use of repeatability, reproducibility and trueness estimates in measurement uncertainty estimation no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44053 2 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

SS/6 GME/21, GME/21/3 DD ISO/TS 23081:-

BS ISO 16462:2004

BS ISO 18899:2004

Cubic boron nitride inserts, tipped or solid. Dimensions, types no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44166 0

Rubber. Guide to the calibration of test equipment no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44009 5

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members


DD ISO/TS 23081-1:2004 Principles


BS ISO 21010:2004

Polycrystalline diamond inserts, tipped. Dimensions, types no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44057 5

Cryogenic vessels. Gas/materials compatibility no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44015 X

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


DD IEC TS 61994:-


Piezoelectric and dielectric devices for frequency control and selection. Glossary

DD IEC TS 61994-4:-

BS ISO 16820:2004

BS ISO 21389:2004

Sensory analysis. Methodology. Sequential analysis no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44006 0

Oil of gum turpentine, Chinese (mainly from $7IPinus massoniana$7R Lamb.) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44007 9

£28.00 members £56.00 non-members


Piezoelectric and dielectric materials

DD IEC TS 61994-4-2:2003 Piezoelectric ceramics

£22.00 members £44.00 non-members

AW/54 BS ISO 17313:2004

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44014 1 £12.00 members £24.00 non-members EPL/49

BS ISO 22608:2004

Soil quality. Determination of hydraulic conductivity of saturated porous materials using a flexible wall permeameter no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44102 4 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members


BS ISO 17497:-

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44110 5 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

BS ISO 16463:2004


Information and documentation. Records management process. Metadata for records

Protective clothing. Protection against liquid chemicals. Measurement of repellency, retention, and penetration of liquid pesticide formulations through protective clothing materials no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44040 0


£28.00 members £56.00 non-members

PH/3, PH/3/3

Acoustics. Sound-scattering properties of surfaces Page 11 of 65

PD CEN/TR 14715:2004

PD CISPR/TR 16-4-3:2004

PP 7321:2004

Safety of machinery. Ionizing radiation emitted by machinery. Guidance for the application of technical standards in the design of machinery in order to comply with legislative requirements no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44028 1

Statistical considerations in the determination of EMC compliance of mass-produced products supersedes PD CISPR/TR 16-4-3:2003 ISBN 0 580 44126 1

Design and Technology. Compendium of British Standards for teachers of design and technology in schools and colleges supersedes Standards for schools and colleges ISBN 0 580 43521 0

£40.00 members £80.00 non-members

£47.00 members £94.00 non-members GEL/210, GEL/210/12

£25.00 (no discount to subscribing members of BSI)

MCE/3 PD ISO/IEC TR 15446:2004 PD 7974:Application of fire safety engineering principles to the design of buildings

Information technology. Security techniques. Guide for the production of protection profiles and security targets no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44046 X


BIP 2051:2004 Safety at Work. 6th Edition

£80.00 members £160.00 non-members

PD 7974-6:2004 Human factors. Life safety strategies. Occupant evacuation, behaviour and condition (Sub-system 6) no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 43812 0 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members


PD IEC/PAS 60099:Surge arresters

PD IEC/PAS 60099-7:2004

FSH/24, FSH/24/5

PD 8010:Code of practice for pipelines

PD 8010-1:2004 Steel pipelines on land

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 43951 8

Glossary of terms and definitions from IEC publications 60099-1, 60099-4, 60099-6, 61643-1, 61643-12, 61643-21, 61643-311, 61643-321, 61643-331 and 61643-341 no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 44030 3 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members

PEL/37, PEL/37/1

£80.00 members £160.00 non-members.

PSE/17, PSE/17/2

PD 8010-2:2004 Subsea pipelines

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 43952 6 £80.00 members £160.00 non-members. PSE/17, PSE/17/2

PD CISPR/TR 16:Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods


BIP 0004:2004 An Introduction to Information Management no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 43348 X £25.00 (no discount to subscribing members of BSI)

PD CISPR/TR 16-4:Uncertainties, statistics and limit modelling


supersedes HB 10166:1999 ISBN 0 750 65493 7 £80.00 (no discount to subscribing members of BSI)


BIP 2052 Presentation Set Occupational health & safety management systems. Standards & guidance presentation set supersedes OHS BOXED SET ISBN 0 580 44098 2 £135.00 members £195.00 non-members Includes OHSAS 18001, OHSAS 18002, BS 8800 and HB 10180.

BIP 3014:2004 ISO 9000 Quality Management. Achieving Registration supersedes EP 205 KIT 48 ISBN 0 580 43970 4 £130.00 + VAT members £260.00 + VAT non-members Includes BS EN ISO 9000, BS EN ISO 9001, BS EN ISO 9004 and HB 10218.

KIT 140 PD 7974 series and BS 7974. Fire safety engineering principles for the design of buildings no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 33399 X £400.00 members £800.00 non-members Includes PD 7974 Parts 0 to 7 and BS 7974.

Page 12 of 65

KIT 141

BS 2000-4:2002 (BS EN ISO 6245:2002)

PD 7974 series. Fire safety engineering principles for the design of buildings no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 33400 7

BS 3900-K:-

Petroleum products. Determination of ash AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15249

Determination of release rate of biocides from antifouling paints

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 6245:2002 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

£364.00 members £725.00 non-members Includes PD 7974 Parts 0 to 7.

BS 3900-K1:2001 (BS EN ISO 15181-1:2004)


General method for extraction of biocides AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15245

KIT 145 Emergency lighting kit

Renumbered as BS EN ISO 6245:2002.

no current standard is superseded ISBN 0 580 33401 5 £50.00 members £100.00 non-members Includes BS EN 1838 and BS 5266-1.

BS 2000-34:2002 (BS EN ISO 2719:2002)

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 15181-1:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

Determination of flash point. Pensky-Martens closed cup method AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15248

Renumbered as BS EN ISO 15181-1:2004.

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 2719:2002 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members


BS 3900-K2:2001 (BS EN ISO 15181-2:2004)

PTI/13 Renumbered as BS EN ISO 2719:2002.

BS 11:1985 Specification for railway rails CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15105

STI/10 BS 2738-3:2004


BS 903:Physical testing of rubber

Specification for the presentation of prescriptions and prescription orders for ophthalmic lenses CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15234

Method for determination of stiffness at low temperature (Gehman test) TECHNICAL CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15210 Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS 903-A13:1990 £15.00 members £30.00 non-members

BS 3934:-

BS 3934-2:-


Schedule of international drawings giving dimensions See BS IEC 60191-2.

BS 3900:Methods of test for paints BS 5440:Installation and maintenance of flues and ventilation for gas appliances of rated input not exceeding 70 kW net (1st, 2nd and 3rd family gases)

BS 3900-D:Optical tests on paint films


Methods of test for petroleum and its products

Renumbered as BS EN ISO 15181-2:2004.

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS 2738-3:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS 903-A13:1990

BS 2000:-

Determination of copper-ion concentration in the extract and calculation of the release rate AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15246

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 15181-2:2004 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS 2738:Spectacle lenses

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS 11:1985 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members


BS 3900-D13:2000 (BS EN ISO 13803:2004) BS 5440-2:2000

Paints and varnishes. Determination of reflection haze on paint films at 20 degrees AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15244

Specification for installation and maintenance of ventilation for gas appliances AMENDMENT 2 AMD 14912

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 13803:2004 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members STI/10 Renumbered as BS EN ISO 13803:2004.

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS 5440-2:2000 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members GSE/30 Also incorporates Amendment 1.

Page 13 of 65

BS 6782-16.4:2000 (BS EN ISO 6744-4:2004) Determination of fatty acid content

BS 5724:Medical electrical equipment

BS EN 740:1999 (BS 5724-2.204:1999) Anaesthetic workstations and their modules. Particular requirements AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15021


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 6744-4:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS 5724-2:Particular requirements for safety


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 740:1999 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members CH/121/1

Renumbered as BS EN ISO 6744-4:2004.

BS 5724-2.204:Anaesthetic workstations and their modules. Particular requirements See BS EN 740.

BS EN 1916:2002 BS 6782-17:2001 (BS EN ISO 15880:2004)

Concrete pipes and fittings, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15288

Paints, varnishes and binders. Determination of MEQ value of water-based coating materials and binders AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15242

BS 6782:Binders for paints

BS 6782-16:Methods of test for alkyd resins

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 1916:2002 £63.00 members £126.00 non-members

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 15880:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS 6782-16.1:2000 (BS EN ISO 6744-1:2004) General methods




Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 6744-1:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members STI/3 Renumbered as BS EN ISO 6744-1:2004.

Concrete manholes and inspection chambers, unreinforced, steel fibre and reinforced CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15289

BS 6782-18:2001 (BS EN ISO 7143:2004)

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 1917:2002 £63.00 members £126.00 non-members

Paints, varnishes and binders. Methods of test for characterizing water-based coating materials and binders AMENDMENT 2 AMD 15243


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 7143:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS 6782-16.2:2000 (BS EN ISO 6744-2:2004) Determination of phthalic anhydride content AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15239

BS EN ISO 11670:2003


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 6744-2:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members

BS EN 1917:2002

Renumbered as BS EN ISO 15880:2004.

Renumbered as BS EN ISO 7143:2004. Also incorporates Amendment 1.

Lasers and laser-related equipment. Test methods for laser beam parameters. Beam positional stability CORRIGENDUM 2 AMD 15229

BS EN 295:-

Renumbered as BS EN ISO 6744-2:2004.

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 11670:2003 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

Vitrified clay pipes and fittings and pipe joints for drains and sewers

Also incorporates Corrigendum 1.

BS 6782-16.3:2000 (BS EN ISO 6744-3:2004)

BS EN 295-6:1996


BS EN 12255:Wastewater treatment plants

Requirements for vitrified clay manholes AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15279

Determination of unsaponifiable matter content AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15240

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 295-6:1996 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 6744-3:2004 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members STI/3 Renumbered as BS EN ISO 6744-3:2004.


BS EN 12255-5:1999 Lagooning processes CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15266


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 12255-5:1999 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members B/505

Page 14 of 65

BS EN 12259:-

BS EN 12958:2000

Fixed firefighting systems. Components for sprinkler and water spray systems

Footwear. Test methods for shanks. Fatigue resistance AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15048

BS EN 12259-1:1999 Sprinklers AMENDMENT 2 AMD 14842

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 12259-1:1999 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members FSH/18, FSH/18/2 Also incorporates Amendment 1 and Corrigendum 1.

BS EN 12326:Slate and stone products for discontinuous roofing and cladding

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 12958:2000 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members TCI/69

BS EN 13445-3:2002 Design CORRIGENDUM 4 AMD 15261

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13445-3:2002 £133.00 members £266.00 non-members PVE/1, PVE/1/15 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1, 2 and 3.

BS EN 13164:2001 Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made products of extruded polystyrene foam (XPS). Specification AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15259

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13164:2001 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members

BS EN 13445-4:2002 Fabrication CORRIGENDUM 3 AMD 15262

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13445-4:2002 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members PVE/1, PVE/1/16 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1 and 2.

PRI/72 BS EN 12326-2:2000 Methods of test

BS EN 13445-5:2002 Inspection and testing


BS EN 13165:2001

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 12326-2:2000 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members B/542, B/542/7

Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made rigid polyurethane foam (PUR) products. Specification AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15258

BS EN 12416:Fixed firefighting systems. Powder systems

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13165:2001 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members

BS EN 13445-6:2002 BS EN 13166:2001

Requiremments and test methods for components AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15014

Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made products of phenolic foam (PF). Specification AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15257

BS EN 12441:Zinc and zinc alloys. Chemical analysis

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13445-5:2002 £63.00 members £126.00 non-members PVE/1, PVE/1/17 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1, 2 and 3.


BS EN 12416-1:2001

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 12416-1:2001 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members FSH/18, FSH/18/8


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13166:2001 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members PRI/72

BS EN 13445:Unfired pressure vessels

Requirements for the design and fabrication of pressure vessels and pressure parts constructed from spheroidal graphite cast iron CORRIGENDUM 2 AMD 15264

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13445-6:2002 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members PVE/1 Also incorporates Amendment 1 and Corrigendum 1. BS EN 13445-6:2002 CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15215 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members PVE/1

BS EN 12441-2:2002 Determination of magnesium in zinc alloys. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15268

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 12441-2:2002 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members NFE/8, NFE/8/4

BS EN 13445-2:2002 Materials

Also incorporates Amendment 1.


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13445-2:2002 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members PVE/1, PVE/1/14, PVE/1/18 Also incorporates Corrigenda 1 and 2.

BS EN 13544:Respiratory therapy equipment

Page 15 of 65

BS EN 13544-1:2001

BS EN 60745-1:2003 General requirements

Nebulizing systems and their components AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15265

BS EN 61125:1993


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 60745-1:2003 £74.00 members £148.00 non-members CPL/61, CPL/61/6

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13544-1:2001 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members CH/121/3

Unused hydrocarbon-based insulating liquids. Test methods for evaluating the oxidation stability AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15236

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 61125:1993 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members GEL/10

BS EN 61000:BS EN 13617:Petrol filling stations

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

BS EN 61937:-

BS EN 13617-1:2004

BS EN 61000-4:-

Digital audio. Interface for non-linear PCM encoded audio bitstreams applying IEC 60958

Safety requirements for construction and performance of metering pumps, dispensers and remote pumping units CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15267

Testing and measurement techniques

BS EN 61937-4:2003


Non-linear PCM bitstreams according to the MPEG audio format CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15271

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 61000-4-14:1999 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 61937-4:2003 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members

BS EN 61000-4-14:1999 Voltage fluctuation immunity test

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13617-1:2004 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members PVE/21


GEL/210/8 BS EN 13674:Railway applications. Track. Rail

BS EN 13674-1:2003 Vignole railway rails 46 kg/m and above CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15298

BS EN 61000-4-16:1998

BS EN 62155:2003

Test for immunity to conducted, common mode disturbances in the frequency range 0 Hz to 150 kHz AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15273

Hollow pressurized and unpressurized ceramic and glass insulators for use in electrical equipment with rated voltages greater than 1000 V CORRIGENDUM 1 AMD 15282

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 61000-4-16:1998 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13674-1:2003 £69.00 members £138.00 non-members

GEL/210/8 RAE/2 BS EN 61000-4-17:1999

BS EN 60309:Plugs, socket-outlets and couplers for industrial purposes

BS EN 60309-2:1999 Dimensional interchangeability requirements for pin and contact-tube accessories AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15216

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 60309-2:1999 £54.00 members £108.00 non-members PEL/23, PEL/23/4

BS EN 60745:Hand-held motor-operated electric tools. Safety

Ripple on d.c. input power port immunity test AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15274

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 62155:2003 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members PEL/36, PEL/36/3 AMD 15282 is a Corrigendum.

BS ISO 9920:1995 (BS EN ISO 9920:2003)

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 61000-4-17:1999 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members GEL/210/8

Ergonomics of the thermal environment. Estimation of the thermal insulation and evaporative resistance of a clothing ensemble AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15269

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 9920:2003 £54.00 members £108.00 non-members

BS EN 61000-4-28:2000 Variation of power frequency, immunity test AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15275

PH/9 Renumbered as BS EN ISO 9920:2003.

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 61000-4-28:2000 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members GEL/210/8

Page 16 of 65

BS ISO 13355:2001 (BS EN ISO 13355:2003)

BS EN 993-2:1995 (BS 1902-3.4:1995) Determination of true density

BS 1902:-

Packaging. Complete, filled transport packages and unit loads. Vertical random vibration test AMENDMENT 1 AMD 15247


Methods of testing refractory materials

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN ISO 13355:2003 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members PKW/1, PKW/1/4 Renumbered as BS EN ISO 13355:2003.

BS IEC 60191:-

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 993-2:1995 £15.00 members £30.00 non-members

BS 1902-3:General and textural properties

RPI/1 BS 1902-3.4:Determination of true density

BS EN 1501:Refuse collection vehicles and their associated lifting devices. General requirements and safety requirements

See BS EN 993-2.

BS 7962:2000

Mechanical standardization of semiconductor devices

Black materials for masking existing road markings. Specification AMENDMENT 1

BS IEC 60191-2:1966 (BS 3934-2:1992) Dimensions

BS EN 1501-1:1998 Rear-end loaded refuse collection vehicles AMENDMENT 1

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS 7962:2000 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS IEC 60191-2:1966 £134.00 members £268.00 non-members


EPL/47 Also incorporates Amendments 1 and 2.

BS EN 71:Safety of toys

BS EN 71-1:2001 Mechanical and physical properties

PAS 1188:-


Flood protection products. Specification

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 71-1:2001 £57.00 members £114.00 non-members

PAS 1188-3:2003 Building skirt systems

CW/15 Also incorporates Amendments 1 and 2.


Updated standard: Please order by the reference: PAS 1188-3:2003 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members B/538

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 1501-1:1998 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members B/508, B/508/1

BS EN 10223:Steel wire and wire products for fences.

BS EN 10223-2:1998 Hexagonal steel wire netting for agricultural, insulation and fencing purposes AMENDMENT 1

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 10223-2:1998 £22.00 members £44.00 non-members ISE/26

BS EN 197:Cement BS EN 13171:2001 BS EN 197-1:2000


Composition, specifications and conformity criteria for common cements AMENDMENT 1

BS 750:1984

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 197-1:2000 £54.00 members £108.00 non-members B/516, B/516/6

Specification for underground fire hydrants and surface box frames and covers AMENDMENT 3

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS 750:1984 £28.00 members £56.00 non-members FSH/17 Also incorporates Amendments 1 and 2.

