Brockington Bulletin September 2017 Edition - Brockington College

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Sep 25, 2017 - It is with much regret, that we have to announce the death ..... country and finished third in his heat,





Brockington Bulletin September 2017 Edition Welcome Back: I hope that everyone had a enjoyable summer with their family and I welcome the new Year 7 parents/carers to Brockington College. Your children have settled very quickly into secondary school life and we look forward to working with you and them over the next five years.

GCSE Results Day August 2017

GCSE Results: Our first ever ‘all-though’ cohort at Brockington College have now settled into apprenticeships, training, sixth form colleges and further education colleges following their GCSE results. We are very proud of their achievements at GCSE level and of their development as individuals. Some of the headline data can be seen in the bulletin. Mr Chris Southall , Top Tips for Success at School: There is some really good advice that we can offer to all pupils and parents about GCSE success. All of our most Principal

successful pupils had the following in common:

    

Very high school attendance (pupils with the highest attendance rates gained the highest grades. FACT). Very high standards of behaviour. (The better the pupil’s behaviour, the better the results. FACT). Independence. (Our highest achievers made sure that they were prepared for lessons and exams. They sought out opportunities to develop their knowledge and revise independently. FACT). Hard work (Our pupils got the grades that they deserved. FACT). Supportive parent/carers. (The parent/carers of our successful pupils attended all parental events, asked us pertinent questions about their child’s work and trusted and backed the college if it was ever needed. They encouraged their child to have high standards and praised them when they did. FACT).

I am sure you will agree that the route to success, as described above, is pretty obvious. On behalf of the college, we can predict now how successful your child will be in their GCSE results. We always report on these standards to you because of the effect that they have upon your child’s success at school, their potential for career progression and often, their future happiness. You will note that academic ability/intelligence is not one of the factors. This element is clearly an advantage, but counts for nothing without all other elements. Additionally, years of educational experience has taught me that the potential of the younger generation is realised only through diligence, hard work and application. In other words, all our youngsters have the potential to be successful. School Uniform: You could not fail to be aware that we have insisted upon higher standards of uniform this year. In a nutshell, we expect skirts to be pleated and 18 inches in length and trousers to be tailored and loose fitting. Jewellery is limited to one small stud in each ear and a small nose stud if in Years 9-11. Our uniform policy has been deliberately designed to be cost effective, easy to wear and easy to maintain. We have done everything possible to consider pupils and parents/carers). Despite this, we still do have a small minority of pupils and parents/carers who seek to push the boundaries of our uniform policy. We spend too much time dealing with such issues and it will unfortunately and ultimately result in a more formal and expensive school uniform for all. Please fully support the school, to avoid this conclusion. Notable Visitors: We will be welcoming two high profile visitors to Brockington College this term. Alberto Costa MP for Blaby will be visiting to discuss local and national politics with a range of pupils. Also, we will be hosting a visit from The Right Reverend Martyn Snow, Bishop of Leicester. The Bishop will be visiting in order to take a school assembly, to bless our stained glass windows, and then subsequently to be involved in a discussion with pupils on, ‘A Christian view on modern society’. We are very grateful to both for agreeing to visit us. Sad News: We are really sorry to have to share the news of the passing of two Brockington stalwarts. Liz Durrance was a well-respected and long-serving former teacher and Governor of Brockington College and I know that a lot of current parents/carers will remember her fondly. We also have to unfortunately relay that Dawn Bingley, a member of our catering team, has also recently passed. Dawn was a popular member of the team with colleagues and pupils. We send our condolences and thoughts to her daughter, Maddy, who also works at the college, to her sons Joe and Sam who only left the college as pupils in July and to her husband, Stuart. Chris Southall, Principal Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 1

Matters and Dates More News & Reminders

Child Protection and Safeguarding Mrs Durrance

At Brockington College we aim to safeguard and promote our students’ welfare, safety and health by fostering an open, caring and supportive climate. Student welfare is of paramount importance to us. If you have safeguarding concerns about the safety or welfare of a young person or family, please contact the school on 0116 2863722 and ask for one of the school’s Designated Safeguarding Leads: Mrs S Lawrence, Miss C Darby, Mrs V Carr, Miss S Heggs or Mr C Southall. If it is related to internet use or e-safety at the college the lead is Mr Wilson.

