vation street, and Lottie Gintara of N*i. 40 Reservation Btreet, both twelve years
old, to .... resume work mi the rate of'fl offered t»> their employers. •A certain ratio
i« i • • • 1 1
F' ! •
k n u v v s t1„ « P a j m n ical wizards to provide | quarters and board furnished by an earth thev hit the object of their heart h o t o l d £f l i e , o v e < l I u ' r a n d »«wb*aed You can know in advance Jugt what your work is goir.g to ctfst. greatest ele he were guilty of advancing building, iwav ' o n S t ' v e n i 1 occasions to uiarry her. On its illuminal I and master minds in employer and other items of conpenwithout j over the head and dragged her away. After you receive your examination and estimate a written contract est at this time. I *>r-<'ered to re- ; a ring. If you are one of thos v , : , " "nilll|,,,.„,i .,:.,[{ marry. Miss Olah states, .she continued ment. FILLINGS: Gross income includes { it pith their? !.$1.00 Also it olftrs explanation, as was 'net income. Silver amalgam filling* i .. ...^^'^ ».„.. . uirt Aov'.aitaxs the i H iii.-> empio>eo are . *, , . . ., praotkjaily every dollar received by thej ]l mi $2.00 to $4 0 0 stated at l^dtpiarters of the show Porcelain filling* . . w l a T atot icease f t a ? ? of on held last evening, it ! — submitted; " built: a castle in the form Hlpsler, who died at her residence. No. of the expo I t»> their employers. Guaranteed material and guaranteed t many of the leading The Chalmers principle of pre-heating thought out for the fu]nil Woodward avenue, will be held in your Valj schemes was stated $6.00 per tooth •A certain ratio IH-HV- • n rne wages of I of a rose-covered, little, home. mechanical work lur,> t l a l only engaged couples i from the home tomorrow afternoon at auto compar have arranged to have j gasoline through the Ham's Horn and $6.00 per tooth • principal building ti 'ides has always opinion ;j "There - •!">**are' hours of bliss in which Gold crowns Pre-matrimonial giving Tic—aour Pledge. know are wbisoered. A spirit of thrift | 3 o'clock.. The Rev. Walter Lord of at the show xperts from their fac- ( Hot Spot has been endorsed by Ameri- j V been recognised, arnl tl»< wages of other U> wlah'tO particiinte In your Val-! schemes arc siness it will be to sup- f a ' s foremost automobile engineers.— j p-aroe engageii. ; . | m l j . : H . r i n c ( . iH cultivated. Hesponsi- St. John's Episcopal church will con- tories whose tradea bave been based on the wa«fs endue • contes; by ply technical md other information Adv. Engagemelh is a pre -matrimonii , biiities that never were dreamed of duct the service. paid to bricklayers.. Fi>v example, the i of Why we bftraroe engaged. •ir respective cars and Mrs. Hippler was the mother of Sam- concerning rate of carpenters had up to the begin-•• ti* and a pledge to thtij one and life creep to the surface and soon become I nlng of the .war been ab-ut 20 per cent partner, that* is to say. it acts as a a part of the happy couple's natures. uel "W. Hippler, Sunday editor^ of the general knoi (dge as to recent develI doring. It was further I I lean than that of the bricklayers, owing guarantee t o love and to cherish no "Besides that, the love that prompted Times; of William (J. Hippler, city edi- opments in I : Any new patient presenting this• fominent executives of | ADIATORS lo the fact that the work of the latter other until the day comes when the the affair cominues to grow and mold tor of the Commercial, and of lluth, stated that I I coupon at Dr. E. L. Hewson's dental I was more apt to be aff• • ted >>y adverse hand-plays, "Here Comes the Bride.* • itself.