Oct 10, 2011 ... B Sc (Nursing) course commencing in Aug 2012 at Colleges of Nursing and. 3½
years Training of Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery ...
BSc (NURSING)/ GENERAL NURSING & MIDWIFERY (GNM) COURSE – 2012 1. Applications are invited from FEMALE candidates for admission to 4 years B Sc (Nursing) course commencing in Aug 2012 at Colleges of Nursing and 3½ years Training of Diploma in General Nursing & Midwifery course commencing in Sept 2012 at Schools of Nursing Armed Forces Hospitals. Selected candidates shall execute an agreement/Bond to serve in the Military Nursing Service (MNS) for 5 years. On successful completion of Nursing Training (4/3½ yrs), the candidates will be granted commission in the Military Nursing Service, under the terms and conditions laid down for grant of such commission. They shall have to refund the entire cost of training in the event of withdrawal from the course, termination of training or refusal to accept commission in the MNS, if offered. During training they will be provided with free ration, accommodation, uniform allowance and monthly stipend.
APPLICATION FORMAT B Sc (Nursing) / General Nursing & Midwifery (GNM) Course: 2012 (Not to be sold) Note: Do not put dash (——) in any column or leave it blank. 1.
Course which applied for: BSc (Nsg) /General Nursing & Midwifery / Both
(a) Name in full (as per Secondary School leaving/ Matric Certificate) (Give one box gap between First/ Maiden/Surname)
2. Eligibility Conditions (a)
Female candidates who are unmarried / divorcee / legally separated or widow without encumbrances.
Nationality – Indian
Date of Birth - Between 01 Aug 87 and 31 Jul 95 (Both days inclusive).
Educational Qualification – Should have passed the complete senior secondary (10+2)/equivalent examination as a regular student in the first attempt from a recognized Board /University with Physics, Chemistry and Biology (as elective subject and not optional) with minimum 50% aggregate marks. Candidates who have appeared or will be appearing for final year of qualifying examination during the current academic session may also apply. The candidates finally selected for the course will have to submit proof of passing the qualifying exam with requisite subject and marks before joining the course. Those who have passed such examinations as private students or with compartment in any subject are not eligible.
Physical standards – Medical fitness will be determined as per Military Standards by Military Authorities. X-Ray examination of Chest and USG (of abdomen) will be done.
3. Selection: Eligible applicants will be called for an objective type written test, likely to be held in Jan 2012 of 90 minutes duration, covering General English, Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Intelligence, The parts of question paper pertaining to Biology, Physics, Chemistry and General Intelligence will be bilingual. Candidates as per merit on the basis of written test will be called for interview during Apr 2012. Final selection will be based on combined merit of written test and interview, subject to medical fitness. 4. Medical Examination: After the interview the recommended candidates will appear for medical examination before a Special Medical Board (SMB). Candidates declared FIT / UNFIT will be informed by the President of the Medical Board including the procedure of requesting for APPEAL/REVIEW MEDICAL BOARD. 5. Written Examination Centres: Bangalore, Chandimandir, Chennai, Dehradun, Delhi, Danapur, Guwahati, Jabalpur, Jammu, Jaipur, Kochi, Kolkata, Lucknow, Mumbai, Secunderabad, Thiruvananthapuram and Vishakapatnam. Note: If the number of candidates is inadequate/more than the capacity of a centre, the candidates opting for that centre wll be allotted the centre of their second/thrid choice or any one of the above-mentioned centres as per the administrative feasibility.
(b) Name of Applicant in Hindi: ___________________ 3.
Date of Birth (in Christian Era) /Age: .....................................................
Marital Status: Unmarried/Married/Divorcee or legally separated or widow without Encumbrances
Name of Father/Guardian: ......................................................................
Complete Postal Address: ...................................................................... ..................................................................................................................
Permanent Home Address: .................................................................... ..................................................................................................................
Tele No. /Mobile No. (With STD code): ..........
Nationality/Domicile Certificate: ..............................................................