Voice It Voice It was launched after a Brockington Anti-Bullying Survey revealed that students felt that it was not easy to register a concern or report bullying to adults, both at home and school. One reason for this was that they did not feel brave enough to have the conversations face to face and felt it a very daunting idea to have to sit and discuss their worries. Our system can be anonymous or students can leave their names. It makes it easier for pupils to log concerns about bullying, anti-social behaviour and any other concerns they may have in and around the college. The system has proved to be highly effective and is used on a regular basis. Students can use the ‘Voice boxes’ outside of the Pastoral Office or in the library, or they can use the online form accessed through the school website. Their concerns are then passed to the relevant Head of Year and Pastoral Manager to deal with and resolve the issues. To find out more or log a concern please visit the school website or the following link Summary of Issues this Year Peer Issue Parent Query

1 1

Dealt with by Head of Year/Pastoral Manager Dealt with by Head of Year/Pastoral Manager Miss Underwood - Pastoral Manager

Parents’ Forum Meeting All parents are very welcome to be a part of the parents’ forum which meets half-termly at the college. Meetings last for one hour and typical meetings involve a briefing by a senior member of staff with the opportunity for parents to ask questions and provide feedback. Refreshments are always available! The first meeting this year is on:-

Tuesday 10 October 2017 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm Chris Southall, Principal

PE Transport for Away Fixtures From September 2017 pupils will be asked to pay £2.00 for all away sports fixtures. This is due to an increase in the number of fixtures and the increased cost of transport. Thank you Mr Platts - PE Department

It is with much regret, that we have to announce the death of a former Brockington College teacher, Liz Durrance. Liz retired from Brockington College in 2009 after 39 years’ service. Mrs Durrance (previously Mrs Harrold), was a much-loved teacher and colleague at Brockington College who touched many people’s lives. Passionately devoted to doing the best for her students she would do all she could to make them happy and successful. She will be sadly missed. Mrs Lawrence - Assistant Principal/SENCo

Year 6 Open Mornings

Monday Tuesday Wednesday

25 September 2017 26 September 2017 27 September 2017

8.45 am to 9.45 am 8.45 am to 9.45 am 8.45 am to 9.45 am

Year 5 and 6 Open Evening (All prospective pupils, parents and carers are welcome)


27 September 2017

6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Parents’ Forum Meeting


10 October 2017

6.00 pm to 7.00 pm

Year 7 Consultation Evening (Form Tutors Only)


11 October 2017

4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Year 11 Consultation Evening


1 November 2017

4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Year 11 Mock Exams

Monday Friday

4 December to 15 December 2017

Year 9 Consultation Evening


6 December 2017

4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Year 9 Parents’ Options Information Evening and Market Place


10 January 2018

6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

Year 10 Consultation Evening


11 April 2018

4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Year 10 Mock Exams

Monday Friday

30 April 2018 to 11 May 2018

Year 7 Consultation Evening


23 May 2018

4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Year 8 Consultation Evening


20 June 2018

4.30 pm to 7.30 pm

Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 2

Matters and Introduction fromReminders the Principal

Emergency Inhaler Medication

Absence Requests in Term Time

If, in the event of an asthma attack, you wish your child to be given an emergency inhaler please would you complete the emergency consent form, which is on the school website.

Regular attendance at Brockington College is vital to each child’s education and development. The school aims for all of its students to have 100% attendance and ‘good’ attendance is considered to be 96% or above with no unauthorised absences. It is for this reason that non-attendance (however short or infrequent) is treated seriously. In line with current legislation, the school policy is that a pupil leave of absence during term time will only be authorised if proven exceptional circumstances apply.