-The world is seen through dif- Elisabeth and Marguerite J.. Hippler. many of the! impanies are coming to j Ask for a free demonstration of Br* A I R E D I office, 382 Main street, will receive I low for the purpose of i weather conditions. "Couples Hbei ome engaged for the ferent eyes so that when the day Miss Elizabeth and Miss Margaret J. the Buffalo J Dr. Hewson's roofless, gumless s u e - I I $2.00 worth of work absolutely I E-CORE * i "During the war this rat was d e - ' reason of holding each- other's love. comes when mid the odor of sweet Hippler are well known school teach- holding eon! >nces with their repreI free. This offer is made to demon- I tion plate that does not drop, .stroyed and with a view i.» brineiim ( although they m a y not be able to pay I flowers and fragrant ferns, the hap- ] ( , rg * Mrs. Hippler was connected with I sentatives inl this territory. roek J s' strate our methods of filling, crown- I EBUILT nor come loose. If you canwear I I Many soci^ Tevents are to mark the j rales back to I!M normal proportion, we- th»* preacher a t the time. So they de- ji piest couple in the world walk to- many charitablejinstitutions in the city. BY EXPERTS • le exposition, several of | I this plate you will find it to be the J have recommended a cut in arpenters' cide to wait. Lgvther down the aisle, they know in She spent the larger share of her life in progress of ! them taking ie form of dinners, which ; wages from | 1 (o SO cents an hour. This gives the couple ample time to their hearts what the future should Buffalo. I acme of comfort and good looks. | • Ration on your part to incur e x - g • pens,- in excess of the value of this g. itors will tender to their j j Buffalo disti This applies to union carp, titers only, 1 put their heads together and name the ' hold for them." Tanks, Fenders and bodies \ coupon. I from various cities and | representatn as the open shop men an* on a sliding , date of the wedding; also a period to | T h * ' letter is signed by Myron Coates made and repaired. General territory contiguous to villages in t* jcale, the average of which is well below ! get prepared for the ceremony; that is : of Eimwood avenue and Helen. Roberts I this city. the 80-cent level. A cut-oi P» per centt week on the charge of abdue- s h i p l h p children's Aid and Society ary 23, in c w bration ol* Washington's , By crowding him to complete t h e i l ? l 4 d h e i s a Puffalonian; then you w i l l | t i o n preferred by Mrs. Mariana Daher for the Prevention of Cruelty to Chil- hirthday. M Tanke will have as his | V \ ^ \ lew* / • work by meeting the advance demand- ; have accomplished the most important j of Wheatfield street, was held for the dren, the Jewish community center and guests and i akers on this occasion Ifeejtdvam-e ed, you are only playijte int.. the hands step in the preliminary work of your j a r t i o n o f J h l > g r a n d j u r y a i t h e c l o s p the negro welfare organizations would Harvey W. F fiiington, president of the I. of the union leaden and pla< ins an ..b I work under this central body insofar as Kmpire State, Dciety, and several memstacle in the way of a fellow ».npl oyer. campaign,' said Francis H. Frazee. ad- j o f a h P u r 1 l l g in hLs ease before Acting ' its boys' work was concerned. phestor chapter, accom- \ "^0/'. bers ol the manager oi of .ne the Lark in eompanied by tlv wives. "If you wjll back, ua up with your; vertisinjr w * * » " « n«"»aatr i^rnin com- ; C i t v jUi\„e Vnmk J. Maldiner this af- , mueuee and moral support, it will be | pany, last night in address before the i ternoon. He was released on a bail j .ni/CDTICCfl CnD AMI Q MADE a short Ume when normal condl- f Buffalo League of Advertising Women ' bond of $500 for his appearance before, AUfCnllotU tUH WHL0| nlAUC uoaa will bo restored. Any action you ' the grand jury. j may take, either a s an organization or and their friends in the Associated SerDuring the action the fact was J ' as individuals to support us m this vice building. brought out that Zelma Daher, with) time win be greatly appreciated.' It was one of the most enthusiastic ! whose abduction (.Iei>rge is charged, j Ralph Barr, thirty-two years old. of meetings ever held by the league, and • W*M recently brought to North Ton- j \*o. 411 West avenue, was arraigned RECOMMEND BIO CUT IN awanda from Syria by her mother at J m e r t y court yesterday before Judge charge of violating a sec- i / BUILDING T R A D E S W A G E S
Lured to City Line, Police
Many Female Wage Earners in New York State.
