Bug bounty vs. Big companies.pdf - Google Drive

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Bug bounty vs. Big companies Paul Amar, Hack.lu, 19/10/2017

Le Puy de Dôme, Auvergne.

Puy de Dome, Auvergne.

Charming attraction in the City of London - Tube during strike + rush hour combo, lovely.

“If attackers get to choose what time we're going to engage with them, we get to choose the battlefield.” Haroon Meer, “Learning the wrong lessons from Offense”, 2016

La bataille de Marengo, 14th of June 1800 - http://desaix.unblog.fr/

“If the cost to attack is less than the value of your information to the attacker, you will be attacked.” Dino A. Dai Zovi, “Attackers Math 101”

“Build your defenses from an offensive mindset.” Zane Lackey, “Attack-driven defense”, 2013


Found http://bf1-adxdb-001.data.bf1.yahoo.com



Found http://bf1-adxdb-001.data.bf1.yahoo.com Enumerated files and found: - about.php - nginx.conf - testdb.php < vulnerable to XSS - 900 USD$ bounty



Found http://bf1-adxdb-001.data.bf1.yahoo.com Enumerated files and found: - about.php - nginx.conf - testdb.php < vulnerable to XSS - 900 USD$ bounty

Enumeration also led him to (5 subdomains deep): -

target.*.*.*.yahoo.com target.*.*.*.*.yahoo.com


IP Ranges & Exposure

So what? Monitor your ranges and *automatically* check: - New IP addresses? -

What’s open on it?

So what? Monitor your ranges and *automatically* check: - New IP addresses? -

What’s open on it?

- Any delta? -

Open/Closed ports, changed services? (Apache > Nginx, …)

So what? Monitor your ranges and *automatically* check: - New IP addresses? -

What’s open on it?

- Any delta? -

Open/Closed ports, changed services? (Apache > Nginx, …)

- Go for low-hanging fruits -

“product: tomcat”, port:445, port:3389, port:21 “successfuly logged in”, …

So what? Monitor your ranges and *automatically* check: - New IP addresses? -

What’s open on it?

- Any delta? -

Open/Closed ports, changed services? (Apache > Nginx, …)

- Go for low-hanging fruits -

“product: tomcat”, port:445, port:3389, port:21 “successfuly logged in”, …

- Always ask you the question: -

Should it be exposed online?

Domains names

What’s out there? -

theHarvester (https://github.com/laramies/theHarvester) Knockpy (https://github.com/guelfoweb/knock) Enumall (https://github.com/jhaddix/domain) GoBuster (https://github.com/OJ/gobuster) dnsrecon (https://github.com/darkoperator/dnsrecon) subbrute (https://github.com/TheRook/subbrute) Aquatone (https://github.com/michenriksen/aquatone)

Domain wordlist? @jhaddix got you covered: https://gist.github.com/jhaddix/86a06c5dc309d08580a018c66354a056



https://www.blackhillsinfosec.com/eyewitness-and-why-it-rocks/ https://github.com/ChrisTruncer/EyeWitness



SSL certificates

https://mishresec.wordpress.com/2 017/10/13/uber-bug-bounty-gainin g-access-to-an-internal-chat-syste m/

(Unofficial) Python API: https://github.com/PaulSec/crt.sh

(Unofficial) Python wrapper : https://github.com/PaulSec/censysio


Sensitive source code

What to look for? Use their search engine and start looking for g00di3s: "company" API_key "company" secret_key "company" aws_key "company" Password "company" FTP "company" Login "company" Github_token


Remember this?

Remember this?

Remember this?

Automated tools within CI


Amazon Web Services (S3)




Few takeovers - Pepito ¡Arriba, arriba! -


- Wrapper for Censys.io -


- AWS scan script to test AWS S3 bucket configuration/security -


- Python script to gather scopes and public reports from HackerOne (in csv) -


- eyeWitness - Perform footprint of web servers, RDP, VNC, ... -


- Wappalyzer docker container -


How to keep up? - @jhaddix and @nahamsec are really good resources -

Also many hunters but I will not try to name them all here…

- @disclosedh1 for public reports on HackerOne - /r/netsec/ -

Public blog post get usually posted there. Lurk and wait for MOAR.

- Develop stuff.

Embrace hackiness. (and thanks for not sleeping)

Paul Amar


Resources - “Learning the wrong lessons from Offense”, Haroon Meer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AQfbPpkaq88 - Zane Lackey - Attack-driven defense https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4vSurKPl6I - Recon slides from jhaddix https://media.rootcon.org/ROOTCON%2011/Trainings/RECON.pdf - How to recon? https://www.hackerone.com/blog/how-to-recon-and-content-discovery