Thermal insulation products for buildings. Factory made wood fibre (WF) products. Specification AMENDMENT 1

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 13171:2001 £47.00 members £94.00 non-members B/540, B/540/1

BS EN 60335:BS EN 993:Methods of test for dense shaped refractory products

Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances

BS EN 60335-2:Particular requirements Page 17 of 65

BS EN 60335-2-7:2003 Particular requirements for washing machines AMENDMENT 1

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 60335-2-7:2003 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members CPL/61, CPL/61/14

BS EN 702:1995

EN 933:-

Protective clothing. Protection against heat and flame. Test Method. Determination of the contact heat transmission through protective clothing or its materials

Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates

EN 933-5:1988/prA1

BS EN 1150:1999

Determination of percentage of crushed and broken surfaces in coarse aggregate particles

Protective clothing. Visibility clothing for non-professional use. Test methods and requirements

BS EN 60335-2-9:2003

BS EN ISO 13997:1999

Particular requirements for grills, toasters and similar portable cooking appliances AMENDMENT 1

Protective clothing. Mechanical Properties. Determination of resistance to cutting by sharp objects

Updated standard: Please order by the reference: BS EN 60335-2-9:2003 £40.00 members £80.00 non-members CPL/61, CPL/61/07


BS EN 373:1993 Protective clothing. Assessment of resistance of materials to molten metal splash

This document should have been announced as available for comment under the CEN UAP in July 2004. In the meanwhile it has been considered by the relevant BSI committee B/502/6, which has submitted a positive vote to CEN. Should you wish to view a copy of Contact: Bernard Williams Email: [email protected] B/502/6

BS EN ISO 14460:1999 Protective clothing for automobile racing drivers. Protection against heat and flame. Performance requirements and test methods

EN ISO 1495/prA1:2004 Lifting platforms. Mast climbing work platforms

The above standards are being reviewed by the responsible CEN/ISO Committees. Your comments are invited on whether they should be confirmed unchanged, revised or withdrawn. It will be assumed that comments apply equally to the BS EN as well as to the ap Contact: Sarah Meagher Email: [email protected]

It is intended to publish this document as a BS EN ISO. Any comments on the content of the amendment will be forwarded to the responsible CEN committee for consideration at the next revision. Contact: Emma Levio Email: [email protected] MHE/12


Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Plastic substances subject to limitation

BS EN 381:Protective clothing for users of hand-held chain saws

BS ISO/IEC 12207

BS EN 381-4:1999

The 1995 edition of this Standard was withdrawn in 2002 upon the publication of Amendment 1 to ISO/IEC 12207 under the terms of the ISO/IEC JTC 1 'DISC' Amendment policy, the amended International Standard being recommended as suitable for use in the UK. Contact: David Keech Email: [email protected] IST/15

Test methods for chainsaw protective gloves

BS EN 381-7:1999 Requirements for chainsaw protective gloves

BS EN 510:1993 Protective clothing. Specificaiton for protective clothing for use where there is a risk of entanglement with moving parts

BS EN 531:1995 Protective clothing for workers exposed to heat

EN 13130:-

Information technology. Software life cycle processes

EN 13130-9 Determination of acetic acid, vinyl ester in food simulants

EN 13130-10 Determination of acrylamide in food simulants

EN 13130-11 Determination of 11-aminoundecanoic acid in food simulants

BS ISO/IEC 14882:2003 Programming languages C++

This standard which will be available shortly, implements verbatim ISO/IEC 14882:2003. Contact: Karen Chambers Email: [email protected]

EN 13130-12 Determination of 1,3-benzenedimethanamine in food simulants


EN 13130-13 Determination of 2,2-bis(4-hydroxyphenyl) propane (Bisphenol A) in food simulants Page 18 of 65

EN 13130-14

EN 13130-26

EN 60730-2-13:1998/prA11:2004

Determination of 3,3-bis(3-methyl-4-hydroxyphenyl)-2 -indoline in food simulants

Determination of 1-octene and tetrahydrofuran in food simulants

Particular requirements for humidity sensing controls

EN 13130-27

EN 60730-2-14:1997/prA11:2004

Determination of 1,3-butadiene in food simulants

Determination of 2,4,6-triamino-1,3,5-triazine in food simulants

Particular requirements for electric actuators

EN 13130-16

EN 13130-28

Determination of caprolactam and caprolactam salt in food simulants

Determination of 1,1,1-trimethylolpropane in food simulants

EN 13130-17

The above Technical Specifications have been submitted to CEN members for CEN Technical Committee Approval voting. Contact: William Buckingham Email: [email protected] CW/47

EN 13130-15

EN 60730-2-15:1995/prA11:2004

Determination of carbonyl chloride in plastics

EN 13130-18 Determination of 1,2-dihydroxybenzene, 1-3-dihydroxybenzene, 1,4-dihydroxybenzene, 4,4'-dihydroxybenzophenone and 4,4'-dihydroxybiphenyl in food simulants

EN 13130-19 Determination of dimethylaminoethanol in food simulants

EN 13130-20 Determination of epichlorohydrin in plastics

EN 13130-21 Determination of ethylenediamine and hexamethylenediamine in food simulants

Determination of ethylene oxide and propylene oxide in plastics

EN 13130-23 Determination of formaldehyde and hexethylenetetramine in food simulants

EN 13130-24 Determination of maleic acid and maleic anhydride in food simulants

EN 13130-25 Determination of 4-methyl-1-pentene in food simulants

EN 60730-2-16:1997/prA11:2004 Particular requirements for automatic electrical water level controls of the float type for household and similar applications

EN 60730:-

EN 60730-2-18:1999/prA11:2004

Specification for automatic electrical controls for household and similar use

Particular requirements for automatic electrical water and air flow sensing controls, including mechanical requirements

EN 60730-1:2000/prAD:2004 General requirements

EN 60730-2-19:2002/prA11:2004

EN 60730-2-1:1997/prA11:2004

Particular requirements for electrically operated oil valves, including mechanical requirements

Particular requirements for electrical controls for electrical household appliances

EN 60730-2-2:2002/A11:2004 Particular requirements for thermal motor protectors

EN 60730-2-3:1992/prA11:2004 EN 13130-22

Particular requirements for automatic electrical water level sensing controls of the float or electrode-sensor type used in boiler applications

Particular requirements for thermal protectors for ballasts for tubular fluorescent lamps

EN 60730-2-5:2002/prA11:2004

The above draft amendments have been issued with the eventual aim of withdrawing EN 60730-2-1:1997, as it has been decided by CENELEC/TC 72 that requirements for electrical controls should be contained in either Part 1 or in the standards for specific pro Contact: Geraldine Salt Email: [email protected] CPL/72

ISO 1738:2004 Butter. Determination of salt content

Particular requirements for energy regulators

ISO have circulated this International Standard for FDIS voting. It constitutes a minor revision to ISO 1738:1997, which will be withdrawn, and will also replace BS 5086-5:1998. Contact: Sarah O'Neil-Shaw Email: sarah.o'[email protected] AW/5

EN 60730-2-12:1993/prA11:2004

ISO/FDIS 2920:2004

Particular requirements for electrically operated door locks

Whey cheese. Determination of dry matter (reference method)

Particular requirements for automatic electrical burner control systems

EN 60730-2-11:1993/prA11:2004

Page 19 of 65

prEN ISO 12402-10 Selection and application of flotation devices and other relevant devices

ISO/FDIS 6611:2004 Milk and milk products. Enumeration of colony-forming units of yeasts and/or moulds. Colony count technique at 25$0DC

ISO have circulated the preceding draft International Standards for FDIS voting. They constitute minor revisions to ISO 2920:1974 and ISO 6611:1992 respectively, which will be withdrawn, and upon publication will be implemented as BS ISO Standards. Contact: Sarah O'Neil-Shaw Email: sarah.o'[email protected] AW/5

BS 949:Screwing taps

The preceding draft standards have been issued for second parallel enquiry by ISO/TC94/SC13 & CEN/TC162. Copies may be obtained by sending a self-addressed A4 envelope to the committee secretary (see below) quoting the draft standard number. The closing Contact: Sarah Meagher Email: [email protected] PH/3/6

Information technology. Portable Operating Systems Interface (POSIX). Test methods for measuring conformance to POSIX

Specification for Unified ground thread taps: manufacturing tolerances


BS 1659:1950 Specification for tractive armature direct current neutral track and line relays for railway signalling



ISO/IEC 14515:-

BS 949-2:1992

BS 1660:Machine tapers

BS 1660-3:1988 BS 376:Railway signalling symbols

Specification for turret sockets and reduction sleeves with tapped ends for tools with Morse taper shanks MTE/5

ISO/IEC 14515-2:2004 Shell and utilities BS 376-1:1951 Schematic symbols

This standard which will be available shortly, implements verbatim ISO/IEC 14515-2:2004. Contact: Karen Chambers Email: [email protected]



BS 1660-7:1988 Specification for extension adaptors with external 7/24 tapers for tools with Morse taper shanks

BS 376-2:1954 Wiring symbols and written circuits

MTE/5 GEL/9 BS 1745:1951

prEN ISO 12402:Personal flotation devices

BS 442:1950

prEN ISO 12402-6

Specification for terminals for electrical apparatus for railway signalling purposes

Special purpose lifejackets and buoyancy aids. Safety requirements and additional test methods

prEN ISO 12402-7 Personal flotation devices. Materials and components. Safety requirements and test methods (ISO/DIS 12402-7:2004)


BS 581:1950

Specification for alternating-current relays for railway signalling: track relays (double-element, 2-position), line relays (single-element, 2-position) GEL/9

BS 1813:1974

Specification for electrically-driven point-operating machines for railways

Specification for dimensions of conduit dies, diestocks and guides


GEL/9 BS 2618:1975

BS 845:-

Specification for electric traction equipment

Methods for assessing thermal performance of boilers for steam, hot water and high temperature heat transfer fluids


BS 3088:1959 Specification for adjustable hand reamers with inserted blades

BS 845-1:1987 Concise procedure


RHE/10 BS 3788:1984

BS 845-2:1987 Comprehensive procedure


Specification for tin coated finish on culinary utensils

CW/9 Page 20 of 65

BS 3828:1973 Specification for crystal glass

BS 6147:1989

BS 7020-9:-

Methods for determination of bulk density of iron ores

Methods for the determination of manganese content

ISE/58 CW/29 BS 7020-9.1:1988 Spectrophotometric method

BS 6748:1986 BS 4034:1990 Specification for vitrified hotelware



Specification for limits of metal release from ceramic ware, glassware, glass ceramic ware and vitreous enamel ware

BS 7020-10:-

CW/29 BS 5169:1992 Specification for fusion welded steel air receivers


BS 7020:Analysis of iron ores

Methods for the determination of copper content

BS 7020-10.2:1988 Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

BS 7020-1:1988

BS 5416:1990 Specification for china tableware



Method for the preparation of pre-dried test samples for chemical analysis ISE/58

BS 5577:1999 Specification for table cutlery with non-metallic handles

BS 7020-12:1988 Method for the determination of titanium content: spectrophotometric method

BS 7020-3:1988



Method for the determination of combined water content

ISE/58 BS 5660:Methods of sampling iron ores

BS 7020-13:1988 Method for the determination of arsenic content: spectrophotometric method

BS 7020-4:-


Method for the determination of total iron content

BS 5660-1:1987 Manual method of increment sampling

BS 7020-19:1988


BS 7020-4.2:1990

Method for the determination of fluorine content: ion-selective electrode method

Titanium (III) chloride reduction methods


BS 5661:1987 Method for preparation of samples of iron ores by manual means


BS 7020-7:-

BS 7020-20:1990

Methods for the determination of sulphur content

Method for the determination of water soluble chloride content: ion-selective electrode method

BS 5662:Evaluation of sampling methods for iron ores

ISE/58 BS 7020-7.1:1988 Gravimetric method



BS 7020-22:1990 Method for the determination of acid-soluble iron (II) content: titrimetric method

BS 5662-1:1987 Experimental methods for evaluation of quality variation


BS 7020-7.2:1988 Combustion method

ISE/58 ISE/58 BS 7190:1989

BS 5663:Methods of testing iron ores

Method for assessing thermal performance of low temperature hot water boilers using a test rig RHE/10

BS 7020-8:Methods for the determination of aluminium content

BS 5663-2:1987 Determination of size distribution by sieving


BS 7020-8.1:1988 Titrimetric method

BS 7199:-


Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services. Performance requirements See BS EN 60969.

Page 21 of 65

BS EN 286-3:1995 Steel pressure vessels designed for air braking equipment and auxiliary pneumatic equipment for railway rolling stock PVE/17

BS 7755:Soil quality

BS 7755-4:Biological methods BS EN 286-4:1995 Aluminium alloy pressure vessels designed for air braking equipment and auxiliary pneumatic equipment for railway rolling stock PVE/17

BS 7755-4.1:Biodegradability

BS 7755-4.1.1:1995 Guidance on laboratory testing for biodegradation of organic chemicals in soil under aerobic conditions

BS EN 631:-

BS EN 12149:1998 Wallcoverings in roll form. Determination of migration of heavy metals and certain other elements, of vinyl chloride monomer and of formaldehyde release CW/35

BS EN 12571:1999 Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Transport units for catering containers containing prepared foodstuffs. Thermal and hygienic requirements and testing


Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Catering containers


BS EN 12956:1999 BS EN 631-2:1999 Dimensions of accessories and supports

BS 7755-4.2:Effects of pollutants on soil fauna


Wallcoverings in roll form. Determination of dimensions, straightness, spongeability and washability

CW/35 BS 7755-4.2.3:1999

BS EN 1217:1998

Effects of pollutants on earthworms. Guidance on the determination of effects in field situations


Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Test methods for water absorption of ceramic articles CW/29

Guide for the procurement of power station equipment

BS EN 45510-1:1998 Common clauses

BS EN 1900:1998

BS 7755-4.2.4:1999

BS EN 45510:-


Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Non-metallic tableware. Terminology

Inhibition of reproduction of Collembola (Folsomia candida) by soil pollutants



BS EN 45510-2:Electrical equipment

BS EN ISO 8442:-

BS EN 233:1999 Wallcoverings in roll form. Specification for finished wallpapers, wall vinyls and plastics wallcoverings CW/35

Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs. Cutlery and table holloware

BS EN 45510-2-2:1999 Uninterruptible power supplies

BS EN ISO 8442-1:1998

BS EN 45510-4:Boiler auxiliaries


Requirements for cutlery for the preparation of food

BS EN 286:-


Simple unfired pressure vessels designed to contain air or nitrogen

BS EN 45510-4-1:1999 Equipment for reduction of dust emissions

BS EN ISO 8442-2:1998 Requirements for stainless steel and silver-plated cutlery

BS EN 286-1:1998 Pressure vessels for general purposes

E/-/20 CW/17 BS EN 45510-4-2:1999

PVE/17 BS EN ISO 8442-3:1998 Requirements for silver-plated table and decorative holloware CW/17

BS EN 286-2:1992 Specification for pressure vessels for air braking and auxiliary systems for motor vehicles and their trailers


Gas-air, steam-air and gas-gas heaters


BS EN 45510-4-3:1999 Draught plant

BS EN ISO 8442-4:1998


Requirements for gold-plated cutlery

CW/17 Page 22 of 65

BS EN 45510-4-6:1999

BS EN 60432:-

Flue gas desulfurization (De-SO$dx) plant E/-/20

Safety specification for incandescent lamps

BS EN 45510-6-9:2000 Cooling water systems

E/-/20 BS EN 60432-2:2000 BS EN 45510-4-7:1999 Ash handling plant


BS EN 45510-4-8:2000 Dust handling plant

Tungsten halogen lamps for domestic and similar general lighting purposes CPL/34/1, CPL/34/1/1

BS EN 45510-7:Pipework and valves

BS EN 45510-7-1:2000 High pressure piping systems

BS EN 60634:1995



BS EN 45510-5:-

BS EN 45510-8:-

BS EN 45510-5-1:1998 Steam turbines

BS EN 45510-8-1:1998 Control and instrumentation

Heat test source (H.T.S.) lamps for carrying out heating tests on luminaires CPL/34/1

BS EN 60901:1996



Specification for single-capped fluorescent lamps. Performance specifications

CPL/34/1 BS EN 45510-5-2:1998 Gas turbines

BS EN 50088:1996 Safety of electric toys


BS EN 45510-5-3:1998 Wind turbines


BS EN 50122:-


BS EN 60904-7:1998

Railway applications. Fixed installations

BS EN 45510-5-4:1998

BS EN 50122-1:1998

Hydraulic turbines, storage pumps and pump-turbines

Protective provisions relating to electrical safety and earthing

Computation of spectral mismatch error introduced in the testing of a photovoltaic device GEL/82



BS EN 50163:1996

BS EN 45510-6:Turbine auxiliaries

BS EN 60904:Photovoltaic devices

Railway applications. Supply voltages of traction systems

GEL/9 BS EN 45510-6-1:1998 Deaerators

BS EN 60904-8:1998 Measurement of spectral response of a photovoltaic (PV) device GEL/82

BS EN 60904-10:1998 Methods of linearity measurement

GEL/82 E/-/20

BS EN 60155:1995 Glow-starters for fluorescent lamps

CPL/34/1 BS EN 45510-6-2:1998 Feedwater heaters


BS EN 60335:Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances

BS EN 45510-6-3:1998 Condenser plant


BS EN 60335-2:Particular requirements

BS EN 60969:1993 (BS 7199:1989) Self-ballasted lamps for general lighting services. Performance requirements


BS EN 60983:1996 Specification for miniature lamps


BS EN 45510-6-6:2000 Turbine auxiliaries. Wet and wet/dry cooling towers

BS EN 60335-2-79:1998


BS EN 45510-6-7:1998 Moisture separator reheaters

Particular requirements for high pressure cleaners and steam cleaners for industrial and commercial use CPL/61, CPL/61/10

BS EN 61069:Industrial-process measurement and control. Evaluation of system properties for the purpose of system assessment

E/-/20 Page 23 of 65

BS EN 61069-5:1995

DD ENV 12875:-

Assessment of system dependability

Mechanical dishwashing resistance of domestic utensils

BS ISO 3547-1:1999 Dimensions


GEL/65/1 DD ENV 12875-1:1998 Reference test method

BS EN 61277:1998

BS ISO 3547-2:1999


Terrestial photovoltaic (PV) power generating systems. General and guide

Test data for outside and inside diameter

MCE/12 GEL/82

BS EN 61326:1998 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. EMC requirements GEL/65, GEL/65/1

BS ISO 2596:1994 BS ISO 3547-3:1999

Iron ores. Determination of hygroscopic moisture in analytical samples. Gravimetric and Karl Fischer methods

Lubrication holes, lubrication grooves and lubrication indentations


BS ISO 2597:-

BS ISO 3547-4:1999 Materials

Iron ores. Determination of total iron content

BS EN 61345:1998



UV test for photovoltaic (PV) modules


BS EN 61377:1997

BS ISO 2597-1:1994

BS ISO 3548:1999

Titrimetric method after tin (II) chloride reduction

Plain bearings. Thin-walled half bearings with or without flange. Tolerances, design features and methods of test


Electric traction. Rolling stock. Combined testing of inverter-fed alternating current motors and their control GEL/9

MCE/12 BS ISO 3086:1998 Iron ores. Experimental methods for checking the bias of sampling ISE/58

BS EN 61549:1996

BS ISO 4695:1995 Iron ores. Determination of reducibility

ISE/58 BS ISO 3087:1998

Specification for miscellaneous lamps


Iron ores. Determination of the moisture content of a lot

BS ISO 4698:1994

ISE/58 BS EN 61646:1997

Iron ore pellets. Determination of relative free-swelling index


Thin-film terrestrial photovoltaic (PV) modules. Design qualification and type approval GEL/82

BS ISO 3271:1995

BS EN 61724:1998

BS ISO 3338:-

Photovoltaic system performance monitoring. Guidelines for measurement, data exchange and analysis

Cylindrical shanks for milling cutters


Iron ores. Determination of tumble strength

BS ISO 5418:-


BS ISO 5418-1:1994 2,2'-Biquinolyl spectrophotometric method

ISE/58 BS ISO 3338-1:1996

BS EN 61725:1997

Dimensional characteristics of plain cylindrical shanks MTE/5

Analytical expression for daily solar profiles GEL/82

BS ISO 3338-2:1996

BS EN 61829:1998 Crystalline silicon photovoltaic (PV) array. On-site measurement of I-V characteristics GEL/82

Iron ores. Determination of copper content.

