From school to the world: All students prepared for productive futures. Hodge Elementary School Supply List ... Writing
Lysol Wipes-(1 container). White glue 2 btles and (4) glue sticks. Zip-lock bags 1 bx(gal. or qt.) Black marbled Composi
Two or three inch ring notebook/binder for each subject. Subject dividers for each subject. Subject ruled notebook paper
Basic Four Function Calculator. 7th Grade. Clear/Mesh Book Bag. Student Planner. Flash Drive. Ink Pens (Black and Blue).
Phone (912)395-5940 Fax (912)201-5943. NO TRAPPER ... 2 primary tablets or red red blue paper (1 stays at home for ... 5
Plus CE . Teacher will provide a list of additional supplies first day of class. WEB
DESIGN. Miller, Kirst, Stepp. Web Programming Step by Step. 2012, 2nd edition.
1 composition notebook (label with name). 4 pk. of EXPO black dry erase markers ... (cheap ones). 1 paint set of washabl
1 box of quart size Ziploc bags. 1 box of gallon size Ziploc bags. 2 highlighters. 1 set of Expo dry erase markers. 1 pk
Grade 2. 12 #2 Pencils wood, no plastic coated pencils. 2 Black or blue pens ...
Back pack with zipper (large enough for folders) ... **English Standard Version.
2. 2. 1. 1. Eraser, Large Rectangular, Pink. 1. 2. 1. 2 2 (1 for art). 1. 1. Erasers, Pencil Top, Pack. 1. 1. 1. Flash D
High school students only need several pencils, pens, folders and notebooks to start. Additional supply lists will be di
broadwater school supply list 2017-2018 broadwater school supply list ...
3 Expo Dry Erase Markers (prefer black) 1 box of Classic color Crayola markers- (not permanent or thin point)
1 pair scissors - Kid's Fiskers 1 Water Color Paint Set (Crayola or Aritista only- 8 colors per set ) 1 Clorox Wipes 1 large box each Kleenex 1 box Baby Wipes Girls -1 Box Ziplock bags - sandwich size Boys -1 box Ziplock bags - gallon size 3 boxes of snacks - to share with the entire class (cereals, pretzels, crackers) Backpack - w/student's name on it Minimum size 11"X17"
2 boxes Crayola classic widetip markers 1 box Crayola classic thin tip markers 6-8 Expo Markers -wide tip * 1 pr. kids Fiskers scissors * 1- 8 color water color paint set 1- 4 oz. bottle school glue - white only
* Backpack Please label above items marked "*" with Child's name
Please Do Not Label Supplies
Please label above items marked "*" with Child's name
Fourth GRADE
30 #2 yellow wooden pencil 2 red pens 1 set classic color Crayola wide-tip markers 2 highlighters (any color) 2 boxes 24 count Crayola crayons 1 8 color watercolor paint set 4 Expo wide-tip markers
30 #2 pencils - (yellow wooden only) 1 box Crayola Crayons 1 set colored pencils 4 highlighter pens - pink, yellow, green, blue 1 large pink eraser 1 set markers 4 Dry- Erase/Expo Markers
1 large pink eraser 6 Elmer's glue sticks
2 Elmer's glue sticks - white 4 wide-lined spiral notebooks 2 pkgs wide- ruled white paper
30 #2 pencils - classroom - (yellow wooden only) 4 Highliter pens- pink,yellow, green, and blue 4 Felt tip correcting pens - any color 2 large pink erasers 1 box of colored pencils 1 box of 8-12 color markers 10 Dry Erase Markers 2 Elmer's Glue stick 1 pair good quality scissors (Adult size) 1 standard/metric ruler - wooden
2 composition notebooks - wide-lined 1 pr. kids Fiskars scissors-with pointed end, labeled with first and last initial 4 -two-pocket folder 2 pocket folders 1 pr. good quality Fiskers scissors 1 backpack-label with name 1 calculator 2 large boxes Kleenex 1 standard/metric ruler - wooden 1 standard/metric ruler - wooden 2 wide-lined spiral notebooks- labeled with name 2 large boxes of kleenex 1 pencil box or zippered bag 2 pkg wide-lined paper 1 box of snacks for class (25 students) 1 container Clorox wipes Backpack or waterproof bag $2.00 for purchase of 1 headphone set 3 boxes of nonperishable snack to be shared throughout the year (1 per trimester) 1 composition notebook-labeled with name
1 lunchbox- labeled with name (optional)
8 composition notebooks- college-lined 3 pkgs loose leaf college ruled paper 5 two pocket folders 2 large boxes of kleenex 1-2 boxes Clorox wipes
1 bottle of hand sanitizer 1 pencil box 1 basic function calculator (not scientific) 1 backpack
1 box pencil tip erasers $5.00 for recorder $3.00 for purchase of a Day Planner $2.00 for purchase of 1 headphone set
**No Binders or Trapper Keepers**
$3.00 for purchase of a Day Planner $2.00 for purchase of 1 headphone set
Please check periodically to replenish supplies NO TRAPPER KEEPERS - all grades
Scissors must cut felt/yarn No Fluorescent Crayons