Builders' Exchange Appeals to Chamber of Commerce
for Aid.
Dr. Hewson, Dentist Guarantees All Mater* _ ials and Mechanical Work for 10 Years.
Regarding Painless Extraction
Prices for Dental Work
! This Coupon is i Worth $2.00 Cash
Roofless, Gumless Plate
Dr. E. L. Hewson's Dental Offices No. 382 Main Street
^^/^,\M '^^\\^^^iJ^^\\\//X^\\\//^V^
puwic d^ma^n^r^^
"%sM£My^±M*\v±\ ANT^
Women Start I Buffalo Man in Trouble at Campaign—Copy PrepNorth Tonawanda. aration.
inwram QL women. FhiUMlelpliia, Fob. 17.—A je.-m-ral speakers. Betty Aimers and Sophie v.u« *.x-.. ..v .» v...~.B~*. ..-.» •••reduction of SJ.I3 per cent in wages: Alexander, members, had charge of the same day he spirited her away i» hourned a week, his automobile, following a call at t h e ! Barr is alleged by police to have made paid in the ouilding trades of this eit% the instruction of the evening. h o m spirit of Buffalo's future is our j home in Wheat Held street. The girl j i m p r o p e r proposals to several girls who was reeomm. nded In a r*>|»ort pre* ; k"The •oday to t h o ~ i > i r n a d e l p h i a P l d g e f . o r »»»«*»«*s future,' said Mr.JJJ i claims Her mother'i a ppUea at No. ,107 Rhode Island street n r s l to be seventeen. thamber ,,f Commerce conference on * ? f t e i n . , h < > c ? u r s e o f *f" I f * - 1 at first maintained that the girl w a s ; i n n . s p 0 n s e to an advertisement, inbuilding eonstruetlon in this vicinity. "Without vision the people perish. This- only thirteen, but later l d acknowledged s e r t e t l i n a i o c a i paper, for girls io take part in a vaudeville act. . : * campaign would surely fall flat if it # ^ a s ^ " r yva\s » ' " " • W IMC MO VCAD aWMSMil CVUIBIT t *nded merely with the spirit of Buffalo I rUUlO lUn TUUl-Him tXHIBIT present. A portion of the campaign UfllfC niTnUtear r t v r i i n r t i e u under the pledge of Buffalo future nUlRb CHInUSC riAlUnC MEN »h««M be devoted to awakening t h e ' , Buffalo citizen to his and her duty as I a vitlz Planning for their future vear-rounrf' ™ toJtfke • d**£p PfHtlml inter- * , r lulur l *indjest in the affairs of the city, to spread exhdat home engaged the attention of far and wide th** name and fame of (By Special Wire to The Courier.* , *~rr the majority ©f the fixture association port? Feb. 17.—Frank S. Wake- j ShOGS men here yesterday, plam for the new Buffalo and stand loyally by their city, I maLock n seventy-five years old, a former building were proposed at a imeheon wherever they may be." treasurer and alderman of this j city The epirit of Buffalo present should ! met-ting at the Lafayette. elty. died yesterday, at Los Angeles. Thertv wUl be new of
Arch SuoDort
Sale Pricl $ 1 4 . 7 5 IRANTEED
Also at eral Jui rich, Swi] Riversides I about 50^
irgain Prices: Gen , Batavias, Good irt, A m e r i c a s , etc. All sizes, at Discount.