We have a number of pupils in school that have been prescribed inhalers by their GP.

It is also important that: (a) Pupils carry their inhalers with them at all times. (b) Inhalers are labelled with your child’s name. (c) Expiry dates are checked regularly. (d) You consider providing a spare inhaler to be kept in the First Aid room. (e) Inhalers are taken by pupils to PE lessons (a small labelled container may help to prevent any loss of items). (f) Inhalers are taken by pupils on any school trips. If you would like further information or are unsure of procedures, please do not hesitate to ask our School Health Co-ordinators: Mrs Childerhouse and Mr Setchell 0116 2863722 (extension 109)

Following an episode of vomiting or diarrhoea please can we ask that your child does not return to school until they have had 24 hours free of any symptoms.

Risk Assessments

Following an injury or a period of illness, your child may require a risk assessment prior to returning to college. Please call the School Health Co-ordinators to discuss this and if appropriate, to arrange an appointment for a risk assessment. This then ensures that all necessary health and safety measures are put in place to best support your child. Mrs Childerhouse and Mr Setchell - School Health Co-ordinators (extension 109)

Emergency Contact Details Please ensure that your contact details are always kept up-to-date and if possible add alternative contacts, such as a work phone number, so that we may get hold of you in an emergency. Mrs Barnes telephone 0116 2863722 or Email [email protected]

If a child has an unauthorised leave of absence, Leicestershire County Council may issue a parent with a Penalty Notice of £120.00 per parent, per child (discounted to £60.00 if paid within 21 days) or the case could be referred by them directly to a Magistrates’ Court for the purposes of criminal prosecution. It is hoped that you will take serious consideration of the information outlined above and reconsider your plans to take an unauthorised leave of absence during school term time. Thank you for your support in this matter. Mrs M Bullivant - Attendance Manager

Returning to School After Illness

Any new details should be provided to:

Following the High Court ruling on 13 May 2016 (Isle of Wight case) and the recent Supreme Court Judgement on 6 April 2017, the Local Authority will be considering the contents of the judgment and confirming the Local Authority’s position in light of this in due course. There are no changes to the guidance from the Department for Education and therefore, Brockington College will continue to notify the Pupil Services Court Team at Leicestershire County Council of unauthorised leaves of absence. At present, Leicestershire County Council considers each case on an individual case-by-case basis and decides on any further action.

Lost Property

Items of lost property are taken to the main college reception. Named items can be returned to the rightful owner. Parents/carers who wish to come and view lost property should telephone reception (0116 2863722) to make arrangements to come and do so after college. Due to the volume of lost property, anything remaining after two weeks will be donated to charity.

Car Access to Main Reception If you are visiting the college by car, please park in the main Blaby Road car park and walk down the driveway to reception. Cars should only be driven down the driveway to the main entrance if disabled parking is required. Thank you.

Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 3

Brockington College Day

Year 7, 8 and 9 Monday to Friday Tutor Period Period 1 Break Period 2 Period 3 Lunch Period 4 Period 5

8.40 am to 9.05 am 9.05 am to 10.05 am 10.05 am to 10.25 am 10.25 am to 11.25 am 11.25 am to 12.25 pm 12.25 pm to 1.10 pm 1.10 pm to 2.10 pm 2.10 pm to 3.10 pm

Year 10 and 11 Monday to Friday

Tutor Period Period 1 Period 2 Break Period 3 Period 4 Lunch Period 5

8.40 am to 9.05 am 9.05 am to 10.05 am 10.05 am to 11.05 am 11.05 am to 11.25 pm 11.25 am to 12.25 pm 12.25 pm to 1.25 pm 1.25 pm to 2.10 pm 2.10 pm to 3.10 pm

Introduction the Principal RS Newsfrom and Information

RS News

Governor Update The first meeting of the Governing Board will take place at the beginning of October, at which time the Chair and ViceChair of the Board for 2017-18 will be appointed. The Governing Board is also looking to appoint two more foundation governors, who have particular responsibility around caring for the school’s Christian character. Expressions of interest are invited from committed members of local churches who would be interested in joining the Governing Board for a 4-year term of office. If you are interested in becoming a foundation governor at Brockington College and would like to find out more, please contact Rev Jerry Taylor, Member Trustee, on 01455 888679 or [email protected].

