Broome Cheerleading Youth Kiddie Camp - Spartanburg County ...

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Permission Slip/Registration Form. Please submit one form for each child being registered along with payment to Broome H



Kiddie Camp

Join the Broome High School Varsity Cheerleaders for days full of SPIRIT and FUN!!! When: August 8th-10th at 4:30-6:30pm Registration begins at 4:00 on August 8th Parent Performance 6:00 on August 10th Where: Broome High School Gym Who: Kindergarten through 6th grade Cost: $45 per child- Includes a BHS Cheer Camp shirt, daily snack, and football ticket for the Friday, August 19th game Participants will learn motions, chants, and stunts from the Broome cheerleaders to perform at the end of the camp and during half time at the first football game, Friday, August 19th at 7:30pm.Cheerleaders will get into the game for free! Registration needs to be received by Monday, July 25th to be guaranteed a shirt. Water and snacks will be provided. Please send payment made to Broome High School and registration to: Kayla Manning, Head Competitive Cheer Coach Broome High School 381 Cherry Hill Rd, Spartanburg, SC 29307

If you DO NOT pre-register you will not be guaranteed a t-shirt. Permission Slip/Registration Form Please submit one form for each child being registered along with payment to Broome High School. Participant’s Name: ___________________________________________________ Age: ________ Grade: __________ Parent(s) Name: _________________________________________________ Cell #: ____________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Emergency Contact and #: ___________________________________________________________________________ T-Shirt Size: YS YM YL AS AM AL AXL

Parent Signature: ___________________________________________

I hereby give permission to my child to participate in the Broome Cheerleading Camp. I will not hold the Spartanburg School District or any coaches responsible or liable for any accidents that occur during the camp. Permission is granted for my child to receive emergency medical attention, if needed. List any food allergies: ______________________________________________________________________________