T »»e only shoe that will keep its shape. the FOOT PAIN ' lighting, the second for art and decora- ' tT ^ the first ward on the common council Pains in the Feat, Ankles »nd Lea* tion and th* third for-color i h i > a e things that belong to the public in IHK:I-4. that you think are rheumatic are IndL Mr. Goodwin spoke of the demoralized w h k h P e r h a P s hav «* » p|, n «o etose unHe is survived bv his wife and one ! cations that your arch Is slowly falling. "• der our eyes and taken so much for condition of the lighting Industry dur- , OTTO L. OEVEft'S ARCH SUFi daughter. Mrs Ralph Lane of Los j 111 PORT SHOES will give you roliof. Ing the >ear m% its Improvement dur- lK™ *^ t h a t w e h a V H f H«umpletely failed Angeles. * 0 Wm^mrry all stylos. OTTO L. GEYEft ing i»2o a nd the'lavish plana for 19*1 I appreciate them 47-49 Court St. Phone, S/nsoa S4i _ _ _ "Dwell upon these things when you Shea's Thoater Opp. PTABUSSS 1913 tfflT MtfCIV TBI AAfirAT write your copy; make every BuffaShoos Ropalrtd While Vou Walt Have your Old Shoos repaired with 17-MAIN Si HUI U A C L I I f AubCrl : Ionian a glad Buffalonian because, he Spring Arch Bottoms. AIIIY FAiM t i l t ADBADTIIUiTv i l i V r S i n t ! n s e i t y ' < l ' t h a t i > l l*«n^hing BRAllCH 827 MAIN nnm\ rUUU a M X UrrUnlUmlY I >our campaign you will have very little 1 .-.-... j doubt "of the results when vou ask, , I, Mavor m,** •.„„• . , i Buffalo, are you standing "back of i H f Special Wire to The Courier.) mC h , * »»ld ysstonlaj that a U f " j Tonawanda, Feb, 17.-C.eorg>. F e t - ! ia«hT J J*" army bureau of Miss Aimers read an interesting | zer, Jr.. of Tonawanda street w a s : o «r!«^oodstoclw had called on blm ' paper on Buffalo's superiority and ad- : found guilty this afternoon before Citv : dBrTV^r*!11 , c i l y d ** ir '"s to con- , vantage, showing the need of stimulat- ,-Judsjb Ralph W. Simeon of violating ' f Hurp,U8 m Th* r **' * n » Hride in Buffulo in competition with {the newlv enacted city ordinance, j 1 1 1 1 wa lume 1 to J w n / T ? " *" < over I other cities. Miss Alexander explained I regulating cigar and soft drink stands, ' back t o t L> vi s t a f f o r d - wl>° r e t r i e d the different methc»ds whieh can tie land required to pay a fine of $25. FethMA to.t V l * y o r . t h a l t h e ffovernment | employed in the presentation of adver- xA was arrested bv Patrblman tleorge imlf«TrL , ^ t •" , ^ lt *s «o soil. It was ' ttsine copy and offered some unique Marohn for selling tobacco w:ithout . maieu material to be worked into advertising '• having i license. cept the offer. the city would rot ac- ! copy i in this connection. N.ewspaper; « Attorney Hubert Collins, who apLOT 70x135 copy was presented by different mem-jpeared for the defendant, filed an exs bers, these samples having particular 1 cept km to the finding of the court and ! bearing upon the advertising t|» be used !announce"— — — • — — " ' • * • » ' Moynihan of No. S«l Main next meeting will be .held i : I m p o r t , Feb. 17^-The hoiird of street, who was before Judge Keeler in Breakfast Room, Hmail Compact Kitej m and Pantry. ownmerce directors today, named Thursday evening, March city court A-esterday charged with drivWlUtam J. Br.wer and Ralph L 4>arSECOND FLOOR—Four large well-ligh id Bed Rooms, ing an automobile, while intoxicated, 5 a n FREED OF CHARGE. I'l'.Sl dSS.^/,!!* * ««»"