Brooklyn NY Standard Union 1924 - Old Fulton NY Post Cards

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lyn and Queens Young Men's Christ-. Ian Association. .... Bellevue Hospital; Gus Anderson, a guest at the Paris .... rescuers were at work extricating him from ...







New Way of Cooking Fish Watch the Woman's Page every ThursEdna Swenson, of Jamaica, Faces Technical day for new and deCharge of Homicide—Many Other Mishaps Reported. licious recipes for the cooking of fish and M James R." White, Jr., five years old, of 4005 Twenty-seventh fish sauces. street, Flushing, died onNthe way to Flushing Hospital last niyht These will be given by ifter he was run down by an automobile driven, according to an expert on the subthe police, by Mi's. Edna\ Swenson, 33, of 22 Hilldale avenue, ject, Mrs. E. Spencer, Jamaica, at Broadway andvTwenty-seventh street, Flushing. only woman member Mrs. Swenson was taken to the sta- \ of the Bureau of Fishtlon house, but later was released to ©pear in the Flushing court to-day eries, who has evolved to answer a technical charge of KILLED a new method of seaIjomicide. .. . According to witnesses, the boy: soning and cooking ftarted to cross Broadway and stepped) ^BROOKLYN from behind another automobile into fish. the path of Mrs. Swenson's car before I *



Reed furniture

Derrick Boom Snaps, Carrying Heavy Burden Through Four Floors to Basement—One Victim a Brooklynite. Ten persons, one a Brooklynite, Fred Zutele, 37 years old, of 161 State street, w e r e injured to-d-iy when t h e Loom of a derrick with a load of several tons of steel broke, crashing through the roof of the Hotel Paris adjoining at the southwest corner of S e v e n t h avenue and Thirty-sixth street, Manhattan, carrying all with it into t h e basement. The n e w structure w a s being erected at 202 W e s t Thirty-sixth street, w h i c h is one door from the corner of Seventh a v e n u e , where the Hotel Paris is located. The hotel is four stories high. The derrick was carrying ten tons of steel w h e n the b o o m broke and t h e metal crashed t h r o u g h the roof or the adjoining hotel. The force of the impact took ail before it and continued on to t h e cellar. Those injured w e r e all in the hotel a n d Included Zutele, e m p l o y e d on the ground floor t h e r e a s a waiter. H e was not seriously Injured, however, and after being t r e a t e d for cuts about the head w a s s e n t h o m e . Alfred Feedt, another Brooklynite, of 615 Forty-eighth street, said to be construction foreman on the job, was not arrester but detained by the police pending investigation of the calamity. Among the injured. In addition to Zutel are J a m e s Fltzsjmmons, 35 years old, of 117 W e s t Nineteenth street, Manhattan, clerg of the Hotel Paris, w h o w a s t a k e n to Bellevue Hospital suffering from intercnl injuries, fractured right l e g and multiple contusions; h i s wife, Dalton, 27, suffering from minor bruises; William Cusek, of 215 Bruce street, Lawrence, Mass., a guest at the hotel, lacerations of t h e head and face; Thomas Logan, 31. superintendent of the hotel, contusions of the body. B l a n c h e Burton, of 410 W e s t Thirty-sixth street, M a n h a t t a n , taken to the Bellevue Hotel with contusions and lacerafions of t h e h e a d ; Thomas McGrath, laborer, of 389 West Fifteenth street, lacerations of the right leg; J a m e s Creegan, s a l e s m a n and guest at the Paris Hotel, whose home is at 69 M a r l b o r o u g h avenue, Chelsea, Mass., l a c e r a t i o n s of the face and head; Mrs. Catherine Mockton and her h u s b a n d , Clark, w h o are stopping at the Times Square Hotel, M a n h a t t a n , and were eating a t t h e P a r i s H o t e l w h e n the accldtnt occurred suffered lacerar tions and c o n t u s i o n s of t h e head, Bellevue Hospital; G u s Anderson, a guest at the Paris H o t e l , taken to t h e French Hospital w i t h a fractured skull.

Make the House a Home


Largest Davoe Store Long Island T W O STORES.


2783 Atlantic Ave i IS 19 Fulton St. Glenmoro

Sure Relief L 1 . 1 1 FOR INDIGESTION

Artiste' Materials

0 5 7 S I Decatur



TWO Little Boys Toddle in Pathway of Cars; One Seriously Injured.