BS ISO 6446:1994 Rubber products. Bridge bearings. Specification for rubber materials

PRI/73 Dimensional characteristics of flatted cylindrical shanks

BS ISO 7148:-


BS ISO 3547:Plain bearings. Wrapped bushes

Plain bearings. Testing of tribological behaviour of bearing materials

BS ISO 7148-1:1999 Testing of bearing metals

MCE/12 Page 24 of 65

BS A 315:1997 BS ISO 7148-2:1999

BS ISO 13778:1999

Testing of polymer-based bearing materials

Plain bearings. Quality assurance of thin-walled half bearings. Selective assembly of bearings to achieve a narrow clearance range MCE/12


BS ISO 7215:1995 Iron ores. Determination of relative reducibility

BS IEC 1231:1993


International lamp coding system (ILCOS) CPL/34/1

BS ISO 7992:1992 Iron ores. Determination of reduction properties under load


BS A 311:1997


BS ISO 8371:1994 Iron ores. Determination of decrepitation index


Aerospace. Screws, 100$0D reduced countersunk head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, normal shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa. Dimensions ACE/12

BS ISO 10836:1994 Iron ores. Method of sampling and sample preparation for physical testing

BS A 312:1997


BS ISO 10897:1996 Collets for tool holders with taper ratio 1:10. Collets, holders, nuts


Aerospace. Nuts, hexagonal, slotted (castellated), reduced height, normal across flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/120$0DC, 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235$0DC, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425$0DC, 900 MPa ACE/12

Screws, pan head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, stepped shank, short or medium length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa. Dimensions ACE/12

BS 3087:Pliers and nippers

BS 3087-12:1991 Specification for dimensions and test values of construction worker's pincers MTE/15

BS 3087-13:1991 Specification for dimensions and test values of carpenter's pincers


BS 5101:BS ISO 11533:1996

BS A 313:1997

Iron ores. Determination of cobalt content. Flame atomic absorption spectrometric method

Areospace. Screws, pan head, internal offset cruciform ribbed or unribbed drive, pitch diameter shank, long length MJ threads, metallic material, coated or uncoated, strength classes less than or equal to 1100 MPa. Dimensions


BS ISO 12129:Plain bearings

Specification for lamp caps and holders together with gauges for the control of interchangeability and safety

BS 5101-4:1980


Lamp caps, lampholders and gauges used in the United Kingdom but not specified in Parts 1, 2 or 3 CPL/34/2

BS ISO 12129-2:1995 Tolerances on form and position and surface roughness for shafts, flanges and thrust collars


BS ISO 12132:1999 Plain bearings. Quality assurance of thin-walled half bearings. Design FMEA MCE/12

BS A 314:1997

BS 5249:-

Aerospace. Nuts, hexagonal, plain, reduced height, normal across flats, with MJ threads, classifications: 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/120$0DC, 450 MPa (at ambient temperature)/235$0DC, 600 MPa (at ambient temperature)/425$0DC, 900 MPa (at ambient tem ACE/12

Representation of elements of data in interchanges using data processing systems

BS 5249-3:1983 Specification for representation of latitude, longitude and altitude for geographical point locations


BS 6068:Water quality

BS ISO 12303:1995 Plain bearings. Quality characteristics. Calculation of machine and process capabilities

MCE/12 Page 25 of 65

BS 6068-5:Biological methods

BS 6068-5.24:1999

EH/3, EH/3/5

BS 6068-5.6:Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the 'ultimate' aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds. Method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) See BS EN ISO 7827.

BS EN 28265:1994 (BS 6068-5.8:1999)

Determination of acute lethal toxicity to marine copepods (Copepoda, Crustacea)

BS 6068-5.25:1999

Water quality. Biological methods. Methods of biological sampling: guidance on the design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwater


Determination of the inhibitory effect of water constituents on the growth of activated sludge microorganisms EH/3, EH/3/5

BS EN 60071:Insulation co-ordination

BS EN ISO 7827:1996 (BS 6068-5.6:1996)

BS EN 60071-1:1996 Definitions, principles and rules

BS 6068-5.8:Water quality. Biological methods. Methods of biological sampling: guidance on the design and use of quantitative samplers for benthic macro-invertebrates on stony substrata in shallow freshwater See BS EN 28265.

Water quality. Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the 'ultimate' aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds. Method by analysis of dissolved organic carbon (DOC)



BS EN 60071-2:1997 Application guide


BS 6068-5.11:Water quality. Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the "ultimate" aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds: method by determining the oxygen demand in a closed respirometer See BS EN ISO 9408.

BS EN ISO 9408:1999 (BS 6068-5.11:1999)

BS EN 60335:-

Water quality. Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium by determination of oxygen demand in a closed respirometer EH/3/5

Specification for safety of household and similar electrical appliances

BS EN 60335-2:Particular requirements

BS 6068-5.12:Water quality. Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium. Carbon dioxide evolution test See BS EN ISO 9439.

BS 6068-5.13:Water quality. Evaluation of the aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in an aqueous medium. Static test (Zahn-Wellens method) See BS EN ISO 9888.

BS 6068-5.16:Water quality. Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the 'ultimate' aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds. Method by analysis of biochemical oxygen demand (closed bottle test) See BS EN ISO 10707.

BS 6068-5.23:1999 Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium. Method by analysis of released inorganic carbon in sealed vessels (CO$d2 headspace test) EH/3, EH/3/5

BS EN ISO 9439:2001 (BS 6068-5.12:2001)

BS EN 60335-2-71:1996

Water quality. Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium. Carbon dioxide evolution test EH/3, EH/3/5

Electrical heating appliances for breeding and rearing animals


BS EN 60889:1997 Hard drawn aluminium wire for overhead line conductors

BS EN ISO 9888:1999 (BS 6068-5.13:1999)


Water quality. Evaluation of ultimate aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds in aqueous medium. Static test (Zahn-Wellens method) EH/3, EH/3/5

BS EN ISO 10707:1998 (BS 6068-5.16:1995)

BS EN 61232:1997 Aluminium-clad steel wires for electrical purposes


BS EN 61395:1998 Overhead electrical conductors. Creep test procedures for stranded conductors

Water quality. Evaluation in an aqueous medium of the 'ultimate' aerobic biodegradability of organic compounds. Method by analysis of biochemical oxygen demand (closed bottle test)



DD ENV 50230:1997 Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation. Control and monitoring systems. General requirements


Page 26 of 65

DD ENV 50231:1997

BS ISO/IEC 7942:-

Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation. Constant current regulator. Equipment specifications and tests

Information technology. Computer graphics and image processing. Graphical Kernel System (GKS)

BS ISO/IEC 13814:1998 Information technology. Programming languages. Generic package of complex elementary functions for Ada

EPL/97 BS ISO/IEC 7942-4:1998 Picture part archive DD ENV 50232:1997

IST/5 IST/31

Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation. Isolating transformer. Equipment specifications and tests

BS ISO/IEC 13816:1997 BS ISO/IEC 8652:1995 Programming languages. Ada


DD ENV 50234:1997


Information technology. Programming languages, their environments and system software interfaces. Programming language ISLISP


BS ISO/IEC 9899:1999 Programming languages. C

Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation. Flashing lights. Equipment specifications and tests

IST/5 EPL/97

Calculation of scuffing load capacity of cylindrical, bevel and hypoid gears

BS ISO/IEC 10514:Information technology. Programming languages

DD ENV 50235:1997 Aeronautical ground lighting electrical installation. Signs. Equipment specifications and tests EPL/97

BS ISO 1085:1999 Assembly tools for screws and nuts. Double-ended wrenches. Size pairing MTE/15/13

BS ISO/TR 13989-1:2000 Flash temperature method

BS ISO/IEC 10514-2:1998 Modula-2, generics in Modula-2

MCE/5 IST/5 BS ISO/TR 13989-2:2000 Integral temperature method

BS ISO/IEC 10514-3:1998 Modula-2, object-oriented Modula-2

MCE/5 IST/5 BS ISO 14512:1999

BS ISO/IEC 11756:1999 Information technology. Programming languages. M

BS ISO/IEC 1539:Information technology. Programming languages. FORTRAN


BS ISO/IEC 12089:1997

BS ISO/IEC 1539-1:1997 Base language


BS ISO/IEC 1539-3:1999 Conditional compilation


Information technology. Computer graphics and image processing. Encoding for the image interchange facility (IIF) IST/31

Passenger cars. Test track for a severe lane-change manoeuvre

Passenger cars. Straight-ahead braking on surfaces with split coefficient of friction. Open-loop test method


BS ISO 15037:Road vehicles. Vehicle dynamics test methods

BS ISO 15037-1:1998 General conditions for passenger cars

BS ISO/IEC 13210:1999


Information technology. Requirements and guidelines for test methods specifications and test method implementation for measuring conformance to POSIX standards

BS ISO 3888:-

BS ISO/TR 13989:-

BS ISO/IEC 15145:1997 Information technology. Programming languages. FORTH



BS ISO 3888-1:1999 Double-lane change


BS ISO/IEC 13813:1997

BS ISO/IEC 15852:1999 Information technology. Programming languages. M Windowing API


Information technology. Programming languages. Generic packages of real and complex type declarations and basic operations for Ada (including vector and matrix types)

BS ISO 6549:1999 Road vehicles. Procedure for Hand R-point determination


IST/5 Page 27 of 65

BS ISO/IEC 18009:1999

BS 2048:-

Information technology. Programming languages. Ada: conformity assessment of a language processor

Specification for dimensions of fractional horse-power motors



BS 2048-1:1961 Dimensions of motors for general use

DD IEC TS 62143:2002

PEL/2 This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is superseded by BS 5000-11:1973

Electrical installations for lighting and beaconing of aerodromes. Aeronautical ground lighting systems. Guidelines for the development of a safety lifecycle methodology

BS 680-2:1971 Metric units

BS 5499:-


Graphical symbols and signs. Safety signs, including fire safety signs

B/542 Superseded by BS EN 12326-1:2004

BS AU 175:Vehicle identification numbers (VIN)

BS 770:-

BS 5499-3:1990

Methods for chemical analysis of cheese

Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols. Specification for internally-illuminated fire safety signs

BS AU 175-1b:1983 Specification for content and structure



This standard is proposed for withdrawal since its subject matter is now covered by other standards

BS AU 189:1983 Method of test for steady state cornering behaviour for road vehicles

BS AU 199a:1997 Specification for location of hand controls, indicators and tell-tales in passenger cars AUE/12

Specification for steel wedge gate valves (flanged and butt-welding ends) for the petroleum, petrochemical and allied industries

MCE/5 This standard has been proposed for withdrawal following withdrawal of the equivalent international document on grounds of diminishing relevance

ACE/12 This standard is proposed for obsolescence as it now has very limited use for aerospace purposes.

This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is now obsolete. In view of the fact that the compendia of graphical symbols standards are added to much more frequently than the traditional five year systematic review, it would be impossible to keep

BS AU 168:1978


BS 3297:-

BS 3297-3:1982 Guide to insulator practice


Specifications for double coil spring washers for aircraft

PSE/7 Superseded by BS EN ISO 10434:2004

Post insulators of ceramic material or glass for nominal voltages greater than 1000 V

Guide to British, European and international graphical symbols, for use on equipment, for safety and fire safety, and for public information, in relation to ISO 7000 and IEC 60417

BS SP 55 and SP 56:1953

Determination of fat content (reference method)

BS 1414:1975

Worm gears. Geometry of worms. Name plates for worm gear units, centre distances, information to be supplied to gear manufacturer by the purchaser

PD 6578:1995


BS 770-3:1989

AW/5 Superseded by BS EN ISO 1735:2004

BS ISO 10347:1999


BS 680:Specification for roofing slates

Method for determination of the windscreen fogging characteristics of organic trim materials in motor vehicles PRI/71 This standard has been proposed for withdrawal as it is no longer used in UK industry

PEL/36 This standard has been withdrawn as it is now obsolete

BS 3974:Specification for pipe supports

BS 3974-1:1974 Pipe hangers, slider and roller type supports PLE/10 This standard has been withdrawn as it is now obsolete

Page 28 of 65

BS 3974-2:1978 Pipe clamps, cages, cantilevers and attachments to beams PLE/10 This standard has been withdrawn as it is now obsolete

BS 3974-3:1980 Large bore, high temperature, marine and other applications

BS 5550-4.2.1:1980 Specification for positions and dimensions of image area produced by 65 mm and 70 mm motion-picture camera aperture and maximum projectable image area on 70 mm motion-picture prints CPW/36 Superseded by BS ISO 2467:2004

BS 5775-3:1993 Mechanics

SS/7 Superseded by BS ISO 31-3:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 5775-4:1993 Heat

PLE/10 This standard has been withdrawn as it is now obsolete

BS 5555:1993

Superseded by BS ISO 31-4:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 4131:1973 Specification for terrazzo tiles

Specification for SI units and recommendations for the use of their multiples and of certain other units

BS 5775-5:1993 Electricity and magnetism





Superseded by BS EN 13748-1:2004 and BS EN 13748-2:2004

Superseded by BS ISO 1000:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

Superseded by BS ISO 31-5:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 4357:1968

BS 5724:Medical electrical equipment

BS 5775-6:1993

BS 5724-2:-

Superseded by BS ISO 31-6:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

Specification for precast terrazzo units

Light and related electromagnetic radiations

B/524 Superseded by BS EN 13748-1:2004 and BS EN 13748-2:2004

SS/7 Medical electrical equipment. Particular requirements for safety

BS 5249:Representation of elements of data in interchanges using data processing systems

BS 5249-2:1978 Representation of human sexes

IST/40 Superseded by BS ISO/IEC 5218:2004

BS 5724-2.203:1997

BS 5775-7:1993 Acoustics

Lung ventilators. Particular requirements for home care use See BS EN 794-2.

Superseded by BS ISO 31-7:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 5767:1979

BS 5775-8:1993

Guide for storage and handling of conveyor belts

Physical chemistry and molecular physics


Superseded by BS ISO 31-8:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 5281:1975 Specification for ferrule-secured eye terminations for wire ropes

BS 5775:-

MHE/2 Superseded by BS EN 13411-3:2004

High-voltage alternating-current circuit-breakers

BS 5550-4:65 mm and 70 mm film

BS 5550-4.2:Image areas

SS/7 Superseded by BS ISO 31-9:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998 SS/7


BS 5550:Cinematography

BS 5775-9:1993 Atomic and nuclear physics

Specification for quantities, units and symbols

BS 5775-0:1993 General principles

BS 5311:1996

Superseded by BS EN 62271-100:2001


PRI/67 Superseded by BS ISO 5285:2004

Superseded by BS ISO 31-0:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 5775-10:1993 Nuclear reactions and ionizing radiations

SS/7 Superseded by BS ISO 31-10:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 5775-1:1993 Space and time

SS/7 Superseded by BS ISO 31-1:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 5775-11:1993 Mathematical signs and symbols for use in physical sciences and technology

BS 5775-2:1993 Periodic and related phenomena

SS/7 SS/7

Superseded by BS ISO 31-2:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

Superseded by BS ISO 31-11:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

Page 29 of 65

BS 5775-12:1993 Characteristic numbers

SS/7 Superseded by BS ISO 31-12:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

BS 7087-21:1995

BS EN 10215:1995

Specification for bay leaves (whole and ground)

Superseded by BS ISO 6576:2004

Continuously hot-dip aluminium-zinc (AZ) coated steel strip and sheet. Technical delivery conditions

BS 7166:1989

Superseded by BS EN 10326:2004 and BS EN 10327:2004



BS 5775-13:1993 Solid state physics


Specification for wedge and socket anchorages for wire ropes

Superseded by BS ISO 31-13:1992. Incorporating Amd 1:1998

MHE/2 Superseded by BS EN 13411-6:2004

BS EN 12345:1999

HB 10166:1999 Safety at Work. 5th edition

Superseded by BS EN ISO 17659:2004

BS 5929:-


Methods for sensory analysis of food

Superseded by BIP 2051:2004

BS 5929-3:1984 Triangular test

BS EN 28362:-

AW/12 Superseded by BS ISO 4120:2004

BS EN 794:Lung ventilators

BS 5929-8:1992 Duo-trio test

BS EN 794-2:1997 (BS 5724-2.203:1997)

AW/12 Superseded by BS ISO 10399:2004

BS 6068:Water quality

Injection containers for injectables and accessories

BS EN 28362-1:1993 Injection vials made of glass tubing

Particular requirements for home care use CH/121/3 Superseded by BS EN ISO 10651-2:2004

Continuously hot-dip zinc coated low carbon steels strip and sheet for cold forming. Technical delivery conditions ISE/10, ISE/10/8 Superseded by BS EN 10327:2004

BS 6068-1.6:1996 An additional 41 terms

EH/3 Superseded by BS ISO 6107-6:2004

BS EN 10147:2000 Continuously hot-dip zinc coated structural steels strip and sheet. Technical delivery conditions ISE/10, ISE/10/8 Superseded by BS EN 10326:2004

BS 6140:Test equipment for generating vibration

BS 6140-1:1981

BS EN 10154:2002

Methods of describing characteristics of electrodynamic test equipment for generating vibration

GME/21 Superseded by BS ISO 5344:2004

Continuously hot-dip aluminium-silicon (AS) coated steel strip and sheet. Technical delivery conditions ISE/10 Superseded by BS EN 10326:2004 and BS EN 10327:2004

BS 7087:Herbs and spices ready for food use

BS EN 10214:1995 Continuously hot-dip zinc-aluminium (ZA) coated steel strip and sheet. Technical delivery conditions

BS 7087-4:1996 Specification for cloves (whole and ground)

CH/212 Superseded by BS EN ISO 8362-1:2004

BS EN 28362-4:1993 Injection vials made of moulded glass

BS EN 10142:2000 BS 6068-1:Glossary

CH/212 Superseded by BS EN ISO 8362-4:2004

BS ISO 8764:Assembly tools for screws and nuts. Screwdrivers for cross-recessed head screws

BS ISO 8764-1:1999 Driver points

MTE/15, MTE/15/13 This standard has been withdrawn as ISO 8764-1:2004 has been published by ISO. The UK has no expertise to evaluate this standard as suitable for implementation as a British Standard. Consequently, it must withdraw BS ISO 8764-1:1999

BS ISO/IEC 12227:1995 Information technology. Programming languages. SQL/Ada Module Description Language (SAMeDL)

