BTEC Level 2 Certificate, Extended Certificate and Diploma in ...

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LEVEL. 2. FIRST. BTEC Level 2 Certificate, Extended. Certificate and Diploma in. Engineering. Unit 1. Aim and overview. Working Safely and Effectively in.



Unit 1 Working Safely and Effectively in Engineering

BTEC Level 2 Certificate, Extended Certificate and Diploma in Engineering Aim and overview This unit aims to give learners an understanding of statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements to enable them to work safely, efficiently and effectively in engineering.

Credits: 5 Level: 2 Learning outcomes On completion of this unit a learner should:

1 Be able to apply statutory regulations and organisational safety requirements 2 Be able to work efficiently and effectively in engineering.

Personal learning and thinking skills (PLTS) These are identified in the square brackets on the grid overleaf; the key identifies which skills should be assessed through each criterion.

Overview of assessment Learners are assessed by a programme of practical and theoretical assignments set by the centre that cover all of the criteria within the grading grid for this unit on the following page.

Assessment and grading criteria In order to pass this unit, the evidence that the learner presents for assessment needs to demonstrate that they can meet all the learning outcomes for the unit. The assessment criteria for a pass grade describe the level of achievement required to pass this unit. Assessment and grading criteria To achieve a pass grade the evidence must show that the learner is able to:

To achieve a merit grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass criteria, the learner is able to:

To achieve a distinction grade the evidence must show that, in addition to the pass and merit criteria, the learner is able to:


handle materials and equipment in an engineering workplace in a safe and approved manner [SM4]

M1 carry out a risk assessment on an engineering workplace to make recommendations on the safety of materials and equipment handling, use of personal protective equipment and the potential hazards in the area


prepare a safety policy for an engineering work area including references to relevant legislation


select and use appropriate M2 make recommendations personal protective for improvement of an equipment when undertaking organisation’s emergency a given engineering activity procedure


identify strengths and areas for improvement in a working relationship.


identify hazards and risks associated with an engineering activity [IE3, EP2, EP4]


describe the emergency procedures to be followed in response to a given incident in an engineering workplace


prepare for and carry out an engineering work activity [SM2, SM3]


maintain good working relationships with colleagues and other relevant people when carrying out an engineering work activity. [TW1]

M3 identify how a work activity could be improved.

PLTS: This summary references where applicable, in the square brackets, the elements of the personal, learning and thinking skills applicable in the pass criteria. It identifies opportunities for learners to demonstrate effective application of the referenced elements of the skills.


IE – independent enquirers

RL – reflective learners

SM – self-managers

CT – creative thinkers

TW – team workers

EP – effective participators