Hot w a t e r Sure Relief


2 3 « s n d 7 » « P a c k a g e * Cvwrywtssn)

Two children were struck down and caught under street cars in Brooklyn last night and one escaped wtth comparatively slight injuries. Tony Murra. 3 years old, of 437 Sixty-ninth street, toddled in frpnt of a one-man car running in front of his home and fell, unharmed, between the wheels of the single truck wtth which these curs are equipped. A few hours later Albert Montainaro, 7. of 414J*etropolitan avenue, ran in front of a Metropolitan avenue car at Marcy avenue' and Ainslee street. He was c a u g h t in the fender, suffering scalp wounds and possibly injurinp; his skull. Patrolman Burger of Fort Hamilton station crawled under the car and pulled the Marra child out, after fire apparatus had been summoned by persons who doubted the child could be alive. Tony went home after Dr. Darbourne of Bay Ridge Sanitarium treated him for cuts and bruises. John Kara, of 117 Schaeffer street, Mortorman of the Metropolitan a v e nue car, m a n a g e d to stop after the Montainaro child got c a u g h t in the fender. P a t r o l m a n Anton Schulz of Bedford a v e n u e station, who was on the corner, summoned a Greenpoint Hospital ambulance, while some one rang a fire alarm which brought Truck Company 104. Sehulz and the firemen extricated the child, who w a s taken to the hospital by Dr. Aghton. Traffic w a s tied up for ten minutes.


Leaders Among Commuters to Hold Meetings of Protest and





LS A n investigation of a l l e g e d bad | p o n d l t i o n s in the schools in Spring-

With the inauguration o£ the new t w e n t y per cent, commutation rate boost of the L. I. R. R. a m o n t h away, residents of' t h e c o m m u n i t i e s along t h e various lines of the division are p l a n n i n g for m a s s meetings of protest to ba held within the next. week. T h e date of the fare boost is July JB. T h e Public Service Commission h a s thu nuw tariff in its possession a t Albany and will not allow it until everybody is heard w h o has a protest. And t h e n the boost may not be p e r m i t t e d , but t h e railroad will fight for it, according to t h e officers o t the road. Maurice Hotchner, w h o was c o u n sel for the W h i t e s t o n e Division c o m munities, is one of those leading the protesters. H e said to-day: "We h a v e heen preparing for this situation following the 'feeler' put out by Le Boutilller a few days ago. W e h a v e girded up our loins for battle a p e w e ean assure all the c o m m u t e r s t h a t the railroad will m e e t stout resistance In its latest a t t e m p t to increase its revenues at t h e e x panse of Its m a i n customers, t h e commuters. "Under the l a w thirty days m u s t elapse before t h e Public Service Commission can ratify this increase. W i t h i n t h i s t i m e we will have r e g i s tered our protest and a public h e a r ing will be asked on the matter before the Public Service and Transit Commissions." Congressman Emanuel Celler w h o h a s been standing against the L. I. R. R. policy of increasing rates and cutting out trains, said on hearing of the proposed 20 per cent, increase: Ccller's Point.