IST/5 This standard has been withdrawn as it is no longer used ISE/10

AW/7 Superseded by BS ISO 2254:2004

Welding. Multilingual terms for welded joints with illustrations

Superseded by BS EN 10326:2004 and BS EN 10327:2004

BS IEC 60825:Safety of laser products Page 30 of 65

BS 5250:2002/Amendment 1 BS IEC TS 60825-6:1999


Safety of laser products with optical sources, exclusively used for visible information transmission to the human eye EPL/76 This standard has been withdrawn following IEC's decision to approve the withdrawal of their international version

Occupational health & safety management systems boxed set BIP 2052 Presentation Set

Code of practice for control of condensation in building


BS 6891 Specification for installation of low pressure gas pipework of up to 35 mm (R1) in domestic premises (2nd family gas) will supersede BS 6891:1998 GSE/30/-/3

Standards for schools and colleges Compendium of essential design and technology standards for schools and colleges Superseded by PP 7321:2004

BS AU 50:Tyres and wheels

BS 7800 Automotive fuel. High octane (super) unleaded petrol. specification will supersede BS 7800:2000


BS AU 50-3:Valves

PTI/2 BS 5378:Safety signs and colours

BS AU 50-3.5:1983 Dimensions for ISO core chamber No. 1 for tyre inflation valves

BS 7960 Door stewards/supervisors. Code of practice


BS 5378-2:1980 BS AU 50-3.6:1982

Specification for colorimetric and photometric properties of materials

Dimensions for ISO core chamber No. 2 for tyre inflation valves

PH/8 AUE/4

The preceding standards have been withdrawn as they are obsolete. The subject is covered by new ISO 20562:2004, which is approved for UK use but not implemented as a British Standard

BS AU 243:Methods of test for electrical disturbance by conduction and coupling

BS AU 243-2:1991 Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only on passenger cars and light commercial vehicles with 12 V supply

BS AU 243-3:1991 Electrical transient conduction along supply lines only on commercial vehicles with 24 V supply

AUE/16 The preceding standards have been withdrawn as they are obsolete. The subject is now covered by new ISO 7637-2:2004

EP 205

BS 8454 Delivery of training for work at a height


BS 5499:Graphical symbols and signs. Safety signs, including fire safety signs

BS EN 54:Fire detection and fire alarm systems

BS 5499-2:1986 Fire safety signs, notices and graphic symbols. Specification for self-luminous fire safety signs

BS EN 54-10/Amendment 1 Flame detectors. Point detectors


BS 6068:Water quality


BS EN 54-11/Amendment 1 Manual call points

FSH/12 BS 6068-6:Sampling

BS EN 54-15

BS 6068-6.15:1999

Point detectors using a combination of detected fire phenomena

Guidance on preservation and handling of sludge and sediment samples EH/3, EH/3/6


BS EN 54-22 Line type heat detectors



BS EN 54-24 Voice alarms. Loudspeakers


BSI Electronic Book. Quality Management Version 2: BS EN ISO 9000:2000 Series CD-ROM (KIT 48) Superseded by BIP 3014:2004 Page 31 of 65

BS EN 54-25 Components using radio links


BS EN 725-10

BS EN 1097-1/Amendment 1

Determination of compaction properties will supersede BS EN 725-10:1997

Determination of the resistance to wear (micro-Deval)

B/502/6 RPI/13

BS EN ISO 389-6 BS EN 1097-6/Amendment 1

Reference equivalent threshold sound pressure levels for acoustic test signals of short duration

BS EN 752:-


Determination of particle density and water absorption

Drain and sewer systems outside buildings


BS EN 725:-

BS EN 752-4: 1998

BS EN 1097-9/Amendment 1

Advanced technical ceramics. Methods of test for ceramic powders

Hydraulic and environmental considerations

Determination of the resistance to wear by abrasion from studded tyres. Nordic test

BS EN 725-1

BS EN 772:Methods of test for masonry units



Determination of impurities in alumina will supersede BS EN 725-1:1997


BS EN 1854 Pressure sensing devices for gas burners and gas burning appliances will supersede BS EN 1854:1997 GSE/22/12

BS EN 772-20/Amendment 1 Determination of flatness of faces of aggregate concrete, manufactured stone and natural stone

BS EN 725-3 Determination of the oxygen content of non-oxides by thermal extraction with a carrier gas will supersede BS EN 725-3:1994



Eurocode. Basis of structural design annex A.2 (application for bridges)

BS EN 843:-


Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Mechanical properties at room temperature

BS EN 725-5 Determination of the particle size distribution will supersede BS EN 725-5:1996


BS EN 1990/Amendment 1

BS EN 1994:Eurocode 4. Design of composite steel and concrete structures

BS EN 843-1 Determination of flexural strength

will supersede BS EN 843-1:1995 RPI/13 BS EN 725-6

BS EN 1994-2 Bridges


Determination of the specific surface area will supersede BS EN 725-6:1996

BS EN 933:-


Tests for geometrical properties of aggregates

BS EN 1997:National Annex to Eurocode 7. Geotechnical design

BS EN 725-7

BS EN 933-1/Amendment 1

Determination of the absolute density will supersede BS EN 725-7:1996

Determination of particle size distribution. Sieving method


BS EN 1997-1:2004 General rules


B/526 BS EN 1071:-

BS EN 725-8

Advanced technical ceramics. Ceramic coatings

Determination of tapped bulk density will supersede BS EN 725-8:1997


Determination of untamped bulk density will supersede BS EN 725-9:1997

Paints and varnishes. Determination of resistance to liquids

BS EN 1071-11 Measurement of internal stress with the Stoney formula RPI/13

BS EN 725-9

BS EN ISO 2812:-

BS EN ISO 2812-1 Immersion method

Will partially supersede BS EN ISO 2812-1:1995 BS EN 1097:-



Tests for mechanical and physical properties of aggregates

Page 32 of 65

BS EN ISO 2812-2 Water immersion method

BS EN ISO 10438-4

will supersede BS EN ISO 2812-2:1995 STI/10

Self-acting gas seal support systems will supersede BS EN ISO 10438-4:2003

BS EN 14470-2


Safety storage cabinets for pressurised gas cylinders


BS EN ISO 2812-3 Method using an absorbent medium

BS EN ISO 11140:-

BS EN 50121:-

Will partially supersede BS EN ISO 2812-1:1995

Sterilization of health care products. Chemical indicators

Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility

BS EN ISO 11140-3

BS EN 50121-3-2:2004 Rolling stock. Apparatus


BS EN ISO 2812-4 Spotting method

Class 2 indicators for steam penetration test sheets


Will partially supersede BS EN ISO 2812-1:1995

will supersede BS EN 50121-3-2:2000 GEL/9


BS EN ISO 2812-5

BS EN ISO 11140-4

BS EN 50136:-

Class 2 indicators for steam penetration test packs

Alarm systems. Alarm transmission systems and equipment


Method using a temperature gradient in an oven


BS EN 50136-7

BS EN ISO 11140-5 Class 2 indicators for air removal test sheets and packs

BS EN XXXX Decorative wallcoverings. Roll and panel form will supersede NONE, will partially supersede BS EN 12781:2001, BS EN 13085:2001, BS EN 233:1999, BS EN 234:1997, BS EN 259-1:2001 CW/35 BS EN XXXX Cranes. Requirements for spreaders



BS EN 60297:-

BS EN 13040 Soil improvers and growing media. Sample preparation for chemical and physical tests, determination of dry matter content, moisture content and laboratory compacted bulk density will supersede BS EN 13040:2000 AW/20

BS EN ISO 10438:Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Lubrication, shaft-sealing and control-oil systems and auxiliaries

BS EN ISO 10438-1 General requirements

BS EN 61967:Integrated circuits. Measurement of electromagnetic emissions, 150 kHz to 1 GHz


will supersede BS EN ISO 10438-2:2003

Dimensions of mechanical structures of the 482, 6mm (19 in) series


Advanced technical ceramics. Notations and symbols will supersede DD ENV 13233:2000

BS EN ISO 10438-2 Special-purpose oil systems

BS EN 60297-3:-

Connector-dependent interface dimensions for subracks and plug-in units

Soil improvers and growing media. Determination of physical properties. Dry bulk density, air volume, water volume, shrinkage value and total pore space

BS EN 13233


Mechanical structures for electronic equipment

BS EN 60297-3-104

BS EN 13041:1999/Amendment 1


will supersede BS EN ISO 10438-1:2003

Requirements for protocol used in the IP based systems GW/1/11

BS EN 61967-4/Amendment 1 Measurement of conducted emissions method


BS EN ISO 14155 (Revision)


BS EN ISO 10438-3 General-purpose oil systems

Clinical investigation of medical devices for human subjects will supersede BS EN ISO 14155-1:2003,BS EN ISO 14155-2:2003

BS EN XXXXX:Laboratory safety showers


will supersede BS EN ISO 10438-3:2003 PSE/17/-/6 BS EN 14470:Fire safety storage cabinets

BS EN XXXXX-2 Face/eye washers using water


Page 33 of 65

BS EN 00223078

BS ISO 8420/Corrigendum 1

BS ISO 14397-1 (Revision)

Soil improvers and growing media. Determination of particle size distribution

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of content of polar compounds AW/307

Calculation of rated operating capacity and test method for verifying calculated tipping load will supersede BS ISO 14397-1:2002 B/513/1


BS EN 00223079

BS ISO 9249 (Revision)

Growing media. Biotest for assessment of phytotoxicity

Earth-moving machinery. Engine test code. Net power will supersede BS 6911-4:1998


BS ISO 14397-2 (Revision)

B/513/1 BS ISO 1103

Test method for measuring breakout forces and lift capacity to maximum lift height will supersede BS ISO 14397-2:2002 B/513/1

BS ISO/IEC 9796:-

Road vehicles. Coupling balls for caravans and light trailers. Dimensions will supersede BS AU 113C:1978

Information technology. Security techniques. Digital signature schemes giving message recovery

BS ISO/IEC 14496:Information technology. Coding of audio-visual objects


IST/37 BS ISO/IEC 9796-3 BS ISO 1711:-

Discrete logarithm based mechanisms

Assembly tools for screws and nuts. Technical specifications

BS ISO/IEC 14496-20


BS ISO 1711-1

BS ISO/IEC 10118:-

Hand-operated wrenches and sockets

Information technology. Security techniques. Hash-functions


BS ISO 14697


Fire tests. Guidance on the choice of substrates for building products FSH/21

BS ISO/IEC 10118-3 Dedicated hash-functions

BS ISO 1738

Lightweight application scene representation and simple aggregation format


Butter. Determination of salt content will supersede BS 5086-5:1998

BS ISO 16653:-


BS ISO 10265 (Revision)

Mobile elevating work platforms. Special features. Design calculations, safety requirements and test methods

Earth-moving machinery. Crawler machines. Performance requirements and test procedures for braking systems will supersede BS 6911-14:1998

BS ISO 1833:Textiles. Binary fibre mixtures. Quantitative chemical analysis


BS ISO 16653-1 MEWPs with retractable or removable guardrail systems

BS ISO 1833-21


BS ISO 10268 (Revision)

Mixtures of chlorofibres, some modacrylics, some elastanes, acetates, triacetates and some other fibres. Method using cyclohexanone


Earth-moving machinery. Retarders for dumpers and tractor-scrapers. Performance tests will supersede BS 6911-9:1993 B/513/1

BS ISO 16653-2 Mobile elevating work platforms insulating

MHE/12 BS ISO 5660:-

BS ISO 11357:-

Reaction to fire tests. Heat release, smoke production and mass loss rate

Plastics. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

BS ISO 16754 Earth-moving machinery. Determination of ground contact pressure. Crawler machines


BS ISO 11357-3/Amendment 1 BS ISO 5660-4

Determination of temperature and enthalpy of melting and crystallization

Determination of low level of combustibility using oxygen consumption calorimetry

BS ISO 18769

PRI/21 FSH/21 BS ISO 14397:Earth-moving machinery. Loaders and backhoe loaders

Cinematography. Image area produced on 35 mm motion-picture film by transfer of 16. 9 aspect ratio television images. Position and dimensions CPW/36

Page 34 of 65

BS ISO 19092:Financial services. Biometrics

BS ISO 22448 Earth-moving machinery. Anti-theft systems. Performance and test methods B/513/1

BS ISO 19092-1 Security framework


04/19970079 DC BS ISO/IEC 24731 Specification for secure C library functions

BS ISO 19092-2 Cryptographic requirements


IST/5 IST/12

BS ISO 6182-12 Fire protection. Automatic sprinkler systems. Requirements and test methods for grooved end pipe couplings FSH/18/2

BS ISO/IEC 24736 Information technology. Multimedia application format (MPEG-A) IST/37

BS ISO 20252 Market, opinion and social research. Service requirements

SVS/3 BS PL 4 BS ISO 20512 Hazardous materials response equipment. Spray-tight, liquid splash protective ensembles


Properties of unsaturated polyester resins for low pressure laminating of high strength fibre reinforced composites (REV DTD 5537 A) ACE/65/-/64

BS ISO 20513


Hazardous materials response PPE. Gas-tight, vapour protective ensembles for emergency response teams PH/14

Unsaturated polyester resins for low pressure laminating of high strength fibre reinforced composites. Test method ACE/65/-/64

BS ISO 20632 Room test for pipe insulation



BS ISO/IEC 21000:Information technology. Multimedia framework (MPEG-21) IST/37

BS ISO/IEC 21000-16 Binary format


Properties of unsaturated polyester resins for low pressure laminating of glass fibre reinforced laminates (REV DTD 5549) ACE/65/-/64

04/19983377 DC BS ISO 13300-2 Sensory analysis. General guidance for the staff of a sensory evaluation laboratory. Recruitment and training of panel leaders for descriptive analysis


04/19990139 DC BS ISO 13300-1 Sensory analysis. General guidance for the staff of a sensory evaluation laboratory. Staff structure and responsibilities AW/12

04/19990803 DC BS ISO 12161 Road vehicles. Endurance braking systems on towing and towed vehicles. Test methods


04/30033330 DC EN 4234 Aerospace series. Clamps. Worm drive. Dimension and mass ACE/69

BS PL 7 Unsaturated polyester resins for low pressure laminating of glass fibre reinforced laminates. Test method ACE/65/-/64

04/30040717 DC ISO/IEC 18033-2 Information technology. Encryption algorithms. Part 2. Asymmetric ciphers £18.00 members £36.00 non-members



BS ISO 21808 Guidance on the selection, use, care and maintenance of personal protective equipment for firefighters


Fibrous polyamide material for use as an explosion suppressant and as a baffle material in aircraft fuel tanks (REV DTD 5627) ACE/65/-/64

04/30040721 DC ISO/IEC 18033-3 Information technology. Encryption algorithms. Part 3. Block ciphers

IST/33 BS ISO 22367 Medical laboratories. Reduction of error through risk management and continual improvement CH/212

BS PL 9 Fibrous polyamide material for use as an explosion suppressant and as a baffle material in aircraft fuel tanks. Test method ACE/65/-/64

04/30048205 DC BS EN ISO 17665 Sterilization of health care products. Moist heat. Development, validation and routine control of a sterilization process for medical devices


Page 35 of 65

04/30055611 DC

04/30076768 DC

04/30080469 DC

BS EN 124 Gully tops and manhole tops for vehicular and pedestrian areas

BS ISO 24339 Laminate floor coverings. Determination of dimensional variations and stability after exposure to dry and humid conditions PRI/60

BS ISO 23470 Soil Quality. Determination of effective cation exchange capacity (CEC) and exchangeable cations using a hexamminecobalt trichloride solution

B/505 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

EH/4/3 04/30060336 DC

04/30077792 DC

EN ISO 23631 Water quality. Determination of dalapon, trichloroacetic acid and selected haloacetic acids. Method using gas chromatography (GCD-ECD and/or GC-MS detection) after liquid-liquid extraction and derivatization EH/3/2

ISO 3500 Gas cylinders. Seamless steel CO$d2 cylinders for fixed fire-fighting installations on ships PVE/3/3

04/30077960 DC IEC 60825-1 AMD 3. LED Exemption Limits (400 nm. 1400 nm) EPL/76

04/30062174 DC

04/30080677 DC BS 6660-1 Guide to setting up and maintaining micrographics and electronic imaging units. Part 1. Micrographics

IDT/1/2 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30080998 DC BS 4751 Mobile sanitary chairs

ISO/IEC FCD 17799 Information technology. Code of practice for information security management £18.00 members £36.00 non-members

04/30078095 DC



ISO 11138-1 Sterilization of health care products. Biological indicators. Part 1. General requirements

Comments for the above document are required by 20 September, 2004

04/30082429 DC


ISO/IEC 18033-4 Information technology. Security techniques. Encryption algorithms. Part 4. Stream ciphers

04/30078099 DC 04/30063124 DC ISO 12024 Electronic imaging. Verification of information stored on CD media



ISO 11138-2 Sterilization of health care products. Biological indicators. Part 2. Use in assessing ethylene oxide sterilization processes

04/30088079 DC

LBI/35 04/30063259 DC IEC 61988-4 Plasma display panels. Part 4. Environmental, endurance and mechanical EPL/47

04/30078103 DC


ISO 11138-3 Sterilization of health care products. Biological indicators. Part 3. Use in assessing moist heat sterilization processes

04/30089331 DC


04/30064834 DC ISO 16833 Road vehicles. Wheels. Measurement of radial and lateral run-out

04/30078107 DC


04/30075589 DC

ISO 11138-4 Sterilization of health care products. Biological indicator systems. Part 4. Use in assessing dry heat sterilization processes

BS 8446 Specification for the installation of flued, non-domestic laundry gas-fired laundry appliances GSE/30/-/20

04/30089469 DC


BS ISO 22000 Food safety management systems. Requirements

ISO/IEC 18028-3 Information technology. Security techniques. IT network security. Part 3. Securing communications across networks using security gateways

BS 8430 Terminology Work. Fundamentals made simple

TS/1 04/30078111 DC


04/30076762 DC BS ISO 24337 Laminate floor coverings. Determination of geometrical characteristics


ISO 11138-5 Sterilization of health care products. Biological indicator systems. Part 5. Use in assessing low-temperature steam and formaldehyde sterilization processes LBI/35/3

04/30090846 DC BS ISO 22870 Point-of-care testing (POCT). Requirements for quality and competence CH/212

04/30091816 DC ISO 3046-3 Reciprocating internal combustion engines. Performance. Part 3. Test measurements MCE/14/-/6

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04/30091864 DC

04/30098205 DC

ISO 22498 Plastics. Vinyl chloride homopolymer and copolymer resins. Particle size determination by mechanical sieving

ISO 8132 Hydraulic fluid power. Single rod cylinders, (16 MPa) 160 bar medium and 25 MPa (250 bar) series. Mounting dimensions for accessories MCE/18/-/3


04/30099074 DC EN 14996 Water quality. Guidance on assuring the quality of biological and ecological assessments in the aquatic environment EH/3/5

04/30094395 DC 04/30098397 DC

ISO 9073-13 Textiles. Test methods for nonwovens. Part 13. Repeated liquid strike-through time


04/30094399 DC ISO 9073-14 Textiles. Test methods for nonwovens. Part 14. Wetback