Governing Body 2017-18:

Harvest House Competition Form tutors this week will be sharing a Spiritual Reflection presentation with their forms detailing the Harvest House competition. Starting on Friday 22 September, pupils are being asked to bring in donations for our local food bank (Enderby Church work closely with the Braunstone FoodShare). This is also a great way, as a Church of England School, to celebrate Harvest Festival. As from Friday 22 September we will all see House trollies in the courtyard, in which pupils and staff can place their non-perishable donations. For every donation made, the pupils will receive a House Point. The House with the most donations will win an award involving a ‘film week’ during form time. These collections will come to an end on Friday 13 October when all the items will be transferred to the Food Bank. Thank you in advance for your kind donations. Mrs McKenzie

Mr R Andrews

Mr P Johnson

Mrs K Slipp

Mrs C Bates

Mr L Mayes

Mr C Southall

Mr M Brown

Mr M McAllister

Mrs F Speake

Mr R Dunnett

Mrs S Moseley

Mr G Spencer

Mrs H Gleave

Mrs C Nash

Mr J Swinfield-Wells

Mrs P Graham

Mr U Patel

Rev J Taylor

Mrs E Hawthorne

Dr K Saadat

Mr M Walton

Important Catering Information In the interests of other pupils with nut allergies, please do not include nuts or nut products in your child’s packed lunch. Thank you. We would like to remind parents that pupils should not try to purchase food when they do not have enough money on their catering account. Balances should be checked regularly. Pupils can check their balance using the loaders located in the Courtyard and parents can use ParentPay to see the balance on their child’s catering account. If pupils do not have the required amount of money for the food they have chosen at lunchtime, they will not be allowed to have it and will be offered a sandwich and a piece of fruit instead, which will need to be paid for the following day. Water fountains are in school so students can have a drink. Pupils will not be able to purchase anything at break if they do not have sufficient funds. Please help us to continue to provide an efficient catering service for our pupils by checking their balance regularly. Mrs Sidwell - Catering Manager

Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 4

IMPORTANT REMINDER Year 6 Parents/Carers Please remember that the deadline for sending secondary school admission forms to the local authority is

Tuesday 31 October 2017

Dates, Events, and Achievements

Term Dates 2017-2018 2017-2018

2018-2019 2018-2019

Autumn AutumnTerm Term School SchoolOpens Opens

30August August2018 2018 30

29 August 2017

Mid-term Mid-termBreak Break School SchoolCloses Closes

1616-20-20October October2017 2017 2020December December2017 2017

15--19 19October October2018 2018 15 Friday21 21December December2018 2018 Friday

Spring SpringTerm Term School SchoolOpens Opens

9 9January January2018 2018

Mid-term Mid-termBreak Break School Closes School Closes

1212-16-16February February2018 2018 2323March 2018 March 2018

Tuesday88January January2019 2019 Tuesday 18toto22 22February February2019 2019 18

Summer SummerTerm Term School SchoolOpens Opens

9 9April April2018 2018

May MayDay Day Mid-term Mid-termBreak Break School SchoolCloses Closes

Friday12 12April April2019 2019 Friday

7 7May May2018 2018

29April April2019 2019 29 May2019 2019 66May

2828May May- 1- 1June June2018 2018 13Friday July 2018 13 July 2018

27May Maytoto31 31May May2019 2019 27 11 July 2019 Thursday 11 July 2019

English School Athletic Association (ESAA) 2017 Track and Field Championship

In July 2017, Joseph Thorne, Year 10, took part in the English School Athletic Association (ESSA) Track and Field Championship in Birmingham. Joseph ran in the 300 m under-15, boys event against the best in the country and finished third in his heat, unfortunately missing out on the finals by a mere 0.22 seconds. He ran his heart out and beat his personal best with a time of 37.47 seconds, which ranked him number one in the East Midlands and number 14 for the fastest time in the whole of the UK so far this year.