Caste: General / OBC / Schedule Caste / Schedule Tribe (attach proof in case of SC/ST)
Sr Secondary (10+2) /equiv. Exam: and Percentage of Marks: Passed (____%) / Appearing
E-mail ID.....................
(Open school students not permitted) 13.
(a) How many times appeared/attempted for B Sc/GNM in Armed Forces (b) Selected/Not Selected (c) If selected, furnish details of not joining/termination of Training
Have you been trained in B Sc (N)/GNM (attach proof)?
Choice of Written Test Centre (Three choices are essential):
6. How to apply: (a) Application to be typed in Block letter on A4 size paper as per the format given in this advertisement with passport size photo attested and duly pasted in the space provided. (b) Applications received on newspaper cutting or its photocopy will not be accepted. 7. The list of enclosures to be attached with the application is as follows: (a) Attested true copy of Matric/equivalent certificate (b) Attested true copy of complete Mark Sheet of Senior Secondary (10+2) / equiv. exam. In case, subject codes and maximum marks are given on rear side, copy of BOTH SIDES is essential. (Candidates appearing in qualifying examination (10+2) /equiv exam should enclose certificate to the effect mentioning Science Stream with Physics, Chemistry & Biology from the Principal of the school). (c) Attested true copy of Caste Certificate in case of SC/ST candidates only. (d) Gap Certificate, in case the time gap between 10th & 12th class is more than two years, from concerned School / College that candidate passed Sr secondary Exam in the First Attempt as a regular student. (e) Three copies of Admit Card on A4 size paper (good quality) with passport size photo (without attestation), duly pasted in the space provided. The application is liable to be rejected if the photograph are not pasted/loosely affixed and gets detached while in transit/handling. (f) Four self addressed envelope (good quality) of size 28 cms x 12 cms with Postal stamps of Rs 7/- (Rs seven only) be affixed on each envelope. (g) In case of widows/divorcees, an affidavtit stating that you are issueless (h) In case of the divorcee, legal document and an affidavit that the matter is not under consideration with the higher court. The documents should be neatly tagged. along with the application. Identical photos taken recently should figure on applications and admit cards and should be pasted and not stapled.Office of DGMS-4B will not be held responsible for loss of any documents while handling at any stage.
Paste your photograph dully attested by a gazetted officer
I hereby certify that the above information is true to the best of my knowledge and if the authorities find anything false, my candidature is liable to be cancelled at any stage of my training period. Place________________
Date ________________
Signature of Applicant
INFORMATION ALSO AVAILABLE ON WEBSITE: www.indianarmy.nic.in/www.indianarmy.gov.in (To be enclosed in triplicate on A4 size paper) BSC (NURSING) /GENERAL NURSING & MIDWIFERY (GNM) COURSE: 2012 ADMIT CARD: WRITTEN TEST / INTERVIEW 1.
Name: .........................................................................................................
Visible Identification Marks: ...................................................................... Paste your
Roll No: ...................................................................................................... photo (without
attestation) Date of Written Test: ..................................................................................
Note: - The selection of the candidate for B.sc (Nsg)/ GNM course will however be subject to producing of the original mark sheets/certificate of the qualifying examination (10+2) or equivalent before final selection and meeting all other eligibility criteria.
Time of test: 0930 Hrs
Test Centre .................................................................................................
Date of Interview ........................................................................................
8. Last Date: Application should reach Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army), Director General of Medical Services (Army)/DGMS-4B, AG’s Branch, Room No 45, ‘L’ Block Hutments, New Delhi- 110 001 by 10 Oct 2011. Applications received after the date will be neither opened nor entertained. This office will not be held responsible for any postal delay.
Time of Interview: 0830 Hrs
Interview Centre .........................................................................................
9. The aforesaid conditions are subject to modification without notice, if deemed necessary. 10. No correspondence will be entertained from the candidates whose applications have been rejected.
passport size
Only Column 1 & 2 will be filled by the candidate in capital letters.
Please carry this letter and a ball point pen/fountain pen along with you for the written test Each application must be accompanied with three sets of admit card on separate sheets of A4 size. Signature of the Issuing Authority davp 10601/11/0015/1112