EN 10217-2 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes. Technical delivery conditions. Part 2. Electric welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties ISE/73/1

04/30099162 DC PD IEC TR 61948-3 Nuclear medicine instrumentation. Routine tests. Part 3. Positron emission tomographs CH/62/3 Comments for the above document are required by 31 August, 2004

TCI/24 04/30098400 DC 04/30096886 DC ISO 13503-3 Petroleum and natural gas industries. Completion fluids and materials. Part 3. Testing of heavy brines PSE/17/-/3 Comments for the above document are required by 1 December, 2004

04/30098104 DC ISO 12232 Photography. Digital still cameras. Determination of exposure index, ISO speed ratings, standard output sensitivity, and recommended exposure index CPW/42

EN 10217-3 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes. Technical delivery conditions. Part 3. Alloy fine grain steel tubes ISE/73/1

EN 14969 Railway applications. Track. Qualification of railway trackworks contractors


04/30098188 DC IEC 60947-2 AMD 1. Low voltage switchgear and control gear. Part 2. Circuit breaker PEL/17/2

04/30098195 DC ISO 6020-2 Hydraulic fluid power. Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) series. Part 2. Compact series MCE/18/-/3

EH/3/2 EN 10217-4 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes. Technical delivery conditions. Part 4. Electric welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties ISE/73/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

EN 10217-5 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes. Technical delivery conditions. Part 5. Submerged arc welded non-alloy and alloy steel tubes with specified elevated temperature properties ISE/73/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30099874 DC ISO 9211-4 Optics and optical instruments. Optical coatings. Part 4. Specific test methods CPW/172

04/30100664 DC ISO/IEC 15476-6 Information technology. CDIF semantic metamodel. Part 6. State/event model


04/30103818 DC ISO 11979-3 Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 3. Mechanical properties and test methods CH/172/7

04/30098409 DC EN 10217-6 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes. Technical delivery conditions. Part 6. Submerged arc welded non-alloy steel tubes with specified low temperature properties ISE/73/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30098199 DC ISO 6022 Hydraulic fluid power. Mounting dimensions for single rod cylinders, 25 MPa (250 bar) series MCE/18/-/3

ISO 17858 Water quality. Determination of dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls. Method using gaschromatography/mass spectrometry

04/30098403 DC

04/30098406 DC 04/30098132 DC

04/30099822 DC

04/30098890 DC

04/30103836 DC ISO 11979-5 Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 5. Biocompatibility CH/172/7

04/30103843 DC ISO 11979-7 Ophthalmic implants. Intraocular lenses. Part 7. Clinical investigations CH/172/7

ISO 17852 Water quality. Determination of mercury. Method using atomic fluorescence spectrometry

EH/3/2 Page 37 of 65

04/30105010 DC

04/30115023 DC

ISO 12156-1 Diesel fuel. Assessment of lubricity using the high-frequency reciprocating rig (HFRR). Part 1. Test method

CLC TR 50427 Assessment of inadvertent ignition of flammable atmospheres by radio-frequency radiation. Guide GEL/31/-/602

04/30109749 DC

MCE/22 Please note that this document is under CEN parallel enquiry.

ISO 9355-4 Ergonomic requirements for the design of displays and control actuators. Part 4. Location and arrangement of displays and control actuators


ISO 7240-21 Fire detection and alarm systems. Part 21. Routing equipment

04/30105453 DC 04/30111539 DC

ISO 3166-1 Codes for the representation of names of countries and their subdivisions. Part 1. Country codes


04/30115471 DC

EN 14227-10 Hydraulically bound mixtures. Specifications. Part 10. Soil cement and cement stabilised soils B/510/4

FSH/12/3 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30115607 DC 04/30106462 DC 04/30112636 DC

ISO/IEC 10967-3 Information technology. Language independent arithmetric. Part 3. Complex Floating Point Arithmetic and Complex Elementary Numerical Functions £18.00 members £36.00 non-members

EN 584-1 Non-destructive testing. Industrial radiographic film. Part 1. Classification of film systems for industrial radiography WEE/46


04/30106493 DC ISO/IEC TR 19767 Information technology. Programming languages. Enhanced module facilities in Fortran


IEC 61008-1 AMD 2. Residual current operated circuit-breakers without integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs). Part 1. General rules PEL/23/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30114086 DC EN ISO 10440-1 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries. Rotary-type positive displacement compressors. Part 1. Process compressors (oil-free) £18.00 members £36.00 non-members

04/30115611 DC


04/30107378 DC

04/30114837 DC

EN 12184 Electrically powered wheelchairs, scooters and their chargers. Requirements and test methods CH/173/1

EN 62019 A2 Electrical accessories. Circuit-breakers and similar equipment for household use. Auxiliary contact units PEL/23/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

IEC 61009-1 AMD 2. Residual current operated circuit-breakers with integral overcurrent protection for household and similar uses (RCCBs). Part 1. General rules PEL/23/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30115708 DC IEC TS 60034-17 Rotating electrical machines. Part 17. Cage induction motors when fed from converters. Application guide


04/30107721 DC ISO/IEC 19785-1 Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework. Part 1. Data Element Specification IST/44

04/30108555 DC BS EN 14079 Non-active medical devices. Test methods for absorbent cotton gauzes and absorbent cotton and viscose gauzes used in the manufacturing of compresses and wound packing products CH/205/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30114840 DC

04/30115712 DC

EN 62020 A2 Electrical accessories. Residual current monitors for household and similar uses (RCMs) PEL/23/1 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

IEC TS 60034-26 Rotating electrical machines. Part 26. Effects of unbalanced voltages on the performance of three-phase induction motors

04/30115021 DC

04/30115718 DC

CLC TR 50426 Assessment of inadvertent initiation of bridge wire electro-explosive devices by radiofrequency radiation. Guide £18.00 members £36.00 non-members GEL/602

ISO 8829-2 Aerospace. Test methods for polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) innertube hose assemblies. Part 2. Non-metallic braid ACE/69 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004


04/30108795 DC BS 4422 Glossary of terms and definitions associated with fire

FSH/9 Page 38 of 65

04/30115861 DC

04/30116216 DC

ISO 16063-15 Methods for the calibration of vibration and shock transducers. Part 15. Primary angular vibration calibration by laser interferometry GME/21/2

04/30116039 DC EN 14988-1 Children's high chair. Part 1. Safety requirements


IEC TR 61508-0 Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems. Part 0. Functional safety and IEC 61508 GEL/65/1

04/30116042 DC 04/30115871 DC

04/30116228 DC

EN 14988-2 Children's high chair. Part 2. Text methods

ISO 6546 Road vehicles. Collection of accident data for evaluation of occupant restraint performance

CW/41 AUE/7 04/30116054 DC

ISO 23038 Space systems. Space solar cells. Electron and proton irradiation test methods ACE/68/-/1

IEC 60364-7-729 ED 1. Electrical installations of buildings. Part 7-729. Requirements for special installations or locations. Operating or maintenance gangways JPEL/64

04/30115920 DC

04/30116077 DC

IEC 60747-16-1 AMD 1. Semiconductor devices. Discrete devices. Part 16-1. Microwave integrated circuits. Amplifiers

IEC 60974-10 ED 2. Arc welding equipment. Part 10. Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements

04/30115907 DC

Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004 04/30115954 DC

IEC 61689 ED 2. Ultrasonics. Physiotherapy systems. Performance requirements and methods of measurement in the frequency range 0,5 MHz to 5 MHz


IEC 60216-4-1 ED 4. Guide for the determination of thermal endurance properties of electrical insulating materials. Part 4. Ageing ovens GEL/15/5

IEC 60695-1-12 Fire hazard testing. Part 1-12. Guidance for assessing the fire hazard of electrotechnical products. Fire safety engineering GEL/89

04/30116083 DC IEC 62305-5 Protection against lightning. Part 5. Services

04/30116267 DC


04/30116115 DC 04/30115966 DC

04/30116245 DC

04/30116255 DC



IEC 62359 ED 1. Ultrasonics. Field characterization. Test methods for the determination of thermal and mechanical Indices related to medical diagnostic ultrasonic fields EPL/87

EN 60335-2-97 Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 2-97. Particular requirements for drives for rolling shutters, awnings, blinds and similar equipment CPL/61/01

IEC 61857-31 Electrical insulation systems. Part 31. Procedures for short time thermal evaluation


IEC 61347-2-12 ED 1. Auxiliaries for lamps. Part 2-12. Particular requirements for a.c. supplied electronic ballasts for discharge lamps (excluding fluorescent lamps) CPL/34/3

04/30116286 DC ISO 7975 Passenger cars. Braking in a turn. Open-loop test method


04/30116289 DC 04/30115996 DC

04/30116142 DC

BS EN 61029-2-9:2002/prAB Safety of transportable motor-operated electric tools. Part 2-9. Particular requirements for mitre saws CPL/61/6

ISO 4952 Structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance


ISO 10378 Copper, lead and zinc sulfide concentrates. Determination of gold and silver contents. Fire assay gravimetric and flame atomic absorption spectrometric method NFE/36

04/30116203 DC 04/30116033 DC EN 1729-1 Furniture. Chairs and tables for educational institutions. Part 1. Functional dimensions


04/30116036 DC EN 1729-2 Furniture. Chairs and tables for educational institutions. Part 2. Safety requirements and test methods

IEC 61326-2-5 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. EMC requirements. Part 2-5. Particular requirements. Test configurations, operational conditions and performance criteria for field devices with interfaces according to commun GEL/65/1

04/30116293 DC IEC 61753-1-2 Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Interface standard for fibre management systems. Part 1. Performance standard for fibre management systems for controlled and uncontrolled environment


FW/4 Page 39 of 65

04/30116297 DC

04/30116565 DC

04/30116625 DC

ISO 20826 Road vehicles. Automotive LPG components. Containers

EN 12881-1 Conveyor belts. Fire test. Part 1. Two metre propane gallery

EN 50121-2 Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 2. Emission of the whole railway system to the outside world



GEL/9 04/30116304 DC

04/30116573 DC

ISO 23081-1 Information and documentation. Records management processes. Metadata for records. Part 1. Principles IDT/2/17

EN 15000 Specification for longitudinal load moment limiters for variable reach trucks

04/30116646 DC


EN 50121-1 Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 1. General

GEL/9 04/30116577 DC

04/30116333 DC

04/30116654 DC

BS EN 1991-1-3 Eurocode 1. Actions on structures. Part 1-3. General actions. Snow loads

ISO 10087 Small craft. Craft identification. Coding system



04/30116340 DC

04/30116586 DC

CENELEC TR 50126-3 Railway Applications. The Specification and Demonstration of Reliability, Availability, Maintainability and Safety (RAMS). Part 3. Guide to the application of EN 50126-1 for Rolling Stock RAMS GEL/9/2

ISO 15901-2 Pore size distribution and porosimetry of materials. Evaluation by mercury posimetry and gas adsorption. Part 2. Analysis of meso-pores and macro-pores by gas adsorption LBI/37/4

04/30116589 DC 04/30116362 DC IEC 60431 ED 3. Dimensions of RM cores made of magnetic oxides and associated parts EPL/51

ISO/DIS 11054 Cutting tools. Designation of high-speed steel groups

ISO 18431-1 Mechanical vibration and shock. Signal processing. Part 1. General introduction GME/21/2

04/30116660 DC IEC 61326-2-6 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use. EMC requirements. Part 2-6. Particular requirements. In-vitro diagnostic (IVD) medical equipment GEL/65/1 Comments for the above document are required by 10 September, 2004

04/30116681 DC


EN 14894 LPG Equipment and accessories. LPG cylinder marking PVE/19

04/30116596 DC 04/30116417 DC ISO 8133 Hydraulic fluid power. Single rod cylinders, 16 MPa (160 bar) compact series. Accessory mounting dimensions MCE/18/-/3

ISO 13322-2 Particle size analysis. Image analysis methods. Part 2. Dynamic image analysis methods LBI/37/4

04/30116608 DC

EN 14995 Plastics. Evaluation of compostability. Test scheme and specifications


EN 14893 LPG Equipment and accessories. Transportable LPG metallic pressure drums with a capacity between (150 and 1 000) litres


EN 50121-5 Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 5. Emission and immunity of fixed power supply installations and apparatus

04/30116500 DC

04/30116684 DC

04/30116688 DC


EN 9135 Aerospace series. Quality systems. Specific quality requirements for NATO suppliers

ACE/1 04/30116562 DC

04/30116612 DC

ISO 16673 Road vehicles. Ergonomic aspects of transport information and control systems. Occlusion method to assess visual distraction due to the use of in-vehicle systems AUE/12 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

EN 50121-4 Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 4. Emission and immunity of the signalling and telecommunications apparatus

04/30116719 DC


04/30116621 DC EN 50121-3-2 Railway applications. Electromagnetic compatibility. Part 3-2. Rolling stock. Apparatus

IEC 61300-2-23 AMD 1. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Basic test and measurement procedures. Part 2-23. Tests. Sealing for non-pressurized closures of fibre optic devices GEL/86/2


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04/30116723 DC

04/30116791 DC

04/30116822 DC

IEC 61300-2-33 AMD 1. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Basic test and measurement procedures. Part 2-33. Tests. Assembly and disassembly of enclosures GEL/86/2

BS EN 15002 Characterisation of waste. Preperation of test portions from laboratory sample B/508/3

ISO/IEC 11693 Identification cards. Optical memory cards. General characteristics

04/30116727 DC IEC 61300-2-37 AMD 1. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Basic test and measurement procedures. Part 2-37. Tests. Cable bending for closures GEL/86/2

04/30116796 DC EN 15001-1 Gas supply systems. Gas installation pipework with an operating pressure greater than 0.5 bar for industrial, commercial and non-domestic installations. Part 1. Detailed functional requirements for design, materials, construction, inspection an £18.00 members £36.00 non-members GSE/33

04/30116731 DC IEC 61300-2-38 AMD 1. Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Basic test and measurement procedures. Part 2-38. Tests. Sealing for pressurized closures of fibre optic devices GEL/86/2

04/30116774 DC ISO/IEC 8802-3 AMD 3. Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Local and metropolitan area networks. Specific requirements. Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and phys


04/30116801 DC

ISO/IEC 11694-1 Identification cards. Optical memory cards. Linear recording method. Part 1. Physical characteristics

IST/17 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30116828 DC ISO/IEC 11694-2 Identification cards. Optical memory cards. Linear recording method. Part 2. Dimensions and location of the accessible optical area

Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30116805 DC

prEN 14383-1 Prevention of crime. Urban planning and building design. Part 1. Definition of specific terms B/209/10

BS EN 14346 Characterisation of waste. Calculation of dry matter by determination of dry residue and wet content B/508/3 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

04/30116812 DC EN 15004-1 Fixed firefighting systems. Gas extinguishing systems. Part 1. General requirements for planning and installation

ISO/IEC 8802-3 AMD 4. Information technology. Telecommunications and information exchange between systems. Local and metropolitan area networks. Specific requirements. Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD) access method and phys

04/30116825 DC

EN 15001-2 Gas supply systems. Gas installation pipework with an operating pressure greater than 0.5 bar for industrial, commercial and non-domestic installations. Part 2. Detailed functional requirements for commissioning, operation and maintenance GSE/33

Comments for the above document are required by 15 October, 2004

04/30116776 DC

IST/17 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004


04/30116834 DC

04/30116841 DC EN 12094-7 A1 Fixed firefighting systems. Components for gas extinguishing systems. Part 7. Requirements and test methods for nozzles for CO2 systems FSH/18/6

04/30116842 DC


ISO 12078 Anhydrous milk fat. Determination of sterol composition by gas liquid chromatography (Reference method)


04/30116815 DC

IST/6 Comments for the above document are required by 15 October, 2004

ISO/IEC 19785-2 Information technology. Common Biometric Exchange Formats Framework. Part 2. Procedures for the Operation of the Biometric Registration Authority IST/44

04/30116845 DC ISO 18252 Anhydrous milk fat. Determination of sterol composition by gas liquid chromatography (Routine method)


04/30116788 DC 04/30116818 DC

BS EN 14997 Characterisation of waste. Leaching behaviour tests. Influence of pH on leaching with continuous pH-control

ISO/IEC 9494-X AMD 3. Information technology. OSI. The Directory

IST/6 B/508/3

Page 41 of 65

04/30116850 DC

04/30117071 DC

04/30117156 DC

IEC 62153-4-7 Metallic communication cable test methods. Part 4-7. Electro Magnetic Compatibility (EMC). Shielded screening attenuation, test method for measuring the Transfer impedance ZT, the screening attenuation as and the coupling attenuation ac of R EPL/46/1

EN 14994 Gas explosion venting protective systems

EN 50441-1 Un-screened cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations. Part 1. Grade 1 EPL/46/1


04/30117078 DC ISO 18650-2 Building construction machinery and equipment. Concrete mixers. Part 2. Procedure for examination of mixing efficiency

04/30117159 DC


EN 50441-2 Screened cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations. Part 2. Grade 2

04/30116856 DC


IEC 60947-1 AMD 1. Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear. Part 1. General rules PEL/17/2

04/30117081 DC

04/30116868 DC

04/30117084 DC

EN 175301-803 Detail Specification. Rectangular connectors. Flat contacts, 0,8 mm thickness, locking screw not detachable EPL/48/2

ISO 6015 Earth-moving machinery. Hydraulic excavators. Methods of determining tool forces B/513/1

ISO 15818 Earth-moving machinery. Lifting and tying down devices B/513/1

04/30117162 DC EN 50441-3 Screened cables for indoor residential telecommunication installations. Part 3. Grade 3


04/30117165 DC EN 50117-1/prA1 Coaxial cables. Part 1. Generic specification

04/30117087 DC 04/30116908 DC


ISO 7451 Earth-moving machinery. Volumetric ratings for hoe-type and grab-type buckets of hydraulic excavators and backhoe loaders B/513/1

ISO 11884-1 Optics and photonics. Microscopes. Minimum requirements for stereo microscopes. Part 1. Stereo microscopes for general use


04/30117238 DC ISO 21413 Manual methods for the measurement of a groundwater level in a well CPI/113/8

04/30117143 DC 04/30116911 DC EN 61558-2-5/prA1 Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar. Part 2-5. Particular requirements for shaver transformers and shaver supply units PEL/96

IEC 61280-2-11 Fibre optic communication subsystem test procedures. Part 2-11. Digital systems. Averaged Q-factor determination using amplitude histogram evaluation for optical signal quality monitoring

04/30117243 DC BS ISO 3534-1 Statistics. Vocabulary and symbols. Part 1. Probability and general statistical terms

SS/1 GEL/86/3 04/30117245 DC

04/30117150 DC 04/30116976 DC EN ISO 4618 Paints and varnishes. Terms and definitions


EN 50288-7 Multi-element metallic cables used in analogue and digital communication and control. Part 7. Sectional specification for instrumentation and control cables EPL/46/1