Compared to initial external national data, the cohort has performed very well in terms of raw attainment. This meant that Brockington College was above national averages in all key boundaries 4+ to 7+.

Considering it has only been 4 months since he joined his athletics club, his performance was amazing! The competition was a wonderful experience for him and will certainly inspire and fuel his fire for athletics for a long time to come.

Pupils Fund Raise for Heart Link

Achievements Designers ofTime the Food Technology Rotary Young Chef 2018 Competition Achievements Once again Brockington College will be hosting a Month September competition to find ‘Blaby Meridian Area’ competitors for the local Every month the Design Department selects a student from each year who has shown exceptional creative and design talent. This month congratulations go to: Year 11 - Mahreen Sheikh Year 10 - Simran Arora Year 9 - Lila Hall Year 8 - Ruby Harmer Year 7- Tulsi Simons

Brockington College Summer 2017 GCSE Results Headline Data

Alex Windram (11L) and her best friend Katie Campbell (11G) decided to take part in GungHo 5K Run on Saturday 23 September 2017 and raise money for Heart Link. Well done girls!

finals held in the Spring of 2018. The winner will receive coaching and advice from local chef Tony Parris. There will be three/four external judges.

A summary of this headline data can be seen below: a) 13.4% of pupils achieved 7-9 (A*/A) in English and maths


24% achieved 7-9 (A*/A) in English


25% achieved 7-9 (A*/A)) in maths


5% achieved 9 in maths, the (top A* grade)


28% gained 3 A/A* (7-9) grades across their results


43% gained at least 1 A/A* (7-9) grade


3 pupils gained a 9 in each of maths, English Language and English Literature. 3 of only 2,000 in the country putting each of them in the top 0.004% of pupils across the country


67% of pupils gained 5 or more A*-C GCSE grades including English and maths (national was 57% in 2016)


69% of pupils got a 4 grade (C) or higher in both English and maths (national 2016: 63%)


79% of pupils got a 4 grade (C) or above in one English GCSE


74% got a 4 grade (C) or above in maths


75% scored a C grade or above in at least 2 sciences


85% scored a grade 4 (C) or above in English or maths or both

When? Monday 9 October 2017 from 8.00 am, official start 9.00 am but you will need 45 minutes to set up.

Chris Southall, Principal

What? Main meal and a dessert. You will receive £5.00 on the day towards ingredients; we will need receipts in a named envelope to issue this.

Brockington Enrichment Programme Autumn Term 2017


Open to Years 9 and 10 only. We have ten places available.

How do I enter? Reply to Miss Leedham in Food Room 008/email only if interested. [email protected] Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 5

Iis now available on the Brockington website and the following link:

Careers Information

Work Experience Opportunities

Sky Academy Trip A group of pupils in Year 11 were invited to the Sky Sports Academy in London this month. Pupils were chosen as they showed 100% commitment in their participation on the Living for Sports programme they completed at Brockington. When we arrived at the Sky Sports headquarters we were lucky to be greeted by Kate Grey a Paralympic swimmer who represented Great Britain for ten years. During that time she competed at the European Championships, World Championships and the 2008 Beijing Paralympics. She gave the pupils an inspirational talk and made the pupils feel at ease with her advice. Our aim was to produce a news report and each pupil was given a role within the group. Costumes were chosen, scripts were constructed, cameras were operated and editing was performed. Pupils showed great enthusiasm and were growing with confidence as the afternoon progressed. As an extra surprise we were then given a tour and talk of the actual Sky Sports News studios where we saw live news reports being shown and interviews taking place. As we were being informed of the action taking place, Kirsty Gallacher appeared and sat at her desk to read reports. As we returned to the Academy pupils were shown their final report on the big screen introduced by an actual Sky host Jim White. All who attended were given a Sky Academy USB wristband that had the session on and a Sky Sports goodie bag with numerous gifts inside.

