12%. NYC. 23%. Brooklyn CD 9. LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENCY4 of residents 5 years or older have limited ยท English proficie
Brooklyn Community District 9
See BK 9's profile online
Neighborhoods1: Crown Heights South, Prospect Lefferts Gardens, Wingate PO P U L ATI O N & D E N S I T Y 20002
Square Miles Population Density
BK 3
Source: PLUTOTM 16v2
Atlantic Av
BK 8
1.6 61,518/sq mi
Pk w y
Prospect Park
h Flatbus
BK 14
Linden Blvd
Ocean Av
BK 17
% Lot Land Use Category # Lots Area 1 & 2 Family Bldgs 4,243 33% Top 3 pressing issues identified by Multifamily Walk-up 1,227 15% Brooklyn Community Board 9 in 2017: Multifamily Elevator 188 11% 1. Affordable housing Mixed Use 763 9% 2. Crime Commercial 116 3% 3. Schools Industrial 24 1% To learn more, please read Brooklyn CD 9's Transportation/Utility 19 1% Statements of Community District Needs Public/Institutional 165 20% and Community Board Budget Requests Open Space 7 2% for Fiscal Year 2018. Parking 67 2% Vacant 115 1% Website: www.communitybrd9bklyn.org Email:
[email protected] Other 20