on in sports management. She is ancipated to be re- ceiving her degree in Sports
and Recreaon Management in May 2012. Briany Atkinson is a senior in the ...
Born and raised in the San Francisco, Bay Area
Studying Sports and Recreation Major in the School of Tourism and Hospitality Management
Community Relations Director for the Sports Marketing Association at Temple University
Commitment to Excellence V O L U M E
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At A Glance Bri any Atkinson is a senior in the school of Tourism and Hospitality Management. She is expected to receive her Bachelor of Science in Sports and Recrea on Management. Although determined to a end law school to study contract law and nego a ons, Ms. Atkinson’s long-term objec ve is to manage the personal brands of athletes. Born in Berkeley California, Miss Atkinson’s journey into the world of sports and recrea on began the day she was born. As the daughter of former NFL player George Atkinson, talk of professional sports was a constant in the Atkinson household. Early exposure to the inner workings of broadcas ng and radio sparked an interest in young Miss Atkinson’s heart. Observing her fathers passion for the game, she knew very early that she wanted to follow in her fathers footsteps.
Although she loved professional football, as a woman she wondered if she would ever be able to find a place in field historically dominated by men. As she developed into young adulthood, her interests shi ed away from sports and onto Poli cal Science. Although the topic of interest changed, the focus remained the same. In her pursuit of poli cal science Miss Atkinson came to understand the importance of personal image in the media. She began her college career as a major in Finance and Economics. However, a er a very compelling conversa on with sports industry professional Steven Baker of Baker Sports Management, she realized that the brand management of poli cal campaigns that she was drawn to could easily be lent to the world of sports. She followed her heart to Temple University’s School of Tourism and Hospitality to develop a concrete founda-
on in sports management. She is an cipated to be receiving her degree in Sports and Recrea on Management in May 2012.
Bri any George e Atkinson Bri
[email protected] (510) 435-2801
Bri any Atkinson and her father George during a taping of his broadcas ng segment; Coliseum Press
Paving the Way Since joining STHM Bri any has worked with a number of industry professionals. Determined to create an image true to her background yet unique to her interests, Miss Atkinson has spent me working in a range of fields related to the industry. The Oakland Raiders In her early college years Miss Atkinson spent me in the Public Rela ons and Broadcas ng Department of the Oakland Raiders. From 2008-2010 Miss Atkinson spent her summers sharpening her understanding of media rela ons. She learned how to conceptualize story ideas, develop script for television and internet and dra basic public rela ons. She also collected and analyzed data for each player on the 2010 season roster to be included in the Media Guide. It was here that she developed her close a enon to detail. SMG Management Following her sophmore year of college Miss Atkinson con nued her work in sport and recrea on management with SMG Management at the Oakland Coliseum/ Oracle Arena as a Human Resource and Clerical Assistant. This opportunity provided Miss Atkinson with the experience of co-managing a Customer Service conference for 500 employees of the Oracle Arena and the Oakland Coliseum. It was this experience that taught Miss Atkinson the importance of planning and precision.
““We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” —Aristotle
The Sco Law Group, LLC During Fall semester of 2010 Bri any began work as an intern at the Sco Law Group. She maintained this internship for two semesters under A orney Evere Sco . During her me with this agency Miss Atkinson received first hand experience in managing professional athletes. In her second stent with the firm Bri any worked diligently worked side by side with Mr. Sco holding daily discussions with all 32 NFL teams. Retribu on came on November 30th, 2011 when their client Nate Jones was signed to the Patriots just in me for the playoffs. Sports Marke ng Associa on (SMAT) Miss Atkinson holds a leadership posi on with student professional organizaon SMAT as Director of Community Rela ons. She has coordinated community service opportuni es including a SMAT group for Relay for Life and is currently working on forming a partnership with the Eagles Youth Partnership. For the Love of the Cure Basketball Benefit Bri any gained further experience in philanthropy when she worked with celebrity stylist Renee Reese in “For the Love of the Cure” basketball benefit assisted in securing dona ons to be auc oned at the “For the Love of a Cure” Basketball Benefit. Bri any also par cipated in organiza on of the event. She served as my assistant during the day of the event on October 2, 2010.
Future Goals Miss Atkinson hopes to leverage her professional experience , educa on, and personal background through branding
and image consul ng. She plans to assist athletes in se ng a precedence of excellence for
their professional careers. She hopes to play an ac ve role in shaping the image of professional athletes both on and off the field.