We have been in communication with Leicestershire Police who are now advertising/recruiting for their 2018 Work Experience Programme. They will be offering two, one-week work experience opportunities for the following weeks which is open to Year 10 pupils: 12 to 16 February 2018 (this is during February half term)

2 to 6 July 2018

If there are any students interested in applying for this fantastic opportunity, Leicestershire Police are welcoming all enquiries / applications via email ([email protected]). Further information will be sent on to the students upon receipt of their enquiry. The main contact is Mr Steve Wisehall.

Careers As part of our commitment to make sure students are well prepared for their future work careers and give parents an understanding of the labour market , please visit the link below which contains information on the topics:-

Top 10 in Demand Jobs

Hardest to Fill Graduate Roles

Top 10 Future Skills

NHS Careers and Apprenticeships Event: Wednesday 25 October 2017 For further details please visit the link National Healthcare Weekend: 18 and 19 November 2017

All pupils commented that they had a wonderful day and enjoyed their experience immensely.

For further details please visit the link

“Isaac and Larna, the Sky Sports staff, were friendly and helpful. I was a bit nervous but after a while I came out of my shell”.

Are You Able to Help Support Careers Education at Brockington?

“I really enjoyed the news reports as everyone took part. The tour was interesting as they went into detail; I’m glad I went on this trip.”

As part of our aim to provide pupils at Brockington with a comprehensive careers programme during their time at our school, we would like to increase the opportunities that our pupils have to interact with people in the world of work. We are hoping that parents/carers/extended family members might be able to help with this, it can range from:

“It was fun. I didn’t expect to do what I did today, I really enjoyed it” “I was unsure of what to expect of the day to start with but as soon as we got told about what we were doing I really enjoyed it. The staff were friendly and helpful.” Miss L Reynolds

(a) (b) (c)

Providing a written overview of your career Visiting school to talk to pupils about your career Being able to host a group of pupils/individual students for a visit to your place of work

If you feel that you might be able to support Careers Education at Brockington, please contact Mrs Thorpe or Ms Broadfield. [email protected] or [email protected], Thank you in advance for your support. Mrs R Thorpe Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 6

Performing Arts and Sport

Performing Arts

Sports Results

Here at Brockington College, we recognise the importance that learning to play a musical instrument can have on a young adult. It can help to promote a sense of self-discipline, self-esteem and enhance self-expression/creativity. We, therefore, encourage as many pupils as possible to start to learn a musical instrument. If you are interested in booking lessons for your child, then please contact the teacher of the instrument you are interested in. They will then send out their information and contracts in order to start lessons with them. If you have any questions, please contact Miss Styles at the school on 0116 286 3722 or via email [email protected]

County Trials Ellis McBean previously Year 7 came 9th in the County Trials in the 100 m He worked really hard for it! Mr Platts

Cross Country (Leicestershire Schools League)

Charnwood College


Name of Teacher

Contact Details


Ms Teresa Bexon

01455 239373 | 07791 456054 | [email protected]


Mr Ian Maw

[email protected]

Drum Kit

Mr Adam Stringer

07941 549962 [email protected]

Guitar (electric/bass/classical)

Mr Dave Jobson

07948 402728 | [email protected]


Ms Sarah Woodall

[email protected]


Mr Patrick White

[email protected]


Geoff Newman

[email protected]

Thomas Estley


Ms Sally Smith

[email protected]

Music Technology

South East Creative

07545848841 [email protected] (

Year 7 Year 10


Mr Kieran O’Riordan [email protected]