04/30117001 DC IEC 60645-3 ED 2. Audiometers. Part 3. Auditory test signals of short duration for audiometric and neuro-otological purposes EPL/29 Comments for the above document are required by 22 September, 2004

04/30117014 DC ISO/IEC TR 15476-5 Information technology. CDIF semantic metamodel. Part 5. Dataflow models IST/15

04/30117153 DC EN 50117-2-1 Coaxial cables. Part 2-1. Sectional specification for cables used in cabled distribution networks. Indoor drop cables for systems operating at 5 MHz. 1 000 MHz EPL/46/1

BS ISO 3534-2 Statistics. Vocabulary and symbols. Part 2. Applied statistics


04/30117249 DC IEC 60079-2 Electrical apparatus for explosive gas atmospheres. Part 2. Pressurized enclosures 'p' GEL/31

04/30117319 DC BS EN 60335-2-72 Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety. Part 2-72. Particular requirements for automatic machines for floor treatment for commercial and industrial use CPL/61/10

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04/30117386 DC

04/30117506 DC

BS EN 61992-4

EN 334 Gas pressure regulators for inlet pressures up to 100 bar GSE/32 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

EN 14382 Safety devices for gas pressure regulating stations and installations. Gas safety shut-off devices for inlet pressures up to 100 bar

Outdoor d.c. disconnectors switch-disconnectors and earthing switches

BS EN 61992-5

04/30117407 DC

GSE/32 Comments for the above document are required by 30 September, 2004

ISO 18232 Health informatics. Messages and communication. Length limited globally unique string identifiers. Format



04/30117426 DC

Surge arresters and low-voltage limiters for specific use in d.c. systems

BS EN 61992-6 D.C. switchgear assemblies

BS EN 61992-7:-

IEC 61308 ED 2. High-frequency dielectric heating installations. Test methods for the determination of power output PEL/27

BS 667 Illuminance meters. Requirements and test methods

BS 7920 Luminance meters. Requirements and test methods

04/30117440 DC IEC 60076-13 ED 1. Power transformers. Part 13. Self-protected liquid filled transformers


04/30117451 DC IEC 60086-4 ED 3. Primary batteries. Part 4. Safety of lithium batteries


04/30117463 DC

The preceding draft new editions of BS 667 and BS 7920 incorporate changes necessitated by the imminent publication of BS EN 13032-1, which will specify laboratory illuminance meters and laboratory luminance meters for testing luminares only and will not Contact: Geraldine Salt Email: [email protected] CPL/34/5

BS EN 50172 Emergency escape lighting systems

ISO/IEC 19502 Information technology. Meta object facility (MOF). Specification £33.00 members £66.00 non-members


This publication will be available shortly and reproduces verbatim EN 50172. Contact: Geoff Horrocks Email: [email protected] CPL/34/9

Measurement.control and protection devices for specific use in d.c. traction systems

BS EN 61992-7-1 Application guide

BS EN 61992-7-2 Isolating current transducers and other current measuring devices

BS EN 61992-7-3 Isolating voltage transducers and other voltage measuring devices

The preceding publications will be available shortly and reproduce verbatim EN 60992-1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, 7-1, -7-2 and -7-3:2003. Contact: Geoff Horrocks Email: [email protected] GEL/9

EN 772:Methods of test for masonry units

EN 772-11:2000/Amendment 1

04/30117466 DC ISO/IEC 19503 Information technology. XML metadata interchange (XMI) £18.00 members £36.00 non-members

BS EN 61992:Railway applications. Fixed installations. D.C. switchgear


BS EN 61992-1 General

04/30117476 DC ISO 17775 Aircraft ground service interfaces. Potable water, toilet flush water and toilet drain

BS EN 61992-2 D.C. circuit breakers

ACE/57 BS EN 61992-3

Determination of water absorption of aggregate concrete, manufactured stone and natural stone masonry units due to capillary action and the initial rate of water absorption of clay masonry units

This amendment has been ratified by CEN and will be adopted in the UK and published as an amendment to BS EN 772-11:2000 Contact: David Fisher Email: [email protected] B/519

Indoor d.c. disconnectors, switch-disconnectors and earthing switches

Page 43 of 65

ISO/DIS 8992

ISO/DTR 17766:2004

Fasteners. General requirements for bolts, screws, studs and nuts

Effects of liquid viscosity on rotodynamic (centrifugal and vertical) pump performance

This draft has been reviewed by BSI Technical Committee FME/9/3. Copies of the text are available for comment from the committee secretary (below). Contact: Audrey Erlem Email: [email protected] FME/9/3

ISO/DIS 10071:Tools for pressing. Ball-lock punches

ISO/DIS 10071-2 Ball-lock punches for heavy duty

This draft has been reviewed by BSI Technical Committee MTE/12. Copy of the text is available for comment from the committee secretary (below). Contact: Audrey Erlem Email: [email protected] MTE/12

ISO DIS 19135:Geographic information. Procedures for the registration of items of geographic information

This standard has been circulated to ISO members as a Draft International Standard (DIS) by ISO/TC 211. It has not been circulated as a Draft for Publlic Comment (DPC) but copies of the text are available from the committee secretary (below), tp whom com Contact: Jean Stride Email: [email protected] IST/36

ISO/DIS 23913 Water quality. Determination of chromium(VI) and the sum ofchromium(III) and chromium (VI). Method using flow analysis (FIA and CFA) and spectrometric detection

No UK interest in this method has been expressed, and consequently there is no intention to adopt it as a British Standard. Contact: Roger Wellings Email: [email protected] EH/3/2

ISO/IEC 15423

The preceding publication has been issued for approval for publication as a Technical Specification or Technical Report. Any comments should be submitted electronically to the committee secretary (below) before 10 September, 2004. Manjit Matharu Email: [email protected] MCE/6

ISO/IEC FCD 18026 Spatial reference model (SRM)

Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code scanner and decoder performance testing

This document will shortly be adopted as British Standard BS ISO/IEC 15423. If you require further information please contact the committee secretary (below). Contact: Frank Thomas Email: [email protected] IST/34

ISO/IEC 15444:Information technology. JPEG 2000 image coding system. Extensions

ISO/IEC FCD 18042:ISO/IEC 15444-2:2004/FPDAM 2 ISO/IEC FCD 18042-4 SRM binding to C

Extended capabilities marker segment

The preceding standards, overseen by committee IST/31, have been circulated to ISO members as final committee drafts by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24. They have not been circulated as Drafts for Publlic Comment (DPC) but copies of the texts are available from the Contact: Jean Stride Email: [email protected] IST/31

This standard has been approved for publication by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29, and will be implemented as a British Standard It has not been circulated as a Draft for Public Comment (DPC) but copies of the text are available from the committee secretary (below Contact: Jean Stride Email: [email protected] IST/37

ISO/IEC 18024:ISO/IEC FDIS 15962

Information technology. Synthetic Environment Data Representation and Interchange Specification (SEDRIS). Language bindings

Information technology. Radio frequency identification (RFID) for item management. Data protocol: data encoding rules and logical memory functions

ISO/IEC 18024-4 C

This document has recently been circulated for FDIS balloting. If you require further information please contact the committee secretary (below). Contact: Frank Thomas Email: [email protected] IST/34

ISO/IEC 15415 Information technology. Automatic identification and data capture techniques. Bar code print quality test specification. Two-dimensional symbols

This document will shortly be adopted as British Standard BS ISO/IEC 15415. If you require further information please contact the committee secretary (below). Contact: Frank Thomas Email: [email protected] IST/34

This standard has been circulated to ISO members as a final committee draft by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 24. It has not been circulated as a Draft for Public Comment (DPC) but copies of the text are available from the committee secretary (below), to whom comments Contact: Jean Stride Email: [email protected] IST/31


BS EN 13084:Free-standing chimneys Page 44 of 65

prEN ISO 9046 BS EN 13084-5:2004 Materials for brick liners. Product specification

The text of prEN 13084-5 is circulated under the CEN Unique Acceptance Procedure for approval to publish by October 2004. A copy of the draft is available on request under document reference B/525/13.0001/04 from the committee secretary (below), to whom c Contact: Ray Kerrigan Email: [email protected] B/525/13

EN 975-2:2004 Poplars

Building construction. Jointing products. Determination of adhesion/cohesion properties of sealants at constant temperature (ISO 9046: 2002)

£41.80 members £44.00 non-members


This standard has been circulated to CEN members under the CEN accelerated Unique Acceptance Procedure (UAP) by Technical Committee CEN/CS Subsector B02. It has not been circulated as a Draft for Public Comment (DPC) but copies of the text are available f Contact: Tony McKendry Email: [email protected] B/547

EN 1486:Structural adhesives. Determination of shear behaviour of structural bonds

EN 1856:Chimneys. Performance requirements for metal chimneys

EN 1856-2:2004

ISO 9445:2002 Continuously cold-rolled stainless steel narrow strip, wide strip, plate/sheet and cut lengths. Tolerances on dimensions and form

prEN 1303

The above standard has been circulated to CEN members for voting under the Primary Questionnaire procedure for possible implementation as an EN or ENV. It will not be issued as a Draft for Public Comment (DPC) but copies of the draft ISO 9445:2002 are ava Contact: Keith Seyde Email: [email protected] ISE/30

This standard has been circulated to CEN members under the CEN accelerated Unique Acceptance Procedure (UAP) by Technical Committee CEN/TC 33. It has not been circulated as a Draft for Public Comment (DPC) but copies of the text are available from the com Contact: Tony McKendry Email: [email protected] B/538/4

Metal liners and connecting flue pipes products £89.30 members £94.00 non-members

Building hardware. Cylinders for locks. Requirements and test methods


EN 10326:2004 Continuously hot-dip coated structural steels strip and sheet. Technical delivery conditions £53.20 members £56.00 non-members


EN 12697:Bituminous mixtures. Test methods for hot mix asphalt

prEN 821:Advanced technical ceramics. Monolithic ceramics. Thermophysical properties


EN 12697-24:2004 Resistance to fatigue

prEN 821-3 Determination of specific heat capacity

This draft is submitted to the Unique Acceptance Procedure and has been issued to technical committee RPI/13 under reference RPI/13 0031/04. Copies may be obtained from the committee secretary (below) at BSI Head Office, to whom any comments should be su Contact: Sheila O'Reilly Email: sheila.o'[email protected] RPI/13

£108.30 members £114.00 non-members

EN 58:2004 Bitumen and bituminous binders


£89.30 members £94.00 non-members


EN 13032:Light and lighting. Measurement and presentation of photometric data for lamps and luminaires

EN 206:Concrete

EN 13032-1:2004 Measurement and file format

EN 206-1:-

£108.30 members £114.00 non-members

Specification, performance, production and conformity AMENDMENT 1:July 2004 to EN 206-1:2000


£41.80 members £44.00 non-members

EN 13129:-


Railway applications. Air conditioning for main line rolling stock

EN 975:Sawn timber. Appearance grading of hardwoods

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EN 13129-2:2004 Type tests

EN 14777:2004

£89.30 members £94.00 non-members


Space engineering. Multipaction design and test £119.70 members £126.00 non-members ACE/68/-/6

EN 13616:2004

EN 50065-4-6:2004 Phase coupler £41.80 members £44.00 non-members


EN 50308:2004 EN 14869:-

Overfill prevention devices for static tanks for liquid petroleum fuels £108.30 members £114.00 non-members

Structural adhesives. Determination of shear behaviour of structural bonds


Wind turbines. Protective measures. Requirements for design, operation and maintenance £76.00 members £80.00 non-members PEL/88

EN 14869-2:2004 Thick adherends shear test EN 13684:2004

EN 50390:2004

£53.20 members £56.00 non-members

Garden equipment. Pedestrian controlled lawn aerators and scarifiers. Safety £102.60 members £108.00 non-members




EN 13721:2004

Space product assurance. The manual soldering of high-reliability electrical connections £108.30 members £114.00 non-members ACE/68

EN 50406:-

Furniture. Assessment of the surface reflectance £41.80 members £44.00 non-members

CEN/TR 13201:Road lighting

End user multi-pair cables used in high bit rate telecommunication networks

CEN/TR 13201-1:2004 Selection of lighting classes

EN 50406-1:2004 Aerial cables

£76.00 members £80.00 non-members

£41.80 members £44.00 non-members


EN 13722:2004 Furniture. Assessment of the surface gloss £41.80 members £44.00 non-members


CPL/34/8 FW/1

EN 50406-2:2004 Duct and buried cables


£41.80 members £44.00 non-members

EN 13981:Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Products for structural railway applications. Technical conditions for inspections and delivery

EPL/46 EN 54:EN 50407:-

Fire detection and fire alarm systems

EN 13981-2:2004 Plates and sheets

Multi-pair cables used in high bit rate digital access telecommunication networks

EN 54-14:2004

£41.80 members £44.00 non-members


EN 14181:2004

Guidelines for planning, design, installation, commissioning, use and maintenance £119.70 members £126.00 non-members

EN 50407-1:2004 Outdoor cables £41.80 members £44.00 non-members



Stationary source emissions. Quality assurance of automated measuring systems £108.30 members £114.00 non-members


EN 50065:-

EN 60335:-

Signalling on low-voltage electrical installations in the frequency range 3 kHz to 148,5 kHz

Household and similar electrical appliances. Safety

EN 50065-4:Low voltage decoupling filters

Page 46 of 65

EN 60335-2-24:Particular requirements for refrigerating appliances, ice-cream appliances and ice-makers AMENDMENT 11:July 2004 to EN 60335-2-24:2003 £28.50 members £30.00 non-members

EN 60809:(IEC 60809/A3:2004 )

EN 61241-10:2004 (IEC 61241-10:2004)

Lamps for road vehicles. Dimensional, electrical and luminous requirements AMENDMENT 3:July 2004 to EN 60809:1995

Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present GEL/31/20

CPL/34/1 EN 61558:-


Safety of power transformers, power supply units and similar

EN 60851:Methods of test for winding wires

EN 60335-2-40:Particular requirements for electrical heat pumps, air conditioners and dehumidifiers AMENDMENT 11:July 2004 to EN 60335-2-40:2003

EN 61558-2-5:Particular requirements for shaver transformers and shaver supply units AMENDMENT 11:July 2004 to EN 61558-2-5:1998

EN 60851-5:(IEC 60851-5/A2:2004 )

£28.50 members £30.00 non-members


EN 60335-2-89:Particular requirements for commercial refrigerating appliances with an incorporated or remote refrigerant condensing unit or compressor AMENDMENT 11:July 2004 to EN 60335-2-89:2002

Electrical properties. Addition of new sub-clauses for glass-fibre insulated round copper wire and glass-fibre covered enamelled round copper wire AMENDMENT 2:May 2004 to EN 60851-5:1996

£22.80 members £24.00 non-members

PEL/96 GEL/55

Industrial rigid laminated sheets based on thermosetting resins for electrical purposes

Electric appliances connected to the water mains. Avoidance of back siphonage and failure of hose-sets AMENDMENT 1:July 2004 to EN 61770:1999

EN 60893-2:2004 (IEC 60893-2:2003) Methods of test

EN 61804:-

EN 60893:-

£28.50 members £30.00 non-members


EN 60684:Flexible insulating sleeving

EN 60684-3:Specifications for individual types of sleeving

EN 60684-3-165:2004 (IEC 60684-3-162:2004) Extruded polyolefin, flame retarded, limited hazard sleeving GEL/15/3/5

EN 60793:Optical fibres

EN 60793-2-50:2004 (IEC 60793-2-50:2004) Products specification. Sectional specification for class B single-mode fibres GEL/86/1

EN 61770:(IEC 61770/A1:2004)


Function blocks (FB) for process control

EN 60901:(IEC 60901/A3:2004)

EN 61804-2:2004 (IEC 61804-2:2004)

Single-capped fluorescent lamps. Performance specifications AMENDMENT 3:July 2004 to EN 60901:1996 CPL/34/1

Specification of FB concept and electronic device description language (EDDL)


EN 62199:2004 (IEC 62199:2004) Bushings for D.C. application

EN 61000:Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)


EN 61000-6-3:Generic standards. Emission standard for residential, commercial and light-industrial environments AMENDMENT 11:July 2004 to EN 61000-6-3:2001 £22.80 members £24.00 non-members


EN 62270:2004 (IEC 62270:2004) Hydroelectric power plant automation. Guide for computer-based control


EN 62281:2004 (IEC 62281:2004) Safety of primary and lithium cells and batteries during transport

EN 61241:-


Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust

Page 47 of 65

EN 62358:2004 (IEC 62358:2004)

TR 101 803-10: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1) EN 300 440:-

Ferrite core. Standard inductance factor (AL) and its tolerance


Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Short range devices. Radio equipment to be used in the 1 GHz to 40 GHz frequency range

Routeing and switching of IP traffic over DTM Price on application TCT/101

TR 101 953:-


Access network xDSL transmission filters.

EN 300 440-2: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Harmonized EN under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Price on application TCT/101

CEN/TS 1071:Advanced technical ceramics. Methods of test for ceramic coatings

EN 302 064:Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Wireless Video Links (WVL) operating in the 1,3 GHz to 50 GHz frequency band

CEN/TS 1071-10:2004 Determination of coating thickness by cross section £53.20 members £56.00 non-members

TR 101 953-2:VDSL splitters for European deployment

TR 101 953-2-2: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1) Specification of testing methods for high pass part of VDSL/POTS splitters Price on application TCT/101

RPI/13 EN 302 064-1: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) CEN/TS 1159:-

TR 101 953-2-3: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1)

Technical characteristics and methods of measurement Price on application

Advanced technical ceramics. Ceramic composites. Thermophysical properties


Specification of testing methods for VDSL/ISDN splitters Price on application TCT/101

CEN/TS 1159-4:2004 Determination of thermal conductivity £53.20 members £56.00 non-members



TR 102 313: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1)


Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Frequency-agile Generic Short Range Devices using Listen-Before-Transmit (LBT) Technical Report Price on application TCT/101

ES 202 913: July 2004 (Version 1.2.1) Access and Terminals (AT). POTS requirements applicable to ADSL modems when connected to an analogue presented PSTN line Price on application TCT/101

TR 102 314:Access and Terminals (AT). Fixed network Multimedia Messaging Service (F-MMS). PSTN/ISDN

EN 300 019:Environmental Engineering EE. Environmental conditions and environmental tests for telecommunications equipment.

