www.saiglobal.com/assurance. IFS PACsecure is a standard that was designed
for managing quality and safety related to product packaging. As a member of.
IFS PACsecure Training, Auditing and Certification Services
IFS PACsecure is a standard that was designed for managing quality and safety related to product packaging. As a member of the IFS (International Featured Standards) family, this standard provides a comprehensive quality assurance program, which in the case of IFS PACsecure is specifically designed for the packaging component of the supply chain. The standard enables packaging manufacturers to certify that primary and secondary materials utilized in the packaging process are safe for the food industry. IFS PACsecure covers flexible and rigid plastics, as well as paper, metal and glass. The of the main objectives of the standard include adherence to GFSI guidelines, reduction in cost and time for retailers as well as suppliers, comparability throughout the food supply chain, and establishment of common benchmarks and evaluations. In addition, the program works with accredited certification bodies (i.e. SAI Global Assurance Services) as well as skilled IFS approved audit staff. Key sections of the IFS PACsecure standard for companies working toward certification include: • Senior management responsibility • Quality and packaging material safety management system • Resource management • Planning and production process • Measurements, analysis and improvements • P ackaging material defense / food defense and external inspections
The IFS PACsecure standard applies to primary and secondary packaging materials and intends to standardize assessments of packaging manufacturers.
Benefits of IFS PACsecure Certification IFS PACsecure is specifically designed around the 24 common packaging processes and the probable hazards that can be related to them. When you choose IFS PACsecure, know you are working with a standard that is specifically designed for the packaging industry. • GFSI benchmarking, giving you the assurance that the standard is meeting globally accepted audit criteria • IFS Integrity Program, which is a proprietary IFS complaint management system ensuring the integrity of IFS standards, as well as affiliated certification bodies and auditors. • The Packaging Association of Canada (PAC) provides expert guidance on packaging requirements for the food industry • 12-month window to perform corrective actions resulting from the IFS audit • I n cooperation with the members of the PAC, IFS PACsecure offers tools for implementation at the plant level, including workbooks and software designed to make implementation transparent and effective
Show your commitment to Quality with IFS PACsecure Certification from SAI Global. SAI Global Assurance Services is a worldwide leader in food safety certification and training. We understand that obtaining a certificate is just the beginning of your management systems journey. It’s a milepost in your continuing pursuit of business excellence. When you partner with SAI Global for your certification needs, you know you’re working with an industry leader.
Exceptional Auditors Our auditors understand that the application of the standard can be quite different in small, medium and large organizations, and are trained to assess your system in a way that will be appropriate to your business. Our customers chose us because they know we’re a partner they can depend on, and they continue to stay with us each year because they value the insight that their auditor gives to their business. Certification is more than a certificate; it’s an opportunity to make your business better, and SAI Global partners with customers to ensure they receive the most from their audits.
Comprehensive Training We offer a breadth of learning options that meet genuine market needs, delivered via a wide range of modes to suit our clients’ requirements including public training, on-site and on-line courses. And while our courses and methods are continually updated to ensure that they are relevant and engaging, what remains constant is the value and solid outcomes that they deliver our clients. Some of our training courses include: • IFS PACsecure Implementation • Nonconformities and Root Cause Analysis for Food Safety • Traceability and Recall for Food Manufacturers • ISO 14001 and OHSAS 18001 - Implementation Course • ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 - Integrated Internal Auditor Course • ISO 50001 - Understanding and Implementing Browse the public training calendar. Visit www.saiglobal.com/courses for full course descriptions and dates.
Free Food Safety (Packaging) Resources Trust the experts for industry insights and management systems suport. SAI Global offers the following free resources for Food Safety: • IFS PACsecure Packaging Certification webinar • GFSI Certification for the Packaging Industry webinar • IFS Food Safety Certification webinar • GFSI Standards – Overview and Comparison webinar
Ongoing Support SAI Global’s commitment to serving your organization continues long after you receive your certificate. Our pledge to support your continual improvement includes: • Ongoing learning opportunities, such as free webinars that focus on continual improvement • Certification clients receive 10% off our public training courses • A global audit team that is ready to grow with your business
The “Five Ticks“ StandardMarksTM – Instant Recognition Upon successful certification to IFS PACsecure with SAI Global, your business can display the mark of quality and excellence – the “Five Ticks” StandardsMark.
ISO 50001 Energy
As an international certification leader, SAI Global has the ability to audit to a wide range of management system standards. Not only can SAI Global help your organization with packaging standards, but our experts in food safety, the environment, health and safety, as well as many other industries, are ready to help as your business continues to grow and change.
SAI Global Assured outcomes in a complex world
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