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BTEC Level 3 Certificate/ Subsidiary Diploma/Diploma/Extended Diploma in Information. Technology (QCF). Unit 2: Computer Systems. Grading. Criteria. Met.
BTEC Level 3 Certificate/ Subsidiary Diploma/Diploma/Extended Diploma in Information Technology (QCF)

Unit 2: Computer Systems

BTEC Level 3 Certificate/ Subsidiary Diploma/Diploma/Extended Diploma in Information Technology (QCF)

Date Set: Date Due In:

Student Name: …………………… ……. ……….. Unit:2 Computer Systems Assessment: Assignment 1 – Decoding the Jargon Assessor:

Grading Criteria P1 P2 P3 P8


Grading Criteria M1


Grading Criteria D1



I confirm that this assignment is my own work and that all use of source material has been properly acknowledged. I am aware that failure to make proper acknowledgement may lead to a charge of alleged plagiarism. ASSESSOR COMMENTS SIGNED: DATE:



BTEC Level 3 Certificate/ Subsidiary Diploma/Diploma/Extended Diploma in Information Technology (QCF)

Unit 2: Computer Systems Scenario You are employed as a Network Manager at the Tennyson High School. As part of the internal staff development program you have been requested to deliver a presentation to all staff on computer components.

Tasks 1. In a PowerPoint presentation explain the function of computer hardware components. Use images and diagrams to aide your explanations and remember not all staff are computer literate so you need to try and keep the terminology simple. P1 2. Add a section to your presentation that explains the purpose of the operating system.


3. Add a final section to your presentation that compares the features and functions off different operating systems, such as Windows and Mac OX. M1 Part 2 – Scenario To continue your training program at the Tennyson High School you have been asked to deliver training to the ICT technicians on how to maintain the effectiveness of a Pc using software utilities that come with the operating system. You have also set up training to show and observe the IT technicians undertaking routine maintenance tasks. 4.

Create a PowerPoint presentation to explain the purpose of different software utilities. P3 For example virus protection, firewalls, clean up tools removal of cookies and internet history etc. 5. In your presentation explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems D1 6. Undertake routine maintain tasks on a standalone computer system P8 This will be a practical session and will be recorded on an observation sheet. You are expected to take screen shots and photographs as supporting evidence

BTEC Level 3 Certificate/ Subsidiary Diploma/Diploma/Extended Diploma in Information Technology (QCF)

Unit 2: Computer Systems Grading Criteria

Grading criteria


Achieved Y/N

P1 Explain the

Task 1 – PowerPoint

function of computer


hardware components P2 Explain the

Task 2 – PowerPoint

purpose of operating


systems P3. Explain the

Task 4 - PowerPoint

purpose of different software utilities P8. Undertake routine

Task 6 – witness

maintenance tasks on

statement, screen shots,

a standalone computer photographs system M1 Compare the

Task 3 – PowerPoint

features and functions


of different operating systems D1 Explain how software utilities can improve the performance of computer systems`

Task 5 - PowerPoint