field, i t o s e d a i e and South Jamaica, she could prevent the accident. D « » is t o be started by the State D e p a r t was caused by a fracture of the skull. < m e n t of E d u c a t i o n , a c c o r d i n g to a Y l !«» t h e fourth annual eongregstlonsl b* end he hereby la authorised to assume Edward Hotine w a s indicted on a desperate R Duke Colon Inmates were placed HEAR CONVENTION TALKS Jnmes 1640 E. 21st «t the name af Philip l.lsh In the place of . l i i . m AI row. , , . , , , ton Pedro dinner which wa* given last n i g h t by charge of assaulting Nick Salmlnon, aboard a special car of the. N e w York Anna l a m b , 25 preaent n a m * on th* Slat day of July, Ktfpi rtnneer Lflndon t h e Men's Forum of t h s L u t h e n n of 301 Esst Eighty-fifth *tr*et, ManTWO HEAT PROSTRATIONS, his Waldorf Thompson, 3fl, 1114. and it I* further Centrst Railroad yesterday and «ent Capitis .Buenos Ayr#* D e m o c r a t s of ths N i n e t e e n t h A s Church of 'he Advent at t h e c h u r c h . hattan, at the American House, Col. 508 Fort Washington s v Ordered. »h*t thia order eaatl ha enOaudla to Clinton prison nt D a n n e m o r a . ONE DROWNING, IN NEWARK tered s e m b l y District helleve t h e y h a v e I i of St, Josrph Helen Olafion, 34, 88 Prospect Pk. W. and papers upon which It la granted - . - P o r t Barrtoi A v e n u e P and East T w e l f t h s t r e e t . lege Point, on May 25 last. found the right w a y to closely follow Com'VA.Iorr Drtnllin* P e r h a p s the most notorious of the he filed within ten d a y i from data hereof T h e guests wrrr the B e v . F r e d e r i c k The second indictment against Solomon Vogel. 44 137 Ave, B t « ro M o n w . H In tha office of the Clerk nf the Countf t h e trend of the national c o n v e n t i o n , Croasland, pastor of the c h u r c h ; J o - Bader charges him with the theft group Is Vincent Oaffey, w h o terror- Frances Dormnn, $t N E W A R K . N. J., June 25.—Two of Ktpge S'i*mer Fiom »«« E, 14th st and that a copy M thta ercter w i t h o u t subjecting t h e m s e l v e s to fba Colombo Kaplee s o p h Byrne and J. Crosby, J o h n of the car he w a s driving when he ised N e w York f i t y el* y e a r s e g o Kd«n i Slentas, it. h e a t prostrstlons and one drowning shall within ten days after the-entry hereBremen Ebetsch, secretary of the hent of milling around t h a t a t t e n d e d I^uetn.w collided with t h e V s n Alet machine. w h e n he escaped from t h s Tombs, of ha published in the Rtandsrd tTnion, forum, war* reported to the police last night ,. Barbados H s s s r d v l l l s , Conn s n d t o - d a y s s the result of the host. a paper circulated In the County of Kings, the opening session Bt Msdlson Square Parinii F o u r other i n d i c t m e n t s were re- Sixteen popremen brought him hack Carrllln Santa Mart* kept t h e diners in good h u m o r with and then to Sing Sing prison. Mary Bejrovss, 25, 187 Baltic st T o - d a y w a s probably the hottest day and It la further G a r d e n yesterday, Fort Victoria Bermuda his c o m e d y end Mrs AtkVits plsyml turned by the Grand Jury. Ordered, that If this order ebeW b* Itoaattnd , , , ( N . J o h n s violin s o l o s with M m H u n d e r m s n n T w o o t h e r notorious hsd m e n In Solomon Goldberg, t», 284 So. Ith gt of t h e season at Newark, with a fully T h e followers of Cnder Sheriff Lenape compiled w|th within forty day« , . , .Jifka^nvllle the group are Will Irwln, w h o IM Sophia Bobroff. S3, M McKlhhln st h u m i d i t y of 84 per cent,, although after Hi* making of this order and th. H e n r y Hssenflug.' leader o f «*»• d i s - ,f«ni«at«*n CONVICTED OF THIRD ,,,, , . . . N o , folk at t h e piano six m e n In escape from the Stats affidavit of the publication thereof shall Edward M s r r y s t t , 40 588 77th st t h e t*mperat«wi at I* A, M. w a s only trict, hnve Installed a r s i t e set a t I t e l f t S , • .tainnira be filed and recorded In th* office of the The committee In c h a r g e o f tfca Hospitsl for the Insane at Mattea- Margaret Galvln 18 Hamburg SULLIVAN LAW OFFENSE 588 77th i t 77 degrees. t h e i r clubhouse. 24 Jefferson street, OlaagBW Maru Clerk ef the County of King*. *»!« petiavanssh , Dnartee dinner was composed of Joseph wan, anr! Henry B. rurttss. w h o re- Stephen Collins. Jr., 24,.SM Grand st a n d nro keeping; "ripen hotue." W h e n 8William tioner shall an and after tha said Slat Gii»n .. , Tamptco Grab, c h a i r m e n ; John I'.hrtsch, A n John J. Henry, ot IT Reynolds day served fifteen years for robbery In of July, H34, ft* known hy t h * n a m e t h e ftint day'« seibe.'r.n lefian, t h e r e centaurua , Vaneouve? Lllllsn Lea, 24 392 Prospect s v a v e n u e , Harrison, w a s drowned in John Jsnleo, of s » t Sackett stree*. M a n h a t t a n s f t e r h a v i n g served *hlr. of Philip t.tsh, which nam* h e is hereby drew Hudley, Dr, Harold MHli a n d -. .Vancouver sra* a nlgsble erowfj of the f a i t h f u l Mermlon George Ooldjshn 37... 125 B. 31 gt i t t h e Pnsaatc River Ists last night, authorised to aesum*. and by a* ether •y v**re tn Connecticut for murder. w s s c o m letert of violation of the colon Mrs, Seliiche. The officers o f the • t the clubhouse to liaten .B. And Vti-trollta shortly after he hsd gone in s w i m - • • m a , DMt F H i n s V . forum are; Andrew H u d l e y , p r e s i - Sullivan law a s a former offender • lleventw.flv* oonetet* w h o worked Bertha Drossman. 38 Uli % * # r s very f ' w thtnp,* nrktuf t h e isrte. 3. C. VAK 8TPT.EW. 103 1-2 Manhattan • * m i n g w i t h several companions, sll on the Btnte military e g m p st Feek« Steamer by a jury in Course Court to-day He dent; John Wolf, v|,•*.president; fciK ttfBering that th" 'Itteners-iB MaureUKtS J, «. ft •euthsmjrton skllli « u r t a g the psst m.,nth c s t n e r-harles Borrougha. 24. .970 trig