Violin, Flute, Piano

Ms Alison Gates

Year 7 Boys Mackenzie Bloxham 5th 65 Finishers

Lost 7 - 2 Lost 8 - 1


Lost 2 - 1 Won 5 - 0

Year 9 Lost 3 - 1

Thomas Estley

07720 061856 |[email protected]


Year 8 Year 11

Girls Netball Lost 33 - 0 Lost 14 - 13

Performing Arts - Extra-Curricular Activities Tuesday

Year 10 and 11 Boys Tom Gibbons Charlie Combey 19th Thibaut Preston 20th 34 Finishers The next race is at Longfield Academy, Melton on 28 October 2017

Boys Football

Year 7 Year 10 Monday

Year 8 and 9 Boys Lachlan Finch 2nd Antoine Preston 49th 67 Finishers


Keyboard Practice 022

Music Theory 022

Keyboard Practice 022

KS4 Lunch Week A

KS4 Catch Up 024




KS4 Catch Up 024

After School


KS4 Catch Up 024

KS4 Catch Up 024 Vocal Group 022

KS4 Catch Up 024 Orchestra 022

KS4 Catch Up 024

Lost 10 - 0 Lost 13 - 5

Year 9 Lost 18 - 9

Girls Football - National Cup


KS3 Lunch Closed Weeks A and B

Year 8 Year 11

Year 7 and 8 Year 8 and 9

Versus Charnwood College Versus De Lisle College

Brockington: Won 11 - 0 Brockington: Won 5 - 0

PE Kit Pupils MUST remember to bring ALL their equipment and PE kit on the day they need it. Telephone calls home will not be made for forgotten kits and equipment. The PE department has some items of sports wear that pupils may borrow. Please make sure all PE kit is named. Thank you.

Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 7


Recycle Recycle and raise funds for the Kash4Kenya meal aid scheme! Don’t send your unwanted textiles to land fill, recycle them using the textile bank at Brockington. The Salvation Army will give us 50% of the proceeds made from donated textiles.

South Africa 2016

Year 6 Open Mornings Monday 25 September 8.45 am to 9.45 am Tuesday 26 September 8.45 am to 9.45 am Wednesday 27 September 8.45 am to 9.45 am

So please bring in good quality clean textiles, including curtains, bed linen, clothing accessories and paired shoes. The textile bank is situated in the main car park.

Year 5 & Year 6 Open Evening

Adult Learning at Brockington We offer a wide variety of both daytime and evening classes for adults in the following curriculum areas: Health & Wellbeing, Arts, Languages, Skills for Life, ICT & Employability and ESOL. Our NEW programme of courses for 2017/2018 courses is now starting. Why not try something new this year? View our complete programme at FREE ENGLISH AND MATHS courses (subject to terms and conditions). 70% to 100% discount on course fees is available for those in receipt of certain benefits or with a low income. Instalment plans are available for course fees over £50.00.

Wednesday 27 September 6.00 pm to 8.00 pm

For more information or to enrol please call 0116 3050360 or 0800 988 0308 Or email: [email protected]

All prospective pupils, parents and carers are welcome ________________________________ Blaby Road, Enderby, Leicester LE19 4AQ Telephone: 0116 286 3722

Coram Children’s Legal Centre, part of the Coram group of charities, is excited to share with you their website This website is aimed at helping young people find out their legal rights and information on matters relating to online safety, police and the law, education, home and family, children’s rights and many more. They also have a “contact us” section where young people can seek legal support from one of our trained legal advisors. uploads/2017/09/LawStuff-Leaflet.pdf

Thank you to Reed Education “Reed Education have been working in partnership with Brockington College over the past five years supplying their short term and long term requirements for teachers and support staff. When asked we had no hesitation in helping support their girls football teams and supplying them with two new kits for their Year 89 and Year 10-11 teams. From the looks on the girls faces they seem more than happy with them. We wish both teams the best of luck for this year”. Pete Marvin – Area Manager Reed Education Brockington Bulletin |September 2017 Edition | Page 8