TR 102 314-6: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1)

SR 001 262: July 2004 (Version 2.0.0) ETSI drafting rules Price on application


EN 300 019-1:Classification of environmental conditions

EN 300 019-1-3: July 2004 (Version 2.2.2) Stationary use at weather protected locations Price on application TCT/101

Control strings (service codes) for MMS functions and MMS supplementary services Price on application TCT/101

TR 101 803:Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN). Dynamic synchronous Transfer Mode (DTM)

Page 48 of 65

TR 102 328: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1)

TR 125 993: June 2004 (Version 6.6.0)

TS 101 724: June 2004 (Version 7.11.0)

Fixed Radio Systems. Multipoint equipment. Report on Fixed Wireless Access systems which apply Mesh topology and operate in applicable Fixed Service bands within the 3 GHz to 11 GHz range Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Typical examples of Radio Access Bearers (RABs) and Radio Bearers (RBs) supported by Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (UTRA) (3GPP TR 25.993 version 6.6.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Location Services (LCS). Functional description. Stage 2 (3GPP TS 03.71 version 7.11.0 Release 1998) Price on application TCT/101

TR 102 341: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1) Access and Terminals (AT). Short Message Service (SMS) for PSTN/ISDN. Control Strings (service codes) for SMS functions and SMS supplementary services Price on application TCT/101

TR 102 343: July 2004 (Version 1.1.1) Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). Ultra Low Power Active Medical Implants (ULP-AMI) operating in the 401 MHz to 402 MHz and 405 MHz to 406 MHz bands. System Reference Document Price on application TCT/101

TR 125 921: June 2004 (Version 4.8.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Guidelines and principles for protocol description and error handling (3GPP TR 25.921 version 4.8.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101

TR 125 921: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Guidelines and principles for protocol description and error handling (3GPP TR 25.921 version 5.5.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101 TR 125 921: June 2004 (Version 3.11.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Guidelines and principles for protocol description and error handling (3GPP TR 25.921 version 3.11.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

TS 100 607:Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Mobile Station (MS) conformance specification

TS 101 791: July 2004 (Version 1.3.1) Transmission and Multiplexing (TM). Dense wavelength division multiplexing devices. Common requirements and conformance testing Price on application

TCT/101 TS 100 607-4: June 2004 (Version 8.8.0) Subscriber Interface Module (SIM) application toolkit conformance specification (3GPP TS 11.10-4 version 8.8.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

TS 100 671: July 2004 (Version 1.3.1) Transmission and Multiplexing (TM). Passive optical components. Optical fibre connectors for single mode optical fibre communication systems. Common requirements and conformance testing Price on application TCT/101

TS 101 263: July 2004 (Version 1.2.1) Transmission and Multiplexing (TM). Passive optical components. Fibre optic mechanical splices for single-mode optical fibre communications systems for indoor and outdoor applications. Common requirements and conformance testing Price on application TCT/101

TS 101 855: June 2004 (Version 8.13.0) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a GERAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 01.01 version 8.13.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

TS 102 000: July 2004 (Version 1.4.1) Broadband Radio Access Networks (BRAN). HIPERACCESS. DLC protocol specification Price on application TCT/101

TS 102 188:Satellite Earth Stations and Systems (SES). Regenerative Satellite Mesh. A (RSM-A) air interface. Physical layer specification

TS 102 188-1: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) General description Price on application

TCT/101 TS 101 724: June 2004 (Version 8.9.0) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Location Services (LCS). Functional description. Stage 2 (3GPP TS 03.71 version 8.9.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

TS 102 188-2: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Frame structure Price on application


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TS 102 188-3: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Channel coding

TS 125 101: June 2004 (Version 5.11.0) TS 123 153: June 2004 (Version 4.10.0)

Price on application


TS 102 188-4: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Modulation

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). User Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.101 version 5.11.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Out of Band Transcoder Control. Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.153 version 4.10.0 Release 4) Price on application


Price on application


TS 102 188-5: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Radio transmission and reception

TS 123 221: June 2004 (Version 5.10.0)


Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Architectural requirements (3GPP TS 23.221 version 5.10.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101


TS 123 271: June 2004 (Version 5.11.0)

Price on application

TS 102 188-6: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Radio link control Price on application

TS 102 188-7: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Synchronization Price on application


TS 102 333: July 2004 (Version 1.1.2) Telecommunications and Internet converged Services and Protocols for Advanced Networking (TISPAN). Gate control protocol Price on application TCT/101

TS 121 101: June 2004 (Version 5.7.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Technical Specifications and Technical Reports for a UTRAN-based 3GPP system (3GPP TS 21.101 version 5.7.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 123 078: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). customized Applications for Mobile network Enhanced Logic (CAMEL). Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.078 version 5.8.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Location Services (LCS). Functional description. Stage 2 (3GPP TS 23.271 version 5.11.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 104: June 2004 (Version 6.6.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.104 version 6.6.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 105: June 2004 (Version 5.6.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.105 version 5.6.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 105: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) TS 124 007: June 2004 (Version 5.2.0) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Mobile radio interface signalling layer 3. General Aspects (3GPP TS 24.007 version 5.2.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 124 007: June 2004 (Version 4.3.0) Digital cellular telecommunications system (Phase 2+). Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Mobile radio interface signalling layer 3. General Aspects (3GPP TS 24.007 version 4.3.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.105 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101 TS 125 105: June 2004 (Version 4.8.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.105 version 4.8.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 106: June 2004 (Version 4.8.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRA repeater radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 25.106 version 4.8.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101

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TS 125 106: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0)

TS 125 133: June 2004 (Version 6.6.0)

TS 125 143: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRA repeater radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 25.106 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.133 version 6.6.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRA repeater conformance testing (3GPP TS 25.143 version 5.8.0 Release 5) Price on application

TS 125 106: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRA repeater radio transmission and reception (3GPP TS 25.106 version 5.8.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 133: June 2004 (Version 5.11.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.133 version 5.11.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 123: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Requirements for support of radio resource management (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.123 version 5.9.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 123: June 2004 (Version 4.13.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Requirements for support of radio resource management (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.123 version 4.13.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101 TS 125 123: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Requirements for support of radio resource management (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.123 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 133: June 2004 (Version 3.18.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Requirements for support of radio resource management (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.133 version 3.18.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 141: June 2004 (Version 6.6.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) conformance testing (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.141 version 6.6.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 142: June 2004 (Version 4.9.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) conformance testing (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.142 version 4.9.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 142: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) conformance testing (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.142 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 142: June 2004 (Version 5.7.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Base Station (BS) conformance testing (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.142 version 5.7.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101


TS 125 143: June 2004 (Version 4.10.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRA repeater conformance testing (3GPP TS 25.143 version 4.10.0 Release 4) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 143: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRA repeater conformance testing (3GPP TS 25.143 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application


TS 125 211: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Physical channels and mapping of transport channels onto physical channels (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.211 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 212: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Multiplexing and channel coding (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.212 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 212: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Multiplexing and channel coding (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.212 version 5.9.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

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TS 125 214: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Physical layer procedures (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.214 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 214: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Physical layer procedures (FDD) (3GPP TS 25.214 version 5.9.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 221: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Physical channels and mapping of transport channels onto physical channels (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.221 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 224: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Physical layer procedures (TDD) (3GPP TS 25.224 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 304: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected mode (3GPP TS 25.304 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 304: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0)

TS 125 321: June 2004 (Version 4.10.0) TS 125 305: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). User Equipment (UE) positioning in Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN). Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.305 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 305: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). User Equipment (UE) positioning in Universal Terrestrial Radio Access Network (UTRAN). Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.305 version 5.9.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 306: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UE Radio Access capabilities definition (3GPP TS 25.306 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.321 version 4.10.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101 TS 125 321: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.321 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 322: June 2004 (Version 3.18.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.322 version 3.18.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 322: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0)


TS 125 321: June 2004 (Version 3.17.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.321 version 3.17.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.322 version 5.8.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 322: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0)

TS 125 321: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.322 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101 TS 125 322: June 2004 (Version 4.12.0)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.321 version 5.9.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Radio Link Control (RLC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.322 version 4.12.0 Release 4) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). User Equipment (UE) procedures in idle mode and procedures for cell reselection in connected mode (3GPP TS 25.304 version 5.5.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101 Page 52 of 65

TS 125 324: June 2004 (Version 3.8.0)

TS 125 401: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0)

TS 125 414: June 2004 (Version 5.6.0)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Broadcast/Multicast Control (BMC) (3GPP TS 25.324 version 3.8.0 Release 1999) Price on application

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN overall description (3GPP TS 25.401 version 5.8.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iu interface data transport and transport signalling (3GPP TS 25.414 version 5.6.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101


TS 125 324: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0)

TS 125 401: June 2004 (Version 6.3.0)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Broadcast/Multicast Control (BMC) (3GPP TS 25.324 version 5.4.0 Release 5) Price on application

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN overall description (3GPP TS 25.401 version 6.3.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101


TS 125 324: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0)

TS 125 410: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Broadcast/Multicast Control (BMC) (3GPP TS 25.324 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iu Interface. General Aspects and Principles (3GPP TS 25.410 version 5.4.0 Release 5) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 324: June 2004 (Version 4.4.0)

TS 125 414: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iu interface data transport and transport signalling (3GPP TS 25.414 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 420: June 2004 (Version 5.2.0)


Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iur Interface. General Aspects and Principles (3GPP TS 25.420 version 5.2.0 Release 5) Price on application


Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Broadcast/Multicast Control (BMC) (3GPP TS 25.324 version 4.4.0 Release 4) Price on application

TS 125 410: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0)


TS 125 331: June 2004 (Version 3.19.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Radio Resource Control (RRC) protocol specification (3GPP TS 25.331 version 3.19.0 Release 1999) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 346: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). Introduction of Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS) in the Radio Access Network (RAN). Stage 2 (3GPP TS 25.346 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 420: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0)

Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iu Interface. General Aspects and Principles (3GPP TS 25.410 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application


Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iur Interface. General Aspects and Principles (3GPP TS 25.420 version 6.1.0 Release 6) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 413: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iu interface Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.413 version 5.9.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 423: June 2004 (Version 5.10.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem Application Part (RNSAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.423 version 5.10.0 Release 5) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 413: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iu interface Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.413 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101

TS 125 423: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS). UTRAN Iur interface Radio Network Subsystem Application Part (RNSAP) signalling (3GPP TS 25.423 version 6.2.0 Release 6) Price on application TCT/101 Page 53 of 65

TS 125 426: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0) Price on application

TS 129 002: June 2004 (Version 3.20.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 426: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Price on application

TS 129 198-4: June 2004 (Version 4.9.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 129 002: June 2004 (Version 5.10.0) Price on application




TS 129 198-5: June 2004 (Version 4.9.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 430: June 2004 (Version 5.3.0) Price on application

TS 129 007: June 2004 (Version 3.15.0) Price on application



TS 129 198-8: June 2004 (Version 4.8.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 430: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Price on application

TS 129 007: June 2004 (Version 5.10.0) Price on application



TS 129 198-11: June 2004 (Version 4.5.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 433: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Price on application

TS 129 007: June 2004 (Version 4.11.0) Price on application



TS 129 207: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 433: June 2004 (Version 6.2.0) Price on application

TS 129 061: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Price on application



TS 129 208: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 125 453: June 2004 (Version 6.5.0) Price on application

TS 129 061: June 2004 (Version 4.10.0) Price on application



TS 131 102: June 2004 (Version 4.13.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 126 236: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0) Price on application

TS 129 078: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0) Price on application



TS 131 102: June 2004 (Version 5.9.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 127 001: June 2004 (Version 3.15.0) Price on application

TS 129 108: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0) Price on application


TS 127 001: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0) Price on application

TS 131 102: June 2004 (Version 3.17.0) Price on application


TS 129 108: June 2004 (Version 6.1.0) Price on application


TS 127 001: June 2004 (Version 4.12.0) Price on application

TS 131 121: June 2004 (Version 3.9.0) Price on application


TS 129 198-1: June 2004 (Version 4.3.5) Price on application


TS 129 002: June 2004 (Version 4.15.0) Price on application


TS 131 121: June 2004 (Version 4.8.0) Price on application


TS 129 198-3: June 2004 (Version 4.9.0) Price on application




TS 132 104: June 2004 (Version 3.8.0) Price on application


TCT/101 Page 54 of 65

TS 132 403: June 2004 (Version 5.7.0) Price on application

TS 132 111-2: June 2004 (Version 4.7.0) Price on application


TS 132 644: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 403: June 2004 (Version 4.7.0) Price on application

TS 132 200: June 2004 (Version 5.7.0) Price on application


TS 132 645: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 615: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0) Price on application

TS 132 205: June 2004 (Version 5.7.0) Price on application


TS 132 654: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 615: June 2004 (Version 4.5.0) Price on application

TS 132 215: June 2004 (Version 5.6.0) Price on application


TS 132 655: June 2004 (Version 5.5.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 622: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0) Price on application

TS 132 215: June 2004 (Version 4.8.0) Price on application


TS 132 663: June 2004 (Version 5.2.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 623: June 2004 (Version 5.3.0) Price on application

TS 132 225: June 2004 (Version 5.6.0) Price on application


TS 133 102: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 624: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0) Price on application

TS 132 322: June 2004 (Version 5.1.0) Price on application


TS 133 105: June 2004 (Version 4.2.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 624: June 2004 (Version 4.6.0) Price on application

TS 132 323: June 2004 (Version 5.1.0) Price on application


TS 133 105: June 2004 (Version 5.0.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 625: June 2004 (Version 5.3.0) Price on application

TS 132 324: June 2004 (Version 5.1.0) Price on application


TS 133 108: June 2004 (Version 5.8.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 635: June 2004 (Version 5.3.0) Price on application

TS 132 401: June 2004 (Version 5.3.0) Price on application


TS 134 108: June 2004 (Version 3.16.0) Price on application


TCT/101 TS 132 642: June 2004 (Version 5.4.0) Price on application

TS 132 401: June 2004 (Version 4.4.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TCT/101

TS 134 108: June 2004 (Version 4.11.0) Price on application

TCT/101 TS 132 643: June 2004 (Version 5.3.0) Price on application

TCT/101 Page 55 of 65

TS 141 101: June 2004 (Version 5.7.0) Price on application

EN 300 175-5: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Network (NWK) layer


TS 141 101: June 2004 (Version 4.11.0) Price on application

Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635094 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT


ETSI DOCUMENTS ISSUED FOR ONE STEP APPROVAL PROCEDURE (OAP) The following ETSI documents are issued under the One-Step Approval OP20041112.Comments are welcome and should be addressed to the named contact to arrive by 08 October 2004. EN 300 175-1: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635090 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT

EN 300 175-2: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Physical Layer (PHL)

Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635091 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT

EN 300 175-3: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Medium Access Control (MAC) layer

Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635092 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT

EN 300 175-4: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Data Link Control (DLC) layer

Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635093 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT

EN 300 175-6: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Identities and addressing

Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635095 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT

EN 300 175-7: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Security features

Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635096 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT

The following ETSI documents are issued under the One-Step Approval OP20041126.Comments are welcome and should be addressed to the named contact to arrive by 22 October 2004. EN 300 392:Terrestrial Trunked Radio (TETRA). Voice plus Data (V+D)

EN 300 392-9: July 2004 (Version 1.3.0) General requirements for supplementary services Contact: Mark Redman Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635104 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/TETRA

FINAL ETSI DRAFTS FOR VOTE Vote V20040910 EN 301 025:-

EN 300 175-8: July 2004 (Version 1.8.0) Speech coding and transmission

Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635097 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/DECT

EN 301 126:Fixed Radio Systems. Conformance testing

EN 301 126-2:Point-to-Multipoint equipment

EN 301 126-2-3: July 2004 (Version 1.2.1) Test procedures for TDMA systems

Contact: Rick Donnegan Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635098 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/TM4(P-TO-M)

Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM). VHF radiotelephone equipment for general communications and associated equipment for Class "D" Digital Selective Calling (DSC)

EN 301 025-1: July 2004 (Version 1.2.1) Technical characteristics and methods of measurement Contact: Martin Hart Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635100 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/ERM/TG26

EN 301 025-2: July 2004 (Version 1.2.1) Harmonized EN under article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Contact: Martin Hart Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635101 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/ERM/TG26

Page 56 of 65

EN 301 025-3: July 2004 (Version 1.2.1)

IEC 60068-2-58:2004 (Edition 3)

Harmonized EN under article 3.3 (e) of the R&TTE Direct Contact: Martin Hart Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635102 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/ERM/TG26

Test Td. Test methods for solderability, resistance to dissolution of metallization and to soldering heat of surface mounting devices (SMD) £69.12 members £72.00 non-members EPL/501

EN 301 908:Electromagnetic compatibility and Radio spectrum Matters (ERM).Base Stations (BS), Repeaters and User Equipment (UE) for IMT-2000 Third-Generation cellular networks

£27.84 members £29.00 non-members


IEC 60332-1-2:2004 Procedure for 1kW pre-mixed flame £35.52 members £37.00 non-members

IEC/TR 60071:Insulation co-ordination

Vote V20040924

IEC 60332-1-1:2004 Apparatus


IEC/TR 60071-4:2004

IEC 60332-1-3:2004

Computational guide to insulation co-ordination and modelling of electrical networks £172.80 members £180.00 non-members

Procedure for determination of flaming droplets/particles £35.52 members £37.00 non-members

GEL/20/18 GEL/28 IEC 60332-2:-

EN 301 908-11: July 2004 (Version 2.3.1) Harmonized EN for IMT-2000, CDMA Direct Spread (UTRA FDD) (Repeaters) covering essential requirements of article 3.2 of the R&TTE Directive Contact: Steve Green Email: [email protected] Note: Please order by quoting the reference 04/635106 DC (ETSI) £20.00 TCT/301/ERM/TFES

IEC 60269:Low-voltage fuses

Test for vertical flame propagation for a single small insulated wire or cable

IEC 60269-3:IEC 60332-2-1:2004 Apparatus

Supplementary requirements for fuses for use by unskilled persons (fuses mainly for household and similar applications)

£32.64 members £34.00 non-members

GEL/20/18 IEC 60269-3-1:2004 (Edition 2)

IEC 60332-2-2:2004 Procedure for diffusion flame

Examples of types of standardized fuses £181.44 members £189.00 non-members


£42.24 members £44.00 non-members



IEC 60034:Rotating electrical machines

£37.44 members £39.00 non-members


IEC 60068-2:Tests

Specifications for insulating materials based on mica

IEC 60300-3:Application guide

IEC 60034-11:2004 (Edition 2) Thermal protection

IEC 60068:Environmental testing

IEC 60371:-

IEC 60300:Dependability management

IEC 60371-2:2004 (Edition 3) Methods of test £76.80 members £80.00 non-members

IEC 60300-3-3:2004 (Edition 2) Life cycle costing


£119.04 members £124.00 non-members

IEC 60479:-


Effects of current on human beings and livestock

IEC 60332:Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire conditions

IEC 60332-1:Test for vertical flame propagation for a single insulated wire or cable

IEC 60479-4:2004 Effects of lightning strokes on human beings and livestock £51.84 members £54.00 non-members

JPEL/64 Page 57 of 65

IEC 60488:Higher performance protocol for the standard digital interface for programmable instrumentation

IEC 60488-1:2004 General £184.32 members £192.00 non-members


IEC 60747:Semiconductor devices

IEC 61076-7-001:2004 Blank detail specification

£119.04 members £124.00 non-members

£27.84 members £29.00 non-members



IEC 60747-16-10:2004

IEC 61108:-

Technology approval schedule (TAS) for monolithic microwave integrated circuits £119.04 members £124.00 non-members

Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS)

EPL/47 IEC 61108-4:2004 IEC 60512:-

Shipborne DGPS and DGLONASS maritime radio beacon receiver equipment. Performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results £90.24 members £94.00 non-members

IEC 60927:-

Connectors for electronic equipment. Tests and measurements

Auxiliaries for lamps. Starting devices (other than glow starters). Performance requirements AMENDMENT 2:June 2004 to IEC 60927:1996

IEC 60512-25-5:2004 Test 25e. Return loss


£16.32 members £17.00 non-members

£42.24 members £44.00 non-members

CPL/34/3 IEC 61158:-


Fieldbus standard for use in industrial control systems

IEC 60974:Arc welding equipment

IEC 60619:Electrically operated food preparation appliances. Methods for measuring the performance AMENDMENT 2:June 2004 to IEC 60619:1993

IEC 60974-11:2004 (Edition 2) Electrode holders

£16.32 members £17.00 non-members

£37.44 members £39.00 non-members

IEC 61158-2:-


Physical layer specification and service definition. Signal polarity requirements for wire media CORRIGENDUM:July 2004 to IEC 61158-2:2003



IEC 60641:-

IEC 61000:-

Pressboard and presspaper for electrical purposes

Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

IEC 60641-2:2004 (Edition 2) Methods of test

IEC 61000-4:-

IEC 61158-4:Data link protocol specification CORRIGENDUM:July 2004 to IEC 61158-4:2003

AMT/7 Testing and measurement techniques

IEC 61158-5:Application layer service definition

£76.80 members £80.00 non-members


CORRIGENDUM:July 2004 to IEC 61158-5:2003

IEC 61000-4-4:2004 (Edition 2)


Electrical fast transient/burst immunity test £83.52 members £87.00 non-members

IEC 60730:Automatic electrical controls for household and similar use

IEC 61158-6:-

GEL/210/12 IEC 60730-2-5:Particular requirements for automatic electrical burner and control systems AMENDMENT 1:July 2004 to IEC 60730-2-5:2000

IEC 61076:-

£35.52 members £37.00 non-members

IEC 61076-7:Cable outlet accessories

Application layer protocol specification CORRIGENDUM:July 2004 to IEC 61158-6:2003


Connectors for electronic equipment IEC 61241:Electrical apparatus for use in the presence of combustible dust


Page 58 of 65

IEC 61241-0:2004 General requirements

IEC 61386-24:2004

£104.64 members £109.00 non-members


IEC 61241-14:2004 Selection and installation

Particular requirement for conduit systems buried underground £42.24 members £44.00 non-members PEL/213

IEC 62264-2:2004 Model object attributes £167.04 members £174.00 non-members


IEC 62309:2004 IEC 61472:2004 (Edition 2)

£104.64 members £109.00 non-members


IEC 61300:Fibre optic interconnecting devices and passive components. Basic test and measurement procedures

Dependability of products containing reused parts. Requirements for functionality and test £57.60 members £60.00 non-members

Live working. Minimum approach distances for a.c. systems in the voltage range 72,5kV to 800kV. A method of calculation £104.64 members £109.00 non-members

DS/1 PEL/78


IEC 61784:IEC 61300-2:Tests

Fieldbus standard for use in industrial control systems

IEC 61300-2-47:2004 Thermal shocks

IEC 61784-1:-

IEC/PAS 62001:2004

£27.84 members £29.00 non-members


IEC 61337:-

IEC 61337-2:2004 Guide to the use £76.80 members £80.00 non-members


IEC 61340:Electrostatics

IEC 61340-4:Standard test methods for specific applications

IEC 61340-4-5:2004 Methods for charcterising the electrostatic protection of footwear and flooring in combination with a person £47.04 members £49.00 non-members GEL/101

Conduit systems for cable management


Guide to the specification and design evaluation of a.c. filters for HVDC systems £205.44 members £214.00 non-members


IEC 62137:2004

Filters using waveguide type dielectric resonators

IEC 61386:-

Application layer protocol specification CORRIGENDUM:July 2004 to IEC 61784-1:2003

Environmental and endurance testing. Test methods for surface-mount boards of area array type packages FBGA, BGA, FLGA, LGA, SON and QFN £76.80 members £80.00 non-members EPL/501

IEC/TR 62139:2004 Guidance for the addition of environmental aspects in product standards specific to TC23 £35.52 members £37.00 non-members


ISO 306:2004 (Edition 4) Plastics. Thermoplastic materials. Determination of Vicat softening temperature (VST) £45.12 members £47.00 non-members

PRI/21 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard PEL/23 ISO 1083:2004 (Edition 3)

IEC 62252:2004 Maritime navigation and radiocommunication equipment and systems. Radar for craft not in compliance with IMO SOLAS Chapter V. Performance requirements methods of test and required test results £184.32 members £192.00 non-members EPL/80

Spheroidal graphite cast irons. Classification £85.44 members £89.00 non-members

ISE/35 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 1135:Transfusion equipment for medical use

IEC 62264:Enterprise-control system integration

Page 59 of 65

ISO 1135-4:2004 (Edition 3) Transfusion sets for single use £57.60 members £60.00 non-members

CH/212 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 2415:2004 (Edition 3)

ISO 7097-2:2004 (Edition 1)

Forged shackles for general lifting purposes. Dee shackles and bow shackles £66.24 members £69.00 non-members

Iron (II) reduction/cerium (IV) oxidation/titrimetric method £52.80 members £55.00 non-members


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 7816:-

ISO 1183:Plastics. Methods for determining the density of non-cellular plastics

Identification cards. Integrated circuit cards with contacts

ISO 4797:2004 (Edition 2)

ISO/IEC 7816-15:-

Laboratory glassware. Boiling flasks with conical ground joints £28.80 members £30.00 non-members

ISO 1183-2:2004 Density gradient column method £45.12 members £47.00 non-members

LBI/36 PRI/21

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 1832:2004 (Edition 4) Indexable inserts for cutting tools. Designation £71.04 members £74.00 non-members MTE/18 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 1920:Testing of concrete

ISO 1920-7:2004 Non-destructive tests on hardened concrete £75.84 members £79.00 non-members B/517/1 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 2107:2004 (Edition 2) Aluminium and aluminium alloys. Wrought products. Temper designations £45.12 members £47.00 non-members

NFE/35 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Cryptographic information application CORRIGENDUM 1:July 2004 to ISO/IEC 7816-15:2004

IST/17 Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

ISO 6416:2004 (Edition 3)

ISO 8420:-

Hydrometry. Measurement of discharge by the ultrasonic (acoustic) method £102.72 members £107.00 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Animal and vegetable fats and oils. Determination of content of polar compounds CORRIGENDUM 1:July 2004 to ISO 8420:2002 AW/307 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 6962:2004 (Edition 2) Nuclear energy. Standard method for testing the long-term alpha irradiation stability of matrices for solidification of high-level radioactive waste £40.32 members £42.00 non-members

ISO 9039:Optics and optical instruments. Quality evaluation of optical systems. Determination of distortion CORRIGENDUM 1:July 2004 to ISO 9039:1994

NCE/9 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

CPW/172 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 7097:-

ISO 9250:-

Nuclear fuel technology. Determination of uranium in solutions, uranium hexafluoride and solids

Earth moving machinery. Multilingual listing of equivalent terms

ISO 9250-1:2004 General

ISO 7097-1:2004 (Edition 1)

£62.40 members £65.00 non-members

Iron (II) reduction/potassium dicromate oxidation/titrimetric method £52.80 members £55.00 non-members

B/513/1 Will not be implemented as a British Standard NCE/2

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 9250-2:2004 Performance and dimensions £62.40 members £65.00 non-members

B/513/1 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Page 60 of 65

ISO 9337:-

ISO/TR 11071-1:2004 (Edition 2) Electric lifts (elevators)

Contact lenses. Determination of back vertex power

£114.24 members £119.00 non-members

ISO 9337-2:2004

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 12647-1:2004 (Edition 2)


Measurement of contact lenses immersed in saline £0.00 members £0.00 non-members

Parameters and measurement methods £71.04 members £74.00 non-members

PAI/43 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 11179:-


ISO 12987:2004

Information technology. Metadata registries (MDR)

Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium. Cathode blocks, sidewall blocks and baked ramming pastes. Determination of the thermal conductivity using a comparative method £35.52 members £37.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard ISO/IEC 11179-4:2004 (Edition 2) Formulation of data definitions

ISO 10002:2004 Quality management. Customer satisfaction. Guidelines for complaints handling in organizations £45.12 members £47.00 non-members

£45.12 members £47.00 non-members


IST/40 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 11737:-

ISO 13318:-

Sterilization medical devices. Microbiological methods

Determination of particle size distribution by centrifugal liquid sedimentation methods.

SVS/8 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 10417:2004 (Edition 2) Petroleum and natural gas industries. Subsurface safety valve systems. Design, installation, operation and redress £85.44 members £89.00 non-members PSE/17 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 10570:2004 (Edition 2) Earth-moving machinery. Articulated frame lock. Performance requirements £28.80 members £30.00 non-members B/513/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 11737-1:2004

ISO 13318-3:2004 Centrifugal X-ray method

Guidance on evaluation and interpretation of bioburden data £40.32 members £42.00 non-members

£45.12 members £47.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

LBI/37/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 12640:-

ISO 13555:-

Graphic technology. Prepress digital data exchange

Diesel engines. Procedure for checking dynamic the timing of diesel fuel injection


ISO 12640-2:2004

PAI/43 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 10684:2004 Fasteners. Hot dip galvanized coatings £66.24 members £69.00 non-members

FME/9/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/TR 11071:Comparison of worldwide lift safety standards

ISO 13555-3:2004

XYZ/sRGB encoded standard colour image data (XYZ/SCID) £75.84 members £79.00 non-members

Validation of timing measurement devices £52.80 members £55.00 non-members

MCE/22 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 12647:Graphic technology. Process control for the manufacture of half-tone colour separations, proof and production prints

ISO 14172:Welding consumables. Covered electrodes for manual metal arc welding of nickel and nickel alloys. Classification CORRIGENDUM 1:July 2004 to ISO 14172:2004 WEE/39 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Page 61 of 65

ISO/TR 14283:2004 (Edition 2)

ISO/IEC 14515-2:2004 (CD-ROM) Shell and utilities

Implants for surgery. Fundamental principles £57.60 members £60.00 non-members CH/150 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

£272.64 members £284.00 non-members

ISO 14427:2004 Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium. Cold and tepid ramming pastes. Preparation of unbaked tests specimens and determination of apparent density after compaction £28.80 members £30.00 non-members

ISO 14531:Plastics pipes and fittings. Crosslinked polyethylene (PE-X) pipe systems for the conveyance of gaseous fuels. Metric series. Specifications

£80.64 members £84.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 14496:Information technology. Coding of audio-visual objects

ISO/IEC 14496-3:Audio. Bandwidth extension AMENDMENT 1:November 2003 to ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001 £141.12 members £147.00 non-members

IST/37 Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK

£282.24 members £294.00 non-members Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK


ISO 14531-2:2004 Fittings for heat-fusion jointing


ISO/IEC 14496-3:2001 (CD-ROM) (Edition 2)

ISO 15031-3:2004

PRI/88 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC 14515-1:System interfaces AMENDMENT 1:July 2004 to ISO/IEC 14515-1:2000 £225.60 members £235.00 non-members Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

AUE/16 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC TR 15446:2004 Information technology. Security techniques. Guide for the production of protection profiles and security targets £150.72 members £157.00 non-members

IST/33 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 14612:2004 Ships and marine technology. Ship's bridge layout and associated equipment. Requirements and guidelines for centralized and integrated bridge functions £75.84 members £79.00 non-members SME/32 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 15926:Industrial automation systems and integration. Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities

ISO 15926-1:2004 Overview and fundamental principles £62.40 members £65.00 non-members


ISO 14688:-

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Geotechnical investigation and testing. Identification and classification of soil

ISO/IEC 15938:Information technology. Multimedia content description interface

ISO 14688-2:2004 Principles for a classification £52.80 members £55.00 non-members


ISO/IEC 15938-5:-

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Multimedia description schemes extensions AMENDMENT 1:July 2004 to ISO/IEC 15938-5:2003

ISO 15028:2004

£114.24 members £119.00 non-members

ISO/IEC 14515:Information technology. Portable operating system interface (POSIX).Test methods for measuring conformance to POSIX

Diagnostic connector and related electrical circuits, specifications and use £0.00 members £0.00 non-members

Plastics. Aromatic isocyanates for use in the production of polyurethanes. Determination of hydrolysable chlorine £28.80 members £30.00 non-members

IST/37 Will not be implemented as a British Standard. Is approved as suitable for use in the UK PRI/82

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 16000:Indoor air

ISO 15031:Road vehicles. Communication between vehicle and external equipment for emissions-related diagnostics Page 62 of 65

ISO 16000-1:2004

ISO/IEC 17592:2004

General aspects of sampling strategy £71.04 members £74.00 non-members

ISO 16874:2004

EH/2/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 16000-2:2004 Sampling strategy for formaldehyde

Hydraulic fluid power. Identification of manifold assemblies and their components £35.52 members £37.00 non-members MCE/18/-/5 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Information technology. 120 mm (4,7 Gbytes per side) and 80 mm (1,46 Gbytes per side) DVD rewritable disk (DVD-RAM) £150.72 members £157.00 non-members

IST/-/1 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO/IEC 17594:2004

£52.80 members £55.00 non-members

ISO 17313:2004

EH/2/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 16012:2004

Information technology. Cases for 120 mm and 80 mm DVD-RAM disks £141.12 members £147.00 non-members IST/-/1 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Soil quality. Determination of saturated hydraulic conductivity of saturated porous materials using a flexible wall permeameter £52.80 members £55.00 non-members


Plastics. Determination of linear dimensions of test specimens £40.32 members £42.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 17633:2004

PRI/21 ISO/IEC 17342:2004

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 16132:2004 Ductile iron pipes and fittings. Seal coats for cement mortar linings £49.92 members £52.00 non-members PSE/10 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Information technology 80 mm (1,46 Gbytes per side) and 120 mm (4,70 Gbytes per side) DVD re-recordable disk (DVD-RW) £150.72 members £157.00 non-members IST/-/1 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 17899:2004 ISO 17386:2004

ISO 16429:2004 Implants for surgery. Measurements of open-circuit potential to assess corrosion behaviour of metallic implantable materials and medical devices overextended time periods £45.12 members £47.00 non-members CH/150/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Transport information and control systems. Manoeuvring aids for low speed operation (MALSO). Performance requirements and test procedures £62.40 members £65.00 non-members EPL/278 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 17544:2004 ISO 16664:2004 Gas analysis. Handling of calibration gases and gas mixtures. Guidelines £62.40 members £65.00 non-members PTI/15 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 16798:2004 Links of Grade 8 for use with slings

Welding consumables. Tubular cored electrodes and rods for gas shielded and non-gas shielded metal arc welding of stainless and heat-resisting steels. Classification £75.84 members £79.00 non-members WEE/39 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

SME/32/5 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/IEC TR 18037:2004 Programming languages. C. Extensions to support embedded processors £133.44 members £139.00 non-members


Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium. Cold and tepid ramming pastes. Determination of rammability of unbaked pastes £35.52 members £37.00 non-members

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO/TS 18835:2004

CII/24 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Ships and marine technology. Marine electric window wipers £35.52 members £37.00 non-members

Inhalational anaesthesia systems. Draw-over vaporizers and associated equipment £66.24 members £69.00 non-members CH/121/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

£52.80 members £55.00 non-members

MHE/1 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard Page 63 of 65

ISO 19106:2004 Geographic information. Profiles

ISO 19232-5:2004

£85.44 members £89.00 non-members

IST/36 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 19232:Non-destructive testing. Image quality of radiographs £35.52 members £37.00 non-members

WEE/46 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Image quality indicators (duplex wire type). Determination of image unsharpness value £28.80 members £30.00 non-members WEE/46

Image quality indicators (wire type). Determination of image quality value £35.52 members £37.00 non-members WEE/46 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Image quality indicators (step/hole type). Determination of image quality value £35.52 members £37.00 non-members WEE/46 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 19232-3:2004

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Pneumatic fluid power. Cylinders. Compact cylinders, 1000 kPa (10 bar)series, bores from 20 mm to 100 mm £40.32 members £42.00 non-members MCE/18/-/3 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 19953:2004

ISO 21898:2004

Footwear. Test methods for heels. Resistance to lateral impact £28.80 members £30.00 non-members

Packaging. Flexible intermediate bulk containers (FIBCs) for non-dangerous goods £80.64 members £84.00 non-members

ISO 22157:-

Carbonaceous materials for the production of aluminium. Cold and tepid ramming pastes. Preparation of baked tests specimens and determination of baking loss £28.80 members £30.00 non-members

Bamboo. Determination of physical and mechanical properties

ISO 22157-1:2004 Requirements


WEE/46 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 20562:2004

WEE/46 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 20202:2004

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Experimental evaluation of image quality values and image quality tables £28.80 members £30.00 non-members


Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

Image quality classes for ferrous materials £45.12 members £47.00 non-members

ISO 19232-4:2004

PVE/18 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

ISO 21287:2004

Information technology. Programming languages. Specification for additional programming data types for the programming language C £45.12 members £47.00 non-members

TCI/69 ISO 19232-2:2004

£35.52 members £37.00 non-members

ISO/IEC TR 19769:2004 (Edition 1)

IST/5 ISO 19232-1:2004

ISO 21028-1:2004 Temperatures below 80$0DC

B/518 Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Tyre valves. ISO core chambers No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 £40.32 members £42.00 non-members AUE/4 Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

ISO 22883:2004


Cryogenic vessels. Toughness requirements for materials at cryogenic temperature

Castors and wheels. Requirements for use on manually propelled equipment for institutional applications £62.40 members £65.00 non-members

Will not be implemented as a British Standard

Coal preparation. Determination of dust/moisture relationship for coal £49.92 members £52.00 non-members

ISO 21028:-

ISO 22881:2004


ISO 20905:2004

Will be implemented as an identical British Standard

£66.24 members £69.00 non-members

Castors and wheels. Requirements for applications up to 1,1 m/s (4km/h) £66.24 members £69.00 non-members

MHE/7 Will not be implemented as a British Standard Page 64 of 65


ISO/PAS 20858:2004 Ships and marine technology. Maritime port facility security assessments and security plan development £80.64 members £84.00 non-members



ISO/IEC 14515:Information technology. Portable Operating Systems Interface (POSIX). Test methods for measuring conformance to POSIX

ISO/IEC 14515-1:2000 System interfaces

IST/5 This standard has been withdrawn as ISO/IEC 14515-1:2000 and Amendment 1 have been approved as suitable for UK use in accordance with the JTC 1 DISC Amendment policy

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